‘Domestication’ andor ‘foreignization’ plays a critical role in translation and it depends on the translator’s choice about whether and to what extent they are employed in any translation. In light of Venuti’s theory on ‘domestication’ and ‘foreignization’, ‘Let’s Pretend This Never Happened’ written by Jim Benton and its translation by Phong Linh were chosen for analysis. Combining three models by Peter Newmark, Espindola, and Aixela, and the researcher’s categories, instances of culturespecific items, wordplay, and syllables from the translation were extracted for analysis by comparison and contrast, and expert consultation. The frequency of domestication and foreignization was also discussed. The study found out that foreignization was much more predominant than domestication. Of 45 instances, there are only 8 domesticated instances. Only common expressions were more domesticated than foreignized. Foreignization seems more advantageous than domestication in the current context when the target readers are more capable of English and the informationsearching demand is explosive.
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION IN THE ENGLISH-VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF JIM BENTON’S LET’S PRETEND THIS NEVER HAPPENED Supervisor: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh, M.A Student: Duong Thi Ngoc Anh Course: QH2010.F1.E21 HANOI – 2014 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP TÍNH NỘI ĐỊA HOÁ VÀ NGOẠI LAI HOÁ TRONG BẢN DỊCH ANH-VIỆT HÃY VỜ NHƯ CHUYỆN NÀY CHƯA TỪNG XẢY RA CỦA TÁC GIẢ JIM BENTON Giáo viên hướng dẫn: ThS Nguyễn Ngọc Ninh Sinh viên: Dương Thị Ngọc Anh Khoá: QH2010.F1.E21 HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2014 DECLARATION I hereby state that I: Duong Thi Ngoc Anh, QH2010.F1.E21, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Hanoi, 2014 Duong Thi Ngoc Anh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, my sincerest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Ms Nguyen Ngoc Ninh for her wholehearted encouragement and support during the last several months The graduation paper cannot be completed without her Secondly, I would like to express my thanks to my classmates, class QH2010.F1.E21, for their advice and encouragement when I was really under pressure Thirdly, gratefulness and love are sent to my mother From the bottom of my heart, I owe her for all the things she has done for me Lastly, I send my thanks to the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education and all the teachers in the division of Translation and Interpreting for supporting students for the last four years ABSTRACT ‘Domestication’ and/or ‘foreignization’ plays a critical role in translation and it depends on the translator’s choice about whether and to what extent they are employed in any translation In light of Venuti’s theory on ‘domestication’ and ‘foreignization’, ‘Let’s Pretend This Never Happened’ written by Jim Benton and its translation by Phong Linh were chosen for analysis Combining three models by Peter Newmark, Espindola, and Aixela, and the researcher’s categories, instances of culture-specific items, wordplay, and syllables from the translation were extracted for analysis by comparison and contrast, and expert consultation The frequency of domestication and foreignization was also discussed The study found out that foreignization was much more predominant than domestication Of 45 instances, there are only domesticated instances Only common expressions were more domesticated than foreignized Foreignization seems more advantageous than domestication in the current context when the target readers are more capable of English and the information-searching demand is explosive TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table Table Table Categories proposed by Peter Newmark (1988) Categories proposed by Espindola (as cited in Matielo) Categories proposed by Aixela (as cited in Brasiene 2013) Page 14 14-15 15-16 Table Table Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Vietnamese syllable structure Instances of domestication and foreignization Instances of domestication and foreignization Domestication and foreignization in all instances Domestication and foreignization in culture-specific items Domestication and foreignization in wordplay Domestication and foreignization in syllables 20 35 36 36 37 38 38 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS TL: SL: CSIs CV Target language Source language Culture-specific items Consonant-vowel CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter explains why domestication and foreignization are chosen for the present study Aims of the study are presented as the destination to reach The two research questions, the scope and significance of the study are also provided 1.1 Rationale of the study Literary translations have recently received huge attention from Vietnamese readers with notable works including ‘Da Vinci Code’ (Mật Mã Da Vinci) translated by Do Thu Ha, ‘La carte et le territoire’ (Bản đồ và Vùng đất) translated by Cao Viet Dung, ‘The Things They Carried’ (Những Thứ Họ Mang) translated by Tran Tien Cao Dang and ‘The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring’ (Đoàn Hộ Nhẫn) translated by Dang Tran Viet, Nguyen Thi Thu Yen, and An Ly Discussions were generated surrounding translation errors, translation equivalence, and the “degree” of these translations “Degree” here refers to how much a translator should follow the original The two most recent and heated debates are about the “degree” of the translations of ‘The Things They Carried’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring’ “The dumb cooze never writes back” in ‘The Things They Carried’ is the most controversial sentence The translator Tran Tien Cao Dang faithfully translated into “Con mặt l** ngu đ** bao giờ trả lời”, which encountered huge objection from Vietnamese readers for its obscenity Nguyen (2013), a Vietnamese modern poet, claimed that no matter how exactly the sentence was translated, Vietnamese readers would never accept that because it would not be regarded as literature in Vietnamese culture Besides, the translation of characters’ names in ‘The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring’ has also raised a heated discussion Thu (2013) wrote: Vietnamese readers got accessed to the movie first and got familiar with the English names before the publication of “Đoàn Hộ Nhẫn”, so discussion is inevitable That “Proudfoot” is translated into “Bàn Chân Oách”, “Dady TwoFoot” into “Bố Hai Chân”, or “Paddifoot” into “Chân Đạp Bùn” is said to be awkward and meaningless In this case, Vietnamese readers not appreciate the translation of proper names although they might read more easily in Vietnamese There are two flows of opinion, one from the readers, the other from the translators and scholars The readers of the book apposed that names of the characters should not be translated They think that translating makes the translation far less interesting than the original book Mr Minh Tuan, a lecturer at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, said that for instance, that “Proudfoots” was translated into “Bàn Chân Oách” and “Proudfeet” was translated into “Đôi Chân Oách” made him understand nothing about the wordplay of these two words in the original Domestication was not good all the time (Thu, 2013) In contrast, the translators of the book said that it was required by the author and many scholars said that the readers could feel the translation better An Ly, one of the three translators of ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ claimed that if English names were kept the same, Vietnamese readers, especially those who were not good enough in English could not clearly understand the original Translating the names was aimed to help Vietnamese readers to have a more appropriate assess and convey the author’s intention (Thu, 2013) From the two examples, it can be seen that being faithful to the original work or being friendly with the target readers is opposed by the target readers of the two books, which excites the researchers to carry out a study on this translation issue In addition, many translators have raised their voices after many discussions on literary translations One seminar on translation in publishing was held by Nha Nam Publishing House and French Cultural Center Many eminent translators agreed with the idea of the professional translator Le Hong Sam on the “degree” of translation that “[t]ranslation is a faithful duty that needs creativity”, which means translators should follow the original work but need to be flexible because “the boundary between the sacredness, honor, and humor is delicate, each translator needs to clearly determine his 10 Foreignization is superior to domestication in wordplay with 100% Figure Domestication and foreignization in syllables Foreignization is also dominant in syllables with 100% CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Major findings and implications After discussing domestication and foreignization in 45 instances picked from ‘Let’s Pretend This Never Happened’ by Jim Benton and ‘Hãy vơ chuyện này chưa từng xảy ra’ translated by Phong Linh, some major findings and implications are drawn out (1) Foreignization is much more frequently used than domestication Of 45 instances, there are as many as 37 instances are foreignized, only instances are domesticated This trend of the book is compatible with the comment of some grey Vietnamese professional translators in the rationale (2) English proper names are kept the same in the translation As explained in chapter IV, proper names should be foreignized to be the same as the original for convenient information search and conformity in translation Translation students or translators can choose to foreignize proper names to avoid possible offense and possible incorrect transcription (3) Common expressions are more domesticated than foreignized Foreignization should not be abused, domestication can help the TL readers read more comfortably Translators should deliberately consider these two strategies to make the best decisions (4) Foreignization in wordplay is unavoidable but some explanation should be added for clearer understanding (5) Although syllables are foreignized, it is mainly in written forms Translators can choose to add or remove dashes between Vietnamese words 44 (6) In the current situation with the growing number of target readers who know English, foreignization is an advantage 5.2 Limitations Due to limited time and sources, the research has certain limitations (1) This is a qualitative study, so the results cannot be the grounds for generalization The results are only a source of suggestion (2) The present study does not involve the perception from the target readers The influence on the target readers are possible in the light of domestication and foreignization theory developed by Venuti (1995) (3) The study may not cover all aspects that are related to domestication and foreignization due to limited resources for literature review 5.3 Recommendation for further research Some recommendation for further research are suggested under the above limitations A larger and diverse sample is recommended for more valid results such as detective, comedy, fiction books A survey or interview for getting opinions from the target readers is useful for analyzing the influence of the two strategies, domestication and foreignization, on the readers More aspects of domestication and foreignization can be an abundant source for further research like in grammar, syntax, everyday expressions that are particular to one language 45 REFERENCES Anh, M 2013, ‘Dịch thuật thực tế xuất bản: Phục tùng vẫn 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PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP TÍNH NỘI ĐỊA HOÁ VÀ NGOẠI LAI HOÁ TRONG BẢN DỊCH ANH-VIỆT HÃY VỜ NHƯ CHUYỆN NÀY CHƯA TỪNG XẢY RA CỦA TÁC GIẢ JIM BENTON Giáo viên hướng dẫn: ThS Nguyễn... ‘Let’s Pretend This Never Happened’ by Jim Benton and ? ?Hãy vơ chuyện này chưa từng xảy ra? ?? translated by Phong Linh, some major findings and implications are drawn out (1) Foreignization is much... http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj7(12)/19.pdf Benton, J 2004, Dear Dumb Diary, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Scholastic Inc., the USA Benon, J 2009, Hãy vơ chuyện này chưa từng xảy ra, trans Phong Linh, Nxb