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GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems - Chapter 17 (end) pptx

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CHAPTER 17 Applications Sampler The use of GIS applications is growing throughout the world. This chapter shows how people around the world are applying GIS in their water, wastewater, and stormwater projects. This chapter presents the latest examples of GIS applications in the water industry. 2097_C017.fm Page 345 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis LEARNING OBJECTIVE The learning objective of this chapter is to document GIS application projects around the world for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. MAJOR TOPICS • Water system modeling • Sewer system modeling • Collection system rehabilitation and asset management • Resource planning and capital improvement project (CIP) allocation • Water quality management • Water master planning LIST OF CHAPTER ACRONYMS BMP Best Management Practices CCTV Closed-Circuit Television CIP Capital Improvement Project CIS Customer Information System CSO Combined Sewer Overflow DEM Digital Elevation Model SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflow SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool TAZ Traffic Analysis Zone This chapter presents a collection of recent case studies on GIS applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. These case studies were written specially for publication in this book by 18 GIS and water professionals from 6 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, and the U.S.). For the names and organizational affiliations of the case studies’ authors, please see the Acknowl- edgments section. The case studies were submitted in response to the author’s “Call for Case Studies” distributed to various Internet discussion forums. DRAINAGE AREA PLANNING IN SOFIA Application Sewer system modeling Author(s) Milan Suchanek, Tomas Metelka Project status Completed in March 2003 Hardware 1000 MHz Pentium III personal computers GIS software Arc View 3.3 Other software MOUSE 2002; MOUSE GM; MOUSE Gandalf; MOUSE LTS; AquaBase GIS data Subcatchment polygons, conduit lines, node points, CSO points, land use, population, property boundaries, buildings Study area City of Sofia, the capitol capital of Bulgaria, watershed area of about 400 km 2 Project duration November 2001 to March 2003 Project budget $460,000 Organization Sofiyska Voda A.D. 2097_C017.fm Page 346 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis The city of Sofia’s sewerage system is a very complex combined drainage system dating back to early 1900. The drainage area is made up of about 400 km 2 of watershed area, draining wastewater from 1.2 million people. At the same time, the hydrological conditions of the city, which is located on the foothills of the Vitosha mountains, promote heavy rainfall, mainly during late spring. By the end of March 2003, the first simulation model for the sewer drainage system was developed in Bulgaria. The skeletal planning model was built for the city of Sofia, having about 5000 manholes, 5000 pipes, 3000 catchments, and 140 CSO or diversion chambers. The study area was subdivided into seven main sub- catchments and their main trunk sewers. The respective submodels were built up and calibrated based on 6 weeks of flow survey at some 75 flow and 25 raingauge sites. Finally all seven submodels were merged into one combined model covering the whole drainage area. The local GIS system, supported by comprehensive manhole and ancillary sur- veys, supplied the model with the system structural data. The overall data migration process was an important task in the project execution. The Sofia drainage area planning project brings a new experience to the general view of project management. The management project was based on British standards, and the WaPuG Code of Practice handbook was followed. At the same time, Danish technology was applied, along with Czech and Bulgarian know-how. Figure 17.1 shows a screenshot of the Sofia model in MOUSE (Suchanek and Metelka, 2004). PIPE RATING PROGRAM IN BUNCOMBE COUNTY MSD’s Pipe Rating Program is a new method of generating and prioritizing sewer rehabilitation projects. The typical approach of reactive planning is to define, develop, and complete a rehabilitation project after problems such as sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) or structural failures occur (Bradford et al., 2004a). Pipe Rating is a proactive tool that utilizes CCTV information, a GIS database, and real-world maintenance history to view, score, and rate pipe segments based on a number of Application Collection system rehabilitation and asset management Authors Ed Bradford, Roger Watson, Eric Mann, Jenny Konwinski Project status Implemented in 2004 and is being used to generate rehabilitation projects Hardware Standard desktop PCs (connected to network) GIS software ArcGIS 8.x Other software Microsoft Access XP, Windows Media Player, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, etc., as necessary to generate reports GIS data Sewer line polylines, sewer structure points, 6-in., 1-ft, and 2-ft resolution DOQs, county parcel polygons, drainage basin polygons, digital video hyperlinks, CCTV inspection and defect-coded Microsoft Access tables, river and stream polylines, and road centerline polylines Study area Entire MSD service area (180 mi 2 , 920 mi of sewer) Project duration Began in 2001. No end date scheduled Project budget No defined budget per se for the program itself. Construction projects have generated $700,000 in actual cost so far, which could increase in future Organization Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD) of Buncombe County, North Carolina Web site www.msdbc.org 2097_C017.fm Page 347 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Figure 17.1 Screenshot of Sofia’s MOUSE sewer system model. 2097_C017.fm Page 348 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis factors. These factors, for any given manhole-to-manhole segment, include the number and severity of structural defects and the history of overflows on that segment. These are all combined to yield a rating, which may then flag a particular line segment for further investigation. The data are gathered from a number of sources and incorporated into this program, which runs on the standard ArcGIS platform. CCTV video is captured by cameras traversing the pipes, and recorded on VCR tapes or in digital format (CD or DVD). First, each video is linked to its respective pipe segment within the District’s GIS system so that it is immediately available to engineers and field responders. Second, a database is also created from the field data to record various features about the pipe, such as defect and structural information. This is accom- plished by assigning to each defect a value pursuant to the standardized defect- rating manual developed by the District for this purpose. CCTV data are collected and embedded in a standard Microsoft Access database. When the technician identifies a defect along the segment, it is keyed in with the corresponding defect code. Each defect, and its corresponding severity score, is assigned to its pipe segment and used for future analysis performed in the GIS. Table 17.1 shows the defect structural scores used by MSD. These scores are based on MSD’s standard- ized Sewer Condition Classification Manual. Scores are weighted according to MSD priorities. Finally, all the information is used to calculate three pipe scores for each pipe: mean pipeline, mean defect, and peak defect scores. These scores allow users to visualize the severity in three categories for prioritization within the rehabilitation program. Once this has been accomplished, engineers can retrieve the videos from the GIS for confirmation and to evaluate them for rehabilitation procedures. Figure 15.1 shows an ArcGIS screenshot of mean pipeline ratings. Figure 17.2 and Figure 17.3 Table 17.1 Sewer Pipe Structural Defect Scores Code Description Score CC Circumferential crack 20 CL Longitudinal crack 20 CM Multiple cracks 30 COH Corrosion heavy 50 COL Corrosion light 20 COM Corrosion medium 30 D Deformed sewer 65 FC Circumferential fracture 40 FL Longitudinal fracture 40 FM Multiple fractures 60 HL Hole large 50 HP Hole patched 5 HS Hole small 25 JDL Joint displaced large 30 JDM Joint displaced medium 5 OJL Open joint large 30 OJM Open joint medium 10 X Collapsed pipe 100 2097_C017.fm Page 349 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Figure 17.2 Map of mean defect ratings for sewer pipes. 2097_C017.fm Page 350 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Figure 17.3 Map of peak defect ratings for sewer pipes. 2097_C017.fm Page 351 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis show maps of mean defect and peak defect pipe ratings, respectively (Bradford et al., 2004a). WATER SYSTEM MODELING IN TUCSON Tucson Water’s potable system supplies over 180,000 services, maintains over 4,000 mi of pipe, and installs over 500 new meters per month. Tucson Water also serves reclaimed water to over 550 reclaimed services, maintains over 100 mi of reclaimed pipe, and installs between 75 and 100 new reclaimed meters per year. In addition to the GIS data listed above, the following data were also used: • The Pima Association of Government (PAG) took U.S. census tracts for the year 2030 and broke them up further into smaller disaggregated population-projection polygons, or traffic analysis zones (TAZ). • Engineers, planners, and administrators made up a Resource Planning Committee that determined a boundary for the water service provided by Tucson Water, which was a modified version of a boundary used for previous planning efforts. • Polygon Shapefiles that describe pressure zones and water services areas (WSA) for the entire service area, based on a parcel base of Tucson Water’s customers. • Ten hydraulic models of the central water system called local area models and five smaller models that represent isolated systems outside the central system. • Shapefiles of the proposed master plans. These files were used as a backdrop to compare population projections with prospective new developments planned for the near future, and to make sure that these areas were correctly represented in the 2030 and 2050 model. • SCADA, billing, production records. • Cost estimates. • Hydrology supply scenarios. Traffic and census tract population projections were analyzed using ArcGIS to estimate future potable water demands. The estimated demands were applied to Tucson Water’s current hydraulic model using Haestad Methods’ WaterGEMS software. The model was then used to determine what facility and piping modifications would be Application Resource planning and capital improvement project (CIP) allocation Author Dean Trammel Project status GIS and hydraulic modeling effort completed in 2003 Hardware Dell personal computers (1495 MHz, 384 MB RAM) with Windows 2000 Professional GIS software ArcMap and ArcInfo Other software Haestad Methods’ WaterGEMS, WaterCAD for AutoCAD, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel GIS data U.S. census–disaggregated population projection data in the form of polygon Shapefiles, with associated population projections for each year from 2000 through 2050 Study area Tucson, Arizona Project duration Resource planning effort: March 2002 to early 2004, GIS and hydraulic modeling: about 9 months Project budget CIP-budgeted planning effort, part of regular business Organization Tucson Water, Tucson, Arizona 2097_C017.fm Page 352 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis required to meet growth within current service areas and future development in out- lying areas. Using capital and energy cost estimation tools within the hydraulic mod- eling software, different planning scenarios can be compared as to their overall costs. First, the WaterGEMS skeletonization tool, Skelebrator, was used to reduce the existing local area models down to a point where they could be combined into a complete system model. Second, within WaterCAD for AutoCAD, the import/export submodel tool was used to combine the ten local area models and the isolated system models into a complete water system model. Third, the new model was balanced and checked for calibration to peak-day conditions. Fourth, demands were allocated to the model using processed data to predict demands for years 2030 and 2050. The WaterGEMS demand allocation tool, LoadBuilder, was used to distribute this demand correctly to the model. Lastly, scenarios for new additions to the system were made using WaterGEMS and WaterCAD for AutoCAD, and the functionality, capital cost, energy costs, and operations and maintenance costs associated with these scenarios were evaluated using built-in tools in the hydraulic modeling soft- ware. Figure 17.4 shows a screenshot of WaterGEMS model layers in ArcMap (Trammel, 2004). WATER SYSTEM MODELING IN THE CITY OF TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES The City of Truth or Consequences’ water supply system was strained due to population increase and real estate development. The City had concerns about the system’s ability to deliver fire suppression flow to certain parts of the city at peak demand. The City, therefore, engaged in strategic planning to evaluate possible improvements. A model of the existing water distribution system was created by DHI, Inc., from several data sources. The detailed, topologically oriented model of the water distribution network was created primarily from GIS data and updated from hard- copy maps of the water system. Water demands were determined and distributed, based on production and billing information contained in a customer information system (CIS). The comprehensive modeling evaluated the current system, as well as those alternatives identified in a preliminary engineering report. The placement of two Application Development of a water distribution model in MIKE NET from GIS data Authors Eric Fontenot Hardware Standard Desktop PC, 128 MB RAM, 850 MHz Pentium III processor GIS software ArcView 3.2 Other software AutoCAD, MIKE NET, Microsoft Access GIS data Water distribution pipes, network demands Study area Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Project duration 4 months Project budget $42,000 Organization DHI, Inc., Newton, Pennsylvania, and Hørsholm, Denmark Web site www.dhigroup.com 2097_C017.fm Page 353 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Figure 17.4 Screenshot of WaterGEMS model layers in ArcMap. 2097_C017.fm Page 354 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis [...]... service and prevent emergencies Figure 17. 9 shows a screenshot of GISRed extension for Sueca master plan (Bartolin and Martinez, 2004) CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter presented eight case studies on GIS applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, and the U.S The case studies indicate that GIS is being used in all aspects of water, wastewater,. .. December 17, 2004 1:33 PM geometry as well as pipe material and pipe diameter information The following nine DXF files were created and imported into separate MIKE NET project files: • 4-, 8-, and 12-in PVC pipes • 4-, 8-, and 12-in AC pipes • 4-, 8-, and 12 in CI pipes These files were checked for connectivity errors and merged together to form the City’s water distribution network in MIKE NET Figure 17. 5... Water and Environmental Engineering) www.redhisp.upv.es www.redhisp.upv.es/software/gisred/gisred_eng.htm Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis 2097_C 017. fm Page 363 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Figure 17. 9 Screenshot of GISRed extension for Sueca master plan Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis 2097_C 017. fm Page 364 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM GISRed is a customized extension of ArcView GIS. .. and Huang, C (2000) A GIS- assisted dstributed watershed model for simulating flooding and inundation Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Association, Vol 36, No 5, October 2000, 975–988 Charnock, T.W., Hedges, P.D., and Elgy, J (1996) Linking multiple process models with GIS In K Kovar and H.P Nachtnebel (Eds.), HydroGIS’96: Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and. .. scenario for both independent network models and give a diagnosis of the performance of each real system Based upon this, new short- and long-term scenarios were proposed, taking into account the variation of the population, the new growing areas, and, therefore, the future demand projection Finally, network system improvements were planned and simulated to check the feasibility of each alternative and. .. 2005 by Taylor & Francis 2097_C 017. fm Page 357 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Figure 17. 5 The city of Truth or Consequences’ MIKE NET model developed from GIS Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis 2097_C 017. fm Page 358 Friday, December 17, 2004 1:33 PM Pidpa used ESRI’s ArcGIS 8.2 software and Miner & Miner’s ArcFM 8.1.3 software to develop a data-centric GIS solution for the management of its drinking... wastewater, and stormwater management, from planning and H&H modeling to mapping and asset management CHAPTER QUESTIONS 1 On the basis of the case studies presented in this chapter, which GIS application appears to be the most common? 2 On the basis of the case studies presented in this chapter, which GIS software appears to be the most commonly used? 3 Using the case study presentation format used in this chapter, ... GIS data in MIKE NET The GIS data, water system drawings, fire suppression flow data, billing data, and SCADA data were used for preliminary model building The GIS data were used to build the network topology and connectivity The GIS data was found to be about 85% accurate Errors in the GIS data included incorrect network connectivity, missing pipes, omissions in separation between the high- and low-pressure... chapter, write a case study summary of a GIS project completed in your organization Optionally, submit this case study to the author (info@GISapplications.com) for potential publication at GISapplications.com Web site Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis 2097_A001.fm Page 365 Monday, December 6, 2004 5:56 PM APPENDIX A Acronyms 2-D Two-Dimensional 3-D or 3D Three-Dimensional ACE Army Corps of Engineers... FMSIS Flood Map Status Information Service FTP File Transfer Protocol GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principales GASB Government Accounting Standards Board GEMS Geographic Engineering Modeling Systems GIF Graphics Interchange Format GIRAS Geographic Information Retrieval and Analysis System GIS Geographic Information Systems GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Systemsystem) GML Geography . were created and imported into separate MIKE NET project files: • 4-, 8-, and 12-in. PVC pipes • 4-, 8-, and 12-in. AC pipes • 4-, 8-, and 12 in. CI pipes These files were checked for connectivity. SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool TAZ Traffic Analysis Zone This chapter presents a collection of recent case studies on GIS applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. . CHAPTER 17 Applications Sampler The use of GIS applications is growing throughout the world. This chapter shows how people around the world are applying GIS in their water, wastewater, and

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    GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems






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