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unit 12 - tieng anh 10 -lsitening

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LESSON PLAN Unit12 : Music Class details : Grade 10 Teacher in charge : Ho Thi Nhu Trang Aims : Teaching listening Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: ● Practice and improve listening skills for general and specific information. ● Have some information about Van Cao’s music. Teaching aids : textbook, cassette, pictures and posters Time allotted : 45 minutes PROCEDURE Time Stage Step/ Activities Work arrangement 5mins Warm-up “Guessing game” • T gives instructions: “Now Let’s warm up the atmosphere by playing a game. Its name is “guessing”. I will let you hear 5 songs. And you have to guess the name of the songs and the name of the writer” • Checking instructions: T: What will you do? è Ss: listen to 5songs; guess the name of songs and the name of the writer T: Very good! So are you ready to listen to the first song? è Ss: yes Teacher, Whole class 1 15mins Pre- listening T: Good! Let's start with the first song. - T plays the songs; Ss guess the name of the songs Name of songs Name of composer Tiến quân ca Làng tôi Mùa xuân đầu tiên Suối mơ Văn cao - T: Yes, our listening lesson today is talking about "Van Cao". But before you do some listening tasks, you are going to learn some new vocabulary. 1. Pre-teaching vocabulary a. Presenting Vocabulary Lyrical (adj) = trữ tình Technique: Translation • T models 2 times • Get Ss to do choral repetition 2 times • Call on 2 Ss to do individual repetition. Correct • T writes the word on Bb, Ss copy it • T checks stress/intonation Musician (n) = nhạc sĩ Technique: Visuals (Other steps like above) Rousing (adj)= sôi nổi, nồng nhiệt (≠ quiet) Teacher, Whole class 2 Technique: Visual & Antonym (Other steps like above) Rural (adj) = thuộc về miền quê Technique: Visual & Explanation (Other steps like above) Solemn (adj) = uy nghiêm, long trọng Technique: Visual & Translation (Other steps like above) Well-known (adj)= nổi tiếng (= famous) Technique: Visual & Synonym (Other steps like above) b. Checking vocabulary: èTechnique: Rub out and remember è Aims: • To get Ss to remember new vocabulary through writing • To check Ss understand the meaning of new vocabulary è Steps: • T rub out the new words one at a time • Each time T rub out a word in English, T point to the Vietnamese and ask “What’s this in English?” • When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get Ss to call out the English words. 3 • T call some Ss go to the board to rewrite all the rubbed out words. 2. Brainstorming • Instructions: "In the warm-up, you have just listened to some songs of Van Cao, now is the time to share you feeling of those songs. Each of you has 2 minutes to think of 5 adjectives describing Van Cao's songs." • Checking instructions: T: What are you going to do? è Ss: think of 5 adjectives describing Van Cao's songs T: Very good! Let's start now. Expected answers: Some adjectives: sweet, solemn, rural, rousing, and gentle PART I. LISTENING FOR GIST 4 Van Cao’s song Van Cao’s song gentle rousing solem n rural sweet 18mins While- listening (Comprehension questions) Task 1: Listening for topic recognition - Techniques: + Open question + Multiple choices - T sticks the poster on blackboard (BB) - Instructions: “You are going to listen to a conversation between Lan Huong and Quang Hung. Listen and answer the questions on BB.” - Before listening, T reminds Ss to read through two questions to understand clearly. - Questions: 1. What kind of the conversation is it? 2. What is this conversation about? a. The feeling of Quang Hung about Van Cao’s music. b. The feeling of Quang Hung about Van Cao’s life. c. The feeling of Lan Huong about Van Cao’s music. - T plays the tape one time. * Feedback on the task after listening: - T asks some Ss to give their answers and write them on the BB. - Answer key: 1. Interview 2. a Task 2: Listening for the main ideas Teacher, Whole class 5 - Technique: True/ False statements - T sticks poster on BB - Instruction: Now, listen to the tape again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Put a tick ( ü ) in the appropriate box. - Before listening, T instructs Ss to use some strategies: + Read through the statements to understand them and underline the key words. Ex: 1. the guest of the show is Lan Huong + Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words. + Decide whether the statements are true or false based on what they can hear. - T plays the tape one time. * Feedback on the task after listening: -T calls some Ss to give their answers and write them on the BB. - Answer key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F PART II. LISTENING FOR DETAILS - Technique: Comprehension questions (Wh-question) - T sticks the poster on BB - T reminds Ss about the 3 rd question that T has adapted. “Why does Quang Hung like it?” 6 10mins Post- listening => “What does Quang Hung feel about Van Cao’s music?” - Instruction: Now, listen to the tape again and answer the questions. - Before listening, T asks Ss to repeat the strategies in task 2/ part I - T plays the tape one time. * After listening: - T asks Ss to work in group of 4 and compare their answers. * Feedback on the task after listening: - T calls representatives of some groups to give the answers and explain. - Answer key: 1. It’s “My favorite musician”. 2. “Tien Quan Ca” 3. He feels Van Cao’s music is hard and solemn, rousing; the songs about rural life are sweet, gentle and very lyrical. DISCUSSION *Instructions: “You’ve just done your listening tasks very well. Now I’d like you to practice speaking. You will work in pair. You are going to ask your partner about his/ her favorite singer. You have 5 minutes to talk with your friends”. *Checking instructions: T: Will you work in group or in pair? Pair work 7 2mins Home- work → Ss: in pair T: What are you going to ask your partner? → Ss: His/ her favorite singer T: Good. Let’s start. - While students are working, T goes around monitoring the class and facilitates Ss’work. * Feedback on the speaking task: - T chooses 2 pairs to perform the dialogue in front of the class. - Ask the whole class listen to their dialogue, and then call 1-2 students to retell what their friends have presented in the dialogue. - Learn by heart all new words. - Write it up: Write a similar interview between you and your partner about what you have practiced in class. 8 . DETAILS - Technique: Comprehension questions (Wh-question) - T sticks the poster on BB - T reminds Ss about the 3 rd question that T has adapted. “Why does Quang Hung like it?” 6 10mins Post- listening =>. song gentle rousing solem n rural sweet 18mins While- listening (Comprehension questions) Task 1: Listening for topic recognition - Techniques: + Open question + Multiple choices - T sticks the poster on blackboard (BB) - Instructions:. Huong about Van Cao’s music. - T plays the tape one time. * Feedback on the task after listening: - T asks some Ss to give their answers and write them on the BB. - Answer key: 1. Interview 2.

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2015, 05:00

Xem thêm: unit 12 - tieng anh 10 -lsitening



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