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Ilhstratiosby Andy KeylocJ</Beehive Illustation (characters) and Simon Smith
Trang 5She's got short black hair.
t've got a big familyt
it hos got
NegotiveShort form
I Complete the sentences.
She's got He's got I've got
Trang 6I Write the words in the correct order Then motch.
t got He's brown ho ir
She stroight hoir got hosn't
i Moke the sentences negotive.
I He's got brown hoir He hos,n't got brown holr-.
z She's got [ong hoir.
3 I've got short hoir.
4 He's got cur[g hoir.
Starter Unit 5
Trang 7
-=r$,s,"':j ,, a pillow r"rr: the table!
-i-i.rr:'u"(-r t'+t'' , thf€e dolls [a+*619g'' the bedt
W e u s e t * E : l * r ' , t o t o L k o b o u t o n e t h i n g o r p e r s o n
We usuoL[g use the short form, tl.:,*r"*'s.
Fftm;'+'s a table iofrr.r$': a bed
Trang 8I Look of poge 6 True or folse? Write T or F.
t There's o pillow on the bed
2 T h e r e o r e th r e e d o [ [ s u n d e r t h e b e d
r T h e r e o r e th r e e t e d d i e s o n th e b e d
4 There's one book on the shel"f
s There ore six bo[[s in Alison's bedroom
5 Look of poge 6 Answer the questions.
t How mong kites ore there?
-Ttrer-s_ore eight k Ltes_.
z How mong teddies ore there?
3 H o w m o n g do[[s o r e th e r e ?
4 H o w m o n g bol.Ls o r e th e r e ?
s How mong books ore there?
6 H o w mong puzzles o r e th e r e ?
6 look of poge 5 Complete the description.
ore There's on There under in
In Alison's bedroom there (1) -are six dolts (2) o bed ond o
cupboord There oreJive books (3) the shel.f (a) ore three do[[s (5) the bed There ore fve puzzLes (6) the cupboord.
Starter Unit 7
Trang 92 Write This is or These ore.
I i - , i , r: ':, the new boord
M o r e t h o n o n e p e r s o n o r th i n g These are the new tables.
T h i s is
T h e s e o r e
2 4 6
c h o i r s trio ng Les.
o squore.
This is the new classroom.
This is the new computer These are the new chairs,
U n i t 1
Trang 10D
Thot ond those ore olso demonstrotives We use them to totk
o bout people o nd th ings thot o re fo r from us.
O n e p e r s o n o r th i n g M o r e t h o n o n e p e r s o n o r th i n g
That's the board Those are the drawers
; Tick (/) the correct one.
Trang 11What's thisZWhat are these?
This is a picture
These are the new rulers
Whot's this? ond Whot ore these? ore wh- questions.
o o
Trang 12Those are the new chairs.What are those?
,', hat's that?
Whot's thot? ond Whot ore those? ore wh- questions.
We con onswer with Thot is or Those ore
We con olso onswer with It's o or Theg're .
' Motch.
Whot's thot?
W h o t o r e t h o s e ?
5 Write.
Whot's Those ore Thot's Whot This is these ore
r 'Vl'iat's thot? Thot's o picture.
Trang 13The present simple of be
We use the verb be with odjectives thot describe how we fee[
Trang 15fs she hungry?
No, she isn't
Are they hot?
No, we aren't!We're thirsty!
We con use be to osk ges/no questions We chonge the word
order in questions.
Is she sad?
Short qnswers Yes, I om.
Yes, gou ore.
Yes, he is.
Yes, she is.
Yes, it is.
Yes, we ore.
Yes, gou ore.
Yes, theg ore.
No, I'm not.
No, gou qren't.
No, he isn't.
No, she isn't.
No, it isn't.
No, we oren't.
No, gou oren't.
No, theg oren't.
Trang 17Can for abil :
He con plog footboLL.
He con't ptog footbol,L.
15 U n i t 3
Trang 18r - ck (/l ond write obout gou.
skoteboord We pLog tennis.
ploU tennis Theg ptog footboLl
skote She skoteboord.
rt rite sentences Use con or con't ond the words in the box.
' ie o bike skote skoteboord ptoU tennis pLog footbol.l.
2 W e
4 I t
6 T h e g
1 2 3 4 5 6
Trang 19.\\ Can he skateboard?
Can you skateboard?
No, I Can't Yes, he cant
We use con in ges/no questions to f nd out whot people con do.
We chonge the word order in ges/no questions.
Stotement Q u e s t i o n
Short onswers Yes, he can / No, he can't.
Trang 20i toke the sentences into questions.
You con plog footbol.l
: You con ride o bike
, ft con run
o Theg con skote
: H e con ride o horse
ok of the chort Write the questions ond short onswers.
' A[ex osks Derek.
A [ e x : C o n g o u ride o b i k e ? D e r e k : Y e s I c o n ,
: Be[[o osks Cothg obout A[ex ond Derek.
Be[[o: skoteboo rd ? Coth g:
: Cothg osks A[ex obout Be[[o.
r Derek o s k s B e [ [ o o n d C o t h q
: Betlo osks Derek.
-: A[ex osks Cothg obout Derek.
Trang 21I Write This, Thot, These or Those.
Trang 22nh-ite sentences Use con ond con't ond the words in the box.
-oe o horse s boord skote ptoU footbol.l ploU tennis swim
-, ftrite the words in the correct order Moke questions.
2 tennis pl.og Con she
4 g o u r i d e o b i k e C o n
he Con ride o horse
: skote Con he
' pLog Con theg footbol.l.
dVrite short onswers.
' Con theg pLog Jootbol.L? (./)
: C o n h e r i d e o h o r s e ? ( X )
: C o n s h e s k o t e ? ( / )
r Con he plog tennis? ( / l
: Con theg skoteboo rd? (Xl
6 s h e C o n s k o t e b o o r d
, , ,
' t
Review 1
Trang 23Affrmotive Negotive Question
I've got I hoven't got hqve I got?
gou've got gou hoven't got hove gou got?
he's got he hqsn't got hqve he got?
she's got she hosn't got hove she got?
Hos she got o pizzo? - _
H o s h e g o t o m i l k s h o k e ?
H o s s h e g o t c h i c k e n ?
Have got (2Prepositions of place (behinc
in front of , next to, betweer
Short onswers Yes, I hove / No, I hoven't.
Yes, gou hqve / No, gou hoven't Yes, he hos / No, he hosn't.
Yes, she hos / No, she hqsn't.
Has he got a banana?
No, he hasn't He's got an apple
U n i t 4
Hos he got o pizzo? N o , s h e h o s n ' t
Trang 24I Write the words in the correct order Moke questions.
I gou Hove got o biscuit
H o v e u o u o o t o b l s c u i t '-'+J-"J I
3 o sondwich got Hove gou
5 o b o n o n o g o t s h e H o s
3 Follow ond onswer the questions.
2 got Hos ha o miLkshoke
4 got o pizzo Uou Hove
6 Hove got solod gou
c h i c k e n fries
Hos he got o mitkshoke?
Hos she got chicken?
H o s h e g o t o s o n d w i c h ?
Hos she got sol,od?
Hos he got o sondwich?
Hos she got fries?
o s o n d w i c h o pizzo
Unit 4
Trang 26't your juice next to your sandwich.
Prepositions of ploce te[[ us where something or someone is.
Trang 28- :ook of poge 26 Write We've
1 2 3 4 5 6
[-ook ond motch.
got or Theg've got.
Trang 29whqt have we got on wednesdayz
We've got art on Tuesday
p A
- i p O L s
3 " ' " /
We haven't got schoof on Saturday!
Let's go to the beach
What have we got on Saturday?
When have we got art?
Trang 31-The present simple
We use the present simpLe of verbs like do, ptog ond help to tol,k
obout things we usuol,l.g do Theg ore things we do everg doV,
everg week or everg geor.
Write the dog.
Trang 36,'r'it€ questions ond complete the onswers.
',:-te ei-rroiti visit mg grondmo
: : r n g homework reod books
Trang 37The present simple c' ,
O I [ike sweets @ I don't ]ike chocolate.
He doesn't like sweets
She doesn't Iike pastries
W h e n w e u s e h e , she ond it with the verb [ike,
Trang 38Look ond write Who is it?
Likes @ Doesn't Like @
U n i t 7
Trang 41The present simple (2
we use the present simple to tol.k obout things we usuol.l.g do.
When the pronoun is he, she or it we odd s to the verb.
hove hos
go 9oes 9oes goes
4 0 U n i t 8
Trang 42: -rofq motch ond write.
i lomplete the sentences.
Anno gets LIP of 6 o'ctock
C [ o i r eSteve
Trang 43He doesn't get up of 7 o'clock tr
He goes to school" of 9 o'cLock D
He doesn't go to schooL of 9 o'cLock O
Trang 44Moke the sentences negotive.
t He gets up of 6 o'ctock.
He doesnlt_get_ uplt 6_oklqsk.
z She goes to school of 8 o'c[ock
r H e h o s d i n n e r o f 9 o ' c [ o c k
4 She goes to bed of 7 o'c[ock
s She goes home of 4 o'c[ock
6 He goes to bed of 9 o'c[ock
get up hove
d i n n e r
go to bed
t Anno gets up of 7 o'c[ock
5hs doesn't get up of 7 ottock She gets uP- of 6 o'c[ock.
Bob gets up of 8 o'c[ock.
He - - of 8 o'c[ock He of 7 o'c[ock Ctoire hos dinner of 8 o'c[ock.
4 Steve goes to bed of 8 o'c[ock
s A n n o h o s d i n n e r o f 9 o ' c [ o c k
Unit 8 Lr
Trang 45The present simple (3Prepositions of time (n, on, a.
Where does he work? is o wh- question We use where to osk obout o ploce.
We use does to moke questions with he, she ond it in the present simpl.e The word order chonges in questions.
Where does he worl<?
He works in a police station
Where does she worl<?
She works in a hospital
U n i t 9
W h e r e d o e s h e w o r k ? e H e w o r k s i n o f re stotion
Trang 46Does he worl< a police station?
No, he doesn't He's a pilot
Does he worl< in an airport?
Yes, he does
)oes he work ? is o ges/no question We con onswer
res, he does or No, he doesn't.
Trang 47J o m i e g o e s t o s c h o o l i n I n t h e o f i e r n o o n H e d o e s h i s H e g o e s t o
t h e m o r n i n g I t ' s M o n d o g h e g o e s s w i m m i n g h o m e w o r k b e d o f 9 o ' c l o c
O n M o n d o g h e h o s s c i e n c e i n t h e e v e n i n g o f n i g h t
On, in ond of ore prepositions of time.
We use on with the doUs of the week.
We use in with the morning, the ofternoon ond the evening.
We use ot with times of the dog ond with night.
We use when to osk questions obout time.
When does he go to school? At 8 o'clock in the morning.
m o r n i n g = unti[ [unch
ofiernoon = ofter [unch but before dinner
evening = ofier dinner but before bed
n i g h t = when it is dork o n d Uou g o to b e d
3 Circle the correct word.
t He goes home ii",/ on the ofiernoon.
S h e h o s s c i e n c e o n / of Mondog
I t s l e e p s in / ot night
H e h o s d i n n e r o f /in 7 o'clock
S h e w o t c h e s T V o n /in the evening
He hos breokfost on / of 7 o'c[ock
Trang 484 Moke questions qbout Iomie ond onswer them.
I go to schooL / in the morning
-D-oes- he go-to sehq-qltn-th-e- nnornrng I -Yes, he doss-.
2 when / do his homework
-\&hen does-he- do -lnis- hqmeruerk-l
3 watch T\l I in the morninq
4 when / goto bed
s go swimming / in the morning
6 do his homework / ot night
7 when / have science
8 do his homework/ in the evening
9 ,when / go to schoot
10 when / go swimming
Trang 496 She likes sweets.
2 Write the words in the correct order Moke questions ond onswers.
does Whot she Like
Whot d_olrjjre [ks?
l"ike Does postries he
she Like Does bononos
Trang 50Write questions ond onswers.
Does he work in o supermorket? Yes_, nejoer.
in o zoo?
in o hospitoL?
work? i n o b o n k
Write Use the verb in brockets.
t She goes home ot 3 ottock (9o) 2
3 She to school ot 8 otLock (go) 4
s She to bed of 9 o'ctock (go)
Write in, on or ot.
the ofiernoon Tuesdog the evening
Trang 51Talking about the weat"=
l m P e r a t i t = ,Punctuat - .
Trang 52Put on your coat, Alison Don't put on your hat, Jamiel
$ on imperotive We use imperotives to tetl somebodg whot
U e imperotive form is the some os the boseform of the verb.
Don't put on is o negotive imperotive We use negotive imperotives
to te[[ somebodg not to do something.
Trang 53Al narne's Jarn;e.
in class : Ay sister'
norne is ,Alison Ay
friends ore Dave, ngie
and Ernrna 1 liKe EnSlish
and Pf Wr'at do rlor.l liKe?
Write to rnel
When we write o sentence, we begin with o copito[ letter ond end with o fuLL stop.
We use on opostrophefor short forms ond to show possession.
We use o commo in o sentence
to show where to stop for o short time, when there is o list
of words, for exompte.
We use o question mork of the end of questions.
We sometimes use on exclomotion mork of the end of
o sentence with on imperotive.
5 Circle the punctuotion.
Deor Lourc
My nome s Beth I 'm in closs 2 I' ve got two brothers ond o sister My brothers CIre colled Alex ond Chorlie My sister's nome is Cotherine i like ort , PE ond mcths Hove you got CIny brothers or sisters ? Pleose drow me a Picture !
52 U n i t 1 0
Trang 55The present continuous
T e l l i n g t h e ti r =
G r o n d m o o n d G r o n d ? o o r e o n h o l i d o g
I'm weoring is the present continuous tense of the verb weor.
We use the present continuous tense to to[k obout things thot
it's weo ring
I Underline the present continuous verbs.
are you wearing?
Yes, it's cold and windy
l'm wearing a red scaff
He's wearing a brown coatand a brown hat
What is Crandpa wearing?
Trang 56Write the words in the correct order.
U n i t 1 1
Trang 59The present continuous :
Crandma's next to Crandpa
They're sleeping Dad's next to
the table He's eating
We use the present continuous to totk obout things thot ore
hoppening now We moke the present continuous with oform
of be o nd the bose form of the verb with ing odded.
Short form Long form