endocytosis vacuolar trafficking and structural transitions in vivo

Mechanical behaviour of human epidermal and dermal layers in vivo pdf

Mechanical behaviour of human epidermal and dermal layers in vivo pdf

... skin in vivo is an important consideration in both cosmetic and clinical applications such as the development of creams and personal care products, or in understanding skin diseases and skin ... biopsy, fixing, sectioning and staining, all leading to cell degeneration including shrinkage) Artifacts in confocal microscopy can emerge as bright or dark spherical disks on the skin surface ... (bright), skin composite (grey and white), subcutaneous fat (black) and muscle (grey and white) Increasing the suction pressure led to an increasing uplift of the skin surface, an increasing fat...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

119 629 0
Health and Structural Funds in 2007-2013: Country and regional assessment pptx

Health and Structural Funds in 2007-2013: Country and regional assessment pptx

... potential: support will include financing of scientific research, including investment in infrastructure, setting up innovative enterprises, and developing cooperation in the field of innovation between ... actions include: • introducing new technology and making greater use of ICT, supporting cooperation and networking between similar companies and connecting them with centres promoting innovation, ... Hungary and Poland Such investments are less obvious in the competitiveness and employment regions Looking in more detail at the findings shown in Figure 1, the health services category includes inpatient,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

36 412 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Tractability and Structural Closures in Attribute Logic Type Signatures" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Tractability and Structural Closures in Attribute Logic Type Signatures" pptx

... in linear time in both the number of features and types Subtype covering results in NP-complete non-disjunctive type inferencing, but the postponement of these constraints using constraint handling ... Applying Constraint Handling Rules to HPSG In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000), Workshop on Rule-Based Constraint Reasoning and Programming, London, ... example, in Figure 6, main verb has one such prodINV , and aux verb has two, uct, AUX AUX INV , and AUX INV verb, on the other hand, has all four possible combinations, so it is deranged The resulting...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 349 0
molecular dynamics studies of ultrafast laser induced phase and structural change in crystalline silicon

molecular dynamics studies of ultrafast laser induced phase and structural change in crystalline silicon

... the interface superheating and undercooling, during which the RDF was tried to be applied in determining the interface Tint DT Vint Dz melt-solid interface temperature interfacial superheating/undercooling ... simulations to investigate ultrafast laser-induced phase and structural change occurring in ultrafast laser interactions with crystalline silicon The crystalline silicon is modeled using the Stillinger–Weber ... at the interface: DT = Teq À Tint, is related to the interface velocity Vint(Tint) as [42,43] Where Teq is the equilibrium melting temperature, Tint and Vint are the interface temperature and velocity...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:54

7 417 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunomodulatory and antitumor effects in vivo by the cytoplasmic fraction of Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium longum" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunomodulatory and antitumor effects in vivo by the cytoplasmic fraction of Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium longum" pot

... leukemia cells) were obtained from KCLB (Korean Cell Line Bank, Seoul, Korea) and maintained in RPMI medium containing 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS, GibcoBRL, Grand Island, NY) in a humidified atmosphere ... suggesting that both L casei and B longum in intestinal microflora can activate immune system to prevent diseases including tumors References Fig Survival rate of F9-bearing mice after LABs administration ... Bifidobacterium longum, a lactic acidproducing intestinal baterium, inhibits colon cancer and modulates the intestinal biomarkers of colon carcinogenesis Carcinogenesis 1997, 18, 833-841 30 Skakelford...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 17:22

8 645 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Lutein is needed for efficient chlorophyll triplet quenching in the major LHCII antenna complex of higher plants and effective photoprotection in vivo under strong light" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " Lutein is needed for efficient chlorophyll triplet quenching in the major LHCII antenna complex of higher plants and effective photoprotection in vivo under strong light" pps

... recombinant proteins binding violaxanthin showed faster photobleaching than those binding lutein (not shown) The data shown in Figure refer to in vitro reconstituted, recombinant proteins 3Car* ... LHCII binding violaxanthin in sites L1 and L2 undergoes a more rapid photobleaching when illuminated in the presence of oxygen with respect to the LHCII binding lutein [9,18] Photobleaching is ... One mutant line, containing a T-DNA insertion in the sixth exon of the gene, was identified in the superpools and then in the pools, and kindly provided by INRA To identify homozygous lines, PCR...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20

20 425 0
lexical and structural ambiguity in  treasure island  by robert louis stevenson = sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện đảo giấu vàng  của robert louis stevenson

lexical and structural ambiguity in treasure island by robert louis stevenson = sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện đảo giấu vàng của robert louis stevenson

... fighting- cocks and they drink (b)They drink like fighting- cocks and they eat (c) They eat like fighting- cocks and they drink like fighting- cocks There is not much structural ambiguity in chapter ... identical in pronunciation air and heir c) Homographs are one identical in spelling wind /wind/ (n): a current of air and wind /wind/ (v): to empower a clock Sources of homonymy In the viewpoint of ... report in England to illustrate: Lord Denning spoke against the artificial insemination of women in the House of Lord  In the speech presented in the House of Lord, Lord Denning spoke against...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

42 680 0
lexical and structural ambiguity in  treasure island  by robert louis stevenson = sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện đảo giấu vàng  của robert louis stevenson tt

lexical and structural ambiguity in treasure island by robert louis stevenson = sự mơ hồ nghĩa từ vựng và cấu trúc trong truyện đảo giấu vàng của robert louis stevenson tt

... received many concerns from linguists This study in Semantics attempts to investigate lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson This investigation is carried ... show that lexical and structural ambiguity appears in most chapter and they play important roles in the attraction of the story The findings from the analysis are also aimed at helping readers to ... the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson?” The theoretical framework for the analysis is set out by reviewing lexical and structural ambiguity...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

6 473 2
lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers = sự không rõ ràng về nghĩa của từ và cấu trúc trong tiêu đề hài hước trên báo điện tử tiếng anh

lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers = sự không rõ ràng về nghĩa của từ và cấu trúc trong tiêu đề hài hước trên báo điện tử tiếng anh

... possibility to interpret them in more than one way have recently become an interesting linguistic phenomenon on Internet There are many websites specializing in listing these kinds of headlines from ... Newspapers Today the internet is becoming more and more important as an unlimited and invaluable source of information The interest of readers into websites providing information is prospering all over ... arrangement of words in this NP structure ―Dink killing suspects‖, readers can understand the headline in two different ways In the serious meaning, both words ―Dink‖ and ―killing‖ are modifiers...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

51 1,7K 2
lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers = sự không rõ ràng về nghĩa của từ và cấu trúc trong tiêu đề hài hước trên báo điện tử tiếng anh t

lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers = sự không rõ ràng về nghĩa của từ và cấu trúc trong tiêu đề hài hước trên báo điện tử tiếng anh t

... LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE-STUDIES **************************************** NGUYEN THI ANH NGUYET LEXICAL AND STRUCTURAL AMBIGUITY IN HUMOROUS HEADLINES IN ENGLISH ... between a Headline and the Headlines …………….… 17 2.3 Functions of Headlines………………………………….……………… ……18 2.4 The Language of Headlines …………………………………………… … 19 2.4.1 The Vocabulary of the Headline Writer ... Writer ……………… …………………19 2.4.2 Language Devices in Headlines…………………………………………….20 2.4.3 What the Headline Writer Omits ………………………………………….21 2.4.4 How the Headline Writer Reorganizes Language ………………………...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

6 443 4
Lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers

Lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines in english electronic newspapers

... possibility to interpret them in more than one way have recently become an interesting linguistic phenomenon on Internet There are many websites specializing in listing these kinds of headlines from ... give guidelines for analyzing lexical and structural ambiguity in humorous headlines During the study process, the following research questions will be raised for investigation: What are linguistic ... possibility to interpret them in more than one way Therefore, the author of this thesis distinguishes between headlines containing linguistic ambiguity and those that simply report funny or incredible...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:51

11 428 2
Lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson

Lexical and structural ambiguity in “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson

... show that lexical and structural ambiguity appears in most chapter and they play important roles in the attraction of the story The findings from the analysis are also aimed at helping readers to ... (1998), Introducing English Semantics, Routledge, London and New York Nguyễn Hòa (2004), Understanding English Semantics, National University Press, Hanoi Lobner, S (2002), Understanding Language ... and analyzed its lexical and structural ambiguity, then, the data are grouped based on the literature review From the data analysis, the roles of lexical and structural ambiguity in the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:51

3 407 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural studies of the capsular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of Aeromonas salmonicida strain 80204-1 produced under in vitro and in vivo growth conditions docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural studies of the capsular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of Aeromonas salmonicida strain 80204-1 produced under in vitro and in vivo growth conditions docx

... CPS and O-chain LPS are composed of linear trisaccharide repeating units containing 3-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-quinovose, 4-linked 3-[(N-acetyl-L-alanyl) amido]-3-deoxy-D-quinovose and 3-linked ... Interresidue NOEs were observed between H-1a and H-3c and between H-1b and H-3a, suggesting a linear structure a-c-b (Fig 2E,F) In addition, interresidue NOEs between H-1c and H-4b (Fig 2G) indicated ... and O-chain polysaccharide of A salmonicida strain 80204-1 the previously identified O-chain containing L-rhamnose, 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-mannose and D-glucose [11], confirming that the novel CPS and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

10 332 0
Báo cáo y học: "Expression of Human Globular Adiponectin-Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analog Fusion Protein and Its Assay of Glucose-Lowering Effect In Vivo"

Báo cáo y học: "Expression of Human Globular Adiponectin-Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analog Fusion Protein and Its Assay of Glucose-Lowering Effect In Vivo"

... characterized by insulin resistance and insulin secretion deficiency At present, there is no a single medication which treats type diabetes by improving both insulin resistance and insulin secretion ... fusion protein exhibited significant glucose-lowering effect in diabetic mice and may be a promising agent that can treat type daibetes by improving both insulin resistance and insulin secretion ... fusion protein in inclusion body was refolded in urea gradient refolding buffer And then, the refolded protein was incubated with enterokinase to remove the His-tag The fusion protein without...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:10

7 613 0
Stability and in vivo evaluation of pullulan acetate as a drug nanocarrier

Stability and in vivo evaluation of pullulan acetate as a drug nanocarrier

... stability and toxicity of PANs, and further investigated the sustained release behavior in vivo of drug loading in PANs PA was firstly synthesized and characterized by FT-IR and 1H NMR, and then ... novel hydrophobized polysaccharide/oncoprotein complex vaccine induces in vitro and in vivo cellular and humoral immune responses against HER2-expressing murine sarcomas Cancer Res 58:3385–90 Gustafson, ... sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) In vivo pharmacokinetics and bioavailability In vivo pharmacokinetic study was conducted by the routine method (Mross et  al., 1988; Bibby...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 21:38

7 391 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Pronounced adipogenesis and increased insulin sensitivity caused by overproduction of prostaglandin D2 in vivo pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Pronounced adipogenesis and increased insulin sensitivity caused by overproduction of prostaglandin D2 in vivo pptx

... prostaglandin D2 in adipogenesis in vivo Y Fujitani et al indicate that overexpression of H-PGDS increases insulin sensitivity in vivo Adipocyte differentiation ex vivo Finally, we examined whether ... glucose, leptin and insulin, and insulin sensitivity, in TG mice After weeks of normal or HF diet, serum levels of triglyceride, glucose, leptin and insulin were deter- 1 Duration (week) 0 mined (Fig ... adipogenesis, and increased insulin sensitivity when on the HF diet Thus, we show, for the first time, that PGD2 is involved in the activation of adipogenesis and regulation of insulin sensitivity in vivo...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20

10 647 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The endogenous retinoid metabolite S-4-oxo-9-cis-13,14-dihydro-retinoic acid activates retinoic acid receptor signalling both in vitro and in vivo pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The endogenous retinoid metabolite S-4-oxo-9-cis-13,14-dihydro-retinoic acid activates retinoic acid receptor signalling both in vitro and in vivo pdf

... all-trans-retinoic acid, the findings clearly demonstrate that S-4o9cDH-RA has the capacity to bind and activate nuclear retinoid receptors and regulate gene transcription both in vitro and in vivo Retinoids ... [10]) There are different RAR and RXR subtypes (a, b and c), and each subtype exists in multiple isoforms [11] at-RA binds to the ligand-binding domain of RARs, which induces heterodimer formation ... experiment The subsequent incubation with the indicated retinoids was then terminated at the indicated time points by washing with NaCl ⁄ Pi and lysis of the cells using mL of Trizol (Invitrogen) per well...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

17 406 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Compartmentalization and in vivo insulin-induced translocation of the insulin-signaling inhibitor Grb14 in rat liver pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Compartmentalization and in vivo insulin-induced translocation of the insulin-signaling inhibitor Grb14 in rat liver pptx

... Desbuquois et al Insulin-induced translocation of Grb14 in rat liver A H N B M LP S PM GE –ins Grb14 – ins Grb14 + ins –ins + ins + ins – ins EEA1 + ins Na+K+ATPase Calnexin + ins number: 10 11 ... [13], and tankyrase [15] The binding of ZIP to Grb14, by recruiting protein kinase Cf, enhances the serine phosphorylation of Grb14 and its inhibitory effect on IR kinase and insulin signaling ... liver insulin signaling, and that it may represent an interesting molecule with which to regulate liver insulin action Experimental procedures Materials Porcine insulin, recombinant human insulin,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

15 497 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role of receptor-mediated endocytosis, endosomal acidification and cathepsin D in cholera toxin cytotoxicity pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role of receptor-mediated endocytosis, endosomal acidification and cathepsin D in cholera toxin cytotoxicity pdf

... diphtheria toxin (60 lg per 100 g body weight), and incubated in 0.15 M KCl containing mM MgCl2, lM acridine orange and, when indicated, mM ATP The relative decrease in fluorescence intensity was ... CT–ARF interaction has been extensively characterized in vitro, little is known about their in vivo interaction, and the subcellular binding site(s) between CT and ARF-6 remain(s) undefined Originally, ... pepstatin A treatment produced, both in vivo and in vitro, a sustained reduction in the cAMP response to CT, we next evaluated the role of the pepstatin A-sensitive enzyme cathepsin D in CT cytotoxicity...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20

16 537 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural and Topical Dimensions in Multi-Task Patent Translation" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural and Topical Dimensions in Multi-Task Patent Translation" ppt

... (COLING’10), Beijing, China Alexandru Ceausu, John Tinsley, Jian Zhang, and ¸ Andy Way 2011 Experiments on domain adaptation for patent machine translation in the PLuTO project In Proceedings ... pooling data from separate tasks into a single training set Instead of a trivial enlargement of training data by pooling, we train the pooled models on the same amount of sentences as the individual ... of tokens and average type frequencies in text sections We reserved patent data published between 1979 and 2007 for training and documents published in 2008 for tuning and testing in SMT For...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20

11 436 0