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( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 1 Unit 1: HOME LIFE PART 1: VOCABULARY: Exercise 1. Hãy điền vào các ô trống các từ loại còn lại (nếu có) từ các từ cho sẵn sau đây: (Phần này HS về nhà chuẩn bị trước khi vào học reading, speaking,… GV tô màu trắng cho các chữ màu đỏ, in ra cho HS làm và xem trước) Noun Adjective Adverb Verb Vietnamese meaning shift ca, kíp biologist biological biologically nhà sinh vật học lab (laboratory) phòng thí nghiệm generalization general generally generalize nhìn chung to join hands chung tay(làm việc) caringness caring caringly to care chu đáo responsibility responsible responsibly to respond trách nhiệm household chores công việc nhà to get up thức dậy to make sure đảm bảo to share chia sẻ (be) willing to sẵn lòng to give a hand giúp đỡ eel soup canh (súp, lẩu) lương. attempt to attempt sự nổ lực pressure to press áp lực to take out đổ (rác) ra to look after chăm sóc mischievousness mischievous mischievous tinh nghịch, láu lỉnh obedience obedient to obey biết vâng lời hard-working làm việc cực khổ close-knit khắn khít support supportive supportively to support biết ủng hộ frankness frank frankly một cách thẳng thắn solution solvable to solve giải pháp confidence confident confidently to confide sự tự tin Exercise 2. Hãy cho biết từ đồng nghĩa hoặc gần nghĩa, từ trái nghĩa của các từ sau (nếu có) : (Phần này HS về nhà chuẩn bị trước khi vào học reading, speaking,… GV tô màu trắng cho các chữ màu đỏ, in ra cho HS làm và xem trước) Từ cho sẵn Từ đồng / gần nghĩa Từ trái nghĩa to join hands to work together to get up to wake up ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 2 responsibility duty irresponsibility to make sure to ensure to be unsure to give a hand to help mischievous naughty obedient obedient naughty close-knit close frankly straight to look after to take care of (Từ Exercise 3 trở đi, GV có thể cho HS làm tại lớp, làm ở nhà để kiểm tra bài cũ hoặc làm trong các tiết học tăng tiết. ) Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or replace the underlined words or phrases. 1. My mother works __________ a nurse in a big hospital. She examines the patients. A. for B. as C. in D. at 2. She had to work on __________ last night, so she is very tired this morning. A. the roof B. the table C. the bed D. night shift 3. My father is very busy with his work at the office. He usually comes home very __________ at night. A. late B. early C. on time D. past 4. My mother __________ very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast. A. cries B. sleeps C. gets up D. stays up 5. My mother is a __________ woman. She does all the household chores to make us more comfortable. A. caring B. careless C. harmful D. boring 6. In my free-time, I often help mom with __________ the house. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleans 7. I take responsibility to __________ my little brothers because they are sometimes very naughty. A. look after B. get up C. sit down D. shut up 8. My responsibility is to wash dishes and __________ the garbage. A. take off B. take out C. take care of D. take over 9. My brothers love joining my dad in __________ things around the house at weekends. A. mend B. mended C. to mend D. mending 10. Whenever problems come up, we discuss frankly and find the __________ quickly. A. solve B. solution C. solved D. to solve 11. Mai is my closest friend. We are always willing to __________ feelings to each other. A. tear B. cut C. share D. shake 12. My family is the base from which we can go into the world with __________ . A. confide B. confidence C. confident D. confiding 13. I like doing __________ such as cooking, washing and cleaning the house. A. house-keeper B. white house C. lord of house D. household chores 14. My father is a __________. He often does researches with animals and plants. A. botanist B. biologist C. chemist D. mathematician 15. In my family, both my parents __________ to give us a nice house and a happy home. A. join hands B. get out C. shake hands D. clutch hands 16. My brothers are often very __________ to what I say. They are really lovable. ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 3 A. obey B. obedience C. obedient D. obstacle 17. Unlike most men, my uncle likes __________ very much. I like his eel soup very much. A. having a shower B. drinking beer C. playing cards D. cooking 18. My responsibility is to __________ my little brothers. A. take care of B. join hands C. take over D. work together 19. Although my father is very busy, he tries __________ much time taking care of his children. A. to spend B. spending C. to get up D. getting up 20. My father is very helpful. He is always __________ give a hand with cleaning the house. A. will to B. will C. willing D. willing to 21. He was looking at his parents __________ , waiting for recommendations. A. obey B. obedience C. obedient D. obediently 22. The interviews with parents showed that the vast majority were __________ of teachers. A. support B. supportive C. supporter D. supporting 23. Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to __________ hospital yesterday A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 24. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the __________ . A. happiness B. household chores C. responsibility D. employment 25. You should not burn __________ . You had better dig a hole and bury it. A. dishes B. lab C. garbage D. shift 26. He was very respectful at home and __________ to his parents. A. responsible B. caring C. obedient D. lovely 27. One of Vietnamese traditions is a belief in __________ families and in preserving their cultures. A. wealthy B. secure C. safe D. close-knit 28. He was __________ when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand by me. A. supportive B. exciting C. busy D. dull 29. He was determined to give his family a secure and solid __________ . A. base B. floor C. basement D. ground 30. It’s hard work looking __________ three children all day. A. after B. up C. to D. through 31. When my mother is busy preparing dinner, my father often gives a hand __________ tidying the living room. A. on B. with C. for D. about 32. I put your keys in the drawer __________ they cannot get lost. A. because B. let alone C. instead of D. so that 33. Alex is busy __________ for his exams. A. to study B. studied C. studying D. studies 34. She is never willing __________ any personal question. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered 35. __________ a doctor, you have to meet some certain requirements of the medical college. A. To become B. Become C. Becoming D. Became 36. You are old enough to take __________ for what you have done. A. responsible B. responsibility C. responsibly D. irresponsible 37. These quick and easy __________ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost. A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability 38. John is __________ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 39. According to the boss, John is the most __________ for the position of executive secretary. A. supportive B. caring C. suitable D. comfortable 40. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop. ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 4 A. came into B. went leisurely C. went quickly D. dropped by 41. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking. A. help B. prepared C. be busy D. attempt 42. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly. A. happen B. encounter C. arrive D. clean 43. What are the __________ of that country? - I think it is some kinds of cheese and sauces. A. drinks B. beverages C. grains D. special dishes 44. Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first __________ . A. try B. attempt C. doing D. aim 45. Where is Jimmy? - He is __________ work. He is busy __________ his monthly report. A. on / for B. in / about C. to / through D. at / with 46. With greatly increased workloads, everyone is __________ pressure now. A. under B. above C. upon D. out of 47. We are not allowed __________ jeans at school. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. worn 48. Sometimes I do not feel like __________ to my sibling about my troubles. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 49. The worker was __________ his boss expected, so he was offered a raise. A. more hard-working B. as hard-working than C. more hard-working than D. more hard-working as 50. He has been very interested in doing research on __________ since he was at high school. A. biology B. biological C. biologist D. biologically 51. Are you sure that boys are more __________ than girls? A. act B. active C. action D. activity 52. It is generally believed that “Men build __________ house and women make it __________ home”. A. Ø / Ø B. a / an C. the / the D. an / the 53. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a __________ once or twice a week at the hospital. A. solution B. night shift C. household chores D. special dishes 54. We enjoy __________ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room after a day of working hard. A. spending B. caring C. taking D. doing 55. It is parents’ duty and responsibility to __________ hands to take care of their children and give them a happy home. A. shake B. hold C. join D. take 56. He is a __________ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate. A. frank B. lovely C. obedient D. caring 57. Doctors are supposed to __________ responsibility for human life. A. do B. take C. rush D. join 58. __________ sure that you follow the instructions carefully. A. Believe B. Try C. Do D. Make 59. Sometimes Mr. Pike has to work very late __________ night to do some important experiments. A. in B. at C. for D. on 60. Peter was __________ a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me. A. in B. on C. with D. over 61. It __________ it is parents’ responsibility to take good care of their children. A. commonly says that B. commonly to be said that C. is commonly said that D. is commonly saying 62. Most children enjoy __________ with their parents and siblings. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 5 63. He studies __________ his two brothers. A. much better than B. more better than C. more good than D. very better than 64. __________ the eldest child, he works hard to help his parents support the family. A. Be B. Is C. To be D. Being 65. I was born in Huế but I __________ in Nha Trang. A. grew up B. raised C. brought up D. rose 66. Edward was named after one of his father’s distant __________ A. family B. brothers C. members D. relations 67. You can’t tell what someone is like just from their __________ A. character B. appearance C. personality D. looking 68. Julie had a terrible __________ with her parents last night. A. row B. discussion C. argue D. dispute 69. I got to __________ Steve well last year when we worked together. A. introduce B. know C. meet D. sympathize 70. Parents have to try hard to understand the younger __________ A. generation B. people C. adolescents D. teenagers 71. Helen never does the housework. She is rather __________ A. lazy B. reliable C. gentle D. hard-working 72. Teresa never gets angry with the children when they are naughty. She is very __________ A. brave B. pleasant C. patient D. generous 73. My eldest sister takes the __________ for running the household. A. task B. duty C. responsibility D. ability 74. She described her boss __________ a very unpleasant person. A. like. B. as if C. such as D. as 75. Penny never does anything silly. She’s very __________ A. sensible B. sensitive C. logical D. senseless 76. All Sue’s friends and __________ came to her party. A. relations B. relatives C. relationship D. relates 77. In an ideal marriage, husband and wife __________ problems with each other. A. have B. divide C. share D. take 78. __________ that “men build house and women make it home”. A. It is generally believed B. To believe generally C. Believing generally D. The general belief 79. That can’t be right! I __________! A. am not believing B. won’t be believing C. don’t believe it D. am not going to believe 80. __________ most men, my grandfather enjoys cooking very much. A. Unlike B. Not like C. Dislike D. Likewise 81. She is the first student __________ in the assignment. A. handing B. to hand C. who hand D. hands 82. She was a devoting nurse who was always very __________ to the needs of her elderly patients. A. careful B. observant C. earnest D. attentive 83. I __________ very well with my father now; we never have any arguments. A. go on B. carry on C. get on D. put on 84. Mrs. Carter __________ her son for getting dirty. A. told off B. put down C. brought up D. took on Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. 1. My brothers love joining my dad in to mend things around the house at weekends. ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 6 A B C D 2. I am now in my attempt winning a place at the same university to my brother. A B C D 3. My mother works in a doctor in a big hospital. She examines the patients. A B C D 4. My responsibility is to wash dishes and take off the garbage. A B C D 5. In my free-time, I often help mom with cooking the house. A B C D 6. My father and my mom joins hands to give us safety, security and happy family. A B C D 7. Once a week, my mother have to work on a night shift at hospital. A B C D 8. His eel soup is the best one I have ever eat. A B C D 9. I’m now under study pressure, so I feel very fine all the time. A B C D 10. After hospital, my mother rushes to the market, then hurried home for the dinner. A B C D Read the passage and choose the best word for each blank. The United States has many different types of families. While most American families are traditional, (1) __________ a father, a mother and one or more children, 22 percent of all American families in 1998 were headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in the United States, there are no children. These (2) __________ couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may want freedom from responsibilities of childbearing; or, perhaps they (3) __________ physically able to have children. Other families in the United States have one adult (4) __________ a stepparent. A stepmother or stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or a mother. Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States people have right to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they must belong to. They respect each other’s choices regarding family groups. Families are very important (5) __________ Americans. 1. A. consist of B. consisting of C. consisting D. including of 2. A. childish B. childlike C. childless D. childhood 3. A. are not B. can’t C. couldn’t D. weren’t 4. A. who is B. is C. which is D. which has 5. A. for B. of C. in D. to Read the passage and choose the best word for each blank. One evening Dr. Peterson was at a party. A woman came up to him and began to talk about her back”Its very painful (1) __________ I’ve worked for a long time in my garden”, the woman said”You’ve hurt it by bending for too long”, Dr. Peterson replied. He than showed her (2) __________ to do some exercises. However, (3) __________ the woman left he felt very angry. He went up to a friend of his who was a lawyer. He told him about (4) __________ the woman and asked him for his advice”Do you think I (5) __________ to send her a bill?”he asked. The lawyer thought for a moment and nodded”How much should I charge (6) __________ giving all that advice?”Dr. Peterson asked”Change her your usual fee”they lawyer said. The next day Dr. Peterson sent the woman a bill. (7) __________ a few days later he ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 7 was surprised (8) __________ letter from the lawyer. (9) __________ he opened the letter, he saw the following brief note: “Please find a bill for $50 for the advice (10) __________”. 1. A. because B. for C. by D. as soon as 2. A. what B. why C. when D. how 3. A. when B. because C. if D. for 4. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. he met 5. A. should B. had better C. ought D. must 6. A. by B. because of C. owing to D. for 7. A. However B. In addition C. Therefore D. Alternatively 8. A. by receiving B. to receive C. for receiving D. receive 9. A. Because B. When C. Until D. For 10. A. gave you B. What I gave you C. when I gave you D. I gave you Read the passage and choose the best answer for each sentence below. Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it. However the doctor could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs. Sand’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble. Mrs. Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a ladies’ meeting. When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said,”Hello, sweetheart. I have done all your shopping for you” “Done all my shopping?”she asked in surprise “But how did you know what I wanted?” “Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone,”answered her husband,”so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down” Of course, Mrs. Sand had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat! 1. The story is mainly about __________. A. Mrs. Sand’s skin trouble B. Mrs. Sand’s husband’s care for her C. her husband’s carelessness D. her husband’s misunderstanding 2. Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because __________. A. she was not his patient B. the medical tests there would tell him exactly what her problem was C. the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests D. hers was a very serious case 3. The ladies’ meeting lasted __________. A. the whole morning B. exactly two hours C. less than two hours D. more than two hours 4. Perhaps when Mrs. Sand left for the meeting, her husband __________. A. was working in the garden B. was in the bathroom C. was somewhere in the house D. was out at work 5. Mrs. Sand’s husband bought all the things on the list because __________. A. he wanted to help his wife with the shopping B. he wanted to buy what she was not allowed to eat C. he had nothing to do when he got home D. he himself liked them very much ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 8 Read the passage and choose the best answer for each sentence below. PARENTS’ DREAMS Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better life than they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents who come to the U. S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here. They think their children will have more career choices and more successful lives. They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities. They think their children will remain close to them because of this. Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents. However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans. 1. Parents often dream of ) __________ A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future. B. one day seeing their children become famous people. C. one day living on their children’s money. D. a bright future for their children. 2. Parents who come home from U. S from foreign countries hope that __________ A. their children will have a lot of careers. B. their children become successful directors. C. their children will have more opportunities for good education. D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices. 3. Parents think their children will remain close to them because__________ A. they give their children a lot of money. B. of the sacrifices C. they know their children will be successful in the future. D. they are living in a foreign country. 4. The word career in line 4 is closest in meaning to __________ A. education B. travel C. subject D. profession 5. The word close in line 5 is closest in meaning to __________ A. dear B. friendly C. helpful D. kind Hãy chọn từ có dấu trọng âm chính ở vị trí khác với các từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau: 1. A. mischievous B. obedient C. solution D. supportive 2. A. join B. frankly C. attempt D. pressure 3. A. biologist B. generally C. obedient D. mischievousness 4. A. support B. obey C. busy D. caring 5. A. solution B. confidence C. supportive D. develop 6. A. pressure B. willing C. household D. ensure 7. A. project B. garbage C. active D. enjoy 8. A. hospital B. afternoon C. suitable D. family 9. A. special B. feeling C. secure D. caring 10. A. possible B. annoying C. together D. attempting 11. A. interesting B. personal C. relation D. hospital 12. A. confidence B. decision C. important D. another 13. A. hurry B. rushes C. secret D. collect 14. A. member B. repair C. frankly D. closely 15. A. reversed B. prepared C. crowded D. discussed 16. A. daughter B. although C. attempt D. prepare ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 9 17. A. photograph B. expensive C. anyway D. holiday 18. A. grandfather B. progressive C. supportive D. recently 19. A. different B. family C. importance D. motorbike 20. A. about B. study C. middle D. busy Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rests: 1. A. family B. father C. happy D. frankly 2. A. hospital B. confidence C. biologist D. home 3. A. night B. children C. shift D. quite 4. A. mother B. brother C. although D. enough 5. A. prepare B. caring C. repair D. farther 6. A. leave B. week C. live D. police 7. A. work B. supportive C. nurse D. further 8. A. house B. around C. cousin D. announce 9. A. breakfast B. ready C. spread D. head 10. A. most B. cost C. post D. host 11. A. woman B. push C. pull D. women 12. A. close-knit B. well-known C. quickly D. kneel 13. A. hands B. parents C. takes D. hopes 14. A. pollute B. busy C. solution D. conclusion 15. A. chores B. children C. mischievous D. school 16. A. unlike B. university C. unit D. union 17. A. sister B. close C. houses D. house 18. A. father B. anything C. another D. although 19. A. feeling B. weekend C. reading D. ready 20. A. secure B. future C. mature D. culture PART 2: PRONUNCIATION: Lý thuyết: CÁCH ĐỌC CỦA –S / -ES CUỐI TỪ: a. Đúng nhất: Theo phiên âm quốc tế, khi –s /–es đứng sau các âm sau sẽ được phát âm như sau: Phát âm của –s /–es Các âm trước –s /–es /iz/ / ∫ / / t∫ / / s / / z / / z / / dz / / ks / Thêm –es cuối /s/ / p / / k / / t / / f / / θ / Âm vô thanh /z/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại Âm hữu thanh b. Mẹo vặt (Không đúng 100% và không nên tuyệt đối tuân theo) : Theo hình vị tự Phát âm của –s /–es Các kí tự trước –s /–es /iz/ ge z ce s x ch sh Thêm –es cuối /s/ f * g h k ph t * t h p /z/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại · Đọc chơi cho dễ nhớ: ·/iz/ : Gầy Zậy Còn Sáng Xỉn CHiều SHay ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh. hongngu3@gmail. com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 10 ·/s/ : fải ghé khu phố tìm thịt pò. Hoặc tớ không thích fải ghi pài phạt Hoặc: Không thuộc tớ phải ghi pài phạt Hoặc: Không ghi pài phạt tớ phải thuộc Hoặc: Tớ THuộc, Không PHải GHi Pài PHạt · Bạn có thể đặt thành câu khác cho riêng mình để dễ nhớ. Lưu ý: - Chữ -s trong tiếp vĩ ngữ -ous được phát âm là / s / - Khi * th phát âm là / θ / thì –s /–es mới phát âm là / s / như baths, … - Khi * th phát âm là / ð / thì –s /–es phát âm là / z / như cloths, clothes, bathes,… - Khi * gh phát âm là / f / thì –s phát âm là / s / như laughs, coughs, …. - Khi * gh là âm câm thì –s phát âm là / z / như ploughs, Ví dụ: /iz/ Goes, senses, breezes, washes, watches, misses, advises, sentences, mixes, matches, buzzes, cozes, modernizes, advantages,… /s/ walks, likes, stops, ropes, stuffs, giraffes, laughs, paragraphs, baths, cuts, states, odourous, abitious… /z/ tatoos, saloons, balloons, engineers, clays, boys, inventions, programmes, diagrams, cities, cookies, starves, … Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rests: 1. A. proofs B. books C. points D. days 2. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds 3. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs 4. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writers 5. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes 6. A. cities B. satellites C. series D. workers 7. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes 8. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes 9. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks 10. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals 11. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids 12. A. miles B. words C. accidents D. names 13. A. sports B. plays C. chores D. minds 14. A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds 15. A. proofs B. looks C. lends D. stops 16. A. dates B. bags C. photographs D. speaks 17. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings 18. A. chores B. dishes C. houses D. coaches 19. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays 20. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps 21. A. signs B. profits C. becomes D. survives 22. A. walks B. steps C. shuts D. plays 23. A. wishes B. practices C. introduces D. leaves 24. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises D. potatoes 25. A. desks B. maps C. plants D. chairs 26. A. pens B. books C. phones D. tables 27. A. dips B. deserts C. books D. camels [...]... ý: Trong câu thường có: BY / IN / AT + thời điểm trong tương lai, ON + ngày trong tương lai Ví dụ: By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling to Russia By this time next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years Ghi nhớ điều quan trọng sau đây: Khi nói về thì trong Tiếng Anh, chúng ta cần nắm rõ: Động từ bất qui tắc, câu điều kiện, câu ước ao, câu giả định,... is studying C will study 120 She’s at her best when she big decision A is making B makes C has made 121 We next vacation in London A spend B are spending C will spend 122 Robert tomorrow morning on the 10:3train A arrived B is arriving C has arrived 123 Look! The bus A left B has left C leaves 124 Mike one ago A phoned B was phoning C had phoned 125 Michael a word... for 12 years Ghi nhớ điều quan trọng sau đây: Khi nói về thì trong Tiếng Anh, chúng ta cần nắm rõ: Động từ bất qui tắc, câu điều kiện, câu ước ao, câu giả định, sự hòa hợp thì trong câu phức và câu ghép, câu tường thuật, câu bị động, một số cấu trúc, sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ, … Do đó, học sinh cần về nhà xem lại thêm một lần nữa các chủ điểm trên vì các em đã học Bài tập áp dụng: Choose the... ra ở hiện tại Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ như: NOW (bây giờ) , RIGHT NOW (ngay bây giờ) , AT PRESENT (hiện tại) , AT THE MOMENT (hiện tại) , CURRENTLY (hiện giờ) , …… (thường đặt cuối câu) , Trong câu thường có các động từ như: LOOK! (Hãy nhìn kìa!) , LISTEN!(Hãy lắng nghe!) , TAKE A NOTICE! (Hãy chú ý!) , KEEP SILENT! hoặc BE QUIET! (Hãy im lặng!) : (đặt ở đầu câu) Ví dụ: The farmers are... phoned 125 Michael a word with Lisa this morning A has B had C has had 126 Old Ted twenty cigarettes a day till he gave up A had smoked B smoked C has smoked 127 Stephen on the phone when I came in A talked B was talking C has talked 128 I TV at 8:30 last night A watched B was watching C has watched 129 While I was working in the garden, my son video games A was playing... http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh hongngu3@gmail com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 12 3 THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN: a HÌNH THỨC: V2/ed KHẲNG ĐỊNH S … PHỦ ĐỊNH S DID NOT V0 … DID (N’T) V0 NGHI VẤN S … ? Chú ý: DIDN’T = DID NOT b CÁCH DÙNG: b1 Để diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra và chấm dứt ở quá khứ Thời gian cụ thể ta không biết chính xác là mấy giờ, mấy phút, mấy giây Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ như:... ngắn, một hành động xen vào: Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các liên từ như: WHILE (trong khi) , WHEN (khi) , AS (khi/ trong khi) , Ví dụ: While I was walking in the street, I ran across my former friends When they were having dinner, Nam came in and asked who had called him b3 Để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra sau một hành động khác trong quá khứ Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các liên từ như: AFTER (sau khi)... He/She/It … ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh hongngu3@gmail com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 13 Chú ý: WEREN’T = WERE NOT; WASN’T = WAS NOT b CÁCH DÙNG: b1 Để diễn tả một hành động đã đang xảy ra ở quá khứ (Thời gian cụ thể ta biết rất rõ hoặc liên tục xảy ra) Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các từ như: - ALL (cả) / WHOLE (cả) / DURING (trong suốt) + THE DAY / thời... next? A fell / happened B were falling / happened C fell / was happening D fell / had happened ( Word Converter - Unregistered ) http://www.word-pdf-converter.com Email: tienganh hongngu3@gmail com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 18 12 Emily off the bus, and into the bank A got / walked B was getting / was walking C got / was walking D was getting / walked 13 I went out into the garden to fetch... Email: tienganh hongngu3@gmail com DĐ: 0916829468 Trang 14 PHỦ ĐỊNH I/We/You/ They He/She/It HAVE HAS I/We/You/ HAVE(N’T) They NGHI VẤN HAS(N’T) He/She/It Chú ý: HAVEN’T = HAVE NOT; HASN’T = HAS NOT NOT V3/ ed … V3/e d … ? b CÁCH DÙNG: b1 Để diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu xảy ra ở quá khứ rồi vừa mới chấm dứt hoặc còn kéo dài tới hiện tại, thậm chí còn xảy ra ở tương lai Chú ý: Trong câu thường có . Anh, chúng ta cần nắm rõ: Động từ bất qui tắc, câu điều kiện, câu ước ao, câu giả định, sự hòa hợp thì trong câu phức và câu ghép, câu tường thuật, câu bị động, một số cấu trúc, sự hòa hợp giữa. has saved B. is saving C. saves D. has been saving 50. The carpet __________ A. hasn’t been cleaned yet. B. hasn’t cleaned yet. C. have yet been cleaned. D. has cleaned. 51. “Did you have. C. Until D. For 10. A. gave you B. What I gave you C. when I gave you D. I gave you Read the passage and choose the best answer for each sentence below. Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble

Ngày đăng: 06/01/2015, 14:53



