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new english file beginner students book

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new english file beginner students book tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả c...

Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 4 E ttellol verbDe: landyou numbers 0-10 word stress; lhl, leol, and lol o E Where are you from? verb 6e: he, she, it countries sentence stress; ltl and latl B We're from the USA. We're American. verb fe: we, you, they; negatives (all persons) nationalities; numbers ll-20 l0 l2 PnRcrcRr- Encustt The alphabet People in the street: What's your nomeT How do you spell it? Where ore you from? Revlsr & Cxrcx What do you remember? What can you do? 14 [l What's in your bag? singular and plural nouns; o f on,the smallthings I zl and/s/, plural endings 16 p Family and friends possessive ad jectives; possessive s people and family l6l , I nl, and lel l8 E n man's car ol a woman's car? adjectives colours and common adlectives lal , letl, ls:/, and li.l 20 22 PRncncRt-Ettcusx Personalinformation People in the street: Do you hove brothers ond sisters? How old are they? Rtvtst & Cnrcx What do you remember? What can you do? El A bad hair day present simple: I andyou common verbs I lu:/, lwl, and lvl; linking 24 26 food and drink word stress; lttl, ld3l, and lgl E Wtrat do you have for breakfast? present simple: we, you, they 28 EN tte speaks English at work present simple: he, she, it jobs and places of work PRRcncRr. Ettcr.tstt Whattime is it? People in the street: Whot do you do? Do you like it? Whottime do you start and finish? Rrvlsr & Cnrcx What do you remember? What can you do? 3rd person s;word and sentence stress 50 32 El oo you like mornings? adverbs of frequency, present simple a typical day sentence stress El Ute at the top of the world word order in questions; question words common verbs 2 leal,lol,laol,and ljl 34 36 58 40 E You can't park here can f can't: permission and possibility common verbs 2 sentence rhythm PnRcrrcnr Ercusx How much is it? People in the street: Where do you usually hove lunchT Whot do you hove? How much is it? What do you remember? What can you do? 42 Rruse & Crrcx A 44 16 Grammar Before they were famous past simple: be Vocabulary in, ot, on: places Pronunciation lz'^l andwos f were sentence stress regular past simple endings A perfect day? past simple'. hsve, go, get past simple: regular verbs irregular verbs; revision of daily routine verbs common verbs 3; more irregular verbs -18 lt changed my life 50 PnRcncRL Encr-tsx What's the date today? i2 Rsvlsr & Cnrcx People in the street: When's your birthdoy? whot did you do on your lost birthdoy? What do you remember? What can you do? On an island in Scotland there is I there are there wos I there were 51 tr 55tr i8E| Dream town? Strangers on a train hotels; in, on, under places common verbs J leal and lrcl the letters eo sentence stress It;/, lu:l , and l4l sentence stress revision of sounds 50 PRncncnl Eruclrstr 52 Rrvtsr & Cxrcx revision of past simple; object pronouns: me, him, etc. What do you think of it? People in the street: Whot's the lost film you sow? Whot did you think of it? What do you remember? What can you do? a :t 35 58 What do you like doing? like + verb + -ing Trip of a lifetime be going to (plans) What's going to happen? be going fo (predictions) PRnclcnl Encusn ls there a bank near here? Peopf e in the street: ls there o / an . near here? Rrvtsr & Cnrcr What do you remember? What can you do? activities future time expressions the weather; revision: verb collocation :1 The Can you.,.7Game ;6 Communication 32 Listening 38 Grammar Bank '12 Vocabulary Bank '',7 Sound Bank look out for This shows you where to find extra material for more practice and revision. G v P verb be: I and you numbers 0-10 word stress; lhl, leol, and lol I a LISTENING & SPEAKING r.r Listen and repe at.A b Now say who yo, ur P c r.2 Read and listen @ g I Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Receptionist Tom Hello. What's your name? Tom. Are you Tom Banks? No, l'm not. I'm Tom King. You're in room 2. Sorry? You are in room 2. OK. Thank you. Listen and repeat dialogue 1. Listen and repeat dialogue 2. 2 Tom Teacher Tom Teacher Tom Teacher Tom In pairs, practise the dialogue. In pairs, practise the dialogue. Excuse me. Hello. Are you Tom? Yes. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Am I late? Yes, you are. Sorry! d t.5 e l'4 Hi, I'm Harry. What's your name? Hi, l'm Molly. Hello, l'm Ann Potter. Hello, l'm Rob Jones. Hello, l'm 2 a G RAMMAR verb be: t and you Look at dialogue 1 in lc. Complete the chart. I'm =Iam You're = You O p.88 Grammar Bank lA. Read the rules and do the exercises. VOCABUIARY numbers 0-10 1.6 Listen. What are the numbers? Q p.102 Vocabulary Bank Numbers. Do part A. Count round the class 0-10 and then l0-0. 1.8 Listen and say the next number. Anrch Addrcr3 fontj Colors Savc As Orah 5 a Hello. Hi. 'vVhat's your name? Sorry? Thankyou. Excuse me. Yes. No (l'm not). V What's your name? Y l'm Y Nice to meet you. Y Nice to meet you. No. Nice to meet you. Am I late? Sorry! 4 PRONUNCIATION word stress; lhl, leal, and lol word stress: two-svllable words LIsten TePEAT l.e Match the words and photos. Listen and check. E coffee l J photo Ll email [] hotel E taxi l3l ;#F'' b Listen again and repeat. Underline the stressed syllable. l.l0 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. l.ll Listen. Practise the sentences. I Iello. IJarry's t lotel. Oh no! The phone! Are you Molly? No, sorry, I'm not. 5 SPEAKING Practise with other students. Hello / Hi,I'm Yes (l am). Y Nice to meet you. Y Nice to meet you. lJarry Molly @E verb be: he, she, it countries sentence stress; lil and latl VO CAB U IARY countries Match the countries and photos. ltaly I Iapan I Turkey I Poland E l.l2 Listen and check. Q p.105 Vocabulary Bank Countries ond notionolities. Do part A. l.l4 Listen and repeat the dialogue. A Where are you from? B l'm from England. A Where in England? B l'm from London. e Practise the dialogue with your country and city. G RAM MAR verb be: he, she, it l.l5 Listen and complete 1-3 with countries. b l.16 Listen and repeat. In pairs, practise the dialogue. Match the words and pictures. she it he G v P 2 a I a c d b c tr Where's he from? He's from Mexico. A B A B A B Where's he from? He's from I ls she from 2 - too? No, she isn't. She's from 3 ls it a good film? Yes, it is. lt's fantastic. e O p.88 Grammar Bank I B. Read the rules and do the exercises. WHERE are you FROM? 5 PRONUNCIATION sentencestress; hl andlatl \\'rite sentences and questions. I / she I Brazilz. No, / Is she from Brazil? I,{o, she isn't. 2 It I China. It's from China. -1 She llapan. { / he / Turkey? Yes, / 5 He / Spain. 6 i she / Poland? No, / , She / England. 8 \\rhere / he from? He / from Hungary. l.l8 Listen and check. l.le Listen again and repeat. Copy the stress. lJo Listen and repeat the words and sounds. lzl Listen. Practise the sentences. t's trom ltaly. L r-erpool is in F,ngland. H I'm from China. Nice to meet you. 4 a LISTENING A SPEAKING r.22 Listen. Can you hear the difference? I a Is he from ltaly? b Is she from Italy? 2 a She's from Russia. b He's from Russia. 3 a Where's he from? b Where's she from? 4 a lt's from Spain. b He's from Spain. 5 a She's late. b He's late. 6 a Where is he? b Where is she? r.23 Li'sten and tick (r') the sentence you hear. Practise saying sentences a and b. Look at the photos. Guess the countries. Ask your teacher. e Q Communication Guess the countries A p.76 B p.75. Where are you from? I m from Russia. Where inRussia?. I'm from Moscow. Where is it? Is it a good film? Yes, it's fantastic. b c d C d I'M from ENGLAND. IS she from CHINA? NO, she ISN'T. ls she from ltaly? Italy I'.ngland @E G verb be'. we, you, they; negatives (all persons) V nationalities; numbers I I -20 P word stress; lel, li:/, and lll 2 a I a VOCABU LARY nationalities Where are they from? Complete the sentences with a country. She's from He's from She's from He's from Q p.105 Vocabulary Bank Countries and notionolities. Do part B. 1.25 Listen. Sav the nationalitv. TISTENING & READING 1.26 Listen and number the pictures 1-3. Receptionist Hello. We're John and Sally Clarke. Hello. You're in room 2l I and they're in room 212. Thank you. Hurry up. We're late. We aren't late. Breakfast is from seven to ten. And Mike isn't ready. Hi. Are you American? No, we aren't. We're English. Are you on holiday? Yes, we are. We're on holiday too. We're Liz and Travis, from Texas. Listen again and read the dialogues. Then mark the sentencesy' (right) or X (wrong). 1 John and Sally are in room 212. X 2 BreaKast is from 6 to 10. 3 Iohn and Sally arent American. 4 Liz and Travis are English. 5 |ohn and Sally are on holiday. 6 Liz and Travis aren't on holiday. Correct the wrong sentences. Iohn and Sally are in room 211. I fohn Sally 2 Sally Anna t tiz Mike tiz Anna tiz Travis Anna Are you ltalian? Yes, we are. They aren't Spanish. They're Mexican. l'm Polish. l'm ltalian. Bye. Have a nice day! d r.27 Listen and repeat the dialogues GRAMMAR verb be: we, you, they; negatives (all persons) Read the dialogues tn 2 again. Complete the chart. t+l Singular Im I'm not You arent He's Plural We're You aren't They arent O p.88 Grammar Bank I C. Read the rules and do the exercises. l.2e Listen. Say the negative. 'I'm HungariAn.' PRONUNCIATION word stress; tel , li:/, and lll 1.50 The same stress or different stress? Listen and underline the stressed svllable. \Vrite S or D. I Brazil Brazilian 2 China Chinese 3 England English { Italy Italian 5 Russia Russian 6 Hungary Hungarian 7 lapan fapanese 8 T[rrkey Turkish Listen again and repeat. SPEAKING Are the nationalities right or wrong? Make E or E sentences. Correct the wrong nationalities. The Rolling Stones / American Andrea Bocelli/ Brazilian s D 6 a burritos / Spanish Keira Knightley / British Casio / Japanese VOCABUTARY numbers ll-20 1.55 Are they English or American? Listen and check. What are the numbers? Q p.tOZ Vocabulary Bank Numbers. Do part B. Count in twos (1, 3, 5 19) and (2, 4, 6 20) round the class. Choose six numbers from l-20. Write them in the card. Play Bingo. c l.3l Listen and repeat the words and sounds. t.t2 Listen. Practise the sentences. Breakfast is from seven to ten. He's Chinese. She isn't Russian, she's Spanish. c d Dim sum isn't Polish. lt's dim sum / Polish l'm not Hungarian. nationality Hurry up. breakfast We're on holiday too. Goodbye lBye. Have a nice day! @E P nncrcAr EncusH How do you spell it? T-O-R-R-E-S. I a The alphabet Spelling your name Classroom language LISTENING 1.35 Listen and order the sentences. This is the final call for passengers on Flight KLM 1258 to Manchester. Please go urgently to gate Bl4. Mr Pablo Torres on Flight KLM .|258 to Manchester, please go urgently to gate Bl4. Passengers on Flight KLM .|258 to Manchester, please go to gate 814, T-O-R-R-E-S. Hello. I'm Pablo Torres. I have a reseruation. Sorry? How do you spell your surname? Thank you. Good morning. T-O-R-R-E-S. (first) name - e.g. Keira, Brad surname = e.g.Knightley, Pitt R-R = double R THE ATPHABET r-t7 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. b r.58 Listen and repeat the letters. Listen. Can vou hear the difference? l T d e tr tr t.59 1M 2K t.40 t.4l N 3G I a 4E r 5Y I 6U W 79 V 8E A Listen. Circle the letter you hear. Listen and number the pictures 1-6. 2 tr tr T tr T T tr Listen again and write the letters. Practise saying them. r.42 Listen and repeat the alphabet. Practise saying it. A B CD EF GH r I KTMNOPQRS TUVW XY Z How do you spell the names? train 1,r l .gg l uit. lph,,ne l b t 1 A H I K B C D E G P T V F L M N S X Z I Y o a U W R b f.56 Listen and repeat dialogue 2. John Sally Liz Anna Mike Travis [...]... problem? b No problem 5 a I like my new haircut b I dont like my new haircut 6 a Why not? I like it b Why not? It's fantastic 7 a Where do you want to go? b Where do you want to stop? 8 a Iwantanewcoat b I want a new bag I live near here in a house 2 brothers and sisters a cat or a dog 3 CNN 9 a That's 15.20 MTV 4 to pop music b That's 16.20 to classical music 5 a newspaPer novels 10 a Have a good day... him? at Englishat work What do thesepeoplehave in common - a banker in Mexico City, a waiter in a five-starhotel in Moscow,and a worker in the Hitachi electronicsfactory in Tokyo?They all speakEnglish at work Today ,English is the common languagein multinational companiesin countries from Franceto Singapore |ean-PaulPiat works fbr an IT companyin Paris.Every day he has meetings with other managers English. He... alsoreadsdocumentsand writes emails in in English, and speaks the phone in Englishto officesin other countries on 'We're a multinational company with offices all over the world,' says Jean-Paul.'Wealso have some people in our Paris office who aren't French.We need a common languageto communicate,and that language English. I think it is a good idea,but somepeopledont like is speakingEnglish in a meeting when nearly... the afternoon too? EmilyDoeshe speakEnglish Sofia Yes,he does.He speaksit verywell He tourists meetsa lot of Britishand American EmilyDo you speakEnglish together? Sofia Only when we don't want our children understand! to d wq a u b 5.le Listen Saythe sentences the 3rd person singular in 'I like art He ' He likesart YOCABULARY and of ,obs places work 6 READING a Is English important for thesejobs in... do? \\ here / work? / speakEnglish at work? / like his/heriob? Person number one is mv mother What does she do? t ',',':-tre about the two people ',' , qother is a nurse She works 'F :-? Hospital Universithrioin Sdo Paulo i.c ioesn't speak Englishat work jne kesher iob Look at the highlighted words and phrases Guess their meaning Check with your teacheror a dictionary Is English important for job?... (x2) in the centre magazine ftearhere Y 5 V O C A B U T A Rcommon verbs I c Listenand check d O Communicationnewhoircut p.8f Do y_oq her haircut? A like a Match the phrases I Ihaveld 2 I drink [_i 3 I live L-l a in the centre b two children c coffee Hairdresser OK Do you like it? 4IwantI d my new haircut Customer s Ilike[] e a magazine 5.2 Listenandcomplete lastline of the dialogue the f Practisethe... the 3rd person singular in 'I like art He ' He likesart YOCABULARY and of ,obs places work 6 READING a Is English important for thesejobs in your town I cily?Write l-5 in the boxes(l = Englishis not important, 5 = Englishis ygly important) -:ir r-ouremember? What doesSofiado? -,',-hat doesher husbanddo? awaiter a doctor ataxi driver a policeman ateacher a lawyer E E E I [] I Vocabulary lobsondploces... five thingspeopleleaveon British I 3 book bags 4 laptop fl coats I bags 2 chair the Bank2A Read rules O p.90Grammar and do the exercises glasses E mobilephones e fl umbrellas p.81 gome Memory O Communication l z 5 P R O N U N C I A T I O lN l a n ds l , plural endings 2.4 Listenand repeatthe words and sounds BratlI '/,ero I b 2-5 Listen and repeatthe plurals laptops books watchcs c coats glasscs pieccs... newspaPer novels 10 a Have a good day 6 French food Mexican food 7 Coke coffee 8 Spanish Chinese b Have a nice day 9 ?IONUNCIATION u: , ,'wl,and linking lvl; a7 Listenand repeatthe words and sounds a new mobile phone a new haircut big cities 10 football a Complete 2-I0 with a verb from the list drink eat have like listen tive read speak want watch b Work with a partner.Ask and answerwith Do you ? \ Do you live... Readthe rules and do the exercises 3r p s 2 P R O N U N C I A T I O Nd e r s o n n 5.18 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds EmilyYourEnglishis fantastic What do you do? does has lives listens reads likes speaks works eats drinks finishes Sofia I'm a teacher.I teach Englishat the here in Madrid University EmilyDo you like your job? watches teaches Sofia Yes,I like it very much EmilyWhat does your husbanddo? . lgl E Wtrat do you have for breakfast? present simple: we, you, they 28 EN tte speaks English at work present simple: he, she, it jobs and places of work PRRcncRr. Ettcr.tstt. lotel. Oh no! The phone! Are you Molly? No, sorry, I'm not. 5 SPEAKING Practise with other students. Hello / Hi,I'm Yes (l am). Y Nice to meet you. Y Nice to meet you. lJarry Molly @E verb. to ten. And Mike isn't ready. Hi. Are you American? No, we aren't. We're English. Are you on holiday? Yes, we are. We're on holiday too. We're Liz and Travis,

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