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10 unit 11 language focus

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Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Lesson 5: Language focus Teacher: Do Van Hung Date of teaching: …………… Class:………… Week: ………….Period: ………… I.Objective By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to know how to use conditional sentences type 3, pronounce / t / and / d /. II. Language content: 2.1 Grammar: Conditional sentence type 3 2.2 Pronunciation: / t / , / d / III. Teaching aids: textbook, computer, projector, board, whiteboard maker… IV. Teaching techniques: pair- work ,group- work, gap fill, lucky bubbles V. Time: 45’ VI. Stages Time Contents Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 7’ 7’ * Warm – up * Grammar 1. Scene setting - Divides Ss into 2 groups A & B - Gives pieces of paper for 5 members of group A and 5 members of group B. - Asks Ss : + “Do you remember Conditional sentence type 2 ?” + “ How many clauses are there?” - Asks Ss of group A to write “If clause” that begins with “If I …”, Ss of group B to write “ Main clause” that begins with “I would …” - Takes back their papers, exchange them together. One from group B will read “ If clause” and one from group A read “ Main lause”. _ T notices Ss: “We have just reviewed Conditional sentences type 2, today we will study Conditional sentences type 3. - Shows these pictures - Asks Ss: “What is this?” for each - Divide into 2 groups - Answer - Write their clauses - Read out their clauses. - Look at the pictures 5’ 2.Form : If clause Main Clause If +S + had + V3 / ed…., S + would have + V3 / ed. 3. Use : To talk about unreal past situations. Exercise 1 : Complete the following sentence, using the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. Answer key: 1. had known picture. - Says : “If the Titanic hadn’t hit the iceberg, the accident wouldn’t have happened.” - Models 2 times - Asks Ss to repeat chorally and individually. - Calls one student to analyze the structure - Writes affirmative form and the use on the board. - Asks Ss to copy down. -Answer - Listen - Repeat chorally and individualy. - Answer - Copy down. - Listen and 7’ 8’ 2. had had 3. would have gone 4. would have passed 5. would have enjoyed 6. had known 7. had stopped 8. had called Exercise 2 : Write a sentence with If for each situation. Answer key: 1. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly, the accident wouldn’t have happened. 2. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I wouldn’t have waken him. 3. If Hoa hadn’t lent me the money, I would have been able to buy the car. 4. If Mary hadn’t been wearing seat belt, she would have been injured in the crash. 5. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now. 6. If I had had money on me, I would have got a taxi. Exercise 3: Make conditional sentence with If LUCKY BUBBLE. - Runs through the vocabularies. - Gets Ss to look at exercise 1 on page 119. - Asks Ss to work individually and give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets in 2 minutes. - Checks one Ss “ What are we going to do ?”. - Gets Ss to compare the answer with the partners. - Calls Ss to read out their answers. - Checks and corrects their answers. - Runs through the vocabulary: in front, crash, seat belt, injured. - Checks student’s understanding“What are we going to do ?”. - Models one sentence. - Get Ss to work in pair to finish the rest of sentnces in 3 minutes - Monitors their working and help if possible. - Calls 5 Ss go to the board. - T, Ss check and correct the answers . *Organizes the game Lucky Bubble. - Directs Ss how to write conditional sentences type 3 in Past perfect continuous. - Divides Ss into 2 teams A and B. - Draws bubbles on the board and numbers them from 1 to 8 - Asks Ss : “ How many bubbles are there?” - Guides the rule of the game: “Some of them are lucky bubbles , if you choose them , you’ll get 10 marks without answering . If you answer. - Answer - Compare the answers with the partner. - Read their answers. - Listen and answer. - Answer - Work in pair and write these sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Listen and answer - Divide into 2 teams - Answer - Listen 10’ 1’ Answer key: 1/ If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table . 2/ If they had been paying attention, they would have been seen the sign marking their exit from the high way. 3/ Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying. 4/ If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone to the beach yesterday 5/ If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr. Lee said during the dinner. * Pronunciation / t / and / d / Home work -Prepare TEST YOUR SELF on page 121. - Do exercise 1, 2, 3 in workbook on page 65,66. choose the others and answer correctly, you’ll get 10 marks. After I count 1 to 5, if you havo no answer , you’ll lose.” - Checks one student’s understanding - Controls the game - Congratulates the winner. - Asks Ss to repeat word by word , sentence by sentence chorally and individually after listening to the tape. - Corrects Ss that pronounce incorrectly. - Asks Ss to do homework and preview TEST YOUR SELF . . - Say it again in Vietnamese - Attend the game - Listen and repeat [...]... 2-4 câu 2 câu *Lớp 3, lớp 4 Nội dung Số phép tính Mức độ Nhận Thông biết hiểu Vận dụng 8 -10 câu 2-3 câu 1-2 câu(có thể có câu vận dụng cho HS giỏi Đại lượng và đo đại lư ợng 1-2 câu 1-2 câu Yếu tố hình học 1-2 câu 1-2 câu Giải toán có lời văn 2 câu Lớp 5 Mức độ Nhận Thông Nội dung biết hiểu Số phép tính Vận dụng 10- 12 2-3 câu 1-2 câu(có thể câu có câu vận dụng cho HS giỏi Đại lượng và đo đại lượng 1-3 . Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS Lesson 5: Language focus Teacher: Do Van Hung Date of teaching: …………… Class:………… Week: ………….Period:. Students will be able to know how to use conditional sentences type 3, pronounce / t / and / d /. II. Language content: 2.1 Grammar: Conditional sentence type 3 2.2 Pronunciation: / t / , / d / III with If LUCKY BUBBLE. - Runs through the vocabularies. - Gets Ss to look at exercise 1 on page 119 . - Asks Ss to work individually and give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets in 2 minutes. -

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2014, 00:00

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