1 1 Chapter 12 ORGANIC AIR POLLUTANTS Environmental Chemistry, 9th Edition Stanley E. Manahan Taylor and Francis/CRC Press 2010 ! "!# $%&' $( ) *+# , ### 2 3 -#.$$ 4 / 0# 1## #23 2 4→ CH 4 + CO 2 .+ ), , - %' . !, 5 .# $) 6 Reaction of Limonene with Ozone $α5$ 7 1 +, 8 6# $ 6 "# & #7 3 9 8$3 # + # +# 6&0 6&3 ## +,,,85) # + 9: 10 Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons sometimes encountered at very low levels in the atmosphere