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<?IMPORT NAMESPACE="m" IMPLEMENTATION="#MathPlayer" ?> 1. The applied sciences have_______our homes with electronic equipment. a. electrified b. electrify c. electronic d. electrification 2. Historians are calling this era_____________ a. is the golden age of pure research b. be the golden age of pure research c. the golden age of pure research d. being the golden age of pure research 3. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. come b. wonder c. golden d. discover 4. It has literally__________our world within the past few decades. a. change b. turned c. transformed d. transforms 5. _____________have called the previous century 'the golden age of pure research'. a. Geneticists b. Historians c. Mathematicians d. Chemists 6. The geneticists have discovered the laws of __________ a. inherit b. inheritage c. inheritance d. inheritances 7. He does settle_____________for his career. a. at science' b. on science c. down science d. down on science 8. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. large b. particular c. car d. are 9. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. conception b. discover c. geneticist d. inherit 10.Scientists have developed rockets___________ a. it can lift up satellites into outer space b. they can lift up satellites into outer space c. . that can lift up satellites into outer space d. by which can lift up satellites into outer space 11.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. inherit lưu file văn bản Xem đáp án Trang trước b. molecule c. depend d. research 12.___________ provides us with new products which can replace the one provided by nature. a. Chemistry b. Manufacture c. Pure research d. Progress 13.Euclide was a famous_____________ a. maths b. mathematics . c. mathematicians d. mathematician 14.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. law b. call c. span d. appall 15.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. problem b. press c. pneumonia d. golden 16.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. Me b. any c. decade d. fate 17.In Vietnam, 2003 ___________ The Year of Tourism'. a. is called b. calls c. call d. called 18.The_____________will make him a rich man. a. inherit b. inheritance c. heritage d. inheritor 19.The chemists have come to understand the complex molecules ___________ a. of which life depends b. in which life depends c. at which life depends d. upon which life depends 20.Mathematicians_______________us new forms of logic. a. give b. are giving c. have been given d. have given 21.Mary is worrying___________her examination result. a. at b. of c. about d. with 22.The ITC fire_____________an appalling toll. a. have taken b. . took c. has taken d. takes 23.Scientists have supplied many achievements__________us. a. with b. to c. for d. on 24.You must be quicker because the time is_____________ a. petering b. ending out c. run out of d. petering out 25.Babylon Tower__________one of the world's___________ a. was/wonders b. was/ attractions c. are/beauty d. is/ wonder 26.The dog at which the boys__________stones ____________very angry. a. threw / is b. is throwing /is c. has been throwing / is d. are throwing /is 27.This year is___________the year of Horse. a. no longer b. not any more c. not any longer d. any more 28.___________war on the world. a. There will be no longer b. There no longer is c. There was not longer d. There are not longer 29.Women don't spend much time doing housework__________. a. any longer b. more c. longer d. no longer 30.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. science b. accomplish c. particular d. electricity 31.Our life_____________on complex molecules. a. depends b. has depended c. are depending d. has been depended 32.The road on which we___________built in 1980. a. are driving/ was b. drive / is c. are driving / is d. are driven/ was 33.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. research b. generate c. rocket d. enjoy 34.Our school has a well-stocked library at our ___________ a. use b. hand c. disposal d. school 35.She is the only girl_____________ a. to smiles beautifully as a flower b. that smiles as beautifully as a flower c. smiles beautiful like a flower d. whose smiles as beautiful a flower 36.She is the top scientist_____________on our space project. a. working b. works c. who work d. whose work 37.The woman______________is my friend's mother. a. who we sat by b. by we sat c. by whom we sat d. by who we sat 38.I like Nha Trang______________. a. where my grandmother is living b. which my grandmother is living c. my grandmother is living d. my grandmother is living then 39.Computers are recent achievements_____________our time. a. at b. in c. on d. for 40.Computers are_____________in our time. a. products b. achievements c. machines d. calculators 41.Butchers supply_____________ a. meat with us b. us with meat c. us meat d. us to meat 42.The music to_____________we are listening is interesting. a. that b. which c. what d. it 43.I'd like to see the trees___________you've picked these apples. a. from those trees b. from which c. which d. from that 44.Chemists have provided synthetics__________us. a. with b. to c. for d. at 45.Did Mr. John finally succeed______________ a. in sale of his old car b. at selling his old car c. in selling his old car d. selling his old car 46.I entirely agree__________you. a. on b. for c. with d. about 47.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. electric b. electrify c. electronic d. electron 48.Mobile phone is one of the_____________communications. a. globe b. world-wide c. world d. world's 49.The bicycle___________is very modern. a. I told you about which b. which about I told you c. about I told you which d. about which I told you 50.Geneticists___________the laws of inheritance. a. discovered b. have discovered c. discover d. has discovered 51.The manager_______________has just announced his retirement. a. we have depended on him b. on whom we have depended c. on him we have depended d. on that we have depended 52._____________ she had studied much, she failed the exam. a. However b. Much as c. Much more d. Moreover 53.The television has little attraction___________me. a. to b. for c. with d. on 54.Knowledge___________us to do many things. a. has b. makes c. lets d. enables 55.In a short time, automobiles and supersonic airplanes _____________ a. have been invented b. are invented c. were invented d. have invented 56.I didn't meet John because when I arrived he__________out. a. has gone b. had gone c. was d. had been 57.There is a problem____________________. a. troubles me b. which worries me c. reminds me d. which matters me 58.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. century b. infectious c. structure d. question e. come f. came g. come to h. been to 59.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. project b. solve c. remote d. evolve

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2015, 07:00

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