INFORMATION ON.TCADEMIC AND THEORETICAL CONTRIDUTIONS OF THE DOCTONAL DISSERTATION I Dssenarion ftle: C,Dr,/"/o^ olslotd Surge Tokins tnta a.coiht tldre truter Lerel Rise Applying la Hdi Phonscoastdl Atear Ptol Dt TtohThuc, Ptuf Dr Di,hvoh Uu lns uleofMercorology. Hydrcloe] and Envtronmenr L Dissenadonintrcducioni Som \uqe h a"e ol phenanena tnlkg ttke breatu lnt tnuhdatiah! ih coattui orc^ paiicularllrhen tohs coihcide rnh hryh n.le th l/iethdn there ue a nunber ol etdics oh sta/n surgls, but less ane"ran hdt been Pai.l to inredtsalinE narihun watet leret tn sohs, where rde tetupt take ?la.e nea. shorchn! lh this ,listotati.n hheri.dl no.lelt and enpit).al lomulat orc usa.I ta tohPLte huinrn nater bv! ih so.ns along tht roda afHoiphans. The rL!u|^ sha$ that ndinwl tuter letel atDhs the coon 6 .A16etl bt the catrhinaliDh of lide stotd surge dnd \tav ihduled rate. l(wl ris. ih \hich, watu |eftl thc due to ru'e relry cohlribttes about 22% ol naxihrh lotet kret tn \tot,r lnpad afsed lerrl ri!c dw bllinarc.hange o, the attnn.hical ti.lal leEtme tn the HaiPhohg .ooiat ateas i: als. dss6se.l. , 6 f.und that the odplitule ala!tunohical diurndttavt tenlts to ihcrcose whtu the nnplitutJe afsentiinnl Mws rcnds tadeLtudte ElIeds ofsea hwl1ftdue to ctiharc tharye on ndinuh ra@ levl u.e aho audies lt is Jound that the exislihg Haiphana \ Pd drk? :yleh .ohnat b neel the rcqunenenE lot lloa1 ptrPdioh Ion m6mun,ater lerel coused brstatn in the.oh.lition ofset lerel thc due toct'uat!Lhdnge ,1 Newacadennccontribulionsoadisseru'ion - Quanlitarire as*snent o! the contibutian oIr@! inauced watet le'el rise ta the natihm |aM l.rei heat the codnhne in rath ahd recanmenlation.lor the ihclusion afware setuP ih the conptuulion! ol totol starn st* The tuconhteh.led prccerlut! is then apPliedJb/ HatphonE . A$atneht oflhc hnpocts o:lvu lerelrisc due ta chnote thung! to the dircnontcothdal to!: md to the rldinuh fldtel lerel.ise 6 . INFORMATION ON.TCADEMIC AND THEORETICAL CONTRIDUTIONS OF THE DOCTONAL DISSERTATION I Dssenarion ftle: C,Dr,/"/o^ olslotd Surge Tokins tnta a.coiht tldre. Atear Ptol Dt TtohThuc, Ptuf Dr Di,hvoh Uu lns uleofMercorology. Hydrcloe] and Envtronmenr L Dissenadonintrcducioni Som uqe h a"e ol phenanena tnlkg ttke breatu lnt tnuhdatiah! ih coattui