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TỔNG hợp một số bài tập PASCAL

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TỔNG HỢP MỘT SỐ BÀI TẬP PASCAL Bài 1 Program Ca_dao; Begin Writeln('Trong dam gi dep bang sen,'); Writeln('La xanh bong trang lai chen nhi vang,'); Writeln('Nhi vang bong trang la xanh.'); Writeln('Gan bun ma chang hoi tanh mui bun'); Readln End. bài 2 Program Tam_giac; Begin Writeln('*********'); Writeln(' *******'); Writeln(' *****'); Writeln(' ***'); Writeln(' *'); Readln End. Bµi 3 Program Phep_Tru; Var so1,so2,hieu :Integer; Begin Writeln(' CHUONG TRINH THUC HIEN PHEP TRU SO HOC'); Writeln(' co toi da 4 ky so'); Write('-Nhap so thu nhat = '); Readln(so1); Write('-Nhap so thu hai = '); Readln(so2); hieu:= so1-so2; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('-------------------------------'); Writeln; Writeln(' ',so1:4); Writeln(' - ',so2:4); Writeln(' -----'); Writeln(' = ',hieu:5); Readln End. Bµi 4 Program Cuu_chuong_1; Var so :Integer; Begin Write('-Bang cuu chuong so may ?: '); Readln(so); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln(' CHUONG TRINH BANG CUU CHUONG'); Writeln('-------------------------------'); Writeln; Writeln(so:2,' lan 1 = ',so*1:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 2 = ',so*2:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 3 = ',so*3:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 4 = ',so*4:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 5 = ',so*5:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 6 = ',so*6:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 7 = ',so*7:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 8 = ',so*8:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 9 = ',so*9:3); Writeln(so:2,' lan 10 = ',so*10:3); Readln End. Bµi 5 Program Cuu_chuong_2; Var so,i :Integer; Begin Write('-Bang cuu chuong so may ?: '); Readln(so); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln(' CHUONG TRINH BANG CUU CHUONG'); Writeln('-------------------------------'); Writeln; For i:=1 To 10 Do Writeln(so:2,' lan ',i:2,' = ',so*i:3); Readln End. Bµi 6 Program Hinh_thang; Var a,b,h:Integer; S:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH DIEN TICH HINH THANG'); Write('-Cho biet day ngan = '); Readln(a); Write('-Cho biet day dai = '); Readln(b); Write('-Cho biet chieu cao = '); Readln(h); S := 0.5 * (a + b) * h; Writeln('+Dien tich hinh thang = ',s:6:2,' met vuong'); Readln End. Bµi 7 Program Tam_Giac; Var a,b,c:Integer; p,s:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH DIEN TICH TAM GIAC'); Write('-Cho biet canh thu nhat = '); Readln(a); Write('-Cho biet canh thu hai = '); Readln(b); Write('-Cho biet canh thu ba = '); Readln(c); p := 0.5 * (a + b + c); s := sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-c)*(p-c)); Writeln('+Dien tich hinh tam giac = ',s:6:2,' met vuong'); Readln End. Bµi 8 Program Hinh_cau; Var s:integer; r,v:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH THE TICH HINH CAU'); Writeln('---------------------------------'); Write('Cho biet dien tich hinh tron = '); Readln(s); r:=Sqrt(s/4*3.1416); v:=4/3 * 3.1416 *r*r*r; Writeln('*The tich hinh cau la : ',V:6:2,' met khoi'); Readln End. Bµi 9 Program Luc_hut; CONST g=6.672E-8; Var m1,m2,d,f:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH LUC HUT GIUA 2 VAT'); Write('-Khoi luong m1 (gam) = '); Readln(m1); Write('-Khoi luong m2 (gam) = '); Readln(m2); Write('-Khoang cac giua 2 vat (Cm) = '); Readln(d); f := g * m1 * m2 / sqr(d); Writeln('+Luc hut giua 2 vat = ',f:6:2); Readln End. Bµi 10 Program Pignet; Var Ten:String; Tuoi:Integer; lon,nho,tb,tl,cao,pig:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH PIGNET'); Writeln('------------------------'); Write('-Cho biet ho ten : '); Readln(ten); Write('-Cho biet tuoi : '); Readln(tuoi); Write('-Cho biet chieu cao : '); Readln(cao); Write('-Cho biet trong luong : '); Readln(tl); Write('-So do vong nguc luc hit vao = '); Readln(lon); Write('-So do vong nguc luc tho ra = '); Readln(nho); tb := 0.5 * (lon-nho); pig := cao - (tb + tl); Writeln; Write('+Ong (Ba) : ',ten:24); Writeln(' , ',tuoi,' tuoi'); Writeln('+Co so do Pignet = ',pig:6:2); Readln End. Bµi 11 Program Tinh_luong; Var Ten:String; nc,pc,tam:Integer; bl,hs,tt,cl:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH LUONG'); Writeln('------------------------'); Write('-Cho biet ho ten : '); Readln(ten); Write('-Cho biet bac luong : '); Readln(bl); Write('-Cho biet ngay cong : '); Readln(nc); Write('-Cho biet he so trach nhiem : '); Readln(hs); Write('-Cho biet phu cap khu vuc = '); Readln(pc); Write('-Cho biet so tien da tam ung ky 1 = '); Readln(tam); tt := ((bl/30 * nc * hs)+pc); cl := tt - tam; Writeln; Writeln('+Ong (Ba) : ',ten:24); Writeln('+Tien luong trong thang = ',tt:10:2,' dong'); Writeln('+So tien con linh = ',cl:10:2,' dong'); Writeln(' Bam phim de ket thuc'); Readln End. Bµi 12 Program Tinh_dien_tich; Var cv,canh,s:Real; Begin Writeln('TINH DIEN TICH LON NHAT CUA HINH CHU NHAT'); Writeln('-----------------------------------------'); Write('-Cho biet chu vi chu nhat : '); Readln(cv); canh:=cv / 4; s:=canh * canh; Writeln('-Chu vi hinh chu nhat = ',cv:10:2,' met'); Writeln('-Dien tich lon nhat se= ',s:10:2,' met vuong' ); Writeln(' Bam phim de ket thuc'); Readln End. Bµi 13 Program Tam_thuc; Var a,b,c,x,p:Integer; Begin Writeln('TINH TAM THUC'); Writeln('-------------'); Write('-Nhap a= '); Readln(a); Write('-Nhap b= '); Readln(b); Write('-Nhap c= '); Readln(c); Write('-Nhap x= '); Readln(x); p:=((a*(x*x)) + (b*x) + c); Writeln('*Tri cua tam thuc = ',p); Writeln('Bam phim de ket thuc'); Readln End. Bµi 14 Program Tinh_do_dai_vec_to; Var x,y,z:Integer; l:Real; Begin Writeln('TINH CHIEU DAI VECTO'); Writeln('---------------------'); Writeln; Write('-Cho biet toa do X : '); Readln(x); Write('-Cho biet toa do Y : '); Readln(y); Write('-Cho biet toa do Z : '); Readln(z); l:= Sqrt(Sqr(x) + Sqr(y) + Sqr(z)); Writeln('+Chieu dai cua vecto = ',l:10:2); Writeln(' Bam phim de ket thuc'); Readln End. Bµi 15 Program Tinh_Z; Var x,z:Real; Begin Writeln('TINH GIA TRI Z QUA SO THUC X'); Writeln('----------------------------'); Write('-Nhap tri x = '); Readln(x); z:=ln(x + abs(sin(2 * x))); Writeln('*Gia tri cua Z = ',z:10:2); Writeln(' Bam phim de ket thuc'); Readln End. C¸c vÝ dô Program PTB2; Var a,b,c:Integer; delta,x1,x2:Real; Begin Writeln('GIAI PHUONG TRINH BAC HAI'); Writeln(' --------------'); Repeat Write('-Nhap he so a= '); Readln(a); Until a 0; Write('-Nhap he so b= '); Readln(b); Write('-Nhap he so c= '); Readln(c); delta:=b*b-4*a*c; If delta < 0 Then Writeln('*Phuong trinh vo nghiem') Else If delta = 0 Then Writeln('*Phuong trinh co 2 nghiem bang nhau X= ',b/2*a:6:2) Else Begin x1:=(-b-sqrt(delta))/2*a; x2:=(-b+sqrt(delta))/2*a; Writeln('*Nghiem thu nhat X1= ',x1:6:2); Writeln('*Nghiem thu hai X2= ',x2:6:2); End; readln End. Program Ao_thu; Begin Writeln(' BAI THO AO THU'); Writeln('Ao thu lanh leo nuoc trong veo'); Writeln('Mot chiec thuyen cau be teo teo'); Writeln('Song biec theo lan hoi gon ty'); Writeln('La vang truoc gio se dua veo'); Writeln(' NGUYEN KHUYEN'); Readln End. Program So_hoc; Var so1,so2,tong,hieu,tich:Integer; thuong:Real; Begin Write('-Nhap so thu nhat = '); Readln(so1); Write('-Nhap so thu hai = '); Readln(so2); tong := so1 + so2; hieu := so1 - so2; tich := so1 * so2; thuong := so1 / so2; Writeln('*Tong cua hai so ',so1,' va ',so2,' = Writeln('*Hieu cua hai so ',so1,' va ',so2,' = Writeln('*Tich cua hai so ',so1,' va ',so2,' = Writeln('*Thuong cua hai so ',so1,' va ',so2,' Readln End. ',tong); ',hieu); ',tich); = ',thuong:6:2); Program Pithagore; Var a,b :Integer; c:Real; Begin Writeln(' CHUONG TRINH TINH CANH HUYEN TAM GIAC VUONG'); Writeln(' theo dinh ly Pithagore'); Write('-Nhap canh a = '); Readln(a); Write('-Nhap canh b = '); Readln(b); c := Sqrt((a*a) + (b*b)); Writeln('*Canh huyen = ',c:6:2); Readln End. Program Phep_Cong; Var so1,so2,so3,tong :Integer; Begin Writeln(' CHUONG TRINH THUC HIEN PHEP CONG SO HOC'); Writeln(' co toi da 4 ky so'); Write('-Nhap so thu nhat = '); Readln(so1); Write('-Nhap so thu hai = '); Readln(so2); Write('-Nhap so thu ba = '); Readln(so3); tong:= so1+so2+so3; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('-------------------------------'); Writeln; Writeln(' ',so1:4); Writeln(' + ',so2:4); Writeln(' Writeln(' Writeln(' Readln End. ',so3:4); -----'); = ',tong:5); Program Lenh_Write; Begin Write('Nam '); Write('Quoc '); Write('Son '); Write('Ha '); Write('Nam '); Write('De '); Write('Cu '); Readln End. Program Lenh_Writeln; Begin Writeln('Nam '); Writeln('Quoc '); Writeln('Son '); Writeln('Ha '); Writeln('Nam '); Writeln('De '); Writeln('Cu '); Readln End. Program Tam_giac_Pascal; Begin Writeln(' 1'); Writeln(' 1 1'); Writeln(' 1 2 1'); Writeln(' 1 3 3 1'); Writeln('1 4 6 4 1'); Readln End. Program Hinh_tron; Var r:Integer; s:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH TINH DIEN TICH HINH TRON'); Write('-Cho biet ban kinh = '); Readln(r); s:=3.1416 * r * r; Writeln('*Dien tich hinh tron = ',s:6:2,' met vuong'); Readln End. Program Khuon_dang; Var ky_tu :Char; chuoi :string[24]; so_nguyen:Integer; so_thuc:Real; Begin Writeln('CHUONG TRINH XUAT DU LIEU THEO KHUON DANG'); Write('-Nhap mot ky tu = '); Readln(ky_tu); Write('-Nhap ho ten = '); Readln(chuoi); Write('-Nhap mot so nguyen = '); Readln(so_nguyen); Write('-Nhap mot so thuc = '); Readln(so_thuc); Writeln; Writeln('------------------------------'); Writeln('XUAT DU LIEU RA MAN HINH'); Writeln(ky_tu); Writeln(chuoi); Writeln(so_nguyen); Writeln(so_thuc); Readln End. ... '); Writeln('Ha '); Writeln('Nam '); Writeln('De '); Writeln('Cu '); Readln End Program Tam_giac _Pascal; Begin Writeln(' 1'); Writeln(' 1'); Writeln(' 1'); Writeln(' 3 1'); Writeln('1 1'); Readln

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2015, 22:40

