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NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA REVIEWER FOR SRROC EXAMINATION .1 MORSE CODES 16 REVIEWER FOR SRROC EXAMINATION In Morse code signalling, a dot is taken as *a unit c units b units d units In Morse signalling, a dah or a dash is equivalent to how many units? a units c units *b units d units In the operating method of a communication equipment in which transmission is made alternately is called *a simplex operation c full duplex operation b duplex operation d semi-duplex operation The operating method that enables both operators to transmit simultaneously is called a semi-duplex b full duplex c simplex *d duplex It is found in the Very High Frequency (VHF) reciever to control the signal output of the speaker a AF gain *c volume b RF gain d squelch It is found in the reciever of the single side band (SSB) to control the signal output of the speaker *a AF gain c volume b RF gain d clarifier It is found on the VHF reciever to reduce the noise of the incoming signal a AF/RF gain b volume *c squelch d clarifier It is found on the SSB reciever to reduce the noise of the incoming signal a AF/RF gain b volume c squelch *d clarifier The service of the mobile station is placed under the supreme authority 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA of the a Radio Officer c Owner of the ship b Chief Officer *d Master of the ship 10.The maximum permissible departure by the center frequency of the frequency bard occupied by an emission from the assigned frequency tolerance This is how many percent of the authorized frequency? a 0.0005% c 0.05% *b 0.005% d 0.5% 11.To whom shall the contents of a message be divulged only? a Radio Officer b Chief Officer c Master of the ship *d Addressee 12.Calling or signals preparatory to non-emergency messages when made on the carrier frequency shall not exceed*a one minute c three minutes b two minutes d five minutes 13.The worldwide safety calling and harbor control frequency isa 156.8 KHZ c 500 KHZ *b 156.8 MHZ d 2182 KHZ 14.The International distress frequency for radiotelephony isa 156.8 KHZ c 500 KHZ b 156.8 MHZ *d 2182 KHZ 15.The international distress frequency for radiotelegraphy isa 156.8 KHZ *c 500 KHZ b 156.8 MHZ d 2182 KHZ 16.When using High Frequency (HF), voice radio communication is used thrua radiotelephony *c 2182 KHZ b radiotelegraphy d 156.8 MHZ 17.In transmitting emergency messages by radiotelephony,it shall not in general exceed a speed ofa 14 WPM c 20 WPM b 16 characters/min *d 80 characters/min 18.The distress signal by radiotelephony is the word*a.MAYDAY spoken three times b PAN PAN spoken three times c SECURITE spoken three times d SEELONCE MAYDAY 19.The urgent signal by radiotelephony is the word- a SEELONCE MAYDAY c SECURITE spoken three times *b PAN PAN spoken three times d MAYDAY spoken three times 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA 20.The safety signal by radiotelephony is the worda PAN PAN spoken three times c MAYDAY spoken three times b SEELONCE MAYDAY *d SECURITE spoken three times 21.The signal used by a ship in distress and/or station in charge of distress traffic in imposing radio silence isa SEELONCE DISTRESS c MAYDAY RELAY *b SEELONCE MAYDAY d SEELONCE FEENEE 22.The signal used by other ships in the vicinity of the distress ship imposing radio silence if necessary is*a SEELONCE DISTRESS c MAYDAY RELAY c SEELONCE MAYDAY d SEELONCE FEENEE 23.The signal to terminate radio silence when normal working may be resumed isa SEELONCE MAIDER *c SEELONCE FEENEE b SEELONCE DISTRESS d PRUDONCE 24.The signal to terminate radio silence imposed when restricted working may be resumed isa SEELONCE DISTRESS c SEELONCE FEENEE b SEELONCE MAYDAY *d PRU-DONCE 25.All stations who hear a distress signal shalla cease all transmissions regardless of the classification b continue transmissions of the frequency where distress traffic *c cease all transmissions capable of interfering with distress traffic d cease listening to the traffic and continue transmission 26.Stations who hear a distress and is in the vicinity shall*a acknowledge immediately the distress message b defer acknowledgement and give priority to SAR vessels c defer acknowledgement and priority to coastal stations d not acknowledge unless specifically called 27.Stations who hear a distress signal and in areas where communication with coastal stations is practicable shalla acknowledge immediately b not acknowledge unless called for *c defer acknowledgement and give priority to coastal stations d defer acknowledgement and give priority to nearer stations 28.Stations who hear a distress signal and not in the vicinity shall- 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA a not acknowledge and let nearer stations to acknowledge b acknowledge immediately and proceed to the disaster area *c defer acknowledgement and give priority to the nearer stations d acknowledge receipt and relay distress message 29.Stations who hear a distress signal and a long distance away and the signal has not been acknowledge, shalla cease from listening because she is too far b acknowledgement receipt and proceed to the assistance of distress ship c defer acknowledgement giving priority to nearer stations *d relay the distress message 30.The signal used when relaying a distress message isa RELAY MAYDAY spoken three times *b MAYDAY RELAY spoken three times c DISTRESS RELAY spoken three times d RELAY DISTRESS spoken three times 31.Call signs of land/fixed stations consist of*a two characters and one letter b two characters and two letters c two characters and one letter followed by four digits d two characters and two letters followed by two digits 32.As far as possible, it is recommended that call signs of fixed stations consists ofa two characters and two letters followed by not more than three digits *b two characters and one letter followed by two digits c two characters and three letters d two characters and two letters 33.Call signs of the ship stations consists ofa two characters and one letter *b two characters and two letters c two characters and three letters d two characters and four letters 34.Call signs of aircraft stations consists ofa two characters and one letter b two characters and two letters *c two characters and three letters 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA d two characters and four letters 35.Ampletude modulation, double sideband, single channel containing analogue information, and telephony including soundbroadcasting is the meaning of which of the following classes of emissiona A1A c F3E *b A3E d A3J 36.Under the new classification of emission, F3E meansa frequency modulation,single channel containing digital information, telephony including soundbroadcasting b frequency modulation, single channel containing analogue information, morse code for aural reception *c frequency modulation,single channel containing analogue information, telephony including sound broadcasting d frequency modulations,double sideband containing analogue information, telephony including soundbroadcasting 37.Under the new classification of emission, A1A meansa amplitude modulation,single sideband,single channel containing analogue information,telephony including soundbroadcasting b amplitude modulation,single sideband,single channel containing digital information,telephony including soundbroadcasting c amplitude modulation,double sideband,single channel containing digital information, morse code including soundbroadcasting *d amplitude modulation,double sideband,single channel containing digital information, morse code for aural receptions 38.Radio laws and regulations of the philippines apply to all vessels of philippine register,engaged in coastwide trade -EXCEPTa ocean going vessels calling on philippine ports b cargo vessels with more than 300 gross tonnage c ships authorized to carry passengers *d vessels plying exclusively on rivers, lakes and bays 39.Generally, messages by radiotelephony must be sent in*a plain language b coded form c dots and dashes d morse code 40.Radio laws and regulations of the philippines are enforced by thea international telecommunication union b national telecommunication union *c national telecommunication commission 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA d inter-governmental consultative organization 41.Except for safety messages transmitted at fixed times, the most appropriate time to send safety signals should bea immediately before the communication silence period b during the three minutes silence period *c towards the end of the first available silence period d during lull time of the silence period 42.The radio station log if it does not contain distress messages received, shall be preserved for how many years after the last entry? a one year c years *b two years d years 43.The maximum power that is consummed by a radio transmitter is what percentage of its peak power rating? a 100 *c 60/70/75 b 90 d 50 44.Who maintain the radio station log? a master of the ship b chief officer *c radio officer d chief bosun 45.Who is responsible for the transmission of radio messages? *a master of the ship b chief officer c radio officer d chief bosun 46.As a rescue ship approaches the scene during search and rescue, she shoulda continue listening on the distress frequency *b make full use of any RDF facilities to locate any transmission from EPIRB c extend the search towards the direction of nearest land d extend the search towards the direction of current 47.The call which have absolute priority over all other transmission is*a distress c safety b urgent d administrative 48.While at sea, the radio operator shall test the reserve/emergency transmittersa monthly *c daily b weekly d hourly 49.While at sea, the radiotelephone/radio operator shall test the transmitter in use- 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA a daily c monthly *b weekly d semi-anually 50.The maximum power output authorized to low power ship radiotelephone station isa 25 watts c 75 watts *b 50 watts d 100 watts 51.The standard of training, certification and watchkeeping(STCW) for seafarers apply to those serving on board seagoing vessels-EXCEPTthose serving on boarda luxury liners b tankers c cargo vessels *d warship/fishing vessels 52.The gross tonnage of cargo vessels that shall be fitted with radiotelephone station unless fitted with radiotelegraph station isa 50 tons upward but less than 500 tons b 500 tons upward but less than 1600 tons *c 300 tons upward but less than 1600 tons d 300 tons upward but less than 16000 tons 53.latitude is expressed in*a four numerals preceeded by the letter L followed by N or S b four numerals preceeded by the letter N or S c four or five numerals preceeded by letter L followed by N or S d four or five numerals preceeded the letter N or S 54.Longitude is expressed ina four numerals preceeded by the letter G b four numerals followed by the letter G *c four or five numerals preceeded by the letter G followed by E or W d four or five numerals followed by the letter N or S 55.Azimuth or bearing is expressed ina one or more numerals preceeded by the letter A b one or more numerals preceeded by the letter AB *c three numerals preceeded by the letter A d three numerals preceeded by the letter AB 56.Date in signalled ina two numerals preceeded by the letter D b four numerals preceded by the letter D 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA c six numerals preceded by the letter D d any of the above is correct 57.Course is signalled ina one or more figures preceded by the letter C b one or more numerals followed by the lettter C *c three numerals preceded by the letter C d three figures followed by the letter C 58.Distance in nautical miles is signalled ina one or more numerals preceded by the letter D *b one or more numerals preceded by the letter R c one or more numerals followed by the letter D d one or more numerals followed by the letter R 59.Time is expressed in four figures preceded by the letter*a T to indicate local time b T to indicate greenwich time c H to indicate local time d Z to indicate local time 60.One or more numerals following the letter S indicate speed ina knots per hour *b nautical miles per hour c kilometers per hour d statute miles per hour 61.Single-letter signal BRAVO meansa loading dagerous goods b unloading dangerous goods c carrying dangerous goods *d all of the above are correct 62.Single-letter OSCAR meansa i am overloaded b i am in overtime *c manoverboard d i am conducting manoverboard exercise 63.Single-letter signal KILO means*a i wish to communicate with you 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA b i wish to communicate with you by radiotelephony c i wish to communicate with you by radiotelegraphy d i wish to communicate with you on frequency 156.8 MHZ 64.Single-letter PAPA meansa i need free pratique *b personnel recall c boat recall d personnel are on liberty 65.Two-letter signal AC meansa i intend to abandon my vessel b i not intend to abandon my vessel c i must abandon my vessel *d i am abandoning my vessel 66.Two-letter signal AE meansa i am abandoning my vessel *b i must abandon my vessel c i intend to abandon my vessel d i not intend to abandon my vessel 67.Two-letter signal CB means*a i require immediate assistance b i not require assistance c i cannot proceed without assistance d i require tug assistance 68.Code signal CB6 means*a i am on fire, i require immediate assistance b i am sinking, i require immediate assistance c i collided with surface craft, i require assistance d i am aground, i require immediate assistance 69.The code signal for the phrase"I am preceeding to your assistance" isa AP *b CP c FP d KP 70.The signal for the phrase "I am sinking" isa DS *b DX c PX d TX 71.The signal code for the phrase "your distress signals are understood"is- 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA a DE *c ED b BE d EB 72.The signal code for the phrase "collided with a surface craft" isa CB6 b HW6 *c HW d MW 73.The signal code for the phrase "i am on fire" is*a IT c IX b IF d ID 74.The two-letter signal UR meansa my estimated time of departure is _ *b my estimated time of arrival is c my estimated time of completing loading is _ d my estimated time of completing unloading is 75.The signal code NC meansa i am not in position to render assistance b i am not in distress, i not need assistance *c i am in distress and need immediate assistance d are you in distress and need immediate asssistance? 76.The [urpose of assigning call signs to radio stations is*a to provide positive identification b to determine the point of registry c to determine the place of installation d to provide proper accounting of all radio stations 77.In case of serious illness/injury at sea where there is no doctor onboard and appears to be beyond the resources of the master, he shoulda insure the victim that he will be brought to the nearest hospital b deviate from his course and proceed to the nearest port c tell the victim not to worry *d seek medical advice via the radio 78.Medical advice to ships at sea can be requested froma other ships in the area b the nearest coastal station *c medical officers from any coast guard station of public health services d any navy ships in the vicinity 79.The medical signal code is found in thea ships medicine manual *b international code of signal book 10 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA c international ships medicine guide d medical officers guide book 80.Radio or hertzian wave is defined asa electrical waves of frequencies lower than 300 GHZ propagated in space with artificial guide b magnetic waves of frequencies higher than 300 GHZ propagated in space without artificial guide *c electromagnetic waves of frequencies lower than 300 GHZ propagated in space without artificial guide d electromagnetic waves higher than 300 GHZ propagated in space without artificial guide 81.The center of the frequency band assigned to a station is calleda designated frequency c characteristic frequency *b assigned frequency d reference frequency 82.A frequency which can be easily identified is calleda designated frequency *c characteristic frequency b assigned frequency d reference frequency 83.A frequency which have a fixed and specific position with respect to the assigned frequency is calleda designated frequency c characteristic frequency b assigned frequency *d assigned frequency 84.Emission on a frequency which are outside the necessary band, and the level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of information is calleda parasitic emission *c spurious emission b harmonic emission d harmful emission 85.The radiotelephone alarm signal consist of two substantially sinusoidal audio frequency tones transmitted alternately, namelya 2200 KHZ and 1300 KHZ *b 2200 HZ and 1300 HZ c 200 KHZ and 300 KHZ d 200 HZ and 300 HZ 86.The safety message following the safety call shall be sent on a*a working frequency b carrier frequency c emergency frequency d distress frequency 87.A distress call shall be addressed toa all ships c a particular ship *b all stations 11 4/25/2016 d a particular station 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA 88.The purpose of the radiotelephone alarm signal is to alert the operator indicating the transmission ofa distress message c safety message b urgent message *d any of the above message 89.A valid document issued by the administration authorizing the holder to serve as stated in the document is calleda license c certification *b certificate d endorsement 90.An act that refers to the regulations of radio stations and radio communications in the philippines is no.*a 3846 c 3486 b 3648 d 4368 91.It is a memorandum circular about the new radio operators certificate a no 10-10-83 *c no 10-11-83 b no 11-11-83 d no 11-10-83 92.It refers to the installations of radio apparatus obligatory for ships of philippine register a act no 3369 c act no 3936 b act no 3639 *d act no 3396 93.The penalty for a person found violating any of the radio laws and regulations of the philippines isa fine of not less than P2,000.00 or imprisonment of not less than years or both *b fine of not more than P2,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than years or both c fine of not more than P5,000.00 or imprisonment of not less than years d fine of not less than P5,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than years 94.A firm,company,association or corporation found violating any provision of the radio laws and regulations shall be punished bya a fine of not more than P2,000.00 b a fine of not less than P5,000.00 *c a fine of not more than P5,000.00 d a fine of not less than P2,000.00 95.Applicants for the restricted radiotelephone operators certificate must 12 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA be at leasta 17 years old c 20 years old *b 18 years old d 21 years old 96.Applicants for the restricted radiotelephone operators certificate must be aa licensed marine officer *c licensed deck officer b licensed engineering officer d licensed officer 97.Application for renewal of the radiotelephone operators certificate must be fileda within 30 days prior to the date of expiration *b at least 30 days prior to the date of expiration c at least 15 days prior to the date of expiration d within one year after the date of expiration 98.It is inserted before the first break of a radiotelephone message indicating the groups that follows are taken from the ICS a YZ c ICS b YV *d INTERCO 99.It indicated that the words which follow are plain language *a YZ c YS b YV d PL 100.The procedure word (PROWORD) indicating the end of transmission and does not expect a reply isa over c over and out *b out d out,over 101.Which of the following may cause the revocation of a radio operators license? a use of the coded message *c use of profane language b distorted transmission d harmonic radiation 102.To avoid interference to other stations using the same channel, the radio operator shoulda reduce power b increase power *c listen before transmitting d check accuracy of other station 103.What must a radio operator in case his license is lost? a inform NTC of the loss b apply for a new license c take another examination 13 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA *d request for a duplicate presenting an affidavit of loss to NTC 104.The phonetic alphabet is used by the radio operators toa avoid unnecessary words b reduce interference c save time *d overcome difficulty in spelling 105.To exclude extraneous noise when operating in a noisy location, the operator shoulda reduce power c shout into the microphone b change channel *d cup the hands around the microphone 106.Which of the following is -NOT- a ground for license suspension? *a over modulation c transmission of indecent language b excessive calling d willfull damage of radio equipments 107.In radiotelephony, accuracy is attained bya talking fast c shouting into the microphone *b using well-known words d using long and descriptive words 108.A holder of a ships low power radiotelephone operators permit is authorized to operate equipment or station usinga A1 emissions *c A3 or F3 emissions b F4 emissions d F1 or F2 emissions 109.Test signal are transmitted toa check for the presence of a station in the vicinity *b determine if the transmitter is working normally c establish if the receiver is working normally d establish contact with another station 110.The radiotelephone log is maintained bya a licensed operator c the master of the vessel b any officer *d the person competent to so having actual knowledge of the facts required 111.To ensure clarity,uncommon words and abbreviations should bea repeated c transmitted slowly *b spelled out phonetically d clearly pronounced 112.Radio stations registered in the philippines have call signs starting with the lettera P 14 4/25/2016 *c D 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA b W d R 113.All transmissions by the radio shall always be*a identified c on a working frequency b loud and clear d in plain language 114.Radiotelephone messages should bea always in plain language c transmitted word for word *b brief,clear and concise d transmitted in a calling frequency 115.If the master of the ship at sea, on receiving a distress message is unable to render assistance, he shoulda ignore the message c proceed to his destination *b enter in the logbook the d apologize to the master of distress reason station 116.The silence period is a scheduled time for the transmission of distress messages It lasts for three minutes a every hour c every two hours *b twice each hour d twice a day 117.One of those forbidden under the provision of the international radio regulations is the transmission ofa private messages c emergency notices/warnings b non-commercial messages *d superflous/unnecessary signals 118.Adjustments in the radiotelephone transmitter which may affect the operation of the station should be made by anya licensed deck officer b person with restricted radiotelephone license c person with 3rd class radiotelephone license *d person with 1st class radiotelegraph/telephone license 119.Radio stations logs are signeda by NTC inspectors c when a new equipment is installed b at the start of the day *d by duty operators when starting and going off duty 120.The transceiver of a low power ship radiotelephone station must be*a pre-tuned c untuned b tuned as necessary d continously tuned ************************* END ****************************************** 15 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA MORSE CODES A _ C _._ E G I K _._ M O _ Q ._ S U _ W. Y _. PERIOD _ _ _ interrogation( also used for pls rpt B _ D _ F _ H J _ L _ N _ P R _ T _ V _ X _ _ Z _ _ _ _ _ COMMA _ _ _ _ APOSTROPHE _ _ _ _ after) _ _ HYPHEN _ _ ( PAREN _ _ _ INVERTED COMMAS _ _ ATTN CALL TO PROCEED _ _ _ SOLIDUS(DIVISION SIGN) _ _ ) PAREN _ _ _ _ DOUBLE DASH _ _ GEN INQUIRY CALL _ _ _ _ _ 16 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA FROM (DE) _ INVITATION TO TRANSMIT (k) WAIT (AS) _ ERROR POS REPORT (Tr) _ _ > END OF WORK(FINISHED) (VA) _._ 17 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS _._ UNDERSTOOD(UE) > _ RECEIVED (R) > _ END OF MESSAGE _ _ [...]... modulation c transmission of indecent language b excessive calling d willfull damage of radio equipments 107 .In radiotelephony, accuracy is attained bya talking fast c shouting into the microphone *b using well-known words d using long and descriptive words 108.A holder of a ships low power radiotelephone operators permit is authorized to operate equipment or station usinga A1 emissions *c A3 or F3... stations registered in the philippines have call signs starting with the lettera P 14 4/25/2016 *c D 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA b W d R 113.All transmissions by the radio shall always be*a identified c on a working frequency b loud and clear d in plain language 114 .Radiotelephone messages should bea always in plain language c transmitted... transmitted toa check for the presence of a station in the vicinity *b determine if the transmitter is working normally c establish if the receiver is working normally d establish contact with another station 110.The radiotelephone log is maintained bya a licensed operator c the master of the vessel b any officer *d the person competent to do so having actual knowledge of the facts required 111.To ensure... radiation 102.To avoid interference to other stations using the same channel, the radio operator shoulda reduce power b increase power *c listen before transmitting d check accuracy of other station 103.What must a radio operator do in case his license is lost? a inform NTC of the loss b apply for a new license c take another examination 13 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED... presenting an affidavit of loss to NTC 104.The phonetic alphabet is used by the radio operators toa avoid unnecessary words b reduce interference c save time *d overcome difficulty in spelling 105.To exclude extraneous noise when operating in a noisy location, the operator shoulda reduce power c shout into the microphone b change channel *d cup the hands around the microphone 106.Which of the following... the radiotelephone operators certificate must be fileda within 30 days prior to the date of expiration *b at least 30 days prior to the date of expiration c at least 15 days prior to the date of expiration d within one year after the date of expiration 98.It is inserted before the first break of a radiotelephone message indicating the groups that follows are taken from the ICS a YZ c ICS b YV *d INTERCO... signeda by NTC inspectors c when a new equipment is installed b at the start of the day *d by duty operators when starting and going off duty 120.The transceiver of a low power ship radiotelephone station must be*a pre-tuned c untuned b tuned as necessary d continously tuned ************************* END ****************************************** 15 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY... both c fine of not more than P5,000.00 or imprisonment of not less than 5 years d fine of not less than P5,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years 94.A firm,company,association or corporation found violating any provision of the radio laws and regulations shall be punished bya a fine of not more than P2,000.00 b a fine of not less than P5,000.00 *c a fine of not more than P5,000.00 d a fine of... the restricted radiotelephone operators certificate must 12 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 3M PACS NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA be at leasta 17 years old c 20 years old *b 18 years old d 21 years old 96.Applicants for the restricted radiotelephone operators certificate must be aa licensed marine officer *c licensed deck officer b licensed engineering officer d licensed.. .NOTES IN RADIOTELEPHONY COMPILED AND COLLECTED BY: THIRD MATE RODIEN E PACA c international ships medicine guide d medical officers guide book 80.Radio or hertzian wave is defined asa electrical waves of frequencies lower than 300 GHZ propagated in space with artificial guide b magnetic waves of frequencies higher than 300 GHZ propagated in space without artificial guide ... modulation,single channel containing analogue information, telephony including sound broadcasting d frequency modulations,double sideband containing analogue information, telephony including soundbroadcasting... modulation,single sideband,single channel containing digital information,telephony including soundbroadcasting c amplitude modulation,double sideband,single channel containing digital information,... meansa frequency modulation,single channel containing digital information, telephony including soundbroadcasting b frequency modulation, single channel containing analogue information, morse code

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2016, 07:28

