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Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Independence - Freedom - Happiness ------000------ MEETING MINUTES (1 st time) Time: 12/3/2013 Place: Library Members: all members of group Contents: - Discuss the contents of lesson - Allocate tasks for each member in group - Give deadline: 15/3 via email and 2 nd meeting on 16/3/2013 Evaluation: - All members of group are active, responsible. Secretary Leader 1 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Independence - Freedom - Happiness ------000------ MEETING MINUTES (2 nd time) Time: 16/3/2013 Place: Library Members: all members of group Contents: - Supplement and revise some information - Complete the contents of the lesson Evaluation: - All members of group are active, responsible. Secretary Leader 2 MEMEMBERS’ EVALUATION Name Tasks Evaluation 1. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương Prepares documents about advice for answering questions cleverly in 5 fields and designs slide A 2. Phan Thị Nam Prepares documents for game; designs slide and support in game part in the class A 3. Nguyễn Thị Luyến Prepares for listening and make presentation A 4. Trịnh Thị Thủy ( secretary) Researches another videos related to lesson; sums up useful expressions in these video; designs slide and supports in game A 5. Nguyễn Thị Tuyền ( leader) Prepares documents for task 1& 4 and make presentation A 3 UNIT 3: GOING FOR AN INTERVIEW 1. Warm up Task 1: Ask students: “What factors should you consider to prepare well for an interview?” • Call 1/2 people to answer the question • There are many factors that we should consider carefully before an interview. Some of them are: clothes, time, and questions often meet in an interview. 1.1. About clothes: (ask students) what clothes should you dress on for an interview? • Call 1 people to answer sum up: we should dress in a polite way, suit with office culture • ( Ask students) What color should we choose? I recommend 2 colors: yellow and green. • According to www.diendan.eva.vn, we should choose green one : Reason: - Because yellow can lead to many kinds of emotions: fun, friendly, vigilant, and even jealous, so that it makes partner fell eyestrain. It’s not good in an interview with the employer. So that we shouldn’t choose yellow one. - What about green? Green symbolizes for color of nature, success, wealth, and security. Green represents the new and confidence, so it is makes people feel most relaxed when looking at. Thus, green dress is suitable for an interview to make good impression with the interviewer at first look. 1.2. About time: We should be punctuality. 5- 10 minutes earlier is the best. 1.3. About questions we should prepare before an interview: It is the focus of our lesson, including 5 fields: introduction, educational experience, previous job experience, special skills/ ability, describing strengths and weaknesses. 4 2. Useful expressions Task 2: (ask students) You are supposed to note down any useful expressions that you can hear in each dialogue. Then I will call some of you to talk about your results. - Call 1/ 2 people answer - Give answer: Some useful expressions in these There are some useful expressions used in these above dialogues. 2.1. Introduction 1. Could you describe yourself briefly? 2. Are you regionally from Los Angeles? 3. Describe your personality to me 2.2. Educational experience 1. Tell me about your educational background? 2. I graduated from……with a bachelor’s Degree in …. 3. How will your education help with your work? 4. It taught me the basic of…………. 2.3. Previous job experience 1. Could you please describe your previous job experience? Yes, I’ve graduated from university in 1990 and started work for a bank 2. Why are you leaving? I am looking for a job with more responsibility and flexibility 3. Will you be promoted? 4. How will you describe your experience there? It’s was a good experience 5 2.4. Special skills 1. What special skill do you have for this job? 2. I have good organizational skills………. 3. Do you have any computer skills? 4. I am good at / familiar with ………… 5. Do you speak any languages? 2.5. Describing strengths and weaknesses 1. What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is persistence. I work very hard and I don’t give up easily. 2. Can you give me an example? Yes, when I was a student I have a problem with physic class, I don’t give up though I can it……… 3. Do you any example at work? 4. What about your greatest weakness? Task 3: At home, students list some typical expressions and try to make dialogue to practice interviews. Task 4: Imagine that you are in an interview. How can you answer for this question: “what is your greatest weakness?” • Call 1 or 2 people to answer -> evaluate the answers • Advice :  Should tell the truths about your weaknesses, should be one weakness in the past tell interviewer that what you did to remove this weakness and improve yourself 6  Call 1 student: People say that it is better for us to turn our weaknesses into our strengths. What do you think about that? Give an example about the answer in this case” • Answer: It’s a clever answer: for example: you are too deliberate / cầu toàn. Sometimes, the job requires simple and doesn’t need to put too much effort to do, but you still put many effort, time to do it. It is not necessary. 3. Advice for clever answers in an interview It’s necessary for us to prepare well before an interview. We should find more information about how to answer the questions cleverly. We can search information from many sources such as newspapers, internet, books, or experienced interviewees. Task 5: (ask students) I know that many of you have experienced some interviews. So can you share us some your experiences about the questions, your answer and what you draw from the interview? And there are some valuable advices that you should care about before going for an interview: 3.1. Introduction • Answer questions by using short sentences, avoiding speaking long sentences. • Tell enough interesting information, main topics, about yourself so that the interviewer can easily take the lead of the conversation and continue the interview. • Describe information about yourself that they are important for the job. For example, you are interested in their company; you enjoy working being with others . • Prepare a brief speech, an oral profile, which would be easy to remember • Say it out flawlessly, confidently to make good impression on the interviewer. 7 3.2. Educational experience • Need to focus on in your educational background which supports the key competencies for the job. • Describe your outstanding achievements and the detailed results 3.3. Previous job experience • Should provide specific and quantifying information. • Show solid evidence that you are knowledgeable, hard working and you will bring these attributes to your new job. • Choose your words very carefully when you are about previous job experience. • Shouldn’t list every job and position you’ve ever had. • Should consider and highlight your work experience that they fit this position you apply. 3.4. Specially skills / ability / experience / qualifications • Should talk about your special qualifications and skill that helps you in doing well this job and give specific evidence about this skill. • Should confirm that your special skills are independently necessary for this job. • Moreover, you should concentrate on your unique qualification that differs with other candidates. 3.5. Describe strengths / weaknesses / achievements  What are your strengths? • Describe two or three skills you have that are most relevant to the job and offer specific evidence. • Describe the ways these skills could be put to use in the new position.  What are your weaknesses? 8 • Tell the truths about your weaknesses, one weakness is suitable. • Tell what you did to overcome this weakness For example: I had trouble in the past with planning and prioritization. However, I’m now taking steps to correct this. I just started using a pocket planner . . . then show them your planner and how you are using it. • Should show your weakness that it doesn’t effect to this position or less. 4. Listening Question 1: How good is the candidate’ typing skill?  He can type 65 words per minute. Question 2: Can he take dictation or shorthand?  He can take both. Question 3: What computer skills does he have? - He has about 3- year experience in using computer. He has experienced in IBM PC, Compaq, and Great Wall computers - He has working knowledge of window and dos - He is received computer operator qualification certificate. 5. Role-play Divide our class in to two groups: Group 1 and group 2. Each group has 5 members participating in this game Rule: We will give each group 5 expressions used in interviews. Five members of each group have to stand in a line. The first member reads five expressions and whispers them to other friends in the line respectively. The last member who stands closest to the board will write it on the board. After listening one expression, the last member can write it on the board immediately and return the line for another expressions. These expressions 9 will be written on the board in turn. The group that can write exactly and faster will win the game and have the gift. Expressions: Group 1 Group 2 1, How do you get along with others? 2, I enjoy working as a team and being friendly with all people 3, How will your education help you with this position? 4, My education taught me how to work hard and how to succeed. 5, When are you able to start? 6, I am ready to start as soon as possible. 1, What special skill do you have for this job? 2, I have good organizational and communication skills 3, What are your strengths? 4, I am a very responsible person and always accomplish all my duties 5, Why should we hire you? 6, Well, I have a relevant experience for the job and I am strongly motivated to work for your company 10 . Previous job experience 1. Could you please describe your previous job experience? Yes, I’ve graduated from university in 1990 and started work for a bank. attributes to your new job. • Choose your words very carefully when you are about previous job experience. • Shouldn’t list every job and position you’ve

Ngày đăng: 26/03/2013, 23:00

