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A Course in Mathematical Statistics

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Cấu trúc

  • A Course in Mathematical Statistics

  • Copyright Page

  • Contents

  • Preface to the Second Edition

  • Preface to the First Edition

  • Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Set Theory

    • 1.1 Some Definitions and Notation

    • 1.2* Fields and σ-Fields

  • Chapter 2. Some Probabilistic Concepts and Results

    • 2.1 Probability Functions and Some Basic Properties and Results

    • 2.2 Conditional Probability

    • 2.3 Independence

    • 2.4 Combinatorial Results

    • 2.5* Product Probability Spaces

    • 2.6* The Probability of Matchings

  • Chapter 3. On Random Variables and Their Distributions

    • 3.1 Some General Concepts

    • 3.2 Discrete Random Variables (and Random Vectors)

    • 3.3 Continuous Random Variables (and Random Vectors)

    • 3.4 The Poisson Distribution as an Approximation to the Binomial Distribution and the Binomial Distribution as an Approximation to the Hypergeometric Distribution

    • 3.5* Random Variables as Measurable Functions and Related Results

  • Chapter 4. Distribution Functions, Probability Densities, and Their Relationship

    • 4.1 The Cumulative Distribution Function (c.d.f. or d.f.) of a Random Vector—Basic Properties of the d.f. of a Random Variable

    • 4.2 The d.f. of a Random Vector and Its Properties—Marginal and Conditional d.f.’s and p.d.f.’s

    • 4.3 Quantiles and Modes of a Distribution

    • 4.4* Justification of Statements 1 and 2

  • Chapter 5. Moments of Random Variables—Some Moment and Probability Inequalities

    • 5.1 Moments of Random Variables

    • 5.2 Expectations and Variances of Some r.v.’s

    • 5.3 Conditional Moments of Random Variables

    • 5.4 Some Important Applications: Probability and Moment Inequalities

    • 5.5 Covariance, Correlation Coefficient and Its Interpretation

    • 5.6* Justification of Relation (2) in Chapter 2

  • Chapter 6. Characteristic Functions, Moment Generating Functions and Related Theorems

    • 6.1 Preliminaries

    • 6.2 Definitions and Basic Theorems—The One-Dimensional Case

    • 6.3 The Characteristic Functions of Some Random Variables

    • 6.4 Definitions and Basic Theorems—The Multidimensional Case

    • 6.5 The Moment Generating Function and Factorial Moment Generating Function of a Random Variable

  • Chapter 7. Stochastic Independence with Some Applications

    • 7.1 Stochastic Independence: Criteria of Independence

    • 7.2 Proof of Lemma 2 and Related Results

    • 7.3 Some Consequences of Independence

    • 7.4* Independence of Classes of Events and Related Results

  • Chapter 8. Basic Limit Theorems

    • 8.1 Some Modes of Convergence

    • 8.2 Relationships Among the Various Modes of Convergence

    • 8.3 The Central Limit Theorem

    • 8.4 Laws of Large Numbers

    • 8.5 Further Limit Theorems

    • 8.6* Pólya’s Lemma and Alternative Proof of the WLLN

  • Chapter 9. Transformations of Random Variables and Random Vectors

    • 9.1 The Univariate Case

    • 9.2 The Multivariate Case

    • 9.3 Linear Transformations of Random Vectors

    • 9.4 The Probability Integral Transform

  • Chapter 10. Order Statistics and Related Theorems

    • 10.1 Order Statistics and Related Distributions

    • 10.2 Further Distribution Theory: Probability of Coverage of a Population Quantile

  • Chapter 11. Sufficiency and Related Theorems

    • 11.1 Sufficiency: Definition and Some Basic Results

    • 11.2 Completeness

    • 11.3 Unbiasedness—Uniqueness

    • 11.4 The Exponential Family of p.d.f.’s. One-Dimensional Parameter Case

    • 11.5 Some Multiparameter Generalizations

  • Chapter 12. Point Estimation

    • 12.1 Introduction

    • 12.2 Criteria for Selecting an Estimator: Unbiasedness, Minimum Variance

    • 12.3 The Case of Availability of Complete Sufficient Statistics

    • 12.4 The Case Where Complete Sufficient Statistics Are Not Available or May Not Exist: Cramér-Rao Inequality

    • 12.5 Criteria for Selecting an Estimator: The Maximum Likelihood Principle

    • 12.6 Criteria for Selecting an Estimator: The Decision-Theoretic Approach

    • 12.7 Finding Bayes Estimators

    • 12.8 Finding Minimax Estimators

    • 12.9 Other Methods of Estimation

    • 12.10 Asymptotically Optimal Properties of Estimators

    • 12.11 Closing Remarks

  • Chapter 13. Testing Hypotheses

    • 13.1 General Concepts of the Neyman–Pearson Testing Hypotheses Theory

    • 13.2 Testing a Simple Hypothesis Against a Simple Alternative

    • 13.3 UMP Tests for Testing Certain Composite Hypotheses

    • 13.4 UMPU Tests for Testing Certain Composite Hypotheses

    • 13.5 Testing the Parameters of a Normal Distribution

    • 13.6 Comparing the Parameters of Two Normal Distributions

    • 13.7 Likelihood Ratio Tests

    • 13.8 Applications of LR Tests: Contingency Tables, Goodness-of-Fit Tests

    • 13.9 Decision-Theoretic Viewpoint of Testing Hypotheses

  • Chapter 14. Sequential Procedures

    • 14.1 Some Basic Theorems of Sequential Sampling

    • 14.2 Sequential Probability Ratio Test

    • 14.3 Optimality of the SPRT-Expected Sample Size

    • 14.4 Some Examples

  • Chapter 15. Confidence Regions—Tolerance Intervals

    • 15.1 Confidence Intervals

    • 15.2 Some Examples

    • 15.3 Confidence Intervals in the Presence of Nuisance Parameters

    • 15.4 Confidence Regions—Approximate Confidence Intervals

    • 15.5 Tolerance Intervals

  • Chapter 16. The General Linear Hypothesis

    • 16.1 Introduction of the Model

    • 16.2 Least Square Estimators—Normal Equations

    • 16.3 Canonical Reduction of the Linear Model—Estimation of σ

    • 16.4 Testing Hypotheses About η= E(Y)

    • 16.5 Derivation of the Distribution of the F Statistic

  • Chapter 17. Analysis of Variance

    • 17.1 One-way Layout (or One-way Classification) with the Same Number of Observations Per Cell

    • 17.2 Two-way Layout (Classification) with One Observation Per Cell

    • 17.3 Two-way Layout (Classification) with K (> 2) Observations Per Cell

    • 17.4 A Multicomparison method

  • Chapter 18. The Multivariate Normal Distribution

    • 18.1 Introduction

    • 18.2 Some Properties of Multivariate Normal Distributions

    • 18.3 Estimation of μ and Σ and a Test of Independence

  • Chapter 19. Quadratic Forms

    • 19.1 Introduction

    • 19.2 Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms

  • Chapter 20. Nonparametric Inference

    • 20.1 Nonparametric Estimation

    • 20.2 Nonparametric Estimation of a p.d.f.

    • 20.3 Some Nonparametric Tests

    • 20.4 More About Nonparametric Tests: Rank Tests

    • 20.5 Sign Test

    • 20.6 Relative Asymptotic Efficiency of Tests

  • Appendix I. Topics from Vector and Matrix Algebra

    • I.1 Basic Definitions in Vector Spaces

    • I.2 Some Theorems on Vector Spaces

    • I.3 Basic Definitions About Matrices

    • I.4 Some Theorems About Matrices and Quadratic Forms

  • Appendix II. Noncentral t, X2 and F-Distributions

    • II.1 Noncentral t-Distribution

    • II.2 Noncentral X2-Distribution

    • II.3 Noncentral F-Distribution

  • Appendix III. Tables

    • 1 The Cumulative Binomial Distribution

    • 2 The Cumulative Poisson Distribution

    • 3 The Normal Distribution

    • 4 Critical Values for Student’s t-Distribution

    • 5 Critical Values for the Chi-Square Distribution

    • 6 Critical Values for the F-Distribution

    • 7 Table of Selected Discrete and Continuous Distributions and Some of Their Characteristics

  • Some Notation and Abbreviations

  • Answers to Selected Exercises

  • Index

Nội dung

[...]... A3 ) = (A1 ∪ A2 ) ∪ A3 A1 ∩ (A2 ∩ A3 ) = (A1 ∩ A2 ) ∩ A3 5 A1 ∪ A2 = A2 ∪ A1 A1 ∩ A2 = A2 ∩ A1 6 A ∩ (∪j Aj) = ∪j (A ∩ Aj) A ∪ (∩j Aj) = ∩j (A ∪ Aj) } } } (Associative laws) (Commutative laws) (Distributive laws) are easily seen to be true The following identity is a useful tool in writing a union of sets as a sum of disjoint sets An identity: UA j c c c = A1 + A1 ∩ A2 + A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ j There are... (in nite) set {1, 2, } S A1 1.1.3 Figure 1.7 A1 and A2 are disjoint; that is, A1 ∩ A2 = ∅ Also A1 ∪ A2 = A1 + A2 for the same reason A2 Properties of the Operations on Sets 1 S c = ∅, ∅c = S, (Ac)c = A 2 S ∪ A = S, ∅ ∪ A = A, A ∪ Ac = S, A ∪ A = A 3 S ∩ A = A, ∅ ∩ A = ∅, A ∩ Ac = ∅, A ∩ A = A The previous statements are all obvious as is the following: ∅ ⊆ A for every subset A of S Also 4 A1 ∪ (A2 ... course in mathematical statistics at the undergraduate level, as well as for first-year graduate students in statistics or graduate students, in general—with no prior knowledge of statistics A typical three-semester course in calculus and some familiarity with linear algebra should suffice for the understanding of most of the mathematical aspects of this book Some advanced calculus—perhaps taken concurrently—would... that A1 − A2 = A1 ∩ Ac , A2 − A1 = A2 ∩ Ac , and that, in general, A1 − A 2 2 1 ≠ A2 − A1 (See Fig 1.5.) S Figure 1.5 A1 − A2 is //// A2 − A1 is \\\\ A1 A2 5 The symmetric difference A1 Δ A2 is defined by ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A1 Δ A2 = A1 − A2 ∪ A2 − A1 Note that A1 Δ A2 = A1 ∪ A2 − A1 ∩ A2 Pictorially, this is shown in Fig 1.6 It is worthwhile to observe that operations (4) and (5) can be expressed in terms... experiments are tossing a coin, rolling a die, drawing a card from a standard deck of playing cards, recording the number of telephone calls which arrive at a telephone exchange within a specified period of time, counting the number of defective items produced by a certain manufacturing process within a certain period of time, recording the heights of individuals in a certain class, etc The set of all possible... Publishing Company, Inc., under the title A First Course in Mathematical Statistics The first edition has been out of print for a number of years now, although its reprint in Taiwan is still available That issue, however, is meant for circulation only in Taiwan The first issue of the book was very well received from an academic viewpoint I have had the pleasure of hearing colleagues telling me that the... advanced texts are inaccessible to them, whereas the intermediate texts deliver much less than they hope to learn in a course of mathematical statistics The present book attempts to bridge the gap between the two categories, so that students without a sophisticated mathematical background can assimilate a fairly broad spectrum of the theorems and results from mathematical statistics This has been made possible... probability of matching and the section on product probability spaces are also marked by an asterisk for the reason explained above In Chapter 3, the discussion of random variables as measurable functions and related results is carried out in a separate section, Section 3.5* In Chapter 4, two new sections have been created by discussing separately marginal and conditional distribution functions and... operations (1), (2), and (3) S Figure 1.6 A1 Δ A2 is the shaded area A1 A2 1.1.2 Further Definitions and Notation A set which contains no elements is called the empty set and is denoted by ∅ Two sets A1 , A2 are said to be disjoint if A1 ∩ A2 = ∅ Two sets A1 , A2 are said to be equal, and we write A1 = A2 , if both A1 ⊆ A2 and A2 ⊆ A1 The sets Aj, j = 1, 2, are said to be pairwise or mutually disjoint... appreciation of some fine points There are basically two streams of textbooks on mathematical statistics that are currently on the market One category is the advanced level texts which demonstrate the statistical theories in their full generality and mathematical rigor; for that purpose, they require a high level, mathematical background of the reader (for example, measure theory, real and complex analysis) . G. A course in mathematical statistics / George G. Roussas.—2nd ed. p. cm. Rev. ed. of: A first course in mathematical statistics. 1973. Includes index. ISBN 0-12-599315-3 1. Mathematical statistics. . spaces are also marked by an asterisk for the reason explained above. In Chapter 3, the discussion of random variables as measurable functions and related results is carried out in a separate. is designed for a first-year course in mathematical statistics at the undergraduate level, as well as for first-year graduate students in statistics or graduate students, in general—with no prior

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2015, 15:11



