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further understanding on integrated marketing communication imc essential implications to plan an effective imc campaign in vietnam automobile industryf

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ NGUYỄN VĂN VƯỢNG FURTHER UNDERSTANDING ON INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (IMC)-ESSENTIAL IMPLICATIONS TO PLAN AN EFFECTIVE IMC CAMPAIGN IN VIETNAM AUTOMOBLE INDUSTRY Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 05 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS Vũ Huy Thông Th.S Nguyễn Việt Anh Hà Nội – 2007 TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT TÓM TẮT LIST OF ABBREVIATION LIST OF TABLES INTRODUCTION NECESSITY OF THE THESIS PURPOSE KEY RESEARCH AREA 10 METHODOLOGY 10 a Research purpose 10 b Research Approach 11 c Research Strategy 11 d Data collection 13 e Sampling 13 f Data analysis method 14 g Validity 15 h Data presentation and data analysis 16 CONTRIBUTION OF THIS THESIS 16 OUTLINE 16 CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 18 1.1 PRIOR CONCEPTS TO UNDERSTAND INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 18 1.1.1 Market 18 1.1.2 Marketing 18 1.1.3 The Changing Role of Marketing 18 1.1.4 Relationship marketing 19 1.1.5 The marketing mix 20 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 20 1.2.1 The Integrated Marketing Communication Process Model 20 1.2.2 Marketing Communication 22 1.2.3 The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication 23 1.2.4 The revolution of IMC 24 1.2.5 Major reasons leading to the revolution of IMC 25 1.3 APPROACH OF IMC IN AUTOMOBILE 26 1.3.1 The IMC Concept in Automobile 26 1.3.2 History of Marketing Communication in Automobile 26 1.4 THE IMC PLANING PROCESS MODEL 29 1.4.1 Identifying the target audience 30 1.4.2 Determine objectives of communication 30 1.4.3 Design the message 31  Content 31  Structure 32  Format 32  Source 32 1.4.4 Selecting Communication Channels 33  Directed communication channel (Personal communication channels) 33  Indirect communication channel (Non-personal communication channels) 33 1.4.5 Establish the budget 33 1.4.6 Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix 34  Selection factors 34  IMC tools 37 1.4.7 Measure Result 37 1.4.8 Manage the Integrated Marketing Communications Process 37 1.5 MAJOR TOOLS USED IN AN IMC CAMPAIGN 37 Overview of the promotion mix 37 1.5.1 Advertising 38  Definition 38  The Five Ms (5Ms) of Advertising 38 1.5.2 Sales promotion 41  Definition 41  Sales promotion purposes 41  Sales Promotion type and sales promotion tools 41  Steps in Sales Promotion Program Development 42 1.5.3 Direct marketing 42  Definition 42  Direct Marketing Tools 42  Steps in Developing a Direct-Mail Campaign: 43 1.5.4 Interactive/internet Marketing 43 1.5.5 Public Relation and Publicity 44  Publicity and Public Relation 44  Publicity 44  Public relation 45  Personal Selling 46 1.6 THE IMC SYNERGY MODEL 46 1.6.1 Consistency 46 1.6.2 Interactivity 46 1.6.3 Mission-orientation 47 1.6.4 Audience complexity 47 1.6.5 Product complexity 47 1.6.6 Distribution complexity 48 1.7 CONCEPTUALIZATION AND FRAME OF REFERANCE 48 1.7.1 Conceptualization 48 1.7.2 Frame of Reference 48 CHAPTER CASE STUDIES 50 2.1 DATA PRESENTATION 50 2.1.1 Case The IMC Planning Process in GM Daewoo Vietnam 50 2.1.2 Case The IMC Planning Process Ford Vietnam 57 2.2 DATA ANALYSIS 61 2.2.1 Within Case The IMC Planning Process In 61 GM Daewoo Vietnam 61 2.2.2 Within Case The IMC Planning Process of Ford Vietnam 65 2.2.3 Cross Analysis 67 CHAPTER FINDING AND IMPLICATION 69 3.1 IMPLICATIONS FOR IMC PLANS OF GM DAEWOO VIETNAM AND FORD VIETNAM 69 3.1.1 Implications for IMC Planning Processes of GM Daewoo 69 Vietnam and Ford Vietnam 69 3.1.2 Implications for existing IMC campaigns of Vietnam automobile ventures 73  Media As A Matter of Communication 79  Advertising As A Matter of Communication 82  Demography As A Matter of Communication 84 3.1.3 Examples of IMC Impacts 86  An example of IMC impact-Ford Vietnam 86  An example of IMC Impact-GM Daewoo Vietnam 87 3.2 IMPLICATION FOR EXISTING THEORY 90  Perception of IMC Benefit 90  Organizations’ (Clients’) perception of IMC benefit 91  The agency’s perception of IMC Benefit 92  Audiences’ perception of IMC benefit 93 CONCLUSION 97 LIST OF REFERENCES 98 APPENDIX 99 APPENDIX ADVERTISING’S HISTORY AND EVOLUTION 99 APPENDIX VIETNAM AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY 102 APPENDIX GM DAEWOO’S MEDIA PLACEMENT SCHEDULE 111 APPENDIX VIETNAM AUTOMOBILE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 113 APPENDIX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS-IMC PLANNING PROCESS 118 APPENDIX CONSUMER’S INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 125 APPENDIX A SUCCESSFUL IMC CAMPAIGN 130 APPENDIX LIST OF INTERVIEWEES (HANOI AND HOCHIMINH CITY-EXTRACTED) 131 LIST OF ABBREVIATION ABBREVIATION ANNOTATION ADV(S) OR AD(S) ADVERTISING(S) AFTA ASIAN FREE TRADE AREA AIDA AWARENESS, INTEREST, DESIRE AND ACTION AMA AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION BTA BILATERAL TRADE AGREEMENT CBU COMPLETELY BUILDING UNIT CKD COMPLETE KNOCKDOWN KITS, TYPE FDI FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT GDP GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCTIVITY U.S OR USA UNITED STATE OF AMERICA IMC INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION MARCOM MARKETING COMMUNICATION PR PUBLIC RELATION SCT SPECIAL CONSUMPTION TAX SKD SPECIAL KNOCKDOWN KITS SOE STATE OWN ENTERPRISE VAT VALUE ADDED TAX WTO WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION LIST OF TABLES EXHIBIT PAGE Exhibit The IMC process model 21 Exhibit The promotional mix model 22 Exhibit Product life cycle 35 Exhibit Product life cycle and promotion mix strategy 36 Exhibit Frame of Reference 49 Exhibit GM Daewoo’s IMC Planning Process 55 Exhibit GM Daewoo’s IMC tools 55 Exhibit GM Daewoo’s Promotional Strategies 56 Exhibit Ford Vietnam’s IMC Planning Process 58 Exhibit 10 Ford Vietnam’s Major IMC Tools 60 Exhibit 11 Comparison of Kottler’s and GM Daewoo’s IMC Model 61 Exhibit 12 GM Daewoo’s IMC Action plan 63 Exhibit 13 Comparison of Kottler’s and GM Daewoo’s IMC Model 65 Exhibit 14 Comparison of GM Daewoo’s and Ford’s IMC Model 67 Exhibit 15 IMC Planning Models Adjusted for GM Daewoo and Ford 72 Exhibit 16-26 Automobile Consumer Survey on IMC 74 Exhibit 27 Vietnam Advertising Market, 2004 79 Exhibit 28 Top ten advertising brands, 2004 80 Exhibit 29 Customer view of GM DAEWOO (1) 89 Exhibit 30 Customer view of GM DAEWOO (2) 89 Exhibit 31 Client’s Perceived Benefit of IMC 92 Exhibit 32 Agencies Beliefs about IMC Benefit 93 Exhibit 33 IMC Planning Process Proposed for Automobile Ventures 95 INTRODUCTION NECESSITY OF THE THESIS Compared with other industries, Vietnam automobile industry is a very fresh one, only over ten-year since foreign ventures jumped into the market Despite of the fact that current market size is small and certain disadvantages, Vietnam automobile market is promising; the industry is predicted to be one of the key industries of the nation in near future Beside familiar ventures, such as GM Daewoo, BMV, Mercedes, Ford, and Toyota that operate as different legal economic entities…the market also attracts emerge domestic assemblers Even though ventures are leading automobile manufactures around the world, experienced on different markets, they now meet certain difficulties in Vietnam-the market is described as a particular environment How to plan an effective marketing communicational campaign? How to communicate with consumer in most effective way? Is current promotional program appropriate? These always matter to automobile marketers This thesis was written with the subject of “Further understanding on Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)-Essential implications to plan an effective IMC campaign in Vietnam automobile industry” expected to ease up above questions The thesis partly fulfills requirements for the degree of master of business administration PURPOSE The main purposes of this thesis are: ―Further Understanding on Integrated Marketing Communication‖ and the exploration of how Integrated Marketing Communication campaigns have been planned and developed by Vietnam Automobile ventures From analysis and comparisons, findings and implications are drawn; these can be references for automobile marketers and marketing communication agencies as implications to plan an effective integrated marketing communication campaigns KEY RESEARCH AREA This thesis presents basic concepts of Integrated Marketing Communication Especially, the thesis focuses on two automobile ventures, GM Daewoo Vietnam and Ford Vietnam, which have been chosen as two case studies To affiliate the studying purpose, it is also essential to see consumer‗s perception of automobile IMC campaigns as well as to take a look on Vietnam Advertising Industry Major data in this thesis were collected in the first half of 2005 METHODOLOGY a Research purpose Generally, due to studying purposes, there are three correspond types of techniques to carry out a research: Exploratory, Descriptive and Causal1  Exploratory is especially necessary when don‘t understand the issue at hand very well or there is no clear theory for it Exploratory helps develop ideas, issues, and possible answers to questions and finally it defines constructs of interest The aim of exploratory is to acquire basic knowledge within the problem  Descriptive research simply describes, but does not directly link outcomes to particular causes, for example 95 percent of online consumers are satisfied with their online shopping experiences  Causal research seeks to relate specific outcomes to the variables that are causal of the outcomes Three following conditions must be satisfied for a causal research:  One variable must precede the other in time  Alternative explanations for findings should be ruled out  Nomic necessity The ―causal link‖: ―Do we have reason to believe that the relationship makes sense‖ Due to the fact that I not intend to explain reasons behind IMC planning decisions of Automobile manufactures; instead of that, I focus on describing how Causal sometime called Explanatory 10 IMC is planned in some Vietnam automobile firms and used it as material to compare with marketing theories and from that general findings and implications drawn out As the result, descriptive research is mainly in use This is the appropriate way to further understand on IMC as presented in introducing page: ―Further understanding on Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)Essential implications to plan an effective IMC campaign in Vietnam automobile industry” b Research Approach There are two ways to address a problem when conducting a research; they are qualitative research and quantitative research According to Yin, the focus of qualitative research is ―not numbers but on words and observations, stories, visual portrayals, meaningful characterizations, interpretations and other expressive descriptions‖ On the other hand, quantitative research usually used to determine the quantitative or extension of some phenomena with numbers Qualitative research uses a coded identifier to assist in checking and cleansing the data set Code responses logically, include codes for non- responses, refusal to answer, and nonapplicable Qualitative ―purists‖ argue that their research may be less ―precise,‖ but it increases understanding, allows for complexity and depth In response, quantitative ―purists‖ find qualitative research to be ―fuzzy‖ and ―subjective‖, (Wolfinbarger) In this thesis I used both quantitative method and qualitative method, they can support each other to affiliate the researching purpose c Research Strategy Strategy is the way to conduct the research There are many research strategies; according to marketing statisticians, these following strategies are often in used: Experiment, Survey, Archival Analysis, History and Case Study  Experimental research systematically changes the level of one or more independent variables and seeing the impact on the outcome variables  Survey are the same information (variables) collected from a number of cases 11 Question 14: What is the process of designing message? Does the firm follow this:? a) Message generation b) Message evaluation and selection c) Message execution d) Social responsibility review Selecting Communication Channels Question 15: According to opinion, what are considerations when choosing communication channel? (Direct and indirect communication channel) Question 16: What are following methods that you think can leverage the effectiveness of direct communication channel? Please take note or rank if possible Devoting extra effort to influential individuals or companies Creating opinion leaders Working through influential community members Using influential people in testimonial advertising Developing advertising with high ―conversation value‖ Use viral marketing Establishing an electronic forum Developing word-of-mouth referral channels Establish the budget Question 17: Who propose for or decide the promotional budget? Question 18: What is budget-setting method which the firm usually to choose? And why? a) Percentage of Sales c) Share-of-Category Spending e) Competitive-parity method b) Objective and Task d) Return on Investment f) Others Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix Question 19: What are major factors influent on deciding marketing communication mix? Could you please rank? 121 a) Target market b) Characteristics of product/service c) Product life cycle, budget d) Consumer vs business market e) Others-Please elaborate Question 20: What are factors decide on marketing communication mix? For example: The objectives of coverage, the functions of communication tools, and the format of the message? Please elaborate Question 21: What tools did the firm used in previous campaign? Please take note Could you please say in detail about the component set of each tool? Tools Personal selling Component Set Face to face meeting, Telephone sales, Video conference and trade show? Public Relation Press conference, Product Publicity, $ Publicity Community event, Lobby… Advertising TV-Radio commercial, Print Ad… Trade promotion Discount, paying term… Consumer Discount, coupon, premium, free-offer… promotion Direct Marketing Tele-marketing, direct mail catalogues… Internet E-mail, conference Sponsorship Sport team, cultural program, art… Point of purchase Display, demonstration…Porter at selling place… Other Please elaborate Question 22: What are the considerations of choosing Medias? (Free answer) Question 23: What is the important level to your IMC campaign of the following elements? Please rank? a) Media Type b) Media time Schedule 122 c) Media d) Media Frequency e) Others Question 24: What Medias did the firm use? Could you evaluate the effectiveness of each ? Newspapers Television Direct mail Radio Magazines Outdoor Yellow pages Newsletters Brochures Telephone Internet Other Test market Question 25: Did the firm test market before lunching IMC campaign? a) Yes b) No If yes, what are the methods? And for which IMC tool(s) If No, why? Manage the IMC Process Question 26: During the time IMC campaign executed, does the firm review the communication objectives and previous steps a) Yes b) No If Yes, Is there any adjustment? Does it occur frequently? Question 27: Do you know the reason behind the IMC adjustments? Were them cause by outside factors or by the planning process) Measure Result 123 Question 28: After IMC campaign, does the firm measure the IMC result? What are the parameters? a) Recognition b) Recall c) Attitudes- behavioral c) Corresponding sales d) Others Question 29: What are the tools to measure the IMC result? For example, interview, survey, market-check? Question 30: Does the firm measure the result of the whole IMC campaign or for each of IMC tools? a) Yes b) No If yes, what are the tools and methods correspondingly? Question 31: According to theory, there are three sources for IMC employing the synergy They are: Audience complexity, Product complexity and Distribution complexity Regarding to your IMC campaign, what of those above synergy factors were most described? Were there any other sources? PART 3: OPENED QUESTIONS Question 32: How about the role of marketing communication agencies in IMC Planning Process Question 33: What you think about advertising industry and media industry in Vietnam? Does it cause any difficulty with your firm? Question 34: Do you think that your previous promotional program success? What are parameters? Question 35: Is there any thing that I have not yet been mentioned in this interview? 124 APPENDIX Consumer’s Interview Questions Question 1: Generally, what you think about automobile promotional programs / activities Could you please rank as following criteria? Interesting/Meaningful Better Promotional activities Remain Less Don‘t know Advertising Community Events/Sponsorship Promotion (Rebate, discount, incentives…) Demonstration (Road show, exhibition…) Publicity (Report, speech, declare policies) Direct marketing (new activities, features, method…) Question 2: What you think about automobile advertisements recently? Could you please elaborate? Criteria Proportion (%) Very Somewhat Neuter Less Not at all Easy to understand Interesting/attractive Meaningful Provide me solution Honesty/Persuasive Question 3: Could you please tell me what sources you get information about automobile or buying an automobile ? Please tell me how useful each source? 125 Criteria Extremely Very Somewhat Little Not at all Advertising (TV) Word of Mouth News, features or reports (TV) Radio news features or reports Car magazines Newspaper and magazine articles Internet Visit to a dealership (Agent) Report of market research companies Auto show Out Door Direct mail Promotion (Road show, Testing…) Others Question : How often you hear/see/consult from the information on following sources? (per month): Information Source Frequency ≥ 60 Advertising (TV commercial) TV news, features or reports Radio news features or reports 126 30 » 60 15»30 »15 ≤5 Newspaper and magazine articles Car magazines Word of Mouth Visit to a dealership Market research companies Auto show Out Door Promotion (Road show, Testing…) Direct mail Others Question 5: How often you visit these Medias and these program per week? Please number! Program/Category Media/Media type Television Internet Magazine Sport Music Film & Movies News Entertainments Economics & Business Social & Cultures Science Fashion and Beauty Others 127 Newspapers Radio Question 6: Please tell me how important each one is for consumers when they consider buying a new vehicle? Criteria Extremely The prices The ease of the financing process Incentive (rebates) offered The brand(s)/model/quality of vehicles The trustworthiness/credibility of the company or dealership Personal relationship with company or salesperson Word of Mouth/Professional Recommendation Professionalisms of salesmen After sale service such as : maintenance, vehicle check… Quick delivery of negotiation Others 128 Very Somewhat Little Not at all Question 7: What you think consumers feel can be done to improve the vehicle buying or leasing experience or process over the Internet? What else? Criteria Response Awareness / Credibility Honesty / Reliability Pricing Information / Clearer Information / Post Prices Ability to Compare Vehicles / More Clear Comparison Test Drive / Touch / See It Up Close Offered Company Website Advertise Sites More / Better Pictures / Photos Convenient location/show room decoration Personal Contact / More Personal / More Professional Don't Know/Refused Question 8: What is your job? Criteria Proportion Businessman Engineer Driver Accountant Office Staff Police Reporter Doctor Other 129 Question 9: What is your age? Criteria Proportion 20 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 Over 60 Refused to answer Question10: Do you believe your personal vehicle purchasing experience is representative of the average consumer experience? Criteria Proportion Yes Maybe Do not know APPENDIX A successful IMC Campaign To drive home the combined message of performance and safety, increase Volvo‘s database of opt-in names for future e-mail marketing, and generate buzz for the brand, Volvo created a campaign with the goal of leading consumers through a series of steps, resulting in permission to continue to send marketing messages via e-mail They knew no single medium or touch point could brazenly demand that consumers yield their e-mail address, so they gave each element of the marketing mix a well-defined role and an explicit connection to direct the consumer to the next step and toward the ultimate goal.2 By carefully planning the orchestration of various media, Volvo was able to leverage the unique characteristics of each element to optimize its effectiveness: TV was used to generate broad-based awareness, and an interactive survey was used to refine customer understanding The result was a campaign that not only maximized individual ROI from each 130 media investment but also brought synergistic benefits that dramatically proved the advantages of combining media in an integrated campaign Combining media in an integrated campaign, the Orchestration approach exceeded its original goal Volvo achieved dramatically higher results—three times more customer leads—than simply coordinating elements of the marketing mix had in the past, for almost the same marketing budget allocation Source: www.modemmedia.com Exhibit 34 Volvo’s IMC campaign APPENDIX LIST OF INTERVIEWEES (Hanoi and Hochiminh Cityextracted) Nguyễn Thị Lan Hƣơng P302, E9, Phường Phương Mai, Quận Đống Đa, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội Bùi Mạnh Hùng 541 Trần Khát Chân, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội Đặng Đình Đức 02 Ngõ 165 Bạch Mai, Thanh Nhàn, Hà Nội Tạ Văn Sang 74B Thổ Quan, Khâm Thiên, Hà Nội Phạm Văn Huệ A20 TT đại học Tổng hợp, Hà Nội 131 Phạm Quang Tùng Số 11 Trại Tóc, Ơ chợ Dừa, Hà Nội Trịnh Việt Tuấn 9/52 Tổ 34 Quan Nhân, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội Phạm Thị Ngọc Tô9, Quan Hoa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội Đào Thuý Vân 332 Tổ 46, Phương Liệt, Đống Đa, Hà Nội Nguyễn Ngọc Hà Khu Tập thể Cầu bươu, Hà Nội Nguyễn Chí Trân 58 ngõ 176 Nguyễn Sơn, Long Biên Lƣơng Toàn Thắng Tổ 13, khối 4, Sài Đồng, Gia Lâm, Hà Nội Phạm Anh Tuấn Ngõ Hàng Bột, Tôn Đức Thắng, Hà Nôi Trần Duy Anh 63B, Ngõ 612 Lạc Long Quân, hà Nội Vũ Kiến Hƣng Phù Đổng Thiên Vương, Hà Nội Dƣơng Thị Thu 15 ngõ 162/34 Đê La Thành, Hà Nội Hoàng Quang Hƣng P1006, Tồ nhà Sơng Đà- Nhân CHính, Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Khay 19 Tổ 24, Lạc Trung, Thanh Lương, Hà Nội Nguyễn Chí Năng Đại La, Đơng Hội, Đơng Anh, hà Nội Lê Thị Anh Thƣ 290 Phương Liên, Đống Đa, Hà Nội Trần Quý 76 Hàng Bạc, Hà Nội Hoàng Hồng Sơn 70 Ngọc Hà, Đội Cấn, hà Nội 132 Nguyễn Thị Hồ Lương Văn Phúc, Ba ĐÌnh, Hà Nội Phạm Bá Đỏ Tập thể nhà máy xây dựng Gia Lâm, Hà Nội Đỗ Thanh Sơn Ngõ 336 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội Phạm Thị Thu Hiền Tổ 77, Thanh Xuân Trung, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội Khổng Thế Hạnh 216C Quốc Bảo, Văn Điển, Hà Nội Nguyễn Phƣơng Anh Nhà tạm Thuỵ Điển, Ngọc Khánh, Hà Nội Nguyễn Kế Hùng 70 Hàng Buồm, Hà Nội Trần Lê Hiệp 127 Đội Cấn, Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Liên 136 Trần Duy Hưng, Hà Nội Bùi Lê Thái 76 Phường hàng Mã, Hồn Kiếm, Hà Nơị Lê Quốc Giang 93 Tổ 6a, Trung Liệt, Đống Đa, Hà Nội Vũ Thế Khảm 123 Hàng Bông, Hà Nội Trần Văn Loan 214 K2, Hào Nam, Linh, Hà Nội Dƣơng Minh Bắc Tân Dân, Sóc Sơn, Hà Nội HỒ THỊ TUYẾT MAI 821 Hưng Phú, Phường 9, Quận 8, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh LƢƠNG PHƢỚC ĐƢỜNG 30/7/19/10 Khu phố 4, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Trịnh Bội Nghi 76/32 đường Xóm đất, P8, Quận 11, HCM 133 Võ Minh Nhật 44 Nguyễn Thái Sơn, Gò Vấp, HCM Trần Thị Lụa 10/7 quốc lộ 13, Hiệp Bình Phước, Thủ Đức, HCM Ngyuễn Thị Hằng 26/41 Đỗ Quang Dẫn, Quận 1, HCM Bùi Kim Anh 4-6 Đạng Thị Thu, Quận 1, HCm Tôn Thất Thừa 1154 Cư xã Lữ Gia, p15, Quận 2, HCM Nguyễn Hữu Nghĩa 149/10 Cô Giang, Q1, HCM Trần An Khánh 24 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Đa kao, Q1, HCM Huỳnh Thị Nga 260/59C Bà Hom, P13, Q6 HCM Phạm Văn Hƣởng Đường Cộng Hoà, Quận 9, HCM Trang Văn Qua 287 Nơ Trang Long, Bình Thạnh, HCM Nguyễn Cao Nhã 114/11 Đề Thám, Cầu Ông Lãnh, Q1, HCM Phạm Văn Quyến 236/2 Nơ Trang Long, Bình Thạnh, HCM Trần Văn Lợi 388A Hàm Tử, P5, Q5, HCM Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Hồng 198/34 Trần Kế Xương, P7, Phú Nhuận, HCM Cao Văn Long 182A/1 Phan Văn Trị, P12, Bình Thạnh, HCM Phan Anh Đức 107 Đồng Khởi, Bến Nghé, Q1, HCM Nguyễn Thị Càn 66/22 Ấp 3, Xã Vĩnh Lộc, Bình Chánh, HCM 134 Nguyễn Đình Trinh A36/41/2 Cách Mạng tháng 8, P11, Q3, HCM Nguyễn Đình Độ 570/28 Sư Vạ Hạnh, P10, Q10, HCM Đỗ Ngọc Bình 30B Hải Thượng Lãn Ông, P10, Q5, HCM Quách Lê Thanh 62/17 Xóm đất, P8, Q11, HCM Võ Văn Đức Ấp Phú Thuận, Phú Mỹ Hưng, Củ Chi, HCM Mai Thị Thanh Hồng 214 Lô A, Chung cư Cô Giang, Q1, HCM Đinh Thị Nhƣ Sƣơng 309 Bis Lê Hồng Phong, P2, Q10, HCM Lƣơng Văn Hùng 208/91 Bùi Hữu Nghĩa, P2, Bình Thạnh, HCM Lê Thị Thu Hƣơng 384/96/2 Lý Thái Tổ, P10, Q10, HCM Trần Minh Hƣng 102/10 Âu Dương Lâu, P3, Q8, HCM Lục Văn Sơn 140 đường số 13, P4, Q8, HCM Bùi Thị Thanh Trang 65 tổ Nam Sao, Tân Mai, Q9, HCM Lâm Nghiễm Cẩm 511A Hậu Giang, P11, Q6, HCM Lê Thị tuyết Lê 102/9 Phan Anh, P20, Tân Bình, HCM 135 ... mainly in use This is the appropriate way to further understand on IMC as presented in introducing page: ? ?Further understanding on Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Essential implications. .. basic concepts of Integrated Marketing Communication Planning Process, major tools of Integrated Marketing Communication and The Synergy Model of Integrated Marketing Communication  Chapter consists... process of integrated marketing communication is a communication process Communication is the transmission, and understanding information using verbal or non-verbal symbols Another definition, communication

Ngày đăng: 25/12/2015, 17:24

Xem thêm: further understanding on integrated marketing communication imc essential implications to plan an effective imc campaign in vietnam automobile industryf


Mục lục

    1.1.3. The Changing Role of Marketing

    1.2.1. The Integrated Marketing Communication Process Model

    1.2.3. The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication

    1.2.4. The revolution of IMC

    1.2.5. Major reasons leading to the revolution of IMC


    1.3.1. The IMC Concept in Automobile

    1.3.2. History of Marketing Communication in Automobile


    1.4.1. Identifying the target audience


