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  !"#$!%! & '(#$)*+,-!./!-0#$1*+,.2#$34 56! Ex: This school is good. These students are excellent. 7 8#'19':#$-;<-34 -!./!-0#$1*+, Ex: water is hot. 8!=8#'19':#$-;<-34 -!./!-0#$1*+#'!> Ex: bread and milk are what I need ;-> ?@'8!=8#'1AB#$<0'C'+#$#'DE.F=GAB#$&<H#I#E'J=K#$ '#$./! -0#$1*+, Ex: Milk and bread is my favorite breakfast. Sausages and beans is my favourite dinner L 7 '(#$)#+!./!#'8MN!OBAP'BQ O#BAP-0#$1*R '!8./! '(#$)$S##'D Ex: My aunt or my uncle is arriving by train today The serving bowl or the plates go on that shelf T :#$'U OV!'VAWBAP.2O#V!'VAW#BAPE-0#$1*R '!8./! '(#$)-U#$$S##H#'D Ex: Either Pete or John is helping today with stage decora"ons Neither Pete or his friends are available today X Y'!OV!'VAP.2OV!'VAP52 '(#$)E 'Z#$5:#-!./!-0#$1*+, Ex: Neither of them is available to speak right now Either of us is capable of doing the job [ AB#$A3\#$'4@ '(#$)MF '!8] 'MN!#')#$1#'3^85B#$_!'E8*_V558*EMV*!=V*E 'Z#$8M`a8#')#$1Ab#.2 '!8./! '(#$) ',#' (8 c Ex: The poli"cian, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly d '(#$)M-SMe#$ ] -6!1V8 'EV.VAB#VEV.VAMB=E8#B#VE8#MB=E*B<VB#VE *B<VMB=-!./!-0#$1*+, Ex: Each of the girls dances beau"fully f /!#')#$ '(#$) 'g@'c#*+E@'S#AI<E<8hBA!E*B<VE855E#B#Vi 'Z#$8=j8.2B =8#'1*8$!/!1OBkP-Cl] -F#' ] ' '!8-0#$1 'B-Z#$ Ex: Fi'y percent of the pie has disappeared Fi'y percent of the pies have disappeared One third of the city is unemployed One third of the people are unemployed m G<1O'V#<MVAP'VB*852-0#$1*+,.2 G<1O8#<MVAP'VB*852-0#$1 *+#'!> Ex: The number of people we need to hire is thirteen A number of people have wri*en in about this subject &n o=G#$-0#$1*+,./! G<1 'gp>#.2'\!$!8#9'B8#$ 8 ' Ex: Ten dollars is a too high to pay Five years is the maximum sentence for that o+ense Vothuytran_py@yahoo.com

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2015, 18:00

