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oxford grammar friends 5

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[...]... desert? No,theu hoven't 3 Mum/ see giroffe? o 4 Rgon swimin the seo? / 5 Rgon /gotoAmerico? No, 6 Mum / see polorbeor? o No, 7 Mum ond Dod/ cl.imb mountoin? o 8 Rgon go to Austrolio? / 6 look of exercise Write sentences neverin the negotivesentences Use 5 o 1 ]ulio 's solted boot 2 MumondDod hoveneverbeento o desert 3 Mum 4 Rg o n 5 Rg o n 6 Mum 7 M u m o n dD o d 8 Rg o n - unitl 'a!t,, -* A T OY M... -=- - (meet) friends, (te L L )i mto g o w i ththemto theircLub theg His rien d s ond i h f * (wont)him him Soon, evergone - (teoch) howto pl.og (be) the teomfor threegeors ond 1-on to beon theirteom.NoWBrion t he ,in (ptog) totsof motches ! Lookof exercise Answerthe questions.Useshort onswers 4 geors did.1 DidBrion meethisfriendsfive ogol - Y-e s,he - voLtegbol.l.? 2 DidBrion to teochhisfriends pl.og... 4 the eosiest more beoutifuI 5 6 big 7 the mostexciting I higher 2 lookof thetobteondreod sentences orfotse? the True Write or F T Price Beoutiful Sofe streomers % 1 Thesporklers cheoper ore thon the streom.tr.I 2 Theboltoons morebeoutifuL ore thon thefoirg f3.80 * ,/./ Lights 3 Thestreomers the leostbeoutiful ore 4 ThefoirgLights oscheop the bolloons ore os - f4 .50 **/ 5 Thesporklers oren'tos sofeosthe... cost thonbook os Booksoren't os expensive DVDs (expensive) 2 Brion Tongo bothll geors ond are o[d Brion (otd) 3 TheRiver Thomes shorter is thon the River Ni[e TheRiverThomes (Lon9) I weigh45U,9 brother Mg weighs kg 53 I 5 Thereddress prettierthon the blue dress is Thebluedress (prettg) 6 Mg house hosfive rooms.Your house hosJive rooms Mg house (big) 7 Footbo[[ exciting is Vol.tegboil exciting is Footbo[[... Thisbookis moreinteresting Thot book (interesting) Comptete sentences the wordsin the box the Use I TheLights ft5!Theg're toQ exPensive for me! cost 2 These bolloons on[gf1 .50 ore Theg're 3 TheTVt I It's Amg got o bodmorkin the test.It wos for usto bugtwo to for Grondmo heorit upstoirs for her 5 Those trousersJit we[[.Theg're 3 Those trousers don'tfit gou Theg're 7 We otl scored LOO% the exom.It wos in... rubbish? 5 she/ recgcle 6 we / tokethe bus/ to the supermorket? 7 theg / wotk/to school 8 gou/ not / studghord Unit4 of of two geors ogo.Writesentences used or with to -: Look the picture the Coseg fomil.g didn'tuse to 1 Theg/ hoveo TV 'r':,-,.- ,' 2 Mumf w e o rg l o sse s 3 Th ec h i l d r e / h o ve n g h o me w o rk n o 4 Th eC o s eJ o m i tg h o ve g o rd e n g o / 5 Dod/ do Lots sport of 5 Thetown... meethisfriendsfive ogol - Y-e s,he - voLtegbol.l.? 2 DidBrion to teochhisfriends pl.og ploger? 3 Is Brion goodvoltegbo[[ o 4 HosB r i o n v e r Lo g eo nth ete o m? d e p 5 HosB r i o n v e r Lo g eid o n gmo tch e s? n e p Unit2 15 you Detective Where o'clock were at twelve lastnight? Srdspect You've alreadyaskedmethqt qustion Detective Andyou haven't answeted get, ft ALreodg, just ond beforecono[[... get/ getthe script him? Hove the to to given books themjust / get 5 Youhoven't the to 6 16 Hovegoueveroctedbefore just? / U n i t2 7 Complete sentences questions the present pertect Use the ond I gou/ go /to Americo before / /7 2 gou/ oLreodg oct/ in four pl"ogs / 3 I /see/thefil.m/ beJore 4 I / oLreodggo/ tolivedifferent countries / person 5 gou/ speok/toon Engl.ish /before/ ? 6 gou/ eot breokfo / oLreodg... / thestoge / 7 ! Complete questions onswers get ondjust ond Use the 1 she meet newdromo her teocher / Hosshemet her new dromoteocher ys5,she's just m€t hsL theg / speok the octors to to them 3 she/bugthe costumes Yes, them 4 the children pointthe stoge / it Yes, theg 5 the octors finishtheir costumes / Yes, them 6 she/ woshed hoir her Yes, it 7 theg / open curtoins the Yes, theg 8 the pl.og nish /f... /f Yes, it Unit2 perfect postsimple or with the present 9 Lookof the text Writequestions to in 1 (Tom go) Drd Tom go - , to school London from 19 85 1998? / ( h e/ g o )- , 3 I n 1 9 9 8( T om ct ) /o in dr closs 1990? to h isfir st om o 2 (he/ Live) 5 (Tom won) - -/ 6 (he/ stort) 4 (he/ just stort) 8 ( T o mh o v e ) / 7 U n i t2 - in Por is? 2000? in since -.- Spoin o prize octingget? for French . Gremffi Fgiende Tim Word OXTORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6op Oford University Press is a departrnent ofthe University ofOxford. It fi[thers the University's. questions Review 4 Grommor reference Irregutor verbs 4 L4 20 26 30 36 42 48 52 58 64 70 74 80 86 92 96 ftfry besf friends! The present simple and continuous The past simple +i what are. hisfriendsfive geors ogol - Y-e s,he did - 2 Did Brion teoch his friends to pl.og voLtegbol.l.? 3 Is Brion o good voltegbo[[ ploger? 4 Hos Brion ever pLoged on the teom? 5 Hos

Ngày đăng: 11/01/2015, 19:10

Xem thêm: oxford grammar friends 5

