6: (*) ào - ABSTRACT This article briefs China's direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam in the period from 2001 to 2006. The article analizes, evaluates the investment structure, the positive and negative impacts of this capital investment on the socio-economic improvement of Vietnam. 1. - Toá , (2006), , - . gì 2 2.1. (*) i các công ti ho các hoá. [1]. - - nguy [2] [3] cho các công ti - công ti , 2.2. 2002: 5874,83: 83328 USD, 2004: 70912005: 4620,02006: 77401,0 [4]. 2001 2006 , . quy mô FDI ng trên )FDI -ga-po, Ma-lai-xi-EU FDI - : kính, . [5]. g [6]. kì , 2.3. - 2.3.1. am còn [7]. oá , , Trung nói chung. 2.3 , Các oá lai. vào . 3. . , p cho tàng hoá dùng , CHÚ THÍCH [1] Theo (trang 679 - 7,8%, 7,34%, 7,79%, 8,44% và 8,23%. [2,3] Jeff Rutherford, Kate Lazarus and Shawn Kelley (2008), Rethinking Investments in www.boell- southeastasia.org, trang 1 - 3. [4] 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, [5] am, [6] [7] TP.HCM, trang 47. 1. (2008), - 2007), : http://fia.mpi.gov.vn/ 2. NXB k 3. 4. . 30 35. 5. Jeff Rutherford, Kate Lazarus and Shawn Kelley (2008), Rethinking Investments in , www.boell- southeastasia.org. 6. (2001 - 2009), NXB kê, HN. 7. , NXB KX . 200 2: 5874,83: 83328 USD, 2 004: 7091 200 5: 46 20, 0 200 6: 77401,0 . www.boell- southeastasia.org, trang 1 - 3. [4] 200 2, 200 3, 2 004, 200 5, [5] am,. Shawn Kelley (200 8), Rethinking Investments in , www.boell- southeastasia.org. 6. (200 1 - 200 9),