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TEST 1 I. Choose the best answer 1. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. airports B. newspapers C. things D. calculations 2. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. hour B. hand C. honest D. honor 3. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. speaks B. days C. bats D. photographs 4. Choose the word whose main stress placed differently. A. expression B. decisive C. dependent D. independence 5. Choose the word whose main stress placed differently. A. possible B. suitable C. supportive D. confident 6. When I last saw him, he…… in London A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living 7. We…. Dorothy since last Sunday A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen 8. The train… half an hour ago A. has been living B. left C. has left D. had left 9. Jack…. the door A. painting B. paint C. will have painted D. has just painted 10. My sister… for you since yesterday A. is looking B. was looking C. looked D. has been looking 11. He feels a strong sense of… towards his parents A. irresponsible B. responsible C. responsibility D. responsibilities 12. For… reasons, passengers are requested not to leave any luggage unattended A. secure B. securely C. security D. securing 13. Some people are concerned with physical……when choosing a wife or husband A. attractive B. attraction C. attractiveness D. attractively 14. Our parent join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home A. deal with B. manage C. help together D. work together 15. mark enjoys having fun by causing trouble. He’s a very… boy A. stubborn B. mischievous C. spoiled D. bright 16. Let me give you a… with those bags A. help B. hold C. hand D support 17. We are a very……family and support each other A. well-to-do B. hard-up C. close-knit D. old established 18. The city centre was packed with thousands of tourists of different races and…… A. civilizations B. cultures C. costumes D. circumstances 19. Does TV adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural……of the country A. diversity B. alterations C. fields D. customs 20. The economy is regarded as the……factor which will determine the out come of the general election A. major B. decisive C. key D. all are correct 21. How much do men share housework and the… of the children A. attention B. care C. belief D. notice 22. Many of our students come……poor family A. in B. for C. from D. over 23. My father hasn’t seen his older brother……at least twenty years A. since B. from C. during D. for 24. Eight years ago we started writing to each other A. We have rarely written to each other for eight years B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other C. We wrote to each other eight years ago D. We have been writing to each other for eight years 25. John wishes he had remembered to send Mary a Christmas card A. John regrets not to send Mary a Christmas card B. John regrets forgetting not to send Mary a Christmas card C. John regrets not remembering sending Mary a Christmas card D. John regrets forgetting to send Mary a Christmas card 26. I might go camping my friends have invited me A. My friends have invited me to go camping B. My friends have invited me go camping C. My friends have invited me going camping D. My friends have invited me that I might go camping 27. Last year my little brother got lost while we had gone shopping A. last year B. lost C. had gone B. shopping 28. We don’t know why Mary is upset, and she didn’t speak to us for ages A. why B. upset C. didn’t speak D. ages 29. Never before has so many people in the United been interested in soccer A. has B. many C. in D. interested 30. You can borrow so many books as you want A. borrow B. so C. books D. want 31. There are also many single mothers and fathers which are raising children by themselves A. are B. many C. which D. by 32. – “ Can I carry your bag for you?” - “ ………. . I can manage.?” A. Not at all B. No, thanks C. Yes, please D. Ok, then 33. – “ Why don’t you ask Tom for help?” -“………” A. That’s a good idea B. Never mind C. I hope so D. Yes, please 34. The man was in……health that the family began to consider whether he could continue to live in his home A. such a bad B. too bad C. such a worst D. so badly 35. What’s the name of the man…… car you borrowed? A. who B. which C. that D. whose 36. The…… he is, the more miserable he gets A. richer B. more riches C. more rich D. none is correct 37. We left early… avoid the traffic A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. so as that 38. You…. take photographs in here. It’s forbidden A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. may 39. Tell me… you want, and I’ll try to get it for you A. that do B. what do C. what D. that if 40. This one is prettier, but it costs……as the one A. as much as B. as many C. twice as many D. twice as much as II. Read the passage and choose the best answer A woman was(41)… an airport in Canada, in a hurry to catch her plane. When she went through the metal detector, it made a noise. Bzz ! Airport officials carefully (42)….her. There were no coins in her pockets and no metals in her shoes. They told her walk through again. Bzz ! The officials searched her once again. There was nothing! Finally, they let her (43)…….and board the plane. Several days later ……, the woman had a stomach-ache. She went to her doctor and got an X-ray. There was a 30-centimeter-long(44)… instrument in her stomach from an old operation. She was surprised and angry. So that was why she had a stomach-ache and all the trouble at the airport! Everyone (45)…. mistake, a hospital official explained. No one is perfect. 41. A. in B. at C. on D. by 42. A. asked B. checked C. stopped D. looked at 43. A. stay B. pass C. leave D. check 44. A. strange B. medical C. dangerous D. metal 45. A. makes B. has C. does D. finds III. Read the passage and choose the best answer The Great Wall of China winds across the Chinese countryside for more than 6,500 kilometres east to west. It is one of the biggest structures ever made by humans. The ancient Chinese built the wall as a defence against invaders from the north. Its height ranges from 5 to 9 metres and its width is 5 to 8 metres. A wide pathway runs along the top and towers stand at regular intervals. Signal towers were used to send military information. Soldiers often used fires or lanterns to send their messages at night. Smoke signals were used during the day. The lower levels of the signal towers had rooms for the soldiers and stables for horses. Workers in the Chinese state of Chu began construction on a portion of the wall in the 600s BC. They made this wall to protect themselves from their enemies. From the 500s to the 300s BC, other states followed Chu’s example and began creating their own protective walls. Finally, in the 200s BC, the Chinese emperor Shi Huangdi began work to connect all the different walls throughout China. Over the centuries the wall was repaired several times. The wall’s use as a defensive barrier ended in 1644 with the collapse of the Ming Dynasty. Afterward some of the wall fell into disrepair, but in the 20 th century parts were rebuilt. The Great Wall is now regarded as a symbol of China 46. How long is the Great Wall of China? A. 5 to 8 meters B. More than 6,500 kilometres C. 5 to 9 meters D. 300 to 500 meters 47. Why was the Great Wall first built? A. To prevent invaders from the north B. the Chinese emperor Shi Huangdi wanted to connect the whole country C. the ancient Chinese needed place for their soldiers and horses D. to connect all the different walls throughout China 48. What were the signal towers used for? A. for horses and soldiers B. for fires or lanterns C. for the Chinese Emperor D. for sending military information 49. Who connected the different walls of the Great Wall of China? A. the Chinese emperor Shi Huangdi B. the Chinese state of Chu C. the Ming Dynasty D. the ancient Chinese 50. When did the wall’s use as a defensive barrier end? A. in 1644 B. in the 20 th century C. in the 600s BC D. in the 200s BC TEST 2 I. Choose the best answer 1. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. jumped B. picked C. relaxed D. suited 2. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. passed B. realized C. wished D. touched 3. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently A. impolite B. instance C. might D. sacrifice 4. Choose the word whose stress placed differently A. acceptable B. communication C. appropriate D. attention 5. Choose the word whose stress placed differently A. romantic B. attractive C. traditional D. employee 6. I ……to the same barber since last year A. am going B. go C. had going D. have been going 7. I am going to wait until you……the dinner A. will finish B. had finished C. are finishing D. have finished 8. The bus always… here to pick up passengers A. is stopping B. stops C. has stopped D. will stop 9. I saw a bear while I … in the forest A. am walking B. walked C. was walking D. were walking 10. She said that she hadn’t visited the OK…… A. before B. then C. now D. ago 11. There……a big increase in the market for mobile phones recently A. has had B. was C. has been D. is 12. She said that she… for five hours A. has been driving B. had been driving C. drove D. would drive 13. He asked me……that film the night before A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if had I seen D. if I had seen 14. I ……swim in this river when I was young A. used to B. am used to C. use to D. was used to 15. Pay more attention…….the picture and you can find out find out who is the robber A. to B. for C. at D. on 16. Small children are often told that it is rude to point… other people A. on B. to C. at D. for 17. We are going to leave by three……we don’t get stuck in the rush-hour traffic A. in order to B. so as to C. so that D. that 18. There are so… students that we don’t have enough seats A. much B. many C. few D. little 19. How… money have you got? A. much B. a lot of C. many D. few 20. Peter and Tom plays tennis every afternoon with Mary and me A. plays B. tennis C. afternoon D. Mary and me 21. He asked me if I can make an appointment A. me B. if C. can D. make 22. He said that he will be there again the day after A. that B. will be C. there D. the day after 23. Sarah sang too badly that I had to look away so as not to laugh at her A. too B. away C. at D. so as not to 24. There was such much rain last night that the reads were flooded A. was B. such C. the D. were 25. –“………”. – “ It will be better” A. How will our life like B. What will our life be like C. How do we live D. What will our life like 26 “I’m getting marriage next week”. – “ ……” A. Thanks, the same to you B. Congratulations! C. Well-done D. sorry to hear that 27. The industrial… has made many changes in our countries A. develop B. developer C. development D. developing 28. She always listens ……… to what she is told. A. attention B. attentive C. attentiveness D. attentively 29. In most of western countries, ……. Parents live in nursing homes A. old-aging B. old-age C. old-aged D. old-ages 30. “ If I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top floor.” A. He advised me to try to get a room on the top floor B. He advised me to try getting a room on the top floor C. He offered me to try to get a room on the top floor D. He suggested me to try to get a room on the top floor 31. Can you pass me the magazine? A. would you mind passing me the magazine? B. would you like passing me the magazine? C. Do you like to pass me the magazine? D. Let’s pass me the magazine? 32. “ Do you watch TV every morning, Tessa?, said Tom A. Tom asked Tessa if she had watched TV every morning. B. Tom asked Tessa if did she watch TV every morning. C. Tom asked Tessa if does she watch TV every morning. D. Tom asked Tessa if she watched TV every morning. 33. Why don’t you make it bigger and more colorful to…… people’s attention? A. keep B. attract C. raise D. ware 34. Both whistling and clapping our hands to get the waiter’s attention are considered…… A. verbal B. polite C. kidding D. rude 35. We can use verbal or nonverbal forms of communication A. verbs B. speech C. gesture D. facial expression 36. Mr. Johnson enjoys socializing with young people in the neighborhood A. meeting B. talking C. playing D. mixing socially 37. A woman has to …….more in marriage than a man A. determine B. sacrifice C. apologize D. equalize 38. The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese… A. partner B. colleague C. counterpart D. collaborator 39. The marriage which is decided by parents of the bride and the groom is called……marriage A. united B. connected C. combined D. contractual 40. There will be another survey… among teenagers about hobbies A. performed B. designed C. controlled D. conducted II. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. What will the city of the future look like? This question has been asked so many times over the last 500 years- and answered inconsequently an equal number of times-that we can be sure of one thin only: no one can predict accurately(41)……cities will look 50 or 500 years from now. The reason is simple. Cities change continually. For over fifty years they have changed(42)…… rapidly that the oldest residents will remember a time when their city seemed to belong not just to another era but to a different dimension This is true both of planned and unplanned cities. Planned cities such as New York and Paris, (43)…… are closely organized on a grid or diagram of streets and avenues, have effectively burst at the seams this century, while unplanned cities such as London, Tokyo and Los Angeles have grown just as dramatically. (44)… their centers might remain much as they were many years ago, their suburbs have spread like the tentacles of an octopus. Some economists argue that expansion is a sign of healthy economy, now that expanding cities(45) ….international investment 41.A. what B. why C. how D. which 42.A. very B. so C. such D. really 43.A. that B. where C. which D. they 44.A. Although B. When C. Because D. As 45.A. draws B. gets C. attracts D. catches III. Read the following passage and the choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet Ordinary houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the homes is batteries. When you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at the landfill. The poison inside them moves through rain water and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground. We should use rechargeable batteries. Another hazardous waste in homes is motor oil. Don’t throw old motor oil on the ground or throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle motor oil. Paint is another kind of hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have a “Paint Exchange Day”. If you bring in open, unused blue paint and wanted red, they give you red. Sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colours. If you paint walls with them, you help save the environment 46. What is the most important dangerous waste in the homes? A. motor oil B. paint C. batteries D. garbage 47. How can batteries at the landfill pollute the underground waster? A. They break open at the landfill B. Their poison moves to the bottom of the landfill C. They move to the underground waster D. They combine with rain waster and other liquids 48. Why should we use rechargeable batteries? A. to protect the environment B. they are durable C. they pollute the underground waster D. they are convenient 49. Why shouldn’t we throw motor oil on the ground? A. it poisons the environment B. it is a waste of money C. it pollutes the ground D. it is dangerous 50. What should we do with motor oil? A. sell it B. recycle it C. throw is away D. throw it on the garbage TEST OF ENGLISH 3 Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. cell B. cinema C. ethical D. dental 2. A. thought B. bought C. brought D. though 3. A. time B. climb C. win D. ride Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 4. A. important B. difficult C. attractive D. successful 5. A. continent B. possession C. particular D. instruction Choose the best answer 6. They are a close-knit family and very __________ of one another. A. supportive B. support C. supported D. supporting 7. Five years ago we started to preserve the …………… houses and the landscape. A. traditional B. tradition C. traditionally D. traditions 8. Before modern ………… like gas and electricity, the fireplace was used fro both heating and cooking. A. conveniences B. convenience C. conveniently D. convenient 9. A/an _________ is an official document stating that you have passed an exam, competed a course, or achieved some necessary qualifications. A. certificate B. requirementC. education D. test 10. _________ is the study of the events of the past. A. Geography B. History C. ArtsD. Literature 11. She was the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university ________. A. schedule B. education C. science D. technology 12. __________ is the study of the Earth’s features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different regions of the world. A. Science B. GeographyC. History D. Technology 13. Fee-paying schools, often called “independent schools”, “private schools” or “__________ schools” A. college B. primary C. secondary D. public 14. In the UK, __________ schools refer to government-funded schools which provide education free of charge to pupils. A. state B. secondary C. independent D. primary 15. Mathematics, a required subject in all schools, is ________ into many branches. A. grouped B. prepared C. divided D. added 16. School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools. A. depended B. required C. divided D. paid 17. When you are doing puzzles, always read _________ the questions carefully. A. through B. on C. out D. in 18. His illness prevents him __________ coming to the party. A. with B. from C. for D. of 19. John said to me, “If I were you, I would not quit the job.” A. John said that he would quit the job. B. John asked me to quit the job. C. John advised me not to quit the job. D. John told me that he did not want to quit the job. 20. “Mary, please come to dinner tonight,” Henry said. A. Henry advised Mary to come to dinner tonight. B. Henry invited Mary to come to dinner that night. C. Henry suggested Mary should come to dinner tonight. D. Henry told Mary please come to dinner that night. 21. Although he drove carefully, he could not avoid the accident. A. He managed to avoid the accident at last. B. Carefully as he drove, he could not avoid the accident. C. He could not drive more carefully because of the accident. D. As soon as he drove carefully, the accident happened. 22. Will you buy an electric car when they ___________ available? A. become B. became C. are becoming D. will become 23. Something funny ____________ in class yesterday. A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened 24. We’ve been living in Montreal since we ___________. A. have graduated B. have been graduating C. graduated D. graduate 25. Mark __________ all evening, and he was very tired. A. have been studyingB. had been studying C. studied D. studies 26. Next week when there __________ a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher. A. will be B. is C. is being D. will have been 27. If you _________ a headache, you should take an aspirin. A. will have B. had C. have D. are having 28. I wish I _________ a bigger house. This one is too small. A. have B. had C. would have D. had had 29. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle __________ last night. A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole 30. Lan’s in __________ Europe on vacation. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 31. Take the number 5 bus and get ________ at Times Square. A. up B. down C. outside D. off 32. She’s finished the course, __________? A. isn’t she B. doesn’t she C. hasn’t she D. didn’t she 33. The football match was postponed _________ the bad weather. A. despite B. in spite C. because D. because of 34. David: “I’d like to invite you to a party next Sunday.” Cathy: “_____________ “ A. Thank you. What time? B. How do you do? C. You’re entirely welcome. D. I’m glad you like it. 35. Tony: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Kathy!” Kathy: “_____________” A. Maybe, I am not sure. B. You’re welcome. C. That sounds great. D. Thanks. That’s a nice compliment. Choose A, B, C, or D that needs correction 36. If I know it was going to rain like this, I would have stayed at home. A B C D 37. Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats. A B C D 38. Most parents prefer an education system which offers the children widest study A B C D options in the world. 39. I could not help laugh when hearing Tam singing that song. A B C D 40. Why don’t you help each other revising for the upcoming exam? A B C D Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the passage Lindsay Lewis is married with four children. In 1969, he (41) _________ to Cambridge University and took a degree in economics. From 1972 to 1978 he taught in India and Japan. He return to England to do (42) ________ at Bristol University. He has lived (43) ________ seven years in Fairfield and he is now the principal of the technical college. He was the chairman of Fairfield Education Committee in 1986. He was also a member of the Public Health Council for two years. In 1987 he (44) _______ an article for the best essay on education. He wants (45) _______ education and government health services, his hobbies are swimming, playing chess, and collecting foreign coins. 41. A. went B. is going C. goes D. has gone 42. A. researching B. research C. researchers D. researcher 43. A. during B. since C. for D. after 44. A. written B. writes C. wrote D. writing 45. A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. improve Read the passage and choose the correct answers Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer. He was born in San Francisco in 1876, he quit school at fourteen to become a sailor. He was a self- taught student, he finished his high school and college education during six months. He led an adventurous but poor life. His view point was in favor of the poor and socialism. He read a lot of books of Karl Marx. He was influenced by Marxist Party theory and the October Revolution. In 1985, he joined the Socialist Labor Party but in the last years of his life, he moved away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party. In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair dream. He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea. He was an adventurous novelist, a Socialist reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for the revolution, Jack London.” 46. Jack London quit school in ……………… A. 1876 B. 1890 C. 1895 D. 1916 47. He had a/an ……………….life. A. rich and adventurous B. poor and quiet C. adventurous and poor D. rich and quiet 48. He was in favor of ……………… . A. self teaching B. capitalism C. the rich and the poor D. the poor and socialism 49. Why did he commit suicide? A. Because he left the party B. He used to have a dream C. Because of socialism D. Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream 50. Jack London died at the age of …………… . A. 39 B. 40 C. 41 D. 42 The End. TEST OF ENGLISH 4 1. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. appeal B. break C. defeat D. mean 2. A. food B. tookC. lookD. good 3. A. honey B. hour C. honest D. honor Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 4. A. convenient B. fascinating C. dependent D. important 5. A. alternative B. illegal C. economic D. available Choose the best answer 6. The old man is fed up with queuing for his ________ benefit every Monday. A. employment B. employee C. unemployed D. unemployment 7. More and more young people want a university _________. A. educator B. educated C. educate D. education 8. She made a lot of mistakes because she was __________. A. inattentive B. attentive C. inattentively D. attention 9. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants ________ degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects. A. secondary B. optional C. academic D. vocational 10. A __________ is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college or university. A. degree B. subject C. level D. vacancy 11. She reads newspaper every day to look for the vacant ________ for which she can apply. A. institutions B. indications C. positions D. locations 12. He had been expected to cope well with exams and ________ good results. A. achieve B. consider C. last D. object 13. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumé to the company. A. recommendation B. reference C. photograph D. curriculum vitae 14. Many children are under such a high _________ of learning that they do not feel happy at school. A. recommendation B. interview C. pressure D. concentration 15. She likes meeting people and traveling, so she wants to apply for a __________ of a receptionist or tourist guide. A. location B. position C. site D. work 16. To prepare for your job interview, you should jot down your qualifications and experience as well as some important information about yourself. A. draw B. place C. put D. write 17. The boy was fascinated ………… all the toys in the big department store. A. with B. by C. for D. to 18. Compare this machine …………… that and you will see the difference. A. in B. with C. into D. for 19. Peter and I never enjoy painting. A. I do not enjoy painting, and Peter does not, either. B. Painting is my favorite as well as Peter’s. C. I am fond of painting, so is Peter. D. Peter is interested in painting, and I am, too. 20. What a pity! I did not take my camera. A. I regret taking my camera. B. If only I had taken my camera. C. I wish I took my camera. D. My camera used to be taken 21. Peter does not work as hard as he did. A. Peter used to work harder than he does now. B. Peter has never worked hard. C. Peter worked harder than ever before. D. Peter is used to working very hard. 22. Since I ___________ school, I haven’t had much spare time. A. begun B. began C. have begun D. begin 23. Last night a tornado swept through Rock Ville. It ________ everything in its path. A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was being destroyed C. had been destroyed 24. Attendance at lectures in classes ________ compulsory. A. was B. is C. are D. would be 25. “Has the committee made its decision yet?” “Not yet. They are still ___________ the proposal.” A. considering B. been considered C. being considered D. considered 26. Everybody in the wedding party _________ happy. A. look B. looked C. are looking D. looks 27. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm ___________. A. went off B. went out C. went on D. went by 28. Karen was the only one _________ the danger. A. realized B. to realize C. that realizing D. who realize 29. They are a close-knit family and very __________ of one another. A. supportive B. support C. supported D. supporting 30. I passed my driver’s test. It seemed much __________ this time. A. easyB. easier C. easiest D. easily 31. She was lonely because she had _________ friends at first. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 32. It was a small box that _________ by my mother. A. is kept B. was used to keep C. was used to be keptD. used to be kept 33. Have you ever read __________ “Oliver Twist”, _______ interesting novel written by Charles Dickens? A. the / the B. Ø / an C. Ø / Ø D. an / the 34. Mai: “Lan has been awarded a scholarship to study in Australia.” Nga: “Uh, really? ………….!” A. How lucky she is B. What lucky she C. What lucky she be D. Lucky as she is 35. John: “Would you like a cup of tea?” Tom: “…………… ” A. Yes, I do B. Yes, thanks C. I’m sorry D. It’s my pleasure Choose A, B, C, or D that needs correction 36. Because her poor health, my sister could not achieve her ambition of finishing her A B C D college education. 37. In ancient times people frightened by meteor storms because they did not A B C understand what was happening. D 38. Industrial lasers are most often used for cutting, welding, drilling, and measure. A B C D 39. The number of species around the globe threatened with extinction are over 15,000. A B C D 40. The success of Gagarin’s flight attracted worldwide attention and makes him a hero. A B C D Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the passage When I finished school in Germany last year I did not know what to do next. I wanted to travel, but for that I need money. That means having a job, and (41) _______ a university degree it is difficult to get a good one of those. My parents agreed I could put off (42) _________ a decision about a university course for a year. Then a family in London invited me to live with them, help look after the children and do a little housework in return for some pocket money. I (43) ___________ with this family for five months. My main job is to meet the three children from school, give them their supper and help them with their homework until their parents come home at about six. Sometimes I must stay in with children in the evening. I go to English class three times a week, and at weekends I visit different parts of Britain. Although my parents are happy that I am studying a foreign language (44) ________ I enjoy this chance to see more of the world, they keep (45) _________ me what I want to study at university. I still cannot make up my mind! 41. A. not have B. having no C. without D. having not 42. A. getting B. doing C. creating D. making 43. A. had lived B. lived C. have lived D. was living 44. A. whereas B. when C. while D. during 45. A. to asking B. asking C. ask D. to ask Read the passage and choose the correct answers There is an old saying in English: “Laughter is the best medicine”. Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people’s health. Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watch funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial. Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio program. The group, which tolerated the pain for the longest time, was the group that listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins in the brain. There are natural chemicals which decreased both stress and pain. There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body’s immune system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group – in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection. As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists in the United [...]... population size and fine details of the population demography A on B in C from D For 8 He picked the book and turned page after page A up B on C away D In 9 World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to do the mission of the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption A contamination B energy C extinction D development... pollution B contribution C evaporation D concentration 47 A languages B laws C nations D continents 48 A belong B satisfy C produce D erode 49 A atmosphere B transition C tendency D tolerance 50 A continuous B anxious C famous D poisonous THE END TEST 8 I Choose the word whose main stress pattern is different from the others: 1 A display B lecture C different D grocery 2 A American B occasion C introduce... planets B conditions C other thinking beings D billions of stars 50 Other human beings live A possibly on other planets of stars in our galaxy B possibly on other planets in our solar system C possibly on other stars in our own galaxy D everywhere in the universe THE END TEST 6 ( I ) Phonetics Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part 1 A casual B position C imposition D enthusiastic... cooperation and leadership that ASEAN has shown in helping the victims of disasters A A B An C The D Ø 7 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geo-political and _ organization A economy B economic C economics D economical 8 The motivations for the birth of ASEAN were the desire for a _ environment A stable B stability C stably D stabilize 9 The Association... villages Other projects may concentrate more on (50) _ or environmental protection Whatever kind of job it is, it is certain to be challenging and worthwhile and an experience that will never be forgotten A doing B getting C making D taking A worked B work C to work D working A or B with C and D but A involve B contain C consist D include A conserving B to conserve C conservation D conserve TEST 12 I Choose... destruction B contamination C fertilizer D variety 12 _ is the protection of environment and natural resources A Survival B Commerce C Conservation D Extinction 13 Chemical wastes from factories are _ that cause serious damage to species habitats A pollutes B pollutants C pollutions D polluters 14 Although we are aware _ the importance of environment, we still overexploit it A from B on C for... hardly done his homework, hasn’t he ? A hardly B done C his homework D hasn’t he 45 By the end of this month, Eric will work in this office for two years A by the end B will work C this office D for 2 years III Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Education is empowering It (46) ……………….individuals, families and communites CARE believes that working to move education is one of... region A organization B production C integration D establishment 7 The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is an agreement by the member nations of ASEAN concerning local manufacturing in all ASEAN countries A progressing B producing C combining D aiming 8 The ASEAN Security Community (ASC)aims to ensure that countries in the region live at _ with one another and in a democratic and harmonious environment... consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia was _ on August 8, 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand A found B founded C invented D discovered 10 The aims of the Association of Southeast Asia include the evolvement of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, and the promotion of regional peace A goals B organizations C missions... B productivity C production D product 10 ASEAN has _ a community of Southeast' Asian nations at peace with one another and at peace with the world A joined B estimated C establishedD solved 11 _ Peter gets here, we will congratulate him A As soon as B After C No sooner D Since 12 Throughout the 1970s, ASEAN embarked on a program of economic _ A cooperate B cooperation C cooperative D cooperatively . atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands. 46. A pollution B contribution C evaporation D concentration 47. A languages B laws C nations D continents 48 the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. A. contamination B. energy C. extinction D. development 10 agriculture. A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety 12. _______ is the protection of environment and natural resources. A. Survival B. Commerce C. Conservation D. Extinction 13. Chemical

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2015, 01:00

