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giao an tieng anh 8 (hoang viet)

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Date: / Period 1 : CONSOLIDATION -THE WAY TO LEARN ENGLISH A .OBJECTIVES: I . Knowledge : - Ss review what they have learnt in english 7 and know how to learn well in the new school year. Simple past , simple present , present progessive. Either, neither, so, too. II .Skills: - Writing and speaking B. PROCERDURE: I. Settlement II. Checking III. New lesson Teacher ‘s activities 1,Presentation Recalls structures by making some questions *Simple past What did you do last night? I watched T V . Did you like film? *Simple present What do you often do in the morning? I often go to school *Present progressive What are you doing ? I am going to school 2, Practice -asks Ss to do exercices *Put the verbs in the correct tenses. Students’activities Give the form S + V-ed S + did not +V Did + S + V? S +V _s/ es. S + do /does (not) +V Do/does +S + V ? S +to be +V . S + tobe (not) + V Date : Period: 2 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read. A.Objectives: Ss can read for details, know more about new structures I, Knowledges: - S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb - What do/does + S + look like? 1 II,Skill: reading and speaking. III,Preperation: book, board , lesson plan B.Procedures: I,Settlement II,Revision: * Getting started T shows the pictures on p.10 ans asks Ss to work in groups to describe the groups of friends and their favorite activities. a.The boys are playing soccer. b.The girls are reading. c.The boys are playing chess. d.The girls are playing volleyball. III. New lesson: Teacher ‘s activities 1.Presentation: a.T sets the scene and presents the dia and T plays the tape. 2. Practice a,Practice dia: T plays the tape once more time and asks SS to work in pairs, practice the dia. b. Comprehension: T asks Ss to read the dia and answer the questions. Keys: a.Nien lives in Hue b.No, she doesn’t. c.She was’nt old enough to be in my class. d.Nien is going to visit Hoa at Christmas. c.New functions: Model sentences: T elicits and writes on the board: + What does she look like? She is beautiful. What + do/ does + S + look like? S + tobe + adj + She wasn’t old enough to be in my class. S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb 3. Further Practice: Mapped dia: T writes on the spare board and asks Ss to work in pairs, make the dia. Hung Mai Hello/ Mai Hi/Hung. You/ happy. Students’ activities Ss listen Ss listen Ss practice in pairs Ss answer and copy. Ss copy Ss work in pairs to make the dia. 2 I/met/ old friend/ Hai Do/know/ him? I/don’t/ so He / classmate/ HN What/he/look/like? He/tall/thin Did/ he/ play/volleyball?. No. He/strong/enough/ play What/pity IV. Consolidation: - S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb - What do/does + S + look like? V. Homework: - write 2 sentences using S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb 3 Date : Period: 3 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 2: Speak and listen A.Objectives: Ss will be able to describe someone. I . Knowledges: To be/ to have. II. Skill: speaking and listening III. Preperation: book, board , lesson plan, B.Procedures: I,Settlement II, Warm-up: long Brainstorm: hair body buid tall black T think of adj and write on board. III. New lesson: Teacher ‘s activities 1. Pre- speaking: a. Vocab: - Curly (pic) - Blond (pic) - Bold (pic) - Slim (pic) - Straight (pic) T uses techniques to elicit each word T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to repeat T writes on board and asks Ss the meanings and stress T asks Ss to copy. • Check: R and R T chorals and rubs each and asks Ss to remember and rewrite. b.Presentation dia: T sets the scene to present the dia And then presents the model sentences on board. She is short and thin She has long blond hair. 2. While – speaking: a. Word cue drill: He/ tall/thin/long/black blond/ She/short/fat/straight/brown Students’ activities Ss listen Ss repeat Ss answer and copy Ss remember and rewrite. Ss work individually make sentences using the cues. 4 She/short/slim/curly He/tall/fat/curly/black. Ex: She is tall and thin and He has long black hair 3.Post- speaking: • Listen p.12-13: + Guessing: T asks Ss to read the dia and guess the expressions to complete the dia in groups. + Checking: T plays the tape and asks Ss to listen and check their guessing. Keys: 1. I’d like to meet you. 2.Nice to meet you. 3.I’d like to meet you. 4.It’s pleasure to meet you. 5.come and meet. 5. How do you do? + Practice: T asks Ss to practice the dias in pairs and T asks some pairs to say before the class. Ss read the dia and guess the expressions to complete the dia in groups. Ss listen and check their guessing. Ss practice the dia in pairs IV. Consolidation: - vocab V. Homework: - learn vocab - write a para about your parents and ex.3(6,7)(task books) - prepare “Read” lesson, Date : Period: 4 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 4: Read A.Objectives: Ss can read for details, 5 I, Knowledges: vocab about characters II,Skill: reading III,Preperation: book, board , lesson plan, spare board B.Procedures: I,Settlement II,Revision: Brainstorm: characters kind T thinks of adj about characters of people and writes on board. III. New lesson: Teachers’ activities 1.Pre- rading: a. Vocab: a character (trans) an orphange (expanation) a sense of humor (trans) sociable (a)(example) reserved (a) trans) to tell jokes (explan) T uses techniques to elicit each word T reads each 3 times T writes on the board and ask the meaning and stress * Check vocab: What and Where T writes on the board and circles each T chorals and rubs each and Asks Ss to remember and rewrite b.T/ F statement prediction: T writes the statements on board and asks Ss to predict If they are T or F a.Ba has only three friends: Bao, Khai, Song. b.Ba and his friends have the same charaters. c.Bao, Khai, Song are quite reserved in public. d.They all enjoy school and study hard. 2. While- reading: a.Check prediction: Keys: a.F b.F c.F d.T b.Multiple choice: Task 1p.14 T asks Ss to read the text again and choose the best to complete Keys: a.A b.C c.B d.D c.Comprehension questions: ex2p.14: T asks Ss to work in pairs, read the text again and Students’ activities Ss listen Ss repeat Ss answer and copy Ss to remember and rewrite Ss predict If they are T or F Ss read and check Ss read the text again and 6 answer in pairs. Keys: a.He feels lucky. b.bao is the most sociable. c.Khai likes reading. d.Sometimes his jokes annoy his friends. e.He spends his free time at a local orphanage. 3.Post- reading: Ss work in groups to talk to one another about their friends using the adjs they have just learned to descibe Ex: My close friend, Hoa is kind T asks some to say before the class. choose the best to complete Ss work in pairs, read the text again and answer in pairs. Ss work in groups to talk to one another about their friends using the adjs they have just learned to descibe IV. Consolidation - Tasks Ss to remind vocab V. Homework: - learn vocab - prepare “write” lesson. Date : Period: 5 Unit 2:Making arrangements Lesson 4: Write A.Objectives: Ss can write a message I, Knowledges: How to write a massage II,Skill: writing 7 III,Preperation: book, board , lesson plan B.Procedures: I,Settlement II,Revision / warm - up : T writes the letters on board and asks Ss to reorder to make the meaningful words. mcuestor= customer ayddmi = midday essgmea= message nifurniture= furniture rrseice= service III, New lesson 1. Pre- writing: a.vocab: - delivery service (explan) - a stationary (trans) - to pick someone up (example) T uses techniques to elicit each word. T reads each 3 times. T writes on the board and asks Ss the meanings and stress Check: R or R T chorals and rubs each and asks Ss to remember and rewrite. b. Gap fill: T asks Ss read the message and fill in the gaps in the message p.23 individually and then share dieas with the partners. (text book) Keys: 1.telephone 2.May,12 3.speak 4.took 5.name 6.delivery 7. Mr Ha 8.at 2. While- writing: T asks SS to write the message using the information from the passage in write 2 on p.23 individuaaly , in pairs and then in groups. 3. Post- writing: correction: T asks Ss to work in pairs, compare their writing and correct T chooses the best to show in front of the class IV. Consolidation: - T asks Ss to remind the outline of an argument. V. Homework: - write the argument on the notebooks. 8 - prepare “ language focus”. Date: Period 14 Unit 3: AT HOME Lesson 3: Listen A. Objectives By the and of this lesson Ss will be able to order the recipe to make the “special fried rice”. I. Knowledge: Making a meal II. Skills: Listening and writing III. Preparation: Teacher: Casset Students B. Procedure I. Settlment II. Checking: Play game “sark Attack” (rice) (garlic) III. New lesson 1. Pre - listening - Asks Ss to guess what - Guess in groups items Lan and Mrs Tu use to GA GB GC GD cook dinner. 2. Whale - listening - Plays the tape - Listen the tape to check their prediction Keys: a/ fried rice b/ pan c/ garlic and green peppers d/ ham and peas - Asks Ss to order the - Listen again to order the recipe Recipe to make the “special Chinese Fried Keys: 1. Put a little oil in the big pan 2. Heat the pan 3. Frig the garlic and the green peppers 4. Put the hana and peas in 5. Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in. 3. Post - listening 9 Exhibition - Asks Ss to write the recipe for the - Work in groups to write the Main course they like. Recipe. IV. Consolidation The recipe V. Homework Do ex 2, 3 Prepare: Read. Date: Period 15 10 [...]... master (explanation) - Copy down + a servant (antonym) + wisdom (trans) + tie (mime) + escape (trans, stnoym) - Check: what and where - Asks Ss to complete the story Keys: 1 appeared 4 left 2 was 5 went 3 said 6 tied 7 lit 8 burned - Work in individually to complete story by using the verbs in the box 9 escaped - Asks Ss to answer some questions - Answer some questions a Where was the man ? a He was... of transmitting speech over a long distance This led to the invention of the telephone a Alecander Graham Bell was born in Scotland b Alecander Graham Bell was born in 187 4 c In America he worked with deaf - mutes at Boston university d He went to live in England III Rewrite these sentences, use the cue words 1 His tooth aches (He / ought to / go / dentist) 2 Lan is clever She can get... transmitting speech over a long distance This led to the invention of the telephone a Alecander Graham Bell was born in Scotland b Alecander Graham Bell was born in 187 4 c In America he worked with deaf - mutes at Boston university d He went to live in England III Rewrite these sentences, use the cue words 1 His tooth aches (He / ought to / go / dentist) 19 2 Lan is clever She can... summer a is b was c were d are 8 didn’t you play soccer with me yesterday ? Because I was busy a How b Why c What d Where 9 She do the house work a have to b has to c must d b or c 10 Lan is to do house work a going to b going c go d went II Read the paragraph and decide these statements are T/F Alecander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland is 187 4 and late came to the unite states... summer a is b was c were d are 8 didn’t you play soccer with me yesterday ? Because I was busy a How b Why c What d Where 9 She do the house work a have to b has to c must d b or c 10 Lan is to do house work a going to b going c go d went II Read the paragraph and decide these statements are T/F Alecander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland is 187 4 and late came to the unite states... picture) + prince (picture) - Listen and repeat in choral in groups, in individually + cruel (adj) (picture) - Copy down + drop (v) (mime and realia) + change … into: (v) (mine and realia) - Checks by having ss say their meaning B Matching predictions: - say the meaning of the words 27 - Shows the words on the board - Gives instructions -Work in groups, show their answers on the board 2 While - reading... 22 Unit 4: OUR PAST Lesson 2: Speak and Listen A Objectives By the and of this lesson Ss will be able to write talk about the differences between life in the past and at present I Knowledge: Simple past and simple present II Skills: Speakinh and listening III Preparation: Teacher: picture, lesson plan Students: B Procedure I Settlement II Checking Play game: Noughts and Crosses Ss make sentences, using... injure (transla) - Listen and repeat in choral, in - a socket (picture) groups in dividually - a bead (realia) - an object (example) - scissors (realia) - a precaution Cecks: - Copy down (transla) R.O.R * T/F Statement Prediction - Asks Ss to predict these sentence - Pre dict these senten ces in groups 11 a/ It is safe to leave medicine around the GA GB GC GD house b/ Drugscan look like candy c/ A... By the and of this lesson Ss will be able to under stand the main and details ideas of the text I Knowledge: Why / Because ? II Skills: Reading and spea king III Preparation: Teacher: picture, realias Students: Books, vocab B Procedure I Settlement II Checking Brainstorming match Danger in the home for children Elictric III New lesson fire drug knife 1 Pre - reading * Preteach: - destroy (transla)... b What did the tiger want to know ? b The tiger wanted: why the strong buffalo was a servant c Did the farmer die of the fire ? 2 While - writing - Asks Ss to inmagine they are the man to write the story 3.Post - writing: Exhibition - Corrects student’s mistakes c No, he didn’t - Write the story (change he into I) in individually > in groups - Copy down - Roleplay the tiger and buffalo to 30 - Asks . reads each 3 times and asks Ss to repeat T writes on board and asks Ss the meanings and stress T asks Ss to copy. • Check: R and R T chorals and rubs each and asks Ss to remember and rewrite. b.Presentation. characters of people and writes on board. III. New lesson: Teachers’ activities 1.Pre- rading: a. Vocab: a character (trans) an orphange (expanation) a sense of humor (trans) sociable (a)(example) . reserved (a) trans) to tell jokes (explan) T uses techniques to elicit each word T reads each 3 times T writes on the board and ask the meaning and stress * Check vocab: What and Where T writes

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2015, 03:00

Xem thêm: giao an tieng anh 8 (hoang viet)


Mục lục

    mcuestor= customer ayddmi = midday essgmea= message

    Teacher's activities

    1 Review: –ed and – ing participles

    - Recalls the wayto use –ed and – ing participles

    The green pained bex is one dollar

    The doll dressed in pink is two dollar

    Check: Slap the board

    II,Checking. Asks Ss to write vocabulary

    -Asks Ss to match the word in the colum A with the word in the colum B

    Check: Slap the board


