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translation theory error

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Subject: Translation Theory Topic: Translation Errors Version 1 Group 5: Tran Thi Nhung Tran Thi Phuong Pham Thi Luyen Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Class 12E12 REVISE THE THEORY FORM OF TRANSLATION ERROR TRANSLATION ERRORS LINGGUISTIC ERRORS - Word form - Grammar - Syntax - Usage - Style - Register - False cognate COMPREHENSION ERRORS - Misunderstanding of the ST - Ambiguity TRANSLATION ERRORS - Mistranslation into the TL - Addition/ Omission - Terminology - Inconsistency - Too freely translated - Too literal (word-for-word) - Indecision FORMATTING ERRORS - Incomplete passage - Illegible - Punctuation - Diacritical marks - Spelling - Case (upper/lower) GAME SHOW I) Name: Fishing and collecting coins II) Rule of the game: - The whole class is divided into 3 teams and goes fishing at the 3 lakes together, and then they will collect coins from fishing. - Each lake has 8 fish at most and there are 3 types of fish: gold fish, black fish, and white fish. - To fish and collect coins, the teams have to answer the questions. - Three lakes is equivalent to 3 rounds. Each round has 8 questions equivalent to 8 fish. + If a team fishes a white fish, you have 10 coins for a correct answer. + If a team fishes a gold fish, you have 20 coins for a correct answer. + If a team fishes a black fish, you have 30 coins for a correct answer. But the team answer wrongly, they will lose 10 coins. - To start playing the game, each team will have 10 white fish which equivalent to 100 coins. The teams will take turn to fish in each round. - If a team has a wrong answer, and one of the other teams will answer the question. The next team answers correctly will collect the coins and if the team has also a wrong answer, they won’t lose any coins. - Summary: The team with the most coins will be the winner. SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Questions are divides into 3 groups basing on the above game. Group 1: Q1: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. ……is a translation error which involves the incorrect use of quotation marks, commas, semicolons, and colons, as well as incorrect or unclear paragraphing are regarded as the error. Answer: Punctuation Q2: Identify the translation error in the following TT. ST:A hen of Lieafie wants to escape from a miserable situation of an egg production supply chain. TT: Lieafie là một con gà muốn thoát khỏi cảnh cùng cực của một dây chuyền sản xuất trứng. Answer: Mistranslation into target language (một con gà => con gà mái của Lieafie) Q3: Choose the correct answer “The meaning is clear in the source text but ambiguous in the translation” is WHICH ERROR below? A. Usage B. Inconsistency C. Ambiguity D. C and B are correct Answer: C Q4: Identify the translation error in the following TT. ST: Annabel was, like the writer, of mixed parentage: half-English, half- Dutch, in her case. (Nabokov, Lolita) TT: Giống như tác giả những dòng này, Annabel cũng là con lai: bố Anh, mẹ Hà Lan. (Dương Tường, Lolila) Answer: Mistranslation into target language (bố Anh, mẹ Hà Lan => nửa Anh, nửa Hà Lan) Q5: Decide the sentence below is TRUE or FALSE? “The convention of the TL should be followed consistently. If incorrect or missing diacritical marks obscure the meaning, the error is more serious.” is the error of PUNCTUATION. Answer: FALSE Correction: PUNCTUATION => ACCENT AND OTHER DIACRITICAL MARKS Q6: Identify the translation error in the following TT. ST: In vain I insisted I be allowed to spend the night on a “welcome” mat in a corner of their damned hospital. (Nabokov, Vladimir,1997, Lolita). TT: Tôi nài nỉ xin được qua đêm trên một tấm nệm rơm “từ thiện” trong một góc của cái bệnh viện chết tiệt này mà không được. (Dương Tường, Lolita) Answer: Misunderstanding of original text.( một tấm nệm rơm => một tấm thảm chùi chân có dòng chữ “welcome” Q7: Look at this picture, and identify a translation error in it. Answer: spelling (fast foot => fast food) Q8: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. ………is a translation error made when the root of the word is correct but the used form is wrong. Answer: Word form Bổ sung: 6. ST: Ai bắt được những tên tội phạm trốn trại sẽ được thưởng 5000 đôla TT: A five-thousand-dollars reward was offered for the capture of the escaped criminals.  Word form  Five-thousand-dollar Group2: Q1: Identify which a translation error is made in the following sentence? ST: Social media criticism went into overdrive this week after authorities started cutting down some 500 of the 6,700 trees it considered dangerous in the leafy metropolis often dubbed the “Paris of Asia”. (http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/20/us-vietnam-trees- idUSKBN0MG0J520150320) TT: Các phương tiện truyền thông xã hội đã đi vào chỉ trích khi chính quyền Hà Nội bắt tay chặt đốn 500 trong tổng số 6.700 cây xanh trong thành phố được mệnh là “Paris của châu Á”.(http://antt.vn/chat-cay-xanh-ha-noi-len-bao- quoc-te-017525.html) Answer: Omission Q2: The following translated sentence contains a translation error. Choose a correct answer for this error. ST: He knew how to have a good time (The things they carried- Tim O’brien) TT: Anh ấy biết thế nào để luôn vui vẻ ung dung. ( Những thứ họ mang- Tran Tien Cao Dang) A: Addition B: Inconsistency C: Too free translated Answer: A Explain: ST doesn’t have any word which means “ung dung” “ung dung” doesn’t supplement meaning for “vui vẻ”. Q3: Show a translation error in the sentence, and correct it. What is the error called. ST: It's time to fight back and cut red tape. TT:Đã tới lúc phản công và cắt băng keo đỏ. Answer: Terminology- word choice ( băng keo đỏ => thói quan liêu ) Q4: Fill up the following blank with a suitable word. …… is a translation error which the same term is translated in many different ways in the same text. Answer: Inconsistency, same term translated differently Q5: A translation error is identified in the following translated sentence, and what is the error? Choose a correct answer for this question. ST: Cheating is common in schools in remote rural areas in India where jobs and seats in college courses are few but competition is fierce (the Washington post) TT: Điều đáng quan ngại là hiện tượng “ gà bài” hay gian lận trong thi cử nói riêng đã và đang diễn ra 1 cách công khai, phổ biến, thậm chí như 1 “ trào lưu” không thể kiểm soát tại các vùng nông thôn Ân Độ, nơi học sinh rất đông nhưng số lượng các trường học lại quá ít dẫn đến tỷ lệ chọi quá khắc nghiệt( dân trí) A: Indecision B: Addition C: Too freely translated  C Q6: Identify a translation in the following target translation. ST: Kenya mourns the almost 150 victims of Thursday's al-Shabab attack on the university campus of Garissa amid questions why warnings were ignored. ( http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32177123) TT: Kenya thương tiếc cho gần 150 nạn nhân trong cuộc tấn công al-Shabab vào thứ năm tại khuôn viên trường đại học Garrissa giữa những câu hỏi rằng tại sao những lời cảnh báo đã bị bỏ qua. Answer: Case (upper/lower) Q7: Is the following sentence TRUE or FALSE Too literal error refers to the fact that the ST is translated literally, but the TT still guarantees clarity and natural syntax (T/F) Answer: F( still guarantees => doesn’t not guarantee) Q8: Fill in the following blank with a suitable word. When a translator uses asterisks, footnotes, brackets, or other hedging devices, and adds clarifications in his/her TT, he/she makes a translation error is…… Answer: Indecision Group 3: Q1: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. ……is a translation error in which passage is missed tittles, heading, or sentences within a passage may be marked as one as one or more errors of omission. Answer: Incomplete passage Q2: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. …… is a translation error that the writer make translation text become difficultly to read because they delete, insert or revice Answer: Illegible. Q3: Identify a translation error in the following TT. Nhu cầu mua ngoại tệ trong tuần cuối tháng 3-2015 tăng lên do nhu cầu mua đô la Mỹ để thanh toán vào cuối tháng và cuối quí của các doanh nghiệp. Bên cạnh đó, một số nhà đầu tư nước ngoài trên thị trường chứng khoán mua ngoại tệ sau khi hiện thực hóa lợi nhuận. Thời báo kinh tế Sài Gòn Online Dollar demand did increase in the last week of March as enterprises had to finish payments at the end of the month or in the first quarter. Besides, some foreign investors bought dollars after taking profits out of the stock market. English.thesaigontimes.vn  Increased  Incorrection: grammar Q4: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. …… is a translation error which language level, degree of formality is not preserved in the TT. Answer: Register Q5: Identify a translation error in the following TT. ST:Theo bà Đào Thị Hương Lan, hiện nay có nhiều doanh nghiệp được giao đất làm dự án nhưng vẫn chưa ký hợp đồng thuê đất. Thời báo Sài Gòn TT: According to Ms. Dao Thi Huong Lan , many enterprises are now allocated land for the project , but has yet to sign a contract lease.  Contract of House Renting  Syntax Q6: Identify a translation error in the following TT. Cô ấy chịu đựng chồng mình rất nhiều  She puts up to a lot from her husband  With  usage Q7: Fill in the following blank by a suitable word. ……is a translation error which a distinctive manner of expression such as flowery, staccato, conversational, instructional is not preserved in the TT. Answer: Style Q8: Identify a translation error in the following TT ST: The King of Romania TT: Đức vua nước La Mã Answer: False Cognate( đứa vua nước Romani) . Subject: Translation Theory Topic: Translation Errors Version 1 Group 5: Tran Thi Nhung Tran Thi Phuong Pham Thi Luyen Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen Class 12E12 REVISE THE THEORY FORM OF TRANSLATION. suitable word. …… is a translation error that the writer make translation text become difficultly to read because they delete, insert or revice Answer: Illegible. Q3: Identify a translation error. trứng. Answer: Mistranslation into target language (một con gà => con gà mái của Lieafie) Q3: Choose the correct answer “The meaning is clear in the source text but ambiguous in the translation

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2015, 22:35

Xem thêm: translation theory error

