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RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) INFLUENTIAL FACTORS TO JOB STRESS OF EMPLOYEES IN REFRIGERATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION (REE) STUDENT’S FULL NAME : HO QUANG MINH STUDENT ID : CGS00018253 INTAKE : MAY 2014 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : DR NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) August, 2015 ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT Advisor’s signature Nguyen The Khai, DBA RESEARCH PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .6 I INTRODUCTION OF REE CORPORATION .6 Overview of the company I.1 Products and brand name .7 I.2 Organization Structure I.3 Business Objectives .9 I.4 REE Corporation commitments to employees and human resource manager .9 II RESEARCH INTRODUCTION 11 II.1 Problem statement 11 II.2 Main construct 11 II.3 Research objective .11 II.3.1 Research questions .12 CHARPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 13 I STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE 13 II DEFINING JOB STRESS .13 III CAUSES OF JOB STRESS 14 IV SOURCES OF JOB STRESS 15 CHARPTER III: RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES .18 I RESEARCH MODEL 18 I.1 Dependent Variables: 18 I.2 Independent Variables: 19 II CONSTRUCTS .19 III RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 19 III.1 Job Overload: .19 Hypothesis 2: Job overload is positively related with job stress .20 III.2 Role Overload: 20 Hypothesis 2: Role overload is positively related with job stress 21 III.3 Perceived Injustice: 21 The Elements of Fairness 21 Hypothesis 3: Perceived Injustice is positively related with job stress 22 III.4 Work-Family conflict: .22 Hypothesis 4: Work-Family Conflict is positively related with job stress .22 CHARPTER IV: RESEARCH METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS 23 I RESEARCH DESIGN 23 II RESEARCH METHODS 23 II.1 Data collection method 23 II.2 Measures 23 HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT II.2.1 Job Overload: 23 II.2.2 Role Overload 25 II.2.3 Perceived Injustice 26 II.2.4 Work-Family Conflict 27 II.2.5 Job Stress Scale: 29 III DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORT 30 III.1 Reliability Analysis 32 III.2 Descriptive Analysis .33 III.3 Correlation among available 33 III.4 Hypothesis Testing 34 CHARPTER V: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 36 I SUMARY OF RESULT: 36 II DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENTDATION 36 III LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 38 IV CONCLUSIONS 38 REFERENCES .40 APPENDIX .46 HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Reliability Statistic of Cronbach’s Alpha 32 Table 2: Descriptive Statistics 33 Table 3: The Pearson’s Correlation 33 Table 4: Model Summary 35 Table 5: Coefficientsa .35 HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT ABSTRACT Work stress is increasingly becoming a serious problem in the workplace Employees in companies frequently trouble, crises and conflicts in the current working environment in offices and factories that require them to deal with The central theme of this research is focused on finding out the underlying causes of the job stress of employees This study used quantitative methods using questionnaire method Some of the procedures adopted for the implementation of rigorous quantitative analysis These organizations can help reduce the overall impact of work stress by developing and implementing preventive measures and interventions to help employees manage and cope with job stress The research is focused on analyzing the relationship between job overload and job stress; role overload and job stress; perceived injustice and job stress; work-family conflict and job stress The theoretical framework of this study by collecting data were tested from 300 employees of REE Corporation and to assess the factors affecting the Job stress in the organization Key words: job stress, job overload, role overload, perceived injustice, work-family conflict HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I would like to introduce a research about “Influential Factors to Job Stress of Employees in REE Corporation (Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation)” I INTRODUCTION OF REE CORPORATION Overview of the company Established since 1977, REE (Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation) today is a diversified business group operating in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering services (M&E); manufacturing, assembling and sales of airconditioner systems; real estate development and management; and strategic investment in the utilities infrastructure sectors As one of the first companies to list its shares on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange, REE is among the 30 largest companies in term of market capitalization (as of 31/12/2014, REE's market capitalization is US$ 354 million) REE is among the most actively traded shares with an average daily volume of 1,297,774 shares in 2014 History 1977-1999: Building foundation and embracing change In 1977, the Company was established on the basis of a state entity which later changed its name into Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Company In 1993, REE was one of the first companies to be equitized, paving the way to enhance the Company’s competitiveness In 1996, the Company introduced its first Reetech products In 1997, REE was the first company to issue convertible bonds to foreign investors 2000-2010: Going public and becoming a diversified business group In 2000, REE became the first company to be listed on Vietnam’s stock market HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT In 2002-2003, the Company structured the manufacturing and mechanical and electrical engineering activities into REE M&E and REE Electric Appliances to grow the businesses stronger In 2008, REE’s E.Town campus came into full operation with a total leasable area of 80,000m2, marking the Company’s entry into real estate development In 2010, REE expanded investments into infrastructure sectors of electricity and water, looking to meet such basic social needs 2011-2015: Progressing toward sustainable growth In 2011, REE continued to expand the office lease space portfolio and increase investment ownership in infrastructure sectors In 2012, the Company issued a convertible bond of 557 billion dong to Platinum Victory Pte Ltd., a 100% owned subsidiary of Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited – a leading Singapore-listed company and a member of the Jardine Matheson group, raising capital for investments in infrastructure sectors and forging a partnership between REE and Jardines to carry out the Company’s business strategy In 2012-2015, REE is focused on achieving a return on equity (ROE) of at least 15% per annum for this period I.1 Products and brand name The Group businesses include: REE M&E, a leading mechanical and electrical engineering contractor in Vietnam; REE Electrical Appliances which manufactures, assembles, and markets air conditioners under the Reetech brand; REE Real Estate, a management services company for lease office properties of REE; REE Land, a real estate developer; and HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT Power and Water Utility Infrastructures with ownership stakes in power utilities and clean water treatment plants I.2 Organization Structure HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT I.3 Business Objectives Vision: To become a holding company that invests in and develops leading businesses in the fields of refrigeration electrical engineering, real estate and utilities infrastructures in Vietnam Mission: For our Shareholders and Investors: Create the highest values for our shareholders, commit to transparency in the appropriate disclosures of the Company’s operations to our shareholders and investors and actively engage in promoting dialogues with our investors For our Customers: Provide our customers with products of high quality, reliability, and durability; listen and strengthen our technical expertise to serve our customers’ demands in the best way possible For our Business Partners: Maintain and develop long-lasting relationships with our business partners on the basis of mutual benefits and the creation of quality products for our society For our Community and Society: REE considers as its corporate social responsibility to have compassion and provide financial supports to our community and society, particularly in the education, well-being and development of our children For our Employees: Recognize the contribution of our employees and create a friendly working environment, encourage and respect independent and creative ideas contributed by our employees for the development of the Company I.4 REE Corporation commitments to employees and human resource manager REE is focused on developing and retaining people across all the businesses they operate in Developing People HO QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT REFERENCES Adams, G A., King, L A., & King, D W (1996) Relationships of job and family involvement, family social support, and work-family conflict with job and life sat-isfaction Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(4) 41 1-420 Allen, T D (2000) Family-supportive work environments: The role of organizational perceptions Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 414– 435 Allen, T D., & Rush, M C (1998) The effects of citizenship behavior on performance judgments: A field study and a laboratory experiment Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 247–260 American Psychology Association: Stress in the Workplace; 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Acad-emy of Management Journal, 38(5), 1288- 1310 Ybema, J.F (2008) Lack of fairness and reward for efforts can lead to burnout and poor job satisfaction TNO Work and Employment, Netherlands http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/ewco/2008/01/NL0801019I.ht m Zikmund, Babin, Carr, Griffin (2013) Business Research Methods, Ninth Edition HO QUANG MINH 45 RESEARCH PROJECT APPENDIX INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF JOB STRESS QUESTIONNAIRE I am Ho Quang Minh I am doing research on stress in the workplace and its influential factors Thank you for taking this survey Your answers for the questionnaire serve as significant inputs to define the correlation between social factors and job stress I highly appreciate your honest information For any inquiries, kindly contact me as below: - Hand phone: 122345567 - E-mail: I JOB OVERLOAD Please rate how often you experience following situations by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box No Question Rarely How often does your job require you to work very fast? How often does your job require you to work very hard? How often does your job leave you with little time to get things done? How often is there a great deal to be done? OccasionSometimes ally Fairly Often Very Often 5 5 Please rate each of following statements based on the extent of quantity by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box No Question How much slowdown in the workload you experience? Hardly any A little Some A lot A great deal HO QUANG MINH 46 RESEARCH PROJECT 10 11 How much workload you have? How much time you have to think and contemplate What quantity of work others expect you to How much time you have to all your work How many projects, assignments or tasks you have? How many lulls between heavy workload periods you have? II 5 5 5 ROLE OVERLOAD Please rate how true each of following situations is for you by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box Definitely true Mostly true Neutral Mostly false Definitely false I don’t have time to finish my job I’m rushed in doing my job I have a lot of free time on my hands No 12 13 14 Question III PERCEIVED INJUSTICE: Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statements by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box No Question Some people at my workplace receive special 15 treatment because they are friendly with supervisors People at my workplace 16 sometimes get credit for doing more than they Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Neutral disagree Disagree Agree agree 5 HO QUANG MINH 47 RESEARCH PROJECT actually People at my workplace sometimes put off 17 finishing tasks so that they not get assigned additional work The work in my department is often more difficult than it needs to 18 be because people in other departments not their jobs the best they could IV 5 WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT (If you live far away from your family, please skip question 1, 4, 7,8) Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statements by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box No 19 Question My work schedule often conflicts with my family life After work, I come home too 20 tired to some of the things I’d like to On the job, I have so much 21 work that it takes away from my other interests My family dislikes how often I 22 am preoccupied with my work while I’m at home Because my work is 23 demanding at times I am irritable at home The demands of my job make 24 it difficult to be relaxed all the time at home Strongly Disagree Neutral disagree Agree Strongly agree 5 5 5 HO QUANG MINH 48 RESEARCH PROJECT My work takes up time that 25 I’d like to spend with my family My job makes it difficult to be 26 the kind of spouse or parent that I’d like to be V 5 JOB STRESS Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statements by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box Time Stress No Question Working here makes it hard 27 to spend enough time with my family I spend so much time at work, 28 I can’t see the forest for the trees Strongly Disagree Neutral disagree Agree Strongly agree 5 29 Working here leaves little time for other activities 30 I frequently get the feeling I am married to the company 31 I have too much work and too little time to it I sometimes dread the telephone ringing at home 32 because the call might be jobrelated I feel like I never have a day off Too many people at my level 34 in the company get burned out by job demands 33 HO QUANG MINH 49 RESEARCH PROJECT Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statements by mark circle (O) in the appropriate box Anxiety No 35 36 37 38 39 Strongly Disagree Neutral disagree Question I have felt fidgety or nervous as a result of my job My job gets to me more than it should There are lots of times when my job drives me right up the wall Sometimes when I think about my job I get a tight feeling in my chest I feel guilty when I take time off from job VI Agree Strongly agree 5 5 BACKGROUND Please tick on the options that apply: Gender: Female Marital Status: Single □ Male □ Married with children □ Experienced (Non-manager) □ Married without children Job level: □ Entry level □ Team leader/Supervisor □ □ Manager □ -THANKS YOU! HO QUANG MINH 50 RESEARCH PROJECT HO QUANG MINH 51 RESEARCH PROJECT HO QUANG MINH 52 RESEARCH PROJECT HO QUANG MINH 53 RESEARCH PROJECT HO QUANG MINH 54 [...]... staff led to the situation that Job stress, which negatively affects the work efficiency of the individual happens stress and affect the stages involved in the process To ensure that the proper implementing incentive measures aimed at improving employee job performance, REE Corporation have a better understanding of factors affecting the Job Stress and how to reduce these effects Concerning this issue,... also filling the job- holder role) is likely to require additional resources on the part of employees, particularly in terms of their time and energy Employees may thus find it rather overwhelming to fulfill their organizational-member role by demonstrating individual initiative—bringing things home to work on, staying at work after normal business hours, working on their days off, attending work-related... SOURCES OF JOB STRESS Rollinson (2005: 270) defines workplace stress as the conditions arising from the interaction of people and their jobs, which are characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning Stressors in the workplace are those conditions that have the potential to result in a person’s experiencing a situation as stressful The degree of stress. .. Lack of job autonomy: The experience of stress is strongly linked to perceptions of decision-making authority and control This may be due to either job constraints or workplace constraints When there is great interdependence between the person’s tasks and the tasks of others, the person is likely to experience stress Work–home interface: The demands of work have the potential to spill over and interfere... mainly seeks to achieve the following objectives: 1 To find out the factors that may impacts on Job stress 2 To identify the factors that may impact on Job Stress 3 To suggest some solutions based on research findings to reduce the Job Stress HO QUANG MINH 11 RESEARCH PROJECT II.3.1 Research questions Based on the discussion above, and to accomplish the objective of this study, these research questions... personally to 450 employees in the Head Office and in the manufacturing, there are 279 questionnaires were returned II.2 Measures To ensure the research is conducted effectively, the detail of the procedures of obtaining information is needed in conducting the study in order to solve the problem The sampling survey method was primarily used to obtain the information need for the purpose of the study... equipment HO QUANG MINH 15 RESEARCH PROJECT Career advancement: This aspect refers to the stress experienced by individuals as a result of a perceived lack of opportunity to further their career prospects within the organization for which they work Job security: Job insecurity is an overall concern of losing one’s job or the discontinuation of one’s job Job insecurity also implies uncertainty about the... motivates people to learn new skills and master their jobs When the challenge is met, there is a feeling of satisfaction that is HO QUANG MINH 13 RESEARCH PROJECT important to healthy and productive work Often people are referring to challenge when they say, “a little bit of stress is good for you.” (The American Institute of Stress) III CAUSES OF JOB STRESS There is general agreement that job stress results... to the organization Lack of leader/manager support: A supportive work setting is necessary to alleviate the effects of stress in the workplace Employees need both tangible and emotional support, including trust and confidence, guidance, recognition, feedback and active interest from the immediate manager Aspects of the job: The fundamental nature of the job could cause stress This includes factors. .. unfairness in other employees today Various forms of accommodation, whether required by law or preferred by management, can sow the seeds of discontent and create rifts between groups of employees all in the name of fairness Everything from work scheduling to bonuses or office space allocation can be seen as unfair by employees when mismanaged The Elements of Fairness When it comes to treating employees ... MINH RESEARCH PROJECT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I would like to introduce a research about Influential Factors to Job Stress of Employees in REE Corporation (Refrigeration Electrical Engineering. .. concern of losing one’s job or the discontinuation of one’s job Job insecurity also implies uncertainty about the future Lack of job autonomy: The experience of stress is strongly linked to perceptions... QUANG MINH RESEARCH PROJECT I.3 Business Objectives Vision: To become a holding company that invests in and develops leading businesses in the fields of refrigeration electrical engineering, real