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email 109 empty email email /imel/, e-mail /i mel/ noun 1. a system of sending messages from one computer to another, using telephone lines ć You can contact me by phone or email if you want. ć I’ll give you my email address. 2. a message sent by email ć I had two emails from him this morning. í verb to send a message to someone using email ć I emailed him about the meeting. embarrass embarrass /m  brəs/ verb to make someone feel uncomfortable in front of other people, e.g. by talking about something that they would prefer other people not to know about embarrassed embarrassed /m  brəst/ adjective uncomfortable or ashamed, and not knowing what to do ć She gave an em- barrassed laugh, and said she had for- gotten to bring the present. ć He was so embarrassed that he turned bright red. embarrassing embarrassing /m  brəsŋ/ adjective making a person feel embarrassed ć It was very embarrassing when he told everyone about my mistake. embryo embryo /embriəυ/ noun the first state of a living organism ć a human embryo emerge emerge /  md/ verb 1. to come into existence as something ć It was only af- ter the election that he emerged as party leader. 2. to become known ć It soon emerged that the Prime Minister knew nothing about what was happening. emergency emergency /  mdənsi/ noun a dan- gerous situation such as a fire or an ac- cident, where decisions have to be taken quickly ć Phone for an ambulance – this is an emergency! emotion emotion /  məυʃ(ə)n/ noun a strong feeling ć Hatred and love are two of the most powerful emotions. ć He tried to hide his emotions when he made his speech. emotional emotional /  məυʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective causing you to feel emotion, or showing emotion ć Saying goodbye was an emo- tional time for us all. ć The music made her feel very emotional and she started to cry. emphasis emphasis /emfəss/ noun 1. the act of showing the importance of something, usually in speech ć Don’t put too much emphasis on his age. ć She banged the table for emphasis as she spoke. 2. how loud your voice is when you pronounce a word or phrase ć Everyone noticed the emphasis he put on the word ‘peace’. (NOTE: The plural is emphases.) emphasise emphasise /emfəsaz/, emphasize verb to show how important you feel something is, by saying it more loudly or slowly ć Please emphasise that the meeting must start on time. ć He em- phasised the importance of everyone working together. ć She kept on empha- sising the same point over and over again. empire empire /empaə/ noun several separate countries ruled by a central government ć We’re studying the history of the Brit- ish Empire. ć The Soviet empire cov- ered a huge area from the Pacific Ocean to the middle of Europe. employ employ /m  plɔ/ verb 1. to give some- one regular paid work ć He is employed as a gardener by the duke. ć She is em- ployed in the textile industry. 2. to use something ( formal ) ć If we were to em- ploy more up-to-date methods, would we make more money? ć How can we best employ our free time on Sunday? employee employee /m  plɔi/ noun a person who is employed ć The company has decided to take on twenty new employ- ees. employer employer /m  plɔə/ noun a person or organisation that gives work to people and pays them ć Her employer was a Hong Kong businessman. ć The car fac- tory is the biggest employer in the area. employment employment /m  plɔmənt/ noun reg- ular paid work empty empty /empti/ adjective with nothing inside, or with no people present ć When we opened it, the box was empty. ć Take an empty pot and fill it with soil. ć The fridge is empty – we’ll have to go out to eat. ć The ski resorts are empty because there is no snow. (NOTE: empti- er – emptiest) í verb to make some- thing empty ć She emptied the clothes out of the suitcase. ć He emptied the bottle into the sink. ć They emptied the contents of the petty cash box into a bag. Basic.fm Page 109 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com enable 110 engineer (NOTE: empties – emptying – emp- tied) enable enable /n  eb(ə)l/ verb to make it possi- ble for someone to do something ć The dictionary should enable you to under- stand English better. (NOTE: enables – enabling – enabled) enclose enclose /n  kləυz/ verb 1. to put some- thing inside an envelope with a letter ć I am enclosing a copy of our current catalogue. ć Please find our cheque en- closed herewith. 2. to put a wall or fence round an area of land ć The garden is enclosed by high brick walls. enclosed enclosed /n  kləυzd/ adjective sur- rounded on all sides ć an enclosed space encounter encounter /n  kaυntə/ verb to meet someone or something ć On the journey we encountered several amusing peo- ple. ć I have never encountered such hospitality anywhere else. encourage encourage /n  krd/ verb 1. to make it easier for something to happen ć Leaving your credit cards on your desk encourages people to steal or encourag- es stealing. 2. to help someone to do something by giving them confidence ć He encouraged me to apply for the job. ć I always felt encouraged by his inter- est in what I was doing. encyclopedia encyclopedia /nsaklə  pidiə/, ency- clopaedia noun 1. a reference book containing articles on many subjects of human knowledge, usually presented in alphabetical order 2. a reference book containing articles on a single subject, arranged usually in alphabetical order ć a gardening encyclopedia ć the ency- clopedia of sport end end /end/ noun 1. the last part of some- thing ć She tied the two ends of the rib- bon together. ć The telephone rang and I missed the end of the TV programme. ć Go down to the end of the road and then turn right. ˽ to come to an end to be finished ć The work should come to an end next month. 2. the final part of a period of time ć Can you wait until the end of the week? í verb when some- thing ends, it reaches the point when it stops happening ć The film ends with a wedding. ć The meeting ended with eve- ryone fighting on the floor. ć The con- cert should end at about 10 o’clock. ć The game ended in a draw. ȣ in the end finally, at last ć In the end the teacher let him go home. ć In the end the shop had to call in the police. ȣ to make ends meet to have just enough money to live on ć I’m having trouble making ends meet. end up phrasal verb to finish in a par- ticular situation endeavour endeavour /n  devə/ verb to try very hard to do something ( formal ) ć He en- deavoured to contact her by both phone and fax. (NOTE: The US spelling is en- deavor.) ending ending /endŋ/ noun the way a story finishes ć I like films which have a hap- py ending. ć He told us so much of the story that we could guess the ending. enemy enemy /enəmi/ noun a person or coun- try that is not on friendly terms with an- other, and may try to harm them ć Did your husband have many enemies? (NOTE: The plural is enemies.) energetic energetic /enə  detk/ adjective active and lively energy energy /enədi/ noun 1. the force or strength of a person ć He used up a lot of energy rushing around doing the Christmas shopping. ć She put all her energies into her art gallery. 2. a power which makes something work ć the use of atomic energy or nuclear energy to make electricity ć We try to save energy by switching off the lights when the rooms are empty. engine engine /endn/ noun 1. a machine which powers or drives something ć The car may need a new engine, I’m afraid. ć Early industrial equipment was powered by steam engines. 2. a ve- hicle which pulls a train ć The engine broke down and the train was stuck in the tunnel. engineer engineer /end  nə/ noun 1. a person who looks after and repairs technical equipment ć There are not enough tele- phone engineers in the area. ć The pho- tocopier’s broken down again – we’ll have to call the engineer. 2. a person whose job is to design mechanical, elec- trical or industrial equipment Basic.fm Page 110 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com engineering 111 entertain engineering engineering /end  nərŋ/ noun the science or study of the design of techni- cal equipment ć The college offers courses in electrical engineering. England England /ŋlənd/ noun a country in the southern part of the island of Great Brit- ain, the largest country in the United Kingdom ć How long does it take to cross from England to France? ć A lot of Scottish people live in England. (NOTE: the word England is often used instead of Britain, and this is a mistake, as England is only one part of Great Britain; note also the capital: London; people: the English; language: Eng- lish; currency: pound sterling) English English /ŋlʃ/ adjective relating to England ć the beautiful English coun- tryside ć Is the English weather really as bad as it is made out to be? ć I think she is English, although she speaks with an Australian accent. (NOTE: English is often used instead of British. This is a mistake as England is only one part of Great Britain. Do not say the English Prime Minister, say the British Prime Minister.) í noun the English language as a subject of study in school or univer- sity ć She’s good at maths but not so good at English. ć As well as teaching English, he also teaches drama. ć Mr Smith is our English teacher. ć She gives English lessons at home in the evenings. ć There are twenty students in my English class. Englishman Englishman /ŋlʃmən/ noun a man from England (NOTE: The plural is Eng- lishmen.) Englishwoman Englishwoman /ŋlʃwυmən/ noun a woman from England (NOTE: The plu- ral is Englishwomen.) enhance enhance /n  hɑns/ verb to increase the value or power of something ć Slot in this new memory board to enhance your computer memory. ć He took drugs to enhance his performance as an athlete. enjoy enjoy /n  dɔ/ verb to get pleasure from something ć Have you enjoyed the hol- iday so far? ć When he asked them if they had enjoyed the film they all an- swered ‘no’. ć She doesn’t enjoy sailing because it make her seasick. enjoyable enjoyable /n  dɔəb(ə)l/ adjective giv- ing pleasure enjoyment enjoyment /n  dɔmənt/ noun pleas- ure enlarge enlarge /n  lɑd/ verb to make some- thing bigger ć Could you enlarge this photograph? enormous enormous /  nɔməs/ adjective of an extremely large size ć The ballroom is absolutely enormous. ć He ate an enor- mous lunch. enormously enormously /  nɔməsli/ adverb very much enough enough /  nf/ adjective as much as is needed ć Have you got enough money for your fare or to pay your fare? ć There isn’t enough light to take photo- graphs. í pronoun as much of some- thing as is needed ć I had £20 in my purse to pay the taxi, but it wasn’t enough. ć Have you all had enough to eat? í adverb as much as is needed ć This box isn’t big enough for all these books. ć He doesn’t work fast enough. ensure ensure /n  ʃυə/ verb to make sure of something ć When taking a shower, please ensure that the shower curtain is inside the bath. (NOTE: ensures – en- suring – ensured) enter enter /entə/ verb 1. to go into or to come into a place ć He took off his hat as he entered the church. ć Did they stamp your passport when you entered the country? 2. to decide to take part in a race or competition ć She has entered the 2,000 metres. 3. to write information on a book or a form, or to type informa- tion into a computer system ć We will just enter your name and address on the computer. í noun the key on a keyboard which you press when you have finished keying something, or when you want to start a new line ć To log on to the sys- tem, type your password and press enter. ı entrance, entry entertain entertain /entə  ten/ verb 1. to per- form, e.g. by telling stories to people or making them laugh ć He entertained us with stories of his life in the army. ć The tourists were entertained by the local dance troupe. 2. to have someone as a guest and offer them a meal and drinks, Basic.fm Page 111 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com entertainer 112 equipment and sometimes a place to sleep ć They’re entertaining some Swedish friends this evening. entertainer entertainer /entə  tenə/ noun a person who entertains people, especially as a job entertainment entertainment /entə  tenmənt/ noun things such as films and shows that peo- ple enjoy watching ć She sang for their entertainment. ć There’s not much en- tertainment in the village – the nearest cinema is 25km away. enthusiasm enthusiasm /n  θjuziz(ə)m/ noun great interest and liking ć We succeed- ed, thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of a small group of members. ć She showed a lot of enthusiasm for our new project. enthusiastic enthusiastic /n  θjuzi  stk/ adjec- tive showing great interest and approval ć The editor was very enthusiastic about my book. ć There were enthusias- tic cheers at the end of the performance. entire entire /n  taə/ adjective whole ć We spent the entire day gardening. ć The entire cast came on the stage and bowed to the audience. entirely entirely /n  taəli/ adverb completely ć I agree with you entirely. ć This is an entirely separate problem. entrance entrance /entrəns/ noun a door for go- ing in ć She was sitting at the entrance to the museum. ć Let’s meet at the side entrance, near the café. entrant entrant /entrənt/ noun a person who takes part in a race, examination or com- petition ć There are over a thousand en- trants for the race. entry entry /entri/ noun 1. the act of going into a place ć The sign on the door said ‘No Entry’. 2. the door or opening where you go into a place ć The entry to the cave was blocked by rocks. 3. a piece of information in a such as a dictionary, or in a computer system ć She looked up the entry on ‘roses’ in the gardening en- cyclopaedia. envelope envelope /envələυp/ noun a folded pa- per cover for sending letters in ć She wrote the address on the envelope and sealed it. ć She wrote down all the in- formation on the back of an envelope. envious envious /enviəs/ adjective feeling or showing in an unhappy way that you would like to have something that some- one else has environment environment /n  varənmənt/ noun the land, the water, the air and the build- ings which are around us, and the condi- tions in which we live ć The environ- ment in the office is not good for con- centrated work. ć The pollution produced by the factory is causing long- term damage to the environment. environmental environmental /n  varən  ment(ə)l/ adjective relating to the environment ć measures taken to protect against envi- ronmental pollution ć She’s joined an environmental group. envy envy /envi/ noun an unhappy feeling that you would like to have something which someone else has ć Her beautiful long dark hair filled us all with envy. í verb to have the unhappy feeling that you would like to have something that someone else has ć I don’t envy him with a job like that! (NOTE: envies – en- vying – envied) enzyme enzyme /enzam/ noun a protein pro- duced by living cells which makes other substances change, as when digestion takes place equal equal /ikwəl/ adjective having exactly the same amount as something else ć His share is equal to mine. ć Male and female employees must have equal pay. ć The two sticks are of equal length or are equal in length. í verb 1. to be ex- actly the same as ć His time for the 100 metres equals the existing record. 2. to give a particular result ć Two plus two equals four. ć Ten take away four equals six. (NOTE: equals – equalling – equalled. The US spelling is equaling – equaled.) í noun a person who is on the same level as someone else ć I don’t consider him your equal. ć We’re all equals here. equally equally /ikwəli/ adverb in exactly the same way ć They are all equally guilty. ć Here men and women are paid equal- ly badly. ć They were both equally re- sponsible for the mistake. equipment equipment /  kwpmənt/ noun all the things such as tools, arms and machines Basic.fm Page 112 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com error 113 Europe which are needed for something ć He brought all his camera equipment with him. ć Do you really need all this equip- ment for a short climb? (NOTE: no plu- ral: for one item say a piece of equip- ment .) error error /erə/ noun something that is wrong, especially a mistake in writing or speaking ć There isn’t a single error in the whole document. ć The waiter made an error in calculating the bill. erupt erupt /  rpt/ verb ( of a volcano ) to throw out fire and other very hot sub- stances ć The volcano last erupted in 1968. escape escape /  skep/ noun the act of getting away from prison or from a difficult sit- uation ć There were three escapes from this jail last year. ć A weekend by the sea was a wonderful escape from the of- fice. especially especially /  speʃ(ə)li/ adverb 1. used for showing that something is the case to a great degree ć This suitcase is espe- cially heavy. 2. used for showing that something is more important or true ć She does get tired, especially on school day. essay essay /ese/ noun a piece of writing on a specific subject ć a collection of the writer’s most famous essays ć For our homework, we have to write an essay on pollution. essential essential /  senʃəl/ adjective which is very important or which you must have ć You can survive without food for some time, but water is essential. ć It is essen- tial that we get the delivery on time. í noun a thing which is very important or which you cannot do without ć Sun cream is an essential in the desert. ć We’ve got all the basic essentials – food, water and fuel. essentially essentially /  senʃəli/ adverb used for saying what is the most true, or the most important fact ć My new job is essen- tially not so very different from my old one. ć Although he’s essentially a kind man, he does lose his temper sometimes. establish establish /  stblʃ/ verb 1. to create something, to set something up ć The business was established in Scotland in 1823. ć We need to establish a good working relationship with our col- leagues. 2. to discover or prove some- thing ć If only the police could establish where the car was parked that evening. ć It’s difficult to establish what her rea- sons are for resigning. establishment establishment /  stblʃmənt/ noun 1. the act of creating something ć She helped them with the establishment of the local drama society. (NOTE: no plu- ral in this sense) 2. a business; an or- ganisation ć It’s an establishment which imports radios from China. ć He runs an important teaching establishment. Establishment, the Establishment, the /  stblʃmənt/ noun the most important people in soci- ety, especially those who are in authori- ty ć He spent a lot of his life fighting against the Establishment. estate estate /  stet/ noun 1. a large area of land belonging to one owner ć He owns a 250-acre estate in Norfolk. 2. a group of houses on one piece of land, usually all built at the same time estimate estimate 1 /estmət/ noun a calculation or guess which shows the amount of something you think there is, or its worth or cost ć I wasn’t in when they came to read the gas meter, so this bill is only an estimate. ć Your estimate of two dozen visitors proved to be correct. ˽ she gave me a rough estimate she gave me an approximate calculation estimate estimate 2 /estmet/ verb to calculate or guess how much you think something will cost or is worth ć I estimate that it will cost £100,000. ć He estimated costs at £50,000. etc. etc. /et  setərə/, etcetera adverb and so on, and other things like this ć Fruit such as oranges, bananas, etc. euro euro /jυərəυ/ noun the unit of money used by most countries in the European Union ć Many articles are priced in eu- ros. ć What’s the exchange rate for the euro? (NOTE: written Ä before num- bers: Ä250: say: ‘two hundred and fifty euros’) Europe Europe /jυərəp/ proper noun 1. the continent of Europe, the part of the world to the west of Asia, extending Basic.fm Page 113 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com European 114 evil from Russia to Ireland ć Most of the countries of Western Europe are mem- bers of the EU. 2. the same area, but not including the UK ć Holidays in Europe are less popular than last year. European European /jυərə  piən/ adjective re- lating to Europe evaluate evaluate /  vljuet/ verb to make a judgement about something after think- ing carefully about it ć The students were asked to evaluate the usefulness of the lessons. evaluation evaluation /  vlju  eʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of evaluating something, or the judgement made in this way (NOTE: no plural) evaporate evaporate /  vpəret/ verb ( of liquid ) to turn into steam by being heated ć Wa- ter gradually evaporates from the soil. even even /iv(ə)n/ adjective 1. flat, level ć The road has a smooth, even surface. 2. not changing ć They kept up an even pace for miles. ć The temperature is an even 28° all through the day. í adverb used for showing surprise or making an expression stronger ć He doesn’t even like strawberries. ć Even the cleverest businessperson can make mistakes. ć She’s tall, but her sister is even taller. evening evening /ivnŋ/ noun the late part of the day, when it starts to get dark ć I saw her yesterday evening. ć The acci- dent took place at 8.30 in the evening. ć We arrived in London at breakfast time, having left New York the previous evening. ć We always go to a restaurant on Sunday evenings. ć They took an evening flight to Madrid. ć The evening meal is served from 7.30 to 10.30. evenly evenly /iv(ə)nli/ adverb in an equal way event event /  vent/ noun something important which happens ć the events leading up to the war ć A baby’s first birthday is always a very happy event. eventually eventually /  ventʃuəli/ adverb in the end ć After weeks of hesitation he even- tually decided to sell the cottage. ever ever /evə/ adverb at any time ( used with negatives and in questions ) ć Nothing ever happens here. ć Did you ever meet my brother? ć Have you ever been to Germany? evergreen evergreen /evərin/ noun a tree which keeps its leaves all winter ć Holly and other evergreens can be used as decorations in winter. every every /evri/ adjective 1. each ć It rained every day during the holidays. ć We have a party every New Year’s Day. ć Every Wednesday, he goes for a swim in the local pool. ć Every house in the street has a garden. 2. with a particular amount of time or distance in between ć The medicine is to be taken every four hours. ć Have your car checked every 10,000 kilometres. everybody everybody /evribɒdi/ pronoun same as everyone everyone everyone /evriwn/ pronoun all the people involved in a particular situation ć Everyone has to die some day. ć If everybody is here, we can start. ć Eve- ryone must show their passport. (NOTE: everyone and everybody are fol- lowed by they, their, themselves, etc., but the verb stays singular: Is eve- ryone enjoying themselves? Not eve- rybody likes pop music, do they? ) ˽ everyone else all the other people ć Only Maggie could come – everyone else was too busy. everything everything /evriθŋ/ pronoun 1. all things ć Did you bring everything you need? ć The burglars stole everything of value. ć Everything he says annoys me. 2. things in general ć Everything was dark in the street. ć Everything is under control. everywhere everywhere /evriweə/ adverb in all places ć There were papers lying about everywhere. ć We’ve looked everywhere for the key and can’t find it. evidence evidence /evd(ə)ns/ noun a fact which proves that something really exists or has happened ć The bloodstains on his coat were clear evidence of the crime. ć Scientists are looking for evidence of life on Mars. ć There is no evidence that he was ever there. evident evident /evd(ə)nt/ adjective obvious evil evil /iv(ə)l/ adjective morally very bad ć She’s considered to be an evil woman. Basic.fm Page 114 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com ex- 115 exchange ć His evil intentions were evident as soon as he locked the door. ex- ex- /eks/ prefix used for showing that a person used to have a particular job or relationship ć an ex-soldier ć Tom’s my ex-boyfriend. exact exact /  zkt/ adjective completely ac- curate, with no more or no less ć What is the exact time of arrival? ć Could you repeat the exact words she used? ć The salesgirl asked me if I had the exact sum, since she had no change. exactly exactly /  zktli/ adverb not more, not less ć That comes to exactly ten dollars and fifty cents. ć The time is exactly 16.24. exaggerate exaggerate /  zdəret/ verb to make things seem, e.g. worse, better, bigger than they really are ć The wide black belt exaggerates her small waist. ć She exaggerated the importance of my contribution. exam exam /  zm/ noun same as examina- tion ć The exam was very difficult – half the students failed. ć She passed all her exams. examination examination /  zm  neʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. an occasion on which someone looks at something to see if it works properly, or to see if something is wrong ć He had to have an X-ray examination. ć The examination of the car showed that its brakes were faulty. 2. a written or spoken test ć The examination was very difficult – half the students failed. ć He did badly in his English examination. ć She came first in the final examination for the course. (NOTE: often shortened to exam in this sense) examine examine /  zmn/ verb 1. to look carefully at something to see what is in it, or what it is like ć The doctor exam- ined her throat. ć We will have to exam- ine the shop’s scales to see if they show the correct weight. ć The customs offi- cials wanted to examine the inside of the car. ć The water samples were exam- ined in the laboratory. 2. to test a stu- dent ć They examined everyone in mathematics and computer skills. examiner examiner /  zmnə/ noun a person who conducts an exam example example /  zɑmpəl/ noun something chosen to show something ć This is a good example of French architecture of the eleventh century. ˽ to set an exam- ple to do things well or properly your- self, so that other people can copy you ć He sets everyone a good example by get- ting into the office before 8.00 every morning. ˽ to make an example of someone to punish someone so that oth- ers will learn not to do what that person did ć Her teacher made an example of her by making her miss the class trip. exceed exceed /k  sid/ verb to go beyond something ć The car was exceeding the speed limit. ć Our expenses have ex- ceeded our income for the first time. ć Did the UN troops exceed their man- date? excellent excellent /eksələnt/ adjective very good ć We had an excellent meal in a Chinese restaurant. ć Her handwriting is excellent – it is much clearer than mine. except except /k  sept/ preposition not includ- ing ć She’s allowed to eat anything ex- cept milk products. ć Everyone was sick on the boat, except (for) me. ć VAT is levied on all goods except books, news- papers, food and children’s clothes. í conjunction other than; apart from ć He doesn’t do anything except sit and watch football on the TV. ć Everything went well, except that James was sick. ć Everyone enjoyed the birthday party, except (that) there wasn’t enough to eat. (NOTE: [all senses] Do not confuse with accept.) exception exception /k  sepʃən/ noun something that is not included ć All the students failed, with one exception. ć Are there any exceptions to the rule? exceptionally exceptionally /k  sepʃən(ə)li/ adverb to a very great degree, often so great as to be surprising exchange exchange /ks  tʃend/ verb to give one thing and to get another thing back ć The footballers from the two teams ex- changed shirts at the end of the match. í noun the act of giving one thing for another ć the exchange of rings during the wedding ceremony Basic.fm Page 115 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com excited 116 expectation excited excited /k  satd/ adjective lively and happy because you think something good is going to happen ć She’s excited at or by the thought of going on holiday. ć The children are excited because it’s the Christmas holidays. ć What’s every- one so excited about? ć It was lovely to see the children’s happy and excited faces. excitement excitement /k  satmənt/ noun the feeling of being excited ć What’s all the excitement about? ć The children are always in a state of excitement before the holidays. exciting exciting /k  satŋ/ adjective 1. making you feel excited ć The news about the house is really exciting. 2. ( of, e.g. a film or an experience ) full of activity, sometimes making you a little scared because you do not know what is going to happen ć I couldn’t sleep after watching an exciting film on TV. exclaim exclaim /k  sklem/ verb to say some- thing loudly and suddenly exclude exclude /k  sklud/ verb not to include someone or something ć Damage by fire is excluded from the insurance poli- cy. ć Don’t exclude his name from your list. excuse excuse 1 /k  skjus/ noun a reason given for doing something wrong, or for not doing what was expected ć His excuse for not coming was that he forgot the date. excuse excuse 2 /k  skjuz/ verb to forgive someone for making a small mistake ć Please excuse my arriving late like this. execute execute /ekskjut/ verb 1. to kill someone as a punishment ć The gov- ernment’s political enemies were exe- cuted. 2. to do something that has been planned or agreed ( formal ) ć As part of the test, drivers are asked to execute an emergency stop. 3. in computing, to car- ry out instructions ć Press ENTER to execute the program. exercise exercise /eksəsaz/ noun practice in using physical or mental powers ć She does her piano exercises every morning. ˽ to take exercise to do physical move- ments, like walking or running, in order to keep fit ć You should take some exer- cise every day if you want to lose weight. exercise book exercise book /eksəsaz bυk/ noun a notebook with lines on each page for writing school work in exhausted exhausted /  zɔstd/ adjective very tired ć I’m exhausted after running three miles. ć They staggered back home very late, with three exhausted children. exhibition exhibition /eks  bʃ(ə)n/ noun a public show of things such as paintings or flowers ć The exhibition is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ć We stood in line for half an hour waiting to get into the Pi- casso exhibition. exist exist /  zst/ verb to be real or present ć When I was a child, colour TV didn’t ex- ist. ć I don’t believe the document exists – I think it has been burnt. existence existence /  zstəns/ noun the state of being a real thing; life ć Is there any- thing which proves the existence of life on Mars? ć They lived a miserable ex- istence in a little coal mining town. existing existing /  zstŋ/ adjective in opera- tion at this moment ć Can we modify the existing structure in some way? ć Existing regulations do not allow the sale of food in the street. exit exit /ezt/ noun a way out of a building ć The customers all rushed towards the exits when the fire alarm rang. expand expand /k  spnd/ verb to increase the size or extent of something ć We have plans to expand our business. expect expect /k  spekt/ verb 1. to think or to hope that something is going to happen ć We expect him to arrive at any mo- ment or he is expected at any moment. 2. to think or guess that something is the case ć I expect you are tired after your long train journey. 3. to think that it is right that someone should do something ć He expects me to do all the house- work. 4. to be waiting for someone ć I can’t talk for long – we’re expecting vis- itors. expectation expectation /ekspek  teʃ(ə)n/ noun hope; a feeling that something will hap- pen ć She lived up to all our expecta- tions. ć We thought our team would do Basic.fm Page 116 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com expected 117 export well, but in the end they exceeded all our expectations. expected expected /k  spektd/ adjective 1. which you think or hope will happen 2. due to arrive ć Our guests are expected at 10 o’clock. expedition expedition /eksp  dʃ(ə)n/ noun a journey to explore a place ć He set off on an expedition to the South Pole. expense expense /k  spens/ noun an amount of money that you have to pay ć I can’t af- ford the expense of a holiday just now. ć The expense of running a household seems to increase every week. expensive expensive /k  spensv/ adjective cost- ing a lot of money ć Fresh vegetables are more expensive in winter. ć Send your furniture to Australia by sea – it would be much too expensive by air. experience experience /k  spəriəns/ noun 1. knowledge obtained by working or liv- ing in various situations ć I have no ex- perience of travelling in the desert. ć You must write down the full details of your past experience in your CV. ć Some experience of selling is required for this job. (NOTE: no plural in this sense) 2. something that happens to you ć Going to the top of the Eiffel Tow- er was a wonderful experience. ć He wrote a book about his experiences in the desert. í verb to live through some- thing ć I’m surprised she’s so cheerful after all she experienced in hospital. ć I have experienced a great deal of pleas- ure and frustration in my career. ć He is experiencing sharp pains in his tooth. experienced experienced /k  spəriənst/ adjective good at something because you have learnt a lot from particular experiences you have had ć She’s a very experi- enced doctor. ć He’s the most experi- enced member of our staff. ć The police are experienced in crowd control. experiment experiment 1 /k  spermənt/ noun a scientific test; a way of finding out about something ć to carry out scientif- ic experiments ć We’re offering our cus- tomers free samples as an experiment. experiment experiment 2 /k  sperment/ verb to carry out a scientific test ć They are ex- perimenting with a new treatment for asthma. ć The laboratory does not ex- periment on live animals. expert expert /ekspt/ adjective 1. knowing a lot about a subject ć They can give you expert advice on DIY. 2. ˽ expert at do- ing something very good at doing something ć I’m not very expert at mak- ing pastry. í noun 1. a person who knows a great deal about a subject ć a leading expert in tropical medicine or on tropical diseases ć A rose expert was the judge at the flower show. 2. a person who is very good at doing something ć an expert plumber ć He’s an expert at getting the children to go to bed. explain explain /k  splen/ verb 1. to give rea- sons for something ć Can you explain why the weather is cold in winter and warm in summer? 2. to make something clear ć He tried to explain the new pen- sion scheme to the staff. ć She explained what had happened, but the manager still thought she had tried to steal the watch. explanation explanation /eksplə  neʃ(ə)n/ noun a reason for something ć The police offic- er asked him for an explanation of why the stolen car was in his garage. ć The company has given no explanation for the change of plan. explode explode /k  spləυd/ verb ( of bombs, etc. ) to blow up ć A bomb exploded in a crowded train. explore explore /k  splɔ/ verb to travel and dis- cover place and things that you have not seen before ć It is a part of the jungle which has never been explored before. ć We spent our holidays exploring Hol- land by canal. explosion explosion /k  spləυ(ə)n/ noun an oc- casion on which something such as a bomb explodes ć Several explosions were heard during the night as the army occupied the city. explosive explosive /k  spləυsv/ noun a sub- stance used for destroying things by making them explode ć Tests revealed traces of explosive on his hands. ć The box contained explosives. ć Police ex- plosives experts defused the bomb. export export 1 /ekspɔt/ noun the business of selling products in other countries ć Basic.fm Page 117 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com export 118 eye They make cars for export. ć There is a big export trade in wine. í a product sent to a foreign country to be sold ć The country’s major export is tea. ć Ex- ports to Africa have increased by 25%. export export 2 /k  spɔt/ verb to send goods to a foreign country for sale ć The compa- ny exports half of what it produces. express express /k  spres/ verb to show thoughts or feelings in words, pictures or actions ć He expressed his gratitude in a short speech. ć His paintings ex- press his inner thoughts. ć His grief was expressed in fierce anger and constant activity. í noun a fast train ć We took the express from London to Glasgow. expression expression /k  spreʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a word, or group of words ć ‘Until the cows come home’ is an expression which means ‘for a very long time’. 2. a look on a person’s face which shows a feeling ć His expression showed how miserable he was. ć Everyone noticed the expression of surprise on her face. 3. the act of expressing thoughts and feel- ings extend extend /k  stend/ verb 1. to stretch something out ć She extended both arms in welcome. 2. to cover a particular are area of land ć The grounds of the house extend over two hectares. 3. to make something longer or bigger ć We are planning to extend our garden. ć The company has extended my contract for another two years. extension extension /k  stenʃən/ noun 1. the act of extending something ć My visa has expired, so I have applied for an exten- sion. 2. a telephone in an office which is connected to the company’s main line ć Can you get me extension 21? ć The manager is on extension 23. extensive extensive /k  stensv/ adjective cover- ing a large area or amount ć The grounds of the house are very extensive. ć The church roof needs extensive re- pair work. extent extent /k  stent/ noun the degree, size or area of something ć The extent of the earthquake damage was only revealed later. ć He opened up the map to its full extent. external external /k  stn(ə)l/ adjective on the outside ć The external walls of the house are quite solid. ć Her injuries were all external. extinct extinct /k  stŋkt/ adjective 1. ( of a type of animal or plant ) no longer in exist- ence, because all of the same kind have died ć These birds are in danger of be- coming extinct. 2. ( (of a volcano) ) no longer active ć The mountain is an ex- tinct volcano. extra extra /ekstrə/ adjective more than usu- al; additional ć We need an extra four teachers or four extra teachers for this course. ć The charge for delivery is ex- tra. ć Staff get extra pay for working on Sundays. extraordinarily extraordinarily /k  strɔd(ə)nərəli/ adverb extremely ć Her action was ex- traordinarily brave. extraordinary extraordinary /k  strɔd(ə)n(ə)ri/ ad- jective 1. wonderful ć Seeing her again gave him an extraordinary thrill. ć A peacock’s feathers are quite extraordi- nary. 2. very unusual ć It’s extraordi- nary weather for June. extreme extreme /k  strim/ adjective 1. very great ć The device is made to withstand extreme cold. ć He showed extreme re- luctance to get involved. 2. considered unreasonable by some people ć He holds extreme views. extremely extremely /k  strimli/ adverb to a very great degree ć It was extremely hot in August. ć The film is extremely long, and some people left before the end. ć It is extremely difficult to spend less than $50.00 a day on meals in New York. eye eye /a/ noun 1. the organ in the head which you see with ć He has brown eyes. ć Close your eyes and count to ten while we all hide. ć I’ve got a bit of dust in my eye. 2. a small hole in the end of a needle, through which the thread goes ȣ to catch someone’s eye to look at someone who is looking at you ć She caught his eye and nodded towards the door. ȣ to keep an eye on someone or something to watch someone or something carefully to see that it is safe ć Can you keep an eye on the house while we are away? ȣ to keep an eye out for someone or something to Basic.fm Page 118 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM This is trial version www.adultpdf.com This is trial version www.adultpdf.com . Minister, say the British Prime Minister.) í noun the English language as a subject of study in school or univer- sity ć She’s good at maths but not so good at English. ć As well as teaching English,. used for showing that something is more important or true ć She does get tired, especially on school day. essay essay /ese/ noun a piece of writing on a specific subject ć a collection of. /  zmnə/ noun a person who conducts an exam example example /  zɑmpəl/ noun something chosen to show something ć This is a good example of French architecture of the eleventh century.

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2014, 22:20

