◦ ◦ void ◦ constructor !"# $# ◦ ! ◦ %new# Destructor It is # # #'~' # !&# %delete# '&# ( $ ( !)*# + CMSC 202, Version 3/02 , !# /.! 0.!) )#& 1.!2&3. -4-/0 #4 /41 23.#4 !#+ CMSC 202, Version 3/02 5 676) *#& !&# #*#) !6) + CMSC 202, Version 3/02 - 8 ### )#) 94 ### &) 9 # [...]... (called binary form), + indicates integer addition, as in the expression 5+ 9 Between two floating-point numbers (also called binary form), + indicates floating-point addition, as in the expression 6.4 + 2. 1 Overloading Operators— The Rules Operator overloading is the process by which you apply operators to your own abstract data types The +, -, *, and / symbols make it easy to work with built-in . !# /.! 0.!) )#& 1.! 2& amp;3. -4-/0 #4 /41 2 3.#4 !#+ CMSC 20 2, Version 3/ 02 5 676) *#& !&# #*#) !6) + CMSC. # # #'~' # !&# %delete# '&# ( $ ( !)*# + CMSC 20 2, Version 3/ 02 , !# /.! 0.!) )#& 1.! 2& amp;3. -4-/0 #4 /41 2 3.#4 !#+ CMSC. 3/ 02 5 676) *#& !&# #*#) !6) + CMSC 20 2, Version 3/ 02 - 8 ### )#) 94 ### &) 9 # # copy