Phần 2 KHÓA ĐÀO TẠO TÍNH TOÁN ỔN ĐỊNH VÀ ỨNG DỤNG TRÊN PHẦN MỀM PSSE CHO KỸ SƯ HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Nghiên cứu và ứng dụng trên Phần mềm PSSE của Siemens PTI): • PSS®E Basic Operation. • Load Flow Analysis. • Contingency Analysis. • ShortCircuit Analysis.
TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION A Division of Global Power POWER SYSTEM STABILITY CALCULATION TRAINING D1 I t d ti t PSS®E D ay 1 - I n t ro d uc ti on t o PSS®E July 4, 2013Prepared by: Mohamed El Chehaly eBook for You OUTLINE 2 OUTLINE • PSS®E 33: Basic Operation • Load Flow Analysis • Contingency Analysis Sh t Ci it A l i • Sh or t - Ci rcu it A na l ys i s eBook for You 3 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION eBook for You PSS®E Functional Description 4 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION PSS®E Functional Description Power flow and related network analysis functions Balanced and unbalanced fault analysis Network e q uivalent construction q Dynamic simulation Dynamic simulation eBook for You Input Data Files 5 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Input Data Files Power Flow Raw Data Files (.raw) D y namics Data Files ( .d y r ) y( y ) Saved Case (.sav) and Snapshot (.snp): binary files Subsystem Description Data (.sub) Monitored Element Data ( .mon ) ( ) Contingency Description Data (.con) Sequence Data Files (. seq ) Sequence Data Files (. seq ) eBook for You Output Files 6 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Output Files Distribution Factor Data (.dfx) AC Contin g enc y Solution Out p ut ( .acc ) gy p( ) PV Solution Output (.pv) Q V So l ut i o n Output ( . q v ) Q So ut o Output ( q ) Channel Output (.out) Slider Diagram (. sld ) Slider Diagram (. sld ) eBook for You Automation Files 7 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Automation Files Response File or IDEV File (.idv) IPLAN Source Program (.ipl) IPLAN Executable Program (.irf) Python Program (.py) eBook for You Key Elements of the Interface 8 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Key Elements of the Interface Toolbars TreeView SpreadsheetViewOutputView CommandLine Interface(CLI) eBook for You Key Elements of the Interface 9 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Key Elements of the Interface Tree View Network items represented as selectable elements in a hierarchical list Network items organized by data type and displayed in expandable/collapsible folders displayed in expandable/collapsible folders Spreadsheet View Importing a sav file or a raw file populates the Importing a . sav file or a . raw file populates the spreadsheet with network data Tabs allow specification of the various data categories eBook for You Key Elements of the Interface 10 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Key Elements of the Interface Output View Progress, alerts/warnings and reports tabs Alerts and warning also appear in red text in the progress stream Tlb T oo lb ars Shortcuts to analytical tools, one-line diagrams, generation of reports generation of reports … Command Line Interface (CLI) Field for command line input (IDEV or Python) Field for command line input (IDEV or Python) eBook for You [...]... connected to bus 21 4: 24 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Exercises a) What are the maximum and minimum reactive power ratings of this generator? Qmax = 610 MVAr Qmin = -110 MVAr b) What is the power loading of the machine in %? Loading in MVA = √( 321 2 + 1 42. 324 92) = 351.14 MVA Loading in % = 351.14 / 610 = 58% eBook for You 4 Go to the “Machine” tab Find generator connected to bus 4 02: 25 PSS®E 33: BASIC... bus 3008: 22 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Exercises a) What are the name of the buses and the rated voltage of the branch? Bus Names: HYDRO and DUPONT Rated Voltage: 500 kV b) What is the rated resistance and reactance of this branch (p.u.)? Resistance: R = 0.0015 p.u Reactance: X = 0 0150 p.u R t 0.0150 eBook for You 2 Go to the “Branch” tab Find the branch that connects bus 20 1 to bus 20 7: 23 PSS®E 33:...11 Bus Tab PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Default: 1.0 pu Default: 0 deg eBook for You Bus Number Base kV Base kV 1: Load Bus 2: Generator Bus 2 G t B 3: Swing Bus 4: Disconnected Bus 12 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION eBook for You Branch Tab Bus Number Bus Number From and To Length g ID Branch Data (pu) Thermal Rating (MVA) 13 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION eBook... Bus Number Control Mode Voltage Limits Reactive Power Limits 20 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION eBook for You Switched Shunt Tab Initial Value Number of Step for Block i Number of Step for Block i Admittance Increment for Each Step in Block i 21 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Exercises a) What is the name of this bus and its rated voltage? Name: CATDOG Rated Voltage: 23 0 kV b) Based on the code number, what type of bus... Exercises a) What is the number of shunt elements connected? Sum of all blocks = 13 b) What is the maximum reactive power produced? Qmax = 124 MVAr eBook for You 5 Go to the “Switched Shunt” tab Find switched shunt connected to bus 154: LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS eBook for You 26 27 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Power Flow Solution Calculations Transmission line impedance and charging admittance Transformer impedance and... inputs: 28 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Power Flow Solution Calculations Voltage magnitude and angle of each PQ bus Voltage angle and reactive power produced/absorbed by each generator at each PV bus Real and reactive power produced/absorbed by the generators at the swing bus Real and reactive power and current flow in each transmission line and transformer eBook for You Quantities determined: 29 LOAD... converge ‐ Data is suspect Do Not Use When Do Not Use When ‐ Very low impedance branches ‐ Series compensation more than 80% ‐ Series capacitors connected to generator buses eBook for You Advantages 32 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Power Flow Solution Calculations Full Newton-Raphson (FNSL) Newton Raphson Disadvantages ‐ Rapid convergence p g on well‐conditioned cases ‐ Small bus mismatches can be mismatches . Tab ID BusNumber GeneratorPower Generator Data Generator Data TransformerData eBook for You Two Winding Tab 16 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Two Winding Tab ID ControlData BusNumber Fromand To kVorpu eBook. Tab Default:0deg BusNumber Base kV 1:LoadBus 2 GtB Base kV 2 : G enera t or B us 3:SwingBus 4:DisconnectedBus eBook for You Branch Tab 12 PSS®E 33: BASIC OPERATION Branch Tab Bus Number Len g th BranchData(pu) ID Bus Number Fromand To ThermalRating (MVA) g eBook. warning also appear in red text in the progress stream Tlb T oo lb ars Shortcuts to analytical tools, one-line diagrams, generation of reports generation of reports … Command Line