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1. A. resume B. statistics C. pos ition D. designer 2. A. helps B. laughs C. likes D. arrives 3. A. fille d B. misse d C. ploughe d D. watche d PRACTICE TEST 1 QUESTIONS 1-3: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. QUESTIONS 4-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 4. A. teacher B. village C. police D. worker 5. A. discuss B. attract C. suppose D. visit Questions 6 - 25: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. The conical leaf hat is made palm leaves. a special kind bamboo and young and soft A. in/ for B. of/ of C. on/ for D. from/ of 7. Few Asian students agreed should share all thoughts. the American students' view that wives and husbands A. to B. on C. for D. with 8. The wedding day was chosen by the parents of the groom. A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully 9. Peter usually helps his mother with . A. housework B. homework C. chores D. household 10. at someone is considered as rude. A. Looking B. Waving C. Greeting D. Pointing 11. He went to the cinema he had done his homework. A. before B. until C. by the time D. after 12. ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat. A. Had you arrived B. If you hadn't arrived C. Were you arrived D. If you arrived 13. The conical leaf hat is one of the typical features of the Vietnamese . A. education B. culture C. society D. language 14. I moved in my new apartment, my neighbours have come to my house twice. A. Because B. Since C. When D. After 15. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, and salary. A. marry B. married C. marriage D. marrying 16. The way to apologize is to say 'Tm sorry." A. most simple B. simplest C. more simple D. simpler 17. A: "Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?" B: "Let me ask my parents for permission." A. a B. an C. the D. no article 18. When we came to their house, they chess. A. were playing B. are playing C. played D. have been playing 19. Since I wanted to get the bill, I tried to attract the waiter's . A. attention B. agreement C. assistance D. eyes 20. They are a close-knit family and very of one another. A. supportive B. support C. supported D. supporting 21. Compulsory education in Vietnam starts at the level. A. kindergarten B. lower secondary C. upper secondary D. primary 22. State schools are schools all children can attend without paying tuition fees. A. which B. from which C. to which D. in which 23. Primary education is .a stage of study children aged from 5 to 11 years old. A. to B. for C. in D. with 24. The National Curriculum by the government. A. will set B. set C. is setting D. is set Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 1 of 40 25. The school year in Vietnam divided into two terms. A. was B. are C. is D. is being QUESTIONS 26 - 33: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. Although most families in the United States enjoy a high living standard, many American women have to work (26) at home and in their offices. Despite their husbands' (27) of the housework, women have to do (28) of the housekeeping tasks. In single-parent families, the mothers may not have (29) children to take care of, but they have to (30) their families alone and have to provide for all the (31) money. Therefore, the (32) mothers have to work very hard to earn their living. Moreover, in spite of the fact that the single mothers have all the (33) conveniences at their homes, they find that bringing up their teenage children alone is not easy. 26. A. hardly B. hard C. fast D. equally 27. A. share B. need C. refusal D. responsibility 28. A. best B. most C. fewest D. least 29. A. few B. much C. many D. some 30. A. raise B. earn for C. keep D. nurse 31. A. homecoming B. housewarming C. household D. housekeeping 32. A. dependent B. lonely C. alone D. single 33. A. expensive B. saving C. comfortable D. modern QUESTIONS 34 - 38: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by circling letter A, B, C or I) as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. Like schools in Britain and other English speaking countries, those in the U.S have also always stressed "character" or "social" sk i l l s through extracurricular activities, including organised sports. Because most schools start at around 8 o'clock every morning and classes often do not finish until 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, such activities mean that many students do not return home until the early evening. There is usually a very broad range of extracurricular activities available. Most schools, for instance, publish their own student newspapers, and some have their own radio stations. Almost all have student orchestras, bands, and choirs. Many different sports are also available and most schools share their facilities - swimming pools, tennis courts, tracks, and stadiums - with the public. Often the students themselves organize and support school activities and raise money through car washes, baby-sitting, or by mowing lawns. Parents and local business often also help a group that, for example, has a chance to go to a state music competition, to compete in some sports championship, or take a camping trip. Such activities not only give pupils a chance to be together outside of normal classes, they also help develop a feeling of "school spirit" among the students and in the community. 34. How many hours do the children stay at school a day? A. eight B. five C. six D. four 35. Which extracurricular school activities are not mentioned? A. writing newspapers B. singing in a choir C. helping old people D. w o rk i ng i n a r a d i o s t a t i on 36. Which sports facilities are not mentioned in the text? A. swimming pools B. tennis courts C. golf course D. stadiums 37. What do the students do to support school activities? A. look after a baby B. repair cars C. sell lawn movers D. sell newspapers 38.Which activities are not helped by parents and local business? A. performing at a state music competition B. working in a TV station C. playing in a sport competition D. having a camping trip QUESTIONS 39 - 42: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet. 39. I often share my secrets with my sister. A. It is my sister which I often share secrets with. B. It is my sister that I often share secrets. C. It is my sister whose I often share secrets with. D. It is my sister with whom I often share secrets. 40. My mother is very busy at work but she takes good care of her children. A. In spite of being busy at work, my mother takes good care of her children. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 2 of 40 1. A. hands B. occasions C. associates D. others 2. A. frightene d B. stampe d C. walke d D. laughe d B. My mother takes good care of her children but she is very busy at work. C. Though my mother was very busy at work my mother took good care of her children. D. Although my mother was very busy at work she did not take good care of her children. 41. "You'd better think carefully before applying for that job.” She said to me. A. She said me to think carefully before applying for that job. B. She say me to think carefully before applying for that job. C. She advise me to think carefully before applying for that job. D. She advised me to think carefully before applying for that job. 42. Anne started studying non-verbal forms of communication three years ago. A. Anne has studying non-verbal forms of communication for three years. B. Anne has study non-verbal forms of communication for three years. C. Anne has been studying non-verbal forms of communication for three years. D. Anne has been studying non-verbal forms of communication since three years. QUESTIONS 43 - 50: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C or D and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 43. T he B r i t i s h (A) are generally less w i l l (B) to talk a bout (C) p e r s o n a l m a tt e r s (D). 44. Ma ny p e op l e (A) may work (B) long hours and h a v e (C) little time for a n (D) social life. 45. Some p e ople (A) become close f r i e nds (B) with people he (C) work w i th (D). 46. T h e y (A) have translated N g u y e n D u's no v e l (B) "Kieu" into (C) several l a n g u a g e (D). 47. They s o l d (A) computers c omm e r c i a l (B) for t h e f i r s t t i me (C) in the 1950s (D). 48. P e op l e (A) use c o m p u t e r (B) to forecast the (C) weather or to control r obo t s (D). 49. They c ould (A) publish his n e w (B) English - Vietnamese d i c tio n a r y (C) next mo n th (D). 50. A new s c hool (A) for disabled c h i ld r e n (B) will be bu i ld (C) here next m o nth (D). PRACTICE TEST 2 QUESTIONS 1-2: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. QUESTIONS 3-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 3. A. compulsory B. curriculum C. nursery D. certificate 4. A. average B. aquatic C. athletic D. available 5. A. mathematics B. sociology C. chemistry D. archaeology QUESTIONS 6 - 20: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. should try to make good impression on interviewers. A. Apply B. Applicants C. Applying D. Applied 7. In England public schools are also called schools. A. private B. state C. free paying D. independent 8. Our company wants to take in those who are for the job. A. available B. useful C. qualified D. good 9. Universities send letters of to successful candidates by post. A. accept B. acceptably C. acceptable D. acceptance 10. In your _ letters you should mention your education, qualifications and work experience. A. applicant B. apply C. application D. applicable 11. Don't forget to say goodbye to the interviewer leaving the office. A. before B. after C. while D. when 12. Children stay in secondary school the age of sixteen. A. for B. until C. at D. in 13. This clerk will provide us with the information about applying universities in the UK. A. at B. to C. for D. with Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 3 of 40 14. During the interview you should concentrate on the interviewer is saying. A. when B. that C. what D. where 15. Mary searched all over the house she could not find the key. A. but B. although C. however D. because 16. Does anyone know this hat might belong? A. who B. whom C. whose D. to whom 17. If it rained heavily, the fields flooded now. A. will be B. had been C. would be D. can be 18. A is a person who takes people to places of interest. A. writer B. pilot C. tourist guide D journalist 19. The national curriculum is made and so on. of the subjects such as: English, Maths, Chemistry A. in B. up C. on D. from 20. wants to work for this company can send their application letter by post. A. Who B. That C. Whoever D. Whom QUESTIONS 21 - 24: Read the following passage and complete the sentences that follow by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. Susan was very nervous about her interview. For at least three weeks before it she was worried about it. She really wanted the job but she knew that a lot of people wanted to do that too. She had been told that there were a great many applicants for it, so she prepared herself. She made notes of what she might be asked and of what she wanted to ask. When the day came, she arrived half an hour early. There were six other people waiting to be interviewed. They looked much more confident than her. She began to feel even more nervous. One by one, the others were called. Each of them came out looking satisfied. Susan was the last one to be called into the interview room. She had decided by then that she had no chance of getting the job, so she felt relaxed as she walked in; she felt that she had nothing to lose. The three interviewers were all very serious and they didn't seem to be interested in her. She forgot all the answers she had prepared and said the first things that came into her head. Afterwards she was sure she wouldn't get the job, but two days later she got a letter telling her she had been chosen because she had been the only one who acted naturally. 21. Susan was told that there were many for the job. A. application B. applicant C. apply D. applicants 22. There were only interviewees. A.6 B.7 C.8 D. 9 23. Susan felt even more nervous than before because the other people . A. acted better than her B. looked more confident than her C. looked more relaxed than her D. knew that she had no chance of getting the job 24. Susan won the job because she was the only one who . A. answered the questions naturally B. asked the questions naturally C. acted naturally D. told naturally QUESTIONS 25 - 33: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D, Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 21, Jalan Sultan Johore Bahru The advertiser, P.O. Box 345, Kuala Lumpur, Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the "Malaysia Times" of 1 st January for an office clerk. I am (25) this application for your consideration. I am 20 years of (26) and have passed the GCE "A " Level with certificate in English, Mathematics and General Science. In (27) have taken a Computer (28) . I can type 40 words a(n) (29) _ and have also a working knowledge of book-keeping and accounts. I am proficient in National Language as well as English. I am in good health and take interest (30) _ sport. I am enclosing copies of certificate (31) from my school. If you grant me an interview, I shall be happy to come to your office any time convenient (32) you. I am looking forward to (33) from you soon. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 4 of 40 Yours faithfully, 25. A. making B. writing C. submitting D. sending 26. A. age 27. A. short B. old B. brief C. life C. opinion D. lives D. addition 28. A. course 29. A. minute B. lesson B. hour C. material C. second D. subject D. day 30. A. on 31. A. obtaining 32. A. to B. at B. studying B. for C. in C. having C. with D. about D. obtained D. on 33. A. hearing B. hear C. hears D. heard QUESTIONS 34 - 40: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet. 34. Hanoi is famous for its beauty. A. It is the beauty of Hanoi that makes it famous. B. Hanoi is a beautiful city. C. It is Hanoi whose beauty attracts many foreign visitors. D. Because Hanoi is famous, it is beautiful. 35. Money must be easy to carry about. A. Money must be lasting. B. Money must be easy to recognize. C. Money must be easy to bring along. D. Money must be used easily. 36. It is difficult to start looking for a job at my age. A. I'm young, so it is difficult to start looking for a job. B. It is difficult for me to get employed at my age. C. Getting employed at such ages is also difficult. D. I don't think I can start looking for a job now. 37. The USA is a country of high youth unemployment. A. The USA is a country of young people. B. It is the USA that has a great number of young people. C. High youth unemployment is found in the USA. D. We find high youth unemployment a problem in the USA. 38. Life in Vietnam in the 2500 will be very different. A. Vietnam will be very different in the 2500. B. The 2500 will see great changes in Vietnam. C. The 2500 will see great differences in life in Vietnam. D. People of Vietnam will make great changes for the country. 39. Sue lives in a house. The house is opposite my house. A. Sue lives in the house which is opposite my house. B. Sue lives in the house who is opposite my house. C. Sue lives in the house where is opposite my house. D. Sue lives in the house and which is opposite my house. 40. The plants may develop differently. The plants live on that island. A. The plants which live on that island may develop differently. B. The plants lives on that island may develop differently. C. The plants which lives on that island may develop differently. D. The plants which live that island may develop differently. QUESTIONS 41 - 50: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C or D and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 41. W h a t (A) have t h e y sa y (B) about t h e ir (C) m a rr i a g e s (D)? 42. You should to t a k e (A) these t a b l e ts (B) and r es t f or (C) a couple o f d a y s (D). 43. Bacteria i s (A) h e l p f u l (B) to l i f e (C) on ea r th (D). 44.1 w i ll as k (A) my s tu d e nts (B) to repeat t he (C) sentences a g a i n (D). 45. I'm a f r a i d (A) I c a n't (B) come w i t h (C) you on t o mo r r ow (D). 46. We u s u a l ly (A) have E n g l i s h l e s s on (B) t w i c e (C) a w ee k (D). 47. They never h a v e (A) b r e a k f a s t (B) b e f o r e (C) h a v ing b a th (D). Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 5 of 40 48. When he c a m e (A), we w e r e (B) h a v ing (C) din n e r s (D). 49. She li k e s (A) her job but (B) do e s n o t (C) like w ea r un i f o r m s (D). 50. Children ca n't (A) start s c hool (B) n o t un t il (C) they are s ix (D). PRACTICE TEST 3 QUESTIONS 1-3: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. sci e nce B. cli e nt C. revi e w D. vari e ty 2. A. prepare B. care C. share D. ca ge 3. A. pa y B. clay C. essa y D. said QUESTIONS 4-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 4. A. design B. essay C. caring D. special 5. A. escape B. marry C. prepare D. recount Questions 6 - 30: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. In the past the earth was to be flat. A. created B. evolved C believed D. built 7. We'll talk about those problems are related to psychology. A. what B. which C. whose D. who 8. In my opinion Anderson's reputation as an artist is very . A. overrated B. overpowered C. overstated D. overlooked 9. The city is determined to rid itself of problems with drainage, waste, air and noise pollution to make Vietnam's aged capital a clean and green city. A. so that B. in order that C. to order D. so as 10. The city administration plans to invest VND 26 billion to polluted water. A. solve B. treating C. solving D. treat 11. You will find John difficult to understand at first, as he has a slight impediment in his speech. A. rather B. hardly C. over D. enough 12. They searched for the missing documents but they were never found. A. to and fro B. high and low C. up and down D. back to back 13. If one a killing, one must expect to suffer the consequences. A. creates B. makes C. commits D. shows 14. The habit of taking cold baths in winter is said to be to the English. A. individual B. personal C. intelligent D. peculiar 15. You'd better not argue with them, you'll be fined. A. if B. in case C. unless D. otherwise 16. from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. A. Exhaust B. Pollution C. Gas D. Air 17. Those showed signs of psychological effects behaved very differently. A. how B. who C. where D. whose 18. Heavily polluted plants will be closed down only if the matter is of by the Prime Minister. A. disapproved B. disapproving C. approved D. approving 19. Flood from the heavy rain destroyed the crops in the region. A. resulted B. to result C. results D. resulting 20. Increasing industrialization is challenging the province to every effort to control pollution. A. do B. create C. make D. give 21. are still living, others are dead. A. Some types of germs B. While some types of germs C. There are some types of germs D. But some types of germs 22. You won't be allowed to teach here you show your qualification. A. since B. unless C. for D. while 23. Did the man say he already sent the application form? Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 6 of 40 31. A. either B. both C. neither D. only 32. A. else B. for C. with D. as A. should B. would C. have D. had 24. In the United States, is generally the responsibility of municipal government. A. for water treatment B. water treatment C. where water treatment D. i n w h i c h water t r ea t m e n t 25. It would be hard to process the data using a computer. A. for B. with C. since D. without 26. "This room is filled with smoke". "Yes, this is a room." A. smoke-filled B. smoke-filling C. filling-smoke D. smoking-filled 27. We'll talk about the questions logical thought. A. require B. requiring C. required D. are requiring 28. You have learned many things useful there, you? A. have B. do C. haven't D. don't 29. Most folk songs are ballads have simple words and tell simple stories. A. what B. although C. when D. that 30. My brother got with doing the same thing for days in his office. A. boring B. bored C. boringly D. boredom QUESTIONS 31 - 35: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. Most people work to earn a living, and produce goods and services. Goods are (31) agricultural (like maize and milk) or manufactured (like cars and paper). Services are such things (32) education, medicine, and commerce. Some people provide products. An example can be a man who produces goods such as rice. Some provide services. In a hotel, services can range from cleaning, washing to arranging tours within and outside the city where (33) . Other people provide both goods and services. For example, in the same garage a man may buy a car or some service which helps him to maintain his car. The work people do is called economic activity. All economic activities together make up the economic system of a town, a city, a country, or the world. Such an economic system is the sum (34) and what they want. The work people undertake provides either what they need or provides the money with (35) they can buy essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to earn enough money to buy commodities and services which are non-essential but which provide some particular personal satisfaction, like toys for children, visits to the cinema, and books. 33. A. are the guests s t a y i ng B. the guests are s t a y i ng C. are s t a y i ng the guests D. s t a y i ng the guests are 34. A. what people do B. of total what people do C. total of what people do D. of what people do in total 35. A. that B. without which C. the money D. which QUESTIONS 36 - 40: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by circling letter A, B, C or D as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. A greenhouse is a building whose sides and roof are made of glass so that the temperature inside is magnified. And it's used to grow plants that need high temperatures. This is to illustrate an example of how man could be causing changes to the climate. These changes result from increasing the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, thus raising the surface temperature of the Earth. And this is known as the "Greenhouse Effect." C0 2 is a normal component of the atmosphere and until recently has not been considered an air pollutant. But average global C0 2 concentrations have been increasing since 1860, with particularly sharp increase in 1958. The main reason for this continuous increase in C0 2 build-up is the burning of fossil fuels. During the past 100 years, the C0 2 content of the atmosphere has already risen by about 15% - from about 290 to about 340 parts per million. And it's still rising. Although the C0 2 content of the atmosphere is only about 0.032%, it's a major factor in determining average global temperature. Incoming sunlight consists of many wavelengths including some very dangerous ones. But ozone in the upper atmosphere and water vapor and C0 2 in the lower atmosphere filter out or destroy most of the harmful wavelengths, so what reaches the Earth is mostly visible light. It's absorbed by land, sea and cloud and is reradiated in the atmosphere as longer wavelength infrared radiation, or heat, as the Earth cools. Much of this infrared radiation is absorbed by C0 2 . The C0 2 then radiates a portion of the absorbed heat energy back to the Earth to warm the atmosphere. Rather like the glass in a greenhouse or a car window on sunny day, C0 2 in the atmosphere acts as a one-way filter that allows visible light to enter the Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 7 of 40 Earth's atmosphere, but prevents longer wavelength heat radiation from leaving. Assuming that energy is arriving from the sun at a constant rate, then as the level of C0 2 increases, the average surface temperature of the earth should rise. 36. What is the purpose of using a greenhouse? A. to give an example of atmospheric changes caused by man B. to magnify temperature to grow plants requiring high temperatures C. to give an example of buildings whose sides and roof are made of glass D. to indicate the rising level of C0 2 in the earth's atmosphere 37. What is mainly discussed in paragraph 1? A. The sides and roof of a greenhouse are made of glass B. Plants need high temperatures to grow C What is the "Greenhouse Effect"?' D. A greenhouse is used for growing plants 38. Why is C0 2 considered an air pollutant? A. C0 2 is a normal component of the atmosphere B. Global C0 2 concentrations have been increasing C. C0 2 is a by-product of the burning of fossil fuels D. C0 2 raises the surface temperature of the Earth 39. What is not true according to the information from the passage? A. The level of C0 2 has risen by as much as 15% B. The sun emits some very dangerous wavelengths C. A portion of sunlight is filtered out before entering the Earth D. C0 2 allows sunlight to enter and leave the Earth's atmosphere 40. What is the best title for the passage? A. The "Greenhouse Effect" and how C0 2 warms the atmosphere B. The level of C0 2 at present compared with that in the past C. Ozone and water vapor with filtering out harmful wavelengths D. The "Greenhouse Effect" used for growing plants QUESTIONS 41 - 45: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet. 41. These convicts were sent to Australia as punishment for their crimes. A. These criminals were punished and sent to Australia. B. These convicts punished themselves for their crimes by going to Australia. C. They sent these convicts to Australia, then punished them. D. Because of their crimes, these convicts were sent to Australia as punishment. 42. If students have problems, you can ask questions to check their understanding. A. I advice you to ask questions to check their understanding. B. It's better to check their understanding by asking questions. C. Questions can be asked to check their understanding if students have problems. D. Asking questions to check their understanding if they have problems. 43. / don't think Jerry will win the tennis match. A. In my opinion, Jerry will not likely to win the tennis match. B. I will never think Jerry will win the tennis match. C. The fact is that Jerry won't win the tennis match. D. Jerry will win the tennis match, I don't think that. 44. After days of searching, the captain found a fine harbor. A. The captain found a fine harbor; then he searched for days. B. The captain had searched for days before he could find a fine harbor. C. It took the captain some time to search for a fine harbor. D. The captain spent many days on exploring the fine harbor in the new place. 45. There are many factors contributing to air pollution. A. Air pollution results in many consequences. B. Air pollution is the result of burning forests. C. Factors contributing to air pollution are numerous. D. Air pollution is contributing to these phenomena. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 8 of 40 QUESTIONS 46 - 50: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C or D and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 46. The aim of t hi s e x e r c i s e s (A) is t o pr a c t i s e (B) using will f o r (C) a future fact or pr e di c t i o n (D) . 47. Hea v i ly (A) polluted factories will b e c l o s e d (B) down s oon e r (C) or l a t e s t (D) . 48. T e ll s t u d e nts (A) are g oing (B) to h e a r th r e e s ho r t (C) conversations a bout f o od (D) . 49. I w i l l (A) never f o r g e t (B) what h a s h e (C) done to me (D) . 50. Sue e n j o y e d the (A) film is s o m u c h (B) that she said s h e w ou l d (C) go to t h e mo v i e t o (D) see it again. PRACTICE TEST 4 QUESTIONS 1-3: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. c h eerful B. c h arity C. mac h ine D. c h ance 2. A. fi e ld B. belief C. bri e f D. fri e nd 3. A. betwe e n B. che e se C. che e p D. chee r QUESTIONS 4-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 4. A. between B. cherish C. chicken D. kitchen 5. A. exciting B. charity C. convenient D. surprising QUESTIONS 6 - 30: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. Never in my life such a beautiful sunset. A. I have seen B. I do see C. have I seen D. do I see 7. I will phone you I get there. A. as well as B. as much as C. as soon as D. as early as 8. If we heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it . A. would boil B. will be boiling C. is boiling D. boils 9. After finishing the presentation, I suggested to the cinema. A. us to go B. that we to go C. going D. we going 10. If you do not learn seriously, to understand the subject well. A. you will never be able B. will you never be able C. never you will be able D. will never you be able 11. Early carpenters, having nails, had to use wooden pegs to secure their constructions. A. not B. neither C. no D. none 12. Not 1975 did we liberate the South. A. since B. for C. until D. as 13. People who reverse the letters of words to read suffer from dyslexia. A. when trying B. if they tried C. when tried D. if they try 14. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum of antique cars dating from 1865. A. is an exhibit B. an exhibit C. are an exhibit D. an exhibit is 15. The purpose of a labor union is to improve the working conditions and its members. A. protecting B. to protect C. in protection D. for protection 16. We cannot imagine life would be like without music. A. what B. when C. where D. how 17. I do believe that his study there will be great benefit to his teaching career later. A. on B. to C. in D. of 8. The formal statement of this process is the principle of natural selection. A. referred B. called C. known D. regarded 19. What is protecting the area and these endangered species. A. in environmentalists are interested B. are environmentalists interested in C. are interested in environmentalists D. environmentalists are interested in 20. "What's wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ?" A. end B. edge C. foot D. side Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 9 of 40 [...]... Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 32 of 40 think this is too pessimistic, and that man can prevent things from getting worse than they are now But (38) that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now One thing that man can do is to limit (39) of babies born The need (40) this is obvious, but it is not easy to achieve People have to be persuaded... corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 43 I received a letter this morning It really upset me A I received a letter this morning really upset me B I received a letter this morning which really upset me C I received a letter this morning in which really upset me D I received a letter this morning of which really upset me 44 It was a great summer I'll never forget that summer... novelist, was born more than one hundred years ago 66 Without this treatment, that patient would have died A If that patient didn't followed this treatment he would have died B If that patient had use this treatment he would have not died C If that patient hadn't undergone this treatment he would have died D If that patient haven't undergone this treatment he would have died 67 Lan didn't apply for the... tries to prevent them from vocalizing D They try to prevent vocalizing from the reader 43 This passage focuses on helping students read faster A How to read this passage faster and faster B Reading faster is the content of this passage C The purpose of this passage is to help students read more quickly D The purpose of this passage is to helping students read more quickly 44 All of the students, but Peter... was a table in the kitchen A beautiful large round wooden B large beautiful round wooden C beautiful round large wooden D wooden round large beautiful 16 He's a man with a A thin long face B face long and thin C long thin face D thinly long face 17 I kept them in the A metal black small box B small black metal box C black metal small box D small metal black box 18 They spoke for us to understand A... money I need There's so much to pay for B The trouble with people nowadays is that they all want something for nothing They think they should be able to get whatever they want But they don't realise that some one is going to have to pay for it in the end C I know I ought to go and see the doctor, but I don't think I can afford it I know he will tell me to buy some medicine, but I just haven't got the money... Eating and living in this country is becoming expensive A more and more B too C less D so 22 He kept his job the manager had threatened to sack him A despite B unless C even D although 23 Many people used to think that women's are childbearing and home taking Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 12 of 40 A abilities B works C roles D task 24 Hoa: "I think women should... supposed to change a pound? C Do you happen to have change for a pound? D Have you changed a pound? 65 "I don't think John will come", said Bill A Bill doubted whether John would come B Bill said he doesn't think John will come C Bill said he don't think John would come D Bill said he didn't think John will come 66 John has not had his hair cut for over six months A John has not cut his hair for over... A, B, C or D as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet In many modem countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children But this is not the only kind of the family group In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members This kind of large family is called an "extended family" or a "joint family" The joint family includes all living... continue to provide for all the needs of our society, we must remember that nothing in life is free My party does not promise to cut taxes immediately But we do promise to continue all the services that our taxes pay for, and we hope that we will manage things so well that after a short time some taxes may be reduced 26 This is from A a teacher's diary B a personal letter C a political message D a . reader. 43. This passage focuses on helping students read faster. A. How to read this passage faster and faster. B. Reading faster is the content of this passage. C. The purpose of this passage. a letter this morning. It really upset me. A. I received a letter this morning really upset me. B. I received a letter this morning which really upset me. C. I received a letter this morning. so much to pay for. B. The trouble with people nowadays is that they all want something for nothing. They think they should be able to get whatever they want. But they don't realise that

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2015, 01:00

