A cross-cultural stydy of pauses and time- fillers in some American and Vietnamese films Nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về việc sử dụng các quãng lặng và các yếu tố khỏa lấp trong một số bộ phim Việt Nam và Mỹ Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung University of Languages and International Studies M.A. Thesis. English linguistics; Mã số: 60 22 15 Supervisor : Nguyễn Quang Pr.Dr Năm bảo vệ: 2012 Abstract. The present study is a comparative and exploratory study of the use of silence/pauses and time-fillers in American and Vietnamese films. Its aims are to investigate: (i) How the Vietnamese characters perform silence/pauses and time-fillers in the contexts studied, (ii) How the American characters perform silence/pauses and time-fillers in the contexts studied, and (iii) What the major differences between American and Vietnamese characters in performing silence/pauses and time-fillers are. Data are collected from four Vietnamese and four American films. They are analyzed against the three reference points of availability, proportionality and manifestability to find out major similarities and differences between American and Vietnamese characters (and hopefully, the American and the Vietnamese) in using silence/pauses and time-fillers. The results show that American and Vietnamese characters have different preferences for using silence/pauses and time-fillers in the films under investigation. They are significantly different not only in the number of pause and time-filler occurrences, but also in the duration and location. Moreover, the variables of power such as ‘high-to-low’, ‘low-to-high’, or ‘equal’ tend to have a significant influence on the occurrence, the duration and the location of silence/pauses and time- fillers for both groups. Keywords. Giao văn hóa; Tiếng Anh; Ngôn ngữ học Content. The study consists of three parts: Part I. Introduction, which provides the rationale, scope, aims and methods of the sudy. Part II. Development, which consists of three chapters. Chapter 1. Theoretical preliminaries. This chapter covers the relationship between language and culture, language and communication, cross-cultural communication, high-context and low-context culture, non-verbal communication and paralanguage. Chapter 2. Silence/pauses and Time-fillers. This chapter reviews the issues relevant to the study including silence/ pauses and time-fillers. Then the notions of silence/ pause and time-filler definitions and usages are discussed. Chapter 3. Findings and Discussions. The strategies of using silence/pauses and time-fillers are identified and major cross-cultural differences and similarities discussed. Part III. Conclusion, in which the main findings are reviewed, the implications for cross-culture interactions, the limitations of the study pointed out and suggestions for further research offered. References. Albert, M. (1972), Nonverbal communication. 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Terrence, W. D. (1997), The symbolic species: The co-evolution of Language and the brain. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication data: 25. From: http://www.amazon.com/Symbolic-Species-Co-Evolution-Language- Brain/dp/0393317544#reader_0393317544 Vietnamese film: Mùa lá rụng. Vietnamese film: Lập trình trái tim. Vietnamese film: Phía trước là bầu trời. Vietnamese film: Cô gái xấu xí – Tập 69. American film: Enchanted American film: Smart people American film: The ugly truth American film: 27 dresses. . (iii) What the major differences between American and Vietnamese characters in performing silence /pauses and time-fillers are. Data are collected from four Vietnamese and four American films. . They are analyzed against the three reference points of availability, proportionality and manifestability to find out major similarities and differences between American and Vietnamese characters. Abstract. The present study is a comparative and exploratory study of the use of silence /pauses and time-fillers in American and Vietnamese films. Its aims are to investigate: (i) How the Vietnamese