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Lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson

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Lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson Nguyễn Diệu Linh University of Languages and International Studies M.A Thesis English Linguistics, Code: 60 22 15 Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Hùng Tiến Year of graduation: 2011 Abstract: Ambiguity is one of the interesting aspects of language. Not only can it make interlocutors or readers misunderstand but it is also an effective tool to make literature works attractive. Therefore, it has received many concerns from linguists. This study in Semantics attempts to investigate lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. This investigation is carried out to answer the question: “What are the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson?”. The theoretical framework for the analysis is set out by reviewing lexical and structural ambiguity discussed by different linguists, and focusing on the point of view of Hurford, J.R. & Heasley, B. (1983) who share the same idea as Palmer, F. R. (1981) and Cann, R. (1983). Each chapter is gone deeply inside to find out and analyzed its lexical and structural ambiguity, then, the data are grouped based on the literature review. From the data analysis, the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in the story are proposed. The results show that lexical and structural ambiguity appears in most chapter and they play important roles in the attraction of the story. The findings from the analysis are also aimed at helping readers to clarify ambiguity which they may have to face up with when reading the story. Keywords: Ngôn ngữ; Tiếng Anh; Từ vựng; Cấu trúc Content Ambiguity is one of the interesting aspects of language. Not only can it make interlocutors or readers misunderstand but it is also an effective tool to make literature works attractive. Therefore, it has received many concerns from linguists. This study in Semantics attempts to investigate lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. This investigation is carried out to answer the question: “What are the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson?”. The theoretical framework for the analysis is set out by reviewing lexical and structural ambiguity discussed by different linguists, and focusing on the point of view of Hurford, J.R. & Heasley, B. (1983) who share the same idea as Palmer, F. R. (1981) and Cann, R. (1983). Each chapter is gone deeply inside to find out and analyzed its lexical and structural ambiguity, then, the data are grouped based on the literature review. From the data analysis, the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in the story are proposed. The results show that lexical and structural ambiguity appears in most chapter and they play important roles in the attraction of the story. The findings from the analysis are also aimed at helping readers to clarify ambiguity which they may have to face up with when reading the story. BẢN TOÁT YẾU Sự mơ hồ là một trong những khía cạnh đặc sắc của ngôn ngữ. Nó không chỉ có thể khiến những người tham gia đàm thoại hiểu lầm mà còn là công cụ hữu hiệu để làm cho các tác phẩm văn học hấp dẫn. vì thế, nó đã nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm từ các nhà ngôn ngữ. Bài nghiên cứu về lĩnh vực Ngữ Nghĩa học này điều tra về sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện “Đảo Giấu Vàng” của Robert Louis Stevenson. Bài nghiên cứu này được tiến hành để trả lời câu hỏi: “Sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc có vai trò gì trong truyện “Đảo Giấu Vàng” của Robert Louis Stevenson?”. Lý thuyết cho phần phân tích được đặt ra bằng cách xem xét lại sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc mà các nhà ngôn ngữ khác nhau đã đề cập tới, và tập trung theo quan điểm của Hurford, J.R. & Heasley, B. (1983) là những người có cùng quan điểm với Palmer, F. R. (1981) và Cann, R. (1983). Mỗi chương được đi sâu để tìm hiểu và phân tích sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc, sau đó, số liệu được nhóm lại dựa theo lý thuyết. Từ việc phân tích số liệu, vai trò của sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện sẽ được đưa ra. Các kết quả chỉ ra rằng sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc xuất hiện ở hầu hết các chương và có vai trò quan trọng trong việc tạo ra sự hấp dẫn của truyện. Kết quả thu được từ việc phân tích cũng nhằm giúp độc giả hiểu rõ về sự mơ hồ mà họ có thể gặp phải khi đọc truyện. References Cann, R. (1993), Formal Semantics: an Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Bartoloni, P. & Stephens, A. (2010), Introduction to Ambiguity in Culture and Literature. Retrieved September, 2nd 2010, from http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol12/iss4/1. Harrison, M. (2010), Ambiguity Now. Retrieved September, 2nd 2010, from http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol12/iss4/8. Cook, G. (1989), Discourse, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Quiroga-Clare, C. (2010), Language Ambiguity: A Curse and a Blessing. Retrieved September, 2nd 2010, from http://translationjournal.net/journal/23ambiguity.htm Lodge, D. (1988), Modern Criticism and Theory, Longman, London. Eagleson, R.D. & Kramer, L. (1977), A Guide to Language and Literature, Nelson, Melbourne. Curse, D.A. (1986), Lexical Semantics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Hughes, W. & Lavery, J. (2004), Critical thinking: an introduction to the basic skills, Broadview Press Ltd, Tornto. Hurford, J.R. & Heasley, B. (1983), Semantics: a Coursebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kreidler, C.W. (1998), Introducing English Semantics, Routledge, London and New York. 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Retrieved September, 20th 2010, from http://www.literatureproject.com/treasure-island/index.htm. . roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson? ”. The theoretical framework for the analysis is set out by reviewing lexical and structural ambiguity. to investigate lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. This investigation is carried out to answer the question: “What are the roles of lexical and structural. structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson? ”. The theoretical framework for the analysis is set out by reviewing lexical and structural ambiguity discussed by different linguists,

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