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VERB Động từ dùng để làm hành động cho chủ từ Để phân biệt loại động từ (kinds of verbs), quan sát sơ đồ đây: Auxiliary verb : (do, have, be) Special verb : Modal verb : (must, can, may, might, could, should …) Verb : Regular verb : (open, close, clean, remember…) Ordinary verb : Irregular verb : (run, write, speak, drive…) Động từ tiếng Anh có hai loại: động từ đặc biệt (special verb) động từ thường (ordinary verb) (1) Động từ đặc biệt gồm có: * Động từ trợ (auxiliary verb) : be (dùng để chia tiếp diễn, thể thụ động), have (dùng để chia hoàn thành), (dùng để chia thể phủ đònh nghi vấn) - He is working hard this month (thì tiếp diễn) - The house was built five years ago (thể thụ động) - He has learned English for two years (thì hoàn thành) - Do you like tea ? (thể nghi vấn) - She does not like coffee (thể phủ đònh) * Động từ khiếm khuyết (modal verb) : cần phải có động theo sau - We must study hard - He can play the piano Đặc điểm chung động từ đặc biệt đổi sang thể phủ đònh ta cần thêm NOT vào sau động từ đổi sang thể nghi vấn ta đưa động từ đầu câu - He is not working hard this month - Is he working hard this month ? - He has not found his book - Have you seen her yet ? - She cannot swim - Should we go there ? (2) Động từ thường gồm có : * Động từ có qui tắc (regular verb) : động từ thành lập khứ đơn (simple past) hay khứ phân từ (past paticiple) ta cần thêm –ED vào sau động từ - I opened the door this morning (simple past )- I have opened the door (past participle) * Động từ bất qui tắc (irregular verb) : động từ có hình thức khứ (xem cột bảng động từ bất qui tắc) khứ phân từ (xem cột 3) riêng to go went gone to write wrote written - He went to the cinema last night (simple past ) - He has gone out (past participle) Động từ thường có chung đặc điểm đổi sang thể phủ đònh nghi vấn ta phải dùng động từ trợ “to do” Ta thêm NOT vào sau động từ trợ thể phủ đònh đưa động từ trợ đầu câu thể nghi vấn - He did not go to the pub last night - Did he go to the cinema last night ? - I not like tea - Do you enjoy classical music ? - She does not know the answer - Does he understand the lesson ? * Động từ “to do” vừa động từ thường vừa động từ trợ - He does his homework (động từ thường) - He does not understand the lesson (động từ trợ) Lesson THE USE OF TENSES Thì biểu thò thời gian trạng thái hành động diễn đạt động từ Có 12 dạng chủ động động từ tiếng Anh Để hiểu hình thái thì, ta nghiên cứu cách chia động từ TO WORK bảng : Present * Simple - I (You / We / They) work - He (She / It) works Past - I (You / He / She / It / We / They) worked Future - I (We) shall work - You (He / She / it / They) will work Continuous - I am working - He (She / It) is working - You (We / They) are working - I (He / She / It) was working - You (We / They) were working - I (We) shall be working - You (He / She / It / They) will be working Perfect - I (You / We / They) have worked - He (She / It) has worked Perfect continuous - I (You / We / They)havebeen working - He ( She / It) has been working - I (You / He / She / - I (You / He / She / It / We / They) had It / We / They) had worked been working - I (We) shall have worked - You (He / She / it / They) will have worked - I (We) shall have been working - You (He / She / It / They) will have been working SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PRESENT VÀ THÌ PRESENT CONTINUOUS Tiếng Anh có hai mà đa số em học sinh hay lẫn lộn cách sử dụng Đó đơn (Simple Present) tiếp diễn (Present Continuous) * Thì Simple Present dùng để hành động diễn thời gian nói chung, không thiết phải thời gian Thời gian nói chung thời gian mà việc diễn ngày ( every day), tuần (every week), tháng (every month), năm (every year), mùa (every spring / summer / autumn / winter)… - He goes to school every day - Mrs Brown travels every summer * Thì Present Continuous dùng để hành động xảy (a current activity) hay việc làm (now/ at present/ at this moment), hôm (today), tuần (this week), năm (this year)… - We are learning English now - Mary is playing the piano at the moment Hãy so sánh : - I work in a bakery every day - I’m working in a bakery this week * CHÚ Ý : (1) + Thì Simple Present thường dùng với động từ tri giác (verbs of perception) : feel, see, hear… động từ trạng thái : know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe… + Ngoài dùng Simple Present với động từ : be, appear, belong, have to… + Thì Simple Present dùng với trạng từ tần suất lập lập lại (adverbs of frequency) : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally, rarely, never… - That child needs care - This book belongs to me - He never comes late + Chúng ta dùng Simple Present để chân lý hay thật hiển nhiên (a general truth) - The sun rises in the east - Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom (2) Thì Present Continuous dùng để hành động tương lai gần (a near future action) thường với trạng từ tương lai : tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next summer… Exercise I : Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous tense 1/ I (have) _ coffee for breakfast every day 2/ My brother (work) _ in a shoe store this summer 3/ The student (look) _ up that new word now 4/ She (go) to school every day 5/ We (do) this exercise at the moment 6/ Miss Helen (read) _ a newspaper now 7/ It (rain) very much in the summer It (rain) _ now 8/ Bad students never (work) hard 9/ He generally (sing) in English, but today he (sing) in Spanish 10/ We seldom (eat) before 6.30 11/ She sometimes (buy) _ vegetables at his market 12/ Be quiet The baby (sleep) 13/ We always (do) _ our exercises carefully 14/ Look A man (run) _ after the train He (want) _ to catch it 15/ It (be) very cold now 16/ John (travel) to England tomorrow 17/ I (need) _ some money for my textbooks 18/ Tom (like) to go to the museums 19/ Mary (love) ice-cream 20/ My mother (cook) some food in the kitchen at present She always (cook) in the mornings 21/ I often (leave) _the city at weekends 22/ The guests (watch) the TV programmes now 23/ I (see) you (wear) _your best clothes 24/ The sun (set) _ in the west 25/ My friend (study) _ English for an hour every night 26/ Listen I (hear) someone knocking at the front door 27/ I (do) _ an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I (think) that I (know) _how to use it now 28/ Honesty (be) the best policy 29/ The earth (goes) round the sun 30/ Two and two (make) four *2 SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ SIMPLE PAST * Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) dùng để khứ không rõ thời điểm liên lạc với * Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để khứ có thời điểm rõ rệt cắt đứt với + CHÚ Ý : (1) Thì Present Perfect thường với từ : up to now, up to the present, so far (cho tới nay), not … yet (vẫn chưa), for, since, ever (đã từng), never, several times (nhiều lần), just (vừa), recently (vừa mới), lately (mới đây) - Have you ever seen a tiger ? - The train has not arrived yet - We have lived here for years - The bell has just rung (2) * Thì Simple Past thường với tiếng thời gian khứ xác đònh : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last summer, ago - We came here a month ago - He went to the cinema yesterday * Thì Simple Past dùng để chuỗi hành động xảy khứ - He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out Exercise II : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense 1/ We (never watch) _that TV programme 2/ We (wacth) _ a good programme on TV last night 3/ He (read) that novel many times before 4/ He (read) that novel again during my last vacation 5/ I (have) a little trouble with my car last week 6/ However, I (have) no trouble with my car since then 7/ I (not see) John for a long time I (see) him weeks ago 8/ The school bell (ring) We must go now 9/ I (meet) Mary last night She (become) a very big girl 10/ He is very thirsty He (not drink) since this morning 11/ It is very hot Summer (come) 12/ They (study) at this school for years now 13/ They (begin) to study at this school years ago 14/ Since when (you know) _ her ? 15/ How long ago (he start) to learn French ? 16/ She (lose) her handbag on the train yesterday morning 17/ My mother (be) in hospital for a long time and she cannot go home yet 18/ His dog (just run) out of the garden 19/ Mr Brown (travel) by air several times in the past 20/ He (travel) _ to Mexico by air last summer *3 SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) dùng để kết tình trạng ( the result of the present state), việc xảy khứ không rõ thời điểm, lập lập lại nhiều lần kéo dài đến + Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để tiếp diễn hành động (the continuity of an action) - I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet - He has been living here since 1975 - We have been working in the garden all morning + Thì Present Perfect Continuous dùng với động từ : lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay… - They have been learning English since 1995 for ages - The chair has been lying in the store window Exercise III : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense 1/ I (try) to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) yet 2/ She (read) _ all the works of Dickens.How many (you read) _ ? 3/ I (wait) here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; you think she (forget) to come ? 4/ Mary (rest) in the garden all day because she (be) ill 5/ Although John (study) at the University for years, he (not get) his degree yet 6/ Jack (go) to Switzerland for a holiday He (never, be) there 7/ We (live) here for the last six months, and (just, decide) to move 8/ That book ( lie) on the table for weeks You (not read) _ it yet ? 9/ He (not be) _ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) since then 10/ He (lose) his books He (look) for them all afternoon, but they (not turn up) _ yet 11/ She (work) _ so hard this week that she (not have) _ time to go to the cinema 12/ Your hair is wet (You swim) for a long time ? 13/ Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive) cars for six years 14/ You look very tired (You work) very hard ? 15/ The phone (ring) for minutes, but I (not answer) it yet Exercise IV : Put the verbs in brackets in the present tenses 1/ I (be) sorry I (forget) that fellow’s name already 2/ Jack (look) forward to his vacation next June 3/ I (have) no trouble with my english lessons up to now 4/ Mr and Mrs Brown (be) _ in New York for months 5/ Michael (work) 38 hours a week 6/ At present, that author (write) _ a novel 7/ George (do) good work in this class so far 8/ The weather( generally, get) hot in July 9/ You must wake her up She (sleep) soundly for 10 hours 10/ Listen! I (think) someone (knock) at the front door 11/ How long (you learn) English? 12/ That student (know) all the new words very well now 13/ Alice (lose) _ her Vienamese-English dictionary 14/ Fred (just, graduate) _ from Oxford University 15/ The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days 16/ That grandfather clock (stand) there for as long as I can remember 17/ That brown briefcase (belong) to Dr.Rice 18/ Jim (work) on his report this year 19/ Robert (wait) for you since noon 20/ That museum (stand) _ here for ceturies 21/ The sun (get) very hot during the afternoon 22/ Tom (buy) _ a new car next week 23/ The boys and girls (go) home after this lesson 24/ Davis (play) football every afternoon 25/ Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in this book * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy khứ - I met him in the street yesterday + Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) dùng để hành động kéo dài khứ tương ứng với hành động khác khứ - I met him while he was crossing the street - She was going home when she saw an accident + Thì Past Continuous diễn tả hành động kéo dài điểm thời gian xác đònh khứ hai hành động liên tiếp song song với - My father was watching TV at o’clock last night - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV Exercise V : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense 1/ He (sit) _ in a bar when I (see) him 2/ When I (go) out, the sun (shine) _ 3/ The light (go) out while I (have) tea 4/ When it (rain) , she(carry) _ an umbrella 5/ We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain 6/ He (teach) English for months when he (live) in Germany and (work) as a journalist 7/ The house (burn) fast, so we (break) the window to get out 8/ He (eat) three sandwiches while you (talk) to him 9/ The servant (drop) two cups while she (wash up) _ last night; neither of them (break) 10/ While I (write) _ a letter, the telephone (ring) _; as he (go) _ to answer it, he (hear) _ a knock on the door; the telephone (still, ring) _while he (walk) _ to the door, but just as he (open) _ it, it (stop) _ * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT + Thì Past Perfect (Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành) dùng để hành động xảy trước hành động khác khứ (past action) - When he had finished his work, he went home - By the time I arrived at the station, the train had gone + Thì Past Perfect diễn tả hành động xảy trước điểm thời gian xác đònh khứ - By 10 o’clock last night, I had gone to bed Exercise VI : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect tense 1/ They (go) home after they (finish) their work 2/ He (do) _ nothing before he (see) _ me 3/ He (thank) me for what I (do) for him 4/ I (be) sorry that I (hurt) him 5/ After they (go) , I (sit) down and (rest) 6/ When I (arrive), the dinner (already, begin) 7/ My friend (not see) me for many years when I (meet) last week 8/ He (learn) English before he (leave) for England 9/ In England, he soon (remember) all he (learn) 10/ They (tell) him they (not meet) him before 11/ He (ask) why we (come) so early 12/ She (say) that she (already, see) _ Dr Rice 13/ By the time Bill (get) there, the meeting (start) 14/ When we (arrive) at our place, we (find) that a burglar (break) in 15/ Almost everybody (leave) _ for home by the time we (arrive) * SO SÁNH THÌ PAST PERFECT VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Past Perfect Continuous (Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động trước hành động khứ khác xảy Hãy so sánh : - She had been studying English before she came here for classes (Hành động had been studying xảy liên tục hành động came for classes xảy ra) - She had studied English before she came for classes (Hành động had studied chấm dứt trước hành động came for classes) Và so sánh : - It had been raining when I got up this morning (Mưa dứt thức dậy.) - It was raining when I got up this morning (Mưa thức dậy.) Exercise VII : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect continuous tense 1/ I (ask) _ him what he (do) 2/ Tom (be) _ tired He (run) for an hour 3/ Although he (go) to the doctor for months, he (not, feel) any better 4/ The telephone (ring) for minutes before it (be) answered 5/ They (tell) me you (live) in London before the war 6/ The poor man (wait) for hours before he (be) brought into the room 7/ By noon that day, we (drive) for hours 8/ The robber who (watch) him running to the tree (sit) _ down under its branches and (begin) to attack him 9/ I (ask) _ her what she (do) _ since she (arrive) in England 10/ She (tell) me that she (study) English literature * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE FUTURE VÀ THÌ FUTURE CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Future (Tương Lai Đơn) diễn tả hành động xảy (có thời gian xác đònh tương lai); Future Continuous (Tương Lai Tiếp Diễn) diễn tả hành động liên tiến điểm thời gian xác đònh tương lai - He will go to the stadium next Sunday - We will / shall have the final test Hãy so sánh : - I will eat breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc sáng mai, bắt đầu dùng bữa điểm tâm.) - I will be eating breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc sáng mai, dùng bữa điểm tâm.) + Trong mệnh đề trạng từ thời gian (adverb clause of time) hay mệnh đề điều kiện (adverb clause of condition), Simple Present dùng để thay cho Simple Future - I shall not go until I see him - If he comes tomorrow, he will it + Chú ý : WILL dùng cho tất Exercise VIII : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present or the simple future tense 1/ We (go) out when the rain (stop) _.2/ I (stay) _ here until he (answer) me 3/ Wait until I (catch) you 4/ I (be) _ ready before you (count) _ ten 5/ John must eat his breakfast before he (go) _ out 6/ Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) _ that letter 7/ He (tell) you when you (get) there 8/ She (not come) until you (be) _ ready 9/ He (tell) _ you when you (ask) _ him 10/ I (come) _ and (see) _you before I (leave) _ for England * SO SÁNH THÌ FUTURE PERFECT VÀ THÌ FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Future Perfect (Tương Lai Hoàn Thành) dùng để hành động hoàn thành trước hành động khác tương lai hay điểm thời gian tương lai - The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing.- By next Christmas, he will have lived in Dalat for years + Để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động, dùng Future Perfect Continuous (Tương Lai Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) - By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling through Russia - By next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years Exercise IX : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, present perfect or future perfect tense 1/ I’ll wait until he (write) his next novel 2/ When you (come) _ back, he (already buy) a new house 3/ Don’t come until I (finish) _ lunch 4/ I (hope) _ it (stop) raining by o’clock this afternoon 5/ The river (not begin) _ to rise until some rain (fall) 6/ I (stay) here until you (finish) _ your work 7/ By next month, I (leave) _ for India 8/ He (finish) _ his work before you (leave) 9/ Before you (go) , they (leave) the country 10/ The meeting (finish) _ by the time we (get) _ there Exercise X : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, future continuous or future perfect tense 1/ We (send) you a telegram as soon as we (arrive) _ in London 2/ When George (come) this afternoon, he (bring) his friends 3/ I (speak) _ to you about that matter after the meeting tonight 4/ By the time you (receive) this letter, we (cross) the Atlantic Ocean 5/ By this time next week, you (meet) my boyfriend, Ali 6/ I (wait) for you right here when you (come) out of the building 7/ She (wait) for you at o’clock this afternoon 8/ I (give) it back as soon as he (want) it 9/ I (not move) from here until you (get) back 10/ They (not come) home until they (see) everything Exercise XI : Supply the correct tense 1/ They (just decide) that they (undertake) _ the job 2/ We (go) _ to the theatre last night 3/ He usually (write) in green ink 4/ She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night 5/ We (do) an English exercise at the moment 6/ She (just come) in and (see) you in minutes 7/ I (come) as soon as my work is finished (You be) ready ? 8/ Where (you go) for your holiday last year ? 9/ I (not leave) _ Paris since we (go) _ to Dieppe three years ago 10/ My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend 11/ We (meet) only yesterday and (already decide) to get married 12/ I (never see) snow 13/ Violets (bloom) in spring 14/ We (not live) _ in England for the last two months 15/ I (lose) _ my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see) _ them 16/ He (not arrive) when I (write) my last letter to you 17/ Whenever you (go) _ to town nowadays, you (spend) _ a lot of money 18/ I (never forget) what you (just tell) me 19/ They (prepare) the Christmas dinner today 20/ When I last (stay) in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) _ the day before 21/ I (finish) _ the book before my next birthday 22/ “Hello! (You make) a cake ? 23/ He (walk) very quickly when I (meet) him yesterday 24/ We (meet) you tomorrow after you (finish) your work 25/ Yesterday I (buy) a new watch as my old one (be) stolen Exercise XII : Supply the correct tense 1/ He said he (be) sorry he (give) me so much trouble 2/ I am sorry that I (not know) you (leave) _ your pipe when you (come) to see me last Thursday 3/ He (be) so good to me when I was a boy that to this day I (not forget) his kindness, and I hope that I (never forget) 4/ He (sleep) and (not understand) what you (say) to him He (wake) _ if you (speak) _ louder 5/ Some animals (not eat) _ during the winter and only (come) out in spring 6/ After leaving school he (study) _ French in Paris for two years and then (move) _ to America, where he now (live) He (visit) England once or twice and (know) English well; but (not have) _ yet the opportunity of visiting European countries 7/ I (know) him for a very long time 8/ When my friend Tom grows a beard, even his closest friends (not recognize) him 9/ When I (meet) him in the street, he (go) to the pictures 10/ I (study) _ English for six years now 11/ I expect he (leave) for France as soon as he (get) a visa 12/ He (visit) his friend yesterday and (find) _ that he (be) out 13/ They (sell) _ all the dresses before we (get) there 14/ After she (work) at the hospital for two years, she (decide) to give up the job 15/ He will come at once because I (tell) him by phone that you (need) him urgently I’m sure he (find) his way easily although he (never visit) this house before 16/ By the time you get back, I (finish) _ all my correspondence and then I (can help) you with yours 17/ In a few minutes’ time, when the clock (strike) six, I (wait) here for an hour 18/ He (know) her a long time before he finally (get) _ married to her 19/ I hope it (not rain) when the bride (leave) the church 20/ I (tell) a lie if I said that I (like) you 21/ They (intend) _ to go there next week; but now they (find) _ they (not have) enough money 22/ When he grew old he often (think) of all the things he (do) _ when he (be) young 23/ When we (go) _ to see them last night, they (play) cards; they (say) they (play) since six o’clock 24/ This is the second time you (break) a cup; you (break) one yesterday My last servant (never break) anything, and you (break) _ nearly half the things in the house 25/ I always (tell) _ you to comb your hair, but you never (do) _ what I (say) _ EXERCISE XIII : Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets 1/ Mrs Reed (turn) _ on the radio in her car while she (drive) _ home yesterday She (listen) _ to some music when she suddenly (hear) _ a siren She (look) in her mirror and (see) _ an ambulance behind her She immediately (pull) her car to the side of the road and (wait) _ for the ambulance (pass) _ 2/ My mother (call) _ me around o’clock My husband (come) _ home a little after that When he (come) home, I (talk) _ to my mother on the phone 3/ Next month I (have) _ a week’s vacation I (plan) to take a trip First I (go) _ to Madison, Wisconsin to visit my brother After I (leave) _ Madion, I (go) Chicago to see a friend who (study) _ at a university there She (live) in Chicago for three years, so she (know) _ her way around the city She (promise) _ to take me to many interesting places I (never, be) _ in Chicago, so I (look) _ forward to going there 4/ Yesterday John (eat) breakfast at 8:00 He (already, eat) _ breakfast when he (leave) for class at 8:45 He (always, eat) _ breakfast before he (go) _ to class I (usually, not eat) _ breakfast before I (go) _ to class But I (usually, get) _ hungry about midmorning Tomorrow before I (go) _ to class, I (eat) _ breakfast 5/ Last year, I (go) mountain climbing for the first time It was exciting and terrifying at the same time We (move) _slowly and carefully, and it (take) _ three days to get to the top When we climbed onto the summit, we (find) _ another group of climbers They (arrive) _ several hours ahead of us They (have) _ dinner and listening to Beethoven We (laugh) and they (invite) _ us to join them The climb (be) _, to say the least, an unforgettable experience 6/ The weather (be) _ terrible lately It (rain) _ off and on for two days, and the temperature (drop) _ at least twenty degrees It (be) _ in the low 40s right now Just three days ago, the sun (shine) _ and the weather was pleasant The weather certainly (change) _ quickly here I never know what to expect Who knows ? When I (wake) _ up tomorrow morning, maybe it (snow) _ 7/ A taxi driver (drive) along a street when he suddenly (black out) _ and lost control of his vehicle The taxi (plunge) _ into a nearby river A hawker, who (see) the accident, rushed from his coffee stall and (dive) _ into the water He (have) _ to swim twenty five metres before he could get to the taxi The taxi driver (try) to wind down the window The hawker reached into the taxi for the safety-belt After he (release) the safety-belt, he pulled the driver out through the partially open window At the hospital, the driver (say) that the black out might (cause) by his high blood pressure condition 8/ Marie Curie, the Polish-born chemist, was a courageous and determined woman She (leave) _ her home for Paris to pursue her interest in science Living in poverty, she still (manage) _ to graduate at the top of her class She (meet) _ Pierre Curie shortly after graduation and (marry) _ him a year later Together, Pierre and Marie (form) _ the most famous husband-and-wife partnership in science history They (discover) _ the radioactive elements, Polonium and Radium They (award) _ the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 Lesson CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN (Conditional Sentence) Một câu điều kiện có hai mệnh đề : mệnh đề điều kiện (tức mệnh đề phụ) gọi mệnh đề có if (If-clause) mệnh đề kết gọi mệnh đề (main clause) - If he works harder, he will succeed in his examination (if-clause) (main clause) Chúng ta đặt mệnh đề đầu câu : - He will succeed in his examination if he works harder Trong tiếng Anh có loại câu điều kiện : * Type I : ĐIỀU KIỆN CÓ THỂ XẢY RA ĐƯC (probable condition) 1/ Ý nghóa : Loại điều kiện dùng để diễn tả việc xảy xảy tương lai; có nhiều hy vọng xảy 2/ Thì động từ : If- clause Main clause Simple present Simple future (shall / will + verb) - If the rain stops, we shall go for a walk - He will come if you call him * Ngoài dùng khiếm khuyết động từ : CAN, MUST, MAY … để thay cho shall will mệnh đề - If you ask me, I can help you - You must study harder if you want to pass the coming exam * Mệnh đề mệnh lệnh thỉnh cầu : - Come to me if you need help - If you have time, perfect your English * Tpe II : ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở HIỆN TẠI (Present- unreal Con) 1/ Ý nghóa : Loại điều kiện diễn tả điều kiện khó xảy hay việc không thực tương lai 2/ Thì động từ : If-clause Main clause Past Subjunctive Present Conditional ( Should / would + verb) (Quá khứ giả đònh) - If I had a lot of free time, I would go swimming.(= I haven’t got free time, so I won’t go swimming) - If Tom were here, he would know the answer (= Tom isn’t here, so he doesn’t know the answer.) - I would call him if I knew his number (= I don’t know his number, so I won’t call him) * Quá khứ giả đònh hình thức khứ đơn động từ ngoại trừ động từ “to be” có hình thức WERE cho tất * COULD, MIGHT… dùng để thay cho should hay would - If John worked hard, he could pass his exam * Type III : ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở QUÁ KHỨ (Past-unreal Condition) 1/ Ý nghóa : Loại điều kiện dùng để diễn tả điều kiện hoàn toàn không thực không xảy khứ 2/ Thì động từ : If-clause Main clause Perfect Conditional Past perfect (Should/ would have + past participle) - If he had had a lot of money, he would have bought a bigger house - I would have taken you to the movie if you had come to see me yesterday * “If” lược bỏ có đảo ngữ (thường dùng hình thức nhấn mạnh) - Were I rich, I would help you (= If I were rich, I would help you.) - Had he known the truth, he would have been very angry (= If he had known the truth, he would have been very angry) * Ngoài liên từ “if” ra, câu điều kiện bắt đầu liên từ khác : suppose, supposing that (giả sử như), on the condition that (với điều kiện là), as long as, so long as, provided that (miễn là), in case (trong trường hợp) , even if ( cho là) - As long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with pleasure * Hai tiếng có nghóa phủ đònh : unless (trừ phi), but for (nếu không) - He won’t come unless you call him (= He won’t come if you don’t call him.) - But for the storm, he would have arrived much earlier EXERCISE I : Rewrite the sentences , using conditional clauses 1/ I (do) if I (have) time - I will it if I have time (type 1) - I would it if I had time (type 2) - I would have done it if I had had time (type 3) 2/ If she (not try), she (not succeed) - - - 3/ If I (see) her, I (tell) her - - - 4/ (You do) it if I (ask) you ? - - - 5/ If I (be) ill, I (stay) at home - - - 6/ What (you do) if the bus (not come) - - - 7/ I (be) sorry if she (leave) - - - 8/ I (not stay) in this job if I (can find) another one - - - 9/ They (get) wet if it (rain) - - - 10/ It (not bite) you unless you (move) - - - 11/ We (go) out unless it (stop) snowing - - - EXERCISE II: Put the verbs in brackets in correct tenses 1/ If I (have) a typewriter, I could type it myself 2/ If I had known that you were in hospital , I (visit) you 3/ You could make much progress if you (attend) class regularly 4/ If I (know) his telephone number, I would give it to you 5/ If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat 6/ If he (study) harder, he can pass an exam 7/ She may be late if she (not hurry) 8/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) him 9/ If you (speak) more slowly,he might have understood you 10/ What (you do) if you got fat ? Exercise III : Supply the correct verb tense 1/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _ good to you 2/ He (come) _ if you waited 3/ If you (ring) _ the bell, the servant would come 4/ If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) _ him 5/ If it (not, rain) _ a lot, the rice crop wouln’t grow 6/ If today (be) _ Sunday, we wouldn’t have to work 7/ If she had had your address, she (write) _ to you 8/ We lost the match If you (play) _ for us, we (win) _ 9/ So long as you return the book by Saturday, I (lend) _ it to you with pleasure 10/ They would not be paid unless they (do) _ their work well 11/ Provided he (not, be) _ interrupted, he can finish the work on time 10/ It was an excellent show We all enjoyed it EXERCISE E : Combine into a sentence using “so that” : 1/ The boys stood on the beach They wanted to get a better view - The boys stood on the beach so that they could get a better view 2/ We lowered the volume of the radio We didn’t want to bother our neighbours 3/ I will write to you I want you to know my decision soon 4/ These men were whispering They didn’t want anyboby to hear their conversation 5/ The lecturer spoke loudly He wanted eveyone to hear him clearly 6/ John gets up early He doesn’t want to be late for class 7/ Mary hid the novel under the pillow She didn’t want her father to see it 8/ They did their jobs well They hoped the boss would increase their salary 9/ You should walk slowly Your sister can follow you 10/ He hurried to the station He didn’t want to miss the train EXERCISE F : Rewrite the sentences using “enough” instead of “ too…to” : 1/ He is too old to wear this coloured shirt - He is not young enough to wear this coloured shirt 2/ She is too weak to carry this box 3/ This pen is too expensive for me to buy 4/ Bill was too stupid to understand what I had said 5/ This bag is too heavy for her to carry 6/ The test was too difficult for them to 7/ I’m too poor to help you with the money 8/ This book is too dull to read 9/ The room is too dark for us to study 10/ The shelf is too high for her to reach EXERCISE G : Rewrite the sentences using “It takes / took…” : 1/ I go to school by bicycle in ten minutes - It takes me ten minutes to go to school by bicycle 2/ He did that exercise in an hour 3/ I need fifteen minutes to get to the post office 4/ He spent the whole morning writing the composition 5/ We needed two days to paint the house 6/ He will need three hours to this work 7/ He spends one hour reading newspapers 8/ They finished their work in three days 9/ Jane will need a lot of time to complete this report 10/ We spent a day cleaning the house EXERCISE H : Rewrite the sentences using the causative form : 1/ The Smiths are going to build a new house - The Smiths are going to have a new house built 2/ Please tell someone to take my luggage to the station 3/ We must find someone to add an extra room to the house 4/ Order the porter to carry these boxes up to my room 5/ She has just asked the dressmaker to make a new dress for her daughter 6/ I paid a man to sharpen these knives and scissors yesterday 7/ My mother is going to pay a doctor to test her eyesight 8/ Did you order the boys to plant some trees in the garden? 9/ Bob doesn’t pay anyone to cook his meals He cooks them hinself 10/ He will ask someone to mend his shoes EXERCISE I : Rewrite the sentences using “It + be + adj + to inf” : 1/ Learning English is not easy - It is not easy to learn English 2/ Knowing a foreign language is necessary 3/ Swimming in the river is dangerous 4/ Doing that exercise is not hard for us 5/ Seeing you again is very nice 6/ Practising morning exercise is good 7/ Finding out the answer to that question is not easy 8/ Telling her the news now is unwise 9/ Working in that room was pleasant 10/ Thinking of what will happen is horrible EXERCISE J.1 : Use the proper form of adjectives (or adverbs) in parenthese Mary is (pretty) _ as her sister A new house is (expensive) _than an old one His job is (important) _than mine Of the four ties, I like the red one (well) _ Nobody is (happy) _ than Miss Snow Today English is the (international) _ of languages John is much (strong) _ than I thought Benches are (comfortable) _ than arm - chairs Bill is (good) _ than you thought 10 Mr Bush is the (delightful) _ person I have ever known 11 Disk is the (careful) _ of the two workers 12 Sam’s conduct is (bad) _ than Paul’s 13 Thanks to the progress of science, human life is (good) _ and (good) _ 14 Bill is (lazy) _ and (lazy) _ 15 The teacher speaks English (fluently) _ than we 16 These boys are (ill - prepared) _ for employment than my children 17 The competition makes the price of goods (cheap) _ and (cheap) _ 18 Charles is (hard working) _ than Tom 19 Is this book (interesting) _ than the one you read last week ? 20 Of the two boys, Harry is the (ill - bred) _ EXERCISE J.2 : Complete the sentences using a comparative form It’s too noisy here Can we go somewhere ? This coffee is very weak I like it a bit ? The hotel was surprisingly big I expected it to be _ The weather is too cold in this country I expected it to be My job is a bit boring, sometimes I’d like to something It was surprised how easy it was to use the computer I though it would be Your work isn’t very good I’m sure you can _ Don’t worry The situation isn’t so bad It could be _ You’re talking very loudly Can you speak a bit ?10 You hardly ever phone me Why don’t you phone me ? EXERCISE J.3 : Complete the sentences Each time use the comparative form of one of the words in the list Use “than” where necessary big crowded early high important easily peaceful reliable serious thin I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed usual You look Have you lost weight ? I want a flat We don’t have enough space here Health and happiness are money There were a lot of people on the bus It was usual I like living in the countryside It’s living in a town You’ll find your way around the town if you have a good map In some parts of the country, prices are in others I’d like to have a car The one I’ve got keeps breaking down 10 Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first EXERCISE J.4 : Read the situation and complete the sentences Use a comparative form Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees Today it’s only six degrees It’s - The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.→ It takes Chris and Joe both did badly in the exam Chris got 20% but Joe only got 15% → Joe did - I expected my friends to arrive at about o’clock In fact they arrived at 2.30.→ My friends - _ We were very busy at work today We’re not usually as busy as that → We EXERCISE J.5 : Complete the sentences using the structure “er and er” or “more and more” It’s become to find a job (hard) That hole your pullover is getting (big) As I waited for my interview, I became (nervous) As the day went on, the weather got (bad) As the conversation went on, he became (talkative) EXERCISE J.6 : Complete the sentences with “than” or “as” I can’t reach as high as you You’re taller He doesn’t know much I know more We were very surprised Nobody was more She’s not a very good player I’m a better They’ve been very lucky I wish we were LESSON 10 CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TỪ (WORD FORMATION) [A] : CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ ĐƠN Noun + (Formation of simple adjectives) Adjectives suffix -ful Harmful, useful, successful, hopeful, helpful, peaceful… -less Childless, odourless, careless, hopeless, harmless, useless… -ly Manly, worldly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly,friendly… -like Childlike, godlike, lifelike, ladylike, manlike… -y Healthy, dirty, dusty, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sandy… -ish Childish, boyish, girlish, mannish, selfish… -al Natural, national, industrial, agricultural, cultural, magical… -ous Dangerous, courageous, poisonous, mountainous… -ic Artistic, electric, electronic, alcoholic, economic… -able Respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable… [B] : CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ KÉP (formation of compound adjectives) Formula Công thức) Adjectives Adj + adj Red hot, dark blue, light green… Adj + present part Sweet-smelling, ill-dressing, good-looking… Adj + past part Ready-made, soft-spoken, long-lived, white-painted… Adj + noun-ED Left-handed, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, mild-mannered… Noun + adj Homesick, seasick, lovesick, worldwide,nationwide,snow-white Noun + present part House-keeping, heart-breaking, hair-raising, breath-taking… Noun + past part Home-made, man-made, hand-made, sun-burnt… Noun + noun-ED Lion-hearted, coffee-coloured, heart-shaped… Adv + present part Hard-working, ever-lasting, well-being… Adv + past part Well-prepared, well-known, newly-married, dearly-loved… [C] : CÁCH THÀNH LẬP DANH TỪ (Formation of simple nouns) Formula Nouns Verb+ER/ OR / ANT Teacher, manager, driver, actor, director, attendant, assistant… Verb + ION / TION Action, invention, construction, direction, revolution, decision… Verb + MENT / AL Development, appointment, refusal, removal, approval… Verb + ING Swimming, teaching, jogging, training, building… Adj + NESS Kindness, goodness, happiness, sadness, darkness, ilness… Adj + TY Safety, loyalty, cruelty, variety, ability, honesty… Adj + TH Length, depth, width, truth, warmth, strength… Adj + DOM Freedom, wisdom, boredom… Noun + IST / IAN Guitarist, novelist, violinist, musician, physician, historian… Noun + ISM Patriotism, capitalism, socialism, heroism… Noun + SHIP Friendship, leadership, scholarship, comradeship… Noun + HOOD Childhood, brotherhood, neighbourhood, parenthood… [D]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP DANH TỪ KÉP (formation of compound nouns) Formula Compound nouns Noun + noun Alarm-clock, church bell, coffee cup, newspaper, post card… Adj + noun Grandfather, blackboard, high school, redhead, yellow fever… Adv / prep + noun Overcoat, overtime, overman, undergrowth… Gerund + noun Dining room, dressing table, swimming pool, driving licence… Noun + gerund Weight-lifting, lorry driving, fruit picking Noun + verb-ER / OR Bus-driver, holiday maker, dressmaker, film director… [E]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP ĐỘNG TỪ Formula Verbs DIS + verb Dislike, disagree,discharge, disinvest, dislocate… Mis + verb Misunderstand, misread, mislead… Out + verb Outrun, outnumber, outweigh, outlive… Over + verb Overact, overpay, overheat, overturn, overchange… Re + verb Rewrite, reread, retell, recall… Under + verb Undercharge, underdevelop, underdo, underline, undersign… Adj + EN Weaken, sharpen, tighten, loosen, shorten, foften… EN + Adj / Noun enrich, enable, enlarge, encourage, endanger… Noun / Adj + ISE / IZE Sympathise, economise, socialize, memorize, industrialize… Fill in the blanks with correct form of the word provided Film makers always try to show viewers the different life styles and interesting aspects of many countries in the world (culture) Women nowadays have more to participate in social activities (Free) “Hoang Le Nhat Thong Chi” is a novel (history) He has a for English novels (prefer) SAI GON GIAI PHONG is published seven days a week It is a newspaper (day) If you burn the garbage, it will give off odour (poison) Some children have to suffer from life time (abnormal) He is active in spite of his old age (wonder) The company is very efficient and gives a service (speed) 10 When did come to the village ? (electric) 11 She has a very busy life (society) 12 The plane arrived after a violent storm (safe) 13 Their study is getting on (satisfy) 14 This company offered a lot of jobs (attract) 15 These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you They are (harm) 16 He was right when he said that the man was guilty (reason) 17 She looks beautiful (surpise) 18 They were when they read the result (disappoint) 19 He has no of leaving the city (intend) 20 I feel in this book (interest) 21 John’s improved at his new school (behave) 21 I’ll give you further (explain) 22 This is a of a previous talk (repeat) 23 Much work requires a good knowledge of mathematics (science) 24 Movies have dress fashions (broad) 25 Our grandmother didn’t work outside the home when she was young She only did her task (tradition) 26 His to retire surprised us all (decide) 27 You should be _ to tell them exactly what you think (decide) 28 Many people find it to advertise (waste) 29 The guests were welcomed (cordial) 30 He looks thin, but he is very healthy, (actual) 31 This man led a happy life (complete) 32 He did some old jobs at home (disappoint) 33 The new job him (disappoint) 34 Nitric oxide is harmful It acts as a poison, which may cause death or injury if taken into the body (high) 35 He was in his job (succeed) 36 The house was with people (crowd) 37 He is unhappy because of his (deaf) 38 The government wants to this training centre (military) 39 We found out the about him (true) 40 I am grateful to you for your help (true) 41 I don’t think the food is very good, but it is (tolerate) 42 They’ve got a result (satisfy) 43 Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in form (nature) 44 Children are to overcome problems (determine) 45 They got the of being successful in life (satisfy) 46 He is young man with great (expect) 47 I like your new machine (calculate) 48 May I borrow your ? (calculate) 49 The industrial will lead to the country’s prosperity (develop) 50 We must make for our old age saving money (provide) 51 I’m sorry for the delay (extreme) 52 It’s kind of you (awful) 53 The doctor told me to in slowly (breath) 54 It is often useful make a between two things (compare) 55 She has been worn down by and illness (poor) 56 Our pupils are raising money for the (poor) 57 This is the greatest scientific of the decade (achieve) 58 Mary was with long and difficult exercises (bore) 59 I enjoy the football match It was quite (excite) 60 He has great in God (believe) 61 Violence is not the best to an argument (solve) 62 Not long ago, I was introduced to famous (art) 63 The of his wife was a great blow to him (lose) 64 Toys are necessary for the mental of children (grow) 65 It is to have short hair nowadays (fashion) 66 The planets of our system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiters, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (sun) 67 Your rice field is more than ours (produce) 68 An man has stolen all our money (know) 69 In some places, the weather changes so quickly that it’s very (predict) 70 They all passed their exams without the slightest (difficult) LESSON 11 SỰ HÒA HP GIỮA CHỦ TỪ & ĐỘNG TỪ (THE AGREEMENT OF A VERB WITH ITS SUBJECT) Theo luật chung động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ no ù- tức – chủ từ số động từ theo sau số ngược lại chủ từ số nhiều theo sau động số nhiều Tuy mhiên, ta ý 10 luật đặc biệt sau: [1] : Hai hay nhiều chủ từ số nối liên từ AND đòi hỏi động số nhiều - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly - Tom and Mary were late yesterday Tuy nhiên, hai chử từ diễn tả người, vật hay ý tưởng chung động từ số - Bread and butter is my daily breakfast life - To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in [2] : Hai chủ từ nối với AND mà trước chủ từ đầù có EACH, EVERY, MANY A, NO động từ phải số - Each boy and girl has a textbook - No teacher and student is present [3] : Khi hai chủ từ nối OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR… động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ gần - He or you are the best student in this class - Neither Jack nor I am willing to that [4] : Khi hai chủ từ đượ nối AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ thứ - John, as well as you, is responsible for this act - Tom, with his friends, is in the car [5] : Một danh từ tập hợp (collective noun) cần động từ số nhiều ta ngụ ý nói tới cá nhân tạo nên tập hợp ấy; động từ số ta ngụ ý nói chung, coi tập hợp đơn vò - The family of this dead soldier is noble - The family go to the movies every Sunday morning [6] : Khi chủ từ danh từ có hình thức số nhiều nghóa lại số động từ chia số - No news is good news - Physics is more difficult than chemistry Các danh từ thường gặp : news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics, phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines… [7] : Khi chủ từ danh từ trọng lượng, đo lường, giá hay giá tiền coi số ít, động từ theo sau số - Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money - Five hundred miles is a long distance [8] : Khi chủ từ đại từ bất đònh : everyone, something, nobody…thì động từ theo sau phải số - Nobody has opened the door - Is everyone present ? [9] : Trong câu bắt đầu THERE động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ theo sau - There stands a pagoda facing the little lake - There were a lot of people at the meeting [10] : Động từ có chủ từ đại từ quan hệ phải hòa hợp số với tiền vò từ đại từ - He works for the factory which makes cars - The man who is living near my house teaches us English EXERCISE I : Choose the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences John along with twenty friends, (is / are) planning a party The picture of the soldiers (bring / brings) back many memories The quality of these recordings (is / are) not very good If the duties of these officers (isn’t / aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project Neither Bill nor Mary (is / are) going to the play tonight Anything (is / are) better than going to another movie tonight A number of reporters (was / were) at the conference yesterday There (was / were) some people at the meeting last night Each student (has / have) answered the first three questions 10 Either John or his wife (make / makes) breakfast each morning 11 The army (has / have) eliminated this section of the training test 12 The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is / are) appalling 13 Every elementary school teacher (has / have) to take this examination 14 The police (come / comes) to the site of the accident 15 These pictures, as well as photograph (brighten / brightens) the room 16 What he told you (seem / seems) to be of on importance 17 Tow years (is / are) a long time to wait 18 Bread and butter (is / are) what she asks for 19 Measles (is / are) cured without much difficulty nowadays 20 After a long day’s work (is / are) not the right time to dancing EXERCISE II : Either or Neither nor does” Insert “is, am, are, was, were, has, have, or That clown shows that either snow or rain about to fall Neither the cock nor the hens in the ward By what time either you or your father decided to go ? Either one or tow apples been picked up ripe Neither the moon nor stars visible in this dark night To what place either the man or his son wish to go ? Neither the master nor his pupils idle Neither he nor you heard of this before No girl or boy allowed to play in the school 10 Neither the man nor his wife much work EXERCISE III : As well as Insert “is, am, are, was, were, has, have, or does” This house as well as that for sale, which will you have ? The horse as well as the rider hurt by the fall James as well as Mary won a prize this term Beauty as well as health fallen to her lot in life I myself as well as James gone to the party The cock as well as the hens calling for food A garden as well as stables attached to the house A garden as well as a stable attached to the house The hens as well as the cock calling for food 10 Stables as well as a garden attached to the house LESSON 12 PREPOSITIONS Giới từ (preposition) từ dùng để nối danh từ (noun) đại từ (pronoun) với thành phần khác câu - He goes to school every day - I usually get up at six o’clock - He’s been waiting for her since early morning [A] : Một số giới từ thời gian thông dụng (Some common prepositions of time) * AT : Ta dùng at với điểm thời gian (times) at o’clock at 11.45 at midnight at noon at lunchtime - Tom usually leaves work at o’clock Ta dùng at thành ngữ sau: At night - I don’t like going out at night At the weekend / at weekends - Will you be here at the weekend? At Christmas / at Easter - We give each other presents at Christmas At the moment / at present - Mr Benn is busy at the moment At the same time - Ann and I arrived at the same time At the age of… - Tom left school at the age of 16 / at 16 * ON : Ta dùng on với ngày tuần (days) ngày tháng (dates) on March 12th on Friday on Christmas Day - They got married on March 12th Ta nói : on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Saturday night(s) on the morning of the fifth … - I usually go out on Sunday evenings * IN : Ta dùng in với khoảng thời gian dài : tháng (months), năm (years), mùa (seasons): in April in 1968 in (the) winter in the 18th century in the 1970s in the Middle Ages Ta nói : in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s) - I’ll see you in the morning.(nhưng I’ll see you on Friday morning.) Ta không dùng at / on / in trước last next: - I’ll see you next Friday - They got married last March Nếu sau in khoảng thời gian thời gian tương lai: - The train will leave in a few minutes (= a few minutes from now) - Jack’s gone away He’ll be back in a week (= a week from now.) - They are getting married in six months [B]: Một vài giới từ vò trí thông dụng (Some common prepositions of position) * AT : Ta dùng at ta muốn nói có mặt kiện xảy (someone is at an event) : at a party at a meeting at a conference at a concert at a football match at a cinema - Were there many people at the party? - I saw Jack at the football match on Saturday Chúng ta nói : at home at university at the seaside in bed on a farm at work at a station at sea (on a voyage) in hospital at school at an airport in prison - Julia is studying medicine at university - Tom’s father is in hospital - Have you ever worked on a farm? * IN : Ta dùng in với thành phố (cities) làng mạc (villages) - His parents live in London - He was born in a small village near Manchester Ta thường nói : in a room in a building in the water in a row /in a line in a garden in a park in the sea in a queue in a town in a country in a river in an armchair in a picture in a photogragh in a mirror in the sky in your hand in a newspaper in your hand in the mountain - “Who is that woman in that photogragh ?” - It was a lovely day There wasn’t a cloud in the sky - Don’t sit in that armchair It’s broken.(nhưng Don’t sit on that chair.) at the top at the end of the street at the back at the bus stop at the bottom at the corner of the street at the front at the door - Who is that man standing at the door ? - Write your name at the top of the page - Jack’s house is a white one at the end of the street - There’s a telephone box at / on the corner of the street Nhưng :- The television is in the corner of the room on the ceiling on the wall on the floor on a page on a board on a shelf on a chair on your nose on the left on the right on the ground on the beach on an island on the coast on a road on the way - In Britain we drive on the left.(…on the left-hand side.) - Our flat is on the second floor of the building - Tom spent his holiday on a small island off the coast of Scotland [C] : Giới từ theo sau tính từ : (Prepositions following Adjectives.) Có số tính từ mà theo sau chúng buộc phải có giới từ đònh (theo cấu trúc Adjective + preposition) Hãy học thuộc lòng nhóm tính từ : * nice / kind / good / generous / mean / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / (im)polite / rude / unreasonable OF someone (to something) : - Thank you It was very kind of you to help me - It’s stupid of her to go out without a coat She’ll catch cold Nhưng : (to be) nice / kind / good / generous / mean/ (im)polite / rude/ (un)pleasant / (un)friendly / cruel TO someone : - She’s always been very nice to me - Why were you so rude to Ann? * angry / annoyed / furious ABOUT something angry / annoyed / furious WITH someone FOR doing something - What are you so angry about ? - They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party * delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something : - I was pleased with the present you gave me - Were you disappointed with your examination results? * bored / fed up WITH something : - You get bored with doing the same thing every day * surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something - Everybody was very surprised at the news * excited / worried / upset ABOUT something : - Are you excited about going on holiday next week ? - Ann is upset about not being invited to the party * afraid / frightened / terrified / scared OF someone / something : - “Are you afraid of dogs ?” – “Yes, I’m terrified of them.” * proud / ashamed OF someone / something : - I’m not ashamed of what I did In fact I’m quite proud of it.” * jealous / envious / suspicious OF someone / something : - Why are you always jealous of other paople? - He didn’t trust me He was suspicious of my intentions * aware / conscious OF something : - “Did you know they were married ?” – “No, I wasn’t aware of that.” * good / bad / excellent / brilliant / hopeless AT (doing) something : - I’m good at repairing things * married / engaged TO someone : - Linda is married to an American * sorry ABOUT something : - I’m sorry about the noise last night We were having a party Nhưng : sorry FOR doing something : - I’m sorry for shouting at you yesterday Nhưng cách nói dùng thường : I’m sorry I … - I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday * (feel / be) sorry FOR someone : - I feel sorry for George He’s got no friends and no money * impressed BY / WITH something : - I wasn’t very impressed by the film * famous FOR something : - Florence is famous for its art treasures * responsible (TO someone) FOR something : - Who was responsible for all that noise last night ? teaching * different FROM (or TO) someone / something : - The film was quite different from what I expected - I’ll be responsible to the principal for my * interested IN something : - Are you interested in art and architecture? * capable / incapable OF something : - I’m sure you are capable of passing the examination * fond OF someone / something : - Mary is very fond of animals She has three cats and two dogs * full OF something : - The letter I wrote was full of mistakes * short OF something : - I’m a bit short of money Can you lend me some? * tired OF something : - Come on, let’s go I’m tired of waiting * keen ON something : - We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on going out in the rain * similar TO something : - Your handwriting is similar to mine * crowded WITH (people) : - The city centre was crowded with tourists Tuy nhiên, có vài tính từ mà theo sau chúng giới từ khác nghóa chúng khác nhau: - Swimming is good for health (Bơi lội có lợi cho sức khoẻ ) - Jack is good at Japanese (Jack giỏi tiếng Nhật) - Mary is very good with her hands (Mary khéo tay) - Mr Brown is good to all of us (ông Brown tử tế với tất chúng tôi) EXERCISE I : Put in the correct prepositions: at, on or in 1/ The course begins January and ends 10 March 2/ I went to bed midnight and got up 6.30 the next morning 3/ Mozart was born Salzburg 1756 4/ There are usually a lot of parties New Year’s Eve 5/ Mary and Henry always go out for a meal their wedding anniversary 6/ The price of electricity is going up October 7/ I might not be at home the morning Can you phone the afternoon ? 8/ Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days – usually only Christmas and sometimes the summer for a few days 9/ Tom’s grandfather died 1977 the age of 79 10/ I’m going out to some shopping I’ll be back half an hour 11/ The doorbell and the telephone rang the same time 12/ Do you fancy going to the cinema Friday night ? 13/ Hurry up We’ve got to go five minutes 14/ Are you doing anything special the weekend ? 15/ Carol got married 17, which is rather young to get married EXERCISE II : Complete these sentences with in, at or on 1/ Turn left the traffic lights 2/ You’ll find the cups the top shelf 3/ It can be dangerous when children play football the street 4/ We got stuck in a traffic jam the way to the airport 5/ Ann’s brother lives a small village _ the south coast of England 6/ Paris is the river Seine 7/ Do you take sugar your coffee ? 8/ Mr Brown’s office is the first floor When you come out of the lift, it’s the third door your left 9/ Look at those beautiful horses that field 10/ I’ll meet you the corner of the street 10 o’clock 11/ I can’t find Tom this photogragh Is he it ? 12/ You’ll find the sports results the back page of the newspaper 13/ I didn’t see you the party Saturday Where were you ? 14/ Tom’s ill He wasn’t work today He was home bed 15/ I haven’t seen Ken for some time I last saw him Dave’s wedding 16/ Paul is a student London University 17/ The exhibition the art gallery finished Saturday afternoon 18/ What time did you arrive London ? 19/ When we arrived London Station, there was a long queue outside 20/ He speaks quite good French He studied Paris for a year EXERCISE III: Supply the correct prepositions 1/ It’s very nice you to let me use your car Thank you very much 2/ Why are you always so rude your parents ? Can’t you be nice them ? 3/ It wasn’t polite him to leave without saying thank you 4/ I don’t understand people who are cruel animals 5/ Why you always get so annoyed little things ? 6/ The people next door are annoyed us making so much noise last night 7/ We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed the hotel 8/ I was surprised the way he behaved It was quite out of character 9/ She doesn’t often go out at night She’s afraid the dark 10/ I’ve been trying to learn Spanish but I’m not satisfied my progress 11/ Jill starts her new job on Monday She’s quite excited it 12/ I was shocked what you said You should be ashamed yourself 13/ Did you know that Linda is engaged a friend of mine ? 14/ I had never seen so many people before I was astonished the crowds 15/ Bill has been doing the same job for too long He’s bored it 16/ These days everybody is aware the dangers of smoking 17/ Are you still upset what I said to you yesterday ? 18/ She’s quite nice but I wouldn’t like to be married her 19/ I’m hopeless repairing things 20/ I’m not very good tennis 21/ I’d rather not go to an Indian restaurant I’m not very keen Indian food 22/ I’m sorry the smell in this room It’s just been painted 23/ The police are responsible maintaining law and order 24/ Ann is very fond her younger brother 25/ Britain certainly isn’t famous its food 26/ This place is always very lively at night It’s usually crowded people 27/ That man’s very honest He isn’t capable telling a lie 28/ Our house is similar theirs – I think ours is a bit larger 29/ I felt sorry the children when we went on holiday.It rained very hard and we had to spend most of the time indoors 30/ Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different his EXERCISE IV : Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions : Mr Smith is very kind us He is different his wife We are pleased the result of our work We are confident the success Most people are afraid snakes Our country is rich natural resources Hue city is famous its historical vestiges My mother is always busy her housework Dirty air is harmful our health 10 We are proud our people’s heroic tradition 11 The teacher’s advice is profitable the students 12 The streets are crowded _ vehicles at the rush hour 13 The climate of our city is favourable agriculture 14 The air at the seaside is good health 15 My friend is good maths and physics 16 John is skilful dancing 17 This opportunity is lucky us 18 I’m not accquainted those fellows 19 Mr Smith is not accustomed hot weather 20 Your words are contrary your acts 21 My home is far school 22 He is sad his son’s laziness 23 Many young people want to be independent their parents 24 We are grateful our teacher 25 I’m interested current events 26 Your profession is similar mine 27 This chemical is dangerous humans 28 This work is not suitable him 29 Her voice sounds familiar me 30 This student is eager study 31 My house is next the post office 32 This man is greedy fame 33 I was absent class yesterday 34 Children are fond candies 35 The beach is full tourists in summer 36 We are present the lecture yesterday 37 We must hurry, otherwise we should be late school 38 Air is necessary life 39 He is friendly everybody 40 This sweater will keep your safe the cold LESSON 13: CÁCH BIẾN ĐỔI CÂU (TRANSFORMATION) Cách biến đổi câu cách ta viết lại câu theo cấu trúc (thường cho trước) mà không thay đổi nghóa câu ban đầu * Ví dụ : Hãy viết lại câu sau : - He didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ill  Because of…… Theo ví dụ trên, ta viết lại câu “Because of…” , có nghóa ta biến mệnh đề “ he was ill” thành cụm từ, sau “because of” ta phải dùng cụm từ Như vậy, câu viết lại :  Because of his illness, he didn’t go to school yesterday Hoặc  Because of being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday Hoặc  Because of his being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday * Ví dụ : Hãy viết lại câu sau : - They built that house a century ago  That house…… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu “That house” – túc từ – có nghóa ta viết lại câu dạng bò động (passive voice) Như vậy, câu viết lại sau :  That house was built a century ago * Ví dụ : Hãy viết lại câu sau : - He didn’t go out because he didn’t have time  If…… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu “If”, có nghóa ta viết lại câu thành câu điều kiện thật khứ (loại 3) động từ khứ Câu viết lại sau :  If he had had time, he would have gone out * Ví dụ : Hãy viết lại câu sau : - The last time I saw her was five years ago  I haven’t………… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại hoàn thành câu bắt đầu “I haven’t……”  I haven’t seen her for five years (ago không dùng hoàn thành, nên ta dùng for để thay thế.) * Ví dụ : Hãy viết lại câu sau : - His house is bigger than mine  My house isn’t……… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại chuyển thành dạng so sánh thể phủ đònh  My house isn’t as big as his Hay My house isn’t so big as his (house) EXERCISE I: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings: 1/ His father is taller than his mother - His mother is not _ 2/ Tom didn’t come to the party Ann didn’t come to the party, either.- Neither Tom 3/ Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time - In spite of _ 4/ If you have a car, you are able to travel around more easily.- Having a car enables 5/ The sudden noise caused me to jump - The sudden noise made _ 6/ My father said I could use his car - My father allowed 7/ She wouldn’t allow me to read the letter - She wouldn’t let _ 8/ Tom is ill He became ill three days ago - Tom has _ 9/ I can’t give up smoking, but I’d like to I wish 10/ She often writes to him and he often writes to her - They 11/ If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late - Unless _ 12/ Jane is a better cook than Mary - Mary can’t 13/ Jack is too young to get married - Jack is not _ 14/ I don’t really want to go to the museum - I’d rather 15/ Despite taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.- Although 16/ She made herself ill because she worked very hard.- She worked so 17/ The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down It was such _ 18/ Nobody can solve this problem - This problem _ 19/ The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.- The man who 20/ That girl is very beautiful - What 21/ Bill is not old enough to drive a car - Bill is too _ 22/ His house is not as comfortable as hers - Her house is _ 23/ It is said that he is 108 years old - He is said 24/ Tom said : “I’m feeling ill.” - Tom said that _ 25/ I got all the information I need from Tom - Tom provided _ 26/ Ann said to Bill : “Don’t forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.”- Ann reminded 27/ They don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly.- If _ 28/ She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money.- If _ 29/ She was very stupid when she went out in the rain.- It was _ 30/ I am always nervous when I travel by air.- Travelling by air _ 31/ The last time I saw her was in 1985 - I haven’t _ 32/ That meal was excellent - How 33/ That factory is producing more and more pollution.- More and more pollution 34/ We must leave now or we’ll miss the train - If _ 35/ She is a faster and more careless driver than I am.- She drives _ 36/ How old you think this building is ?- When you think _ 37/ He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party.- He wishes _ 38/ This furniture is so old that it is not worth keeping.- This is 39/ We spent five hours getting to London.- It _ 40/ When I arrived in London, I wrote a letter home.- On _ 41/ I hope to see you at Christmas - I’m looking forward _ 42/ I’ve never seen such a mess in my life Never in my life 43/ Don’t try to escape It’s no use - It’s no use 44/ It won’t be difficult to get a ticket for the concert.- You won’t have any 45/ Whose is this handbag ? - Who _ EXERCISE II : Rewrite these sentences as directed : The number of discontented young men is increasing considerably The reason for situation is that they haven’t been given vocational guidance at home or in the school (Combine these two sentences, using “The reason why ”) He doesn’t speak much English Only _ words (Use an adjective of quantity) Adolescents haven’t been give vocational guidance at home or in the school (change to the Active voice) Most school leavers are badly prepared for employment They know very little about their future work (Use “so that” to combine them) Seldom did people travel far from home years ago (Use the ordinary word order) My brother is a factory worker He talked with you yesterday (Combine into one sentence) That scientific discovery was so important that it has affected every man’s way of life ever since (Use “such” instead of “so”) She asked him, “Do you like your job ?” (Write in the Reported speech) The students have suggested that they should be given more employment guidance (Use Gerund as Object) 10 He was given a gift So were you (Join into one sentence, using “as well as”) 11 My sister has already got married So has my brother (Join into one sentence, using “both and”) 12 I don’t have any interesting book I can’t lend you any (Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause) 13 They desire to have good jobs (Use a noun instead of verb “desire”) 14 What you (do) if you had attended the meeting ? (Supply the correct verb form) 15 Mr Nam is an experienced doctor He saved my brother from death (Combine into one sentence, using Relative pronoun) EXERCISE III: Rewrite these sentences as directed : Because of his love for teaching, David would continue his teaching career (Use “because” instead of “because of”) Upon completion of his apprenticeship at the construction company, he worked for a small garage to get more experience (Use an Adverb clause instead of a prepositional phrase) Only when they have chosen a right career can they devote themselves to their jobs (Use the ordinary order) He was given a chance to stay on at this garage for six more months to see how he got on (Change to the Active voice) It always requires of man best efforts to overcome every difficulty in life (Use a gerund as Subject) This maths problem is too difficult He can’t solve it (Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause) She hasn’t done her homework I haven’t done my homework (Join into one sentence, using “Neither nor”) She has little knowledge of English Grammar (Transform the sentence using a verb instead of the knowledge) Do you want to play football ? (Use “enjoy” instead of “want”) 10 She worked hard so she got high wages (Make a conditional sentence contrary to this fact) 11 It doesn’t rain enough The plants don’t grow properly (Combine into one sentence, using “enough to”) 12 “How long will it take us to go to My Tho by car ?” I don’t know it (Combine into one sentence, using an indirect question) 13 She said she didn’t mind rode her bicycle to school (Use a gerund as Object of he verb) 14 Some people think that it would be hard work to conserve natural resources (Use a gerund as Subject) 15 He paid little attention to his teacher’s explanation (Make a question of quantity) THE END [...]... can follow you 10/ He hurried to the station He didn’t want to miss the train EXERCISE F : Rewrite the sentences using “enough” instead of “ too…to” : 1/ He is too old to wear this coloured shirt - He is not young enough to wear this coloured shirt 2/ She is too weak to carry this box 3/ This pen is too expensive for me to buy 4/ Bill was too stupid to understand what I had said 5/ This bag is too... 6/ He said to her : “ I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.” 7/ My father said to them : “My secretary is going to finish this job.” 8/ They said : “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.” 9/ My mother said : “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.” 10/ He said : “Your car has been stolen, John.” 11/ They said : “The river is rising early this year.” 12/ He said : “I’ll expect her to come soon.”... better you - The earth is getting hotter and hotter EXERCISE A : Translate into English using “Used To” or “Be Used To” 1/ Trước đây người ta vẫn thường nghó rằng mặt trời di chuyển quanh trái đất 2/ Những công nhân mới này đang quen dần với công việc nặng nhọc của nhà máy 3/ Trước đây trên đường đi học tôi vẫn thường đi qua một hiệu sách 4/ Bà ấy biết rằng bà ấy không còn đẹp như xưa 5/ Chúng tôi vẫn... stopped working because of the hot weather 10/ We admired him because of his great ability 11/ She didn’t go to class this morning because she had a bad cold 12/ I couldn’t see anything because of the dark 13/ The mechanic managed to repair the engine because he had experience 14/ His health gets better and better because he does gymnastics regularaly 15/ He said nothing about it because of his wife’s... relative clause) và mệnh đề không xác đònh (non-defining relative clause) : (*) Defining clause:(hoặc Restrictive clause) - The man who met me at the airport gave me the money Ta gọi mệnh đề who met me at the airport là mệnh đề quan hệ xác đònh vì nó rất cần thi t để đònh nghóa hoặc giải thích cho tiền vò từ the man Nếu không có nó, từ the man sẽ rất mơ hồ và ta không biết người đàn ông đó là ai - The book... : “Don’t call me again at this late hour.” 5/ She said to the boy : “Show me what you have in your hand.” 6/ The policeman ordered : “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything.” 7/ The old lady said : “Will you please water these flowers for me.” 8/ She said : “Don’t leave your coat on this chair.” 9/ She said to him : “Don’t speak to me like that and behave yourself.” 10/ Peter said : “Would you... ra - I forgot telling her this story Forget + to infinitive : quên làm điều gì - I forgot to tell her about this (*) Regret + gerund : hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra - She regrets going to a village school Regret + to infinitive : hối tiếc sẽ làm việc gì - The party was great He regretted not to go there C ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO” (Bare Infinitive) Đây là động từ nguyên thể không đi kèm với to (infinitive... long holiday this year 3/ He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task 4/ I’ll have to work this Sunday, so I shan’t join your picnic 5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt 6/ City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive 7/ There are industrial factories inside the city, that’s why pollution can’t be reduced 8/ Everything on the... kia không có nhiều cửa hàng trên con đường này 8/ Chúng nó không quen thức khuya 9/ Trước đây anh tôi thường đi tắm biển trong kỳ nghỉ hè 10/ Đó là nơi mà trước đây gia đình tôi sinh sống EXERCISE B : Change “because” to “because of” and vice versa : 1/ He was not allowed to come in because he was late 2/ I chose Mike for the job because you recommended him 3/ Our train was late because of the thick... here  - there - this / these  - that / those - He said : “ I’ll come here to take this book.”  He said that he would come there to take that book - They said to us : “You must do this work right now.”  They told us that we had to do that work at once Chú ý : * Khi câu trực tiếp biểu thò một tập quán, một sự thật hay một chân lý thì khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp thì của động từ không thay đổi - The ... girl 10/ He is very thirsty He (not drink) since this morning 11/ It is very hot Summer (come) 12/ They (study) at this school for years now 13/ They (begin) to study at this... (do) good work in this class so far 8/ The weather( generally, get) hot in July 9/ You must wake her up She (sleep) soundly for 10 hours 10/ Listen! I (think) someone (knock)... it’s the third door your left 9/ Look at those beautiful horses that field 10/ I’ll meet you the corner of the street 10 o’clock 11/ I can’t find Tom this photogragh

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2015, 23:03

Xem thêm: Tài liệu ôn thi vào 10 cực hot


Mục lục

    Lesson 1 THE USE OF TENSES


    Lesson 2 CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN

    Lesson3 THỂ THỤ ĐỘNG








