Tapescript: U1-12 Listen to Paul and Andrea talking about their family life. What are two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families? !" # $% !&'()* +, !- &&! !&!, , +' && & ! ! Tapescript: U1-12 Listen to Paul and Andrea talking about their family life. What are two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families? !" # $% !&'()* +, !- &&! !&!, , +' && & ! ! Tapescript: U2-12 Wedding in VietNam ./0 .!&0 & & .!1 .% &&&& && .2 .+' & & & ' & , .!3 .!&%3 %3 .! . 2& && & & .% .+4 Tapescript: U3-12 The Telephone-Potential Family Battleground $& & & & & & ,& , 5& & /&&6 7& & &&&(*((& &&&& & 8 9&! && && Test yourself A Tapescript: :! & ;(< + && (< &&& 6&& && 6 &= ;&& >&&= & && & & $& Tapescript: U4-12 ?.>3 6 ".+ ?.% ".!&66+! ?.+@, 3 ".2 ?.@@3&! ".! 66 ?.+%A,3 ". ?.B!&- "."42&, ?.@3! ".& 3 ?.+,!2 ".C5&& ?.+3 ". ?.B! ".@3 @ Tapescript: U5-12 ?.@2.+6&' && 2. +5D2&5, D2& ?. 2. ?.!& ,& 2.' 3& ?.! 2. && ?.&&> 2.+4&2 & & ?.%A&2 2.@ Tapescript: U6-12 >B6 &6 &66 '6&&&:,& &&&6& &&"6& . %. && .!& .D& :.:& :.& @&&&66 :,&)*E&F*E 5&G*G* 6 Test yourself B Tapescript: /&& = & & :& & '6 % Tapescript: U7-12 %& & & && & ,6&& &&& B =&& && '& 0 " ; &&&% && &-& ;&5 ".,& & Tapescript: U8-12 Dr. Davis, is Dutch biologist is being interviewed about people’s life expectancy in the future. Interviewer:'&G( && (F*! Dr. Davis:!3 Interviewer:! Dr. Davis:&H &&& Interviewer:/,& Dr. Davis:,&5&IH & FH Interviewer:&&& Dr. Davis:+;& Interviewer:! Dr. Davis:@6&& Interviewer: Dr. Davis:D@H*E F*)*E Interviewer: ! Dr. Davis:6; & Test yourself C Tapescript: &-. &&&1(*' > 6& !& 5& && G( &&& !&&& && & & Tapescript: U9-12 $ && &@ & =% &;(** & & (< &&5 5 & : -5& &&&&&! & &<*&&& ;& & &!! & $&& && '&&&& &% ! Tapescript: U10-12 :&&- ; & &&- "&&&- &$ &&- '& && ' ;& >& &$ ;&& & Test yourself D Tapescript: $/ .& %& &(G , 1**-- &% . / & Tapescript: U11-12 ?; / !/5&& F** & %6 & & 6 5& & 6 = &&& 6 &6 Tapescript: U12-12 Synchronited swimming A B !&= &@+(<*J A/&& =&& (<GFB/, & &3&&//& & &'GJ(<F</ //!? /BKBL -&'((<I* B &=&&(<I1 &&B =&>"(<)I Tapescript: U13-12 ] The first newspaper article: %"0@ !& (*$ :I)*'&- &II*I)*& &5"H*H The first newspaper article: 0'/&K0L6GJ !: "& &&6 &" 0&& &0!: 6&& 0& Test yourself E Tapescript: &&, &&;& &&& > &&/?6K2L &2)1)G* & & & & ,& Tapescript: U14-12 (<IHH(:/ B@KB@L!!6'&& &&& B@&&. ( &&7 G &7 F , I B@5 . M3 M&&& M@ M&B@ M B@&,& & %B@& (<IH$=&& &&& && Tapescript: U15-12 !& /$ &&8&9 :&&&- '!&6 :I*1*& &-&& &)*& &&IIH& F** &I**&&, && :1F*)F* &<F*& Tapescript: U16-12 Her essay will be about the culture and religions of the ASEAN countries. '$.!! @. 5@ ' 2 '$.+! @.2&&&5 '$.;5@5 &6BBA @.D5,&&&5 '$.H*#&& @.2 '$. 5@ ; / @.! '$. ' @./' '$.3 5@' & @.;'2 '$.%#3 ' @. '$.% ;/&& @.!0 '$.;'&&& @.! 2 '$. :& Test yourself F Tapescript: B@5/% B @ 5 / %=(1@(<IH B@5/%(<F G**J 3&:& &,1* 6&B@5/%&7 - &7 &67 && **************************************************************************** *** Tapescript: U1-11 Lan’s talk . & &!! & $&& && '&&&& &% ! Tapescript: U10 -12 :&&- . / & Tapescript: U11 -12 ?; / !/5&& F**. &6 Tapescript: U12 -12 Synchronited swimming A