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Ôn Tập Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuẩn

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CU TRC V CM T THễNG DNG TRONG TING ANH PH THễNG S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to something(quỏ cho lm gỡ ) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quỏ n ni m ) e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it e.g2: He speaks so soft that we cant hear anything It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(quỏ n ni m ) e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it e.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to something ( cho ú lm gỡ ) e.g.1: She is old enough to get married e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nh hoc thuờ lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday e.g.2: Id like to have my shoes repaired It + be + time + S + V (-ed, ct 2) / Its +time +for someone +to something(ó n lỳc úphi lm gỡ ) e.g.1: It is time/high time you had a shower e.g.2: Its time for me to ask all of you for this question It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to something(lm gỡ mt bao nhiờu thigian ) e.g.1: It takes me minutes to get to school e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngn cn ai/cỏi gỡ khụng lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I cant prevent him from smoking e.g.2: I cant stop her from tearing S + find+ it+ adj to something(thy lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English e.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thớch cỏi gỡ/lm gỡ hn cỏi gỡ/ lm gỡ) e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat e.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV Would rather + V* (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thớch lm gỡ hn lm gỡ) e.g.1: She would rather play games than read books e.g.2: Id rather learn English than learn Biology To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen lm gỡ) e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks Used to + V (infinitive)(Thng lm gỡ qk v bõy gi khụng lm na) e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngc nhiờn v ) to be angry at + N/V-ing(tc gin v) to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(gii v / kộm v ) by chance = by accident (adv)(tỡnh c) to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mt mi v ) cant stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(khụng nhn c lm gỡ ) to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thớch lm gỡ ú ) to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tõm n ) to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tn tin hoc tg lm gỡ) To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dnh bao nhiờu thi gian lm gỡ) To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dnh thi gian vo vic gỡ ) e.g.1: I spend hours reading books a day e.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes to give up + V-ing/ N(t b lm gỡ/ cỏi gỡ ) would like/ want/wish + to something(thớch lm gỡ ) have + (something) to + Verb(cú cỏi gỡ ú lm) It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chớnh m ) Had better + V(infinitive)(nờn lm gỡ ) hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday Its + adj + to + V-infinitive(quỏ gỡ lm gỡ) Take place = happen = occur(xy ra) to be excited about(thớch thỳ) to be bored with/ fed up with(chỏn cỏi gỡ/lm gỡ) There is + N-s ớt, there are + N-s nhiu(cú cỏi gỡ ) feel like + V-ing(cm thy thớch lm gỡ ) expect someone to something(mong i lm gỡ ) advise someone to something(khuyờn lm gỡ ) go + V-ing(ch cỏc tr tiờu khin )(go camping ) leave someone alone( yờn ) By + V-ing(bng cỏch lm ) want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive e.g.1: I decide to study English for a long time = for years = for ages(ó nhiu nm ri)(dựng thỡ hin ti hon thnh) when + S + V(Qk), S + was/were + V-ing When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) to be crowded with(rt ụng ci gỡ ú ) to be full of(y ci gỡ ú ) To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(õy l cỏc ng t tri giỏc cú ngha l: cú v nh/ l/ dng nh/ tr nờn sau chỳng nu cú adj v adv thỡ chỳng ta phi chn adj) except for/ apart from(ngoi, tr ) as soon as(ngay sau khi) to be afraid of(s cỏi gỡ ) could hardly(hu nh khụng)( chỳ ý: hard khỏc hardly) Have difficulty + V-ing(gp khú khn lm gỡ ) Chỳ ý phõn bit loi tớnh t V-ed v V-ing: dựng -ed miờu t v ngi, -ing cho vt v mun núi v bn cht ca c ngi v vt ta dựng ing e.g.1: That film is boring e.g.2: He is bored e.g.3: He is an interesting man e.g.4: That book is an interesting one (khi ú khụng nờn nhm vi ed, chng hn ta núi : a loved man cú ngha ngi n ụng c mn m, tc l cú ngha B v c ú) in which = where; on/at which = when Put + up + with + V-ing(chu ng ) Make use of + N/ V-ing(tn dng cỏi gỡ ú ) Get + adj/ Pii Make progress(tin b ) take over + N(m nhim cỏi gỡ ) Bring about(mang li) Chỳ ý: so + adj cũn such + N At the end of v In the end(cui cỏi gỡ ú v kt cc) To find out(tỡm ra),To succeed in(thnh cụng ) Go for a walk(i do)/ go on holiday/picnic(i ngh) One of + so sỏnh hn nht + N(mt nhng ) It is the first/ second /best + Time + thỡ hin ti hon thnh Live in(sng )/ Live at + a ch c th/ Live on (sng nh vo ) To be fined for(b pht v) from behind(t phớa sau ) so that + mnh ( ) In case + mnh (trong trng hp ) can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive Gerunds and Infinitives V + V-ing Appreciate admit Avoid Cant help Cant stand Cant bear Consider Deny Dislike Enjoy Feel like V + to V Afford: cố gắng Appear: Arrange: xếp Decide: định Fail: thất bại Forget: quên Happen: bất ngờ Intend: định Learn: biết Manage: cố gắng Mean: muốn V + O + to V Advise: khuyên Allow: cho phép Encourage: khuyến khích Force: bắt buộc Invite: mời Order: lệnh Persuade: thuyết phục Remind: nhắc nhở Teach: dạy V+O+V Make Let Have Hope Catch See Watch Feel Find Hear Overhear Finish Give up Imagine Keep (on) Look forward to Mention Object to Practise Put off Risk Suggest Be/get used to Be worth Offer: muốn Plan: dự định Prepare: chuẩn bị Promise: hứa Refuse: từ chối Seem: d*ờng nh* Threaten: đe doạ Hope: hy vọng Expect: mong Hesitate: ngần ngại Agree: đồng ý Want: muốn Attempt: cố gắng Wish: muốn Tend: định Tell: bảo Warn: cảnh báo Show: bảo Command: yêu cầu Ask: yêu cầu Urge: bắt buộc Observe 1)S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to something(quỏ cho lm gỡ ) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow 2)S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quỏ n ni m ) e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it e.g2: He speaks so soft that we cant hear anything 3)It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(quỏ n ni m ) e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it e.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all 4)S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to something ( cho ú lm gỡ ) e.g.1: She is old enough to get married e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English 5)Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nh hoc thuờ lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday e.g.2: Id like to have my shoes repaired 6)It + be + time + S + V (-ed, ct 2) / Its +time +for someone +to something(ó n lỳc úphi lm gỡ ) e.g.1: It is time you had a shower e.g.2: Its time for me to ask all of you for this question 7)It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to something(lm gỡ mt bao nhiờu thigian ) e.g.1: It takes me minutes to get to school e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday 8)To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngn cn ai/cỏi gỡ khụng lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I cant prevent him from smoking e.g.2: I cant stop her from tearing 9)S + find+ it+ adj to something(thy lm gỡ ) e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English e.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem 10)To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thớch cỏi gỡ/lm gỡ hn cỏi gỡ/ lm gỡ) e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat e.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV 11)Would rather + Vơ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thớch lm gỡ hn lm gỡ) e.g.1: She would rather play games than read books e.g.2: Id rather learn English than learn Biology 12)To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen lm gỡ) e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks 13)Used to + V (infinitive)(Thng lm gỡ qk v bõy gi khụng lm na) e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day 14)to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngc nhiờn v ) 15)to be angry at + N/V-ing(tc gin v) 16)to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(gii v / kộm v ) 17)by chance = by accident (adv)(tỡnh c) 18)to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mt mi v ) 19)cant stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(khụng nhn c lm gỡ ) 20)to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thớch lm gỡ ú ) 21)to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tõm n ) 22)to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tn tin hoc tg lm gỡ) 23)To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dnh bao nhiờu thi gian lm gỡ) 24)To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dnh thi gian vo vic gỡ ) e.g.1: I spend hours reading books a day e.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes 25)to give up + V-ing/ N(t b lm gỡ/ cỏi gỡ ) 26)would like/ want/wish + to something(thớch lm gỡ ) 27)have + (something) to + Verb(cú cỏi gỡ ú lm) 28)It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chớnh m ) 29)Had better + V(infinitive)(nờn lm gỡ ) 30)hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday 31)Its + adj + to + V-infinitive(quỏ gỡ lm gỡ) 32)Take place = happen = occur(xy ra) 33)to be excited about(thớch thỳ) 34)to be bored with/ fed up with(chỏn cỏi gỡ/lm gỡ) 35)There is + N-s ớt, there are + N-s nhiu(cú cỏi gỡ ) 36)feel like + V-ing(cm thy thớch lm gỡ ) 37)expect someone to something(mong i lm gỡ ) 38)advise someone to something(khuyờn lm gỡ ) 39)go + V-ing(ch cỏc tr tiờu khin )(go camping ) 40)leave someone alone( yờn ) 41)By + V-ing(bng cỏch lm ) 42)want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive e.g.1: I decide to study English 43)for a long time = for years = for ages(ó nhiu nm ri)(dựng thỡ hin ti hon thnh) 44)when + S + V(Qk), S + was/were + V-ing 45)When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 46)Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 47)After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) 48)to be crowded with(rt ụng ci gỡ ú ) 49)to be full of(y ci gỡ ú ) 50)To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(õy l cỏc ng t tri giỏc cú ngha l: cú v nh/ l/ dng nh/ tr nờn sau chỳng nu cú adj v adv thỡ chỳng ta phi chn adj) 51)except for/ apart from(ngoi, tr ) 52)as soon as(ngay sau khi) 53)to be afraid of(s cỏi gỡ ) 54)could hardly(hu nh khụng)( chỳ ý: hard khỏc hardly) 55)Have difficulty + V-ing(gp khú khn lm gỡ ) 56)Chỳ ý phõn bit loi tớnh t V-ed v V-ing: dựng -ed miờu t v ngi, -ing cho vt v mun núi v bn cht ca c ngi v vt ta dựng ing e.g.1: That film is boring e.g.2: He is bored e.g.3: He is an interesting man e.g.4: That book is an interesting one (khi ú khụng nờn nhm vi ed, chng hn ta núi : a loved man cú ngha ngi n ụng c mn m, tc l cú ngha B v c ú) 57)in which = where; on/at which = when 58)Put + up + with + V-ing(chu ng ) 59)Make use of + N/ V-ing(tn dng cỏi gỡ ú ) 60)Get + adj/ Pii 61)Make progress(tin b ) 62)take over + N(m nhim cỏi gỡ ) 63)Bring about(mang li) 64)Chỳ ý: so + adj cũn such + N 65)At the end of v In the end(cui cỏi gỡ ú v kt cc) 66)To find out(tỡm ra),To succeed in(thnh cụng ) 67)Go for a walk(i do)/ go on holiday/picnic(i ngh) 68)One of + so sỏnh hn nht + N(mt nhng ) 69)It is the first/ second /best + Time + thỡ hin ti hon thnh 70)Live in(sng )/ Live at + a ch c th/ Live on (sng nh vo ) 71)To be fined for(b pht v) 72)from behind(t phớa sau ) 73)so that + mnh ( ) 74)In case + mnh (trong trng hp ) 75)can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive Ch : Cỏc cu trỳc ng phỏp c bit! -1 So + adj + be + S + that clause So + adv + auxiliary verb + S + main verb + O + that clause - Mu cõu o ng sothat mụ t hin tng, hay s vic mt mc tớnh cht m cú th gõy nờn hu qu, kờt qu tng ng Ex: *So terrible was the storm that a lot of houses were swept away (Trn bóo khng khip n ni nhiu cn nh b cun phng i) *So beautifully did he play the guitar that all the audience appreciated him Then comes/come + S, as + clause Dựng then (= afterwards: th ri, cui cựng, ri) - nờu s vc gỡ ú cui cựng ri cng s xy nh l kt cc tt nhiờn ca mt quỏ trỡnh, hoc trỡnh by hu qu cui cựng ca s vc hay hnh ng xy - T come c chia thỡ theo v ng sau Ex: *Then came a divorce, as they had a routine now (th ri ly hụn xy ra, vỡ h c cói hoi) May + S + verb - din t s mong c, by t iu gỡ ú hay mt ngh, xin li - L mt cõu chỳc Ex: *May I appologize at once for the misspelling of your surname in the letter from my assistant, Miss Dowdy (Tụi thnh tht xin li ụng vỡ ngi tr lý ca tụi, cụ Dowdy, ó vit sai tờn h ca ụng) *May you all have happiness and luck (Chỳc bn may mn v hnh phỳc) It is no + comparative adj + than + V-ing - Ngha l: tht s khụng gỡhn lm vc gỡ ú Ex: *For me it is no more difficult than saying I love you (i vi tụi khụng gỡ khú hn bng vc núi anh Yờu em S + V + far more + than + N- din t cỏi gỡ tỏc ng hay xy vi s vc hay i tng ny nhiu hn s vc hay i tng Ex: *The material world greatly influences far more young people than old people (Th gii vt cht s nh hng n niờn nhiu hn ngi gi) *In many countries, far more teenagers than adults get infected with HIV S + love/like/wish + nothing more than to be + adj/past participle- Dựng nhn mnh ý nguyn, mun hay s thớch ca ú Núi mt cỏch khỏc, mu cõu ny cú ngha l: ú rt mong c nh th ny Ex: *We wish nothing more than to be equally respected (Chỳng tụi ko mong c gỡ hn l c i x cụng bng) S1 + is/are just like + S2 +was/were S + is/are + the same + as + S + was/were - Dựng so sỏnh s trựng hay ging hoc tng ng gia hai s vic, hai ngi hoc hai nhúm ngi hai thi im khỏc Ex: *My daughter is just like her mother was 35 yares ago when she was my classmate at Harvard University (Cụ gỏi tụi y ht nh m nú cỏch õy 35 nm lỳc b cũn l bn hc cựng lp vi tụi ti i hc Harvard) *She is the same as she was (Cụ y nh ngy no) It is (not always) thought + adj + Noun phrase- a quan nim, ý kin hay thỏi ca xó hi, ca cụng ng hay nhiu ngi v no ú Ngoi thought cũn cú th dựng believed, hoped Ex: *It is not always thought essential that Miss world must have the great appearance (Khụng nờn luụn luụn cho rng Hoa hu th gii cn phi cú ngoi hỡnh hp dn) 10 As + V3/can be seen, S + V - Khi mun nhc li, gi li ý, s vc ó trỡnh by, ó cp n trc ú vi ngi c hay ngi nghe Ex: *As spoken above, we are short of capital (Nh ó núi trờn, chỳng ta thiu vn) *As can be seen, a new school is going to be built on this site (Nh ó thy, mt trng hc mi s c xõy dng trờn khu t ny) 11 S + point(s)/ pointed out (to s.b) + that clause- Dựng cõu ny bn a ý kin hay li bỡnh ca mỡnh Point out ngha l ch vch ra, cho thy, cho rng Ex: *She point out that he was wrong (Cụ y ch rng ó lm) 12 It is/was evident to someone + that clause - Cú ngha l i vi ú rừ rng, nht nh l Ex: It was evident to them that someone gave him a hand to finish it (H c nht nh rng ú ó giỳp mt tay hon tt vc ú) 13 What + (S) + V + is/was + (that) + S + V+ - Cú ngha l nhng gỡ ó xy hoc c thc hin l Ex: *What was said was (that) she had to leave (Nhng gỡ c núi l cụ y phi i) *What I want you to is that you take more care of yourself 14 N + Is + what + sth + is all about- ch mc ớch chớnh, hay ch yu ca cỏi gỡ hay no ú mang li Ex: *Entertainment is what football is all about (Búng ỏ ct gii trớ) 15 S + be (just) + what S + V - Nhm nhn mnh hay ý kin hoc s vc m ú cn, quan tõm, hoc mun thc hin Ex: *It was just what I wanted (ú l nhng gỡ tụi mun) *You are what God brings into my life (Em l nhng gỡ chỳa ban cho cuc i anh) 16 V-ing +sth + be +adj-if not impossible- Khi chỳng ta miờu t hnh ng m c hi thnh cụng rt thp Nhng adj ay thng l diffifult, hard, dangerous, adventurous Ex: *Traveling alone into a jungle is adventurous if not impossible (i mt mỡnh vo khu rng l mo him nu khụng núi l khụng th) 17 There + be + no + N + nor + N- ngha l khụng cúv cng khụng cú Ex: There is no food nor water (khụng cú thc n v cng khụng cú nc 18 There isnt/wasnt time to V/be + adj - Ngha l: ó khụng kp/khụng thi gian Ex: *There wasnt time to identify what is was (Khụng kp nhn ú l cỏi gỡ) 19 S+ may + put on a +adj + front but inside + S + adj - Ngha l : b ngoi ú t nh th ny nhng thc cht bờn h cú nhng cm xỳc, trng thỏi ngc li Ex: *You may put on a brave front but inside you are fearful and anxious (B ngoi bn cú v dng cm nhng thc cht bờn bn rt s hói v lo õu) 20 S + see oneself + V-ing - Dựng mu cõu trờn din t ú cú c hi c tn hng hay c thc hin cỏi gỡ Ex: *You can see yourself riding a cable-car in San Francisco (Bn cú c hi c i cỏp treo SanFrancisco) 21 There (not) appear to be + N - Dựng appear = seem to vi ý ngha: dng nh th Ex: *There didnt appear to be anything in the museum (Dng nh khụng cú gỡ bo tng c) ... something(lm gỡ mt bao nhiờu thigian ) e.g.1: It takes me minutes to get to school e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday 8)To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngn... N(t b lm gỡ/ cỏi gỡ ) would like/ want/wish + to something(thớch lm gỡ ) have + (something) to + Verb(cú cỏi gỡ ú lm) It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chớnh m ) Had better + V(infinitive)(nờn... to something(quỏ cho lm gỡ ) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow 2)S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quỏ n ni m ) e.g.1: This box

Ngày đăng: 19/12/2015, 07:03

