Write the words.t Complete the sentences... i Reod the words in the boxes... Complete the sentences with q word from the box.th is thot these those Complete the sentences with words from
Trang 1f I
Trang 3I Circle the right word
costle house
light lodder n i g h t l i g h t
flower window 6 steps window
Reod ond motch Write the letters
Theg ore woshing the cor 2 He is climbing o tree
He is corrging o lodder 4 S h e i s h o l d i n g o n u m b r e l l o She is wotching TV
2 unit 1 Action verbs
5 Theg ore cleoning the windows
Trang 5o book?
Write qnswers to the questions Stqrt with
A r e Uou eoting on opple?
2 l s s h e w o l k i n g t o s c h o o l ?
3 Children! Are Uou eoting sweets?
4 l s h e c o r r g i n g o k i t t e n ?
4 U n i t 1 P r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s : o f f i r m o t i v e , i n t e r r o g o t i v e , n e g o t i v e
Trang 6Gromrnora conversotion
tKt Look ot those childrerr I
Whot ore theg
don't know
o box?
d o i n g ?the box
o p e n i n g c o r r u i n g
g i r l d o i n gkitten he
I beoutif u Ichildren box
' Complete the questions with the words in the box
Complete the conversotion with the words in the box
Present continuous; question words Unit t ffi
Trang 7Reoding comprehension
1 Reod, look qnd write the dqg
I t i s M o n d o u G r o n d p o i s p i c k i n g b e o n s
It is Tuesdou Grondmo is woshing corrots
It is Wednesdog AmU is cotching opples
It is Thursdog Grondpo is corrging boxes
It is Fridou AmU is corruing flowers
It is Soturdou Som ond AmU ore woiting
Trang 8Write qte Write the words.
t Complete the sentences
Trang 9* Write the letters
_ridoU _oturdog _ u n d o g
"si; Reod these words Theg end in ch, s, sh qnd x
b u s d i s h
Write es Write the words Reqd the words
:$ Choose three dogs.Finish the sentences Use the words in the box
Trang 10Composition procti ce
Choose two dogs Write obout the pictures Use the words in
the box
cook wotch eot corrg Pick climb
Composition proctice: o storg with repeoted longuoge Unit t tS
Trang 11:3 Add not to these sentences.
Trang 12$ Look qt the picture.
Think qbout these questions
Whot is the weother like todog?
Where ore Som ond Amg?
W h o t i s S o m h o l d i n g ?
Whot is Amg doing?
How mong birds ore there in the tree?
Whot ore theg doing?
Write qbout the picture
Trang 13Where ore Uou
Whot ore Uou
Trang 15Whot ore these?
bike is greot
Trang 16i Complete the conversqtion Use the words in the box.
togs school colours window old funng
Lots Yes th is thot These those
Colour the picture
this, thot, these, those Unit 2 -ffi,
Trang 17Fred is sitting on the roundobout.
Joe is throwing the boll
Write the nqmes
He hos got o hot.
Trang 18SoU the sounds
E}r} E}E} E[E}
Finish the words Write the words Reqd the words
Complete the sentences Use words on this pqge
How old ore Uou? l'm
Trang 20i Reod the words in the boxes Write qbout the pictures.
throw run quicklg s i t s i n g l o u d l g
Composition proctice: o description of outdoor octivities Unit 2 {ffi
Trang 21Complete the sentences with q word from the box.
th is thot these those
Complete the sentences with words from the boxes
Check-up 2
20 U n i t 2 R e v i s i o n
Trang 22It is on mg choir.
Yes, theg ore
Thot is mU bog
Those ore mU books
ls this gour bog?
Where ore mg books?
Theg ore on Uour desk
Are these Uour books?
Write the conversqtion.
N o
Oh, ges!
Trang 23ffi Words
t Complete the sentences Use the words in the box
footbo ll swim m ing ten n is bosketbo ll sing ing
r i t t-t
Trang 24She hos got o present.
Thonk gou, Mum ond Dod !
Whot is in the box?
It is Meg's birthdog
It is o big box
Seguencing Unit 3
Trang 25* Complete the sentences with like ond the words in the box
sweets cokes bononos corrots gropes opples
ffi Look ond write
The robbit
T h e m o n
The bird
Trang 26Answer the questions.
Write three sentences.
Circle Uour onswer.
Stort with t like.
N oGreotGood
Do gou like 7 Yes, I do./No, I don't Unit 3
Trang 27Amg hos got o present for 5om lt is
Som con throw it He con cotch it lt
box The present is round.rn
i s
t h e o
Whot does Som like?
Where is the present?
Whot is the present?
2 6 U n i t 3 R e o d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n : l i t e r o l q u e s t i o n s
Trang 28Complete the sentences.
Reod the words
Trang 30Composition procti ce
The children ore mqking q book Look qt the pictures
Reod the words in the boxes Write the storg
cut use sctssors
Trang 31the sentences with like or likes.
corrots Joe's robbitrce creoms
30 Unit 3 Revision
g ro pes
Trang 32toolc reod ond complete the convercotion Use the words in the box.
Chorlie Green is tolking to Tom,Sue ond Don obout sports
Tom, Uou like sports?
bosketboll, too And
uou tennis, Don?
l i k e te n n i s
swimming ond footboll
I don't IThonk gou,
Write obout the children Use like or likes
Tom ond SueTom ond DonHow obout Uou? Whot sports
Revision Unit 3
Trang 33P words
4 8
3 7
2 6
Find the words
Write the words
g Reqd qnd write the nomes
Joe hos got block trousers, o white jocket, white shoes ond o block shirt.Ned hos got white trousers, o block jocket, block boots ond o white shirt.Tom hos got o white shirt, block shoes, o white jocket ond block trousers.Meg hos got o white dress, block shoes, o white hot ond o block umbrello.Sue hos got o block hot, o block ond white umbrello, white shoes ond owhite dress
Pot hos got block shoes, o block ond white dress, o white hot ond o whiteumbrello
Trang 34Learning to learn
Drow lines to the bog, the box qnd the toble
Find the words Write the words
Trang 35Complete the questions Circle the right qnswers.
Yes, she does
No, she doesn't
Yes, he does
No, he doesn't
Yes, it does
No, it doesn't
Yes, theg do
No, theu don't
Yes, theg do
No, theg don't
Put the words in the right order
hot not The does girl like the
the does The not jocket bou like
cot roin the like The not does
l i k e T h e d o d o l l n o t t h e g i r l s
not cots the do dog The like
do bogs not the like coke The
Yes, she doesl
N o , s h e d o e s n ' t
3 4 U n i t 4 P r e s e n t s i m p l e : q u e s t i o n s o n d n e g o t i v e s
Trang 36Complete the sentences with do or does.
the children like computer gomes?
AmU like sports?
Uou like bosketboll?
the dog like the cot?
not like footboll
d oHow
Trang 37Reading comprehension
$ Reqd qnd colour the picture Write the nomes
Ben is weoring long trousers TheU ore blue
Fred is weoring shorts TheU ore blue, too
Mum is weoring o green dress ond block shoes
Dod is weoring o white shirt ond long trousers Theg ore block.
H e is c o r r g i n g o g r e u jo c k e t
A n n o is w e o r i n g o Uellow T - s h i r t o n d o p i n k o n d b l u e s k i r t Her sondols ore brown
Reod the questions Write the nqmes
Trang 38Colour the picture.
Phonics: consonont blends cl fl, pl, bl Unit 4
0 9 0 C ) 0 ( ' 0
Trang 39Writing skills
* Reod the words in the boxes Write Use o word from eoch box
long short th ick
/ r \
38 U n i t 4 W r i t i n g s k i l l s : o d j e c t i v e / n o u n o r d e r
Trang 40Composition proctice
Look! Write obout the clothes Whqt qre the children weoring?
Childrents clothes
\ ( , = ' /
Composition proctice: description of children's clothes Unit 4
Trang 412 Chonge the sentences.
1 John likes bosketboll
2 Meg likes tennis
3 The bogs like beons
4 The girls like bononos
5 The cot likes the dog
6 Grondpo likes swimming
7 Mum ond Dod like the cor
Unit 4 Revision
Trang 44Learning to learn
{ Find the sqme picture Drqw lines
Find the some words Drqw lines
Trang 466 5
Complete the sentences Use the words in the box.
come home sleep get up do mg homework go to school
Trang 47Reading comprehension
Reqd Look qt the pictures Number the pictures in order.Ned gets up of seven o'clock
I n th e m o r n i n g , h e c l e o n s t h e s p o c e s t o t i o n
At one o'clock, he eots lunch
In the ofternoon, he wolks in spoce
ln the evening, he listens to CDs ond he reods
Trang 48Write the letters Write the words.
2 Reod ond colour.
Colour the gropes green Colour the brick brown.
Colour the tree green Colour the troin greu
3 Reod ond drow.
Drow o crown in the box
Colour it green ond greg
Phonics: consonont blends gr; br, tr Unit 5
Trang 49Who does J^ue talk to?
Wl"uot does hr.e soq?
t Complete the questions Use the words in the box
When Where Whot When How monu Who
d o Uou get up?
Reqd the onswers Write the questions
She gets up of six o'clock
S h e p l o u s i n t h e p o r k She weors o skirt ond o T-shirt.There ore three pens
Trang 50Composition procti ce
Amg plogs bosketboll on Sqturdog Reod the questions
Look qt the pictures Write qbout AmU
C a a
C C o
( ,
- a 6
When does she plou
Where does she plog
bosketbo ll?
bosketbo ll?
Whot does she do in the evening?
Composition proctice: describing o routine Unit 5 49
iffiu,.iri' ":;
Trang 51Check-up 5
{ write.
@ plou tennis ofternoon
2 @ plou the piono evening
4 qyw nffiwotch TV evening
3 Chqnge the sentences Stort with lllo.
1 Ben plogs computer gomes
2 Liso ond Meg swim in the seo
3 G r o n d m o p l o g s t h e p i o n o
4 The porrot sings songs
5 T h e c h i l d r e n w o l k t o s c h o o l
50 Unit 5 Revision
Trang 52Circle or write qn onswer.
When do gou get up?
When do gou go to school?
Do gou like gour school?
Who ore Uour friends?
When do gou come home?
Where do gou eot lunch?
Whot do gou do in the evening?
When do gou go to bed?
Trang 53Write the words.
t# words
2 Count qnd write
How mong heods hos it got?
How monu orms hos it got?How mong legs hos it got?How mong honds hos it got?How mong feet hos it got?How monu eges hos it got?How mong noses hos it got?
Trang 54Learning to leqrn
Drow lines to the bog qnd the house Frirfl
\\ffiL bft
Find the words Write the words
Ports of the bodg Pqrts of the house
Trang 55His T-shirt is white.
Complete the sentences with his, her or their
Trang 56| 3 @ Whose ruler is this?
; 5 E @ whose books ore these?
6 "6? whose pen is this?
Trang 57Reading comprehension
Choose the correct word to complete eqch sentence
open c l o p run stomp WOVC
o u r o r m s
ou r eues.
with our legs
Reqd Write three sentences under eoch picture
Trang 58I write the letters write the words Reod the words.
Complete the sentences Use words on this poge'
You con see the of night.
I like lollipoPs ond
is cold ond white'befor,e Uou cross the
in woter
.Phonics: consonont blends st, Sn, sw, sm, sl, sp Unit 6 *
o o
O t
Trang 59Here's tl're borr.dl
Here's = Here is
Write the long form under the correct short form
I o m d o e s n o t c o n n o t I h o v e Uou ore whot is
sentence using the long form
T h e g ' r e s m i l i n g I t i s n ' t s u n n g
She's got o cot.
Write eoch sentence using the short form
Trang 60I
Composition procti ce
I con count the d ru ffis,
There ore
twentg-uoulike the trumpets?
g reot !Yes,
I con count the
Reqd the poem Choose o word for eqch line
D o l A r e
w e ' r e I t h e u ' r e
s h i n g /s h o r t six / eight There ore thirtg-
Trang 62Look ot Sqm ond Amg!
Think qbout these questions
1 A r e S o m o n d A m U in t h e i r li v i n g r o o m ?
2 Where is their mother?
3 Where is Som's computer?
4 Where ore his cors?
5 Where ore Amg's books?
6 Where is her cot?
7 ls its toil veru long or veru short?
Write qbout the picture
R e v i s i o n U n i t 6 61
Trang 635 There is cheese in o bog
8 There ore cokes in o bosket
Trang 64Stqrt qt'o'
o j
o p o d v
abcorder Unit 7 il
2 ,dp Look ot the letters in the belloons.
Write the letters before or ofter the lett e boxes.
Trang 65q Correct the sentences
There is woter in the bottle
T h e r e o r e s q n d w i c h e s o n t h e p l o t e
There ore bononos in the bosket
T h e r e i s m i l k in t h e ju g
There is breod in the bog
There ore sweets in the bog
Trang 66Write the sentences ogoin.
Lindo is hoppV (ofwoys)
This street is quiet (never)
I om tired (sometimes)
The girls eot sweets (never)
I wolk to school (sometimes)
d e l i c i o u s M m m !
Use the word in brockets ( )
eot cokes but not todog.
M g m u m ' s c o k e s o r e
Trang 67Reqd the sentences Write Yes or
It often snows in Julg
There ore olwogs storms in August
I t s o m e t i m e s r o i n s i n A p r i l
It is often hot in FebruorU
It sometimes snows in Jonuorg
It is often cold in December
Trang 68Complete the sentences Use words on this pqge.
1 Here comes the
Trang 69Writing sldlls
t Circle the letters
Februorg M o r c h A p r i l Mou
August September October November
R write the letters.
-o n uo rU -ebruo rU -o rch -pril -o U
-u lU -ug ust -eptem ber -ctober -ovem ber
S Mqtch the pictures ond the words Write the words
Finish the sentences
It is often cold in
J u n eDecember
_ u n e_ecember
Trang 70Composition practi ce
i Look of the pictures Choose the months
October August M o U J o n u o r g
: Write qbout the months Whot is the weother like?
Whqt do gou weqr? Whqt do gou do?
;": ^%""or"
b V
Trang 71eot gropes but not todog.
.t- Write the sentences ogoin Use the word in brqckets ( )
Trang 72Whqt is wrong? Reqd ond drqw q line under the mistqkes.
There ore three swings in the pf ogground
There ore two slides There is o big roundobout, too
Trang 73Find the words.
Complete the sentences Use the words in the box
A giroffe hos got o veru long
A h i p p o h o s g o t o b i g
An elephont hos got o
A zebro is block ond
Thot monkeu hos got long
I don't like thot crocodile's
The lion is not sleeping lts
o r m snoseteethmouthegesneckwhite
72 Unit 8 Ahimols, ports of the bodg
o r e o p e n
Trang 74Leorning to leorn
Whot is wrong? Circle the mistokes.
Circle the mistqkes Correct the mistqkes
one two three four five six ffi
2 Mondog Tuesdog Thursdog Wednesdog
3 M o r c h A p r i l June MoU Julg
4 ten twentu fortg th irtg f iftg
o bcd ef g h i j k I m n o pqrstu vwx g
Finding mistokes; obc order Unit E
Trang 75Complete the sentences with wgs or were.
Yesterdog the weother s u n n g
S o m o n d A m U w e r e o nthe swings
We were of the costle.You were hoppu
Trang 76Oh, no! We'reWhere ore mg
u p
g o
f u n n g
t i m eclothesschoolknowlote
Trang 77Reading comprehension
1 Reqd
There wos o verg funng monster on John's bed
Its heod wos big ond round lts oronge nose wos long ond thin
Its eors were smoll TheU were purple
Its honds were big TheU were blue
Its orms were short lts eues were smoll ond red
It wos green lt wos long ond thick
Theg were smoll TheU were red
It wos big lt wos round
Theg were big TheU were blue
76 Unit 8 Reoding comprehension: colouring from o description; identifuing bodg porE from stotements
Trang 78Write the letters Write the words
Find the words Circle the words
Answer the questions Write
Do gou like cold milk?
Hove Uou got on old tog?
D o g o u h e l p g o u r mother?
Hove Uou got o belt?
Hove Uou got o gold trumpet?
Con Uou hold o veru hot plote?
Do gou like verg cold weother?
Trang 79t o i l
Its mouth wos smoll but its teeth were big
Its feet were smoll but its honds were huge.
Its heod wos big but its eors were tinU.
Bio t teeth
Smoll 1 rnoufhr
3 3
2 2
Reqd the sentences Write one sentence Use but
The monster wos uglg lt wos funng
The monster wos veru toll Ben wos not scored
78 U n i t 8 W r i t i n g s k i l l s : c o n j u n c t i o n b u t