Tài liệu được biên soạn kỹ lưỡng với sự tham khảo từ nhiều nguồn thông tin tin cậy hứa hẹn sẽ là hành trang để bạn có thể làm tốt các dạng bài tập liên quan đến PUT và TURNPhrasal Verb PUT và TURN là 2 phrasal verb quan trọng
PRASAL VERBS 1 PUT 1) PUT UP,PUT UP TO * PUT UP -Meaning 1: Allow someone to stay at your house for a night or a few days. Example: She PUT me UP for the night because I'd missed the last bus and there were no night buses running. -Meaning 2: Increase prices,taxes,duties,etc. Example: The government has PUT tuition fees for undergraduate students UP again. -Meaning 3: Show skill or determination in a contest, competition, fight, etc. Example: They PUT UP a great fight but lost. * PUT UP TO Meaning: Encourage someone to do something Example: His friends PUT him UP TO stealing it. 2) PUT DOWN,PUT DOWN FOR,PUT DOWN TO * PUT DOWN -Meaning 1: Stop holding (but withdraw support gently) Example: PUT the gun DOWN slowly and keep your hands where I can see them. -Meaning 2: Kill an animal because it's old, ill, etc. Example: He had his dog PUT DOWN because it was in a lot of pain from its tumours * PUT DOWN FOR Meaning: Commit to make a payment Example: PUT me DOWN FOR 50p per mile. * PUT DOWN TO Meaning: Give as an explanation Example: He didn't score many, but we can PUT that DOWN TO inexperience 3) PUT ACROSS Meaning: Communicate, convey a message Example: He found it difficult to PUT ACROSS what he wanted to say at the meeting. 4) PUT AWAY Meaning 1: Put something back in the correct place Example: He PUT the dictionary BACK on the shelf after he'd finished the crossword. Meaning 2: Put someone in prison Example: The judge PUT him AWAY for ten years for robbery. 5) PUT BACK Meaning: Rearrange something for a later time Example: The AGM has been PUT BACK until July the seventeenth. 6) PUT BY Meaning: Save for the future Example: I try to PUT some money BY every month towards our summer holiday. 7) PUT FORWARD Meaning: Propose, suggest or nominate Example: She PUT FORWARD a plan to cut costs. 8) PUT IN,PUT IN FOR * PUT IN Meaning: Install Example: They had to PUT IN a whole new central heating system because the house was so cold. * PUT IN FOR Meaning: Make a request Example: He PUT IN FOR a transfer to the new branch. 9) PUT OFF -Meaning 1: Postpone Example: The concert's been PUT OFF until next month because the singer's got a throat infection. -Meaning 2: Stop liking something or somebody Example: I was really PUT OFF by the way he eats with his mouth open. 10) PUT OUT -Meaning 1: Broadcast Example: Several charities PUT OUT an appeal on TV for money for the victims of the flooding in Mozambique. -Meaning 2: Disturb or trouble someone Example: Would it be PUTTING you OUT greatly if I asked to change to another day. -Meaning 3: Extinguish a cigarette,fire,etc. Example: He PUT OUT his cigarette before entering the building. 11) PUT OVER Meaning: Successfully execute (a scam,trick,etc.) Example: They PUT OVER a clever practical joke on us. 12) PUT THROUGH Meaning: Connect someone by phone Example: Could you PUT me THROUGH to extension 259 please. 13) PUT TOGETHER Meaning: Assemble Example: I PUT TOGETHER the bookcase I bought at TikiBooks. 14) PUT TOWARDS Meaning: Make a financial contribution Example: She PUT $250 TOWARDS the cost of the repairs and we had to pay the rest. TURN 1) TURN IN Meaning 1: Go to bed Example: I TURNED IN at half past eleven because I had an early start the next morning. Meaning 2: Hand in, submit Example: She TURNED IN her paper. 2) TURN AGAINTS Meaning: Stop liking and start disliking Example: The public TURNED AGAINST the government when they became arrogant and ceased to listen. 3) TURN AROUND Meaning 1: Make something successful or profitable that has been doing badly Example: They are hoping to TURN the company AROUND with the launch of the new products. Meaning 2: Produce or complete work Example: We hope to be able to TURN the job AROUND and deliver the product in a few weeks. Meaning 3: React negatively Example: You supported the idea, so don't TURN AROUND and condemn it now. 4) TURN AWAY Meaning: Not allow someone to enter a place Example: The doorman TURNED him AWAY from the nightclub because he was wearing trainers. 5) TURN UP Meaning 1: Appear Example: She didn't TURN UP for class today. Meaning 2: Increase volume, temperature, etc. Example: I TURNED the music UP full blast. 6) TURN DOWN Meaning 1: Reduce volume, temperature, etc. Example: The room was too hot, so she TURNED the heating DOWN. Meaning 2: Reject an offer, invitation, etc. Example: They offered her the job, but she TURNED it DOWN. Meaning 3: Fold the top covers of a bed down to make it ready for someone to go to sleep Example: The hotel staff TURNED DOWN the bed and scattered flower petals on it while we was having dinner. 7) TURN INTO Meaning: Become Example: Tadpoles TURN INTO frogs. 8) TURN OFF Meaning: Stop a machine Example: I TURNED the TV OFF and went to bed. 9) TURN ON Meaning 1: Cause someone to feel attraction or pleasure Example: He really TURNS me ON. Meaning 2: Start a machine Example: I TURNED the radio ON to get the weather forecast. Meaning 3: Attack Example: The neighbour's dog TURNED ON me when I tried to stroke it. 10) TURN OUT Meaning 1: Produce Example: The factory TURNS OUT three thousand units a day. Meaning 2: Produce an unexpected result Example: It looked as if we were going to fail, but it TURNED OUT well in the end. Meaning 3: Stop a light Example: She TURNED OUT the lights and went to bed. Meaning 4: Attend Example: Thousand TURNED OUT for the demonstration. 11) TURN OVER Meaning: Give to the authorities Example: The court ordered the company to TURN OVER their financial records. 12) TURN TO Meaning 1: Try to get help Example: She had nobody to TURN TO when her husband died. Meaning 2: Take up a habit Example: He TURNED TO drink after he lost his job.