KHÓA ĐÀO TẠO TÍNH TOÁN ỔN ĐỊNH VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG PHẦN MỀM PSSE CHO KỸ SƯ HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Mô hình mô phỏng điện gió trong Phần mềm PSSE): • Wind Farms. • Dynamic Models for Wind Farms. • Wind Farm Model Tests.
TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION A Division of Global Power POWER SYSTEM STABILITY CALCULATION TRAINING D7 Wi d F Si l ti D ay 7 - Wi n d F arm Si mu l a ti on November 25, 2013Prepared by: Mohamed El Chehaly eBook for You OUTLINE 2 OUTLINE • Wind Farms • Dynamic Models for Wind Farms • Wind Farm Model Tests eBook for You 3 WIND FARMS WIND FARMS eBook for You Power Flow Representation 4 WIND FARMS Power Flow Representation Wind Turbine Generators modeled as conventional generators with specific configurations for Qcontrol eBook for You Power Flow Representation 5 WIND FARMS Power Flow Representation Wind machine control mode 0: if this is not a wind machine (by default) 1: if this is a wind machine that participates in lt t l ith th l f QT (QMAX) d vo lt age con t ro l w ith th e va l ues o f QT (QMAX) an d QB (QMIN) on the data record specifying the machine’s reactive p ower limits ( similar to a p( conventional machine) 2: if this is a wind machine that participates in voltage control with specified power factor and the voltage control with specified power factor and the machine’s real power setting (PG on the data record) used to set the machine’s reactive power limits eBook for You Power Flow Representation 6 WIND FARMS Power Flow Representation Wind machine control mode 3: if this is a wind machine which operates at a fixed power with the machine reactive power output and reactive power upper and lower limits output and reactive power upper and lower limits all equal and set based on the machine power and the machine’s real power setting PG Wind machine PF Ignored if the wind control mode is 0 Is used in setting the machine’s reactive power limits when the wind control mode is 2 or 3 Negative value may be specified when the wind Negative value may be specified when the wind control mode is 3 to represent leading PF eBook for You Types of Wind Farms 7 WIND FARMS Types of Wind Farms Type 1: Direct connected conventional induction generator Type 2: Wound rotor induction generator with variable rotor resistance Type 3: Doubly-fed induction generator T y pe 4: Full size converter unit y eBook for You Type 1 (WT1) Representation 8 WIND FARMS Type 1 (WT1) Representation Type 1: Direct connected conventional induction generator eBook for You Type 1 (WT1) in Power Flow 9 WIND FARMS Type 1 (WT1) in Power Flow The wind control mode should be set as 3 (wind machine with fixed Q based on WPF) User should model properly an equivalent of a wind farm and take into account the number of wind machines that will be lumped into an equivalent machine lumped into an equivalent machine (Equivalent MBASE = N number of machines x MBASE of one machine) machines x MBASE of one machine) A vast majority of WT1 includes a set of capacitors to keep the power factor in capacitors to keep the power factor in steady state within range eBook for You Type 2 (WT2) Representation 10 WIND FARMS Type 2 (WT2) Representation Type 2: Wound rotor induction generator with variable rotor resistance eBook for You [...]... into an equivalent machine (Equivalent MBASE = N number of machines x MBASE of one machine) No need to add capacitors eBook for You Type 4 (WT4) in Power Flow DYNAMIC MODELS OF WIND FARMS eBook for You 16 17 DYNAMIC MODELS OF WIND FARMS Type 1 (WT1) in Dynamics WT1G: generator/converter model WT12T: wind turbine model WT12A: pseudo governor model eBook for You Three models 18 DYNAMIC MODELS OF . You OUTLINE 2 OUTLINE • Wind Farms • Dynamic Models for Wind Farms • Wind Farm Model Tests eBook for You 3 WIND FARMS WIND FARMS eBook for You Power Flow Representation 4 WIND FARMS Power Flow . when the wind Negative value may be specified when the wind control mode is 3 to represent leading PF eBook for You Types of Wind Farms 7 WIND FARMS Types of Wind Farms . Flow The wind control mode should be set as 3 (wind machine with fixed Q based on WPF) User should model properly an equivalent of a wind farm and take into account the number of wind machines