Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV APPLICATION OF MPC ALGORITHM FOR TRACKING CONTROL ỨNG DỤNG ĐIỀU KHIỂN DỰ BÁO TRONG ĐIỀU KHIỂN BÁM QUỸ ĐẠO Lam Chuong Vo1a, Luan Vu Truong Nguyen1b, Hieu Giang Le1c Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam a chuongvl@hcmute.edu.vn; bvuluantn@hcmute.edu.vn; cgianglh@hcmute.edu.vn ABSTRACT In this work, the model predictive control (MPC) is utilized for the design of vessel models (IFAC Benchmark models) in terms of the tracking control problem Besides, the linearized and non-linear models are also used as the vessel models Accordingly, MPC algorithm is first developed to get an optimal control sequence for the linearized models In case of the non-linear models, the linearization technique must be first applied at the current states and the control output given by MPC algorithm with linearized model is then calculated in the systematic way Furthermore, the wave disturbances and some constraints on variables are also introduced to guarantee a realistic evaluation The extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is applied to estimate the state variables in the presence of the disturbances The results are demonstrated that it still can guarantee the recursive feasibility and convergence due to computationally cheap Keywords: Model predictive control (MPC), Non-linear model predictive control, Wave spectra formulation, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), IFAC Benchmark model TÓM TẮT Bài báo khảo sát đầy đủ ứng dụng điều khiển dự báo (MPC) điều khiển bám quỹ đạo mô hình tàu (mô hình chuẩn IFAC) Trong báo, hai mô hình toán phi tuyến tuyến tính hóa tàu sử dụng Đầu tiên, giải thuật MPC sử dụng để đạt tín hiệu điều khiển tối ưu cho mô hình tuyến tính hóa Kế tiếp, trường hợp mô hình phi tuyến, thực việc tuyến tính hóa trạng thái tại, sau tính toán tín hiệu điều khiển sử dụng giải thuật MPC cho hệ tuyến tính bước trước Nhiễu sóng biển giới hạn số biến hệ khảo sát để đảm bảo trình đánh giá phù hợp thực tế Bộ lọc Kalman mở rộng (EKF) dùng để ước lượng biến trạng thái trường hợp có nhiễu tác động Từ khóa: Điều khiển dự báo, Điều khiển dự báo hệ phi tuyến, Mô hình phổ sóng biển, Bộ lọc Kalman mở rộng, Mô hình chuẩn IFAC INTRODUCTION Recently, the model predictive control (MPC) is widely used in the industry, which is so-called the advanced control techniques that is tremendously successful in practical applications [1] The MPC is established by considering the current control action, as well as solving an optimization problem on-line at each sampling instantly This method uses an explicit model and feedback states to predict the future behavior of a plant on a finite horizon The MPC algorithm yields an optimal control sequence and only the first control in this sequence is applied to the plant [1], [2], [3] The MPC algorithm is also an efficient algorithm that deals with multivariable system and constraints on system variables [1] The MPC is first introduced for the linear system and then extended to the non-linear system The IFAC benchmark models, which consist of linearized and non-linear mathematical models of a ship, have been used to evaluate the performance of MPC controller [4], [5] The 113 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV wave disturbances (Fossen, 1994) are implemented within the system simulation to investigate the disturbance rejection capabilities of this control theory This paper is organized as follows Section is briefly introduced the simulation models for both the linearized and non-linear problems The dynamic model of wave disturbances is also discussed in this section The MPC algorithm is presented in section In next section, all the results of simulation without the presence of wave disturbances are shown for several case studies Finally, conclusions are given in section SIMULATION MODEL 2.1 Vessel models 2.1.1 Linearized vessel models Two linearized models representing the heading dynamics of cargo vessel and an oil tanker are used as the control objects for this research These are defined as IFAC benchmark models (Källström et al.,) [6], [7] Direction Fixed ψ δ x v y δ : rudder angle of ship (rad) v : sway velocity of ship (m/s) ψ : turning yaw rate (rad/s) ψ : heading angle of ship (rad) Figure 1: Notation is used to describe ship’s motion The linearized model of a ship moving under constant velocity (in a straight line motion) is described as follows: x Ax + Bu = y = Cx (1) where x ∈ R , x = [v ψ ψ ]T , is the system states vector; u ∈ R1 , u = δ , is the control input A, B, C are system, input and output matrix respectively The structure of A, B, C is given by: a11 = A a21 a12 b1 a22 = , B = b2 , C where a11 , a12 , a21 , a22 , b1 , b2 are constant parameters 2.1.2 Non-linear vessel models The non-linear model of ships is described as follows: 114 [0 1] (2) Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV x1 = a11 x1 + a12 x2 + cx1 x1 + b1u x2 = a21 x1 + a22 x2 + b2u x = x (3) y = x3 (4) where c is also a constant parameter All constant parameters of linearized and non-linear model are shown in the IFAC Benchmark problems [7], [8] Both linearized and non-linear systems have to meet some constraints on input, rate of change of input and output (Källström et al., 1979) [7] (a) The rudder motion is constrained: u ≤ 400 (5) (b) The rate of change of rudder motion is constrained: u ≤ 100 / sec (6) (c) No overshoot occurs in the output response (7) To satisfy these design specifications, the desired response of the heading angle, ψ, is designed to be a zig-zag critically damped second order response (Fossen, 1994) [9] 2.2 Wave disturbances In order to simulate the motion of ocean vehicles and the robustness of controller in the presence of irregular waves, we will consider the effect of wave disturbances The earliest spectral formulation is due to Neumann (1952) who proposed the one-parameter spectrum Pierson and Moskowitz (1963) developed a wave spectra formulation for fully developed wind-generated seas from analyses of wave spectra in the North Atlantic Ocean The PiersonMoskowitz (PM) spectrum, [9], is written as follows: = S (ω ) Aω −5 exp(− Bω −4 ) A = 0.0081g , B = 3.11/ H s (8) (9) where H s is the significant wave height (m) For simulating the time domain of wave disturbances, we use the linear wave spectrum approximation (Balchen 1976): h( s ) = Kws s + 2λωo s + ωo 2 (10) Rewriting (10) in state-space form: = x w A w x w + e w w yw = c w x w (11) where = , ew , A w = −ωo −2λωo Kw c w = [ 1] K w = 2λωoσ w (gain constant) (12) Here σ w is the constant describing the wave intensity, λ is the damping coefficient while ωo is the dominating wave frequency 115 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROLLER Given a specific sampling time Ts , the plant is easily transformed into its discrete-time version: + 1) A d x(k ) + B d u (k ) x( k = y ( k ) = Cd x( k ) (13) Then, the MPC online optimization problem can be formulated as follows: at each time instant k , we will find the optimal control sequence {u (k ), u (k + 1), u (k + N u − 1)} to minimize the following quadratic cost function: (k ) J= Np ∑ y sp (k + p | k ) − y (k + p | k ) + Nu −1 ∑ Ψ( p) p 1= p = ∆u ( k + p | k ) Λ ( p) (14) Subject to: −∆umax ≤ ∆u (k + p | k ) ≤ ∆u= p 0,1, , N u − max = p 0,1, , N u − umin ≤ u (k + p | k ) ≤ umax y ≤ y (k + p | k ) ≤ y p = 1, 2, , N p max (15) where equation (15) stands for constraints of the IFAC benchmark problem (5), (6), (7); y sp is the reference trajectory; Ψ , Λ are the corresponding weighting matrices N p , N u are the prediction and control horizon respectively Only the first value of the control sequence, u (k ) , is applied to the system Let us define vectors: x(k + 1| k ) X( k ) = = , ∆U(k ) x(k + N p | k ) ∆u (k | k ) ∆u (k + N u − 1| k ) From the state space equations of the system (13), we calculate the state vector predicted at sampling instant k for the future instant k + p in the prediction horizon: (k ) + M ∆U(k ) + Vu (k − 1) X(k= ) Ax x (16) where Bd Bd Ad ( ) ( ) A I B A I B + + d d d d 2 Ad − − 1 N N u u ,V = Ad iBd Bd Ad iBd A = = Nu , M x ∑ ∑ A = i 0=i d N N p −1 N p − Nu N p −1 p A d ∑ Ad iBd ∑ Ad iBd ∑ Ad iBd i == i i 0= The cost function can also be written as follows: J (k ) = Y sp (k ) − Y pred (k ) where (k ) Y pred (k ) = CX 116 Ψ + ∆U ( k ) Λ (17) (18) Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV Replace (16) into (18), we have: Where (k ) + CV u (k − 1) Y o (k ) = CAx (19) ∆Y(k ) = CM x ∆U ( k ) (20) and C d 0 C= 0 Cd 0 Cd Since the cost function is a quadratic form and all constraints are linear, we can use quadratic programming (QP) to solve the optimization problem The problem (14), (15) can be easily written in an equivalent form which is standard for quadratic programming: T min= x Hx + f T x J ( x) (21) subject to: x ≤ x ≤ x max Ax ≤ b where x = ∆U(k ), x = −∆U max , x max = ∆= U max , H 2(MT ΨM + Λ ) f= −2MT Ψ (Y sp (k ) − Y o (k )) −J J , b = A = −M M −U + U(k − 1) U − U(k − 1) max −Ymin + Y o (k ) o Ymax − Y (k ) where Y o (k ) is according to the equation (19), M = CM x ∆umax = ∆U max = , U ∆umax u (k − 1) and = , J U(k − 1) = u (k − 1) u = , U max umin 1 1 1 umax = , Ymin umax ymin = , Ymax ymin ymax ymax 0 1 1 SIMULATION RESULTS A zig-zag maneuver ( ±45o ) is chosen as the desired heading or yaw angle trajectory The zig-zag test is a standard maneuver used to compare the maneuvering properties and control characteristics of a ship with those of other ships In all simulation results, the sampling time Ts is chosen as (second) 117 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV 4.1 Linearized system with wave disturbances Response of Ship Heading(deg) Response of Ship Heading(deg) 50 50 0 reference output actual output -50 100 200 300 400 reference output actual output 500 600 700 800 900 -50 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.05 -0.1 -0.1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 100 200 300 400 The rudder motion(deg) 500 600 The rudder motion(deg) 40 10 20 0 -5 -20 -10 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 700 800 900 -40 1000 Cargo #2: l 161( = = m), v 15(knot ) 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 Tanker #2: l 322( = = m), v 16(knot ) Figure 4: The responses of cargo vessel and oil tanker with wave disturbances For the linearized model, it can be seen that the controller provides an excellent tracking ability, both heading errors of cargo vessel and oil tanker are in the range of ±0.1o In the case of the cargo vessel, we choose = N p 35, = N u For the oil tanker, we need to adapt these parameters because the oil tanker is bigger and faster than the cargo vessel, and = N p 40, = N u are chosen In the presence of wave disturbances, we use Kalman filter to estimate the states of the system and filter this disturbances out of the output of system [10] 4.2 Nonlinear system with wave disturbances 4.2.1 MPC for nonlinear system with successive linearization (MPC-NSL) In order to use the MPC algorithm above for the nonlinear system, we need to some modifications for better performances At each sampling instant, we perform a linearization of the nonlinear model at current process states, and then calculate the control input using the linear MPC algorithm (section 3) with linearized model It is called MPC Nonlinear with Successive Linearization (MPC-NSL) [1] The responses of nonlinear models are as follows Response of Ship Heading(deg) Response of Ship Heading(deg) 50 50 0 reference output actual output -50 100 200 300 400 reference output actual output 500 600 700 800 900 -50 1000 100 200 Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) 0.2 -0.2 300 800 900 -0.1 1000 100 200 300 The rudder motion(deg) 400 500 600 The rudder motion(deg) 40 10 20 0 -20 -40 -10 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 700 800 900 1000 Cargo #2: l 161( = = m), v 15(knot ) 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 Tanker #2: l 322( = = m), v 16(knot ) Figure 5: The responses of nonlinear models of the vessels using MPC-NSL 118 Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học công nghệ toàn quốc khí - Lần thứ IV In this case, = N p 35, = N u and = N p 42, = N u are chosen for cargo and tanker respectively That means we need a longer prediction and control horizon to keep an excellent performance of the tracking control The heading errors of this case are even better than those of linearized model 4.2.2 Nonlinear system with wave disturbances In the presence of wave disturbances in the nonlinear model, the extended Kalman filter [3] is adopted to estimate the states of the system and reject those disturbances Similar to the case of no disturbances, the errors of tracking are still in the range of ±0.05o for cargo vessel and ±0.1o for oil tanker However, the rudder, in this case, has to fluctuate constantly to keep the ship for tracking the reference Response of Ship Heading(deg) Response of Ship Heading(deg) 50 50 0 reference output actual output reference output actual output -50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 -50 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) Error of Trajectory Tracking(deg) 0.05 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.05 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 100 200 300 20 40 10 20 0 -10 -20 -20 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 400 500 600 The rudder motion(deg) The rudder motion(deg) 700 800 900 -40 1000 Cargo #2: l 161( = = m), v 15(knot ) 100 200 300 400 500 Time(s) 600 Tanker #2: l 322( = = m), v 16(knot ) Figure 6: The responses of nonlinear model with wave disturbances using MPC-NSL CONCLUSION In this paper, the MPC algorithm is applied in the ship’s heading control for the course keeping It is investigated both case of the linear and non-linear models, and the wave disturbances as well The output responses of the plants are excellent for all cases The errors of tracking are in the range of ±0.1o for both the cargo vessel and oil tanker in terms of the linearized and non-linear models, in which the errors are only in the range of ±0.05o for the cargo vessel and ±0.1o for the oil tanker In accordance with all case studies, the control parameters of the MPC algorithm, such as N p , N u is adjusted to keep the excellent performance of the control system Moreover, the rudder is also operated constantly for tracking exactly in the presence of wave disturbances REFERENCES [1] Piotr Tatjewski, Advanced Control of Industrial Processes: Structures and Algorithms, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2007 [2] Maciejowski J M Predictive Control with Constraints, Prentice Hall, 2000 [3] Bemporad A., Borrelli F., Morari M., Model Predictive Control Based on Linear Programming - 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