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technical and economical aspects of artemia farming systems in soc trang and bac lieu provinces, vietnam

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CAN THO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES HONG THI HAI YEN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF ARTEMIA FARMING SYSTEMS IN SOC TRANG AND BAC LIEU PROVINCES, VIETNAM A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Aquaculture 2014 1 CAN THO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES HONG THI HAI YEN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF ARTEMIA FARMING SYSTEMS IN SOC TRANG AND BAC LIEU PROVINCES, VIETNAM A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Aquaculture SUPERVISOR NGUYEN THANH LONG (Ph.D) NGUYEN VAN HOA (Ph.D and Assoc. Prof.) 2 2014 TECHNICAL AND ECOMOMICAL ASPECTS OF ARTEMIA FARMING SYSTEM IN SOC TRANG AND BAC LIEU PROVINCES, VIETNAM Hong Thi Hai Yen, Nguyen Thanh Long and Nguyen Van Hoa College of Aquaculture and Fisheries – CanTho University – Vietnam Email: yen105606@student.ctu.edu.vn ABSTRACT To assess the current status of technical and economic efficiency of Artemia farming in five communes including Vinh Phuoc, Vinh Tan and Lai Hoa (Soc Trang Province); Xiem Cang and Vinh Hau (Bac Lieu Province). The survey was done through directly interviewing respondents 70 farmers, in which 37 farmers of Artemia monoculture system and 33 farmers of Artemia-salt system. Collected information comprised (i) technical aspects; (ii) financial aspects; (iii) advantages and disadvantages of Artemia farming systems. The result showed that Artemia culture average area per household was 1.97 ha. New feed for Artemia farming was used popular in recent times was shrimp feed and Artemia feed. Stocking density was range from 104-125 nauplii/liter. Inorganic fertilizer fluctuated 10-300 kg/ha/crop which Urea, NPK, DAP and phosphate fertilizers. Chicken manure was commonly used and varied from 0.8 to 6.5 tons/ha/crop. Artemia cyst yields were 84 to 102kg/crops. Total cost and profit were 27 million VND/ha/crop and 47 million VND/ha/crop, respectively. Artemia-salt integrated system obtained higher benefit than Artemia monoculture system. Farmers have to face with many difficulties such as water polluted due to water discharged from shrimp company (62%), weather erratically changes (47.5%), lack of seawater (19%), selling-price instability (14%) and lack of capital (7%). Solutions for these problems can be addressed to: 1) government should prevent wastewater from company, 2) upgrades irrigation system, 3) sourcing market stability, and 4) strengthening financial support for famers. Key words: Artemia, Artemia-salt, monoculture system, integrated system, solar saltworks in Soc Trang, Bac Lieu 1. Introduction Artemia culture was brought high economic efficiency for farmers in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu Provinces. Profit is higher than crude salt production 4 to 5 times (Vu Do Quynh et al., 1997). Nowadays, Vinh Chau (Soc Trang) and Bac Lieu become two key regions to provide Artemia cysts with high quality for domestic and foreign markets (Brands et al., 1995). Currently, demand for Artemia cysts in the world and in our country is increasing because aquaculture development both scale and volume. However, Artemia cysts production is decreased and their prices in the world and in country is increased (Sorgeloos, 2012). Moreover, quality of cysts production in Vinh Chau is high in term of hatching rate are always higher than 80%. Artemia cysts produced in Vinh chau and Bac lieu have traditional market 3 such as Korea, Japan, EC … since 1990. Locally, labor is cheap and farmers have long experience in Artemia farming. Soil conditions in the areas are suitable for culture Artemia. (Nguyen Van Hoa et al, 2007). Therefore, it would be favorable conditions for the development of brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu in the year of 90’s. However, in recent years, productivity and economic efficiency brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu has not been improved. i.e farming techniques were outdated while at the same time, negative effect of climate change has been recorded. Infrastructure investment in farming areas is not synchronized. Although investment costs per hectare area of Artemia is low but most of farmers are poor and thus still lacking of fund for investment (Aquaculture Vietnam, 2013). Potential development of Artemia farming so high but this situation development not deserves to the potential. Therefore, a survey on “Technical and economical aspect of Artemia farming system in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu provinces, Vietnam” is essential. Research objectives are analyzing technical aspects; evaluating financial aspects and analyzing advantages and disadvantages of Artemia farming systems. 2. Research methodology The survey was conducted in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu Provinces. Data were collected by directly interviewing 70 households with two modal: Artemia monoculture system and Artemia combines with salt (Artemia-salt). Contents of questionnaires included technical information (farming area, structural pond, stocking density, pond management, crop cycle, and yield), financial information (fixed cost, variable cost, and income), advantages and disadvantages of Artemia farming systems. All data were collected in 2014, except for yield and productivity in the period during 2012 to 2014. Table 1: Distribution of samples Artemia systems in two systems Province Soc Trang Bac Lieu Total Artemia monoculture 22 15 37 Artemia-salt system 18 15 33 Total 40 30 70 Interview data were processed by Excel software. The results were shown through descriptive statistics such as frequency of appears, mean values and standard deviations. Independent T-test method was used to compare differences between the indicators of productivity, financial performance of the culture system. 3. Result and discussion In theory, Artemia combines with salt is the system Artemia is cultured in the region of secondary evaporated pond, where salinity is less than 100 per thousand (‰) and effluent are removed into the high evaporation pond before filled in to salt crystallization. In reality, Artemia combine with salt is the model for salt and brine shrimp farming independently in two different areas of the same household. 4 3.1 General information of Artemia households - Education level: Table 2 showed that in Artemia monoculture system, level of education was medium. Number of famers studied primary level was highest with 56.76%. The next was high school level in 16.22%. People were illiterate and studied secondary level was least with 13.51%. In Artemia-salt system, most of famers studied primary level (42.42%) and least of people studied high school level (9.09%). - Experiences: Interviewing 70 households indicated that farmer’s experience was average 14 years. Experience of Artemia monoculture system was 12.73 years and Artemia-satl farmers was 15.76 years. Table 2: General information of households Description 1. Level of education - Illiterate - Primary - Secondary - High school 2. Experences 3. Obtained Artemia farming techniques from - Self study - From other people - Vocational school Unit Artemia monoculture system (n=37) % % % % Year % % % Artemia-salt system (n=33) 13.5 56.8 13.5 16.2 12.7±9.39 21.2 42.4 27.3 9.1 15.76±7.79 10.8 21.6 67.6 9.1 21.2 69.7 - Obtained Artemia farming techniques: To improve efficiency of production, farmers have to learn knowledge economy - technical Artemia from different sources. Table 2 revealed that about 10% of households are self study for Artemia culture techniques, 21% of households through exchange of experiences among farmers Artemia together and more than 67% of households through information from training. 3.2 Technical information 3.2.1 Artemia pond structure - Total area of Artemia culture area per household in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu provinces arounded 2.8 ha. Total area of Artemia- salt system was higher than Artemia monoculture farming system area. Salt production needed large area to facilitate evaporation so that famers have less area not chose Artemia-salt for their model (Table 3). Area of pond in Artemia monoculture farming system approximaated 1.42 ha and pond area in Artemiasalt system was larger with 1.77 ha. 5 Figure 1: Side view of pond in Artemia monoculture system Figure 2: Side view of pond in Artemia-salt system - Figure 1 and 2 described depth and width surrounding ditch of pond.. Table 3 indicated that, depth of ditch in Artemia-salt model deeper than Artemia monoculture model about 0.09 m. According to Nguyen Van Hoa el al (2007), level of water in pond should be from 0.2-0.25 m, depth of ditch should be from 0.4-0.5 m to avoid high temperature during hot period. In addition, deep water limits growth of “lab-lab” algae. However, if pond is too deep it is difficulties to flow water (i.e to enhance the evaporation) for increasing of salinity and hence inoculation will be late. Table 3: Information structure of Artemia culture system Description Total area Artemia culture area Pond area Number of pond Width of ditch surrounding pond Depth of ditch surrounding pond Depth of pond Area of fertilizer pond Unit Artemia monoculture (n=37) Ha/household 2.31±1.09a Ha/household 1.86±0.54 Ha/household 1.42±0.39a Pond/household 5.05±2.13 m 1.2±0.3a m m Ha/household 6 Artemia-salt system (n=33) 3.34±1.77b 2.08±0.66 1.77±0.63b 6.12±2.68 1.37±0.3b 0.6±0.2 0.69±0.24 0.32±0.14 0.14±0.12 0.32±0.12 0.21±0.21 Ratio of fertilizer pond per pond area Percentage of household with fertilizer pond % 10.42 11.9 % 78.38 75.76 (Means with the different letter in a row are significantly different at p0.05). 3.2.2 Artemia pond management - Stocking density in Artemia monoculture and Artemia salt model were 125 nau/l and 104 nau/l, respectively. However, this density is higher than recommended stocking density 1.2 to 1.5 times, approximately. According to survey of Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh et al., 1997 farmers usually stocked with high density due to the hatching conditions are different with the standard conditions or pond preparation was not technically correct and thus hatching rate may be lower. Another reason from the survey showed that some farmers want to raise their profitability so subjective thinking that if stocked with high density they will to the end obtain high yields of Artemia cysts. According to Brands et al. (1995) and Nguyen Tan Sy (2012), in Artemia culture, initial density is one of important indicators impact on productivity and economic efficiency, appropriate stocking density 70-100 nau/l obtained high yields and low investment cost. Table 4: Information about pond management Artemia system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description Unit Salinity Stocking density Fertilizer cycle Level of water supply Date for water supply ‰ Nau/L Day/time Cm/time Day/time Artemia monoculture (n=37) 81.35±5.36 125.29±40.71 4.78±1.97 2.07±1.4 5.03±1.4 Artemia-salt system (n=33) 84.55±5.05 104.58±36.25 4.48±1.8 1.7±1 4.91±1.59 - Table 4 indicated that farmers manured fertilizer in fertilizer pond every 2-6 days to stimulate algae growth. They supplied water 3-5 days/time with level of water 1-3 cm/time, depend on the pond situation. Generally, Artemia pond management technique was not different between Artemia monoculture and Artemia-salt systems. Concretely as salinity, stocking 7 density, fertilizer cycle, water supply level and date for water supply were not significant (p>0.05). 3.2.3. Artemia feeding management. - In Artemia culture techniques, using organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer were important. Ratio of households used organic fertilizer (mainly chicken manure) was 100% for fertilizer pond and Artemia ponds. There are 4 common types of inorganic fertilizer are Urea, DAP, NPK and phosphate. Usually, each household used 1 or 2 types of inorganic fertilizer. Dose of fertilizer between two models has similar (p>0.05). - In table 5, chicken manure varied from 3.5 to 3.6 tons/ha/crop. Weight of chicken manure used was higher than data indicated by Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh (2011). With the same area and same stocking density, adding too much chicken manure will easily does water pollution and rising feed costs unnecessarily . Table 5: Dose of households use medichine in Artemia pond Description Unit Artemia monoculture (n=37) Artemia-salt system (n=33) 1. Inorganic fertilizer - Urea Kg/ha/crop 103.19±64.36 106.8±75.65 - DAP Kg/ha/crop 56.76±55.9 87.63±65.96 - NPK Kg/ha/crop 96.43±58.26 114.74±65.69 - Phosphate Kg/ha/crop 175±195.51 329.71±527.84 3.53±2.4 3.59±2.6 2. Chicken manure Tons/ha/crop Besides that, rice bran is gradually replaced by other feeds such as fishmeal, shrimp feeds and Artemia feed. 3.2.4. Period Artemia culture. Artemia farming is seasonal and only available during dry season, from January to July, depending on weather conditions every year that farmers farming earlier or later. - Incubation period: Incubation period was from November, most of household completed their stocking in January with average accounted for 90% and completely the ends in May - Harvest period lasted to the end of July and beginning of rainy season. According to Nguyen Van Hoa et al (2007), after incubate 13-14 days, brine shrimp becomes to adult and start to spawn. So that, productivity of cyst focused in February, those with late harvest are one of the causes affecting productivity 3.2.5 Technical parameters of Artemia system 8 Statistical results revealed that yield in 2014 of two models has significant difference (p[...]... cost of Artemia- salt higher than Artemia monoculture farming Figure 5: Items of income each model - Income: Total income in Artemia- salt was 107.81 million VND/ha/crop and higher 4.5 times income of Artemia monoculture model Figure 5 described that Artemia cysts and biomass earnings for two systems were similar In recent year, selling price of salt is sharply rising, so that more than 60% income of Artemia- salt... salt In Soc Trang and Bac Lieu, salt production was traditional career and Artemia was new trade Therefore Artemia- salt system was suitable system for farmers in this area However, Artemia- salt needs more investment cost, that will be a disadvantage for people who want to implement this model - Profit and ratio profit: Artemia- salt gained 77.49 million VND/ha/crop and Artemia monoculture profit gained... from 48- 63 kg/ ha/crop in productivity and 84-138 kg/crop in yield, respectively Yield in 2014 of two models has significant difference and yield of Artemia- salt was higher than Artemia monoculture farming - Income of Artemia- salt model 107.81 million VND/ha/crop was more than Artemia mono 39.74 million VND/ha/crop Overall, income of Artemia- salt model higher 4.5 times income of Artemia monoculture model... Ho Chi Minh 133 p 6 Quang Thi My Duyen, 2012 Surveying the current state of Artemia farming in Bac Lieu and Soc Trang Thesis submitted the degree Master Collage of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University 7 Vu Do Quynh et al, 1997 Assessment Artemia and shrimp farming combined with salt in salt production in Mekong Delta Collected report Science and Technology Can Tho University 1993-1997 page 1-6... feed requirements of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana (Kellogg) Thesis submitted in partial fulfiment of the requirements for the academic degree of Master of Science in Aquaculture, Ghent University 3 Nguyen Van Hoa, 2003 Seasonal farming of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana in artisanal salt ponds in Vietnam: effects of temperature and salinity Thesis submitted fulfillment of the requirement... wish to express my sincere gratitude to beloved family and friends of mine for being so supportive during period of studying and conducting research References English 1 Brands J.T., Vu Do Quynh, Bosteels T., Baert, O 1995 The potential of Atemia biomass in Salinas of Southern Vietnam and its valorization in aquaculture, Final scientific report 13 2 Nguyen Van Hoa, 1993 Effect of environmental conditions... who contributed in many different I am greatly supported and shared their knowledge and insights First of all, my appreciation goes to my research advisers Dr Nguyen Thanh Long and Dr Nguyen Van Hoa who give ideas and provides continuous guidance to me during the course of research I highly appreciate assistance of officers in Vinh Chau commune for providing information and contacting interviewer Last... million VND/ha/crop Profit of two systems has significantly difference (p0.05) Cause was investment cost of Artemia- salt system considerably higher than investment cost of Artemia monoculture Although, profit from the model of Artemia- salt brought greater financial efficiency but this system requires higher investment costs... Conclusions and recommendations 4.1 Conclusions - Most people have experience and obtained farming techniques from vocational school - Ratio of fertilizer pond per pond area was 10-12%, there was 75-78% households have fertilizer pond There were significantly different in system design between Artemia monoculture system and Artemia- salt system - Stocking density in Artemia monoculture and Artemia salt... for investment 1 hectare of Artemia culture Artemia mono required 24.22 million VND/ha/crop while Aremia-salt needed 30.34 million VND/ha/crop (p ... development of brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu in the year of 90’s However, in recent years, productivity and economic efficiency brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu has... current status of technical and economic efficiency of Artemia farming in five communes including Vinh Phuoc, Vinh Tan and Lai Hoa (Soc Trang Province); Xiem Cang and Vinh Hau (Bac Lieu Province) The... UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES HONG THI HAI YEN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF ARTEMIA FARMING SYSTEMS IN SOC TRANG AND BAC LIEU PROVINCES, VIETNAM A thesis submitted in partial

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2015, 23:23