UNIT 09: THE POST OFFICE BEFORE YOU READ !" ##""!"$"%& ' """$"%&(!" & )(!"*"+"$"%,& -$#"! .!!$!* /!! !- /"" New vocabulary *!"01 (2"!"!,01 /!01 0*1 $"01 !+3"4//4. ""! 1. Thanh Ba Post oce has a spacious and pleasant front oce. 2. Our well-trained sta are always courteous to customers. 3. This speedy and secure service of transferring money can be useful. 4. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, send it by a fax machine. !#$ ! !+'3!""-"!!" 5" (!"!6!/"4%5$$"& '(!"*!,!"!6!/"4%& )"""-"7!"!"","! !""& 8(!"".!* & 9(!"!*" !"""$!$!#!!:*"& "5$$"!*!"!!$!!$!!" "% ",.!!/!*7-$.! 7/!!;!-7/ "" !!#!7 !#!!. " " "$" ""#!$!"*"! <!*" !*"$!$!#!!: !+'3;*""-""$$"""!"#" <!"#!+!$!!"!6!/4!"=$# '<!!*## !$!9+ )$"%,!$!#!*$!"! !" 8<!"*"!*"!"""#"""#"#"! $"%$! #>!#?$# (,!*#$""*!" $!9+ (!!*"-$.!*0.1!.#!*""" $"# (,!$!* "! #"!'8 . UNIT 09: THE POST OFFICE BEFORE YOU READ . & )(!"*"+"$"%,& -$ #"! .!!$!* /!! !- /"" New vocabulary *!"01 (2"!"!,01 /!01 0*1 $"01 !+3"4//4.. vocabulary *!"01 (2"!"!,01 /!01 0*1 $"01 !+3"4//4. ""! 1. Thanh Ba Post oce has a spacious and pleasant front oce. 2. Our well-trained sta are always courteous to customers. 3. This speedy and