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GA LOP 8 HK II U9-12

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Lớp 8 Period: 54 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I-Objectives: Sts will be able to make and respond to offers, promise and requests. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: burn, bleed, emergency, ambulance, conscious, bee sting, 2- Grammar:.Can you ?( S+ will+V inf + ) III- Teaching aids: Text book, pitures, tape IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen .Hang on the pictures .Look at the pictures .Where is it?(Read situations) .Answer in group 4) Presentation:Read form the text *) Listen and read: Listen to teacher ) Pre-teach: .Read and catch the new words .Have you ever seen emergency? *) New words: . burn (n):vết bỏng . bleed (v): chảy máu . emergency (n):sự cấp cứu .Help sts read to correct . ambulance(n): xe cứu thương . conscious(a):trạng thá tỉnh táo . wound(n) vết thương .bee sting(v):bị ong đốt . bandage(n):bông băng )Read form the text -Listen and read in silence .Call sts read aloud .Some sts read individual ( Help sts read to correct) -Requires sts do exercise *) Select the topic: Work in groups Lớp 8 . Guide sts compare with other groups -Compare .Call sts give their answer -Read aloud Give the correct answer .a) b)c)e)f) 5) Consolidation: .Call sts sum up the contents of the Sum up the contents dialogue 6) Home work: .Learn by heart the old lesson. Give their task . Do exercise 2 (page 55) .Prepare the next lesson. Period: 55 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST - AID COURSE LESSON 2: SPEAK & LISTEN I-Objectives: Sts will be able to improve listening skill and speak about respond to offers, promise and requests. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, scale, wheelchair, eye chart,… 2- Grammar:.Can you ?( S+ will+V inf + ) III- Teaching aids: Text book,pitures, tape IV- Procedures: Lớp 8 T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: P1:write vocabulary .Call 2 sts go to the board (Remarks) P2:Read the dialogue(may be translate) 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen .Hang on the pictures .Look at the pictures 4) Presentation: *)Speaking:  ) Speak: Read form and explain .Read aloud the example *) While-speaking: Guide sts practice . Work in pair(P1 > <P2) in pairs (P1 > <P2) picture :b;c;d; e -b)P1:Would /can you get me some medicine? P2:Sure/ Yes,please .Call sts practice and help sts do to -c)P1: Can I get you some bandage? correct P2: Yes,please d)…. *) Post-speaking: Give the situation -Brainstorm and practice  Remarks to correct -Practice to correct  ) Listening: *) Listening: .What is the picture A?B?C? D? E? F? .Look at the picture and answer Guide sts read to correct A: ambulance B: wheelchai (n):xe lăn C: crutches (n): cái nạng D: eyechart (n):bảng đo thị lực E: scale (n): cái cân *) While -listening: *) Listen and put in the correct order -Turn on the tape ( 2 times) . Listen carefuly and takenote .Requires sts compare with a partner .Compare -Call sts give their result 1. F 4. D 2. B 5. E -Give the correct result 3. A 6. C *) Post-listening: Turn on the tape again -Listen and check again 5) Home work: . Do exercise 4 Give their task . Prepare the next lesson. Lớp 8 Period: 56 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST - AID COURSE LESSON 3: READ I-Objectives: Sts will be able to know the fisrt aid and should how todo if have the situation. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: faint, shock,elevate,minimine,tissue,damage, 2- Grammar: the present tense. III- Teaching aids: Text book, tape, real objects IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen .If you are burn? Answer .What do you do? 4) Presentation:Read form the text *)Listen to teacher ) Pre-teach: Requires sts read .Read and catch the new words quickly *) New words: . fainting (n): ngất xỉu -Guide sts read new words to correct . shock (n): cú sốc . elevate (v):nâng cao lên . minimine (v):giảm thiểu/tối thiểu *)Read the text form again .Read insilence (5minutes) .Requires sts do exercise in group - Work in 4 groups -Call sts choose -Give the result aloud .Remarks to correct answer a) A c) A e) B b) B d) C *) Post:- Call sts read the text .Read individual aloud ( Help sts read to correct) - Requires sts sum up the text .4 sts sum up A; B; C; D ( Remarks ) ( May be translate in to Vnamese) 5) Home work: .Learn by heart new words. Give their task .Do exercise . Prepare the next lesson. Lớp 8 Period: 57 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE LESSON 4: WRITE I-Objectives: Sts will be able to know write a letter to thank. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: faint, shock,elevate,minimine,tissue,damage, 2- Grammar: The present tense; the past tense; the future tense. III- Teaching aids: Text book, real objects IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen .Have you ever written a letter to Answer thank a friend?How did you write it? . Have you ever received the letter? 4) Presentation: ) Pre-teach: Requires sts read the (1)Read and catch the form of the letter letter and complete the blanks )While-write: Write -Work in groups. ( Some minutes) -Call sts read their letter -Read their letter aloud .Remarks to correct .Listen and compare to correct 1- sent 5. came 2. was 6. am 3. were 7. will phone 4. helped *) Explain the exercise 2 (2) Read the letter form (1) again -Requires sts to write a letter (2) - Work (individual)in groups. Lớp 8 -Call sts read their letter aloud .2 groups read their letter .Remarks to correct .Liesten and remarks to correct  )Post- Write: Read a form letter to thank -Listen and catch form the letter 5) Home work: Give their task .Write a letter instead test 10 minutes .Prepare the next lesson. Period: 58 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: LANGUAGE FOCUS. I-Objectives: Help sts revise all the knowledge in unit 9 such as :make requests,offers and promises; present the future tense. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: ( in unit 9) 2- Grammar:. The same (in unit 9) III- Teaching aids: Text book,real objects, pictures IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen 4) Presentation: ) Requires sts do the exercise 1 1)Matching: work individual .Using in oder to/so as to .In order to + V:dùng để diễn tả mục Eg: I always keep the window open in .So as to + V: đích của 1 hành động oder to/ so as to let fresh air in. 1+f 3+b 5+a .Remarks to corect 2+c 4+e 6+d ) Guide sts do the exercise 2 2) Exercise 2: .Repeat the future simple tense Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai.Complete the dialogue. Use .Requires sts work in pairs(P1><P2) the correct words or short form: Lớp 8 -Call some pair practice aloud Ba: (0): will Mss Nga: (1) will (2) will Remarks to correct (3)won't (4) shall/will (5) will (6) will ) Guide sts do the exercise3 3) Exercise 3:Complete the sentences .Use the words under each picture .Work in pair (P1> <P2) and"will" a) Are you hot,Grandma? .Call some pairs sts practice Mrs Tuyet:Will you open the window please? Nga b)Will you give it? .Remarks to correct practice c) Will you answer the telephone? d) Will you turn on the TV, ? e) Will you pour a glass of water ? f) Will you get me a cushion ? ) Guide sts do the exercise4 4) Exercise 4:look at the pictures -Speaking individual Eg:The garbage can is overflowing .Form:Will you empty the garbage somebody should empty it. can,please? b)Will you paint the door, ? -Call sts practice .I'll paint the door this afternoon. c)Will you study hard,please? .I will study harder. Remarks to correct d)Will you carry the bag for me please? .I 'll carry the bag for you. 5) Consolidation: .Repeat: -shall+WE/I mà thôi Remember -Will+ we/I/they/you/she/he/it 6) Home work: . Do exercise 3,4 . Give their task . Prepare the next lesson. Lớp 8 Period: 59 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 10: RECYCLING. LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ I-Objectives: Sts will be able to know a guider and can answer it. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: reuse,fertilizer, reduce,recycle, 2- Grammar: ….adj+…to inf /Noun clause III- Teaching aids: Text book,real objects, pictures,tape IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson 1) Getting started: .Hang on the pictures and explain -Listen and look at the pictures Example(P1><P2) -Work in pairs (P1><P2) .Requires sts practice in pair -Remaks to correct 4) Presentation: 2) Listen and read: ) Requires sts do the text -Read individual insilence and give .What do Friends of the Earth do? new words Explain new words . reduce(v):giảm thiểu . reuse(v): tái sử dụng . recycle(v): tái chế -Guide sts read to correct new words . fertilizer(n): phân bón . plastic(n): nhựa /chất dẻo .overpackage(v): đóng gói )While- teach: Read form/Turn on -Listen and read in silence the tape Eg: It's not difficult to remember *) Grammar: S+ be+ adj+ V - to inf Requires sts read the text again (a) Practice: Read in silence Lớp 8 .Call sts read individual .Read aloud (Some sts ) ( Help sts read to correct) -Guide sts read the questions and find (b) Answer: out the answer a) Reduce means not buying products .Call sts answer which are overpackaged. b)We can reuse things like envelopes glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags. -Remarks to correct answer c) Recycle means don't just throw things away.Try and find another use for them. d) We can look for… e) sts answers )Post-teach: Call sts read again . 2 sts read aloud -Requires sts sum up . Sum up/ Translate in to VNamese 5) Home work: .Do exercise 1 (page59) Give their task . Learn by heart the vocabulary . Prepare the next lesson. Period: 60 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 10: RECYCLING. LESSON 2: SPEAK + LISTEN . I-Objectives: Sts will be able to improve speaking and listening skill. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: fabric,leather,peel,compost,heap,tealeaves,moquitoes, 2- Grammar: The future simple tense. III- Teaching aids: Text book,real objects, pictures,tape IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization : -Greetings 1’ .Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer. .What’s the date to day?(Date?) Lớp 8 2) Checking up the old lesson: .Call 2 sts go to the board P1:Write the vocabulary .Remarks P2: Read and sum up 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson 1) Getting started: .Hang on the pictures and explain -Listen and look at the pictures 4) Presentation: ).Explain new words: . fabric(n):sợi (vải) .Guide sts read new words to correct .Compost(n): phân xanh .peel(n):vỏ (trái cây) .leather(n): da thuộc Example(P1><P2) Work in pairs (P1><P2) .Requires sts practice in pair -Paper:old/used newspapers,books, -Remaks to correct cardboard,boxes -Glass: bottles,glasses,jars -Plastic: plstic bags,plastic wares -Metal:food cans,drinking cans,tins, -Vegetablematter: fruit peels,… -Fabric: clothes,pieces of materials, *) Post- speaking: Read dialogue -Read in chorus form ). Requires sts do the text 2) Listen: Read individual insilence *) .Have you seen a copost heap? .Do you know how the compost is Answer made? . compost heap(n):dống phân xanh  Give the new words . tealeaves(n): lá chè . egg-shells(n): vỏ trứng - Guide sts read new words to correct . moiture(a): độ ẩm . condensation(n): sự ngưng tụ *) While-listening: sts will be able to *) Listen: listen a story of a person is talking -Prepare to listen about the way of compost .Turn on the tape ( 2 times) -Listen to the tape ( 2 times) and choose .Guide sts compare -Compare with a partner their result Call sts give their result a) A c) A Give the correct result b) B d) B *) Post-listening: Turn on the tape - Listen again and check the result [...]... arrive? THE END Lớp 8 Period: 71 Date of planing: Date of teaching: RESULT THE TEST 45' I-Objectives: Checking the student's knowledge from unit 9- unit 11 II- Language contents: 1.Vocabulary: (in unit 9-11) 2.Grammar: - Passive formtense - Make request;… III-Teaching aids: papers, pens, I (4ms) (0,25 m) / a right sentence 1) c 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) b 6) d 7) a 8) d II (2ms) (0,5 m) / a right verb... dry 24 32 Windy ;cloudy 8 15 Cold ; dry 10 16 -Listen again and check to correct Do exercise Prepare the next lesson Lớp 8 Period: 74 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 12:A VACATION ABROARD LESSON 3: READ I-Objectives: Sts will be able to improve reading skill about the contents of the text II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: lava, pour out, carve, … 2- Grammar: III- Teaching aids: Text book,... Consolidation: Repeat all the structures _Listen again 6) Home work: Give their task Do exercise and revise before the test Period: 69 Lớp 8 Date of planning: Date of teaching: REVISE BEFORE THE TEST I-Objectives: Help sts revise all the knowledge in unit 9 - 11 in to system II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: (in unit 9-11) 2- Grammar: The same (in unit 9-11) III- Teaching aids: Text book, real objects,... task Period: 64 Do exercises 8, 89(page 63/64) Prepare the next lesson Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I-Objectives: Sts will be able to match the places of interest in VN with their names II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: pad,crop,canes,… 2- Grammar: Request sentences, compound noun III- Teaching aids: Text book,real... read the text aloud again 5) Home work: Do exercise1 Give their task Prepare the next lesson Lớp 8 Period: 73 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 12:A VACATION ABROARD LESSON 2: SPEAKING & LISTEN I-Objectives: Sts will be able to improve speaking and listening skill about avacation II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: poster,brochures,minus,degree,zero centigrate, 2- Grammar: III- Teaching aids:... Lớp 8 started rain heavily H+4):Uyen tried to run as fast as she could A+5):Suddenly she stumbled again a rock(and fell on to the road) )Post:Read the sentences again F+6):Her schoolbag went in to a pool and every thing got wet C+7)Strangely,the rain stopped as she got to her classroom 5)Home work: Do exercise G +8) Luckily,Uyen had enough time to Prepare the next lesson finish her exam Period: 68 Date... space order II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: adventure, paddle, canoe 2- Grammar: The past simple tense III- Teaching aids: Text book,real objects, pictures IV- Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’s 1) Orgnization: -Greetings 1’ Who’s absent to day?(Total?) - Monitor answer .What’s the date to day?(Date?) 2) Checking up the old lesson: No checking 3)Warm up: Introduce the lesson -Listen Lớp 8 4) Presentation:... pair (P1> . names. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: pad,crop,canes,… 2- Grammar: Request sentences, compound noun III- Teaching aids: Text book,real objects, pictures,tape IV- Procedures: Lớp 8 T. offers, promise and requests. II- Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, scale, wheelchair, eye chart,… 2- Grammar:.Can you ?( S+ will+V inf + ) III- Teaching aids: Text book,pitures,. 6. C *) Post-listening: Turn on the tape again -Listen and check again 5) Home work: . Do exercise 4 Give their task . Prepare the next lesson. Lớp 8 Period: 56 Date of planning: Date of teaching:

Ngày đăng: 23/05/2015, 21:00

Xem thêm: GA LOP 8 HK II U9-12



