Put Things in Order Name some of the changes owls go through in their life cycle.. Extended Vocabulary down fl edge hatch nest nocturnal owlet Vocabulary larva life cycle pupa seed coat
Trang 1Scott Foresman Science 1.4
Nonfi ction Put Things in Order • Captions
• Labels
• Glossary
Life Cycles
ISBN 0-328-13744-8
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Scott Foresman Science 1.4
Nonfi ction Put Things in Order • Captions
• Labels
• Glossary
Life Cycles
ISBN 0-328-13744-8
ì<(sk$m)=bdheec< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U
Trang 21 What is an owlet?
2 How old are owls when they are
ready to fl y?
3 Owls lay eggs
in nests Write to tell the places their nests can be Use words from the book as you write
4 Put Things in Order Name
some of the changes owls go through in their life cycle
Describe these changes in the order that they happen
What did you learn?
Extended Vocabulary
fl edge hatch nest nocturnal owlet
life cycle
seed coat
Picture Credits
Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material
The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions.
Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd).
5 (T) Roger Tidman/Corbis.
Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the copyright © of Dorling Kindersley, a division of Pearson
ISBN: 0-328-13744-8
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America
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by Jessica Quilty
Trang 3Plants and animals change as they grow
These changes are called life cycles Different
living things have different life cycles
A frog begins as an egg A tadpole hatches
out of the egg The tadpole grows to be a frog
Butterfl ies change and grow too They start
as an egg A larva, or caterpillar, hatches
from the egg It looks very different from
an adult butterfl y Next the larva
changes in a hard cover It is
then a pupa The pupa is
a butterfl y when it comes
out of the cover
This butterfl y has
just come out of
its hard cover.
What You Already Know
Plants change and grow Many plants begin as seeds Seed coats are hard covers that keep seeds safe Seedlings grow from seeds These young plants can then grow
fl owers, stems, and leaves
Trees are plants Some trees have fl owers Some trees have cones Trees grow and change
Just like other living things, owls have life cycles Owls change and grow in many ways You are now going to read about some of the ways owls change and grow
Barn owl
Trang 4Finding a Nest
An owl needs a good nest so it can lay
eggs Different owls fi nd nests in different
places Barn owls do not build their own
nests They use nests they fi nd
Barn owls use nests in caves and in trees
They will also nest in the roofs of buildings
Owl nests protect eggs They help to keep eggs safe from other animals They also help keep owls, eggs, and babies warm
Owl eggs
Trang 5Hatching
Barn owls wait for their eggs to hatch
Mother owls sit on the eggs The eggs need
to stay warm
After about thirty days an egg begins
to hatch Barn owls lay one egg at a time
They may wait one day to lay another egg
The eggs hatch in order
The owlet breaks the egg
It starts to come out.
Baby owls are called owlets Crack by crack they make their way out of their eggs
The owlets are very small They have down
Down is soft feathers This down goes away
as they grow
Slowly, the owlet comes out.
Trang 6Growing Fast
Owlets go through many changes
Their down falls off after a week They
then grow new down This new down is
a thick, heavy covering It protects the
owlets for about seven weeks
One-week-old owl
Owlets have a lot of growing to do They are always hungry! Their parents are very busy hunting for food to feed them Owlets start becoming tall and strong when they are about three or four weeks old
Three-week-old owl
Trang 7Getting Big
Six-week-old owl
The owlets are much heavier and much
bigger at six weeks old They are almost as big
as they will get But they are not ready to leave
the nest The young owls try to fl y and hunt
on their own
When they are about seven weeks old, the owlets
fl edge This means they grow the adult feathers they need to
fl y Now the owlets are big and strong They are almost ready
to leave their nests and see the world on their own!
An eight-week-old owl is almost ready to fl y away.
Eight-week-old owl
Trang 8Young Adult
Ten-week-old owl
After barn owls grow their adult feathers,
they have grown big and strong Now they
are ready to fl y! The owls begin by taking
short trips away from their nest At nine weeks
old they are able to stay away for more time
Barn owls are nocturnal, which means they hunt at night When the owls are old enough, they hunt for food all through the night
When they are about a year old, the owls will begin looking for their own nests They might lay their own eggs!
Owls fl y away from and then back to their nests.
Trang 9From Egg to Owl
Just hatched
The barn owl life cycle begins with an
egg After about one month in the eggs,
the baby owls, called owlets, hatch Once
they hatch, they grow very fast! They get
bigger and stronger
One week old
Three weeks old
The owlets have down Their down changes Soon they grow their fl ying feathers
They are grown owls when they are twelve weeks old Then they are ready to leave the nest and begin their nighttime adventures!
Trang 1016
made of plant and animal parts
1 What is an owlet?
2 How old are owls when they are
ready to fl y?
3 Owls lay eggs
in nests Write to tell the places their nests can be Use words from the book as you write
4 Put Things in Order Name
some of the changes owls go through in their life cycle
Describe these changes in the order that they happen
What did you learn?
Extended Vocabulary
fl edge hatch nest nocturnal owlet
life cycle
seed coat
Picture Credits
Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material
The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions.
Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd).
5 (T) Roger Tidman/Corbis.
Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the copyright © of Dorling Kindersley, a division of Pearson
ISBN: 0-328-13744-8
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America
This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any
prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise For information regarding permission(s), write to
Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025.
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