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Giáo án Anh 8 tiết 83-90

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Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 83: - GETTING STARTED (page 131) - LISTEN AND READ (page 132) I. Aim: Reading for details about wonders of the world. II. Objective: Ss will be able to talk and know much about wonders of the world. III. Techniques: pair work, group work, ask & answer, what and where, RO R, gap – fill, chatting IV. Teaching aids: Tape, tape recorder, Posters, 6 flashcards, a chart V. Time : 45’ VI. Procedure: A . Greetings. B . Old lesson: Do exercise. Set the scene: "Yesterday, Lan'sgrandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a teacher. A man came to her door and said, "I 'm a teacher". Report what the man told Mrs Thu. 1. I’m a teacher. 2. I can teach your son. 3. Your son is weak. 4. You must pay me tomorrow. - Warm up : * GETTING STARTED: Matching the pictures with the names of famous places. - Presentation : LISTEN AND READ I. Pre-teach Vocabulary: wonder, famous, pyramid, find out, if/whether, bored - Get SS to copy - Checking technique: what and where - Elicit words from Ss and write them inside the circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the words, not the circles- continue until the circles are empty. - When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask - Ss to come to the board and fill in the circles with the right words. - Practice : II. Practice the dialogue with a partner - Have ss listen to the tape (twice). - Ask ss to practice in groups. - Give feedback on playing roles. III. Complete the summary - Present the summary on the board and have ss work in groups to fill in the gaps. - Give feedback and correct. * Answer key 1. game 2. place 3. clue 4. Vietnam 5. America 6. golden 7. right 8. was - Production: 1. Have s match the words with the explainations + Suggest a piece of information that helps you discover. + Golden the answer to a question. + Clue what you often feel when you have nothing to do. + Bored made of gold. make a suggestion. 2. Play games: Guessing Games D. Homework: - Write the questions and full answers in your exercise notebooks. Page - 1 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… - Prepare Unit 14: Speak and Listen UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 84: - SPEAK (page 132) - LISTEN (page 133) I. Aim: Practice in making a report on famous places using reported speech and listening for details. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a report on famous places using reported speech and recognize mistakes through listening to an advertisement. III. Techniques: pair work, group work , Individual work, Bingo, Slap the board, IV. Teaching aids: Picture , a mapped dialogue chart, real (clothes), cassette V. Time : 45’ VI. Procedure: A . Greetings. B . Old lesson: Read the dialogue. Then answer the questions, write some vocab C . New lesson: - Warm up : * GAME: Find famous place in Asia - Ask Ss to think of places . - Divide the class into 2 groups. - Which group can guess quickly is win - Presentation: SPEAK I. Pre-teach vocabulary - Elicit the vocabulary from Ss: Great barrier reef, twin tower - Get Ss to copy Checking technique: Bingo - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 new words and write them on the board - Ask Ss to choose any 4/5 words and copy them into their papers. - Call out the words until someone has ticked all of his/her words & shouts "Bingo" & wins II. Matching A B 1. It was designed and built by the French civil engineer with 300 meters in height. 2. It is in South Central Asia, 8.848 meters high above sea level. 3. It was built from 246 – 209 B.C and some people say it can be seen from the moon. 4. It is a bell striking the hours in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London. 5. It is a skycraper in Manhattan, New York city 6. It is a famous place in Quang Binh province recognized as a world heritage site by UNESCO. a. Eiffel tower. b. Mount Everest. c. Great Wall Of China. d. Big Ben e. Phong Nha cave f. empire state building USA Page - 2 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… - Practice: III. Question and answer drill. - Ask ss to write yes / no questions about 10 places in the box, using the information in the matching. (each student in a group asks a question) - Suggest: 1. Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in Paris? 2. Is the Empire State building located in New York city? 3. Are the Petronas Twin Towers located in Malaysia? 4. Is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia? 5. Have you ever seen Mount Rushmore? Is Mout Everest in Nepal? … - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary. - Have Ss aks and answer the questions, check yes or no. - Call on a group to demonstrate their work. IV. Grammar Drill. Set the scene: ** Ask a student: ( Lan / ….) T: Is Hue Citadel in the Central Viet Nam? Ss: Yes, it is. ** Ask Ss to listen: T: I asked Lan if Hue Citadel was in the Central Viet Nam. She said that it was. ** Write the statement on the board. ** Model sentences: I said to Lan, “Is Hue Citadel in the Central Viet Nam?” (Yes/ No question  direct speech.) I asked Lan if / whether Hue Citadel was in the Central Viet Nam. (Main Clause) (Yes/ No question  indirect speech.) Concept Check: Indirect yes / no question Form: S V O IF / WHETHER S V I asked Lan If Hue Citadel was … Use: - to say  to ask / want to know. - if the verb in the main clause is in past tense, the tense in the indirect questions must be changed: Direct questions Indirect questions Present simple Past simple Past simple Past perfect Present perfect Past perfect - Production: - Choose a group’s answer to demonstrate the model ( asking and reporting) - Call on a pair in group to demonstrate the exchanges and the tell one of them to report. - Have Ss work in their groups. Page - 3 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… - Call on Ss in different groups to report in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Pre – listening: LISTEN I. Pre teach vocabulary: southern, northern, jungle, crystal – clear, coral, snorkel, amongst - Check vocab : R OR II. Gap - fill prediction - Set the scene: * “ Do you want a quiet, relaxing vacation " - Ask Ss to open their books and read the statements on page 133. - Get Ss to predict the words in the gaps - Write Ss' guesses on the board. - While – listening: - Play the tape (2 or 3 times) - Ask Ss to listen and' fill in the gaps. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and check if Ss' guesses are right or not. - Play the tape again and correct. Answer Key:a. far north b. Queensland c. Hotel. d. rainforest e. 6924 - Post – listening: Have Ss ask and answer the questions. + How many mistakes are there in their advertisements ? What are they ? + What number can we call for more information ? D. Homework: - Talk about the weather forecast and making a plan abroad - Do the exercises in the workbook. - Prepare Unit 14: Read Page - 4 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 85: READ (page 134) I. Aim: Reading for details about the wonder of the world . II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get more knowledge about wonders. III. Techniques: pair work, group work , Individual work, RO R, open prediction, word square IV. Teaching aids: word square chart, photocopied pictures , drawing ,girds V. Time : 45’ VI. Procedure: A . Greetings. B . Old lesson: - Talk about the wonders of the world - Do the exercises in the workbook. C . New lesson: • - Warm up : * listen a song - Teach Ss an English song. “You’re my heart you’re my soul” - Ask Ss to listen to the tape. - Pre – reading : * READ I. Pre- teach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss: 1. (to) compile : (translation) 2. (to) claim : (translation/ explanation) (to say something is true) 3. (to) honor = to show respect 4. (a) god (male) → goddess (female) (translation) 5. religion (n) (translation) → religious (adj) 6. royal (adj) (situation) (Phu Xuan (Hue) used to be an old royal capital city of Vietnam.) - Have Ss copy •Checking technique: Slap the board (* ) Page - 5 - Claim Claim God royal honor religious Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… II. True – False prediction - Put the chart on the board. 1. An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world. 2. The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of Cheeps in Egypt. 3. Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens of abylon in present - day Iraq. 4. Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a Hindu God. 5. The Great wall of China first wasn't in the list of the 7 wonders of the world. 6. In the early 15"' century, the Khoner King chose Angkor War as the new capital. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and write them on the board. - Ask Ss to open their books and read the paragraphs on page 134 . - Check if Ss' answers are right or not. - Answer key: 1. False: A Greek man named Antipater did it 2. True 3. False : The only surviving wonder is the pyramid of Cheeps in Egypt. 4. True 5. True 6. False : In the early 15 th century, the Kh'mer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital. - While - reading : III. Multiple choice:(prepare it as a listening task) - Ask Ss to choose the best answers to complete the sentences. - Ss choose A, B ,C, D . - Key: a) C b) A c) D d) B IV. Comprehension questions - Ask Ss to answer some the questions. - Tell Ss to compare their answer with their partners. - Call on some ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Answer Key: a) The only surviving wonder on Antipater's list is the Pyramid of Cheops. b) Angkor wat was originally built for Hindus. c) Angkor wat was part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago. d) In the 1400s, the Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital. - Post - reading: - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it. - Ask Ss to read the test again and fill in the grid with the information taken from the text Wonders of the world Country Page - 6 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… 1. hanging gardens of Babylon 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Iraq D. Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary and read carefully. - Write the answers into your notebooks - Do the exercises in the Workbook . - Prepare Unit 14: Write UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 86: - WRITE (page 135) I. Aim: To get Ss to practice in writing a letter to a friend. II. Objective: Sts will be able to write a letter to friend about a place they have visited. III. Techniques: pair work, group work, Gap fill, ask and answer, Brainstorming, Lucky numbers. IV. Teaching aids: drawing, mime, photocopied pictures V. Time : 45’ VI. Procedure: A . Greetings. B . Old lesson: Read the stage careful then answer some questions, write some vocab C . New lesson: - Warm up : * Guessing game: Wonders of the world - Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of the world and write it on a piece of paper. - Call on a student to the front of the class with his / her paper. - Have the rest of the class ask him/ her yes-no questions to guess the wonder. - The student having the right guess will take the place of the last student. - Pre – writing: WRITE I.Pre teach vocabulary: 1. (a) ranger (explanation) (person who takes care of a park) 2. Edge (n) (drawing) the edge of the table 3. (a) canyon : (translation / picture) Page - 7 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… 4. breathtaking (adj) := very exciting, impressive 5. temperate (adj) (explanation / translation) 6. Stone Age (translation) - Get Ss to copy. ** Checking technique: R OR II. Insertion. - Ask Ss to read the letter Tim send to Hoa about his trip to the Grand Canyon on p.135 - Tell Ss to complete the letter by inserting the letters of the missing sentences - Call on some Ss to read their completed letters in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Keys: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A - While – writing : III. Writing: Set the scene: Imagine you have visited a place recently. Write a letter to a friend of your and tell him /her about this place. - Draw the outline on the board and elicit some details. + place ( Cuc Phuong National park, Phong Nha cave, … ) + distance ( 100 km, 12 hours by train, … ) + how to get there ( by bus / by plane, … ) + sights ( beautiful / breathtaking / magnificent / … ) + weather ( temperate / sunny / cool / warm / … ) + how you feel ( happy / relaxed / … ) - Have some students talk about something they have done first by asking questions for them to answer. - Ask Ss to write the letter in their notebooks. - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary . - Call on some Ss to read their letters in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. - Post-writing : IV. Interview: - Ask Ss to use the outline on the board and the information in their letters to make an interview. - Model: call on a student to stand up to answer the questions: a. Where have you just visited ? b. How far is it? c. How did you get there? d. What is it like? Is it beautiful? e. How about the weather? f. How did you feel? - Ask students to play in turn the role of an interviewer and an interviewee. - Monitor and correct. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate their interview. D. Homework: - Copy the test on your notebooks. - Prepare Unit 14: Language Focus Page - 8 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 87: - LANGUAGE FOCUS (page 136,137) I. Aim: Practice in Passive form, indirect questions with If/ whether , questions words before to-infinitive and verb + to _infi. II. Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students can report what people ask and answer about one of the World Cultural Heritage of Viet Nam III. Techniques: Gap-filling, Match, group work, pair work, individual work. Bingo IV. Teaching aids: cardboards, poster, handouts V. Time : 45’ VI. Procedure: A . Greetings. B . Old lesson: write a letter to friend about a place they have visited C . New lesson: - Warm up : * Bingo: Temperate, breathtaking, royal, religious, canyon, pyramid, edge, god, jungle, compile - Presentation 1: LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 1. Pre- teach: ** Vocabulary: construct , design, summit, expedition, guide, civil engineer ** Revision: - Ask Ss to resay the form of the passive in the past simple tense. Page - 9 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… Was / were + Past participle - Have Ss look at the exercise and choose the right verbs in the box for the gaps in the sentences. - Practice: - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right passive form of the verbs. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. - Answer Key : 1. was completed 2. was constructed 3. was designed 4. was presented 5. was reached. - Production: 2. Matching: - Write the words and their meaning on the board. - Ask Ss to read the exercises and do the matching. A B 1. construct 2. design 3. summit 4. expedition 5. guide a. thiết kế b. đoàn thám hiểm c. xây dựng d. hướng dẫn viên e. đỉnh núi - Call on some Ss to go to the board to draw the lines to connect the words. - Answer Key: 1. C 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. D - Presentation 2: LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 I. Set the scene: Yesterday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the world cultural Heritage of Viet Nam. Beside answering some of Nhi’s questions, Nga gave her some additional information about My Son. - Ask Ss to report what Nhi asked Nga, using reported speech. - Call on some students to resay the use of the Indirect yes / no questions if necessary. - Show the questions on the board. - Model the first question and ask Ss to listen. Ex: Do you know My Son, Nga?  Nhi asked Nga if / whether she knew My Son. - Practice: II. Substitution Drill ** Oral drill: - Call one student to read the question, another student read the reported sentence. - Give feedback and correct if necessary. - Go on asking students to do the rest questions orally with the same steps. ** Writing Drill. - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the reported sentences. - Correct and ask Ss to write the right answer in their notebooks. Answer Key: 1. Nhi asked Nga If / whether she knew My Son 2. it was far from Ha Noi. Page - 10 - [...]... TN TL 6s 1,5ms 12s 3ms 4s 2s 1m 8s 2s 3ms 4s 3 ms 28s 10ms Viết 1s 1m 1s Tổng 8s 1m 1s 8s 1m 3s 6s 1m 2s 2ms 1m 3ms 2 ms 1,5ms 1m TEST KEYS I Pretest (1 m) Listen and circle a suitable word to fill in the blank 1 a twenty 2 b minus 3 c centigrade 4 c cool II Choose and circle a suitable word or pharse to fill in the blanks (2,75ms) 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 d 7 A a / B d 8 a 9 c 10 a Page - 16 - Date of... 5 Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards 6 Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival 7 They held the festival in the communal house yard 8 The council leader awarded the first prize to the Mekong team - Individual work / group work - Teacher corrects - Activity 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first 1 Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 182 3 The poem... Câu trực tiếp – câu gián tiếp ) + Câu trực tiếp : là câu nói được thuật lại đúng nguyên văn lời của người nói VD:Tom said, “I like reading books” Note: Câu trực tiếp được viết trong ngoặc kép, và ngăn cách với mệnh đề tường thuật bởi dấu phẩy +Câu gián tiếp: là lời nói được thuật lại với ý và từ của người thuật nhưng vẫn giữ nguyên ý VD: Tom said he liked reading books Note: Câu gián tiếp không bò ngăn... themselves - However there are some students still to exchange - Self – improved description B Weak points: - Some of students still make a noice - Weak’s students couldn’t do by themselves C Result: 81 ………………; 82 ………………; 83 ……………… D Homework: - Prepare Unit 15 : Getting Started + Listen and Read - Prepare vocabularies, Check Fact or Opinion Page - 17 - ... school before 7 o’clock.” 8 Lan said “I will be very busy tomorrow.” 9 Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week.” 10 Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks.” - Give feedback - Teacher corrects Page - 13 - Date of Planning :…/ … /20… Date of Teaching: … /…/20… - Activity 3: Odd one out letters pronounced differently from the others: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C D arrived sight... parentheses (0,5m) 1 traditional 2 interested V Write unfinished sentences that they mean the same as those printed above them : (1m) 1  The poem was written by Clement Clarke Moore in 182 3 2  Hoa said she couldn’t go out after 8 pm VI *Read the passage.Then write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences below (0,75m) a F b T c T *Read the passage.Then answer for each of the question sentences below... of Planning :…/ … /20… Answer Key: 1) jogging / to jog 2) go 4) raining / to rain 5) to reach D Homework: - Copy all their book - Do the exercises in the workbook - Prepare for Unit: REVISION Period: 88 Date of Teaching: … /…/20… 3) gathering / to gather 6) to continue 7) get UNIT: REVISION I Aim: Help sts to review the knowledge from Unit 12 to Unit 14 to prepare the test II Objective: - By the end... nhận xét cách thành lập tónh từ kép trong các ví dụ sau: - The people who love peace => The peace-loving people - The story that breaks our heart => The heart-breaking story Hãy nhận xét cách thành lập danh từ kép trong các ví dụ sau: - Stamp collecting - Window shopping 2 Practice: a The teacher who teaches jogging b Her shoes that are used to dance c This rope is used to fish d They make candies and... brother said to her, “Can you get back home by half past ten?” 4/ “Must you go now?” said Mr,Brown 5/ Mary asked, “Are you going to eat in the caféteria, Tom?” - Give feedback - Teacher corrects - Activity 8: Requests with: Would / Do you mind if ? / Would / Do you mind + V_ing … ? - Activity 9: Rewrite the following Yes/No questions in reported speech, use IF or WHETHER: 1.“Do you enjoy reading books?”... festival WAS held IN our school yard There WERE three competitions : water – fetching, fire – making AND rice – cooking The festival TOOK one day.After the three contests, all points were added and the class 8A WIN the grand prize The festival WAS wonderful We love it very much We hope our school WILL hold next years  Period 90: UNIT: CORRECTING THE TEST I Aim: Help sts to correct the test II Objective: . 1,5ms 12s 3ms Nghe 4s 1m 4s 1m Nói 4s 1m 2s 1m 2s 1m 8s 3ms Viết 1s 1m 1s 1 m 2s 1m 4s 3 ms Tổng 8s 2ms 1s 1m 8s 3ms 3s 2 ms 6s 1,5ms 2s 1m 28s 10ms TEST KEYS I. Pretest (1 m) Listen and circle. built by the French civil engineer with 300 meters in height. 2. It is in South Central Asia, 8. 8 48 meters high above sea level. 3. It was built from 246 – 209 B.C and some people say it can be. students still make a noice. - Weak’s students couldn’t do by themselves. C. Result: 8 1 ………………; 8 2 ………………; 8 3 ……………… D. Homework: - Prepare Unit 15 : Getting Started + Listen and Read. - Prepare

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2015, 21:00

Xem thêm: Giáo án Anh 8 tiết 83-90



