trình bày bài toán CODE ANSYS - MATLAB
GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 62 PHỤ LỤC *** % __________________________Bài toán 1a______________________ % Problem 1D, Gaussian equation % Emission concentration (x,y=0,z=0) % connect to Function "Library2(j,x)" global sy sz p % Input______________________________________________ h=68.58; D=3.81; M=47.25; u_ref=2.5; u_kt=12.2; T_kt=394.3; T_mt=291.48; P=1000; % Solve_____________________________________________ count=100; x=linspace(0.1,5000,count); y=0; % + dispersion parameter sma_y, sma_z for i1=1:6 for i2=1:count j=i1; xx=x(i2); Library2(j,xx); u(i1)=u_ref* (h/10)^p; % the stack height wind speed % plume rise dta_h=u_kt* D/u(i1)* (1.5+ 2.68*10^(-3)*P*D*(T_kt-T_mt)/T_kt); % H(i1)=h+dta_h; %--------- sma_y(i1,i2)=sy; sma_z(i1,i2)=sz; end end clear i1; clear i2; % + emission concentration (x,y=0,z=0) for i1=1:6 for i2=1:count C_x(i1,i2)=M/(2*pi* sma_y(i1,i2)* sma_z(i1,i2))* . exp(-(H(i1)^2/(2* (sma_z(i1,i2)^2)))); end end clear i1; clear i2; % + Plot____________ for i1=1:6 plot(x,C_x(i1,:),'LineWidth',i1/2); hold on; grid on; end GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 63 %_________________________Bài toán 1b_______________________ % Problem 2D, Gauss % connect to function "Library2(j,x)" global sy sz p % Input_____________________________________________________ h=68.58; D=3.81; M=47.25; u_ref=2.5; u_kt=12.2; T_kt=394.3; T_mt=291.48; P=1000; % Solve____________________________________________________ % + distance x,y count=100; x=linspace(0.1,5000,count); y=linspace(-1000,1000,count); % + dispersion parameter sma_y, sma_z j=1; for i=1:count xx=x(i); Library2(j,xx); u=u_ref* (h/10)^p; %--------- effective stack height % plume rise dta_h=u_kt* D/u* (1.5+ 2.68*10^(-3)*P*D*(T_kt-T_mt)/T_kt); % H=h+dta_h; %-------------------------------------- sma_y(i)=sy; sma_z(i)=sz; end clear i; % + emission concentration (x,y, z=0) for i1=1:count % loop x for i2=1:count % loop y C_xy(i1,i2)= M/(2*pi* sma_y(i1)* sma_z(i1))* . exp(-(H^2/(2* (sma_z(i1)^2)))) * . exp(-(y(i2)^2/(2* (sma_y(i1)^2)))); end end clear i1; clear i2; % + Plot___________________________________________ i=1; if i==1 meshz (y,x,C_xy) axis([min(y) max(y) 0 max(x) 0 6*10^(-4)]) view(96,8) else meshc (y,x,C_xy) hold on daspect([1 1 1]) view(-270,90) end function Library2a(j,x) GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 64 %________________________Library2a_______________________ % Ap dung de tinh sma_y, sma_z tai khu vuc do thi global sy sz p Y=[0.32*x*(1+0.0004*x)^(-1/2) 0.32*x*(1+0.004*x)^(-1/2) 0.22*x*(1+0.004*x)^(-1/2) 0.16*x*(1+0.004*x)^(-1/2) 0.11*x*(1+0.004*x)^(-1/2) 0.11*x*(1+0.004*x)^(-1/2)]; sy=Y(j); Z=[0.24*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.24*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.20*x 0.14*x*(1+0.003*x)^(-1/2) 0.08*x*(1+0.015*x)^(-1/2) 0.08*x*(1+0.015*x)^(-1/2)]; sz=Z(j); hs_p= [0.15; 0.15; 0.2; 0.25; 0.3; 0.3]; p=hs_p(j); %________________________Library2b_______________________ % Ap dung de tinh sma_y, sma_z tai khu vuc nong thon global sy sz p Y=[0.22*x*(1+0.0001*x)^(-1/2) 0.16*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.11*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.08*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.06*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2) 0.04*x*(1+0.001*x)^(-1/2)]; sy=Y(j); Z=[0.2*x 0.12*x 0.08*x*(1+0.0002*x)^(-1/2) 0.06*x*(1+0.0015*x)^(-1/2) 0.03*x*(1+0.0003*x)^(-1) 0.016*x*(1+0.0003*x)^(-1)]; sz=Z(j); hs_p= [0.15; 0.15; 0.2; 0.25; 0.3; 0.3]; p=hs_p(j); GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 65 %_________________________Bài toán 2_____________________ ! MÔ HÌNH 2a /units,si /prep7 ! rect,0,2000,0,500 rect,500,900,0,100 ! building 1 rect,1400,2000,0,150 ! building 2 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 !+ lsel,s,,,1 lsel,a,,,11 lesize,all,,,20 lsel,s,,,4 lsel,a,,,13 lesize,all,,,25 lsel,s,,,3 lesize,all,,,100 lsel,s,,,5 lesize,all,,,35 lsel,s,,,6,8,2 lesize,all,,,5 lsel,s,,,7 lesize,all,,,20 lsel,s,,,12 lesize,all,,,5 !+ et,1,FLUID141 !+ Meshing asel,s,,,1 mshkey,0 amesh,1 !+ Boundary Conditions ! Veclocity lsel,s,,,5,8 lsel,a,,,11,12 lsel,a,,,13 nsll,,1 d,all,VX,0 d,all,VY,0 ! Pressure lsel,s,,,1,3 nsll,,1 d,all,pres,0 ! Velocity fluctuation !$ Value $ u_ref=9 ! velocity reference p=0.15 ! coefficent p ! lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO alls /solu ! FLOTRAN Analysis Parameters fldata14,temp,nomi,23 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true save solve GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 66 ! MÔ HÌNH 2b /units,si /prep7 ! + Problem Domain rect,0,2000,0,500 rect,500,600,0,100 ! building 1 rect,1400,2000,0,15 !bulding 2 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 !+ lsel,s,,,1 lsel,a,,,11 lesize,all,,,20 lsel,s,,,4 lsel,a,,,13 lesize,all,,,25 lsel,s,,,3 lesize,all,,,100 lsel,s,,,5 lesize,all,,,45 lsel,s,,,6,8,2 lesize,all,,,5 lsel,s,,,7 lesize,all,,,20 lsel,s,,,12 lesize,all,,,5 !+ et,1,FLUID141 !+ Meshing asel,s,,,1 mshkey,0 amesh,1 !+ Boundary Conditions ! Veclocity lsel,s,,,5,8 lsel,a,,,11,12 lsel,a,,,1 lsel,a,,,13 nsll,,1 d,all,VX,0 d,all,VY,0 ! Pressure lsel,s,,,1,3 nsll,,1 d,all,pres,0 ! Velocity fluctuation !$ Value $ u_ref=9 p=0.15 !!!! lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,23 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true save solve GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 67 ! MÔ HÌNH 2c /units,si /prep7 ! + Problem Domain rect,0,2000,0,500 K, ,500,0 K, ,700,100 K, ,900,0 A,5,6,7 ASBA,1,2 !+ lsel,s,,,2,4,2 lesize,all,,,15 lsel,s,,,9 lesize,all,,,25 lsel,s,,,3 lesize,all,,,50 lsel,s,,,5,6 lsel,a,,,8 lesize,all,,,20 !+ et,1,FLUID141 !+ Meshing asel,s,,,3 mshkey,0 amesh,3 !+ Boundary Conditions ! Veclocity lsel,s,,,5,6 lsel,a,,,8,9 nsll,,1 d,all,VX,0 d,all,VY,0 !Pressure lsel,s,,,2,3 nsll,,1 d,all,pres,0 ! Velocity fluctuation !$ Value $ u_ref=9 p=0.15 !+ lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,23 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true save solve GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 68 ! MÔ HÌNH 3a (tòa nhà rộng) /UNIT,SI /PREP7 RECT,0,150,0,50 ! mien khao sat RECT,45,69,0,12 ! toa nha RECT,57-0.3,57+0.3,12,15 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 LSEL,S,,,1 LSEL,A,,,5 LESIZE,ALL,,,12 LSEL,S,,,6 LSEL,A,,,8 LESIZE,ALL,,,12 LSEL,S,,,13 LESIZE,ALL,,,45 LSEL,S,,,2 LSEL,A,,,4 LESIZE,ALL,,,50 LSEL,S,,,3 LESIZE,ALL,,,150 LSEL,S,,,14 LESIZE,ALL,,,90 LSEL,S,,,10 LSEL,A,,,12 LESIZE,ALL,,,3 LSEL,S,,,11 LESIZE,ALL,,,2 !************************! ET,1,FLUID141 ASEL,S,,,1 MSHKEY,0 AMESH,1 Telement=1 *SET,Texp,100 *SET,Vexp,5 !********dieu kien bien! LSEL,S,,,1 LSEL,A,,,5,6 LSEL,A,,,8 LSEL,A,,,10 LSEL,A,,,12,14 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,0 LSEL,S,,,2,3 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,PRES,0 LSEL,S,,,11 ! mieng khoi thai NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,Vexp D,ALL,TEMP,Texp ! Bien thien van toc gio u_ref=2 ! van toc gio tham khao (10m) p=0.15 ! he so p lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO Alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,25 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true !______THAM SO DIEU KIEN_____ TTIME=40 ! thời gian khảo sát fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.e-10 ! do hoi tu fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,TTIME save solve finish GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 69 ! MÔ HÌNH 3b (tòa nhà hẹp) /UNIT,SI /PREP7 RECT,0,150,0,50 ! mien khao sat RECT,51,64,0,12 ! toa nha RECT,57-0.3,57+0.3,12,15 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 LSEL,S,,,1 LSEL,A,,,5 LESIZE,ALL,,,12 LSEL,S,,,6 LSEL,A,,,8 LESIZE,ALL,,,12 LSEL,S,,,13 LESIZE,ALL,,,45 LSEL,S,,,2 LSEL,A,,,4 LESIZE,ALL,,,50 LSEL,S,,,3 LESIZE,ALL,,,150 LSEL,S,,,14 LESIZE,ALL,,,90 LSEL,S,,,10 LSEL,A,,,12 LESIZE,ALL,,,3 LSEL,S,,,11 LESIZE,ALL,,,2 ET,1,FLUID141 ASEL,S,,,1 MSHKEY,0 AMESH,1 Telement=1 !***********************! *SET,Texp,100 *SET,Vexp,5 !********dieu kien bien! LSEL,S,,,1 LSEL,A,,,5,6 LSEL,A,,,8 LSEL,A,,,10 LSEL,A,,,12,14 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,0 LSEL,S,,,2,3 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,PRES,0 LSEL,S,,,11 ! mieng khoi thai NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,Vexp D,ALL,TEMP,Texp ! Bien thien van toc gio u_ref=2 ! van toc gio tham khao (10m) p=0.15 ! he so p lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,25 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true !______THAM SO DIEU KIEN_____ TTIME=40 fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.e-10 ! do hoi tu fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,TTIME save solve finish GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 70 ! MÔ HÌNH 4 ! điểm phát thải nằm trong vùng bóng rợp khí động /UNIT,SI /PREP7 RECT,0,200,0,70 ! mien khao sat RECT,45,69,0,24 ! toa nha 1 RECT,69,79,0,10 ! toa nha 2 RECT,78+0.5,78+1.2,0,15 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,5,3 ASBA,1,4 LSEL,S,,,2,4,2 LESIZE,ALL,,,70 LSEL,S,,,3 LESIZE,ALL,,,200 LSEL,S,,,5 LESIZE,ALL,,,14 LSEL,S,,,6 LESIZE,ALL,,,121 LSEL,S,,,7,8 LSEL,S,,,9 LESIZE,ALL,,,9 LSEL,S,,,12 LESIZE,ALL,,,5 LSEL,S,,,14 LESIZE,ALL,,,15 LSEL,S,,,15 LESIZE,ALL,,,2 LSEL,S,,,17 LESIZE,ALL,,,25 ET,2,FLUID141 ASEL,S,,,2 MSHKEY,0 AMESH,2 Telement=2 !***********************! *SET,Texp,100 *SET,Vexp,5 !********dieu kien bien! LSEL,S,,,5,9 LSEL,A,,,12,14,2 LSEL,A,,,15,17,2 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,0 LSEL,S,,,2,3 NSLL,,1 D,ALL,PRES,0 LSEL,S,,,15 ! mieng khoi thai NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,Vexp D,ALL,TEMP,Texp ! Bien thien van toc gio u_ref=2 p=0.15 lsel,s,,,4 nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO Alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,25 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true !______THAM SO DIEU KIEN_____ TTIME=35 fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.e-10 fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,TTIME save solve finish GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích Thiện SVTH: Võ Kiên Truân 71 ! MÔ HÌNH 5 ! đòa hình thung lũng /UNIT,SI /PREP7 K,,0,0 K,,1500,600 K,,0,600 K,,200,0 K,,300,300 K,,400,300 K,,600,0 K,,800,0 K,,1200,200 K,,1500,200 LSTR, 1, 4 LSTR, 4, 5 LSTR, 5, 6 LSTR, 6, 7 LSTR, 7, 8 LSTR, 8, 9 LSTR, 9, 10 LSTR, 10, 2 LSTR, 2, 3 LSTR, 3, 1 !* LFILLT,2,3,50, , !* LFILLT,3,4,50, , !* LFILLT,6,7,700, , FLST,2,13,4 FITEM,2,1 FITEM,2,2 FITEM,2,11 FITEM,2,3 FITEM,2,12 FITEM,2,4 FITEM,2,5 FITEM,2,6 FITEM,2,13 FITEM,2,7 FITEM,2,8 FITEM,2,9 FITEM,2,10 AL,P51X RECT,650,650+20,0,250 RECT,650+20,720,0,50 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 K,50,1000,0 K,51,1000,160 K,52,1050,160 K,53,1050,200 K,54,1100,220 K,55,1150,200 K,56,1150,0 A,50,51,52,53,54,55,56 ASBA,1,2 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LESIZE,ALL,5 ET,3,FLUID141 ASEL,S,,,3 MSHKEY,0 AMESH,3 Telement=3 *SET,Texp,100 *SET,Vexp,5 !Chon bien van toc LSEL,,P NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,0 !chon bien ap suat LSEL,,P NSLL,,1 D,ALL,PRES,0 ! chon bien mieng khoi thai LSEL,,P NSLL,,1 D,ALL,VX,0 D,ALL,VY,Vexp D,ALL,TEMP,Texp ! Bien thien van toc gio u_ref=3 p=0.15 LSEL,,P nsll,,1 d,all,VY,0 *GET,ND_MAX,NODE,,COUNT *GET,NN,NODE,,NUM,MIN *DO,I,1,ND_MAX y=ny(nn) d,nn,VX,u_ref*(y/10)**p nn=ndnext(nn) *ENDDO alls /solu ! Tham so dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,25 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true !THAM SO DIEU KIEN TTIME=280 fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.e-10 fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,TTIME save solve finish [...]...72 ! MÔ HÌNH 6 /UNIT,SI /PREP7 RECT,0,1400,0,1000 K,10,70 0-3 0,0 K,11,70 0-1 0,300 K,12,700+10,300 K,13,700+30,0 A,10,11,12,13 ASBA,1,2 K,20,600,0 K,21,600,30 K,22,60 0-7 0,30 K,23,60 0-7 0,50 K,24,60 0-4 0,50 K,25,60 0-7 0,90 K,26,60 0-2 20,90 K,27,60 0-2 50,50 K,28,60 0-2 20,50 K,29,60 0-2 20,30 K,30,60 0-3 00,30 K,31,60 0-3 50,0 A,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,2 7,28,29,30,31 ASBA,3,1 K,40,800,0 K,41,800,70... dong !FLOTRAN INPUT fldata14,temp,nomi,25 fldata7,prot,dens,air-si fldata7,prot,visc,air-si fldata7,prot,cond,air-si fldata7,prot,spht,air-si fldata13,vary,dens,true fldata13,vary,visc,true fldata13,vary,cond,true !THAM SO DIEU KIEN TTIME=100 fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.e-10 fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0... cho tất cả các mô hình bài toán 2 và 3 /prep7 fldata7,prot,dens,cgas fldata7,prot,visc,cmix fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t fldata1,solu,spec,t keyopt,TElement,1,2 ! msdata,2 msspec,1,NH3,17.0304 msprop,1,dens,gas,0.0034,273,1.01325e+5 msvary,1,dens,t msnomf,1,0 msprop,1,visc,gas,0.95,273,1.01325e-5 msprop,1,mdif,gas,0.198,273,1.01325e-5 msprop,1,cond,gas,0.519,273,1.01325e-5 mscap,1,1 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%... msvary,1,dens,t msnomf,1,0 msprop,1,visc,CONSTANT,1.2067E-5 msprop,1,mdif,CONSTANT,2.149E-5 msprop,1,cond,cond,CONSTANT,.02674 mscap,1,1 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% msspec,2,air,29.0 msprop,2,dens,gas,287.05,273,1.013255+5 msvary,2,dens,t msnomf,2,1 mscap,2,1 msprop,2,visc,constant,1.4592e-6 msprop,2,mdif,constant,1.4 msprop,2,cond,constant,2.502e-3 msmeth,1,3 mssolu,1,,,3,1.0e-08 msrelx,1,1.0 alls GVHD: PGS.TS Trương Tích... Kiên Truân 74 /solu fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.0e-10 fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,TTIME save solve ! _TRƯỜNG Ô NHIỄM SO2 _ ! Dùng cho tất cả các mô hình bài toán 4 /prep7 fldata7,prot,dens,cgas fldata7,prot,visc,cmix fldata1,solu,temp,t fldata1,solu,turb,t... mscap,1,1 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% msspec,2,air,29.0 msprop,2,dens,gas,287.05,273,1.013255+5 msvary,2,dens,t msnomf,2,1 mscap,2,1 msprop,2,visc,constant,1.4592e-6 msprop,2,mdif,constant,1.4 msprop,2,cond,constant,2.502e-3 msmeth,1,3 mssolu,1,,,3,1.0e-08 msrelx,1,1.0 alls !************************************** ! ong thai lsel,,P !*************************************** nsll,,1 d,all,air,0.0 d,all,NH3,1.0... !************************************ ! Bien ngoai lsel,,P !************************************ nsll,,1 d,all,air,1.0 d,all,S02,0.0 alls /solu fldata1,solu,tran,t fldata18,meth,temp,3 fldata21,conv,temp,1.0e-10 fldata25,relx,temp,1.0 fldata4,time,glob,10 fldata4,time,BC,0 fldata4,time,step,5 fldata4A,time,appe,5 fldata4,time,numb,1.0e06 fldata4,time,tend,10 save solve !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /solu tgian=250 fldata4,time,tend,tgian