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grade 10- unit7- language focus

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Unit 7: The Mass Media (continued) Lesson 5 – Language Focus. Date: 25/11/2009. Class: 10A1 – K64. School: Luong Ngoc Quyen senior high school. Trainee: Bui Thi Thu Huong. Coach: Ngo Kim Thuy. I. Aim: - Students can distinguish the sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/. - Review The Present Perfect Tense. - Use “Because of” and “In spite of” appropriately. II. Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students are able to: + Pronounce the sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/ clearly and correctly + Master the use of the present perfect tense + Use “Because of” and “In spite of” appropriately III. Teaching aids: - Board, chalk, textbook. IV. Procedure: Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities 10’ - Greeting: - Good morning! - Introduce Mrs.Thuy. I. Pronunciation: - Give Ss some example: E.g. Today, they… Time, buy… Voice, enjoy… - Pronounce the examples, write the phonetic symbols on the board, then introduce 3 sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/ - Guide Ss to pronounce each sound: + /ei/ has two sounds: e and i. First make the sound e, make it longer eee. Then add the short sound i. E.g today /ei/ + /ai/ has two sounds: a and i. First make the sound a. Make it longer aaa. Then add the short sound i like sound /ei/ - Greeting - Clap their hands - Pay attention to the examples and copy it to the notebook. - Listen to the pronunciation of the Ts. - Pronounce 3 sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/ 18’ E.g: wife /ai/ + / ɔ i/ has two sounds: ɔ and i. First make the sound ɔ . Make it longer ɔɔɔ . Then add the sound i. This is very short. E.g toy / ɔ i/ - Ask Ss to listen and repeat play today radio newspa per they time wildlife height buy type voice noise toy enjoy destroy - Ask Ss to practice these sentences: 1. I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake. 2. They changed the timetable at the end of April. 3. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday. 4. Would you like to go for a ride with me on Friday? 5. This is the noisiest Rolls Royce I’ve ever heard. 6. While you’re changing the oil, I’ll go and visit my boy. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/. - Move around to conduct the activity. - Check and give the correct answers. II. Grammar: - Present The present perfect Tense by giving two examples: E.g: I've done this work for five years. We have been here since 7.00 a.m. - Ask Ss to think about the form and usage of the present perfect in these sentences. - Listen and repeat words. - Practice to read aloud these sentences. - Look at the book and work in pairs. Answer suggested /ei/ Afraid Made Mistake Changed /ai/ ninety-nine type Friday Like / ɔ i/ Noisiest Royce Oil Boy - Answer the form and usage of the Present perfect tense. Form: - Usage: + The Present Perfect Tense talks about an action, which started in the past and continuous up to now. + The Present Perfect Tense talks about a past action that has the result in the present. S + has/have + V PP 15’ - Correct if needed - Ask Ss to report and recall the use of since and for. - Correct if needed - Present the use of because of and in spite of through some examples. E.g: Because of being ill, Mary didn't go to school. In spite of being ill, Tom went to school. Because of the rain, we stopped playing football. In spite of the rain, they continued playing football. - Ask Ss to think about the use of because of and in spite of in these sentences. - Present the use of because of and in spite of III. Exercise: Exercise1: Complete the letter, using the present perfect of the verbs in the box. - Ask Ss to read the letter and then complete the letter by using the Present perfect tense of the verbs in the box in 3’ + The present perfect is often used with the word just, for, since and ago. - Write the form and the usage of The Present Perfect Tense in the notebook - Recall the use of since and for. “For” talks about the duration of a period of time E.g.: I have been with my department for three years. “Since” talks about when a period started. E.g.: I have been in Internet technologies since 1992. - Pay attention to the examples. - Answer: + because of + Noun/Noun Phrase, V- ing in spite of + Noun/Noun Phrase, V-ing + Because of is used as a preposition to express the reason. + In spite of is used as a preposition to express a concession. - Read the letter and then complete the letter by using the Present perfect tense of the verbs in the box. Answer suggested 1. have been 2. has lived - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partner. - Go around the class and give help if necessary. - Call some Ss to read out their answers in front of the class. Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences using for, since or ago. - First, ask Ss to do Exercise 2 individually in 2’, then compare with their partner. 1. Lan and Minh have lived in HCM City ______ 1999. 2. Hoa and Quan quarreled with each other some time_____. 3. The house is very dirty. We haven’t cleaned it _____ ages. 4. We haven’t had a good meal ____ three weeks. 5. ______ Christmas, the weather has been quite good. 6. They have known each other ____ a long time. 7. They first met a long time ______. 8. They arrived home ten minutes _____. 9. It’s two years _____ I last saw Quoc Anh. 10. How long is it ______ you last saw Linda? - Call some Ss to speak out their answer to check, correct it if needed. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences, using the information in the box. - Ask Ss to complete the following sentences, using the information in the box in 5’. - Go around the class and give help if necessary. 3. have met 4. have done 5. have had 6. have taken 7. have watched - Compare the answers with their partner. - Read out their answers in front of the class. - Do Exercise 2 individually, and then compare with their partner. Answer suggested 1. Lan and Minh have lived in HCM City since 1999. 2. Hoa and Quan quarreled with each other some time ago. 3. The house is very dirty. We haven’t cleaned it for ages. 4. We haven’t had a good meal for three weeks. 5. Since Christmas, the weather has been quite good. 6. They have known each other for a long time. 7. They first met a long time ago. 8. They arrived home ten minutes ago. 9. It’s two years since I last saw Quoc Anh. 10. How long is it since you last saw Linda? - Check their answer and correct it if needed - Complete the following sentences, using the information in the box. Answer suggested 1. Because of the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day. In spite of the cold weather, we all - Ask Ss to read their answers to check and correct if needed wore shorts. 2. Because of his illness, he had to cancel the appointment. In spite of his illness, he managed to come to school. 3. Because of the large crowds, we could not see what was going on. In spite of the large crowds, there were enough seats for everyone. 4. Because of the meat shortage, everyone is living on beans. In spite of the meat shortage, we have managed to get some beef. 5. Because of the bad condition of the house, the council demolished it. In spite of the bad condition of the house, they enjoyed living there. - Check the answers and write down on the notebook. 2’ Homework - Do all exercises again - Do exercises in Workbook. - Prepare for the next lesson Date:……………………. Signature coach Ngô Kim Thúy . Unit 7: The Mass Media (continued) Lesson 5 – Language Focus. Date: 25/11/2009. Class: 10A1 – K64. School: Luong Ngoc Quyen senior high school. Trainee:

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2015, 16:00



