The present simple ond continuous The post simple I Moking things The present perfect 1: ever ond never The present perfect 2: for ond since 2 On the stoge The present perJect or post si
Trang 3U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S
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Trang 4Storter Mg bestfriends! The present simple ond continuous
The post simple
I Moking things The present perfect (1): ever ond never
The present perfect (2): for ond since
2 On the stoge The present perJect or post simple?
The present perJect (3): olreodg, get, just ond before
3 Cornivo[! Comporotive ond superlotive odjectives
Too ond enough Review 1
4 The world oround us The post continuous ond the post simpte
Used to
5 The environment Will ond won't
The present continuous with future meoning
6 Dog trip Be going tofor plons ond intentions
Be going tofor moking predictions bosed on whot Uou con see Review I
7 First oid Reported speech (1)
Reported speech (2): soid ond told ond time words
8 Ourfovouritefood First conditionoL (1): offirmotive ond negotive
First conditionoL (2): questions ond short onswers
9 Possibilities Modols for possibititg: mog, might ond could
Hove to Review 3
fO Life in the post Indefinite pronouns
Question togs
11 Moking o fil.m The possive (L): present simpte
With ond bg
12 Fomous inventions The possive (2): post simple
The possive (3): questions Review 4
Grommor reference Irregutor verbs
3 642485258
64 70
9 6
Trang 5ftfry besf friends! The present simple and continuous
The past simple
+ i
what are you doing, Ryan? You normally go
out with Martin,Tommy, Maddy and Beth on
l' m talking to them right now, Muml
We use the present simpLe to totk obout hobits
ond routines
You normolly go out with yourfriends on
Or things thot ore olwogs true
We go outtogether on Saturdag ofternoons
We ofien use the present simple with odverbs of
frequencA [ike sometimes, never, usuo[19, often,
most dogs
I sometimes play vollegball in the pork
Write the words in the correct order
I'm talking to them
Or with time expressions like now, right now,
of the moment
I'm talking to them right now, Mum!
We use the post simple to tolk obout octionsthot orefinished We ofien use it with timeexpressions Like this morning, gesterdog, tostgeor, of 10 o'clock
We went to the park gesterdag
2 she's /todog / o red skirt / weoring
Trang 6Complete the sentences Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brockets.
2 You (ptog)with gourfriends most dogs
3 Grondmo ond Grondpo (Listen)to the rodio ot the moment
4 She (do) her homework now
5 H e (be) in the footbot[ teom this geor
6 M u m
7 Theg
(write)on emoit right now
(hove) homework ot weekends
I Mg sister (stick) pictures in her book ot the moment
9 W e (go)on o summer hol.idog everg August
Look of exercise 2 Write sentences Use the post simple ond the time expression
Trang 7+ Look of the toble Circle the correct onswer in the sentences below.
Dod l#;:1"'ot the ;T;t o restouront openins o po, r
Mum works os o teoche,
o restouront
toLking to ngon
R g o n i s o s c h o o L p u p i l w o t c h e d o D V D u s i n g h i s c o m p u t e rIulio is o schooL pupil ploged with dol.l.s toLking to ood
4 Rgon wotched / did wotch o DVD Lost night
5 Does Mum toLk / Is Mum tol.king to Rgon right now?
6 Did Mum eot / Did Mum ote of o restouront Lost night?
7 Did Dod wotch o DVD lost night? No, he didn't / No, he wosn't.
8 Is Rgon o school pupil.? Yes, he is / Yes, is
9 Is Rgon totking / Wos Rgon totking to Mum right now?
10 Did Dod eot ot o restouront with Mum Lost night? Yes, theg did /Yes, he did
i Write sentences Use the present simpte, the present continuous or the post simple of theverbs in the box
toLk 4d stort listen wotch ptog Like visit eot be
1 lock, q-oe: to school most dogs
7 Eric o DVD ot the moment
8 Edword to use o computer three geors ogo
9 We the odventure pork lost weekend
10 I -.- - to m g MP3 plo ger ot the moment
6 Sto rter
Trang 8Write negotive sentences Use the present simple, the present continuous or the post simple.
1 Mum / not work/ right now
Mum isn't working_nght now
2 Rgon / not eot / oto restouront / Lost night
3 Dod / not be / o teocher
4 Dod / not use / the computer / of the moment
5 lulio / not wotch / o DVD Lost night
6 Dod ond Mum / notgo /tothe cinemo / tost night
7 Grondpo / not eot / ice creom / of the moment.
8 Dod ond Rgon / not wosh / the cor / Lost weekend
post simple.
1 Rgon / goto school / most dogs /
2 Mum / pLog with doLls / lost night )f
3 be / Dod / ot the hospitol / Lostnight /
4 Tutio / pl.og with dol.l.s /otthe moment I
5 be / Mum / oteocher /
6 Rgon / wotch / o DVD / right now tr
7 Grondmo ond Grondpo / Listen to the rodio / gesterdog tr
8 Mum ond Dod / woshthe cor / rightnow /
Trang 9The present perfect (1): ever and never The present perfect (2): for and since
we've decided to uiiild a doll's house
We've decided to build a doll's house for Iulia.
We make the present perfect offirmotive with
hove + post porticiple We normo[[g use the
shortform of hove, especioL[g in conversotion
Dad's given us some wood
-The word ever meons 'in gour Life up to now'
We con use it with the question Jorm of thepresent perfect to osk obout o person's [iJeexperience
Have gou ever made a doll's house?
We use never in the present perfect to to[k oboutsomething thot we hove not done in our life up
to now We olwogs use on offirmotive verb withnever
I've never mode angthing out of wood
Trang 10Write sentences Use the present perfect.
1 We / decide / to moke o dotl's house.
7 Rgon ond his Jriends / finish / their work
8 The friends / give / the doll's house to lutio
2 Look of the [ist Write sentences with the present perfect
U n i t 1
Trang 113 Complete the questions ond short onswers Use the verbs in brockets.
1 Hove gou €otet- (eot)the coke? No,I hoven't
2 -'-Tong - (l.ose) his bosketbolt? Yes, he
3 - we - (hove)on emoilfrom them? Yes, we
4 R o b o n d A m g - ( s e e ) t h e f i L m ? N o , t h e g
5 she - (buil.d) o sondcostle? Yes, she
6 gou (find) gourfootbolt? No,I
7 - he - (turn off)the DVD ploger? Yes, he
8 Coroline (eot) Lunch? No, she
9 gou - (give)Mum the door kegs? No,I
10 gou ond Mum (coLL) Grondmo to sog thonk gou? Yes, we
4 Write the words in the correct order Moke sentences with never ond questions with ever
1 Louise / hos /mode / ever / o do[['s house
Hos Loulse ever mode o dott's house?
2 never /I / hove/on eLephont/seen
3 ever / octed / in o pLog / gou / hove
4 been / hos / to Chino / Hel"en / ever
5 Bif.l.g ond lock f never / visited / on oquorium / hove
6 orgued / with mg porents / hove / never / I
7 hove / eoten / Chinesefood / never / myfriends
8 theg / swum / in the seo / ever / hove
9 o fiLm in Engl.ish / seen / hove / you f ever
10 we / eoten /hove / lemon ice creom / never
ffi Unitr
Trang 12t lYrite guestions with ever ond short onswers Use the present perfect.
1 lulio / soito boot?
2 Mum ond Dod / goto o desert?
No, theu hoven't
3 Mum / see o giroffe?
4 Rgon / swim in the seo?
6 look of exercise 5 Write sentences Use never in the negotive sentences
1 ]ulio 's solted o boot
2 Mum ond Dod hove never been to o desert
Trang 13'a!t,, -* A T O Y M U S E U M
Coro White ond her dod
Williom hove on unusuol
hobbg Theg ore tog
collectors ond theg ore
the owners of o tog
museum neor London
Witl.iom hos been o tou collector for more thon 20 ueors.
He storted cotlecting togs in 1986 when he bought o teddg.
Coro ond WiLLiom hove hod their museum since 2000 Theg hove cottected o huge number of togs ond lots of peopte hove visited since it opened Theg hove do[[s ond dotls' houses, teddg beors, troins, books ond togs from TV progrommes ond fitms Visitors
otso bring toUS to the museum, ond in 2002 Coro ond Wittiom opened o museum shop
We con use the present perJect with for to tolk
obout how long something hos losted
We usefor with o period of time The period of
time con be long or short e.g 2O geo]s, o week,
four hours, three minutes.
WiIIiam has been a toy collectorfor more than
2O gears
This meons thot Wil.l.iom storted to coltect togs
more thon 2O geors ogo ond he stiLL coltects togs
2 W i l L i o m h o s c o l l e c t e d t o g s
3 Coro's Liked collecting togs
? Complete the sentences Use for or since.
We use since with o storting point The stortingpoint con be ong time e.g 1,998, lost geor, inMorch, ho$-post nine
Theg have had their museum since 2O0O.This meons thot Wittiom ond Coro storted themuseum in 2000 ond theg sti[[ hove it todog
1 2 U n i t 1
it opened in 2000
m o n u
Trang 143 Look of the pictures Write sentences with the present perfect.
Write sentences Use the present perfect
'l be / ot this school / for /four geors
' ' hor-n t' '"1.( ,r hu, .
3 know / mg best friend / Jor / Jive geors
5 hove / mg Jovourite tog / since / Lost geor
theg / befriends /for
Trang 15On fhe stoge
ft W" use the present perJed to toLk obout
I something thot hoppened nerg recentlg
The lights have gorrc bvun
We olso use the present perfect to totk obout on
oction in the post thot is stitL true now
I've been excited all
dog-The present perfect or past simple? The present perfect (3): already, yet, just and before
We olso use the present perfect to tolk obouteventsfrom our life thot hove hoppened up tothe present time It doesn't motter when theghoppened
He's been in lots of ptags
We use the post simple to tolk obout octionsthot storted ond finished in the post We ofiensog when theg hoppened
I sow Dad act in hisfirst plag 20 years ago
L T i c k (/ ) t h e c o r r e c t s e n t e n c e
1 Hove Uou ever seen o plog bg Shokespeor
"? @ Hove gou ever been to the theotre? [ l
Did gou ever been to the theotre? [-lShe never been to o dromo ctoss [-lShe's never been to o dromo ctoss [-l
Hove gou ever see o plog bg Shokespeorel [-l
3 I sow mgfirst plog in 2003 D
Ryan At fast l'm going to see Dad pefiorm
in a play I've been excited all day
Mum Yes I scw Dad act in his frst play
20 years ago He's ber;n in foB of
plays and he's great
Julia The tights have gone down ft's tirme
for the play to start l'veturned off mymobile phone
Beth I turned off my phone when we arrived
1 4 U n i t 2
Trang 162 Motch 1-5 with o-e.
1 d Hove gou ever been to the theotre? a Yes, I did I wos o detective
2 , Did gou Like it when the Lights went out? b Yes, I hove I fel.t col.d
3 - H o v e g o u c o u g h t f L u ? c N o , I d i d n ' t I h o t e t h e d o r k !
4 - .- - Did gou oct in the lost pLog? d Yes, I hove I love wotching pl.ogs
5 - * Hove gou put gour coot on? e Yes, I hove I feel iLt
3 Circle the correct onswers
' * " @ / f i n i s h e d o u r h o m e w o r k C o n W e 9 o o u t s i d e n o w ?
2 When he wos / he's been six, he went / he's been to school in New York
3 Amg didn't reod / hosn't reod the third book in the series get
4 Hove gou met / Did gou meet the new science teocher?
5 I went /'ve been to London twice in mg Life
6 Leo ond Fred didn't know / hoven't known the onswer so theg osked their Dod
7 Were Vou / Hove gou been of home Lost Fridog morning?
8 Hove gou spoken to Grondpo todog? Yes, I did / Yes, I hove
: Complete the text Use the present perfect or the post simple
Brion is reottg good ot vol.l.egboLL ond he's got lots of Jriends who plog it with
him Het 's-k[etln- (know)some of themJorfive geors When Brion
' - -=- - (meet) his friends, he 3 (not know) how to pLog
H i s f r i e n d s i ( t e L L ) h i m to g o w i t h th e m to t h e i r c L u b o n d th e g
- (teoch) him how to pl.og Soon, evergone * (wont) him
to be on their teom NoW Brion 1 (be) on the teom for three geors ond
he t ,- (ptog) in tots of motches
! Look of exercise 4 Answer the questions Use short onswers
1 Did Brion meet hisfriendsfive geors ogol - Y-e s,he did.-
-2 Did Brion teoch his friends to pl.og voLtegbol.l.?
3 Is Brion o good voltegbo[[ ploger?
4 H o s B r i o n e v e r p L o g e d o n th e te o m ?
5 H o s B r i o n e v e r p L o g e d i n o n g m o t c h e s ?
U n i t 2 1 5
Trang 17You've already asked methqt qustion.
Suspect I'm nelotts I haven'ttalkedto
o detective bffOrz
Detective Well, you'vejust talked to me,
and t'm a detective So now youhavetnlked to a detective.And you haven't answeted
ft ALreodg, get, just ond before con o[[ meon 'ot
I some time up to now' We ofien use them with
' the present perfect
We use get to tolk obout something we expect
It oJten comes of the end of the sentence We
onlg use get in questions ond negotive sentences
You hoven't answered it get?
Have gou answered it get?
Before meons 'ot ong time up to the present'
It oJten comes ot the end of the sentence
I haven'ttalked to a detedive before
Circle the correct onswers
We use olreodg to sog thot we ore surprisedthot something hos hoppened soonerthon weexpected
You've alreodg asked methat question ORYou've asked me that question alreadg
Iust meons'verg ctose to the time now' We conuse it to totk obout something thot hos hoppenedverg recentl.g The offirmotiveform is subject +hove/hos + just + post porticipl.e
You've justtalked to me
Weform questions with hove/hos + subject +just + post porticipLe
Have you justtalked to him?
I The curtoin hosQust)/ get gone up
He hosn't pLoged chess before / olreody.
Theg've pointed just / just pointed the set
Hove gou shown the script to him get / get the script to him?
You hoven't given the books to them just / get
Hove gou ever octed before / just?
U n i t 2
Trang 187 Complete the sentences ond questions Use the present pertect.
I gou / go /to Americo / before /7
2 gou / oLreodg / oct / in four pl"ogs
3 I /see /thefil.m / beJore
4 I / oLreodg / go / tolive different countries
5 gou / speok/to on Engl.ish person /before / ?
6 gou / eot breokfo st / oLreodg / ?
7 I / n e v e r / o d / b e f o r e
8 theg / olreodg / point / thestoge / 7
! Complete the questions ond onswers Use get ond just
1 she / meet her new dromo teocher
3 she /bugthe costumes
4 the children / point the stoge
5 the octors / finish their costumes
6 she / woshed her hoir
7 theg / open the curtoins
Hos she met her new dromo teocher
theg / speok to the octors
8 the pl.og /f nish
Yes, it
Trang 199 Look of the text Write questions with the present perfect or post simple.
(he / Live) -.- in Spoin since 2000?
(Tom / won) - o prize for octing get?
(he / stort) to Leorn French in 1990?
(he / just stort) to leorn ltolion?
( T o m / h o v e ) - - t h r e e c h i l d r e n o t r e o d g ?
U n i t 2
Trang 2010 Look of exercise 9 Answer the guestions.
Yes he did He went
to school in London from 1985 to 1.998
to hisf rst dromo closs in 1990
in London in 1998
in the USA since 2000
o prizefor octing in 2009
to leorn French in 1990
to leorn Itolion lost month
three chi[dren otreod g
U Write negotive sentences Use the present perfect or the post simple
1 Andg -dddlgo (not go)to school in Coiro when he wos o chil.d
2 M o n d g (not hove) French lessons before
3 Kote (never studg) Sponish.
4 W e (not Live) in London since 1996
5 Mox (not go) to his f rst pointing closs in 1989
6 M u m o n d D o d (not just stort)to leorn Germon
7 l (notfinish) mg homework get
8 You (not miss)the bus once lost week-we[[ done
9 Iomie ond lock (not trg) to skoteboord before
(not toke) her mobi[e phone with her gesterdog
l0 Lil.9
U Write short onswers
I Hos Coro octed in o pl.og before?./ Yes, she hos
2 Hos Ted just hod o PE lesson? I
3 Hove gou met o fomous person before? /
4 Hove gou otreodg done ong homework todogT X
5 Hovetheg hod lunch get? /
6 Hos Eric pLoged footbol.l otreodg todog? I
7 Hove gou hod on Engtish test todog? /
I Hove I osked gou to bring gour troiners? I
9 Hove theg written o letter to the Queen? /
l0 Hos Corrie mode some breod? {
Trang 21We use comporotive odjectives with thon to
compore one person or thing with onother
Short odjectives hove one or two sgl"LobLes
Loud hos one sg[tobte Prettg hos two
Ioud + louder prettg < prettier
We don't chonge the ending of odjectives
with three or more sgllobtes We put more
before the odjective insteod
This book is more interesting than that book
The opposite of more is [ess We use less in
the some wog os more
That book is less interesting than this book
ft Corn po rotive odjectives Su pertotive odjectives
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Ioo and enough
ju-lire I can't believe it These decorations are prettier
than the others!
{*V*t= This band's as loud as the lastband!
Iler# lt's louder!
We use superlotive odjectives to compore o person
or thing with o group of other people or things.loud + the loudest pretty + the prettiest
We don't chonge the ending of odjectives with three
or more sgltobtes We put most before the odjective.the most beautiful
The opposite of the most is the leost We use theleost in the some wog os the most
the least beautiful
As os ond not os os
IJtwo people or things ore equol we use
o s o s W h e n t h e g o r e n o t e q u o t , w e s o unot os os
This band's as loud as the last band!(Both bonds oreequol.Lg Loud.)
London is not as big as Cairo (Coiro is bigger.)
; Those decorations are the most
beautiful in the carniu'al!
T h e m u s i c ' s i ' e n ' i o u d
2 0 U n i t 3
Trang 22Adjective Comporotive Superlotive
I Complete the toble
Price Beoutiful Sofestreomers
f4.50 * * /
foirg Lights
1 The sporklers ore cheoper thon the I
2 The boltoons ore more beoutifuL thon the foirgLights
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 0
The streomers ore the leost beoutiful
Thefoirg Lights ore os cheop os the bolloons The sporklers oren't os sofe os the boltoons
-The foirg Lights ore the most beoutifuL The streomers ore the leost expensive -Thefoirg Lights ore os sofe os the streomers
-The bolloons ore os sofe os the streomers The boltoons ore the most expensive
-Complete the sentences Use comporotive or superlotive odjectives
1 The sporklers q1s cheoPer thon the Joirg lights (cheop)
2 Thefoirg lights ore - (expensive)
3 The streomers ore the foirg Lights (soJe)
6 The sporkters oren't the boLLoons (sofe)
f3.oo I >f.*
unit3 mffi
Trang 23Rewrite the sentences with the opposite meoning Use the odjectives in the box.
pW short hoppg boring cotm big interesting expensive
1 Mr Johnson is the goungest teocher in the school
M r J o h n s o n i s t h e o t d e s t t e o c h e r i n t h e s c h o o [
2 Our clossroom is the smoltest in the school
3 Mrs Rogers is the soddest of mU teochers
4 Yosmin is the toltest person in the closs
5 EngLish is the most boring lesson
6 Mg ort teocher is the most stressed person I know
7 VoLLegbol.t is the most exciting sport of school
I A sports cor is cheoper thon o normol cor
Write sentences Use comporotive or superlotive odjectives
1 Theo / old / bog /in the closs.
2 Birds / beoutiful / etephonts.
3 Mg sister / toLt / girL / in her closs.
4 Geogrophg lessons / Long / French lessons
5 Mg school / big / in the town.
6 Februorg / short / September.
7 Februorg / short / month of the geor.
8 Mg dod / drives /fostl mg mum
?2 U n i t 3
Trang 24Complete the sentences Use os os
cteon long curlg Jett- new tol"t
o r n o t o s o s .short
Complete the sentences Use os os or not os os
1 FootboLL is verg popu[or Rugbg is not verg popuLor
Rugbg lsn't os populor as Jootbotl ( p o p u t o r )
2 FootboLLs cost four pounds BosketboL[s olso cost four pounds.
t h e r u n n e r ' s
t h e b o s k e t b o L L p l o g e r
t h e r u n n e r ' s the bosketbo [L plo ger's
the bosketbo L[ plo ger's
Trang 25I[ W con use enough before nouns or ofier
I odjectives It shows thot something is os much os
" we need.
There's enough cakefor everyone
It smells good enough to eat!
& Comptete the sentences Write too or enough
1 H e ' s i O O o l d t o b e in t h e t e o m
2 T h e s e s h o e s o r e n ' t b i g - Jor me
3 A r e g o u s t r o n g
4 U n f o r t u n o t e l g , m o n g r i v e r s o r e
5 Those clothes ore
to Lifi thot bog?
big for me to weor
People who think that flowers ore too expensive or who hoven't got enough money to buy o present con moke something insteod The ingredients to moke o coke, for exomple, ore cheop enough for children to buy Cokes aren't too difficult to make ond they're good enough to give to ony mother.
We con use too before odjectives It shows thotsomething is more thon enough
That hat is too big for you!
p o l l u t e d t o s w i m i n
\ r , \
2 4 U n i t 3
Jood Jor evergone?
Trang 26t Write the words in the correct order to moke sentences ond questions.
I t h e p o r t g / i s / L o u d / t o o
T h e p q r t u l s t o o [ o u d
3 the Lights / bright / ore /enough / 7
2 enough /isn't /the room /big
4 the Jood / is / expensive / too
5 the decorotions / too / heovg / ore / 7 6 ore / botloons / enou gh / there / ?
7 isn't / there / enough / Light 8 i s /Loud /the music / t o o / 7
D Look of the picture Write sentences with too or enough
e g
The music / Loud.
-The mon's stitts / Long.
5 The clown's costume / smol.l
2 The womon's stiLts / short.
4 The stoge /big.
6 The doncer's costume /big.
7 The microphone / toLL. 8 The girls dress /long.
U n i t 3
Trang 27Review I
I Write the words in the correct order
1 tidied / mg /bedroom / I've
I've tidied mU bedroom
3 sent f Eric's / on emoil /hisJriend /to
2 been / she's / never /to /Fronce
4 sister's / been / shopping / mg
5 he's /ridden/never /ohorse 6 stuck f I've / the photo / in / the olbum
7 the fridge / put / in / Mum's / o smoothie 8 uncle's / mV /o new cor / bought
9 never / we've / to Engtond / been l0 seen / I've f thot newfilm
Write guestions with ever Use the present pedect
1 gour brother / speokto on English person
H o s u o u r b r o t h e r J e v e r s o c K e n t o o n E n q t s h p e r s o n ?
2 gou /breok gour orm
3 g o u r D o d / c o o k d i n n e r f o r g o u r J o m i L g
4 gou / weor o suit
5 SoLl,g / woke up ofier 9 o'clock
6 theg / use o computer to do their homework
7 gour brother / win o trophg
Trang 28I Write sentences Use the present perfect with for or since.
1 He - ptog footbol.L - he wos o bog
2 Mg grondpo - be o policemon - more thon twentg geors
3 I - hove o heodoche - hoLf post nine this morning
4 We - live in this town - 2003
5 MU friends - be ot this school -five geors
6 Dod - know Mum -theg were children
7 The TV - be broken - gesterdog
8 She - ptog the piono - o long time
9 I - hove mg own bedroom -three geors
l0 You - hove thot mobile phone - lost week
t Complete the sentences ond questions Use the present perfect or post simple
of the verbs in brockets
(be) cl.oudg since lost week.
Mg porents (go)out Lost night
(gou ever eot) Indion food?
(gou see)thefil.m on TV Lost night?
Theg (never meet) the new teocher before
(gou l.ike) reoding when gou werefve?
(not eot)ong ice creom gesterdog
How tong (gou hove) thot book?
Review L
Trang 296 Circle the correct onswers.
I Theg've@ get / before pointed the stoge
2 Hove gou done gour homework just / never / get?
3 Theg've just / ever f before eoten breokfost
4 I've never sent o text messoge just / okeodg / betore
5 Theg hoven'tfinished the costumes get / olreodg /before
6 Hove theg before / get / just come bockfrom holidog?
7 I've before / otreodg/ get tidied mg room.
8 He hosn't ptoged Jor the teom before / never / just
7 Complete the sentences Use the present perfect ond the words in brockets
1 I cleoned mg teeth two minutes ogo
2 Suzg won o trophg lost geor
8 Circle the correct onswer
I Some people think he's the better /@f"otboLLer in the world
2 Her brother is toller / tott thon her
3 Is she friendlier / friendl,ger thon her sister?
4 The countrgside is more beoutiful / beoutifutler thon the town
5 He's the less generous / teost generous person I know
6 This is the most interesting f more interesting book in the l"ibrorg
7 losper is the toller / tol.lest person in our closs
8 You do lots oJexercise Are gou fitter /fiter thon me?
28 Review L
Trang 30Comptete the sentences Use the words in the box.
1 DVDs cost more thon book
2 Brion ond Tongo are both ll geors o[d
3 The River Thomes is shorter thon the River Ni[e
I weigh 45U,9 Mg brother weighs 53 kg
5 The red dress is prettier thon the blue dress
6 Mg house hosfive rooms.Your house hosJive rooms
9 The blue cor is 2 m wide.The red cor is 2 m wide
t0 Thot book is interesting This book is more interesting
The Lights cost ft5!Theg're toQ exPensive for me!
These bolloons ore on[g f1.50 Theg're for us to bug two
TheTVt It's for Grondmo to heor it upstoirs.
Amg got o bod mork in the test It wos for her.
Those trousersJit we[[ Theg're
Those trousers don'tfit gou Theg're
We otl scored LOO% in the exom It wos
Trang 31?"fue wdlrf;d #rtrexmd L*s
, C:, , ( :
The past continuous and the past simple
Used to
ityr*+'r We were walking home when
we found a bag of rubbish.t-rmef I saw something good! I was
cycling homewhen I s4w a newhouse I thinkit's an eco home
n W ofien use the post continuous with the
I post simp[e The post continuous tolks obout o
' tonger oction which storted f rst.
We were wolking home when we saw a bag of
I was cgcling home when I saw a new house
We con moke either the post simple or thepost continuous port of the sentence into oquestion We use the motching short onswer
Were you walking home when you saw o bag
of rubbish? Yes, we were
When yau were walking home, did gou see abag of rubbish? Yes, we did
3 Complete the sentences Use the post continuous of the verbs in brockets
( g o u d o ) w h e n t h e p h o n e r o n g l( s h o p ) w h e n s h e l o s t h e r p u r s e ( g o u r e o d ) o b o o k w h e n g o u r h e o d o c h e s t o r t e d ?(wol"k) outside when it storted to roin
( g o u p L o g ) f o o t b o L L w h e n g o u h u r t g o u r L e g ?
Trang 32Reod the sentences Tick the oction thot storted first.
1 I wos wotching television when the tights went off
I wos wotching teLevision [Z
2 It wos roining when I went out
3 We were wotking through the town when I sow the new shop
I sow the new srrop [ l We were woLking through town [_l
4 Mum wos shopping when she met on old Jriend.
Mum wos shopping D She met her o[d Jriend [-l
3 Complete the sentences Use the post continuous or the post simpl.e of the verbs in brockets
D o d - - - ( s l e e p ) w h e n t h e p t o g ( f i n i s h )
Look of the picture complete the sentences with the words fromthe box
U n i t 4
Trang 33An eco home
From the outside, Simon ond Alice's house looksnormol But on the inside it's verg different -their Mum ond Dod hove chonged it sincetheg moved in Whg? Theg wonted to hetpthe environment ond woste less energg
Also the energu bitls used to be expensiveond theg wonted to sove moneu
These ore some of the chonges theg've mode:
Simon ond Alice's fomilu used to use o lot ofetectricrtg Now theg get energg from solor ponels onthe roof Theg used to throw o lot of rubbish owou Now thegrecgcte lots of rubbish
T h e o l d o w n e r o f t h e
h o u s e d i d n ' t u s e togrow vegetobtes Now
t h e r e o r e fr u i t t r e e s o n d
v e g e t o b l e s g r o w i n g i n
t h e o o r d e n
We use used to to describe post situotions or
hobits These octions or hobits orefinished We do
not do them onU more
The energy bills used to be expensive
We use used to + boseform to moke the
We used to spend a lot of moneg
Tick (/)the correct onswer
1 Mum used to go to o dromo club
We use didn't + use to + boseform to moke thenegotiveform
The old owner didnl use to took ofter the garden
We moke questions with did + subject + use to +boseform We moke short onswers with did ordidn't
Did they use to use a lot of energg?
Yes, theg did / No, theg didn't
2 D o d d i d n ' t u s e t o b e o p o l i c e m o n
I n t h e p o s t , D o d w o s o p o l i c e m o n DMum doesn't go to o dromo club now [Z I n t h e p o s t , D o d w o s n ' t o p o l i c e m o " D
3 People used to drop o Lot of rubbish in the pork 4 I u s e d t o d r i n k o l o t o f fruit juice.People drop olot of rubbish in the pork now [-l In the post, I dronk o Lot of Jruit juice [-lPeopLe don't drop o Lot oJ rubbish in the port no* [ l
Mum goes to o dromo cLub now [_l
, 2 U n i t 4
I drink o Lot oJfruit juice no* [ l
Trang 34Complete the sertences Use words from the box ond used to.
llotch 1-6 with o-f +"
I o I r i d e o b i k e n o w
1 Mg uncle hod on exciting job
5 When Grondpo wos goung he did o lot of sport
6 Mg brother keeps his bedroom tidg now
Dod tokes the bus to work now Dod used to drive the car
Mum drinksteo now Mum
We hove solod for dinner now We
The pork is veru cleon now Peopte
Our town hos o win! form now Al.l the energg
The porkdoesn't hove monu wild onimots now.There
We ptou o lot of sport now We
I reod o tot now.I
Dod didn't use to toke the bus to work.
Trang 35Write questions ond short onswers Use used to
1 MrThompson /driveocor /
2 the children / drinkoronge juice I
3 we / eot cheese /
4 the swimming pooL / be cLeon /
5 Cothg / hove long hoir )r
6 the zoo/ hove Lots of onimolsI
7 Mox ondlock/ pl.og Lots of tennis /
8 you /wotch TV everg dog X
1O Write the words in the correct order to moke sentences ond questions Use use to or used to
1 theg / eot lots of fruit?
2 he / pLog bosketbolt/everg dog
3 gou / not /reod book
4 I / live in the citg
5 she / recgcle rubbish?
6 we / toke the bus / to the supermorket?
7 theg / wotk /to school
8 gou / not / studg hord
# U n i t 4
Trang 36-: Look of the picture of the Coseg fomil.g two geors ogo Write sentences with used to or
5 Dod / do Lots of sport
5 The town / be potluted
7 lulio / reod books
8 T h e g / r e c A c l e r u b b i s h
9 R g o n / e o t f r u i t
- Answer the questions obout goursef Use short onswers.
,i hen gou were five geors oLd
Trang 37Kfoe, €ffiw$EarT r?frwre€ Will and won't
The present continuous with future meaning
i',4rs iiis€ry Yes, it will.rhe streets will be cleaner glass and plastic
We con use witl to tolk obout the Juture to moke
predictions A prediction is something we think
wil.[ hoppen We use the bose form of the verb
ofier wil.t
The streets wilt be cleaner
We ofien use the controcted form 'l[ ofier
grow more vegetobles in the
We use the subject + won't + boseform to mokethe negotive
We won't drive a big car
We use wi[[ + subject + boseform to mokequestions.In offirmotive short onswers, weolwogs use theJuU.form witL
Willwe do angthing differentlg?
Yes,we witl OR No,wewon't
g o r d e n M g friends o n d I'
bottles owog - insteod we 6
t h r o w recacLe
t h e m I7 p r i n t m g e m o i L s - t h o t w o g
I 8 s o v e p o p e r
U n i t 5
Trang 38I n t e n g e o r s ' t i m e
2 Complete the sentences Use subject pronouns, '[[ ond o phrose from the box.
like reoding books live in o big house Jeor-e.iuif be on octor go to universitg moke brocelets
I Rgon weors jeons In ten geors'time - -h-e]|.L weor o suit
2 Mortin goes to school In ten geors'time
3 T o m m g g o e s t o d r o m o c l o s s I n t e n g e o r s ' t i m e
4 B e t h l i v e s i n o s m o [ [ h o u s e I n t e n q e o r s ' t i m e
5 M o d d g p o i n t s p i c t u r e s I n t e n g e o r s ' t i m e
-6 Iulio likes wotching TV In ten geors' time -
Look of exercise 2 Write questions ond short onswers
i n t e n g e o r s ' t i m e
I lutio / Like reoding books
2 Rgon / weor jeons -
-3 Mortin / goto univers
1 T o m m g / b e o n o c t o r
i t g
-5 Beth / tive in o smot[ house
6 Moddg / point pictures
Trang 394 Look of the pictures Write guestions ond short onswers.
c o r f u s e / c l e o n e r f u e l / u s e
more peopl.e / ride / bicAcles
3 peopLe / drop / Litter
4 p e o p l e / r e c A c t e / t h e i r r u b b i s h
5 shops / selL / heol.thier food
6 t h e to w n / use / w i n d e n e r g g
7 the oir /be / Less pol.Luted
8 the streets / be / cleoner
5 Look of exercise 4 Complete the sentences
I Cors witl use cteone_r*fuet
More peoplePeop[eThe townThe streets
Trang 406 Write questions 1-10 ond onswers o-j Motch 1-10 with o-j.
-J- How/peopl.e/gettovvell How witl Peopte get to work?
Where / energg /comefrom
there be / more buses
peopLe / Look ofter /the environment
people / eot /l.ots offostfood
birds /Live / in the treesthe seo / be / cleoner
t h e J i s h i n th e s e o / b e / i L L
People / exercise / much more /ot weekends
Energg / comeJrom /wind forms
Yes /the seo / be / less poltuted
Yes / birds / return / to the trees
Yes / peopLe / Look ofter /environment
Yes / theg / recAcle /
-No / thefish in the seo / be / heotthier
No / theg / eot / heoLthg food
Yes /there / be / Lots of buses
T h e g / g e t t o w o r k / b g b i c g c L e T h e g ' t [ g e t t o w o r k b U b i c g c l e
I Answer the questions obout goursef Use short onswers
I WiLL gou hove homeworktonight?
WiLL gou do sport tomorrow?
Wil.L gou be of school in o month's time?
WiLL gou wotch o DVD tonight?
Wil.l gou bug on MP3 pLoger this geor?
Wil.l gou use o computer this evening?
Wil.l gou go home bg bus ofier school?
Witl you hove o holidog soon?