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Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Sau nhung tn'r nggi tai chinh. chicn hate tarn thcri cua cong ty nay la ngimg sdn xiidt nhdm trdnh strphd .sdn. Question 25. Dap an dung D: variety (n): sir da dang, nhieu loai ivhac nhau; widen (v): mcr rong, cai tao, nang cao; large (adj); rong; various (adj): i<hac nhau (nhieu loai) Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Da so cdc ban Ire dang c6 xii hur'rng den cdc thdnh phd km de tun viec Idm vi cr do ho cd nhieu lira chgn cho sir thang tien. ;, i,, , Question 26. Dap an dung C: indicate (v): cho thay r^ng, chi ra rSng, chirng minh rang Point (v): chi vao (vat gi); performance (n): sir bieu dien, sirtrinh bay, buoi bieu dien Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Cupc khdo ci'ru cho ihdy rang hem 90% sinh vien dang sir dung the nit tien tir dong A TM do ngdn hang Dong A phdl hdnh. Question 27. Dap an dung C: competitive (adj): canh tranh Productive (adj): nang suat; confuse (v): lam cho boi roi; unpolish (v): khong trau chuot, khong got diia, khong danh bong Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chimg ta phdi tir thay doi chinh ban than minh neu khong chimg ta si^ khong the ton tai trong ihi Irm'mg day canh tranh. Question 28. Dap an dung C: approximately (adv): sap si, g^n bSiig exactly (adv): mot each chinh xac; almost (adv): hau nhu; relatively (adv): tuojig doi Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Theo cuoc khdo ciru tren phgm vi todn cdu, c6 khodng 400 trieu nginri noi lieng Anh nhir tieng m<; de. Question 29. Dap an dung D: complaints (n): sir phan nan Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Cho tai bay gid, chimg ta vdn chua nhgn duac lai phan nan ndo cua khdch hang ve nhimg dich vii toi te do. Question 30. Dap an dung C: number (n) con so - a number of: so/nhieu Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Vai con so lai nhiign tang hang nam. chimg ta se chimg minh cho moi iigirdi I hay rang chimg ta dang phdt trien nhu the ndo. Question 31. Dap an dung C: permanent (a) vTnh h^ng, vTnh ciru Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: De giir vimg sir phdt trien ben vimg. toi de nghi chimg la phai theo .sal cdc chien lirac mang linh canh tranh cua chimg la. Question 32. Dap an dung B: capable (a) co kha nang - be capable of : co kha nang, co the Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Neu chimg la cir Hep luc lam viec sieng nang nhir thi nay ihi chimg ta se vin/t qua nhiivg kho khan ma chimg la dang doi mat. Question 33. Dap an dung B: impressive (a) an tugng Gjai thich ve mat v nghTa: Ngdi chit dch ciia tap doan dd co mot bdi dien vdn qua an tirang den noi tdl ca moi ngirdi deu Idng nghe. Question 34. Dap an dung A: 1 IX S + spend + thai gian + V-ing: Ai do danh bao nhieu thai gian de lam gi. (Tiaj thich v6 mat v n^hTa: Ho mat nhieu thai gian de san lim mot tinh yeu v6 Question 35. Dap an dung C: consist of: bao gom r^aj thich ve mat y nghTa: Triarng dgi hoc nay gom co I dm khoa va ho dang ddo tgo ba muai hai chuyen ngdnh. Question 36. Dap an dung C: private (a): tir nhan ; ,,; ,< , njai thich ve mat y nghTa: Viec gia nhgp vdo To chirc Thinmg mgi The giai mang lai cho cdc doanh nghiep lir nhdn Viet Nam nhieu c(r hoi hap idc viri cdc doanh nghiep nirdc ngodi. Question 37. Dap an dung A: volunteers (n) nhCrng nguai tinh nguyen Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Hoi lir ihien nay hien dang lini nhimg linh nguyen vien cho chien dich "danh cho ngirdi ngheo ". Question 3H. Dap an dung C: be in accordance with: hop voi/ khop v6i Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Chimg la khong the khong kiem ira Igi nhimg hop dong dd dirac ky nam ngodi de .rem ihir chimg co khdp vdi so ihue mil chimg la dd dong hav khong. gMes7/^>/j J9. Dap an dung A: collaborative (a) no luc hop tac >' Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chinh nha no luc trong moi quan he da dan den sir thanh cong trong cong vice cua ho. Question 40. Dap an dung D: used to + V-nguyen: dii tirng lam gi (dien ta thiSi quen trong qua khu) Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Chung toi da tirng song trong thanh pho nay tir khi chung toi con tre. Question 41. I lave you ever considered a career in speaking in public? Dua \o \a \ \n canh, ta chon C. ft 'v very inleresliiig. ^. Question 42. Are there any seats left? Dua vao y nghTa \ \n canh, ta chon D. There is only one by ihc windown. Question 43. What are your music preferences? ,,v Dua \ao y nghTa va van canh, ta chon C. Listening to folk songs and romantic music gives me pleasure. Question 44. Wow iwc yon do\n^^ Dua \ao y iighia va \an canh, ta chon B. I'm Ok. [ ., r • Question 45. You have a beautiful house. Dua \ao v nghia \ van canh, ta chon I). It's very kind of you to say so. Question 46 A. potato /pa'teltaU/ B. development /di'vebpmsnt/ C. victorious /vik'tDIrlas/ D. introduce /intra'djuis/ Dap an diing la 0: introduce co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir Con lai co diiu trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Question 47 A. throughout /9ru:'aut/ B. nevertheless /nevada'les/ C. susceptible /ss'septsbl/ D. photographer /fo'tDgrafaCr)/ Dap an dung la B. nevertheless c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu tir. Cac tir con lai ccS dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Question 48 A. familiar /fa'mlllsCr)/ B. temporary /'temprarl/ C. contemporary /kan'temprarl/ D. miraculous /mi'raekjsbs/ Dap an dung la B. temporary c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur nhat. Cac tir con lai ccS dku trong am danh vao am tiet thur hai. Question 49 A. television/'tellvISn/ B. difference/'difrans/ im.M' S'! rC. individual /indlVldjUal/ D. consequently /'konsikwantli/ Dap an dung la C. individual c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat. Question 50 A. performance /pa'fDimans/ B. monotonous /ms'nDtanas/ C. mysterious /mi'stlarias/ D. flourish /"flArl// Dap an diing la D: flourish c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat. Cac tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur hai. Question 51. Dap an diing B. Neu sir khac nhau ve y nghTa giCra hai tir c6 lien quan. fhong tin a bo cue bai van: doan nhap de va hai chu diem ma dau hai doan tiep theo; // is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless. It has been .said that today children interrupt their education to go to .school. The difference between .schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Ngm'ri la ihm'rng cho rang truang hoc Id noi nginri ta tim den de dime gido due. Tuy nhien. ngmri ta ciing dd noi rang ngdy nay tre em ho ngang sirgido due di den trm'mg hoc. Su khac biet giira viec hoc a trwmg vd sir dirge gido due ham chira trong hai phdt hieu nay rat quan trong. - Education is much more open ~ ended and all - inclusive than schooling. Education knows no limits. Giao due la mot tir mang tinh ma va mang tinh bao ham hon la sir di hoc. - Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalilzed process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Ngirgc lai, sir di hoc la mot tieii trinh c6 bai ban cu the ma khuon mau ciia ncS hau nhu chang thay doi gi tir moi truong nay den moi truang khac. Cac lira chon khac khong c6 thong tin ho trg: A. Met ke va thao luan vai van de giao due. C. ke mot chuyen vc nhfrng giao vien xuat sac. D. dua ra dien hinh ve nhfrng trirang hoc khac nhau. Question 52. Dap an dung C. Thong tin a doan 2: [ ] Education knows no limits. It can lake place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in the Icitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning ihat takes place in .fchool and the whole universe of informal learning. The agent (doer) of education can vary from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics on the radio, from a child to a famous scientist. [ ] People receive education from infdncv on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the .start of.school, and one that should he a nece.s.sary part of one's entire life. Gido due khong cd gidi han. No cd the di^n ra hat ki ddu, luc <i'^'"^ '''"^ '-'""f^ '^'^"f^ ^4" CMA7^ nhir liic dang Idi may keo. No bao gdm ludn ca viec hoc chinh quy a trmmg Idn loan ho the' gidi hoc tap phi chinh quy. Ngmri Idm cdng viec gido due the chat cd thS Id cdc bde dng hd ddng kinh cho den nhuvg ngmri dang tranh edi ve chinh tri tren ddi phdt thanh. tir mot di'ra tre den mot nhd khoa hoc noi danh. Ngmri ta tiep nhdn gido due tir thiia du tha trd di. Vdy thi, gido due Id mot tir rat rong nghia bao hdm het thay moi thir: do la mot dc'n trinh Iron ddi, mot lien trinh hat ddu tir rat Idu tnrdc khi ta dc'n trmrng, vd Id mot lien trinh edn phdi Ira thdnh mot phdn khong the thieu trong ddi ngmri. Cac lira chon khac khong c6 thong tin ho trg: A. viec di hoc ngan can nguai ta kham pha sir vat ( ; B. viec di hoc dien ra khap nai >i D. viec giao due hoan toan bj lam hong bai viec di hgc I' • • Question 53. Dap an diing A. Bao gom mgi thiir va moi nguai (cd gdc Id dong tir to included ~ bao gom). Cac chon lira khac sai ngu' nghia: B. di theo chieu hirang C. lien quan den nhieu mon hoc a truang ^ D. khong chap nhan ngoai le nao Question 54. Dap an diing O. Thong tin a doan 2 Cac lira chon khong neu het mgi nguai c6 the lam cong viec giao due: A. chi cac bac ong ba dang kinh B. chu yeu la cac nha chinh trj C. phan dong la cac nha khoa hgc noi danh Question 55. Dap an diing C. Thong tin a doan 2: Whereas schooling has a certain predictahilily, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with o stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. Trong khi viec hgc a truong c6 tinh de doan trudc a mot chirng mirc nao do, thi giao due thucmg dem lai nhfrng dieii bat nga, mot chuyen tinh ca vai mot nguai la c6 the l^hien nguai ta phat hien ra minh hau nhu chang biet gi ve cac ton giao khac. Cac lira chgn khong neu het mgi nguai c6 the lam cong viec giao due: A. that dang ngac nhien khi chiing ta hau nhu chSng biet gi \k cac ton giao khac B. cac nha giao due thirang tao ra nhirng dieu bat nga D. CO the doan truac dirge sir thanh cong trong cong viec hgc tap phi chinh quy Question 56. Dap an diing B. Thong tin a doan 2: fEducalion] is a lifelong Pf'ocess, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should a nece.s.sary part of one's entire life. [Giao due] Id mot lien trinh Iron dai, mot Luyi'n giat ue inrov hi mi uii J mien MUL, nun/;, > <u„i. . - j . •••• tiSn trin/i hdl ctau lir ral Iciii Inir'rc klii la ctSn trirang va la mot lien irmh can phai mr lhanh mot pfian khong the thieu /rang clai ngiiai. Cac lua chon khac khoiig c6 thong tin lui trg: A. he thong giao due cua niroc ta can phai thay doi cang sam cang tot C. di hoc o truang la vo ich vi hoc sinh ngay nao cung lam nh&ng viec nhu nhau D. khong ccS vice hoe tap chinh quy thi ngircri ta se khong biet doc biet viet Question 57. Dap an dung D. Mach van cho thay tir "they" ehi cac hoc sinh trung hoc. cac chon lira khac khong eo can cir: A. cac nha lam phim moi nhat B. cac van de chmli ti i C. hoat dong ciia cac chinh phii Question 5H. Dap an dung C. Thong tin cv dau doan 3: Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalilzed process, wliose general pattern varies little from one selling to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at .school at about the .same time, take the a.ssigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, lake e.xams. and so on. Nguoc lai. sir di hoc la mot tit-n trinh co bai ban cii the ma khuon mau cua ncS hku nhir chang thay doi gi tir moi trircmg nay den moi trirong khac. Kh'ap ca nude, trc eon den trirdng mot gid nhir nhau, ngoi vao cho dirge s;ip sAn. duge da\i mot ngirdi trudng thanh, sir dung nhirng cuon sach giao khoa tuong tir niiaii. lam bai tap ve nha, tiii cir, van van va van van. Cac lira chon khac khong eo thong tin ho trg: Ij' A. dirge da> boi giao vien giong nhau B. CO nang lire giong nhau D. CO dieu kicMi hoc tap tuong tir nhau Question 59. t)ap an dimg C. Thong tin a doan 3: Throughout a country, children arrive at school al about the same time, take the assigned .seals, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks Khdp ca nunc, tre con den trmmg mot gi('r nhir nhau. ngdi vdo clu) dmrc .sCip sCin. dmrc day boi mot ngmri Irirmig ihdnh. sir dung nhirng cuon scich giao khoa tinrng tir nhau Cac lira chon khac khong eo thong tin h6 trg: A. dirge tir do ehgn bat cir thir gi de day B. khong dirge phep da> nhung van de chinh tri D. phai day nhung van de xa hoi cho moi lop Question 60. Dap an diing C. Thong tin nam trong bo cue toan bai \an: doan 2 va doan 3 neu ro moi tirong phan giua viec giao due va vice di hoc a trirdng. Cac lira ehgn khac khong eo thong tin ho trg: A. nhung tririrng lot nhat day nhieu mdn khac nhau B. hgc sinh huong Igi tir trirdng hoc. vi tririmg yeu cau hge sinh hoe nhieu gid va lam nhieu bai tap d nha D. hgc sinh cang di hge nhieu nam thi sir giao due eiia chiing cang tot hon Question 61. Di\p an dimg A. (Nhung kluri dciu ciia cdi each Irong nen giao due My) Loai bo B (19 - The ky ciia cai each) va C {Dau tranh cho thay doi) vi y tirdng qua rgng va khong the true tiep nhac den cai each giao due d My; Loai bo D (Nen giao due My vao dau the ky 19) vi cCing khong nhac den cai each. Question 62. Dap an dimg C. Thong tin d: private .schools existed, hut only for the verv ri^h. C'6 trirdvg lu: nhimg chi ddnh cho nhirng ngmri rat gidu. Ba lira ehgn eon lai khong hgp nghTa: mot trinh do thong minh cao B. mot nen giao due virng ehae ' ' • •'' [). diem so cao Question 63. I^ap an dimg B. (moi each khan thiet) = desperately Question 64. Dap an dimg C. I^ir waste trong ngoac kep cho thay ro rang la tac gia khong ddng y vdi y kien cua ai do cho rang di hge thirc sir la mot sir lang phi thai gian. Ba lira ehgn eon lai khong hgp y nghTa: A. Tac gia khong mudn hge sinh lang phi thdi gian vao viec hgc. B. Trich dan kVi ai do ndi rang giao due la mot sir lang phi thdi gian D. Nhan manh so lirgng thdi gian da bi lang phi cho giao due Question 65. Dap an dimg C. I'hdng tin d: Horace Mann, probably the most famous of the reformers, foil that there was no excuse in a republic for any citizen to be uneducated. Horace Mann, eo le la ngirdi ndi tieng nhat trong cac nha cai each, eain thay rang khong ed ed gi trong mot nirdc cgng hda ma edng dan lai th<4t hoc. Ba lira ehgn eon lai khong hgp nghTa: A. Dan eu tieu bang Massachusetts c;in gi do dc^ lam vdi thiri gian ranh roi ciia hg. B. Giao due thdi ay riit it ton kem. D. Ngirdi ta chang biet lam gi khac hon la di hgc. Question 66. Dap an dimg A. Dinh nghTa ciia "reformers" (nha cai each). Ba dinh nghTa con lai deu sai. Question 67. Dap an dung D. Djnh nghTa ciia "citizen" (cong dan). Ba djnh nghTa con lai deu sai. Question 68. f)ap an dimg B. Thong tin d: As Superintendent of Education in the '^tate of Massachesetis from ISJ^ to IH4H. he initiated various changes, which were ^oon matched in other schooldi.stricis around the country. La thanh tra giao due a ''eu bang Ma.ssachu.setts tir IH37 dim IH4S. 6ng dd lham gia khai sm'mg nhidu thay ' "i khac nhau. nhirng thay doi md cluing hao Idu sau dirc/c bdt chir&c lam theo lai ^^c hai CO iruvng hoc tren ca mn'rc. Question 69. Dap an dimg A. Horace Mann khong he de nghi nha trirdng ehuan bi cio hoc sinh sau nay di lam vice de kitMii .sdng; dng chi tang nam hgc tir 5 thang 'j" 6 thang. va cai thien chat lirgng giiio \n b<1ng each de .xirdng viec dao tao sir P^9m va tiing lirong cho hg. Ba lira ehgn con lai khong dimg y bai van. ^^estunt 70. Dap an dimg C. Nang cao chat lugng dao tao giiio vien chinh la viec ^ oraee Mann de .\uat; dng khong de .\uat nhirng viec edn lai (A: tang lirong cho hgc B: bat chirde chinh sach ciia eiic quan hat khac: D: nam hoe dai nam thang). 72. D 73. A 74. B 75.^B • ^ 77. A 78. A 79. B VV'l'* 80. C Luy^n giai dk tnrAc k) llil DU J miihi Hac, I rung. Nam I leng Anh - IKgo VhH MIWI __^Z. DE THI THU" SO 06 Thai fiian lam hai: 90 phut Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closet in meaninfj to each of the following questions. . Question I: Because of the had weather, the plane couldn't land. A. The weather was so bad that the plane couldn't take off. B. The bad weather guided the plane couldn't land. C. The plane couldn't land due to the bad weather. ^ w< D. The place couldn't land thanks to the bad weather. .r^t ; / Question 2: If there were an express train. I would catch it immediately. A. Were there an express train, I would catch it immediately. B. I wanted to catch an express train, but there were no ones. C. 1 w ish there was an express train. D. If only there is an express train. Question 3: It's my father's job to take care of patients. A. It is my father' duty to take care of patients. B. My father is responsible for taking care of patients. C. My father is keen on taking care of patients. D. Taking care of patients is my father's pleasure. Question 4: iVHO means world Health Organization. A. WHO is on behalf of World Health Organization. B. WHO stands for World Health Organization. C. WHO is translated from World Health Organization. D. WHO is explained about World Health Organization. Question 5: I like playing football. I like listening to music a little. A. I like playing football as well as listening to music. B. I would rather play football to listen to music. C. I prefer playing football to listening to music. D. I don't like playing football as much as listening to music. Question 6: It was such an interesting book that it satisfied me. A. This was an interesting book which satisfied me. B. The book wasn't boring enough for me to feel bored. C. The book was too interesting for me to be satisfied. D. The book was interesting enough to satisfy me, wasn't it? Question 7: I never came to this city, so I couldn't meet him. A. Never did I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. B. Never do I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. C. If only I had come to this city, I could have met him. D. I wished 1 had come to this city, I could have met him. Lty IMHH MIV DVVH Khang Vi^t Question H: .John hasn't been back to his hometown for nearly 5 years. /\ John didn't come back iiis hometown 5 years. B. The last time John came back his hometown is 5 years. C. It has been nearly 5 years since John last went back to his hometown. D. It is nearly 5 years since John went back to his hometown. Question 9: The train didn 7 start on lime. A. The train made a late departure. B. The train made a late arrival. > • - • C. The train didn't make a departure in time. D. The train didn't start as usual. Question 10: Seeing her boyfriend again seems to be a great pleasure to all of us. A. Ail of us seem to be greatl> pleased to see her boyfriend again. B. All of us seem to greatly please to see her boyfriend again. C. By seeing her boyfriend again make us greatly pleased. D. We all please to see her boyfriend. Mark the letter .4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each ofthefollowiu}' questions. Question II: The police stated that the accident soon. '' ' A. will be investigated B. had investigated C. is being investigated D. would be investigated Question 12: fhere are chances that Manchester United the last match against Juxentiis ^•'''^on B. will win C. has won D. would win Question 13: to the national park before, .Sue was amazed to see the geyser. A. Being not B. Not having been C. Have not bee D. Having not been Question 14: Hardly the captain of the team when he had to face the problems. A. had he been appointed B. did he appoint C. was he being appointed D. was he appointing Question 15: It is six years we mo\ed to Chicago. ' " • ^- B. that C. since D. after ' Question 16: I am sorry. I have forgotten a table at the restaurant for you. A. reserving B. to reserve C. having reserved D. to be reserved Q'*estion 17: our children may be, we cannot go picnicking in this weather. A. Though excited B. E.xcited as C. Because of excitement D. Exciting P^esY/V;// IH: I am leaving the key under the pot in the garden you should be ^nie earlier than usual. »A. because B. in case C. so that D. though Question 19: Be patient you won't succeed. A. because B. or C. unless D. otherwise Question 20: Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster A. than sound is B. as does sound C. than sound D. as sound is Question 21: Hcrh^ in soups and sauces. ' ' A. are used to be B. are often used ' C. often use D. get used to being gMt'.v//Vm 22. Susan couldn't help when i told her the joke. A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. laughed Question 23: Your hair needs You'd better have it done tomorrow. A. cut B. to cut C. being cut D. cutting Question 24: Quite people have complained about his behavior people have voiced their support for him. A. a few / Many B. very few / Some C. a lot / Few ; , , j,,, D. a few / Very few Question 25: As soon as you hear the alarm, you all have to leave the building A. on the verge B. under law C. at no time D. without delay Question 26: have tried their best to protect the environment, but their efforts seem to be nothing compared to what people are doing to harm it. A. Poachers B. Industrialists C. Conservationists D. Producers Question 27: Jane likes watching films, but she is not keen on any kind. A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly Question 2H: In a report submitted to the government yesterday, scientists that the building of the bridge be stopped. A. banned B. complained C. said D. recommend Question 29: If you come to the theatre late, you have to wait until the to get in. A. break B. interval C. refreshment D. half-time Question J^l'.The jokes Jack tell are as old as A. the earth B. the mountains C. the hills D. the oceans Question 31: As soon as Kate failed to do the job the third time, she got the A. promotion B. recommendation C. rearrangement D. sack Question 32: I read the contract again and again avoiding making spelling mistakes. A. with a view to B. In view of C. by means of D. in terms of Question 33: your effort and talent, we wonder if you can work full time for us. A. Regarding B. In regard of C. With respect to D. On behalf of Question 34: We all need friends whom we can when we are in trouble. A. call on B. break off C. live on D. go by Question 35: Don't let poachers get hunting animals. They deserve to be punished. A. off B. out of Con D. away l^ark the letter A, B, C or D oh your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 36: Some students are plaving football, the others are playing tennis. A B CD Question 37: Minh is excellent at E nglish but his sisters are absolute hopeless. ABC D Question 38: No matter what difficult the test was, he succeeded in passing it. A B CD Question 39: One disadvantage of this job is that it takes me only 5 A B C J.,,,;,,,., minutes from my house to the office. D Question 40: According to the weather forecast, it will be mostly cloudy with A B outbreaks of rain on the South. C D Question 41: There are only a little coffee left, but enough for both of you. A B CD' Question 42: He spoke so f'astly that I couldn't understand anvthing. ABC D Question 43: She is the more beautiful girl that 1 have ever seen. ABC D ' " Question 44: What did you used to do for fun when you lived in the countryside? A B C D Question 45: During the rush hour, the road m the city are very busy. A B C D ^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following fuestions. Question 46: '"'^ ' A. privilege B. finish C. facility D. temperate Question 47: A. telephone B. international C. comfortable D. necessary Question 48: A. tcclinology B. tomorrow C. study D. offence Question 49: A. information B. ridiculous C. existence D. importance Question 50: , , ,,, A. majestic B. maloourislied C. outstanding D. ordinary Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 55. As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessarv to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some tips are certainly in order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away, •fhey will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that \ou will be eating alone. You will probably get better .service and almost ccrtainl> a belter table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs as a businesswoman: this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take the folding case inside your suitcase, it will come in extremely handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business dt>cumcnts and papers \ou no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously experience helps, but \ou can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you can really have a good trip. Question 51: W hi> is the author's intended audience? A. Working women who have no time for cooking. ^ B. Husband and children of working women. C. Working women who must travel on their own. D. 1 lotcl personnel who must cater to working women. Question 52: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. A greater percentage of women are advancing professionally in the US than previously. B. Professional men refuse to accompany their female colleagues on business trip. C. I-ach year there are more female tourists in the United States. D. Businesswomen become successful by showing a willingness to travel alone. Question 53: In this passage, what advice does the author have for married women? A. Stay home and take care of your family. B. Encourage your husband and kids to be happy and have fun while you are awa\ C. Help your family learn to prepare food for themselves. D. Have your whole family take gourmet cooking classes together. Question 54: Wh> arc better restaurants especially preferable for frequent travelers? A. The food is usually better for your health. -'is' > B. The tables are better. ; .fn.i i , C. You can call ahead for reservation. D. You will not have to eat alone. Question 55: Why is lightweight luggage important for the traveling businesswomen? A. It provided space for dirt>' clothes. B. It allows for mobility. ,r lo, C. It can double as a briefcase. i D. It is usually big enough to carry all business documents. Read the fo/lowinfi passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 60. A combination of water, salt, air pollution, sun, sand, and wind is destroying the huge statue ju.st outside Cairo. This five - thousand - year - old statue, which has the body of a lion and the face of a human being, is too badly damaged to be completely saved. First, there is not a good drainage system around the statue and too much water has been running into the stone statue for several years. As a result, tiny pieces of salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it. Second, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying the ancient statue. The air is so full of poisonous gases that it is damaging the statue even faster. Third, the statue is being destroyed by extremes of temperature. The air is very cold at night, but during the day the stone of the statue becomes very hot under the strong sunlight. Other natural forces such as severe sandstorms attack the statue as well. Finally, the tourists who visit the statue every day also cause a lot of damage to it. Question 56: Which of the following is NOT true about the statue? A. Part of it looks like a person B. It is in the centre of Cairo C. It is very big D. It is badly damaged Question 57: According to the passage, the statue was built A. 500 years ago B. in the 10* century , ' C. in the 5"'century D. 5,000 years ago , . Question 58: All of the following are mentioned as causes of damage to the statue EXCEPT A. temperature B. fires C. air pollution D. tourists Question 59: The word "ancient" in the passage mostly means A. very old B. very big C. modern D. beautiful Uiy^H f>Ull ae irmw KI mi tm ^ mien auv, i lunf-, ivum i mn^ MUH ^. I^JU P UH minn -•— Question 6ft: It can be inferred from the text that A. tiny pieces of salt have been put on the statue to prevent damage B. there is little damage to the statue C. the statue was built for entertainment many years ago • ,fj r ' D. human beings as well as nature cause much damage to the statue , | Read the followin}; passaffe and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65. After inventing dynamite, Swedish- born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. ()riginall\e were five awards; literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Ficonomics was added in 1968, just sixty - seven years after the first award ceremony. Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from 30.000 dollars to 125,000 dollars. Bvery year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War 11. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes. Question 61: When did the first award ceremony take place? A. 1895 B. 1901 C. 1962 D. 1968 0«e.v//rt« «52 Why was the Nobel prize established? • |. A. To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity ,j B. To resolve political differences C. To honour the inventor of dvnamite D. To spend money Question 63: In which field have Americans received the most awards? ^ A. literature B. peace C. economics D. science Question 64: In how many fields are prizes given? A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10 Question 65: Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Awards vary in monetary value. '* \. Ceremonies are help on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention. C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners. D. A few individuals have won two awards. Cty TNHH MTVDVyH Kliang Vi?t Read the followin}" passa}ie and mark the letter A. B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70. Walt Whitman, boni in New York, in 1819, was one of America's unusual literary figures. As an individualist, he rambled through the countryside seeing people and places, and making them his own. His experiences in earning a living were varied; at times he was a printer, a teacher, a carpenter, a nurse and newspaper editor. He was a big-hearted man, open and accepting. He gave freely of his time by carr> ing for the wounded during the Civil War. Though he lived in the city, he often spent time in the country, developing his strong sense of nature, which carried through to his poems. In 1855 he collected the verses he had written, and published them in one thin volume, "Leaves of Grass", a book which he revised and rewrote all the rest of his life. The book was ridiculed by some poets and generally ignored by others, probably because his verse forms were not traditional. He had felt that it was necessary to achieve a new poetic form in order to communicate his views. His reputation didn't grow until after his death, and it reached a high pKiint in the 1920s. Since then, Whitman's style has greatly influenced modem poets. . ^Mt'.v//»/i 66. The best title for this passage is ' ii,v ' A. Leaves of Grass B. A Country Man C. Walt Whitman D. Poetry; A New Form Question 67: Whitman's big heartedness is shown by his A. visiting the countryside B. being an individualist C. rewriting "Leaves of Grass" D. carrying for the wounded Question 68: ihe passage says that during Whitman's life time, other poets A. accepted him B. communicated with him C. praised him D. laughed at him Question 69: We can assume that Whitman was ignored because he A. wrote in a new form B. rambled through the countryside C. published his poems D. rewrote his book Question 70: fhe word "rambled" is most similar to the meaning of. A. stopped briefly- B. walked slowly B. traveled quickly D. marched excitedly ' ,' ^ead the followin}' pmsage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer ^heet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80. The wanning of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (71) strongly effect the world. When the water is warm, the (72) of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could (73) experience a drought in "lam parts. On (74) hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing for (:'^\. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern •^akes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier. This happening is called El Nino and is used (76) weather forecasters to make long-range weather predictions. They also know that El Nino will (77) unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part of the United States and make the central part of the county drier at the same time. ' ' '•• According to research, weather forecasters (78) know about the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely differrent. EI Nino itself used to be (79) It would occur every two to seven years. But know, this weather pattern is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are unsure of the reason for this (80) on the global scale either. Question 71: A. whether B. what C. that D. when Question 72: A. deal B. figure C. amount D. number Question 73: A. however B.ever C. nevertheless D.even Question 74: A. the other B. another C. other D. others Question 75: A. angry B. strict C. severe D. cruel Question 76: A. at B. to C. on D. by Question 77: A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. take Question 78: A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. are used to Question 79: A. incredible B. predictable C. remarkable D. notable Question 80: A. shift B.change C. transfer D. transformation DIEN GIAI DAP AN Question I: Dap an dung la C. The plane couldn't land due to the had weather. Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: VI thc'ri tiet xdu nen may bay khong the hg cdnh = May hay khong the hg cunh v'l ihc'ri tiet xdu. Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta c6 cau true because of = due to + noun/ noun phrase: do, tai i Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp: - A. riie weather was so bad that the plane couldn't take off: l^hai tiet qua xdu den noi indy hay khong the cat cdnh. Cau van nay dien dat khong dung y nghTa so vai cau goc. - B. The bad weather guided the plane couldn't land: Thai tiet xdu da ddn den viec may hay khong the hg cdnh. - D. The place couldn't land thanks to the bad weather: May hay khong the hg cdnh nhcr tiwi tiet xdu. Cau van nay dien dat khong dung y nghTa so voi cau goc. Question 2: Dap an dung la A. Were there an express train, I would catch it immediately. t* Giai thich ve mat ngt'r nghTa: Neu c6 chuyen tdu toe hdnh, toi se don ngay lap tth: (cau g()C = cdu dap an) f Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc de cho dang sir dung hinh thurc cau dieu kien loai II, ma dap an A thirc chat la dang dao ngu ciia cau dieu kien loai II vai dong tir were di'rng dau cau dong vai tro nhu If. Cac dap an C(Sn lai khong phu hgp: . B. I wanted to catch an express train, but there were no ones: To! nnion don chuyen tdu loc hdnh nhimg khong c6 chuyen ndo. Cau goc de cho dang sir dung cau dieu kien loai II dien ta ircVc muon dieu khong c6 that cV hien tai , trong khi dap an B dang dien dat sir viec da dien ra trong qua khi'r. , C. I wish there was an express train. Cau van nay khong hgp ngiT phap (neu dugc phai la there were). . D. If only there is an express train. Cau van nay khong hgp ngfr phap Question 3: Dap an diing la B. My father is responsible for taking care of patients. Giai thich ve mat nm'r n^hTa: ('dng viec cua bo toi Id chdni vrir benh nhdn = Ho toi CO trdch nhieni chdni s(')c benh nhdn. Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta co cau triic: be responsible for: co trach nhigm lam vi^c gi. Cac phuang an con lai khong pliii hgp: - A. It is my father' duty to take care of patients. Sir dung sai hinh thiVc ngfr phap. - C. M> father is keen on taking care of patients: Bo toi thich chdni s('>c benh nhdn. Khong sat nghTa so voi cau goc. - D. Taking care of patients is my father's pleasure: Chdni s(')c benh nhdn Id niem viii cua bo toi. Khong sat nghTa so vai cau goc. Question 4. Dap an dung la B. WHO stands for World Health Organization. (iiai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: WHO co nghla Id To chuc Y Ic the giai. (cdu goc = dap dnj Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: ta co ciiu true: stand for: co nghTa Id. viet tat (= mean) Cac piurong an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa so vdi can goc: - A. WHO is on behalf of World Health Organization: WHO lhay nidi cho To chuc y ic The giai. - C. WHO is translated from World Health Organization: WHO dime dich li'r To chuc y le The giai. • D. WHO is explained about World Health Organization: WHO dirac giai thich ve To chuc }' le The gu'ri. Question 5: Dap an dung la C. I prefer playing football to listening to music. Giai thich ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi thich cluri bong dd. l6i it thich nghe nhgc = T^oi thich chai bong dd han Id nghe nhgc. Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta co cau true: prefer + V-ing to + V-ing : thich lam gi han lam gi. Cac phirang an con lai khong phu hgp: ^' " A. 1 like playing football as well as listening to music: Toi thich chai bong dd eiiiig nhirld nghe nhgc. Can nay dien ta y nghTa khong dung so vdi cau goc. • B. 1 would rather play football to listen to music. Cau nay khong dung ve mat •^Kif phap. Ta co cau true: S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen: thich lam gi han lam gi. - D. I don't like playing football as much as listening to music: Toi khong ihich chri hong da nhlcii ninr la ?ighc n/iac. Cau nay dien dat khong dung vai y nghTa ciia cau goc. Question 6: Dap an dung la A. T/iis was an interesting hook which satisfied me. Giai thich ve mat ngir nuhia: Do Id I (/men sckh qua hay den noi no dd lam toi hdi long = Qiiyen sdch hay den noi dd lain toi hdi long. , . Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir nghTa so voi cau goc: - B. riie book wasn't boring enough tor me to feel bored: Quyen sdch khong da Idm de toi cam tlidy clidii. - C. The book was too interesting for me to be satisfied: Quyen sdch qua hay den noi Idi khong hdi long. - D. The book was interesting enough to satisfy me, wasn't it? Quyen sdch hay den noi Idm hdi long toi. phai khong.' Question 7: Dap an dung la A. Never did I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. Ciiai thich ve mat ngu ngina: Toi khong hao gid den thdnh phd ndy. vi vdy toi khong the gap anh dy. li \iu goc ddp dn) Giai thich vc' mat nmT phap: Dap an A thirc chat la dang dao ngfr vai trang tir )ie\'er so voi cau goc. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: - B. Never do I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. Cau nay khong dung ve mat ngir phap. Vi can goc dang dung dong tir 6 thi qua khir dan (came), nen khi dao ngir, ta phai miron trg dong tir did. - C. If only I had come to this city, I could have met him: Gid md toi den thdnh phd ndy. thi toi cd the gap anh dy. - D. 1 wished to come to this city to meet him: Toi mong mudn den thdnh phd ndy de gap anh ta. Cau van nay khong sat vdi y ciia can goc. Question 8: Dap an diing la D. // is nearly 5 years since John went hack to his hometown. Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: John dd khong tra ve que hinmg trong khodng gdn 5 ndm nay =^ Dd gdn 5 nam ke lu-khi John trd ve que hmrng. Giai thich ve mat nmT phap: Cau goc de cho dien ta mot sir viec a thi hi^n tai hoan thanh vcSi khoang thoi gian cii the nearly 5 years. Nen khi chuyen qua mot hinh thirc \t lai can \ai y nghTa tirang dirong, ta c6 cau true sau: It's + khoang thai gian + since + S + V2/ed: Da ke tir khi Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp: A. John didn't come back his hometown 5 years: John dd khong tra ve que anh dy 5 ndtn rdi. Cau goc de cho sir dung boi canh ciia mot sir vice da .\ay ra trong qua khir nhirng van con tiep tuc den hien tai va tirang lai. Hanh dong John khong quay trd ve que hirang anh dy da dirge dien ra 5 nam, nhurng ciing c6 the tiep tuc den tuang lai, chir chira he kct Ihiic trong qua khir. 134 '• B. The last time John came back his hometown is 5 years. Cau van nay sai hinh thirc ngir phap (dang le phai la vmv, khong diing i.s). C. It has been nearly 5 years since John last go back to his hometown. Cau van ,iay sai hinh thirc ngiT phap (dang le phai la khong diing ^'o). • ' Question 9. Dap an diing la A. The train made a late departure. Gjai thich ve mat nmT nghTa: Chuyen tdu dd khong khdi hdnh dung gia = C'huven tdu dd khdi hdnh tre. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc: B. The train made a late arrival: Chuyen tdu dd den tre. C. The train didn't make a departure in time: Chuyen tdu da khong kh&i hdnh kip gi(r- D. The train didn't start as usual: Chuyen tdu dd khong khdi hdnh nhtr throng le. Question 10: Dap an diing la A. All of us .seem to he greatly pleased to .see her hoyfriend again. Giai thich ve rnat ngiT nghTa: Gap lai han trai cua c6 dy dirdmg nhir Id mot niSm vui Ian ddi vai tat cd chi'mg toi = Tat ca chimg toi dirc'mg nhir rat vui khi gap Igi ban trai cua cd dy. ;'.(]'(.• v T Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp ca ngir phap Ian y nghTa. Question 11. Dap an diing la D. would be investigated - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cdnh sdt tuyen ho vu tai nan ndy se sdtn dirac dieu tra. - Ve mat ngir phap: Ta nhan djnh rang cau d^ c6 dang cau tirang thuat gian tiep (dau iiieu la stated that). Ta khong diing cac thi tuang lai dan va hien tai tiep dien trong can tirang thuat gian tiep (ngoai trir cac truong hcrp dac biet nhu dong tir tuang thuat staled phai a hinh thirc state). Do do, cac phuang an A va C deu bj loai. Con hai phirang an B va D, ta chi chgn mot trong hai. Vu tai nan dirac diiu tra - mang nghTa bi dong. Do do, D la dap an duy nhat dung. Question 12. Dap an diing la B. will win - Vc mat ngir nghTa: Cd nhieu khd ndng dgi Manchester United se thdng dqi Juventus trong Iran ddu cuoi cung. • Ve mat ngir phap: Ta diing will trong thi tuang lai dan de the hien sir chac chan hay sir san sang thirc hien dieu gi trong tuang lai hoac hien tai khi c6 tinh huong hay van canh cii the. Cau van c6 chi tiet: '"there are chances - cd nhieu khd ndng" •lieu nay cho ta biet c6 sir dur doan ve tuang lai dira vao y chu quan hoac khach quan ciia nguai noi. " Vi du: Woman: 1 can not lift this case: Toi khong nhac noi cai vaii nay. Man: I will help you: Toi se giiip chj. (sir san long) Q««Y/«n/J. Dap an dung la B. Not having been ; . Ve mat ngiT nghTa: VI trirdc day khong dirac den cong vien quoc gia, (nen) Sue dd nggc nhien khi thdy mgch phun nude. Ve mat ngfr phap: Ta chii y den "before - tmoc day", do vay ve cau c6 chira ^(^fore phai a thi hien tai hoan thanh. Han nti-a, ta c6: "not + having + V3/ed: v; '-'hira " diing de chi li do khi hai ve cua cau c6 ciing chung mot chii ngir nhung trong ve dau tien thi ehii ngir bj tihuyet (dugc hieu ngam). Xet a cac goc do tren, ta chon B la dap an duy nhat dung. - Question 14. Dap an dung la A. had he been appointed - Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Doi tnnrng ciia clot dime ho nhieni chmi hao Idu ihi anh dy dd phdi doi mat vai nhieii Idio khan. - Ve mat ngir phap: Khi hardly dung dau can thi iiien tugng dao ngu xay ra. Ta c6 cau true ngir phap nhu sau: Hardly + had + S + V3/ ed + when + clause (qkd): khong hao Idii Ihi Hardly + had + S + been + V3/ed + when + clause (QKD) (bi dong) Question 15. Dap an dung la C. since - Ve mat ngir n^hTa: "Dd 6 nam kc' ti'r khi chimg toi chuyen den Chicago. " - Ve mat nm'r phap: Clause (HTHT) + since + moc thcri gian/ clause (QKD) Hoac: It is + khoang thai gian + since + clause (QKD) Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vai cau van: A. when: khi; B. that: ma va D. after: sau khi: khong phii hop voi cau true ngfr phap. Question 16. Dap an dung la B. to reserve - Ve mat ngu nghTa: Xin Idi. Toi da quen dgt cho a nhd hang cho hgn. - Ve mat ngiT phap: Ta sir dung cau true: ' ^.wv^ forget + V- to infinitive: quen lam gi Limy: forget + V- ing: quen lam viec gi roi (hanh dpng da xay ra) Question 17. Dap an dung la B. Excited as - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Mac cho sir hao hire ciia hon Ire, chiing Idi cung khong the di dd ngogi Irong liuri del nine ihe nay. - Ve mat ngiT phap: C) day, chimg ta c6 the sir dung linh Itr di'nig dan can de dien ta y tirong phan: Adj + as + S + may/might/can/could + Vtobe, clause = Although/Despite the fact that/ Much as/ Even though + clause, clause Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop voi cau van: A. Though + clause: mac du. dii cho C. Because of +N/N.P: bai vi D. Exciting: tinh tir nay diing trong trirong hop mang nghTa chii dong. Question 18. Dap an dung la B. in case - Ve mat ngu nghTa: "Toi de ch'ia khoa nhd a dia'n chdu Ima Irong vir&n phong khi hgn ve sdni lurn hinh ihirdng. " - Ve mat ngCr phap: Dira vao nghTa cua cau van, ta sir dung cau true sau day la phu hgp nhat. in case + clause: phong khi Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp: A. because + clause: h&i vi - menh de trang ngu chi ly do C". so that + clause (S + modals + Vnguyen): muc dich Id. nhdm. de, cot de - iTienh de trang ngu chi muc dich D. Though + clause: mac dii, dii cho - menh de trang ngir chi su tuang phan , , Question 19. Dap an dung la B. or , Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Hay kien nhdn neu khong hgn se khong Ihdnh cong. . Vxmat ngu phap: Trong cau dieu kien loai 1, ta c6 mot each dung het si'rc dac biet: ntni mcMih de gia sir dugc dung nhir mot loi menh lenh, nghTa la no du-gc bat jau bang mot dong ti'r nguyen man (nham khuyen ran hoac de dga), thi ta dung chu or - neu khong llii. roi tiep theo la menh de chinh. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp voi cau van: A. becau.sc + clause: hoi vi - menh de trang ngu chi muc dich. ' ' C. Unless + clause = If not: Neu khong thi . ). D. othcrw isc: neu kliong ihi - khong dimg trong cau dieu kien. Question 20. Dap an dung la C. than sound - Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Goddard dd phdl ininh ra len lua dau lien hay vdi loc do nlian/i lion dm lhanh. - Ve mat ngfr phap: Ta quan sat thay day la dang cau so sdnh han cua trang tir fast \a faster. Nliir ta biet : I 1 i short adj/adv-er + than + I \ Ta loai dap an (A, B. D) vi chiing sai hinh thuc so sanh: i A. than sound is \ B. as does sound « D. as sound is TriC'l ly: Da la hinh thuc so sanh hon thi phai c6 than. Trong sir lira chgn B va D khong CO than ncn sai. Sir lira chgn A c6 chua than nhung ta khong chgn vi is khong dugc dung g day. Thay vao do, ta co the dimg does vi ve dau cau van c6 dimg dong tir Ihu6ng/A'. x.v,, Question 21. Dap an diing la B. are often used " Ve mat ngir nghTa: Thao moc thm'rng duw sic dung trong canh vd nirac .sot. - Ve mat ngu phap: Chu ngir cua cau van la "thdo moc' khong the tir thirc hien hanh dong "sir dung''' ma la Thdo moc ihudng dinrc .sir dung - mang nghTa bj dong. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp voi ciiu van: A. arc used to be: diroc dimg Id - hinh thiic ngir phap nay khong phii hgp vai cau van da cho. D. get used to + N/ V-ing: cpien vai - dien ta mot thoi quen hay sir thich nghi ^^^i hien tai (khong phii hgp vai ngu canh cau van da cho). C. often use://;(/r377j:,'f//V//^'- mang nghTa chii dong. ' ' • 22. Dap an dimg la A. laughing :Ju''{« • [...]... starring (a): chinh, troi han Question 31 : I am taking the final examination tomorrow morning V c mat ngCr nghTa: Trong 3 ngdy trade khi bin're vdo k}' thi tot nghiep phd thong, Question 32 : \e passed my examination in computer theory l^ira vao y nghTa va van canh, ta chgn D anh ta dd phai sdp xep lai eo he thong nhmig kien thi' re dd hoe Congratulations! Question 33 : Please accept my apologies for being... Giai thich: Chung ta dung tir increase a goc do danh tirde chi sirgia fan ngfr so 3 c6 moi quan he vdi S* hoac O" Xet v4 mat chirc nang va vj t r i : Ta da biet whom se thay the cho tan ngfr O (3) IVia whom phai dirge dat ngay sau danh tir no thay the NghTa la no se dirng ngay sau S* hoac ( ) * Nhirng dii dirng a vj tri nao, ca thanh phan con lai S + V phai dirge kem theo whom (nghTa la O (3) ) De thi. .. la phirong an ira lai diing thi whom se bj khuyet d i Gia sir ( ) * c6 moi quan he vai O (3) : tang S* + V + O* S + V + O (3) • S* + V + O* + O (3) + S + V Question 6: Dap an dung la B won't he - Ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi ng/ii anh ay se tham gia ciing chung ta phdi khong? - Ve mat ngCr phap: Ta nhaii tha\g day la dang cdu hoi diioi Trong do, ve dau cua cau van dang a hinh thi' rc khang djnh he will nen... the is Giai thich: N I + giai tir + N2 + V ( N 1 ) "-^ " Question 2: Dap an dung la A As i f • i f lam sang to: S* + V + O* S + V + O (3) ( i i a i thich: Dung i f de hgp hinh thire can dieu kien loai i l l Question 3: D;ip an dung la A slightly • heavily '' '"" Giai thich ve mat y nghia: Mac dii bi pha hiiy nang ne do hoa hoan, rot cuoc toa nha van dugc khoi phuc lai dang ve nhir ban dau Question 4:... dii khong gian trong can phong nay cho chiec ghe so pha con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi' r hai Question 39 : f fiiai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can nha cau triic: Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa.- Hay di bo thoi nao = T6i dt' nghi chung ta di bg c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu hai Cac Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can nha cSu true: tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu ba... phirong an A sir dung hinh thirc khviii 'firthig thi nhuvg ngirdi khdc tai Cau nay khong phii hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa... still can be hoped to supply many o f man's needs Question 44: The sofa would take up much space in this room A The sofa is small enough to be put in this room B There isn't enough space in this room for the sofa C The room is large enough to have the sofa in it D The sofa is so large that it can be put in this room /; Question 45: Let's go for a walk h A Walking gives me a pleasure B 1 like walking C... Linen}iiai,lcinnhk)ihl DII3 num uai' iniiif;, i\am IlerifjMini~i\}>i) vimmnm DIEN GIAI DAP AN Question I: Dap an dung la B are • Fa thay rang tan ngfr a v | tri so 3, ma whom dimg de thay the cho cac tir chi pguai lam chirc nang tan ngfr Vay whom phai a vj t r i so 3 (theo y luan cua ly thuyet) Nhirng ta da biet dai tir quan he phai dugc dat dirng ngay sau danh tir ma no thay the is Giai thich: N I + giai... nha t u ban cong nghiep D producer (n): nha san xiiat 138 i •'•'•''^ D half-time (n): g i d nghi gifra hai hiep dau t ' Ve mat ngir nghTa: Nhinig chuyen dua Jack ki thi xira Idm roi Ta cd cum tir bat bien: as old as the hills: cdxira ' '' •'' rat eii ' Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop [ ' Question 31 Dap an dung la D sack Ve mat ngu nghTa: Sau 3 Idn khong Idm lot cdng vice, Kate dd bi sa ihdi Ta cd:... , Ojai thich: There + dgng tir s6 it + danh tir so I't/danh tir khong Akm dirge Trong trucrng hop nay "coffee" la danh tir khong dem dugc nen ta phai dimg "is" Question 42 Dap an dimg la C: fastly • fast: B in view o f sth: xet thay boi vi C by means o f sth: being each sir dung cai gi D in terms o f sth: \ih mat, diroi dang, trong thai ky Giai thich: Fast (adv): Nhanh chong ^; Question 33 Dap an . HOC - business trip: cluiyen cong tac • ;iriv'j J'-n'' '-J''^' - encourage: khuy^n khich. khich le JUI.HM IM KI -rjH.'-j ,;: r ,-; . cluri bong dd. l6i it thich nghe nhgc = T^oi thich chai bong dd han Id nghe nhgc. Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta co cau true: prefer + V-ing to + V-ing : thich lam gi han lam gi la O (3) ). De thi lai c6 tinh diing whom la phirong an ira lai diing thi whom se bj khuyet di. Gia sir ()* c6 moi quan he vai O (3) : S* + V + O*. S + V + O (3) • S* + V + O* + O (3) +

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2015, 15:26