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Nội dung

Trang 4


Chuyến viếng thăm 0ủa mội người lận qua thự — 4, correspond correspondence 5 currency unit of currency 6 depend 7 divide (into) divide something INTO parts division 8 friendliness friendly « unfriendly be friendly Toy TOWARDS somebody be friendly WITH § | 1 abroad f a'bra:d /

ở hoặc tới nước ngnài | GO/ BE/ LIVE/ STUDY abroad 2 comprise bao gồm, lạo thành Comprise something and something be comprised of Something and Something 3 compulsory bất buộc, cưỡng bách _ compulsion compel somebody to do Something ÍVÌ lếp al làm gl

—_ [tote ]m_ leagi tan

correspond WITH somebody aT Somebody Từ, cụm từ, từ phái Sinh và cầu trúc quan trong: ——_ (kambalizn/ Ïịm |SW p buộc, sự cưỡng bạch _ te ao a ‘'Karsnsi/ tiển tệ | đơn vị tiền tệ nh tộc sỹ đực |hị phụ thuộc + độc lập

vad Tia Tena ona

Javon’ ‘frendlings/ [tal Toney aaa Sự phân chia

| Sự thân thiện -

thân thiện, thân mật „ khơng thân -thiện

omebody = be a friend of Somebody


Loi néi ddu |


Bài kiểm tra | tiét (A) (Unite 1-2) Bai kiém tra] tiết (B) (Units 1 — 2)

Bai kiém tra 1 tigt (B) (Units 3 ~ 4

Unit 5: THE MEDIA’ Dé thi kiếm tra hoc kd} (A) Để thi kiểm tra hae Id 1 (B) Unit 6: THE EWY LRONMENT Unit 7; SAVING ENERGY Bài kiếm tra ] tiết (A) (Units 6 — 7)

Bal kiểm tra 1 tiết (B) (Unite 6 ?)


Bai kigm tra 1 tigt (A) (Unite p 9)

Bai kiém tra } tiết (B) (Units g _ 9) Unit 10: Ling ON OTHER PLANETS Để thi kiểm tra hoc ki 2 (A) Dé thi kiém tra học kì 2 (B)

Trang 5

¬ 45%

Ms Nguyen Thi Minh Thy

40 A lot of patriots died in that |

4S These works have been

31 The lest flood caused s huge ( destroy )

32 The flower garden in Dalat is always

( attract ) of Ha Long Bay ( beautiful) 34 With the system of buses and underground, people can travel

(comfortable )

33 Everyone is surprised at the

in London

35 Fertilizers are very necessery in the of farming ( develop)

36 Bill is interested in —— books very much ( scientist)

37 Where shall we g0 for our vacation ?-We were Waiting for my father’s (decide ) 38 Young people in the Village usually coi

39 She_ i

4} Tourists are pleased with food of the south ( region )

42 These fi lms are not good for children There are a lot of

43 Her uncle is a famous

44 The —

( violent) ( linguistic )

monument was built in the center of the City ( impress) for many centuries (collection )

his explanation It is 46 It is very hard for us to understand

( logical } 47 The boy was very

- he saved four of his friends from the Strong flood (encourage)

—— 0 all children ( equal )

— 18 necessary for teachers and students at school

a lot of stamps ( collection ) 48 Presents were divided 49, Educational ( equip ) 50.He has 7 1 _

9 impress /im'pres / íV} |gây ấn lượng impression - a .ưư 'prefn / [n] lấn tượng, câm giác

fim / `

MAKE an impression ON somebody - Impressive + unimpressive |/ mpresrv / [ad|] |gãy ấn tượng mạnh mẽ + |

khơng gây ấn tượng

10 instruct fin'strakt / fv] |day, cht dan HN ` n [in] ] |liến thức, lời chỉ dã {én thitc, lời c n

instruction -|mgrakfea/ [fn

instruction ON HOW TO DO something

instruction IN something

11 keep in touch with somebody |/ kkizp in ‘tats / exp |glữ liên lạc (với ai) keep out of touch with

somebody /Kisp aut ov 'tatf / exp |mất liên lạc (với al)

12 official ¢ unofficial ¡ s tiị / {adj] | chính thức + khơng chính thức / pres / {v} |cầu nguyện, cầu khấn Í 'prarm({s)ìm / {adj} | chính, quan trọng nhất, hàng đâu, căn bản i region Ì 'rì:đsn / (n | ving, miễn

“nen ?'tì:dsanl / {adj| |thuộc một vùng, địa phương

16 religion ` Jýrthđsan/ ịn] |tơn giáo

religious “4 fra'tdsas/ (adj) |thuộc về tơn giáo

I- fsepo,reit/ [VỊ |ngăn cách

separate - _ |/separaƯ [adj) | dêng biệt, khác nhau

separation — |/aepetrerjs/ [n] |sự tách chia, sự ngăn cách

148, used to” | juset tư (Mon | đã từng làm gì

do something

ma } |Gused/ |[adj} |quen thudc

| bei gel become used + TO + Ving/ something

Trang 6

— Oe TC ——— ee 33 wish —— dwg? iv] lước, mong uve ` T——— : ena TT eee

_ WISh to do Something = want to do something

mang, muén lam didy gl

wish somebody €omething Saad chúc ai điểu gì { wlsh somebody +V-eJw2 - _]VÚc ai làm gì | Wish somebody would/ wouldn't + | mong ai làm/ đừng làm gì IV] ÏHhồ, tơn thờ Him) i sy thờ phượng, tơn lính tin đồ .—_ on vere ——_ 2U WOrship a _ Worship fwacr Sip/ _ Worshipper / Worshiper fwa:rfipar/ ————— _ ¬ | TEST |

A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO FILL IN The BLANK, 1 Thay Correspond at least once week,

A the B an

C, that D.a é This was Lan's first visit

0n Hang Luoe Street,

A.tha mosque =p at the mosque C to the mosque D on the mosque 3 ———— _ Islam, there are other religions A In addition hare B Besides C Moreover D By 4 Bahasa Malaysia is Spoken A hard B difficutt C hardly D difficulty 9 We wish you _————

A had happy new year C.a happy new year

5 Hels instructing us B have a happy new yaar” D were @ happy new year A at B for C on D in 7, —— the next few days, we Sted Some pagodas in Ho Chi Minh City, A Off -B On C Above Đ.Over 8 The book _ Of 7 chapters A includes B consists C has D comprises 28 Some Sroups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island ( en ( electric) 2

-, the typhoon didn't Cause any damage to the village (lucky) 3 All tourists enjoy _ aimosphere in Vietnam,

( peace ) |

4 The hurricane brought total to the city

( destroy )


, the meat associated with Easter is lamb ( tradition )

6 Since the world’s energy resources are limited We must

them( conservation) _ Tf you want to attend the COUrSs?, you must Pass the written

8 She's extremely well- 9 He

(exam) for the job, (qualify)

answered these questions

10 We really had an 11 The crowd shouted 12 Farmers can


day on the beach, (enjoy)

when Zidane scored the first goal for the French teara {excite |

_ their land by altering their crops (rich) 13 The country is very

14 There was a

50 traveling by road is difficult, (mountain) of electricity and Water in the villages

15 Mount Pinatubo was the world’ 16 Easteris a 17 Mr Brown is after the disaster (short) § largest voleanic in more than 50 years (erupt) untries (joy)

that people have Spoiled the area (disappoint) 18 The Internet is a very fast and

festival which is celebrated in many co

way for me to get information, (convenience) 19 You've made your parents ( pride)

20 I watch the news every day because it’s very _ (inform ) ( invent )

22 The next Stage in the development of TV 18

21: Fax machine Was 2 wonderful

TV ( develop ) 23 The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is

24 a lot of lighting

the garden (beauty) 25 The company must reduce cost to complete

26 The river was used for years as an

( pollute *


— _ (effect )

waste dump ( industry ) 27 They are meeting to find the Ways to protect the forest from ( forest )


29 Cars and factories are the air of our earth ( polluted )

30 Don't lose your

In any situations ( canfident )

Ms Nguyen Thi Mink Thu

Trang 7

Word form

26 The sun quickly |

_behind the cloud (appear) | : bĩc 27 He anewered these questions (exact) oe ‘ 28 We really had an day on the beach (enjoy) | ` | 29 T'm

that people have spoiled this area (disappoint) 30 These animals are in danger of ( extinct) - : | 31 The gas from chemical factory was harmful (extreme) 32 The sun can be an source of power (effect) 33 Such a wave would be

for the country (disaster) *_


34 There hills were formed by volcanic


35 Viet Nam is rich in —~Fesources (nature)

36 the storm finished, and everyone was glad (lucky)

37 Tornadoes can’t be 38

- exactly by the scientists (predict) ›the tornado didn’t Cause any damage to the village (lucky)

39 Tsunamis are often caused by earthquakes, volcanic and landslides (enipt) - 40 We must have a good for the fresh food (preserve) 41, - » Uyen had enough time to finish her exam ( lucky) - 42 He is interested in the ———— of old buildings , ( preserve) 43.) am in the rice-cooking contest ( interesting ) ——

44 One of the most important

for Vietnamese people is Tet (celebrate) in more than 50 years (erupt) ——————B -

46 These innovations will save mo ney 2s well as conserve Tesources (nature) 47

, the sky becume very dark and the storm came (sudden) 48 We can ređuce the electricity

49 It’s possible to use

45 It was the world's largest volcanic

_ by using energy-saving bulbs (consume)

ANH nhu energy for a number of days ( sun)

50 All of the children He, taken out of the building when the fire bepan (safe) ` ? Ms Nguyen Thi M Fai `" SE NE ook Stren es oe _- ® ở They ara prơMding instructlong A at how to succeed in a written test B.on - a C in D for 10 You must be silent work, Ato g at” C on D in TS — — Ủ — 2 Lie bias | A What.coloris B Whai eo C What's color D What color is it — `" `

-_ ĐHdwblg: 5 What's size - C Which size D Which is the size 13 Whiat he iias changad _*_add eggs to the food, Ais Buisthat ˆ C is to D Is so 14 President Ho Chi Minh visited —._ this village in 1956 Ala Pe Bitg ot C in | D Ø B IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE Nave ended the meeting, I'm afraid D thely stomachs oushing themselves with its slippers Bg D 17 Dreamlng, fe all oihor mentel processes, |t ls a product of the brain and its activity A B Cc 0D Sĩ Gilective ways to make (he land rích for Cultivation, (iB c _ Oo


` fo, Mr Pia (19) — J m8? I'm doing an English exercisa and | _ Viet Hơn, M PRA.(M)— ` hephg Tm doing an Eng :

Mr Pike: Which one? Oh, no Hi too old (21) it, Please ask Mrs, Pike, She Là.) teach English in C bodia

Viet: Mrs Pike, Gan you hialp me pronounce (23) correctly? Mrs Pike: Today 4 havea (24) i'm afraid | can't help you, (25) Watching cartoons ‘They're so lovely

Trang 8

Viet: ; ; ‘eh VWhal (26) - , Linda Vou aren't busy, are you? Linda: 'm chatting,

Viet: Who are you chatting with? i ig lime-consuming

'm Chatting with my boytrl Linda:

Viet: Am 1? Well, t'nq trying to bractice English end Why are you asking alot of questions tonight, Viet? with ail the members of your family 19 A, Would you mind 20 A this word 21 A remember B Do you mind if C Can | , ou B this sentence Ỉ 1 D then tse C this phrase D 22 A lau B to remember C remembering > omen oe B was c ì : ai A it B them

e thay lo OD was used to

me A Sore throat B sore arm ° sore head D its

26 i H B I've

C Pm > Sore back "ale you B about you C of you ng


very Clearly to it They stop making the kinds of SYS tis first worlg

Speech They also speak to the baby in a sfj hacks | baby in a slightty hg

questions and do not use many Statements gatly higher voice

27 Most parents speak in the same way to young children: Tus Fajge L] L1 O L] WORDS IN THE BRACKETS, ly from 1990 to 1995 (attend —— If0rCVelss for tạn years now (sell) - 33 Columbus

————— Amarica more than 400 ye

28 Parents often whisper when a baby says its first words 29 Patents make few mistakes Wien speaking to thelr babies 40 Parents naver ask their babies any questions Mood E SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE TENS Jt] this universj 32, He ES OR FORMS OF ING 899 (discover) ni The Fie + a SO ws HN = eB WON - 23 You can give your parents Word form WORD FORMS 2 if you need any help you can ask Tom He’s very_ (help ) roe

_Lhavea _ to talk a lot Whenever | am nervous ( tend ) _ Gas and oil always increases in cold weather ( consume)

We find advertising on TV very ( effect )

They do theirjob very which makes their boss very Satisfied ( effect } The tallest building in London is small in with those in New York ( compar? )

He is _28 managing director ( install )

The book will I got an | you with all the information you need ( provision }

shock from that faulty light switch, (electricity)

Pm _ grateful for your help ( enormous ) Producers are trying to attract the

produce) -

purchase of their ( consume —

8 Try to give as much detail as 9 We are talking about the

10 The lady is always

in your answer ( possibility )

of natural resources ( preserve )

about something ( complaint ) 11 What should we do to reduce air _( pollute )? 12: The tall buildings have —_—_ the view here ( spoil ) 13 Polluted water can directly do

14, Minh and Nam collect 18 Don’t

16 We

go out for dinner but we cook our own meal most of the time ( occasion ) 17 I'd like you to finish the test as

to people’s heaith ( harmful ) paper, bottles and cans every day (use ) trash onto the streets ( throw )

as possible ( quick ) 18 lam very that Pll go to Hanoi tomorrow, ( excite )

19, She was " _because of her bad result ( happy ) 7 20.Whatan fđlm!(interest )

21 My mother told us a very Story last night.(interest)

22 Lunar New Year holiday is the most celebration for Vietnamese people (importance)

by passing the examination (satisfy)

24 How can we littering?

25 Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water (pollute)


Trang 9

Word form 3 32 33 —_ The farmers were able io — mà Crops ( productive )

34 We there when our father died (stil llve) Later people

him a8 a great scientist ( recognition )

35, | to New York’ three times this year (be) - AS a boy of sixteen, he . _ his parents’ farm ( management ) 36 I'l come and see you before | for America, (leave) 34, The children the room for the party ( decoration 3 |

37 John a book when | saw him (read) 35 He was at home as a young boy ( education )

38 He sald he the following day (return}

36 The traders them

that V

¬ |

ee |

that the river was Cangerous (information

F FILL IN EACH.BLANK WITH AN APPROPRIATE WORD FORMED FROM THE WORDS 37 You ll have to your teacher for forgetting to do your homework (apology ) GIVEN INGRACKETS, - 38 Actors have ta their roles ( memory ) - |

39 We can't stand sich ` _ here (friend) $9 Your skirt needs - Clong )

40 English | is |

aught in Viet Nam's Secondary Schools, (primary) 40 I'll have to

these trousers They’ ré too much long ( short )

41 As she is 1 8, she wants tol of her parents (depend)

41 The sky suddenly

and it loofced like; rạn ( đark )

i = din Hung king Tem! (official

eSflval fs ung King Temple {o cla 42 He always his knowledge by reading ( wide ) “2 That cà gong Temp 43 Do you know the and the _

of the door? ( long / wide )

43 We need the oF this

8 (compel) 44 The man sat there (quiet ,

44, Angkor Watt used Globe a , center lon I

45 He spoke about his work (proud )

45 You have‘

station, (ad) U2//2/ 2 46 The goal was scored ( beauty )

_ 46, September 2 ts our — - Day lenin

48 Could you explain it more ? (simple )

47 They dont al drink beer, 49 He was

welcomed in Paris ( popular )

Trang 10

Tử, cụm từ, từ phái sinh Sum te va | 1 baggy “bagi/ [adj] | réng thùng thình 2 casual _—_ | “kesual/ adj]

|khơng trang trọng, bình dân Sasual clothes thường phục 3 clothing “klouðm/ In] (U} | quần áo, ÿ phục Clothes “klouưz/ in} (C) 14, consist | Acon'sist/ ÍVÌ' adm, bao gốm - consist OF something 5 constrain “kan'strern/ [vị bất én, Ép - buộc | feel constrained to do something hị buộc làm điều gì đĩ 6 convenient # inconvenient [ad}) tiện lol # bat tiện - 7 design (dtzatn/ {vị thiết kế , — đ@§iqn /di'zam/ {n) sj kidy dáng, hoạ tiết | designer /dt _ g : ‹ IZainar/ [n] nhà thiết kế 8 economic /ika'no:mik/ [adj] |thuộc kinh tế economy A'ka:nami/ [n] nền kinh tế 9 embroider Am'braidar/ vị thêu embroldery /m'broidari/ {nj SỰ thơu thùa, vải thay | 10 encourage | /in'karida/ [v] động viên, khuyến khích encourage somebody to do something _ | éncouragement An'karid3mont/ [n], SỰ động viên, khích lệ ; (We) ¬ | 11 equal /“ikwal/ 7 lad] |hình đẳng bằng nhau be equal TO somebody —— |] — và cầu trúc quan trong: ——————_ | 10 He became a H1 | Baseball isthe

2 What is the most 3 The United States is an

4 Charles Dickens was a 9 Nam likes to read

6 Everyone was

9 The snakes in the tall prass were IL He felt it was

12 Farms became more 13 Those

14 They were

15 The country was in bad 16 You should spend your money 17 He became a 18 France was a 19 He was (24 Are you

+ 25 The lecture was very

26 activities should be promoted ( culture ) 27 He said “ Good morning” ina 29 Although he was 30.Finallyhe | Ms Nguyen Thi Minh Thu sport in the United State ( nation )

country in the worid ? ( beauty )

nation, ( industry )

English writer ( fame )

novels ( history ) about the holiday ( excite) 7 The | plan was finally completed ( excite } B Ididn’t like that television show It was —_

writer and lecture, ( profession ) to spend time on video games ( waste )

.( produce ) are very good ( produce )

that the future will be better ( confidence )

situation ( economy )

( economical )

figure all over the world (popularity ) | country at that time ( power )

— 0fhis ability as a pilot., ( pride )

_20 Edison’s work gave him a great deal of

21 Indians met them along the river ( friend ) 22 The girl on the’ elephant looks

_ 23 Mai thinks English is very

in buying anew bicycle ? ( interest )

way ( friend )

Trang 11

8 Whted bre tvoes of musis ØồVElưpad around tie seme time? A jazz f rook

& danes / rhythm & blue me

C rock f rhythm & blue D fame ? dense 6 Louis Armsirong was m HIST 8S an lnfiuaniiet musieien of A “NOP oF "swing" Jaze BỊ Chor0e-long 3 jezz C Sructured la CC SGEP QUIẾC i fine 16 is closest jr meaning to 8 easily C periodically 8 The word “unadomed™ in line 18 fs closest in meaning to ain A lovely 8 plat C disorganized 8 Which of the folowing terms ig defined in te A "improvisation" (line 4) B “polyphony” (line 7) C “comet player (line 8) D “multichorug® (line 9) 10 The topic of the Passage is developed Primarily by meang of

A dividing the discussion into two major araas B presenting Contrasting points of Views “ providing biographies of famous musicien

D describing historical 6vents in Sequence Vi SUPPLY EACH BLANK WITH ONE SUITABLE WORD (30 PT Š)

lileracy is the condition of being (1) | D soloing iezz D purposely D inexpensive Passage? ‘

{0 read and wite illiteracy is also (2) to dasezibe the Condition of being ignorant Or unknowledgeable

in a Particular stibject or field Computer ittiteracy tg (3)

inability to use a Computer Programming language

Most of us (4 ) i

langueonaiors knoV-how to send emals, or how to create: @-new folder But we know

(S) about programming languages, the artificial instructions that c2

computer Even in technologicafly 6)

Countries, a very sma Percentage of computer users are able to write this kind of computer language Should we (7) the effort to leam a cor

; specially these are so complicated? The answer is (8) Because of computer

software manufacturers Our society becomes more

"-6n Inforrnation (10) » and in a few years’ ng Puter language will be a8 essential ¢12} v Computer users will not be able to survive using a

(13) know the code — the sat of delaiied thai tell s - computer wo (19 do In the me machines we Survival and Professional-suctess will Présuppose knowing everything about the

Vil REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITHOUT CHANGING THE mi YOU HAVE TO USE THE GIVEN Wo 1, Thanks to her mothers encouragement, she enterad the beauty > Hadit - ROS WITHOUT CHANGING THEIR FORMS | s contest

2 She'll Probably pass the high echoo! entrance rị examination, (STANDS) 3 She was just as good as they had thought © She quite definitely cama

4 The “environmentally friendiy* label-on this product © Despite what is printed is misleading


8Cream because she điền ‘want to wake up the neighbors, (FEAR) 6 When you arrive, you will be met by the Head > On of the Sales Department

7 People estimate that the company manufactured

more than 5,000 email planes last year © More than 5,000 smai-planes

8 There have bsan fewer "

P#oOpie who consume Chinese products (DECREASE) 9 They brought me two laptops, but nelthar worked eo , satisfactorily (WHICH) 10 Do phone us ee when you arrive at the airport, even if it's very late > However ‘THE END OF THE TEST \53z pte mtn

12, fade Herd/ iv]

- bạc màu, phai màu, tàn phai 13 fashion Êfmfn/ {n]

thời trang, mét

| fashionable Ffefla)nabl {adl| đúng | mốt, hợp thời trang |

44 fond ¡ - Hfa:nd/ (ad) ưa thích _


| befond OF something —

H18 g0 up # g6 down /gou ap/ [Vị tăng, tăng lên # /qou đaun/ # hạ, hạ xuống

16 Inspiraion - - -Ì;msnrreyp/ [n} |cäm hứng, hứng khởi


| take inspiration FROM something _

inspite /mspam/ [vì truyền cảm hứng |

17 loose # tight > {Awisl ¢ hail {ad]} lrộng # chật — 18 menfon The mention DOING something /menfan/ - - [V] — |nĩl đến, để cập đến ¬ 19 minority Ímattna:rat/ | [n — [hiểu số | |

| _ ethnic minorities | /eOnzk mar‘ns-roti-z/ In] các dân tộc thiểu số | 120 modem | “mq:đam/ [adj] thiện đại

- modambe "` fma:dar.narzJ | [v]

hiện đại hố modemizpiion - /matdsrna'zerfn/ {ni}: sự hiện dại hố

| |

“LAN l/mem saat tan


be named AFTER somebody — duigc dat theo tn cita al |

{22 occasion Í/skemy - In] |dịpcơhgi —

[ ON the occasion OF sorting | nhân địp, nhân cơ hội

2s pattem [tpmtv Tint hoa vin mics |

| pattemed 7 fpetarnd/ [adj] | được trang trí bằng hoa văn, mẫu vã

24, post _ |/#poua [n] | nha tho '

— poem fpouatri/ “pouam/ [n] thơ, thơ ca

In | bal thơ ¬ ——————— ————————— —

Trang 12

'—8 Mewloan (A) lumping beans are (3) actually sesds (C) WAI contain moth larvae (D) wa sự >

258 Sciivily causes the 25, practical Ppraktrl a ¬ tết mạn thự '# Kơng tp

! + Science Ngon iS any (A) setion Sealine wath the fulure er with (E) so imazinative sublects as inferetefiar travel, = impr actical wf /tm'pre ktrkl/ g ực States are fer (C) 18ode and (DB) pavers 26 proud pen, —— C} 88 early ee Cvilization (By) Healt J— PrAuUd/ - tị hảo, hãnh diện - ! ar they may run out, many countries {10} have be proud OF mẳằẳằẳằằẳằẶằ " pain lên } 1 cĩ bide ` ————— TT —— ho 1 ON, SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE FORMS OF WORDS IN THE BRACKETS (30 PTS) p /praid/

in] niiểm tự hảo, hãnh điện

1 Such a kind man would never hist his friend's fselinga, (INTEND) lake pride IN - On | 2 The scenery along the coast was enn (BREATHE) — — — | 3 Because of a car , She didn't get to the airport in lime for her flights (BREAK) 27 self-confj or Ra tooo

¡” 4 The hosd aseistance from the whole Society (POVERTY) | _ 38 -confident (,self ka:nfidant/ {adj} in TT | 5 Her bedroom is ———_ detoratsd with her favorita souvenirs from her trips, (PLEASE) be self-confi | | —T———— _ 8 We are offering many spacial Prica _on printers this month (REDUCE) —— TC Confiden! OF something ! 7 Students hate their classmates who Get treatment from thelr tegchers, (PREFER) aan Po fg

@s are weapons (DIE)

_Sél-contidence | / set ‘Kanftdons/ | fr] Em

: 8 Three of the ert? oseape through the window (CAPTURE) 2B sl poop TỔ ~ _ ị 10 We were ait! &ufpilsed at hay - te help (REFUGE) | <0 Sleeve /s1i:v/

[n] lay áo CƠ

11 Hestth care was

in ancient time, There wag no hospites or doctor then, (EXIST) laeved — ga : , 12 What the teacher does first Is to check of the students, (ATTEND) sleeve /sÌi:vd/ «| fad] (áo) cĩ ly —~ : 13 The company went bankrupt on account of inefficien Sout — (MANAGE) - "¬" HH - cố "14 —_ 8® buiÍt to entertain and educate neople a marine life (AQUATIC) TA CHẾ

ladj] | (40) khơng lay, cộc tay, sát nách |

15 The educational Program we are launching is to — teenage girls in rural sreas (POWER)

£9: sll slit~ sit “li [vị XỔ, cẤT, rọc


sit = RHU CC —T——~

+ The dev of jazz can be part of the tar;

Amistioan popular music, ape-vally | - shit/ {n} dường Xổ,khehỳ - " & | hottest hing in dance music, much 2a ragtime had at tha tum of 30 stripe istraip/ TS ree — century, ¢ rhythm n the fifties, and ‘disco inthe seventies Re, Straip/ | [a] soc, van; vién _ j other The firet is improvisation, the changing of a Striped /straipt/ Tad! —

; 9, Musical phy cordi |

8 ail aitisis, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and — jÍadj] _ Cĩ SOC, cĩ vẫn, cĩ viền ¬ N jazz : opportunity har of style Stylish (stan Asta In] —_ |liểu, tiểu aang [4dj] | cĩ phong cách 10 Cie nied through extended solos, was a major Infiuence rx this developer Even inten 32 symbol ~ : iwanties, however some jazz bends had featured 8Ololcts - Gimilsriy, show orchestras and camival bands often stmbl/ [n] hiểu tượn Ũ

included one or two such “get-off* musicians Unimpraved,

completely structured jazz does exiet, but the ability of the symbol; ee

‘best jazz musicians to cragte music of great cohesion and beauty during performance haa been a hallmark œ' the yMbolic /stm'ba:lik/

ladj] | cĩ tính chất tưởng trưng

music and Its major source of inspiration and © : symboli nnn — ¬ 15 The second distinguiehing charécteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was initially called “hot’ eng later ymbolize “simba,larz/ VÌ

| bidu tung cia — |

"swing* In playing hot, ø musicien

from strict meter to create a relaxed sense ot phrasing that

33 unique Am


sand Neal rib aren

wed ue of mares eed ee Pg a

ang Au'nizk/

độc đáo, duy nhật ˆ

sound.) Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played uns

shed arrangements of Popular songs unique! oy ` Still, the proctivity te Play hot distinguished the jazz musician from other instrumentalists, : độc đáo, dụy nhất a | lầm' mịn, lâm rach

“1 The passage answers which of the following questions? A Which

early jazz musiCians:most Influenced thythm and blues music? khắp thế giới, tuần cầu

| 2 What eth trons men MTA 2 sm

C Why is dancing Gosely related to popular music In the United States? oT en D we, instruments comprised ở typical jazz band of the 1920's? os | 2 Which of the following appearad before jazz as a popular music for dancing? |

A Disco B Rock | C Rhythm and blues D Ragtime

A creating musical Variations while Performing B Preparing musical a Irangem C reading music with great skill

D being able to piay aif types of popular music 4, Which Of the following was the function Of “gat-off" musicians B Tema nt ther band members in packing up after s nang line 12?

ce 13

Trang 13

Al nevererjay - B ¡ ever enloy C "ve never enjeyer’ «OD Fue eve reelly eniaved 30 “So fang!’ is another way of saying

A Hello! 8 Cheer up! C i'm very happy BD Geedbyel ‘

31 Tom: Take care of yourself Miary; `

A 1} will | B Yes, | do C Not bag D You're weleame 32 Tom: Can | have your order, please? Mary:

A Two chickens, please & MH do tt right away

C Yes, sir 0D Just do whetever you went to

33 Tam: You really disappointed me with your behavior Mary: | know | 20 Immaturely yesterday A mustn't have behaved B shouldn't have behaved

C shouldn't behave D ought nat to behave 34, It was in the countryside

A witere John was brought up B John was grown up C that John was brought up D which John was grown up at 35 | don’t know how you manage to on only £60 a week

A, get by B take in C cut down _ 0 teak down 36 The plumber came yesterday to the burst pines

A turn off B look into C get over D see to 37 I'm afraid | haven't got time to the matter right now

A go into _ B look for C tum ovar D dezn cut 38 Our schoo! doesn't break untll the end of July ¬ A out B in C off ee a) ' 39 The government is to bring A down the necessary laws to deal with the problem, B to Up D in 40 Do A with your shoe laces, or you will tumble over them B up C about D on


Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take thelr own funches to echoo! do not eat (1) in re middie of the day In Britain schools have to (2) meals at lunchtime Chitdren can (3) _ to bring their own food or vave lunch at the schoo! canteen

One shocking (4) of this research is that school medis are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents There are strict (5) for the preparation of school meais, which heve to include ane (6) of fruit and one of vegetables, 23 well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta Lunchboxes (7) _ by resaaychers conisined sweet Srinks, crisps and chocolate bars Children (6) — Wi© 83 mụch suger as they should at lunchtime The research will provide a better (2) _ _ of why the percentage of students in Britain has (10) in ° ine last decade Unfortunately, the government cannot (ii)

nilk, fruit and vegetables Small changes in their children’s had eating (14) _ at this age, and parents are the only ones whe can (15) diet can (13) their future health Children can easily develop

_ tt

1 A appropriately B property C probably D possibly 2 A take B provide C make D do 3 A prefer 8 offer C prepare D choose 4 A finding B number C figure D outcome 5 A standards B procedures C conditions D regulations 6 A piece B portion C helping D amount 7 A examined B eaten C taken D investigated 8 A take B contain C consume D ion

9 A view B knowledge C , Opt

10 A increased B expanded C nied TƠ D added 11 A criticize B instruct C arder D tell 12 A nutritional B healthy C mental D physical 13 A kill B effect C, destroy O affect - 14 A behaviors B styles C attitudes D habits 15 A prevent B cancel C stop D delay i, IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE (20 PTS)

1 They asked me (A) what did happen (8) the lest night, but | was (C) unsble to (0) tall them

2 The (A) 3 (A) Gur_new neighbors (8) had been living in Arizona (C) for ten years (0) before moyiha their present house lest administrator ordered (6) tht we (C) nel to goen our books unti he told (D) us to do 0 4.1 (A) would attend (B) the mesting lest week, but | had to (C) makes speech at sill (D) another meeting

5 We (A) are supposed to read all of (8) chapter seventh and (C) answer the questions (D) for tomorrow's class 150 2 TEST 2 |


1 “lean” is named Genoa

A at B for C after D.in

2 Helook his hat and got into the room

A off B on C above D over 3 The-price 7 items of jeans

A includes B consists C has D comprises 4 the 18 century, women began to wear jeans

A At B On C in D For

5 Sales : laplops have gone up arid up

A for | Boat s- - C of D in

6 The _ fashions attract thousands of schoo! boys and gits, A.designer

-B.,stylish C clothes D perform

7 The matétial lš strong It'does not - — gui easily,

A take - BL find C wear D come,

B ? ~ Ýs plaid,

à Which patlem B, Whicicolor C.Whafspalem D.Whatcolrlsi

9 | | "4 ~ Big, please |

A How big - B What's size C Which size D Which is the size

10 The song was fAmouse_ ¬_—_ 1990s, | 7

A for ` B from a C on D in 11 | _! fish, he also enjoyed other kinds of seafood

A.Inaddiionto B.Bagde C Addition - — D.Addilonal -

12 That Jeans are song - -_ workers like wearing them.’ ~~

» Alls that: — B.sW - C Is to D is so

18 HOCH Minh visited = ‘this vilage in 1956

ÁA.aL „ Bato 6 Ø D on | 14 The image of Ao Datis | alot of songs

—— Á¿iNếgedin B, mentioned in C.idhin ˆ D.povdedin

Trang 14

B IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE 1S What easy 18 learn language English ¡si A B ¢ D 16 ln case it will rain hard this aftamoon, you AB Should take the ralncoat with you - Cc D 17 Most People who have seen him plays beliave oR that Michael Jordan was a basketball genius B C | D | 0Í that = Was Infected with a little new viruses, C D ‘oe CHOOSE THE SUITABLE WORD To FILL In For centuries, Vi 18 The hardware A EACH BLANK, Ppeared In poetry, literature, and music, The (1 9)

drass caliad Ao Daiis 8 long silk tunic that is slit on the sides and (20) on loose pants Vietnamese women usually wear it, especially on special occasions

Fashion la have gradually changed (22)

“Onginal Ao Dai They have taken the from Vietnam S eibnic minorities Suns, Stats, crosses and stripes have baen added to Ao Daj Lines of poetry are printed on the Ao Dal Ao Daj looks very (24) nowadays, S0 Vietnamese women continue (25)

this unique dress though moder Clothing is (26) Convenient ư 19 A style B traditional C modernize D newly 20 A wom B used C tom D dress 21 A designers B decorations C composers " users 22 A.a B an C these -D the 23 A Inspiration B idea C sense D passion re \ Slylish B mademly C fashion D, nicely i na , wear C wore D, to wearing - Á, m : T0re C.Íess D.least



The zippar Is a Wonderful Invention Th \

thal was hard for them to Wear anything

Whitcomb Judson invented the first zi


TUYẾN SỈNH LỚP 40 CHUVEN NARA HỌC 2010-2044 Khĩa ngày 21/06/2010

MƠN: TIẾNG ANH (Mơn chuyên)

Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

(Khơng kế thời gian phát đè)


- 1Ư GRGOSE THE CORRECT ANtue RTO FILL IN THE BLANK (48 PTS) 1 They seemed to be to the criticiem and just eared on as before, A disinterested 8 indifferent C ssnditive D uncaring 2 He spoke A with a view to Git tive families who hed tost relatives in the disaster 8.m of C on bahalf of D in aid of 3 They are very goad friends but in tenne A away of enacts they are worlds — B.6eoeria € apart —” D different A go 8 D now 5 Her penknife came in very A useful 8 D convenient B by D on to hide witet she thinks ehout them 8 C apologetic D broadminded into tears when he thought that he wae lost B fea -G, broke D dripped

& int of atte, E42 958)

8 manufscburod - — © promoted D brought Aa breakthrough rug 8 gui viewpoint D an outcome 11 Tom: Jane's daughter is vary rude _“Maty: You're right she has.no manners A howaver 8 whalecever _ ©.whensver D evermore

G at woret OD at will

13 'min no A feeling his evening to Seten to his allly jokes, B

— €! D opinion

D Everywhere D Being given

We Can move in

D very soon that

uch D as | would It! Worked in private industr / COMBE Of Sinsenors : have

_ same talent

ate a C hed she had D have she have 18 Tom: | sew you at the att night Mary: You

aw | wasn't there

A wouldn't wes hel 3 the, C might have D have

20 Tom: What's ell the neiss ebGut?* Mary: We hed a bad sccide;it

at the factory, A happened B happening

D has happened 21 Tom: Can you wait white I run into the tbrary? A even though Mary: OK, you hurry

B a8 long as C when D unless

22 Tom: Do you know where Babs? - Mary: St A.mayit sound, she is in South Africa

B.asimay - _ 6 tke & may D does it

23 Tom: Who did-you Invite to dinner? - Mary: No one A rather _-B than Frank and his family `, D other except

a Mary: You, eee Bobs for AIDS research, ts : Yes, because it's lotto find

govemment is spending a @ cure

An tang đt 8 90 serious a disease C 80 8 serious disexsee D, such serious that 2s Tom: Which is more important: tuck or éffort? A on the same importance - Mary: Luck is effort

C of the same

A was destroyed 8 have been destroyed C has been destroyed —D were destroyed

27 There was no aitemative

Trang 15

- tÍ tát tố EU VỆ " ang & mutagen pee ERE k & UCUL ¬ os ni H ¬_ ¬ cày cà 26 The teachers at the Academy of Language a are young: and i inexperienced, ¬— ¬ 2Ÿ Learners can take courses in the morning

22 People who want to attend classes'there can phone the school to get information

V Use the correct form of the word given in cach sentence (1.5 pỤ

23 We take in being students of one of the most famous schools in this city (Proud)

three parts There are dozens of metal Or plastic teeth in two rows These are fastened to two 24, What is the between the ao dai nowadays and the one 100 years ago? (different)

flexible strips of cloth A fastener slides along and fasten the teeth together When it Slides the

25 The government hasplansto_ thicity (modern)

other way, Ittakes the teeth apart

26 Those boys are to talk to (interest)

True False

27, The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused damage (disaster) |


28 , people eat sticky rice cakes at Tet (tradition) _ 27 The people in the USA have used zippers since 1810s 28 Zippers are hard for us to wear anything VI Use the correct tense or form of the verb given in each sentence (1.0 pt) 29, Whitcomb Judson was the first zipper i inventor L] L] 29 Would you, ‘mind showing me how (send) an email? 30 Zippers are only made of metal ay by thet L] 30 The villagers (move) away by ihe time a huge tidal wave hit the village „ L]

31 These children (play) badminton for four years now

32 He said he (visit) his grandmother the following day | E SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE TENSES OR FORMS OF THE WorRDS IN THE BRACKETS VIE Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the 3 + My sister — for you since yesterday (look)

sentence printed before it, (2.0 pts) 32 The tralo

33 Try to recycle things and we will save natural resources —T—————Đlf an hour ago (leave) | o Ifwe '

33 When I last saw him, he _ In London (ive)

Peter is t ilest boy in his class 34 Pe ter is the tallest boy in his clas

¬ 34.We —_

_ Mr Dong since last Sunday (not sea)

© Noone

sẽ 35 He will take th 55 Da they have to look after the school garden every Saturday? #

@ the dog out for a walk as soon as han his work (fintsh)

<= Do they have to take | ừ |

a6 i _ any difficult so far, (not have)

36 It ts raining hard, but they still want to go to school 4% 97, P

> They still want SẼ

-F0ple_ _ —— English and French in Canada, (speak) 38 Last week, My professor promised that we


———-~—_— _ nex week (award) F FILL I EACH B WITH



39 We need to cur Standards of life (good)

a (modem) |

41 School _ _ ars experiencing a shortage of teachers (nation) 2 Do it by yourself It's to the one you did yastarday (di ifferent)

for pink clothes was well known, (fond)

———— T@n@y and labor by recycling 6verything used (economy)

45 In _ you are wrong (conclude)

Trang 16


—_ Caich the train

ESS you hurry, we won't he able to We can only 48 My son is 15 next Sunday It's my | 49 Those boys walkin 9 together are brothers Those boys who | 50 The children mustn't came into Don't fet { hat imi ted area

„it Fla i Rinr



Mén thi: THING ANH - Khĩa ngày 21/06/2016 thời gian làm bài : 60 phút (Khơng kẾ thời gian giao dé} THÀNH PHẾ HỒ CHÍ MINH ĐỀ CHÍNH THÚC

L Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence (2.5 pts) 1 -“T suggest we go ona picnic on the other side ofthe river” os


A Its anice day! _ B Have a good trip! C Great ideal D Congratulations:

2 Let's get a A locksmith to make sure there are no cracks in the pipes

B electrician C plumber D carpenter

3 Ho Chi Minh City is the most interesting city in Vietnam; A so , it’s not the capital of the nation B however C moreover D therefore

4 Qur class A usually divides into four groups when we have English lessons

B ¡s usually divided C is dividing usually D be divided usu ily S Ifthe rice paddies are polluted, rice plants

A will die B would die C won't die D wouldn’t die 6 Tornadoes can suck up anything is in their path

A what B who C that D where

7 - “Iwish l could visit your village again some day, Ba.”

A Too true! B You’re always welcome! C Yes, let’s! — D, What a day! _ 8 Nowadays, viewers can watch a variety of local and international programs A in TV

B on C to D of

9 Tet is a festival which occurs late January or early February

A at B from C on D in

10 Scientists can usually when a voleano will erupt

A guess B estimate C report D predict

1Ì Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B,.C or D) that needs correcting (0.5 pt) 11 Our form teacher is a nice person who often gives us a lot of useful advices Cc: D A 12 They told us that they erijoyed to list#n to Pop music in their free time A B - Cc D

| _ siz D) fits the space in the following The Internet has become part of our ¢veryday life Do you find the Internet useful the Internet for? How much time do you spend surfing the web a day? Please (13) questions

XUAN: To my mind, the Internet is a very fast and cheap way for me to get information I can also communicate with mi friends by (14) often (15) of e-mail or chatting However, I don't use the Internet quite I don’t have much time For me, the Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life It makes our world a small place

MANH: Everybody can (16) from the use of the Internet in life However, it is a pity for both me and most of my friends in the country We cannot easily get access (17) the Internet out here | sometimes pay a visit to my uncle in the city at weekends, and this is a good (18) for me, to cxplore the net 1 spend most of the time wandering Because I just don’t know which website is us passage (1.5 ,rts) ? What do you use to these

eful for me

13 A answer B ask C reply D write

Trang 17

_ The realization of what she had sacrificed for him led him to belleve she was all the woria fo him ° Not FC] RA I1 TIẾT (A) (Units 1 ~ 2) 8 We rely too much on the tntemet Therefore, our lives are in danger of becoming more “ imparsonal | - Were

9 Their work on devel

A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO FILL IN THE BLANK ping an HtN1 vaccine Is already under way to cope with the new

1 The examination willbe divided three parts

strain | Ain B.on ~ C into D to

They ; | | 2, addition to English, Miss Well also speaks Japanese

10, Nowadays | consider taking up a hobby to be far less important than used to Adin B.On _ © Over D AI Oo Aup — B.0f | _6,0ff D to 4 The gid was known _ her father's secretary " Â 0n B of C as | D by THE END OF THE TEST 5 The soccer players are leaming the outline | French A in B by ~ C for D to 6 They play tennis once three weeks

A each B.a C every D most 7 Lan has visited this mosque for the very first time

Ato - B in c.Ø | D for 8 On the way home, Long often stops to buy a newspaper

A to B at C for D.Ø 9 — Lefs gofo the Temple ofLieralue — —

A That's a fine day „ B That's a good trip C, That's a good idea D Yes, let

10 ~Thank you very múch — - —

(A Are you worried? B Welcome you

C No at alt D Don’t mention it

11 the end, Maryam sald that she loved Ha Noi very much A at Bin C tif D for 12 They have for 3 years

| - A.corresponded —B changed C exchanged D visited 146 l

Trang 18



The ASEAN consists of 10 (13) _

Malaysia is one of them It is about 329 ng 14}

kilometres The COUNKIY'S official (15) The (16 _ |

—— is Islam,

——— _ @lhnje group, bumiputera,

Settle down Peacetully with Chinese, Indians, and other minor ethnic groups In Malaysia, the language of (17)

for (18) 7

“School children is Bahasa

Malaysia Chinese, or Tamil In (19) T——-— English is aiso widely spoken as a (20) ———~ second language, 13 A, Countries B national C areas D zones 14 A cubic B square C straight D round 15 A belies B religion C religious D WOfshin 16: A main B major C largest _ D maximum 17 A, leacher _ 8B instruction 6 (raining D taming 18 A first B primary C element D.one 19 A baside B besides C add D addition 20, A Compulsory B optional C requireg _Ð acquired C.IDENTIEV THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE,

21 Please don't make SO much noise | Sludy A 8 C D <2 The Chinese have invented A p rinting, 8 C D 23 Have YOU always bean lived A in this house? =B CD 24, | bought 8 HB pengil Which Was made in the Philippines A B CD




Hwang and Chai, two Korean fravellers,

were on a Sightseeing four about Ha Noi They had an enormous breakfast, so they seemeg to be ready tor the tour

In the morning, they Slarted from the Sworq Lake They travelled on foot They went

up Hang Hanh Street, one of the mast

Popular coffee Streets of the Capital, as far as Luong Van Cs

; |

Strong coffee, they went Up Hang Trong Street, Hang Dao Street

and they stopped for a while

at Hang Be Market Thay ch :


fas always had a (7) |

Melboume People Enjoy (2)

this JOke to MSHOTS: if you don

Melboume, don't Worry, just Wait five minutes, because

jt's Sure to change,

At the beginning of 1992 Melbourne had its (3)

~ January for over 100 years, 't ralned for nine days on 4)

AS well as raining all day, the Weather was giao cold At night, People in some Melbourne Suburb


S Ware {5 ——— 0n thẹy heating as (6) winter ft was (7)

cold many people Could (8) The best Weather in Melbourne,

however, ig hot usually in the summer: itis in the autumn he autumn Usually has MOre pleasang days (9)

the summer The weather in autumn is usually (10)

of warm days and Cool, Comfortable (i) —

The ( 12)

of the city at this ime of year is beautiful

9ardens ang Parklands with beautiful tre


— beliave that It Was Summer at all, foo, Melhoume has many lovely 6S in the autumn, the trees change their ( 13)

6 Jack doesn't know all Jack acts the answers, though he pretends to,

——— _

Trang 19

2 The phrase “deveted to" in line 2 is closest in meaningto _ A Surrounded by Ư specializing in

C sucesssful In D sentimental about

3 What happened at Winterthur batween 1929 and 1931?

A The owners moved out | B The house was repaired

C The old furriiture was replaced D The estate became a museum

What does the author mean by stating “the impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor” in line 7

A Winterthur Is very ald,

B Few people visit Winterthur,“

C Winterthur does not look like 2 typical museum

D The fumiture at Winterthur tooks comfortable The word “assembled! in line 10 is closest in meaning to

A summoned 5 appreciated

C brought together D fundarientally changed

6 The word “Ht in line 11 refers to

A Winterthur | B collection

C English country house D visitor 7 The word “đeveleping" In line 13 is closest in meaning to A traditional ; B exhibiting C informative - D avolving 8 According to the passage, objects ina period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT A date B style

C place of manufacture Ư past ownership

What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?

A Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1 |

B Each paragraph describes a different approach tothe display of objects in a museum C Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained

in Paragraph 1

D Each Paragraph describes a different historical period

10 0 Wherein the pasnage dus he ur enn Wy dpe Vinh have tana

A lines 1-3 B lines 4—~6

C lines 7-9 D lines 12 - 15


Thang Long, Ha Noi nowadays They spant some hours shapping and walking before coming back to the hotel fate in the aftemoon

Tue False 25 There are coffee shops on Hang Hanh Street _ LÌ L]

26 They ate fried fish at Hang Be Market Oo L] 27 They chose some fresh fruits for dinner L]Ì LỊ

28 Fried fish was served with white noodies and some vegetables L] L] - FILL IN EACH BLANK WITH AN APPROPRIATE WORD FORMED FROM THE WORDS


Lan and Razali Maryam, a Malaysian girl, have been pen pals for over two years They correspond at least ance every two weeks They first (29) (meeting) each other in Ha Noi last week Ha Noi Is the capital of Viet Nam It is a busy modem city like Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia The beauty of the capital and tho (30)_ˆ (friend) of its people made a deep (31) (impress) on Maryam Lan took her too many famous places of interest such as Uncle Ho's Mausoleum, Hoan Kiem Lake, the History Museum, and Van Mieu They took a lot of pictures Maryam also paid a visit to the mosque on Hang Luoc street She is a regular prayer in Islamic mosques At the end of the week, Maryam Invited Lan to go to Kuala Lumpur, However, Lan could not have the decision because it is (32) (depend) on her parents


33 The teacher as well as his students

34 The Malaysian unit of currency is the Ringait, -

95 Are they used to up late? (stay)

36 The lastiime she wentabroad in 1995, (bo)

reading books (enjoy)

of 100 Sen (consist)


97, Ba Says,"Why' don't we stop eatirig chicken to.avold ơng infected with‘bird flu?” : |wBa wishes we would, 1

" That ie so ero wi ws Speer 2

She hasn't

— 88, Theré wd too much rafE oi so go củ ` There wis such

40 He used fo study the best in this class, No one in this

Trang 20

BAI KIEM TRA 1 TIET (B) (Units ] - 2) | A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO FILL IN Tite BLANK, 1 the first night in Ha Noi, Maryam visited Hoan Kiem Lake A In B On C Over D At

2 The girl was greatly impresseq

her father’s success at school,

A.on B of

C at D by

3 The soccer players ara Praying ——_—_——

Puerta, whe was killed with his broken heart A in B by _ 6.r D to 4 Thay play tennis @ week, ee A one B once C ones D the one 9 This was Lan's first visit this mosque A to 'B.ín C, at Ð lor 6 Ơnthe way School, Long often Stops to buy a Newspaper A.to B at C for D by

oH Thank you Very much, — A Are you worried? B You're welcome C Not all D Nothing 8 the end of the joumey, Marvam en A at B in

3 Mr Si Hoang took that _

from the royal costumes of Nguyen Dynasties, ee A idea B designer C inspiration D fashionable 10 She has been the writer's Subject | | A, since long B for a long

11 Mary wishes everybody



A a good luck B good tuck

C had good luck D were lucky

12 She has to

her children betore taking them to schog),

A wear B put on C dress D get dresseq C since a long time D.fora long time 21 15 Bill Gates is a 11 One of the MOSt Studied of (medicine) ủ" h 5 ‡ * `

all ‘kitchen Cures’, ginger has Deen used for millennia 12 Whenever examination is in Progress, | off

Waiting anxiously Oulside the exam Sites, (wish) 13 There was a

in the arrangements so | missed my flight, (Slip)


Skill is the one skit that can grant you the opportunity {6 get a good job (lead) Story of an entrepreneur (succeed)

9 through Successive generations of @ single family, Winterthur

has been a Private estate for more than a cen lury Even atter the extensive fenovations made {0 it between

1929 ang 1931, the house remained a lamily fesidence This fact IS of importance

fo the atmosphere ang eect of the museum The impression of a lived-in house js Parent to the visitor the rooms

look as if they were Vacaied only a short while 300 whether

by the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be & matter of personal interpretation,

Winterthur remains, then a house in which a Collection of furniture

ang architectural elements has been 88Sembled Like an English Country house, it is an

manner of displaying it to the visitor

has changeg Over the years The cha with developing Concepts of the American ars, incre

wer Comparable Io the habitat group in @ natural

history museum, the period room represents 1 the decorat;

ive arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an ‘opportunity

to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of



1 What does the Passage Mainly discuss? A The reason that Winterthur was redesigned

Trang 21

6 After the eruption shortly, the residents of the ranch 0, placed a n B CHOOSE THE SUITABLE WORD TO FILL IN EACH BLANK

located clase tothe volcan a Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and parting Using both hands shows

A B respect as does a (13)

call seeking evacuation


bow of the head In rural areas, elderly people who do not

extend their hand are greeted with a bow Women are more (14) to bow the head

than to shake hands Vietnamese names begin with the family name and are (15)

7 Only recently did the talent spotter wake up to the fact that my daughter, an aspiring starlet / ——W

a given name For example, in the name Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen is the family name People A | B | address (16) by their given names, but add a title that indicates their perceived

with great potentials, would make it to the top C | (17) to the other person These titles are family related rather than professional

D Among colleagues, for exampie, the (18) of the two might combine the given name : | | with the tile of Anh ("Older Brother’) A (19) greeting combined with the given name

B Inthe face of a weakening economy and fuel crises, many people might well miss out cn A | 8 C andl title is “Xin chao® ("Hello") Classifiers for gender and familiarity are also combined with the

greeting In formal meetings, business cards are sometimes (20) On greating D 13 A light B slight C lightly D lighted

9 n-order for our targets fo-set and mast, we require that the youth be al the forefront ofthe iE À Sand 2 chased c tolowet D lnvarde

fight against AIDS Oo 16 A each one - B one other C the other one D one another A | B ° | 17 A relation B, relationship C relations D relatives 10 Though-honored for her commitment for her profession, she is most proud of her roles as a | 18 A younger B, most young C youngest D young

wife and mother 19 A.easy : B basic - C fundamental D elementary

A B ae — OD 20 A changed B transferred C converted D exchanged

IV SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE FORMS OF WORDS IN THE BRACKETS (30 PTS) C IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE 1 As as he is, it's not surprising that he believed their lies (impress)

2 Our factories, cars and power stations may poison the environment with

21 You're tired as you stay up too late to watch TV last night

and chemical waste (pollute) gases - A B C


| 22 The Internet is very fast and convenient for us to getting a lol of information 3 The monument was erected in of tne tilen soldiers for posterity (remember) - A B C D 4 Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to her career (far) on | 23 Lan is very busy that she cannot travel to Malaysia to mee! Maryam

5 Hopefully, patients Infected with influenza A/H1N1 can be treated with drugs like " | - A | B C D

Tamiflu and Retenza (virus) 24 Shé has been playing as a professional tennis player in 15 years 6 Uban sewage and industrial waste that mah discharges into Ui sea have @ A B C Do

effect on marine lite (delete) " ¬ !

7 We should make young people realize that drug-taking is a (destroy) D READ THE PASSAGE, AND DECIDE IF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE ORFALSE

8, Good jobs are in short supply these days and you need to be'on the for them as On & August 1967, five leaders - the Foreign Ministers of indonesia, Malaysia, the

a result (looking) Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - sat down together in the main hall of tha Department of

Trang 22

Ministers who Signed it - Adam Malik

of indonesia, Narciso R Ramos of the Philippines, Tyn WORDS IN THE BRACKETs 33: The Song last night (Successully perform) oo —————— ÏÌsinee you stopped Smoking? (be) ——_ 4 timés so far (publish) ee 36 The dog

to better my life, (courage) 1, re rested alter 4 900d night's

Slean, she jumped out of bed, left for Work and put B

C all - Energies into it

2 These alé among the most A popular Products

will continue to đ0 $0 for

Í.A In Contrast Đ, Contrary

C Aecording

D Due Abdul Razak of Malaysia, s Rajarainam

of Singapore, ang Thanat Khoman Of Thailand ~

¬ Xe OE Sources

C tools

D aids would Subsequently be hailed as the

Founding Fathers of Probably the most Successful inter-

4 A PSyc 5 Physiology

© mindset

D nerves

governmental Organization in the developing

world foday And the document that they signed BA sive ° | ween - i Ocess > Xperience tion Nowadays Ast Sists of 10 countries, sư - Place ) lay would be known as the ASEAN Declaration Owadays ASEAN con 6 A fellow B, contemporary C present D Deer : True Fates 7 A distinct B evident | C Noticeable D marked 25 ASEAN was bom on 8 August i967 L] L] oF vn tdoubts utmost C prime D most 26 ASEAN consists Of ten countries Nowadays, L] L] 10 A-giaeea " B open : ve ih iy a 27 Five Presidents Signed the ASEAN Declaration, ` L] UC] 11 A, survived B adjusted 0 changed D grog 28 Mr Thanat Khoman is the Prime Minister of Thailand L] L] Ì2 Â spgji B damage C vanish D worsen * FILL IN EACH BLanK WITH AN APPRop

FE WORD FORasEp FROM THE WoRDs 13 A maturity 5 egoism C Seli-esteem D development GIVEN IN BRACKETS, A on 8 ln with D for 15 A, level B scale C scope D extent 29 The Internet has helped Students Study more - (depend) 30 It was

that she left without Saying a word to us (friend)

isa well-known fact, and we believe that thay with 3 bullets While it was trying to reach the American a Soldier (kil) | | | | C some Years fo come D 3 We are Cue for fain-triggered

fioods foday, so yoy Need to be under quard for them ang hai


Your Outdoor work, 37 Ba says, 'Why dontwe Slop eating

chicken to avold being infected with bird flu?” T A B C- D 5a wishes chicken oy z TT

She hasn't mo,

Trang 23

37 Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited,

left a lasting impression on him

A none of which C which none - B- not one D and none of them of them UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE

| | | Một chuyến về quê

38 show lasts three hours

A Alithe 8 The whole C Most D Entire

if nth Ite a má dt 98 iris’ that you should drink at least aight glasses of water a day - Từ, cụm từ, từ phải sinh và cầu trúc quan trọng:

A Based on medical evidenca, it suggests | 1 banyan (tree) “benjan/ |Ín\ | cây đa

B The medical evidenca we suggest 2 blanket ‘ C Medically, we suggest evidence blanke Polenk:t/ {n] mến, chăn Ũ Therd is no medical evidence fo suqgest 3 crop _ `, ‘kra:p/ - [n} Vụ mùa, hoa màu

40 — IÝs baaufiful herel- | just wish we a camera with us 4 enjoy —_ | hndsau _JỊM | thay

A brought C had brought | B would bring | enjoyable | (adj] | thích, thưởng thức

D wera bringing | enjoyment [nj(U) | sự thích thú

5 enlrance_ _| Fentrans/ In † cổng vào, lối vào


| PASSAGE (30 PTS) AT the entrance TO something

In child development there Is ar: important ohenomnenon that shows very Clearly the process kế 5 iika'ifemds/ In} sự trao đổi

of preparation for the future: play (1) to popular beflef; its importance should nevarbe = exchange student {n} | du hoc sinh

underestimated Games are not the haphazard creations of parents ¢ of educators They should "| exchange something FOR something M đổi, trao đổi life skills Every game Is a pfeparalon for the future The manner in which children (4) flow

a gama, their choice of game and:the- importance they (5) upon it, show ‘thelr attitude | [n] | dịng lưu thơng and: | +6laflonshlp to«-their environment-: and' hơw: they: relate to their (6) particularly whether they ahow qualities ag-leaders, er early (7) Intel pay In ‘human beings ‘Whether they are hostile or whether they are friendly, and - - | 8 -grocery store grocer groceries | Fgrousar/ Ígrousari sta:t/ fgrousari:z/ {n} In} | hàng tạp phẩm | n cửa hàng tạp hố

người bản tạp hố

cheng chen play we cane tar whol ate ward He play is ofthe (8) TT = In] _| noutt ban tap

importance to,every child - harvest Pho:rvist/ W] _ | gặt hái, thu hoạch


aa: ot

But pays more than preparation fora, armen or (2) _ cmmuna nese ha Cha:rvestar/ (n]_| may gat dap

enable chiidren to develop their social feeling Children who avold games and play,ere always 10 hero(es) (hươu - In} |anhhùng

(10) to the suspicion that they have not (11) satisfactorily to fife These _ heroic fhrrourk/ adj] | cĩ tính anh hùng

An TẾ TT from "S games, or when they a 8 crt ern - oer _ heroism Pheougzam |[n} | chủ nghĩa anh hùng

hus —— pleasure of others.’ 13 11 /đsam/ V L , tha consequent fear of ‘getting 8 wrong’ are the main reasons for this behaviour In general, by watching chiidren at play, we can determine (14) quailty of thelr soctal feeing great certainty the (15) - and join somebody join Something (without preposition) in : FOR something — » M gì nhập, tham gia cùng aÌ làm gì

Trang 24

NT lạ ỐC | tế đọ Ha vưưểểểể—— “=_ 1n CuyẾP div hank tinh —- | ' journey VÌ | đi du lich | |—— “laid H0 nn —— — ! 4 4 ly — lai ~ laid

| Aer ~ lerd -ferd/ ¬ My - đặt, đề, tri |

L lay out | fet aut

IM) | bay, phú bày, trình bay 4

14 part-time ¥ full lime /pa:ct taum/

{adj} | ban thai gian # tồn thời gian cn I en Sentra eo cents ee — - ‘a bon ' 15 picnic - -fptknik/ | {n) da ngoai | Pe Pe _ ——-—— I pienic/to go M đi đã ngoại ; | Spee / V cày, xới 16 plow _| /plav | y 17 rest frest/ {n] Sự nghÍ ngơi ————_- BÍ | rest - /resU [vy] nghl, nght ngai | adj} | khơng ngừng nghị restless _ “restlas/ | [adj] 9 Noting 18 shrine /[rarn/ in] | đến thờ, miếu thử a Shrine TO somebody 19 snack /snœk/ In] DỮA ăn nhạ — ee ee =——— Snack ON Something M án vặt, ăn dặm a Lt in gm —— TEST 3 A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO Fit IN THE BLANK 1 We joined

On @ two-day trip to Nha Trang A with them B them

C into them D theirs 2 Sheis Sitting over there, ——— _ Minh ang Thang A around B between C among D beside 3 After two hours walking, they reachad ———— A near a big old'tree, B at C to D.Ø 4 She enjoys Photos when she Slays in Da Lat A catching B taking C drawing D writing 5 We WE Could go to Japan Someday A hope B want C suggest - D wish 25

25 One can't help

compassion for tb P8ople who lost t} lelr homes in the earthquake A to feel —.B butieal

C fram feeling D in feeling 26

broken into while We were away on Noliday A We had our house |

B Thieves had our house

C It was Our house

D Thay have 5, Which are _

27 Climate change and rising global of the agenda, foog be

A & cause for Concerns fo C alarm bells from

all people, are at the top

B of concern to D a cause for alarm at 28 | sent the Prospectus to you by post weeks ago It

A should have arrived

C must have arrive B would have aftived by now D is supposed to arrive *— _ global Solidarity, the Warid

would not be better Prepared for the influenza Hin} Pandemic, A On account of B Thanks to .28 6, lÍnm D But for 30 Anti-terrorism forces were

full alert during the Olympic Games

Ain - 8, under C on

Di at

31 A Hong A will have sat cà C will be Sitting 900010 0n B have besn seated ng nan

D have Seated 32 The mini dress was

but now it is making a comeback,

A was once a fad thought to befinished B was once thought to be a finished fag

C was a fad Once thought to bafinished

p Was a fad thought to be once finished

33 Pete: What do you usually do on Sunday nights?

A Most B The most

a5, ~ How was your Visit to the dentist?

: | - it Was painless, | —_ W0rried,

A mustn't have B needn't have C- didn't need tobe, wouldn't have


in Paris bafore; he didn’t know his Way around when he ook his family there

A Not be living _

B Never having lived C His not ving

¡ ail be has tive

Trang 25

11 Without Natural resources will be used up within a hundred years

A preservation 8 maintenance C conservation 12, Taking photographs in this world renowned museum is A absolutely B highly D protection forbidden C seriously D strictly 13 The government stopped the local companies from importing fake milk powder of public health A.inthe interest B to the best — C for the attention -D on the safe side

14 the hard evidence against him, the jury had no option but to find him guilty

A Given that B In view of C In regard to D With a view to

15 Those ballpoint pens are made In a large of colors and styles |

A series B range C collection D network

16 He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, he his word

A.stoodby B.stuckat - C went back on D held onto

17 The development of laser use Is a major in madicine

A, breakaway B breakup C break-in D breakthrough 18 Don't be by misleading advertisements

A fooled around B.takenin C put out D seen through - 19 The management team came criticism for the way they handlad the situation

A.in for B up with C up against D out in 20 We are running out of petro! sa we'll have to step at the next filling station

A over - B off C by D.in - 21 Pete: Let me pay for the meal Margaret:

A \tsonme B It's my round C I'll make it 'D Never remind me 22 Pete: If you ask me, action movies are great Margaret:

A You can say that again! - B Never mind! - C That's that D Sure It's my pleasure,

23 Pete: What a fantastic cook you ara, Margaret! Nargaret: A Sorry; ‘lidon’t think:so- B No, no, it's nottrue

C It's kind of you to say so D.dopreferit

24, My mother has a: for.a bargain

A.bignose' —_—Ss#BB fast foot ©: C goad eye - D keen sense 138

6 They live _ & farm 60 km outside Ho Chi Minh City

Â.in „ B at C on D into

7 Mr Parker, a farmer, maizeonhisfam — — ~S

A.grows § _ B makes C.keeps —— D.takes

8 Peter is as Van | |

A.thesameold 8 as age C the same age - D older 9, Van completes his homework, he helps do housework

A As soon as B As long as C, As much as ~ D As well as 10 He will keep studying ssh Is exhausted | |

A.W - B.when © C until D as soon as 11 The three boys often help Mr Parker farm work,

A.on | B with C at D to 12, They ara so nice that Van feels a member of their family

Aas 'B.Ike C the same _ - D similar

13 It s them 15 minutes to walk to the nearest post office

‘A spent B made C.took = D got

14 ft was hot, | tumed on the air-conditioner | A but B and C so 7 D for B IDENTIFY THE BAISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE

15 The surface of mak very commie and consists of mixture of flat deserts crates,

'B C

‘volcanoes, win ie intaing iS |

16 The man’s application was uméd down because he was s found incapable to do the job

A B =6 _¬ _ 17.1 would congratulate you on your'having made remarkable progresses in your study in the

past few weeks |

18 Traveling abroad, especially to some Eastern countries, has always p roved vary

A B C appealing for me

Trang 26

Poor farmers USE [he ( 18)

land over and over The land needs a rest so it (20) be better next year (21)

, farmers must have food Poor People cut down (22) for

‘firewood In Soma areas when the trees are (23)

, the land (24) people need wage (0 (25)

their foad now Poor People cannot (2

lor the future, a desert However, the environment 19 A simitar B same C likely D alike 20 A will B have C should D seems él A Therefore 3 However C So D Moreover 22: A treas B plants C bushes D leaves 23 A disappeared B gone C done D made 24 A seems B has C becomes D returns 252A cook 5 produce C feal D find - 26 A reserve B serve C save D rescue Tue — Fajge 27 Giang is Slaying with an American family in the Countryside L] L] “8 Gianđ's going to be there for 3 months L] L] 27

3 Some endurance events may be reschedule

4 Improving the overall environmental quality is

8 With three days to — !0 globai warming, A attribute B stem C contribute D spark | 2 He was

with bribery afier She offered

to Pay the policeman a Sum of money to — 9V@fi0oltthe Offence,


A charged _ B accused

C suad ‘D suspecteg

health risk to most athletes

A create — Đ.present d if such high pollution lavels | a C run D face a long-fem battle in which We do want results, the C bear D generate Participation of @veryone in Society in order to A, tealize B reap

5 Hundreds oj ple in the hardest-hit zon¢ are ai

—— from disease unless a

Sunamblike aig effort is mobilized, A threat 8 menace C tisk 6 The result is impossible to predict A Certainty with any degree of B assurance D danger 7 Parents play a —— fle in a child's upbringing

in the formative years They are really the driving force behind whatever the children do, A, Supporting B crucial C Starring D, title _ before the high schoo} graduation examination, he had to facts, | digest such a lot of A go B come C remain D spare

9 Television Came into

and became a Competitor with the motion Pictures, A practice 8 enforcement

C use

D life 10 I's a matter Of life and death

Asa Consequence, we Will give it serious A raview B thoughts

C opinions

Trang 27


33 Ba said to Tung, “Would you like a cup of tea?° Ba offered 34 They did the work exceltently The work ¬ 35 Hue, the former capital of Vietnam, is acknowledged as The World's Cultural Heritage Hua, which

36 She is always a bettar performer than her mother used to

Her mother never used to give



E SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE TENSES OR FORMS OF THE WORDS IN THE BRACKETS 31 Viet Thang had a chance ——. _ 4 goal, but he missed it (score)

32 After two days in the forest, they reached the station (walk) 33 It is too noisy | wish you talking (stop) _

34 They enjoy _ on the river bank (picnic)

35 She feels like alone after hard working hours (stay) 36 It doesn’t stop raining tt

37 While the two boys

the nearest hospital (go) "

38 These children are busy —_

the whole day (rain) | to a test site, they stopped and took the injured woman to

homework, (do)


33 Ba's village fles in a_ —————— 8a (mountain)

40.Wefindit to go.on a picnic in a jungle rainforest (interes!)

41.Therarei0 _—— to this spring falr (enter) 42, She doesn't five in Ha Nol She settles down in Ha Dong, a

43: You must ———Y0urseff with the ruies here (family)

44, English is spoxen in the Philippines (primary)

45 His of stamps were sold out (collect)

“6 On Friday, Dr Thanh has ——†Ÿ †0 pm (appoint)

town (near)


AT £7 Wty was theca die erlelcr tito the garage Why didn't

48, We didn't go to bed until midnight it was not until

49 Mr Ha has never gone abroad betore

Mr, Ha wishes

50 We goad grades because hs et was har

The test was

Trang 28

UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN | — Hạe fgưại ngữ TỪ, cụm tử, ——_—- advertise advertising < aspect = Side — 3 attend attendance tử phải sinh và cầu trúc 1 advertisement ————-S “&dvar tarz/ Í =dVar,tarzn/ /spekU ⁄a'tend/ /a'tendans/ aftendant - Candidate /a‘tendant/ attention 4 award ee award someb mebody some hing thi 9 Campus 6 course 7 detail detail 8, dormitory 9 edition editor 10 examiner examinee 11 go on g0 0n + V-jng go 0n + Ady 12 institute institution /a'tenfan/ /2'wa:rd/ “kmpas/ “ka:rg/ “dtten/ ⁄tđiƒn/ “editar/ /ig'zzminay/ “tg'zœmani;/ /gou on/ |—_—_— “Imstr tut/ Ainstr'tufn/ | 4edvar'tarzmant/ thơng báo, quảng cáo ngành quảng cáo

tham gla, tham dự, cĩ mặt

người tham dự, dự tuyển thưởng, tặng |

khuơn viên trường, cơ sử

V USE THE CoRRECy FORM OF THE wo (dt terl/ Adi tey‡/ mơ lả đẩy đủ, chị tiết kÍ túc xá, nhà tập thể lần xuất bản, bảng _ giám khảo thisinn - tiếp tục, liên tục, Po een ˆd2:rma ta:ri/



Giang is a student from Thanh Hoa province He's partic program,.and he is now in the United States It

with the Parker family on a farm 10 the end of August

Mr Parker grows maize on his farm while Mrs Parker works a nearby town, They have two children: Peter the alde Sam is the younger

ipating in a student exchange

is the beginning of July now and he is Staying

0 kilometers from Columbus, Ohio, He Is going to be there tit

Part-time at a QFOCery store in brother is the Same age as Glang, and one who js in primary School, a leve! lower than Peter's

Since his arrival, Giang has been learning a lot about life on to improve his Spoken English, As Soon

chickens and Collect the €005 He really enjoys

himself Spending his summer vacation this way : True False 19, Giang is Staying with an American family in the Countryside, L] L] 20 Giang's gaing to be there for 3 months L] F] 21 Peter ang Giang are both in Primary school, L] L] , L] E]

22 Giang is having a good time leaming and working with the Parkers

RD GIVEN IN EACH SENTENCE, (1.5 PT) 33 Teenagers are now dressed, (fashion)

24 Like beverage cang and bottles, this 25 Mr Brown felt

26 It is still a bit can be recycled, (produce) that people have Spoiled that area (disappoint)


(o use the internet in everyday life, (cost) weather, thousands of soldiers hel 28 My friend Tuan has been nomi

in the town Charity Program (active)


——— W0Qrking, you would be left behind others (stop)

J0 AI that time, two boys who

fo a test site Stopped and took the injured woman to the nearest hospital (go)

31 Mary has some difficulty

up early in the moming, (get) 32 Mr Henrique Calisto

in Vietnam for eight years now (work)

Trang 29

1ì “ew CHOOSE THE UNDERLINED WORD OR PHRASE (A, B, C CRO) THAT NEEDS CORRECTING (6.5 P1) 11 itis sald that tomadoes can suck up anything: that is on their paths A B C D 12, The charity organization provides the poor with a lot of household furnitures A 8B C | D



L&P Transport Company

79 B Nguyen Hue Boulevard

Ho Chi Minh City Dear Sir? Madam, '

| am writing to you about the short stop that your trucks (13) around my house on thelr way to the north When the trucks of your company have a short (14) there, the

drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the trucks leave

the place, the ground i is (15) of trash and a few minutes later there is bad smell ard flies all over the place I myselí, (16) _ _ the peaple lving around here, would urge that your company should tefl’ your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before ‘leaving (17) _ you do something about.it and soon, we.will have to report :this to the local i | 13 look forward to something/ V-ing authority a | am looking forward to nearing | fram you and (18) positive response from your company Yours faithfully, - 8

Dang Thi Thanh Ha ;

(3 A produce B do C take Ð:Tfiake

14 A break B relax C advertise D antertain

15 A crowded B filled C fond DU -

16.A.aslongas - B,asfaras C as soon as D as well'as 17 A Although B If | C Because D: Unless

18, A see B to see C seeing D seen 134

trơng chờ, mong dợi | 14 oral \ Fa:ta\/ (ai | nĩi miệng (thơng viết |

oral (examination) [n} | Ki thi vấn đáp

15 persuade Ípar'sweid/ [| } thuyết phục

persuade sơmebody lo do sornething | |

persuasion Jpar'swet3n/ In} | sự thuyết phục

persuasive /par'swersiv/ {adj} | cĩ sức thuyết phục

16 polite # impolite Ipo'last! ladjl | lịch sự, lễ phép # vơ lễ |

be polite TO somebody |

noftely fpa'lattli/ [adv | một cách lịch sự |

politeness | Ípaartnas/ {n} † cử chỉ lịch sự

17 reputation ixepjatejm — |[n] | sự nổi danh, danh tiếng

18 scenery fst:nar [nj phong canh, canh vat | _ 19 scholarship fska:lar Sup/ [n] | học bổng |

20 state lstetU Iv} | nĩi rõ, phát biểu |

21 supply (sa`p\aư [vy] | cung cấp, tiếp tế |

Supply somebody WITH something

supply /sa'plaU [n} ! nguồn cung cấp

22.\arible ` fterabl/ (adjj | khủng khiếp, ghê tơm

terribly terabli/ [ađ® | rất, rất tệ

23 tuition fee luhjn fi In] | học phí

24, well-qualified |/wel !kwo:lifmd/ fad đủ trình độ chuyên mơn vỀ

well-qualified for something |

Trang 30



ANSWER To FILL IN THE BLANK, 1 10 1 cowie 13 14, A told Be said C asked D spoke They —— they have a big car : A said B said that C says D say that Mary ———-_ Me she has a large doll, A say B says C tells D tell Dick ~ Me where | came from A tals Ư says C asks D asked Peter said _— Alice, “What's your number?" A with B to C for D about The teacher Said that he had to stay A that B then C this D these The soccer player told me that he busy, A is B was C were D may She asked me if | interested in music, A were B was € Ís D feel Why not us? A to join B joining C join D joined I can take an oral test if : A need B necessity 6 necessary D it needed, - The course begins 8 am _ 5 pm A from: during B from: since C from: to D in; to 1 fel asieep the movia, A during 8 since C from D for

| have got an-awty! headache

if} 388 a chemist's, | | buy some asolrins, A must B.might C may D should to | plan to travel around the world If! don't visit my father in Japan this year, | go lo the USA | A must B have We ~ WE would leave at once C may D ought to 3]





1 the Thi Vai Riveris 8Wfully È Bì AI SPACE In

Polluted, its Water is not fit fOr fi Sh fo survive

A So that B Although

C Since

D If 2 if you Park your car in the Wrong

place, You must Pay a(n) —_ A ticket 8 attention - C fee — D fine 3 — “He's nop interested in physics, isha” _ _ _ A.No problem, B Yes, he Is not at all C 1 promise he isn't

Ù No, he isn't, Pm 8Ïraid, 4 What do You often.do weekends? A since -B at C fram D in 5 Mount Pinatubo, which Ig @ volcano —— _the Philippines, Srupted in 1997 A at | .B with C on D in 6 The teachar Suggests A us to do | B we should do 7 Thave met her mother, her father A and neither = « B but not C we ara doing D we will do C so does D neither | 8 She comes from Da Lat,

Trang 31

Ut REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITHOUT CHANGING THE MEANING 1 lt was wrong of you to seare your little brother like that You oughin't | dislike it when people criticize me: unfairly | object The fund-raisers haven't officially deckdad where to send the proceeds of the concert No She is proud that she is such a guod DJ she prides He delayed writing the book until he had a lot of research Only | Foolishly, | paid afl the money before collecting the goods ! paid It was an impressive bullding but It wasn't to my taste impressive The ided no longer interests hee

She has gone -_

{twould have been a superb waekend if the weather had been better Bul 16 Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease 132 Enormous THE END OF THE TEST B IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE,

15 Henry's friends told themselves to put his coat on the rack in their hall ` Á B C D 16 In case it rains hard this aftemoon, you should bring among this raincoat A B Cc D 17 Most of the people who have saen him play believed that Michael Jordan is a A B C basketball genius D 18 The hardware of that computer was infected by some new viruses A B 6 D C CHOOSE THE SUITABLE WORD TO FILL IN EACH BLANK WES oe bu EST = da - ie tA eae

F Opportunite uA portunities sa orei ners | Xu aq cig sà,

i “Various choicg of 23)_ _, A=B-C exams evary month |

q ranes eye — me ange Ï— ae ea oe, 4i? an h >" aes: er ny, - AR

“19 A.teaching — B taming -_ C.aling D leaming

20 A price B free C fee "DD tuition

21.A.studénts B.books — C programs D teachers

22.A.wite.- B.speak - C talk —Đ.say

23.-A levels B hours ' C calendars D times

24.A.tests —-B texts - C checks _ + D examines

Trang 32

Speak it as a second language, No ong knows how many people sneak it as-a foreign language Chinese is the language with more speakers than English, but it is only the language for more than one billion Chinese People English is the Official language on one-fifth of the land area in the world, It is Spoken in North

America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand In

True False

_ £7 Chinese has more Speakers than English,

LÌ 28 More than 60 per cant of the world’s mail is in English LÌ

“8 People in New Dethi Cannot speak English,

| L] L]

40 There are more than one billion Chinese people,

oO [r]


31 He'll come ang See you before he ———— for America, (leave) 32 John

a book when | saw him, (read) 33 He said he later, (retum)

for you yesterday (look) 35 The train —_

34 My sister

half an hour &g0 (leave) 36 When | last saw him, he ————— _

in London, (still work) 37 We —————_ Mi Dong since last Sunday (see)

3B He will take the dog out for a walk as Soon

as he ——ϧ W0fk already (finish)


FORMED FROM THE Wonps GIVEN IN BRACKETS | 39 They are — ° Qualified teachers (good) 40 We need further but we are uninformed about anything (inform) 33


Many tourists WhO visit Central America find (7)

- Surprising to lear that the Mayas Still live there, (2)

it-is true that their ancient Civilization

Came to an eng when their country was (3) - Over by the 4 Spanish Ỉ

living in the area, Today there are an esti

Southem Mexico, and Many other areas of Central America sta Populations as (6)

Many of their Stori Weave Clothing and ca in ancient lemples

live is tes have large Mayan J,

es and art forms have remained (7)

Over time, and today, women (pets that have signs and Symbols that are the same as (8) foun!

The different patterns and symbols on these brightly Coloured attractive, ( 10} (9)

not only look can also communicate importani informat ion such as marital (11)

aps ihe Mayas' ability to (14) and - Young children Should be wel} aware of their: ——_. Manner (BEHAVE)

Please put the books back fo where you took them Don't

any of them (PLACE) - The

afe scheduled to take off at 15:00 ang 15:30 (FLY)

ng man His energy seams — (EXHAUST)

- (INSECT) Don't you know that your good result wid make yourparents

proud of you? (MEASURE)

: Be careful You maybe

ty put all your 699s in one basket (ADVICE) - The boy watched the Performance of the tigers,

with amazement (BREATHE)

| would like to express my admiration for his of knowledge, (PROFOUND)

10 The Cancellation of the Case resulted from the

in court of the defendant resulted

in (APPEAR) |

12 Mercedes is a very car, (DEPEND)

Yorn ee? ——— satin case someone ists ancnea tobe replaced, (STAND)

14 You'll be Punished for aif your (DO)

Trang 33



The word ‘astounding’ in line 1 is clasest in meaning to

A starlling B disappointing C dubious D alternative The thrae streets mentioned in this passage are different in that

A they are in different cities

B the residents are of different ethnic backgrounds

_C they have varying amounts Of traffic

D the income levels of the residents vary considerably Approximately how many cars used Franklin Street daily?

A 2,000 B 8,000 C 16,000 D 20,000 All of the following are direct results of heavy traffic EXCEPT

A increased amount of trash 8 graater danger to residents

C more pollution D mare vibrations The author's main purpose in the second paragraph is to A discuss the problem of trash disposal

B point out the disadvantage of heavy traffic C propose an altamate system of transportation D suggest ways to cope with traffic problems

On which street was there the most social interaction? A Octavia Streat

_ B Gough Street C Franktin Streat

D There was no Significance social interaction on any of the three streets Tha word “chatted? In line 16 is closest in meaning to _-

A joked B tatked C.arqued -—S_—OD walked Which of the folowing is NOT a statement you would expect from a raskdent of Gough Street?

" A People on this street are unhappy because the neighborhood is deteriorating B People on this street think mostly of themselves

C "ogh ơn sợ hao Hơn nw psa i ty gra


~ 130

3 A number of peopte are preparing to leave this street ¬

\n what order doss the author present detailed discussion ofthe three streets? A LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY B HEAVY, MEDIUM, LIGHT


alist wars ae tor heey fle wane meno the Appears hy? Aneutral ‘Ba favorable C.ciitical - - D.doubful

41 This book ts We hardly find what we need (inform) 42 Look at the Rain Bi looks handsome (advertise)

43 We felt in the program, so we tumed on the TV set (interest)

44 The song seemed to me, so | tumed off the hi-fi system (interest)

45 They had an day by the river (enjoy)

46 English is his (nation)

Trang 34

1 A mast 8 mostly C almost D utmost BÀI KỊ ( 2 A talents B actions C skills D lechniquas 3 ; fis 3 A; get =B, accomplish — C take D reach ————— _ 4# 4.Atems _ B words C letters D means | 5 A Viewed .B, thought C Counteg - —Ð.named 6 A but B when C although | D as 7 A certain B.a C the D as * CHOOSE THe rORRECT ANSWE _ 8A Subject B, Curriculum C object D program 1 You have been delighteg when ition, 7 9 A, Signilicance B Strase C emphasis D Strerigth A can B must C may D could 10 A, complete B whole C all-round D total | oe | 11 A, living B lives C liveliness D life 2 This is the third parking licket

l have hag — the Past faw months | 12 A at B in | C of : D for A for 5 during C in D since 13 A but for B rather than C instead D better J He'd rather look for a different job than move to @nothercity, ha? | AA inquired B required © acquired O, requested “A doesn B hadn' C rather D wouldn't ơ 5 its â them D their A fall | B to fall C falling D fallen

A Pioneering Sludy by Donalg Appleyard made the astounding

discovery that @ Sudden


F trattic thro nan area alfects

9 in the Way that a sudden 5 You should Clean the cut thorough}

Fevent any ing

crease in the valume o ug PSop| | any 4 any infection -

increase in crime does, Appleyard

Observed thi by finding three blocks of houses in San

ˆ 80 that 8 $0 a8 to © oF

D In order for |

Francisco that looked much alike and had the same Kind of middle-class and working-class

6 My dog as Well as my cats lwice a day

residents, with approximately

the Same ethnic mix, The differance

Was that only-2 oo9 Cars a “A eat B eats

C has eaten

D have eatan

day ran down Octavia Street (LIGHT Street, in Appleyard's terminology)

while Gough Stree (MEDIUM Streel) was useq by 8,000 cars

Franklin Street (HEAVy Street) had around

7 When} Came into the Class | Fealized | knew — _ A them all 8 all of they

16,000 cars a day Franidin

Streat often had as Many ca C thay all D all them

8 This is the gir father owns the big shop


Heavy tratfic brought with it danger,

Noise, fumes and soot, directly, and trash Secondarily,

That is, the Cars didn’t bring in Much trash, but when trash accumulated,

Sidents seldom

A who B which

C har

D whose

picked it up, The cars, Appleyard

ined, reduced the amount OF tertitory residents fait , responsible for Noise was‘ Constant intrusion into their h 8 Many Franidin Street residents ~ IWished! on another got -

their ddiors sana’ and spent most oftheir me the rear of their houses Mos,

A could live B live

C living

D am living

families with children had already left,


10 Í don gạt MUCH chance tp 99 10 the movies

when I'm on holiday,

Conditions on Octavia Street Were much different, Residents Picked

Up trash, They sat on A only B but C except D as | : their front and Chalted win rv They had three times 4S many friends and twice as 11 The Ty k | Many acquaintances as the people ‘on Frankiin, - 1€ TỰ proqram is ing fit, pi teens co, A abou l B “ping fl Cat | Di | On Gough Street, residents said thay the old feeling of Community was disappearing as - upon „8 in

traffic increaseg People ware becoming more and more p

pled with their own lives A

12 He types faster than —~—

number of famities had recently Moved and more were Considering,

who were Staying

A is his trieng B his friend is © dogs his frisng

D his friend does

| “*PreSsad deep regret atthe desinetmn of their community


129 35

Trang 35

some snakes have hollow teeth they are called fangs that they use fo poison their victims A | B C D 6 The nitrogen makes up over 78 percent of the Earth's almosphere, the gaseous mass A B C Surrpunding the planet D 7 Why SO many students graduate weak at reading and math are questions continuing to - A B | € D disturb edueators 8 Although apples do not grow during the cold season, apple trees must have such season in A B C order to flourish D 9 Dentistry is a branch of medicine that developed very dramatically in the last twenty years A B C D 10 Rabbits have large front tooth, short tails, and hind legs feet adapted for running and jumping A B C D


While (1) _ everyone accepts the goal of developing (2) in the three "R's" — reading, writing, and arithmetic - it often seems impossible to (3)

goal beyond that In the broadest (4) the conflict over educational goals can be

(5) as a conflict between conservatives and liberals, or, (6) _ they are sometimes called, essentialists and progressives

agreement on any

The conservatives, or essentialists, tend to identify (7) desirable education with the

transmission of the cultural heritage, a no-nonsense (8) featuring the three A's at the 6lementary-school level, and academic studies or Strong vocational or business courses in the

Secondary school They put (9) _ on the training of the mind and cultivation of the intellect

The liberals, or progressives, tend to be interested in the development of the (10)

child, not merely in training the child's mind or in preparing the child for adult (11) ina

remote future They emphasize rich, meaningful school living in the present, and they view Subject matter as a resource (12) total human development (13) as a goal in

itself, They do not downgrade content but believe it should be (14) not for (15} own sake but as a means of fostering thought and inquiry



\¢ Greek philosopher Aristotle, who lived in the fourth century BC, was interested in a

lumber of different subjects in one of his books he (13) ‘sical objects, and here he said that heavy things fell faster than {i wistotle tried to (14) with the movements ght things It is unlikely this by experiment; he was probably just repeating a Aon belief 7

or 2,000 years, everybody thought that Aristotle was fight However, in the 16th century itists began to (15) sg large number of old beliefs, and the Italian scientist „ 180 Galllee carried out various experiments on the dynamics of falling bodies He is said to , 8 dropped a cannon-ball and a pebble from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa to see which ld (16) the ground first This may not be true, but we do know that Galileo ved that Aristotle was wrong; he showed that light and heavy things fell at the same speed

Galileo was also interested in astronomy and optics He improved the telescope, which

1 recently been (17) and was the first person to use one of these instruments to

:) the sky He found out that Jupiter had sateliites, that Satum had rings, that ire were mountains on the moon and spots on the sun

_ Galileo got into serlous (19) with the lallan universities and the Catholic

sdjay ch, which preferred Aristotle's (20) ——_of the univars


6, and he was made to siop 0} uas ling people about his new discovaries


A solved B handied C worked out D dealt eu pe A prove B consolidate C protect D identify 0ì sơn ˆ A question B trust C resolve D renew

A, attain B obtain C reach D communicate

3S1W: A uncovered B.invented C instilled D generated

A eam B prove C Iilustrate D study

: A trouble B problem C issue D question

A painting B meaning C drawing D picture


- Hoa usually walk to school, but today she’s riding a bicycle


5 A c n5

2 Nam leaves always early and fs rarely home after 8:30 In the morning,

Trang 36

<3 There is a Species of bird that are threatened with extinction A B

C D |

24, The United States Ofien trv to interfere A with other countries’ domestic atfairs


ith trouble Sleeping also People remember numbers True Fals - ¬ 25 Only children wit take pills to imp L] L] s 26 Intelligence pills are already as L] L] 27 Students Could have to take int elligence drugs tests,

helps People remember numbers, LI [l] oo - FILL IN EACH BLANK WITH an APPROPRIATE



28 A sleeping pill 29 Please go

and you'll see the Pagoda (north) 30 Mr Obama has to make a 7

at the White House today (speak) 31, IS @ Very attractive job nowadays (advertise) 32 This Slory book is the best selle F It is printed in both Japanese and English (language)

33 She said she

the next day (not come) 34 They mat and

me on their way home, (greet) J3 English

in Viet Nam for ages (Speak) 36, They did nothing but

English as MUCH as possible (practice)


~ 49 Computers are said fo be

“4 To resist corrosion _ and other materials, _for today’s cur to prevent havoc caused by |


A have new coatings been developed

C develcpment of NeW Coatings

road salts, gravel

B new Coatings developing D naw coatings have been developed

45 Some Scientists say it is essential that manking

lhe amount of air Pollution in big cities A be reduced B reduced

C reduce D will reduce 46 She couldn't but there crying

A stood G standing - C to stand

D stand 47

where to find the key, the boy could not open the safe A Knowing not B Knew not

6 Not knowing D Didn't know

48 They received

advice from their parents that they became Successful,

A SO good B such a good C so good an D such good

for the development of Mankind B neither here nor there D here loday, gone tomorrow A here to Slay

CO here and there

~ m————ƑẪẰŸ:

B Never mina!

D You can Say that again 50 ~ She's the best pianist in the School

A That's that C That's OK!


1 Although most known for her prose works, Maya Angelau also published Several collections B C A of poetry D 2." Technically Speaking, astronauts can be able to visit the A | moon and live there briefly, B C D 3 There are Many species of birds in danger of extinction, A with a large number of which, 117 B C in all, found on 0098ric islands,

4 If itis kept dry, a seed can stil Sprout up to A forty years afler their formation, B C


Trang 37

31 By the time we get out of this traffic iam, all the quests


_A.havegone B.hadgone C will go D will have gone 37 That's the cheapest dish on the menu

42 members of the class has to be responsible for his own actions _ - None of the other

A Each of the B Every C None of D.Al 38 The number of people killed in industrial accidents this year Is 15 33 The teacher them the answer to the question Already this year, the number

A explained B said - - C discussed D told | | |

39 Having made all the arrangements, they decided to go anyway

34, \We met each other at the meeting coincidence |

After they A, by B in C for D to

35 As we've been discussing for 2 hours without any solution, I'd like to my own 40 Her failure in the last exam depressed her

solution to ttils problem The fact

A come up B bring down C put forward D take in | 36 The accident resulted come minor injuries

A to B from C in D of 37 Dave, | really appreciale _ me But I think | could manage it myself

A you to help B.youhelped _ C your helping D that you would help 38 One of the robbers was described by the witnesses tall and about 25

A like B, by C in D as’ 39 | left the purse at home Can you without breaktast today, dear?

A, go B do C make D live ¬

40 One of the solutions _ by environmentalist is to ban vehicles from the city center A are suggested B is suggested C suggesting D suggested 41 While the boss was away, her assistant stood her and helped her solve any

problems arising

A up to B into; "C up against D out of

42 | would like to rent a house, modem, comfortable, and in a quite place

A before all B above all C first of all D after all |

43, We could never get réady for the test at such short | A, call ' B notice C advice D nate

Trang 38

A CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER To FORE 1 10 EM TRA 1 Tre (B) (Units 3 _ 4) IN THE BLANK Janet, who is fat, went to see the doctor and he gave hay @spécial_ - A menu B order C foad D diet He visited many interesting places and —— alot of photographs A Caught B took C made D did I'd like to — 4 fable tor two fo, tomorrow night, please A put B conserve C preserve D reserve He bought a Model of the Twin Towers as a ——— of his trip to Malaysia, A souvenir B gift C present D memorial He went to the tor Some vegetables A, baker's B greengracer's C barber's D chamist's The President's Speech was broadcast A, live ——— 0 TV yesterday, 3 alive C lively D immediately He hada drink with his friend in the — _, A theatre B drugstore

C water Supply D pub The police — l0 the scene when they heard the news,

A rushed B reached — C lai D hurry up The plane Crashed in the Pacific Ocean but they were all bya Ship A carried B rescued C saved D taken They —— a flight and threatened

to blow the plane up A took B robbed C hijacked D caught We wish you , A were good luck B had.good luck C good luck D luckily good

-She_ sg famous Singer some years ago

A is used to be B is used to being C used to be

D used to being 39

19 If only it

— differently! | had hoped to be acquitted, 18 Cut this cake into six pieces

Asame alike - C like D equal A had been concluded C had concluded 20 ! was 8 were concluded D Concluded in the Countryside but went to school in Ho Chi Minh City, A brought up B taken over C made up D puto — 21 Most of archaeologists know about prehistoric Cultures is based On studies of material remains A these B what C which D their

22 We couldn't afford that house because It

A was over my head

B paid through the nose C cost an arm andaleg

D blew My Own trumpet 323

the Christmas shopping Season begins

A That is after Thanksgiving

B After Thanksgiving it is

C Itis after Thanksgiving that

D It is Thanksgiving that

24 New York City is America's largest cily,

itis not the Capital of New York State ‘A therefore B but

C so D however

25 He promised her an Oxford dictionary, but disappointingly he_

on his word

A turned over B stood up

C went back D sat down

26 This young music composer ig very famous A for ——— the most influential composer, B to C as

D with

27, She came ———~ 4 lot of problems at work

A up with B down with C in for D Up against 28 They take ——— bach other like two peas A in B alter C to D for — 29, Didn't it ever — l9 them that they would be severely punished? | A occur 8 happen C enter D come

30 Ifyou wantto A put off weight, cut down on fat

8, come down C take ovar

D cut off


Trang 39

7 \n 1876, , John D Rockefeller and others created the Standard Oli Company A that oil prices fluctuated B despite fluctuating oil prices C but the oil prices fluctuated — D oil prices were fluctuating

8, to schooi by bus

A, Many a student goes B Many the students go C Many of students go D Much student goes 9 Careless driving also accounts the increasing number of traffic accidents

Aon B into C for D with

10 _.|s not clear to researchers

A Why ‘dinosaurs having become extinct B Why dinosaurs became extinct C Did dinosaurs become extinct D Dinosaurs became extinct 11 The new manager is easy-going He is always very Serious about the work

A by no means _ B by means of C by all means D in the mean time 12 We enjoy the hams and coffea at this restaurant

A famity-owning B family-owned

C owning-family D ownedlamily | 13 I'd cather to the party with my parents because thera was nothing interesting there

A haven't been invited B hadn't been invited C not be invited D not have been invited 14 When the university suggested the student union protested vigorously

A tuition be raised B te raise tuliion C on falsing tuition D that tuliion shouid raise

15 one after another, parallel computare perform groups of operations at the same time A Conventional computers, by handiing tasks

B Since tasks being handled by conventional computers

C Whereas conventional computers handle tasks — D While tasks handiéd by conventional computers

16 She him of having Hed to her

A.threatened 'B.blamed C criticized D accused 17 We have bought extra food our friends stay to have dinner

A in case «BIE C provided D as long as





The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response We cry from the moment we enter this (13) (14) , for a number of reasons Helpless

-_ thelr parents that they are Hl, hungry or uncomfortable As they (15) will also cry just to attract parental attention and will often Stop when they get it

The idea that(16) a good cry can do you (17) has scientific (18)

babies cry to they iS a very old one and now it ft Since recent research into tears has shown that thay (19) a natural painkiller called enkaphatin By(20) sorrow and pain this chemical helps you to feel better Weeping can increase the quantities ot enkaphalin you produce

_:18.Awoid B.place C earth D space

14 A.communicata B persuade C inform D, demonstrate 15 A evolve B change C develop D alter 16.A.doing - B making C getting D having

17 A better B fine G good D weil

18 A validity B truth C reality D reason 19 A contain B retain C hold D keep 20 A struggling B fighting C opposing D striking 21 She was not unaware of the matter, but sha could do nothing about them A B C D 22 The relatives often write fo one each other at Chri A BC 23 The problem with your plan Is that we can't see it practicality A B C D 24 Lille is known shout the mysterious fre A B : stmas or New Year 3 happened the day before yesterday C D

D READ THE PASSAGE, AND DECIDE IF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE Í sat.in on an English lesson at-the Gamal Abdel Nasser Secondary School The Scottish

Trang 40




very thin, very Gager Doys aged between about

fourteen and iwenty-two They were part of that

liny educated leaven in 4 couniry which has an illiteracy rate of ninety per cent, and they had

lense, ambitious faces They had been lrained to compete continually against each other, so that the lesson tuned into-a kind of noisy greyhound

race The moment that the instructor was halfway through a question, his voice was drowned by shouts of “Teacherl Teacher! Teacher!"

attention | once faught for a term ata Comprehensive

school in England: had the children in my class ever shown a small fraction of enthusiasm

displayed by these Yemeni Students, | might have stayed in the job a great deal longer They were favenous for the good marks and certificates which woutd lake them out of their villages and tenements, and they behaved as if every minute spent in the classroom could make or break them


True False 25 The lesson was about how to USE Some tenses in English

c6 The students were of the same age

27 The teacher is from Scotland

28 The students Were Very passive in their class,



WORD FORMED FRORA THE WORDS GIVEN IN BRACKETS, 29, is a Very attractive job nowadays, (advartise) oe 30 The book iS small, but it is - (inform) _————_SB 31,

is the mother of any invention, (need) 32 Mr Cao Xuan Hao Is a brilliant

- (language) oo

SES OR FORAAS oF THE WORDS IN THE BRACKETS fo the beach 7 (go) ee 34, She angrily at me whan | broke the vase (look ) 35 The boy at by his friends yesterday, (laugh) | 36 If the Weather fine tamorrow, we Will go for a walk in the park (be) a 33 The boy is looking forward to 4] f



Thời gian làm bài: Mon chuyén) EN NAM HOC 2008 - 2009


150 phú, khơng kế thời gình phát để CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE

UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHERS, 1 A, Eventually B depletion C competitive D regretful 2 A vacancy B wholesata C inflation _D stagnant 3 A education 8 bridges C garage D enlarge 4 A box —B.clocks C class D relics 5 A church B further C sure D urgent | tl CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE STRESS

PATTERN iS DIFFERENT FROR THAT OF THe OTHERS, 1A POssession B Property C industry D element 2 A, basically Ư eminent C Ordinary D maternal 3 A, shortcoming B leopard C Kindergarten D Personify 4 A, undoubtedly B economic C university D agricultural 5 A enthusiasm B fertilizer C indicator D socializing lũ CHOOSE THE CORRECT

ANSWER To FILL IN THE BLANK 1 1 don't see any

iin arnving early at the theater if the Show doesn't Start until 9 o'clock A cause B reason C aim D point 2 The new Manager's office has ——_ New equipment a A many

Ba lot of C some of D a few

3.1 don't —© change my job because A tisk } like it B intend C persist D insist 4 You thought | did Wrong but the result A agreed My action B approved C proved D, justified 5 Thomas has a garden Which is mine A double as large B Semi-larger than C twice as large as D as two-time as large 6 - What do you think of tha film we've watched? A It's a breeze! ~ B No kidding! C I've seen better,

D None of your business}

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2014, 17:27

