CÁC BÁO CÁO BAO GỒM: 1. An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter dealing with Unbalanced Load (Thầy Nguyễn Xuân Tùng). 2. Xác định vị trí và dung lượng bù tối ưu trong lưới phân phối hình tia (Optimal Capacitor Placement and Sizing for Radial Distribution Networks). (Thầy Nguyễn Đức Huy). 3. Impacts of Inverterbased Distributed Generation Control Modes on Shortcircuit Currents in Distribution Systems. (Thầy Đào Văn Tú)
Trang 3An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter
dealing with Unbalanced Load
This paper presents an improved control strategy for hybrid series active power filter (HSAF) working
with nonlinear and unbalance three-phase three-wire loads An algorithm based on the Instantaneous Power
Theory is introduced to precisely extract only harmonic component from supply current, even this current is
contaminated with negative sequence component due to the imbalance of load An improved control strategy
based on that sequence extraction algorithm is proposed and investigated in detail by numerical simulation
The proposed control method has shown a better performance in mitigating harmonics, especially for the
nonlinear and unbalanced loads
Keywords: Series active filter, Instantaneous power theory, Unbalanced load, Harmonic isolation.
The increasing use of power electronics-based loads
(adjustable speed drives, switch mode power supplies,
etc.) is responsible for the rise in harmonic distortion
levels These nonlinear loads appear to be prime sources
of harmonic distortion in a power distribution system
Harmonics have a number of undesirable effects on the
distribution system such as the excessive voltage
distor-tion, increasing resistive losses or voltage stresses In
addition, the harmonic currents can interact adversely
with a wide range of power system equipment such as
capacitors, transformers, and motors, causing additional
losses, overheating, and overloading Because of the
ad-verse effects that harmonics have on equipments, many
solutions have been developed to deal with harmonic
Besides conventional solutions such as passive filters,
the hybrid series active power filters have proven to be
an interesting alternative to compensate harmonics in
power distribution systems Compared to passive
fil-ters, active filters provide superior filtering performance,
more flexible operation and more compact There are
various series hybrid active power filter topologies
re-ported in literature(4)∼(6), but the most common one is
shown in Fig 1
Figure 1 shows the system configuration of series
hy-brid active power filter (APF), in which the shunt
pas-sive filter consists of one or more single-tuned LC
fil-ters and/or a high pass filter (HPF) The hybrid
se-ries APF is controlled to act as a harmonic isolator
be-tween the source and nonlinear load by injection of a
∗Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548
∗∗Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc.
7-2-1, Nakayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0952
Fig 1 Typical system configuration of hybrid ries active power filter
se-controlled harmonic voltage source It is se-controlled tooffer zero impedance at the fundamental frequency andhigh impedance (ideally open circuit) at all undesiredharmonic frequencies This forces all harmonic load cur-rents to flow into the passive filter and decoupling thesource and nonlinear load at all frequencies, except atthe fundamental
Control algorithm of the series active power filter
is mostly based on the Instantaneous Power Theory
dq transform) (11)∼(15) Basically, all those existing trol schemes calculate the harmonic current referencesignal based on the separation of fundamental positivesequence component and other “harmonic” components
con-In detail, the harmonic contents (i h) are determined byexcluding the fundamental component from measuredsupply current as presented in Eq 1:
[i h ] = [i s]− [i f p] · · · (1)
• i s: measured supply current
• i f p: fundamental positive sequence component ofcorresponding supply current
The high impedance imposed by the series active powerfilter is achieved by generating an appropriate voltage of
Trang 4the same frequency with that of the harmonic current
component as shown below:
[v F ] = K × [i h] · · · (2)
with K is the amplification factor.
The performance of the active power filter depends
mainly on the selected reference generation scheme The
reference current must reflex the desired compensation
current, however, since the Eq 1 is used, certainly the
“harmonic” component here comprises all other current
components those differ from fundamental positive
se-quence current Therefore this extraction method gives
the true harmonic component if the load is assumed to
be perfectly balanced
In a quite common situation, the load current is usually
unbalanced with the existence of fundamental negative
sequence current Consequently, that negative sequence
current will present in the extracted harmonic
compo-nent i hif Eq 1 is still utilized although it is not a real
“harmonic” component In this case, the series active
filter would have to handle not only the real harmonic
current but also the undesirable fundamental negative
sequence current As a result, the controller would force
the series active filter to generate the compensating
volt-age at fundamental frequency and this could increase
significantly the power rating of the PWM converter and
also induce high voltage oscillations at double the
sys-tem frequency in dc link(16)
Literature on series active filter shows that so far no
attempt has been made to deal with unbalanced load
and that is a disadvantageous point of the existing
con-trol strategies In this paper, an improved concon-trol
strat-egy based on Instantaneous Power Theory is proposed
which will ensure that the series active power filter work
with only the harmonic components even the load is
This paper firstly introduces the Instantaneous Power
Theory, and then discusses the basic principle and
scheme used to extract positive and negative sequence
components Next, control strategy is presented in
de-tails Finally, the numerical simulations are carried out
to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of this
2.1 Brief review of Instantaneous Power
The-ory The Instantaneous Power Theory(16)is well
uti-lized for control system of active filter Control strategy
based on this method provides fast response to changes
in power system, good compensating performance and
imposes a little computational burden(17) (18)
Figure 2 shows the calculation block of this theory:
Firstly, three-phase voltages and load currents are
trans-formed into the stationary α-β reference frame (Clarke
According to Instantaneous Power Theory, p and q can
be decomposed into average parts ¯p, ¯ q (dc parts) and
oscillating parts ˜p, ˜ q as shown in Eq 6:
p = p + ˜¯ p
q = q + ˜¯ q · · · (6)
Where the ¯p, ¯ q are the dc components corresponding to
the product of fundamental positive sequence quantities,and ˜p, ˜ q are the ac components corresponding to prod-
uct of other components those differ from fundamentalpositive sequence components
By using a high-pass filter, the oscillating components
p, ˜ q can be extracted from p, q and then the reference
harmonic current can be obtained as follow:
Next, those reference currents go through an inverse α-β
transform to generate the reference current in
conven-tional three-phase abc frame.
2.2 Consideration in case voltage and current
cur-rent are distorted (due to the presence of high orderfrequency harmonic components) and unbalanced (withthe existence of the fundamental negative sequence com-ponent) then the resulted oscillating power components
p, ˜ q will be the cross products of not only the harmonic
components but also the fundamental negative sequencecomponents(16) In other words, the oscillating powercomponents ˜p, ˜ q contain the fundamental negative se-
quence components
Consequently, if the reference current signals are ated based on those power components then they wouldcontain both negative sequence and harmonic compo-nents rather than only harmonic components as ex-pected This fact raises a need to develop a methodwhich can precisely extract only harmonic currents de-spite of the presence of the fundamental negative se-quence component
Trang 5An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter dealing with Unbalanced Load
the existing control strategies for the series active power
filter determine the reference currents i hby simply
sub-tracting the fundamental positive sequence current from
the supply current as below:
[i h ] = [i s]− [i f p] · · · (8)
This approach has shown many disadvantages as already
mentioned in Sec 1 since the reference current i h will
contain the fundamental negative sequence current
com-ponent if load is unbalanced In order to overcome
this drawback, the improved reference current
extrac-tion method is proposed as follow:
[i h ] = [i s]− [i f p]− [i f n] · · · (9)
where i s , i f p , i f nare the measured supply current,
fun-damental positive and negative sequence current
com-ponents of corresponding supply current respectively
The improved reference current extraction method
dif-fers from previous proposals since it eliminates not only
the fundamental positive sequence current but also the
fundamental negative sequence current from the supply
current to form the harmonic reference current
Because i s is already measured, the remaining task of
determining the harmonic reference current based on
new proposal is to extract the positive and negative
se-quence components (two last components at right side
of Eq 9) In this paper, the sequence current
compo-nent extraction implementation is completely based on
the Instantaneous Power Theory Basically, it includes
following steps:
• Generate an auxiliary voltage which contains only
a pure fundamental positive or negative sequence
• This auxiliary voltage will be used together with
ori-gin supply current to create the instantaneous power
• Implement filtering processes to achieve the desired
power portions from those power components then
applying inverse transformation to generate the
cor-responding current
The role of the auxiliary voltage will be fully described
in next section
Con-sidering an auxiliary voltage that contains only
funda-mental positive sequence componentV+1with phase
an-gle φ+1 assumed to be zero then the α-β transform of
this voltage results in:
v +1α = √
3V+1sin (ω1t)
v +1β = − √ 3V+1cos (ω1t) · · · (10)
Next step, this pure fundamental positive sequence
volt-age is used together with the supply current to calculate
the instantaneous power quantities p, q following Eq 5.
The supply current may contain fundamental negative
sequence and high order harmonic components, however,
the resulted dc components ¯ p , ¯ q of those power ties in this case are the cross product of only fundamen-tal positive components as shown below:
• δ+1: phase angle between the auxiliary positive
se-quence voltage V+1 and the fundamental positive
sequence current component I+1
It is clear to see that only fundamental positive sequence
voltage V+1 and current I+1 components contribute toaverage value ¯p and ¯q , the negative sequence compo-nents does not appear in those power quantities Next,the low-pass filter is utilized to extract only those dcpower components ¯p , ¯ q Once those power components
in Eq 11 is extracted then it is easy to obtain the tive sequence current using the same definition as shown
posi-in Eq 7
For extracting fundamental positive sequence
compo-nent, the amplitude of v +1α and v +1βare not importantand can be chosen arbitrarily due to the fact that theyappear in both “direct” and “inverse”calculations(16).For simplicity, they are set to unity hence Eq 10 be-comes:
v +1α = + sin (ω1t)
v +1β = − cos (ω1t) · · · (12)
3.3 Negative sequence current extraction
Similar procedure is employed to extract negative quence current, however, an auxiliary negative sequencevoltage is considered instead of the auxiliary positive se-quence voltage
se-The results of α-β transform of this auxiliary pure
fun-damental negative sequence voltage is shown in Eq 13
v −1α = + sin (ω1t)
v −1β = + cos (ω1t) · · · (13) Here the amplitude of negative sequence voltage v −1α
and v −1β are again selected to be unity and
correspond-ing phase angles are assumed to be zero for tion
simplifica-The dc power components ¯p , ¯ q resulted from theproduct of those auxiliary negative sequence voltages
{v −1α , v −1β } and the supply current are shown in Eq 14
• δ −1: phase angle between the auxiliary negative
se-quence voltage V −1 and the fundamental negative
sequence current component I −1.
Again, only fundamental negative sequence voltage V −1
and current I −1 components show up in the averagevalue ¯p , ¯q even the supply current is distorted and un-balanced Therefore, if those dc power components are
Trang 6Fig 3 Positive sequence current detection circuit
extracted through a filtering process then the negative
sequence current can be calculated using same definition
as shown in Eq 7
3.4 Generation of auxiliary voltages and
fundamental positive and negative sequence components
is necessary for determining the harmonic reference
cur-rent An important part of generating auxiliary
ref-erence voltage is the phase locked loop (PLL) circuit
The PLL circuit tracks continuously the fundamental
frequency ω1of the measured system voltage
The PLL is designed to operate properly under distorted
and unbalanced voltage wave forms The frequency ω1
is used in a sine wave generator to produce two
quan-tities sin(ω1t) and − cos(ω1t) those correspond to the
auxiliary fundamental positive sequence voltages v +1α
& v +1β (mentioned in Eq 12) The PLL circuit is
al-ready well introduced in literature and it has good
per-formance in handling this task(19) (20)(see Appendix for
operation principle)
Figure 3 shows the positive sequence detection circuit
based on principle stated in Sec 3.2 Similar circuit can
be implemented for the negative sequence extraction if
the output of PLL circuit are − sin(ω1t) and cos(ω1t)
following the Eq 13
4.1 Operation principle of series active filter
that series active filters correct current system
distor-tion caused by non-linear load by synthesizing an active
impedance presenting a zero impedance at
fundamen-tal frequency and a high resistance K between load and
source at all harmonics frequencies By inserting a high
resistance K, the series active filter forces the high
fre-quency current flow mainly through LC passive filter
connected in parallel to load(2) (21)
The equivalent single phase circuit for harmonic
com-pensation is shown in Fig 4 In this figure, non-linear
load is represented by a harmonic current source I hand
source voltage is represented by harmonic voltage source
V sh The series active filter is equivalent to a controlled
voltage source V c and shunt passive filter becomes an
equivalent impedance Z F If the series active filter is
controlled as V c = K × I sh (equivalent to a resistor of K
ohm) then the I shcan be calculated as:
I sh= V sh
Z S + Z F + K +
Z S + Z F + K × I h · · (15)
Fig 4 Equivalent circuit for harmonic compensation
Fig 5 Proposed control circuit for series active filter
If the gain factor K is set sufficiently large as
K (Z S + Z F) then neither harmonic current flowfrom load to ac source nor from ac source to load side
cir-cuit is shown in Fig 5, where the three-phase load
cur-rent is measured and transformed into stationary α-β
frame The PLL circuit generates the auxiliary tive and negative sequence voltages (corresponding to
posi-Eq 12 & 13) Those currents and auxiliary voltages in
stationary α-β frame are supplied to positive and
neg-ative sequence extraction blocks (extraction principle isdetailed in Sec 3.2 & 3.3) The output positive and neg-
ative sequence currents in α-β frame are passed through the inverse α-β transform to give the positive and neg- ative sequence currents in conventional three-phase abc
Harmonic current is extracted from measured supplycurrent after subtracting the fundamental positive andnegative sequence components as stated in Eq 9 Next,each extracted harmonic current is passed through a
gain block with the amplification factor of K to form reference voltage v F (Eq 2) Finally, this reference
voltage v F is applied to the gate control circuit for eachPWM converter
Simulation is setup as following:
• The investigated system is three-phase, three-wire
system then zero sequence component does not ist
ex-• Source’s line to line voltage is 200V (50Hz) Source impedance is Z s = 0.02∠80 pu (with the system base of U base = 200V and S base = 20kV A).
• Active filter rating capacity is 700V A and it is
ac-tivated at 0.5 [s] during simulation
• PWM converter’s switching frequency is set at
Trang 7An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter dealing with Unbalanced Load
Fig 6 Representative diagram for simulation
Table 1 Parameter of shunt passive filter
Inductance [mH] Capacitance [μF]
5thfilter 1.2 340 Q=14
7thfilter 1.2 170 Q=14
High-pass 0.26 300 R=3Ω
15 kHz The dc source’s voltage is V dc = 200V
• Coupling transformer’s turn ratio n = 1 : 20 The
ripple filter connected at the output of PWM
con-verter consists of a series inductor L r = 1mH and
a shunt capacitor C r = 0.33μF
• Passive filters are tuned to the most dominant 5 th,
7th harmonics and a high pass filter with total
ca-pacity of 10kVA (parameters are given in Table 1)
• The unbalanced and nonlinear load is represented
by a combination of a 20 kVA three-phase thyristor
rectifier and a linear single phase load (17.5Ω) as
shown in Fig 6 This setup gives a total load
cur-rent of about 60 [A] RMS with the unbalance factor
I2/I1∼ 10%.
• Current is measured in ampere [A].
6.1 Effectiveness of series active filter equipped
gen-erally shows the effect of active power filter equipped
with improved control strategy on the nonlinear and
un-balanced load For detail:
• Figure 7a shows that: Once active filter is
acti-vated at 0.5 [s] then it almost immediately takes
ef-fect to reduce the harmonic contents injecting into
the source, the source current almost becomes
si-nusoidal Moreover, the active filter not only
suc-cessfully mitigates the harmonic contents but also
preserves perfectly the imbalance characteristic of
load as expected
• Figure 7b & 7c present the spectra of source current
before and after active filter is activated Evidently,
the harmonic contents significantly drops at all
har-monic frequencies Thus, this is again to
numer-ically confirm the effectiveness of the series active
The fundamental positive and negative sequence
cur-rents extracted from measured source current are also
shown in Fig 8 & Fig 9 Noticeably, the positive and
negative sequence current remain constant, even while
active filter is operating These results confirm the
ad-vantage of improved control strategy: the active filter
does not alter the load imbalance characteristic In other
words, the active filter does work with only harmonic
0.460 0.470 0.480 0.490 0.500 0.510 0.520 0.530 0.540 0.550 0.560 -150
-100 -50
(a) Harmonic mitigation effect with improved control strategy for unbalanced load
(c) Current spectra: After activation of active filter
Fig 7 Waveshapes and spectra of source current before and after active filter is activated
0.460 0.470 0.480 0.490 0.500 0.510 0.520 0.530 0.540 0.550 0.560 -150
-100 -50
Fig 8 Extracted positive sequence current
0.460 0.480 0.500 0.520 0.540 0.560 -15.0
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
Fig 9 Extracted negative sequence current
current components as designed
For nonlinear and balanced load, the active filterequipped with new control strategy still works very well
as it can be seen in Fig 10, the harmonic contents aremostly eliminated and the inherent load characteristicremains untouched
6.2 Effectiveness comparison over series active filters equipped with improved and previous con-
Trang 8Fig 10 Harmonic mitigation with improved
con-trol strategy for balanced load
(a) Result with improved control strategy
(b) Result with previous control strategy
Fig 11 Waveshape comparison in cases with
im-proved and previous control strategies
filter which is equipped with the previous control
strat-egy is also simulated Simulation studies for comparison
are setup based on follow assumptions:
• In previous control strategy, the negative sequence
component is not excluded from the reference
har-monic current
• On the contrary, for the improved control strategy,
the negative sequence component is excluded from
the reference harmonic current
• Comparisons are carried out with unbalanced loads
since the improved control strategy is proposed to
help the series active filter performs better under
unbalanced loading conditions
• All other conditions remains the same for both
Figure 11 & 12 compare the current waveshapes and
spectra in cases the active filters utilize the improved
and previous control strategies Under the same
test-ing conditions, the active filter with improved control
strategy shows a better performance This conclusion
can be clarified in below discussion:
• The active filter equipped with previous control
strategy will have to handle both harmonic and the
fundamental negative sequence current components,
consequently the load will be forced to be balanced
as shown in Fig 11b and the PWM converter might
be easily overloaded Besides exposing the active
(b) With previous control strategy
Fig 12 Current spectrum comparison in cases with improved and previous control strategies
filter to overload condition, degrading the harmonicmitigation effect, that balancing the inherent unbal-anced load does not bring any benefit for customerwho invested money for that active filter
• In contrast, the active filter employing the improved
control method does not need to handle the negativesequence current then it can devote all of it capacityfor harmonic mitigation function As a result, theharmonic mitigation efficiency in this case is higher
This higher efficiency is illustrated in Fig.12a as theharmonic contents shown there are much more lowerthan those in Fig.12b In other words, the active fil-ter with the improve control algorithm has a betterperformance
Figure 13 shows the compensating voltages generated
by the series active filters (the blue and red lines showinstantaneous and RMS values respectively), those fig-ures are for the output volt-ampere comparison purpose
Figure 13b presents the output voltage of series activefilter which is equipped with previous control algorithm
Apparently, looking at voltage waveform, one may seethe presence of the 50Hz component That is reasonwhy the output voltage in RMS value is almost double
of that in Fig 13a This phenomenon is due to all theprevious control algorithms do not exclude the negativesequence component which may occur if load is unbal-anced
For numerical detail comparison:
• In case the active filter employs improved control
al-gorithm, the compensating voltage presents a RMS
value of only about 3.4V This means that the
volt-ampere rating of the series active filter is only
3.4V × 60A × 3 = 612V A Assuming that the active filter rating capacity is chosen as 700V A, then this figure presents only a small portion as about 3.5%
of the load rating 20kV A.
• On the contrary, if the previous control algorithm
is utilized, then the output compensating voltage in
Trang 9An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter dealing with Unbalanced Load
(b) With previous control strategy
Fig 13 Voltage generated by series active filters
(b) Z s = 0.1pu
Zs = 0.2pu THDv (%)
this case is about 8V as shown in Fig 13b
Numer-ically, the required volt-ampere output of the active
filter now is up to 8V × 60A × 3 = 1440V A In this
case, the active filter is about 1440V A/700V A =
2.05 times overloaded As a result, this will seriously
damage the converter Apparently, the percentage
of overload depends on the load unbalance factor
6.3 Influence of source side impedance on
see that the harmonics generated by nonlinear load are
injecting into source As consequence, the source
volt-age will be distorted depending on the value of source
impedance If the source impedance is low, then the
voltage distortion is low and vice versa Since this
con-trol algorithm utilizes the quantities calculated from
both voltage and current, then it is necessary to examine
the influence of voltage distortion (or source impedance)
on the compensation effect
All above simulations run with source impedance set at
0.02pu, then now two more worse scenarios are
exam-ined: source impedances are set higher at 0.1pu and
0.2pu Consequently, the results in Fig 14 show that
total harmonic distortion (THD) factors of source
volt-ages are 1.06%, 2.01% and 2.3% respectively Thus, the
higher the source impedance, the worse the voltage
Figure 15 show the corresponding THDs of source
cur-rents after compensation Noticeably, after series active
filter was started, the remain amounts of harmonic
con-Zs = 0.02pu THDi (%)
(a) Z s = 0.02pu
Zs = 0.1pu THDi (%)
(b) Z s = 0.1pu
Zs = 0.2pu THDi (%)
con-That is reason why the harmonic contents after pensation is reduced correspondingly for three cases
com-• Despite the distortion of voltage, the series active
fil-ter still work effectively This point proves that theInstantaneous Power Theory used in the sequenceextraction algorithm can work well under the volt-age distortion conditions
The improved control strategy for hybrid series activefilter is already proposed and investigated in detail Thiscontrol method bases on sequence component elimina-tion algorithm to obtain only the harmonic content from
a distorted and unbalanced current set Consequently,this control strategy does help the series active filter toimprove its performance, especially when load is unbal-anced Main conclusions can be recognized as follow:
• Only harmonic component is precisely extracted to
form the reference current for the series active filter,therefore, the active filter work with only harmoniccomponent as expected, even when load is unbal-anced
• The proposed control strategy enhances the
stabil-ity of control process since the imbalance of load willnot have any affect on the reference signal
• Especially, the active filter is protected away from
severer overload conditions because it does not have
to deal with the fundamental negative sequencecomponent which may occur if load is unbalanced
• The proposed control strategy is well tailored to suit
with all operating conditions such as serving anced or unbalanced loads In other words, it canapply for the series active filter working with anygeneric loads
bal-Finally, all the simulation results have successfully dated the effectiveness and feasibility of this proposal
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Phase locked loop (PLL) circuit
The PLL is one of components of the sequence
cur-rent detection circuit It detects fundamental angular
frequency (ω1) and generates synchronous sinusoidal nals those correspond to auxiliary positive sequence volt-ages under sinusoidal as well as highly distorted and un-balanced source voltages The PLL circuit introduced
sig-app Fig 1 Phase locked loop circuit
here is based on the instantaneous active power sion:
expres-p 3Φ = v a i a + v b i b + v c i c = v ab i a + v cb i c
= p¯3Φ+ ˜p 3Φ
The current feedback signals i a (ωt) = sin(ωt) and
i c (ωt) = sin(ωt + 1200) are generated by sine
genera-tor circuits through the time integral of the output ω
of the PI controller The PLL can reach stable point
of operation only if the input p 3Φ of PI controller has,
in steady state, a zero average value, that is, ¯p 3Φ = 0
Moreover, the low frequency oscillations ˜p 3Φ should beminimized
Because i a (ωt) and i c (ωt) contain only positive-sequence
components and have unity magnitudes, therefore, the
average three phase power p 3Φ= ¯p 3Φis given by:
p 3Φ= 3V+1I+1 cos(φ++ δ+)· · · (A2) where φ+and δ+are the initial phase angles of the fun-
damental positive sequence voltage and current i a (ωt)
respectively Now the PLL can reach stable point of
op-eration only if the input p 3Φof PI controller has a zeroaverage value, that is equivalent to:
p 3Φ= 3V+1I+1 cos(φ++ δ+) = 0· · · (A3) The above condition is satisfied since φ++ δ+ = 900
This means that the auxiliary currents i a (ωt) and i c (ωt)
become orthogonal to the fundamental positive sequence
component V+1 of the measured voltages v a and v c spectively Therefore, the generated auxiliary voltage
re-v +1a = sin(ωt − 900) is in phase with fundamental
pos-itive sequence voltage V+1 Similar relations hold for
v +1b and v +1c
Nguyen Xuan Tung (Non-member) received the B.E
de-gree in electrical engineering from Hanoi versity of Technology, VietNam in 1999 and the M.E degree from Curtin University of Technology, Australia in 2005 He has been pursuing PhD degree in Shibaura Institute of
are about protective relay system and power quality issue in power distribution system.
Trang 11An Improved Control Strategy for Hybrid Series Active Filter dealing with Unbalanced Load
Goro Fujita (Member) received the B.E., M.E and Ph.D
degrees in electrical engineering from Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan in 1992, 1994 and
1997 respectively In 1997, he was a research student of Tokyo Metropolitan University He
is an Associate Professor of Shibaura tute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan His inter- est is in power system control including AGC and FACTS He is a member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) of Japan, the IEE of Japan, and IEEE.
Insti-Kazuhiro Horikoshi (Member) was born in Miyagi, Japan,
degree in electrical engineering from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1990 In the same year,
he joined Tohoku Electric Power Co., Sendai, Japan He is now an assistant research man- ager in Research & Development Center at To-
area is about distribution system and connection of distributed generations.
Trang 12Fault Current Limiting Function of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Utilizing
Signals from Existing Protective Relays
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a series custom compensator utilized in power distribution network,
however, due to connected in series with distribution line then DVR would suffer from downstream faults
To limit the flow of large fault currents and protect DVR itself as well, a fault current limiting function is
proposed in the DVR control strategy Fault current limiting function of DVR will be activated by protection
system and then DVR will start injecting a series voltage to the line in such a way to limit fault current
to an appropriate level (in accordance with required sensitivity of protection systems) The contribution of
this proposal is the utilization of signals from existing feeder protection system to activate DVR This will
simplify the structure of DVR because the extra build-in fault detection module is not required Moreover,
it will ensure proper coordination between DVR and protection systems
Keywords: Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Fault Current Limiter, Protection System.
Distribution networks are usually expanded by adding
either extra transformers and/or feeders This fact may
raise the chances of increasing prospective fault currents
that might exceed circuit breaker’s interrupting
capac-ity Moreover, that adding dispersed power sources may
be convinced as other reason for increasing potential
fault current level Many solutions have been proposed
to deal with high fault duty level; one of these solutions
is utilizing fault current limiting (FCL) devices
Basi-cally, FCL can bring many benefits to utilities, such as:
• Avoid or delay upgrading existing CBs.
• Minimize voltage dip on upstream bus when fault
occurs at downstream feeder
• A larger transformer can be used to meet demand
without upgrading CBs
• Reduce thermal damage due to fault currents and
hence protecting and extending life time of
trans-formers and other equipments
In this study, a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is
proposed as a fault current limiter Dynamic voltage
restorer is a series custom power device used to protect
sensitive customers from impacts of all voltage
distur-bances Dynamic voltage restorer can be implemented
at both low voltage level and medium voltage level A
topology of typical medium voltage DVR is in Fig 1
The basic operation principle of DVR is simple DVR
will insert a series voltage with appropriate magnitude,
frequency and phase to compensate for any voltage
dis-turbances (especially voltage sags) that may affect the
proper operation of loads In order to handle that
oper-∗Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan
Fig 1 Typical topology of DVR
ation, DVR is equipped with a Voltage Source Inverter(VSI) and energy storage However, when fault occurs
at down stream location, DVR would suffer from a largefault current and that such large current will damage thepower switching devices within the VSI In order to pro-tect DVR, a bypass circuit is added to DVR(1) (2) Thebypass circuit does protect DVR during fault at down-stream but it still allows the large fault current flowingthrough faulty part and circuit breaker In order to dealwith the above mentioned problems, a fault current lim-iting function is added to DVR’s control function Whenfault occurs, the DVR reverses its injecting voltage po-larity in such a way to pull down the current flow to anappropriate level as desired The advantages of addedfault current limiting function are:
• Additional protection circuits (such bypass circuit)
are not necessary for DVR
• Implementation is simple.
• Diminish damage caused by large fault current to
circuit breaker and other equipment
The fault current limiting function ensures that the vices are protected from excessive high current withoutadditional circuit complexity However, another concern
Trang 13Fig 2 Equivalent diagram of investigated system
Fig 3 Relationship between fault current and
voltage drop on fault impedance
is that the fault current limiting function of DVR must
not interfere with the existing protection system of the
feeder Since the proposed function of DVR will force
the fault current to go down during the fault, in order
to avoid the interference it should be well coordinated
with the protection system
In next section, the implementation of fault current
limiting function with activating signal from existing
protection system is presented and the coordination with
existing protection system is investigated as well
current limiter
DVR is known as a multi-function device in
distribu-tion system, it mainly used to against voltage sag that
may occur To minimize the power losses through DVR
then the DVR is held in a null state in normal
condi-tion Once an overcurrent occurs then FCL function is
activated and it starts to react as fast as possible and
inject the required ac voltage to the grid
Figure 2 and 3 illustrate that operation principle:
When fault occurs, the relationship between voltage at
source and fault current can be expressed as (without
U S=I f × R f+jI f × X f
= ΔU R f+ ΔU X f = ΔU · · · (1)
U S: source voltage (behind source’s impedance)
Z f: total fault impedance (Z f =Z S+Z Lfault)
I f: fault current
Z S: internal impedance of source
Z Lfault: impedance of faulty line section
ΔU: voltage drop on total fault impedance
If DVR is activated, it will inject a series voltage into
line in such a way to reduce amplitude of fault current
At this time, relationship as shown in Eq 1 has been
Fig 4 Relationship between compensated fault current and corresponding injected voltage
changed to Eq 2:
U S+U DV R=I f(c) × Z f = ΔU (c) · · · (2)
hereU DV Ris voltage injected by DVR.
Assuming that fault current will be compensated to propriate magnitude as represented by dotted circle inFig 3 Depending on the phase angle and magnitude
ap-of injected voltage then inherent phase angle ap-of sated fault current can vary, for instance it can be either
compen-I f1(c)orI f2(c)and so on
Based on vector diagram in Fig 4, it can be seen thatwhen compensated fault current (for instance I f1(c))
is kept in phase with pre-compensated fault current
I f then the amplitude of injected voltage is minimum
(U DV R1 < U DV R2 ; U DV R1 < U DV R3), therefore,this technique minimizes the voltage rating of couplingtransformer (mathematical expression can be found inref (3)), and hence, the voltage rating of DC capacitor
is minimized as well In this proposal, in-phase currentcompensation strategy is utilized
implemented for DVR
Technical literature is filled with documents and erences regarding that utilizing the DVR as fault cur-rent limiter , however, the coordination between DVRand existing protection system has not been well men-tioned(4) (5) (6) Apparently, DVR will alter fault currentsince it is activated, therefore, sensitivity of protectionsystem will be influenced In order to ensure proper op-eration of existing protection system, the coordinationmust therefore be considered In this section, the abovementioned issues will be analyzed and appropriate solu-tion will be proposed This section is divided into threesub-sections: setting threshold for compensated current,activation and termination mechanism of DVR serving
ref-as fault current limiter
setting level of compensated current, S S Choi et al.(5),
L Y Wei et al.(6) proposed setting level based on sumption that voltage at point of common couplingwould remain as that of pre-fault level while DVR isbeing activated In other word, amplitude of compen-sated current will remain constant as pre-fault normalload current This approach had some drawbacks sincethe fault current is very high in comparison with normalload current and DVR will act as a buffer between sourceand fault point, hence DVR will absorb energy from up-
Trang 14Fault Current Limiting Function of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Utilizing Signals from Existing Protective Relays
stream source in order to reduce fault current level As
a result, DVR must have a high KVA rating to deal with
large fault currents Other concern is that some type of
protection system such as an overcurrent relay system
(non-directional type) will operate based on magnitude
of sensed current, hence if the fault current is
compen-sated to pre-fault level then overcurrent relay might no
longer have enough sensitivity to continue tracing the
presence of fault and it will reset to standby status
Based on that analysis, a new setting level will be
pro-posed to ensure that protection system still functions
properly since DVR operates
In order to deal with new setting level, the concept of
sensitivity of protection system will be referred(7) (8) (9)
Generally, the protection system must operate reliably
even with the smallest fault current which may occur in
protective zone However, what could happen in case
the smallest fault current is just about the setting level
(or pickup level) of protection system:
• If protection system still can operate in this case
that means it already senses the faulty condition or
it is sensitive enough
• If it can not operate, that means the protection does
not sense the faulty condition, in other word, it is
not sensitive enough
Based on that fact, the relationship between minimum
fault current and pickup level of any protection system
should be considered In case of overcurrent relay, the
ratio between minimum fault current and setting level
is referred as the sensitivity factor of protection system
as follow:
Sensitivity min= I fault min
I pickup level [pu]
Inherently, the sensitivity factor will vary depending on
fault current level, but the minimum sensitivity referring
to minimum fault current is considered when designing
the protection system As a rule of thumb, sensitivity to
minimum fault condition for a protection system should
not be less than 2 per unit (pu) in order to ensure the
reliable operation of protection system in any faulty
From that point of view, setting level for compensated
current should be kept at 2 times of pick up current
(2× I pickup) of existing relay system (pick up current
of existing relay system is already known when
design-ing protection system) This settdesign-ing level proposes some
• Voltage rating of DC link capacitor is lower than
that in case of full compensation
• Proper operation of existing local protection system
will not be affected by action of DVR
• The coordination between relays is automatically
used as multi-function device dealing with improvement
of power quality, for example, DVR may be utilized to
compensate for voltage sags, unbalanced voltage
prob-lems and harmonic compensations However, when a
fault occurs somewhere downstream then a control
sig-Fig 5 Activation mechanism applying for DVR
nal will be fed to DVR’s control circuit and DVR startsworking as fault current limiter This control signal willoverride all other control signals referred to above powerquality improvement functions
I Axente et al proposed fault detection method byadding an extra fault detection block(4), this block tookresponsibility for impedance measurement such that im-plemented in commercial distance relays However,that adding extra impedance measurement block is verycostly solution (for reference, distance relay usually isone of the most expensive relay) and the implementa-tion of that block is not simple
Other authors suggested a solution by adding current detection block into DVR configuration(6), butbuilding an extra block means that more money isneeded
over-Besides those costly solutions, a simpler solution can
be implemented by extracting signal from existing tection system Generally, protection system is well de-signed for detecting any fault that may occur at pro-tected zone, therefore, any signal comes from protectionsystem can be trusted Based on that analysis, the sig-nal used to activate DVR can be extracted from outputcircuit of existing protection system In other word,when protection system picks up due to detection offault, it will concurrently send a signal to activate DVR(Fig 5) This proposal will ensure that fault currentlimiting function of DVR will only activate when faultoccurs at protected zone, moreover, no extra build-infault detection block is needed
pro-3.3 Termination of DVR after fault cleared
Termination of DVR action must be carefully sidered, otherwise DVR will keep functioning evenwhen fault has been cleared In the study done by
con-L Y Wei et al.(6) fault clearance was detected by ing voltage at load bus, but this solution is applied onlywhen distance between DVR and loads is short enough
sens-Other authors offered a solution by installing an extracommunication channel between DVR and protectionsystem, however, both studies did not clarify how fault
is eliminated(5) (6) Another drawback of the above lutions may occur in case of downstream fault and local
so-CB refuses to trip; in this case the fault will persistwithout any elimination
Alternative solution to terminate DVR’s action posed in this study is based on the fact that: if com-pensated fault current level is kept at 2× I pickup (asstated in Sect 3.1), consequently when fault occurs, re-lays will operate as normal even DVR is compensating
Trang 15Fig 6 Termination mechanism applying for DVR
Fig 7 Fault at load side and corresponding
se-quence actions
the fault current Relay will count down setting time
and send tripping signal to open CB whenever setting
time is over At the moment when relay issues tripping
signal, DVR should be terminated
Based on that analysis, termination signal feeding to
DVR can be extracted from tripping circuit of relay
This principle is illustrated in Fig 6
In case of fault occur at load side as shown in Fig 7,
both protection systems of load and feeder pick up, but
only load’s protection system (LPS) trips and open CB
at load side Whenever fault is cleared by opening CB at
load side, feeder’s protection (FPS) will reset to standby
In this situation, DVR already is activated due to FPS
picked up, but there is no signal to terminate DVR’s
op-eration since FPS reset without issuing any tripping
sig-nal In order to deal with this situation, a back up signal
used to terminate DVR’s operation should be deployed
This paper proposes a solution to obtain the back up
ter-mination signal based on that monitoring DC-link
volt-age When DVR is operating as fault current limiter, it
can be seen that DVR will absorb energy from upstream
source through the coupling transformer, but the diode
rectifier can not feed the energy back to the source; it
will lead to DC-link voltage pumping-up(3) Since fault
is cleared, the flowing current will drop down below the
setting level of compensated current, at that moment,
DVR will reverse its action and try to increase current
level in order to keep input of its comparator at zero In
term of energy, now DVR will start injecting energy into
system, as a result, DC-link voltage will decrease This
principle can be clarified by the block diagram in Fig 8
Based on that analysis, the clearance of fault can be
de-tected by tracing the DC-link voltage Whenever the
DC-link voltage drops down after going up, it can be
assumed that fault has been cleared and DVR as fault
current limiter should stop operating
Energy absorbed by DVR during compensation
pro-cess can be express approximately by:
Fig 8 Relationship between DC-link voltage and operation of DVR
ΔE = P c × t prot · · · (3)
P c: total active power flowing into DVR
t prot: operating time of protection system
Total active powerP c flowing into DVR is determined
P c= 3× V injected × I compensated × cos(θ) · · · · (4)
withθ = angle(V injected , I compensated)Maximum voltage can occur across capacitor is:
U DCmax=
whereτ is time constant of circuit.
This principle will be clarified further more by tion result in Sect 5.3
simula-In summary, the current limiting function in DVR can
be terminated by signals from FPS and DC-link voltagemonitoring mechanism, at this point, one may questionwhether the termination mechanism can be achievedonly by monitoring DC-link voltage and external trip-ping signal from FPS is really needed or not The rea-son why both terminating signals are still utilized in thisproposal can be convinced as follow:
• To increase the reliability of terminating
mecha-nism: that using both signals (from DC-link voltagemonitoring mechanism and from FPS) will enhancethe reliability of terminating mechanism
• If only DC-link voltage monitoring mechanism
is utilized: basically, DC-link voltage monitoringmechanism takes time to process signal and it willnot respond as fast as FPS does in case of fault oc-curs at feeder In other word, DC-link voltage mon-itoring mechanism will give a bit longer fault clear-ance time in comparison with that done by FPS
serv-ing as fautl current limiter
Simulation was implemented by PSCAD software
The proposed DVR model is three phase inverter modelwith common DC energy storage as shown in Fig 9
Main components of DVR model include:
• Coupling transformer.
Trang 16Fault Current Limiting Function of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Utilizing Signals from Existing Protective Relays
g42 g52
1 2 3
2 5
4 2
6 2 2
5 2
3 2
6 2
1 2
4 2
Vs Vs Vsc
Vasend Vbsend Vcsend
Iasend Ibsend Icsend
1.0 A B C
V F Ph
FAULTS C B A Fault Type
Generate phase angle
for referece signal Sin
D + F -
D + F
Icref Ibref Iaref
120.0 120.0
* 1
D + F
Delta_b Delta_c
Ia Ib Ic
Mag of referece current
D + F -
D + F -
Fig 10 Control block of DVR
• Voltage Sourced Inverter (VSI).
• Control system.
The inverter consists of 6-leg inverter (three single phase
full bridge inverters) using a common DC link The
ba-sic function of the VSI is to convert the DC voltage
sup-plied by the energy storage device into an AC voltage
The VSI operating in PWM adds voltage harmonics to
the load To reduce harmonic, filters can be installed at
either low voltage or high voltage side of the coupling
transformer to block high frequency harmonics caused
by DC to AC conversion In the DVR power circuit,
step up voltage transformer (coupling transformer) is
used, thus a VSI with a low voltage rating is sufficient
A simple control block diagram of DVR is illustrated
in Fig 10 Details parameters of simulation model is
shown in appendix The desired reference current is
gen-erated from a phase locked loop synchronized to the
sup-ply side three-phase AC current The actual measured
current is compared with the reference currents, and
the difference is fed through PI controller to generate
a modulation index which is applied to the pulse width
modulated (PWM) carrier switching signal to generate
turn-on and turn-off pulses to the IGBTs The control is
single phase based to achieve best performance, in other
word; the DVR has independent phase control
For fast response and to maximize dynamic
perfor-mance, direct feed-forward type control architecture is
Fig 11 Control principle used to keep DVR in null state
applied in the control strategy of the DVR With thiscontrol, a fast response time (approximately half cycle)can be achieved to compensate fault currents
During normal condition, DVR is kept in null state
This state is implemented by removing the PWM firingfrom the IGBTs in the phases and instead, continuouslyfires the IGBTs in half of each single phase portion ofthe VSI as shown in Fig 11, so that the series wind-ings are short circuited When DVR is activated, PWMfiring is fed to all IGBTs in phases as normal
simula-tions were run with following parameters:
• Maximum load current: I Loadmax 75 [A]
• Maximum fault current: I F aultmax 700 [A]
In power distribution system, overcurrent relay is monly used due to its low cost, hence in this simulation,that type of relay will be simulated as protection system
com-• Pick up threshold of relay: I pickup = 115 [A] (RMS)
• Time setting of relay:
◦ t setting= 0.2 [s] for FPS relays.
◦ t setting= 0.1 [s] for LPS relays
These settings are intentionally used because the authorwould like to have the reader’s attention focused on thetransition process from pre-fault to post-fault in whichfault current limiting function of DVR shows its effect(in practice, time margin between FPS and LPS is nor-
Trang 17CURRENT (in Ampere)
Fig 12 Three-phase fault without DVR
CURRENT (in Ampere)
As stated in Sect 3.1, minimum required sensitivity
of protection system should not be less than 2 pu,
there-fore, setting level of compensated current should be:
I compensated= 2× I pickup= 2× 115 = 230 [A].
In other word, when DVR operates as fault current
lim-iter it should reduce fault current magnitude to about
230 [A] All the faults are assumed to start at 0.03 [s]
car-ried out with various scenarios:
• Fault occurs at feeder side: this scenario used
to verify the effectiveness of mechanism to
acti-vate/terminate DVR by FPS
• Fault occurs at load side: This simulation is to
ver-ify the proposal used to terminate DVR action by
tracing DC link voltage and to verify the proper
co-ordination between FPS and LPS
and discussion are shown below
Figure 12 shows three-phase fault current (fault takes
place at feeder) with DVR is not activated, fault
cur-rent is about 700 [A] (about ten times of normal load
current) In case DVR is activated (Fig 13), DVR
takes full effect just after one cycle and fault current is
reduced to 230 [A] (rms) as expected In this case, DVR
is activated and terminated by FPS
Comparing Fig.12 with Fig 13, it can be seen that
the operation of FPS is not interfered even while DVR
is operating, FPS cleared fault after 0.2 [s] based on its
own setting Similarly, Fig 14 and Fig 15 show the
case of phase-phase fault
In Fig 15, it can be seen that, DVR performed
sin-gle phase control perfectly, only two faulty phases (a
and b) are compensated while healthy phase (c) remain
constant Moreover, fault clearance time of relay still
CURRENT (in Ampere)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 -1.0k
-0.8k -0.5k -0.3k 0.0 0.3k 0.5k 0.8k 1.0k
Fig 14 Phase-phase fault without DVR
CURRENT (in Ampere)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 -1.0k
-0.8k -0.5k -0.3k 0.0 0.3k 0.5k 0.8k 1.0k
Fig 15 Phase-phase fault with DVR activated
CURRENT (in Ampere)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 -1.0k
-0.8k -0.5k -0.3k 0.0 0.3k 0.5k 0.8k 1.0k
Secondly, DVR is utilized In this case DVR is tivated by FPS because when fault occurs hence bothFPS and LPS pick up Figure 17 shows that DVR againfully perform its effect just after one cycle as shown inother cases
ac-When fault occurs, DC link voltage goes up (Fig 18)since DVR is absorbing energy from upper source Next,LPS eliminates the fault after 0.1 [s] (at the same timeFPS reset to standby), DVR immediately reverse its ac-tion this leads to DC link voltage goes down suddenly
Trang 18Fault Current Limiting Function of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Utilizing Signals from Existing Protective Relays
CURRENT (in Ampere)
Fig 17 Three-phase fault at load side with DVR
activated by FPS and terminated by DC-link
volt-age tracing mechanism
Fig 18 DC-link voltage during fault at load side
At the time DC link voltage drops down then
conse-quently DVR is terminated and fault current get back
to normal level This simulation again validates the
the-oretical analysis shown in Sect 3.3
In this paper, the dynamic voltage restorer is proposed
to use as a fault current limiter A new method to
ac-tivate that fault current limiting function by the signals
from existing protection system is proposed and tested
Moreover, the coordination between existing protection
system and fault current limiting function of dynamic
voltage restorer is investigated and implemented This
proposal offers many advantages such as the reduction
in the cost of DVR device; the proper coordination
be-tween protection systems is ensured regardless of the
fault location and even when the fault current has been
altered Finally, all the simulation results have validated
the effectiveness of proposal
( 1 ) L Moran, R Oyarzun, I Pastorini, J Dixon, and R Wallace,
“A fault protection scheme for series active power filters”,
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vol 01, pp.489–
493 (1996)
( 2 ) N H Woodley, L Morgan, and A Sundaram,
“Experi-ence with an inverter-based dynamic voltage restorer”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 14, No.03, pp.1181–
( 3 ) G Xiao, Z Hu, C Nan, and Z Wang, “DC-Link voltage
pumping-up analysis and phase shift control for a series active
voltage regulator”, Proceeding of 37th IEEE Power
Electron-ics Specialists Conference, pp.1–5 (2006)
( 4 ) I Axente, M Basu, M F Conlon,, and K Gaughan,
“Protec-tion of DVR against short circuit faults at the load side”,
Pro-ceeding of the 3rd IET International Conference on Power
Electronics, Machines and Drives, pp.627–631 (2006) ( 5 ) S S Choi, T X Wang, and D M Vilathgamuwa, “A se-
ries compensator with fault current limiting function”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 20, No.03, pp.2248–
2256 ( 6 ) L Y Wei, D M Vilathgamuwa, C L Poh, and F Blaab- jerg, “A dual-functional medium voltage level DVR to limit
downstream fault currents”, IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Vol 22, No.04, pp.1330–1340
( 7 ) GET-6450 Distribution System Feeder Overcurrent
Protec-tion, GE Publication (1997)
( 8 ) IEEE Std 1596-1992,Guide for Protective Relay
Applica-tions to Transmission Lines, IEEE (1992) ( 9 ) A C Enriquez and E V Martinez, “Sensitivity improve-
ment of time overcurrent relays”, Electric Power Systems
Re-search, Vol 77, No.02, pp.119–124 (2007)
Parameters in simulation
- Source & Load (Fig 9)Source voltage: 7.5 [kV] (L-L, RMS)Frequency: 50 Hz
Source impedance: 1 80 [Ω]
Total load impedance: 55 [Ω]
- Coupling transformerVoltage ratings: 7.5 [kV]
Transformer MVA: 0.6 [MVA]
Leakage reactance: 0.05 [pu]
- Fault resistanceThe value of fault current can be adjusted by chang-ing fault resistance
To simulate the fault at feeder: R fault= 5 [Ω]
To simulate the fault at load: R fault= 10 [Ω]
- Reference current in control system (Fig 10)
I aref = I bref = I cref = 325 [A](peak) or 230
Nguyen Xuan Tung (Non-member) was born in Hai
Duong, VietNam, on April 15, 1975 He ceived the B.E from Hanoi University of Tech- nology, VietNam in 1999 and the M.E degree from Curtin University of Technology, Aus- tralia in 2005 Currently, he has been pursuing PhD degree in Shibaura Institute of Technol- ogy, Japan His interests are about relay pro- tection system and power quality issue.
Fujita Goro (Member) was born in January 1970 He
re-ceived the B.E., M.E and Ph.D degrees in electrical engineering from Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan in 1992, 1994 and 1997 respec- tively In 1997, he was a research student of Tokyo Metropolitan University Since 1998, he
is in Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan as an associate professor His interest
is in power system opeartion and control He
is a member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) of Japan, the IEE of Japan, and IEEE.
Trang 19Phase Load Balancing In Distribution Power System
Using Discrete Passive Compensator
This paper describes a new proposal to deal with imbalance phase loading phenomenon in power
distribu-tion system Discrete switched passive shunt compensators such as reactors or capacitor banks are considered
as the means to compensate for that imbalance phenomenon Discrete switched passive compensator offers
advantages in term of installation cost and simplifies the maintenance process
A new algorithm is developed to calculate the size of discrete compensators, this algorithm incorporates
the unbalance power flow calculation module and optimal compensator sizing module In addition, the
algo-rithm is written in MATLAB language and tested on an actual three phase-three wires distribution feeder
Extensive tests have validated the effectiveness of the proposal and shown that this proposal can be a useful
tool for any electrical utilities
Keywords: Phase Loading Imbalance, Discrete Optimization, Passive Compensation, Distribution System.
In power system, voltages (and currents) are expected
to be sinusoidal and equal in magnitude, with the
in-dividual phases 1200 apart However, the utilities
usu-ally experience the imbalance phenomenon in both
volt-age and current The nature of imbalance phenomenon
includes unequal magnitude and phase angle deviation
among phases A major cause of voltage and current
im-balances is that loads are not uniformly spread among
the three phases and load peaks are non-coincident due
to diversity of load categories Additional causes of
power system imbalances can be asymmetrical
distribu-tion feeder impedances possibly caused by incomplete
transposition of feeder lines
The influence of imbalance voltage and current on
power system has been well investigated in literature
V J Annette et al.(1) and L F Ochoa et al.(2)
con-cluded that unbalanced voltages and currents can result
in adverse effects on equipment and on the power
sys-tem, for example a small unbalance in the phase
volt-ages can cause a disproportionately larger unbalance in
the phase currents Under unbalanced conditions, the
power system will incur more losses and heating effects
The effect of voltage unbalance can also be severe on
equipment such as induction motors, power electronic
converters and adjustable speed drives
Many mitigation techniques have been developed to
deal with imbalance phenomenon in distribution system,
generally those solutions can be divided into two
cate-∗Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548
∗∗Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc.
7-2-1, Nakayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0952
• Rearrange feeders or redistribute the loads in such a
way the system becomes more balanced(3)∼(5) ever, the utilities usually cannot afford too manyload swapping due to the long time interruption ofcustomers and cost of labors to implement those op-erations
How-• Install compensators (power quality conditioners)
to compensate for any imbalance quantities(6)∼(9).They seem to be the most possible solutions but an-other concern raised by utilities is the capital cost
of these solutions
This paper focuses on the second mitigation techniqueand will establish an appropriate solution in term of cap-ital cost For imbalance compensation purpose, activecompensator such as Distribution Static Compensator(DSTATCOM) is widely introduced in literature, thepower electronic solutions are elegant, however, they in-clude a greater degree of cost Cost has been the ma-jor factor in limiting the application of power electronicsolution over power distribution level Based on thatfact, solutions those involve passive compensators such
as switched capacitor or switched reactor banks wouldseem to be the most cost effective solution and these will
be investigated in this paper
Moreover, a new algorithm is developed to calculatethe size of compensators This algorithm includes un-balance power flow calculation module and discrete op-timal compensator sizing module The objective of thisalgorithm is to find the optimal size of compensators sothat minimize the unbalanced power flow through themain feeder The algorithm allows the user to specificthe type and the maximum number of available tapsfor each compensator In addition, detailed model of
Trang 20Fig 1 Diagram of unbalanced load and compensator
the feeder including mutual coupling effect, the type of
loads and time-varying load patterns are also considered
in the algorithm in order to suggest the compensator’s
switching patterns over time Finally, the algorithm is
written in MATLAB language and tested on the data
retrieved from an actual three-phase, three-wire
distri-bution feeder to verify its effectiveness
Figure 1 shows the general unbalanced three-phase
load fed from a three-phase, three-wire source Load
and compensator are connected in delta therefore zero
sequence component will equal to zero The
compen-sator currents (I . ac, I . bc, I . cc) is added to load currents
(I . al,
I bl,
I cl) and then the following equation is satisfied
(written for phase A, similarly for phase B and C):
= (I . a1l+I . a2l+I . a0l)+(I . a1c+I . a2c+I . a0c)
= (I . a1l+I . a1c)+(I . a2l+I . a2c)+(I . a0l+I . a0c) · (1)
Here subscripts “c” and “l” represent for the quantities
coming from compensator and load respectively:
• I . a: line current supplying to load after
• I . a1, I . a2, I . a0: positive, negative and zero current
sequence components
The objective of load compensation is to eliminate or
limit any the negative and zero sequence components of
load currents Since zero components are zero therefore
in this case the line currents will become perfectly
bal-anced if the negative sequence component is eliminated
Mathematic expression of above statement is shown in
real( I . a2l) +real( I . a2c) = 0
imaginary( I . a2l) +imaginary( I . a2c) = 0 (3)
The Eq 3 mathematically depicts the overall conditions
for load balancing
3 Possibility of using only either
capaci-tive or induccapaci-tive element as a
One of the factors which electrical utility consider
Fig 2 Diagram of three-phase compensator
when installing the compensator is the capital cost,therefore the lossless compensator is a first top prior-ity and the simplicity of compensator bank is preferred
as well For those reasons, capacitive and inductive pensator banks would be the most prominent solutions
com-Furthermore, if a compensator consists of both inductiveand capacitive banks then the compensation system will
be obviously more complex than that if only either purecapacitive or pure inductive bank is used Moreover,the higher complexity degree of compensator will result
in more investment money and more time for nance In order to offer cost advantages to utilities, thepossibility of using only either capacitive or inductivecompensation bank as the phase loading compensatorwill be proven in this section
mainte-Considering the general case where the compensator
is full thee-phase and delta connection as shown in Fig 2(hereY ab,Y bc,Y caare compensator’s admittances)
Assume that phase voltages are perfectly balanced:
V A=V ∠00, V B=V ∠1200, V . C =V ∠2400Currents generated by compensator are calculated asshown in Eq 4:
com-• Case (a): Single-phase compensator is connected across phase A and phase B (Y bc = 0, Y ca = 0).
In order to generalize the results, the values used inthis section will be in per unit
Substitute (Y ab,Y bc= 0, Y ca = 0) into Eq 5, rent sequence components produced by this singlephase compensator are:
Trang 21Phase Load Balancing In Distribution Power System Using Discrete Passive Compensator
Fig 3 Diagram of single-phase compensations
Table 1 Negative current components
con-tributed by various single phase compensator
Fig 4 Vector diagram of negative current
com-ponents generated by various single phase
Here subscript “AB” denotes current quantities
re-sulting from the single phase compensator
con-nected across phases A&B
◦ If the compensator is capacitive element with
• Case (b) & (c): Similar calculations are applied for
case (b) and case (c)
Table 1 and Fig 4 show the results of sequence
compo-nents contributed by various single phase compensator
configurations Assume that the compensator must
generate a required negative sequence current as shown
in Fig 5 This required vector will be decomposed into
two nearest available vectors:
• Case a: If the compensator is capacitive then the
re-quired vector can be decomposed into the two
near-est component vectors on CA and BC axes with
Fig 5 Decomposition of required negative rent vector into two nearest component vectors
cur-magnitudes of a (pu) and b (pu) respectively as
shown in (Fig.5-a)
In order to generate thea (pu) vectors on CA axis
then a single phase capacitive compensator nected across phases C&A must be used (accord-ing to Table 1) The value of CA capacitive singlephase compensator will be:
• Case b: Similarly, if compensator is inductive then
a pair of two single phase compensators connectedacross phases A&B and B&C must be used (Fig.5-b)
The final inductive compensator configuration willtake follow form: [Y ab;Y bc; 0]
In summary, the compensator which is formed from ther pure capacitive or pure inductive banks can gener-ate any desired negative current regardless of magnitudeand phase angle In other word, it is possible to useonly either capacitive or inductive elements to balancethe phase load currents
of load balancing or load compensation in distributionlevel may involve some of follow aspects:
Technical aspects:
• Compensation algorithm must be able to apply to
calculate for not only individual load but also forfeeder with several connected loads The problem
of unbalanced phase loading is not new in powersystems, however, the previous proposed solutionsare to deal with single individual unbalanced loadonly and they did not figure out how to deal withthe feeder which has several connected loads(6)∼(9).The contribution of this paper is to propose an al-gorithm which can apply to solve the unbalancedphase loading phenomenon for not only single loadbut also for the feeder accommodating several loads
Trang 22Fig 6 Representative feeder
as seen in practice
• Algorithm must produce as more accurate results
as possible in comparison with other proposed
so-lutions: in literature, all the calculations were
based on assumption that voltages are perfectly
bal-anced(6) (7), but actually voltages at load terminal
may not be always balanced due to many reasons
In order to overcome this limit and to provide a more
accurate solution, this proposed algorithm will use
the actual node voltages (not assumed voltages) in
all calculations
Cost advantage aspects: The key contribution of this
paper is that proposing an economically justifiable
com-pensation solution
• In order to reduce investment cost and make it
ap-plicable to power distribution level then only either
pure capacitor bank or pure reactor bank is
consid-ered to form the compensator as stated in Sec 3,
mixed capacitive and reactive compensator bank is
not an option
• As stated in Sec 1, power electronic compensators
or active compensators are a perfect choice but these
solutions are far more expensive than that if the
pas-sive compensators are selected
For that consideration, the discrete switched
pas-sive compensator banks (such as discrete capacitor
or discrete reactor bank) will be utilized as the
im-balance phase loading phenomenon does not
immedi-ately show its influence over system and equipments due
to the fact that thermal inertias of equipments are quite
long Based on that analysis, it is not really imperative
to instantly correct the imbalance phase loading
situ-ation since it occurs and the balancing action can be
carried out on averaged data over a time interval In
other word, if daily loading curve is known then it can
be stripped into smaller intervals and the compensation
action will be calculated based on the unbalance factor
averaged over each that time interval
From above view point, load balancing algorithm is
pro-posed as follow: Considering the representative feeder
withm loads as shown in Fig 6.
Step 1 : Determine the first loading level ( n = 1) to
as-sess for imbalance compensation (heren stand for
load-ing level order)
Step 2 : Run three-phase, unbalance power flow
calcu-lation with the given loading level from step 1
This unbalance power flow module has ability to handle
for various types of loads such as the load with
con-stant power; load with concon-stant impedance or load with
constant current(11) Furthermore, mutual impedance of
distribution line is also taken into account
The outputs of this step will be all node voltages(V Ai , V Bi , V Ci) and all load currents (I ali , I bli , I cli) with
i = 1 ÷ m (here subscript “i” is used for numbering
the loads)
Step 3 : Calculate negative current I . a2li produced by
Start calculating with the last load (corresponding to
i = m) at ending section of the feeder as shown in Fig 6.
Load currents (I ali , I bli , I cli) resulting from step 2 will be
used in here Equation 9 shows the calculation:
withC iandD iare real and imaginary parts of negative
current produced by load numberi.
Step 4 : Calculate the compensator size This step
consists of the follow sub-steps:
* Establish load balancing equations to determine the compensator’s negative current which will cancel load negative current resulting from step 3 In this step, ac-
tual load voltages (V Ai , V Bi , V Ci) from step 2 will be used
in calculation to improve accuracy
Referring to Fig 2, current generated by compensatoris:
I . aci= (V . Ai − V . Bi)Y . abi − ( V . Ci − V . Ai)Y . cai
I . bci= (V . Bi − V . Ci)Y . bci − ( V . Ai − V . Bi)Y . abi
I cci= (V . Ci − V . Ai)Y . cai − ( V . Bi − V . Ci)Y . bci
Here Eq 10 looks different with Eq 4 due to the factthat actual voltages V . Ai, V . Bi,V . Ciof node i are used
instead of assumed balanced voltagesV In Eq 10, node
volatges. V . Ai,V . Bi,V . Ci are already known;Y . abi,Y . bci,
Y caiare compensator’s admittances and are all unknown
Y cai:
E i=E i(Y . abi , Y . bci , Y . cai)
F i=F i(Y . abi , Y . bci , Y . cai)
Load balancing process is to satisfy the balancing ditions as stated in Eq 3, in this context, substitute
con-E i , F i , C i , D iinto Eq 3 we come up with following loadbalancing equations:
E i(
Y abi , Y . bci , Y . cai) +C i= 0
F i(Y . abi , Y . bci , Y . cai) +D i= 0 · · · (12)
Or in general form
E i(Y ) + C i= 0
F i(Y ) + D i= 0
Trang 23Phase Load Balancing In Distribution Power System Using Discrete Passive CompensatorwithY represents for compensator’s admittance.
* Solve load balancing equations by utilizing discrete
optimization technique.
Since load balancing conditions or equations have been
already established in Eq 12 then the target of this step
is to find out the values of variablesY abi, Y bci, Y cai to
fulfill those equations
Because Y abi, Y bci, Y cai can take only discrete values
(as mentioned in Sec 4.1) then the Eq 12 can not be
solved directly by conventional methods which apply to
only continuous variables That is the reason why the
discrete optimization technique needs to take part in
The objective of discrete optimization is to ultimately
fulfill the Eq 12 so that minimize the negative current
magnitude of load Mathematical expression of that
ob-jective function can be expressed as below:
[Y ] n d ≤ [0] (for reactor)
n d: maximum number of taps for each compensator.
Each element of [Y ] n d will be assigned to a value of
cor-responding tap in a discrete manner
In this proposal, brute-force search algorithm is
uti-lized to solve the discrete optimization The brute-force
search technique is simple to implement and will always
find a solution(10)
Outputs of this step is optimal values of compensator
“i” (Y abi,Y bci,Y cai) in a discrete manner.
Step 5 : Add up compensator “i” to the
correspond-ing load “i” and go back to step 2 Now run the power
flow again with updated load “i” and roll up to calculate
compensator size for the upstream adjacent load “i−1”.
Repeat the process from step 2 to step 5 until all loads
are processed and final results will be values of all
com-pensators for all loads: {Y abi;Y bci;Y cai } with i = 1 ÷ m.
Step 6 : Check for further compensation if is is
Since all compensators have been added to all
corre-sponding loads then it is necessary to check for any
fur-ther compensation correction This can be done by going
back to step 2 to run power flow again with all updated
loads and repeat all the above mentioned procedures
The iteration will terminate whenever no further
com-pensation correction is required
The condition to terminate calculation process is as
Whenever the conditionsY abi = Y bci = Y cai with all
i = 1 ÷ m are satisfied then the iteration will stop
be-cause those conditions mention that all compensators
now are three-phase balanced Since they are balanced
they will not produce any negative current to cancel for
load negative current In other word, at this stage the
compensator size is already an optimal value and no
fur-ther compensation is needed
Fig 7 Phase load balancing algorithm
Outputs of this step 6 will be the final values of allcompensators Those discrete optimal compensator’ssizes will be used to determine the corresponding tappositions Those tap positions are the first switchingpatterns of the compensators corresponding to the firstloading level
Since compensation strategy to deal with a certainlevel of unbalance has been already addressed, it is pos-sible to run multiple unbalance level configurations inorder to figure out the switching scheme for compen-sators over a day period Therefore, next step is to goback step 1 and begin to works with next loading level(loading level “n + 1”).
Figure 7 shows the entire flow chart of the algorithm
algo-rithm is written in MATLAB and the effectiveness ofalgorithm is tested with the data collecting from an ac-tual feeder which has 3 main lateral loads as shown in
Fg 8 Simulations are run with following conditions:
• All loads have leading power factors (this is based
on actual data provided by power utility company)
• The compensators are selected to be all inductive
due to existing leading power factors of loads; if
Trang 24Fig 8 Case study of feeder with three loads
Fig 9 Negative currents before & after
compen-sation through Line 1
pacitive compensators are used then the power
fac-tor will become worse
• Compensators are switchable with maximum 10
steps and each step is 25kVAR; 15kVAR and 5
kVAR for compensator 1; compensator 2 and
com-pensator 3 respectively
In this paper, time interval for unbalance assessment is
selected as 2 hours, in other word, each compensator will
have 12 time-switching patterns over every 24 hours or
a day
The load balancing algorithm is written in MATLAB
This algorithm consists of two main modules
• The first is unbalance power flow module This
un-balance power flow module has ability to handle for
various types of loads such as the load with constant
power; load with constant impedance or load with
constant current Furthermore, mutual impedance
of distribution line is also taken into account(11)
• The second module is implementation of brute-force
search algorithm This search algorithm is
sim-ple(10), however, calculation time will grow
signifi-cantly when the size of problem increases In power
distribution level, the discrete switched capacitor
bank (or reactor bank) has only a few number of
taps so that if even brute-force search is applied then
the calculation time will not be a matter
5.2 Result and discussion
5.2.1 Effectiveness of compensation algorithm
The effectiveness of compensations are illustrated in
Fig 9, 10 and 11 Based on results of negative current
before and after compensation, it is clear that the
pro-posed compensation strategy shows a significant load
balancing effect, the magnitudes of negative currents
that represent the imbalance degree may reduce to less
than 1% in some cases However, the full
compensa-tion effect (resulting in zero negative current) cannot be
expected due to the discrete characteristic of
In addition, the node voltages become balanced as a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 15, 16 and 17 show the absolute value of nodevoltages with respect to the source voltage of 6750 (V)
In this simulation, the downstream node voltages times are higher than the source voltage due to the lead-
Trang 25Phase Load Balancing In Distribution Power System Using Discrete Passive Compensator
Fig 15 Absolute voltage value before & after
Fig 16 Absolute voltage value before & after
compensation at node 2
ing power factor condition After compensation, the
leading reactive powers are partially absorbed by
in-ductive compensators and as a consequence, the
down-stream node voltages become not only mostly balanced
but also its magnitudes are reduced to appropriate level
The maximum voltage deviation from the rated value is
about± 3 % and all node voltages are within allowable
The switching patterns of compensators are indicated
by their tap positions versus time The results are
pre-sented in Fig 18, 19 and 20 Moreover, the
compen-sation shows not only load balancing effect but it also
helps to reduce power losses through the investigated
system Figure 21 shows power loss improvement after
Time Interval
Fig 17 Absolute voltage value before & after compensation at node 3
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time Interval
Tap position vs Time for Compensator 1
Fig 18 Tap position vs Time for Compensator 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time Interval
Tap position vs Time for Compensator 2
Fig 19 Tap position vs Time for Compensator 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time Interval
Tap position vs Time for Compensator 3
Fig 20 Tap position vs Time for Compensator 3
P LI = P L bf − P L af
P L bf × 100 (%)whereP L bf andP L af are total power losses before andafter compensation
According to results of simulation, power losses provement can be more than 70% and in the the leastremarkable situation it is about 16% The possible rea-sons for power losses improvement can be convinced asfollow:
im-• As stated in Ref (2), under unbalance loading
Trang 26Power Loss Improvement
Fig 21 Power loss improvement after compensation
tion the power system will incurs more losses Since
compensation takes part in, the loading situation
approaches to a near balanced status, as a result,
the power losses will be smaller
• All the loads of investigated feeder have leading poor
power factors and as a countermeasure,
compen-sators are selected to be all inductive elements and
these inductive compensators will help to improve
power factors through out the system Since power
factors are improved the power losses will reduce as
a consequence
al-gorithm used to calculate size of discrete compensator is
already described in Sec 4.2, in comparison with other
proposals(6) (7), this algorithm shows some advantages
in term of application range and accuracy The
pro-posed algorithm can apply not only for single individual
load but also for any feeder which has several connected
loads In addition, it actually incorporates the power
flow and compensation calculation processes by using
an iteration technique and this new feature does help to
improve the accuracy of compensation process
Figure 22 compares the results with and without the
incorporation technique and reveals the significant
ef-fectiveness of that new feature The incorporation
tech-nique shows significant effect, for instance, on line 1 and
line 2 In Fig 22, if incorporation technique is employed
then the average negative current after compensation
can minimize to about 1 % on line 1, in contrary to that
result, if that technique is not deployed then the
neg-ative current after compensation remains at high level
about 8 %
The reason why that technique can bring better results
for compensation process is possibly explained as follow:
If the incorporation technique is not used, the influence
of power flow changing will not be taken into account
and consequently the results are less accurate in
com-parison with that in case the incorporation techniques
it is utilized Referring to Fig 8, line 3 is the ending
sec-tion of the feeder and it is inherently less affected by the
changing of power flow caused by adding compensators
to loads after each iteration, however, line 2 and line
1 are upstream sections and they will be strongly and
accumulatively affected by power flow changing since
downstream loads are altered Those reason can explain
why the incorporation technique shows a significant
ef-fect on results for line 1 and line 2 but shows only a very
minor effect in case of line 3
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time Interval
Average negative current through line
With Incorporation Without Incorporation
Fig 22 Average negative currents after sation with & without iteration technique
compen-Moreover, another reason which accounts for the higheraccurate results is that using actual node voltages inall calculations instead of assumed balanced voltages asimplemented in Sec 4.2
This paper has introduced a cost effective solutions
to deal with the problem of phase load imbalance indistribution level The mechanism of using passive com-pensator to balance phase loading is developed and thealgorithm for determining the size of discrete compen-sator is presented as well The algorithm is main contri-bution of this paper and it already shows many advan-tages in comparison with other proposals A simplifiedcase study based on an actual distribution feeder is used
to verify the possibility of the proposed compensationstrategy Finally, all the results indicate a feasible, lowcost solution which is applicable to power distributionsystem
1 Case study parameter
app Table 1 Parameter of case study feeder
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Impedance (Ω) 0.5557+j0.9982 0.3781+j0.4154 0.3803+j0.558
2 Brute-force search algorithm
Brute-force search algorithm is used to the solve lowing problem:
Trang 27Phase Load Balancing In Distribution Power System Using Discrete Passive Compensator
g: set of m inequality constrains
Begin algorithm
First step: setf ∗=inf then
for For every allowable combination of:
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( 7 ) V G Nikolaenko, “Optimal balancing of large unbalanced
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( 8 ) Z Yongqiang and L Wenhua, “Balancing compensation of
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Nguyen Xuan Tung (Non-member) was born in Hai
Duong, Vietnam, on April 15, 1975 He ceived the B.E degree in electrical enginer- ing from Hanoi University of Technology, Viet- Nam in 1999 and the M.E degree from Curtin University of Technology, Australia in 2005.
re-He has been pursuing PhD degree in Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan since 2007 His interests are about relay protection system and power quality issue in power distribution system.
Goro Fujita (Member) received the B.E., M.E and Ph.D
degrees in electrical engineering from Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan in 1992, 1994 and
1997 respectively In 1997, he was a research student of Tokyo Metropolitan University He
is an Associate Professor of Shibaura tute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan His inter- est is in power system control including AGC and FACTS He is a member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) of Japan,the IEE of Japan, and IEEE.
Insti-Kazuhiro Horikoshi (Member) was born in Miyagi, Japan,
degree in electrical engineering from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1990 In the same year,
he joined Tohoku Electric Power Co., Sendai, Japan He is now an assistant research man- ager in Research & Development Center at To-
area is about distribution system and connection of distributed generations.
Trang 28-&3!$+" %+*B+$//&3B" " %+*7-!/" #$3" 7!" ;*-U!:" =&'" U!+D" &B" %!+9*+/$3#!" QR" ;*-U!+" ;<#" $;" _RQ`jF"
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Trang 30 ¢