MAJOR TOPICS • GPS basics • GPS applications in water industry • GPS applications in GIS • GPS survey steps • GPS equipment • GPS software LIST OF CHAPTER ACRONYMS DGPS Differential Glob
Trang 1CHAPTER 5 GPS Applications
GPS technology is no longer limited to determining coordinates It has become an efficient and increasingly popular way for collecting GIS attribute data for water and wastewater infrastructure.
GIS data collection for sewer system manholes using GPS. Page 107 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
The learning objective of this chapter is to discover the applications of global positioning system (GPS) technology in water industry GIS projects
• GPS basics
• GPS applications in water industry
• GPS applications in GIS
• GPS survey steps
• GPS equipment
• GPS software
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
GPS Global Positioning System
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian System)
NAVSTAR Navigation System by Timing and Ranging
PDOP Positional Dilution of Precision
RTK Real Time Kinematic
SA Selective Availability
WGS84 World Geodetic System of 1984
In 2000, GIS and GPS were used together to map a 12-km portion of Walnut Creek located near Prairie City in Jesper County, Iowa (Schilling and Wolter, 2000) The objective of the mapping project was to locate channel features and identify spatial trends among alluvial system variables that could be used to identify and prioritize portions of the stream channel and watershed in need of further investigation
or restoration Using Trimble Pathfinder Pro XR GPS equipment, discrete locations (channel cross sections, debris dams, tile lines, tributary creeks, and cattle access points) were mapped to an accuracy of 1 m, whereas the continuous data (bank erosion rates, streambed materials, and thickness) were recorded to an accuracy of
Application Stream traversing and mapping channel features using GPS GPS software Trimble’s Pathfinder Office
GPS equipment Trimble Pathfinder Pro XR GPS accuracy 1 m for discrete data and 5 m for continuous data GPS data Streambank conditions, bottom sediment material and
thickness, channel cross sections, debris dams, tile lines, tributary creeks, and cattle access points
Study area Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, Jesper County, Iowa Organization Iowa Department of Natural Resources Page 108 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 35 m To record continuous conditions, the GPS equipment was operated in continuous line mode with location recorded every 5 sec GPS data were exported into a GIS format (ESRI Shapefile), using Pathfinder Office software Field descriptions of the continuous line segments and discrete features were added to the GPS location information to create various GIS layers Segment lengths varied from 10 to 50 m Discrete channel features were located by pausing the continuous line mode of the GPS and taking points at feature locations Stream survey data were used to model watershed conditions, identify water sampling points, and evaluate and select appro-priate channel-rehabilitation measures
This chapter is intended for professionals in the geographic “positioning” field
It presents applications of GIS and GPS for water industry infrastructure manage-ment The use of GPS in collecting attributes data is discussed, and methods of data attribution are described A review of GPS equipment and software is presented GPS accuracy issues are also discussed
GPS, also referred to as Navigation System by Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR),
is a satellite-based radio navigation system developed and operated by the U.S Department of Defense The Russian government operates a similar system called Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) At the present time, GPS includes
29 active satellites located in 6 orbital planes
GPS systems utilize a constellation of satellites orbiting the earth twice daily (i.e., passing over approximately the same world location every 12 hours) and transmitting precise time and position signals GPS receivers read signals from orbiting satellites to calculate the exact spot of the receiver on Earth as geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) referenced to the World Geodetic System of
1984 (WGS84) datum The signals from at least four satellites should be available
to determine the coordinates of a position Physical obstructions such as mountains, trees, and buildings, and other factors such as satellite malfunction and rephasing operations can restrict GPS signals and degrade GPS accuracy Ideal GPS operating conditions that provide the best accuracy are listed below (Lyman, 2001):
• Low positional dilution of precision (PDOP), a measure of best geometrical configuration of satellites
• Good signal strength
• Little or no multipath (reflection of GPS signals off distant reflective environment such as mountains and buildings)
• Little or no signal degradation because of geomagnetic storms and ionospheric
or atmospheric effects The accuracy of GPS coordinates can be increased by applying differential corrections Differential corrections move user points closer to their “actual” loca-tion This is done by comparing the user’s new data on unknown locations with the data collected at the same time on a point with known coordinate values (Zimmer, 2001b) The GPS receivers that can receive and apply the corrections in real time Page 109 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 4are called real time kinematic (RTK) receivers Non-RTK receivers require postpro-cessing of raw GPS data in the office In the U.S., federal and state agencies are cooperating to make differential GPS readily available to all users
GPS precision can vary from a few millimeters to hundreds of meters The required precision depends on the project-specific requirements The available precision varies with GPS mode (static, RTK, or kinematic), GPS equipment, time of occupation, and location (vegetation, reflection, and buildings) GPS survey cost increases with the accuracy requirements The typical utility precision standard is 3 to 5 cm
To prevent misuse by hostile forces, the U.S Department of Defense had intro-duced an intentional error called the Selective Availability (SA) error in their GPS signals The recent advances in GPS technology had reduced the effectiveness of the SA error On midnight May 2, 2000, the SA error was removed 6 years ahead
of schedule by a presidential order This event marked an important day in the history
of GPS because it increased the GPS accuracy up to ten times The SA removal has improved the accuracy of inexpensive GPS receivers SA removal has also increased the accuracy of GPS receivers operating in an autonomous (unassisted) mode without
a base station No significant impact has been noted in the performance of survey grade receivers (Murphy, 2001)
GPS technology is making major progress in improving the speed, reliability, and accuracy of the mathematical processes by which coordinates are calculated from the satellite beams (ASCE, 2001).
At the present time, the GPS revolution is well under way For example, a Mercedes-Benz driver equipped with TeleAid system can press an SOS button to summon a tow truck, police, or ambulance This button uses GPS technology to transmit the specific location, model, and color of the vehicle The GPS applications for the water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, though not as dramatic as TeleAid, are revolutionizing the way these systems are designed, constructed, oper-ated, and maintained Representative GPS applications for the management of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems are:
1 GPS can be used to increase the accuracy of existing system maps by verifying and correcting locations of the system components Frequent field changes often mean utility lines can be several feet off horizontally and/or vertically from where they appear on the plans Thus, unless updated frequently, most utility plans, especially in growing cities, are outdated frequently GPS data collection is no longer limited to collecting coordinates of point features Now users can bike along a channel to map line features, or walk around a detention pond to map polygon features.
2 New water system or sewer system maps can be created if they do not exist.
3 Water system or sewer system attributes can be collected for populating the GIS database. Page 110 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 5Traditionally, people have used geodetic surveying to locate and map utility infrastructure components Such transit survey required traversing between a known point to the point of interest, which often took several hours per point GPS has been found to be up to 50% faster than the traditional methods (Anderson, 1998) GPS survey takes only a few minutes or seconds per point For example, up to
300 points can be surveyed in 1 day, using a GPS survey A two-man crew with bicycle-mounted equipment can survey up to 500 points per day
The familiar total station is still the backbone of engineering survey work Although GPS is not a replacement for optical surveying, interoperability between optical equipment and GPS is growing, and GPS is gaining ground slowly among engineers GPS is an ideal addition to the surveying toolbox for a variety of appli-cations, such as locating the starting point for a new stakeout The conventional total station survey will require traversing a large distance for this work GPS can do this work much faster by navigating a person right to the point where the stake should
be placed (ASCE, 2001)
Fleet Management
An efficient fleet management system is essential to improving customer service
A wireless system that uses GIS and GPS technologies can substantially and eco-nomically improve the efficiency of fleet management An integrated GIS/GPS procedure can be used to track multiple moving vehicles from a command center
It can show the location, speed, and movement of each vehicle on the tracking display Off-the-shelf mobile devices such as Web-enabled cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) can be used in conjunction with a GIS/GPS to provide the information needed for fleet management, such as dispatching and tracking the maintenance vehicles, generating driving directions, and trip routing For example, Gearworks customized MapInfo’s MapMarker J Server and Routing J Server to calculate driving directions and travel statistics A client-side custom mapping appli-cation was created, which communicates with a MapXtreme server to create the data requested by the dispatcher and to deliver the information to the drivers mobile device This application allows the dispatcher to view a map of the entire fleet to better assign work orders and deliveries, perform real time tracking, and deliver accurate status updates through the Web interface (GEOWorld, 2001)
GIS/GPS applications have consistently lowered the cost of fleet management by 10
to 15%.
GPS technology represents a space-age revolution in GIS data collection It is providing an efficient and increasingly popular way for collecting both the location (coordinates) and the attributes data in the field The new line of GPS receivers brings Page 111 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 6technology to water- and wastewater system operators and managers, who can pop-ulate their existing maps with precise location of features such as manhole covers, catch basins, overflow points, hydrants, valves, pumps, flow meters, and rain gauges The most basic application of GPS is collection of (x,y) coordinates for the GIS features Initially, these coordinates were manually entered into the GIS database Most GPS receivers record their data in an American Standard Code for International Interchange (ASCII) format that can be imported into a GIS without having to type the coordinates’ values Recent GPS equipment can provide data in a GIS-compatible format, such as the ESRI Shapefile format
Attributes are usually collected in two phases:
1 Initial attribution phase (Phase I) or first pass: Limited attributes can be collected
by the GPS survey crew when a structure is visited or surveyed for the first time These attributes — such as manhole cover type, catch basin condition (clean, debris, etc.), or outfall condition (submerged, flowing, dry, etc.) — should be visible from outside and should not require confined space entry or opening of structures This phase may also include ID-marking of structures for the second phase or future visits In this phase, typically 250 to 300 points can be surveyed per day.
2 Final attribution phase (Phase II) or second pass: Additional attributes can be collected when a structure is revisited by the attribute crew These attributes may require field measurements, detailed inspections, confined space entry, or opening
of structures Examples include manhole depth, pipe size, and structural or hydrau-lic deficiencies The final attributes depend on the mapping apphydrau-lication For exam-ple, if the maps will be used to develop an H&H model, weir height in an overflow structure might be measured If the GIS will be used for NPDES permit reporting, the condition of the sanitary outlet (clean, clogged, surcharged, etc.) in the overflow structure might be a critical attribute In this phase, final attributes for 50 to 75 structures can be surveyed per day New real time differential GPS (DGPS) receiv-ers can navigate the attribute crew back to the structures visited in Phase 1.
The data conversion process for municipal utilities often begins with GPS data Features such as manholes and hydrants are collected using a GPS unit These point features are combined into a GIS layer and then attributed At the conclusion of each day, GPS corrections are applied if necessary The data set is massaged to ensure its stability including calculating the IDs and building the data set The data set is then exported and saved as a backup file After the process is completed for
an entire area, check plots are created These check plots show the lines and points along with their attributes The flow direction of the lines is also displayed to ensure that proper connectivity has been established for the system The plots are then delivered to the municipal engineer for review
Generally, the following steps are required to collect GIS data, using GPS (Zimmer, 2001b):
1 Prepare a project plan to define the scope, resource inventory (paper maps, data-bases, etc.), and data dictionary The data dictionary is a template for field data Page 112 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 7collection It specifies the features to be surveyed and their attributes A simple data dictionary for Phase-1 GPS survey of a sewer system is given below:
• Sanitary features
• San_mh
• Lid_size
• Lid_type
• Condition
• ID
• Storm features
• Catchbasin
• Size
• Type
• Condition
• ID
• Endwall
• Condition
• ID
2 Conduct field work.
3 Download data from GPS receiver to computer.
4 Perform quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for completeness and attribute information.
5 Apply differential corrections if not using RTK equipment.
6 Calculate the spatial error.
7 Export GPS data and attributes to GIS.
8 Create a metadata file to document GPS survey information, such as survey date, equipment used, horizontal and vertical accuracy, etc.
GPS equipment selection depends on the purpose or application of GPS data For example, for utility mapping projects, mapping-grade GPS equipment equipped with code-based receivers is suitable For engineering design and projects that require highly accurate survey data, survey grade GPS equipment equipped with carrier-phase receivers is needed Table 5.1 provides a summary of GPS receiver types Accuracy specifications are based on the ideal operating conditions described earlier
Recreational GPS Equipment
These types of receivers are intended to support recreational activities such as hiking and camping Commonly referred to as the “$200 receivers,” they provide
Table 5.1 GPS Receivers Receiver Type Horizontal Accuracy (m) Price (US$)
Survey and geodetic <0.2 25,000 and upward Page 113 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 8low accuracy and are, therefore, not suitable for most engineering, mapping, or surveying work They can be used as basic navigation and reconnaissance tools
Basic GPS Equipment
These lightweight and handheld systems are about the size of a calculator They are less expensive ($4000) and less accurate (1 to 5 m; least accurate in woods) Differential corrections are applied in a postprocessing step after the collected field data have been downloaded to a computer running a GPS-processing software package Because of their low accuracy, they are not suitable for utility surveys They are more suitable for educational use Trimble’s Geoexplorer III handheld GIS data collection system shown in Figure 5.1 is an example of this category Geoexplorer
Figure 5.1 Basic GPS equipment example (Trimble Geoexplorer III). Page 114 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 9provides support for popular GIS and CAD software packages such as ArcInfo, Intergraph, MGE, MapInfo, ERDAS, and AutoCAD Geoexplorer provides for GIS export of GPS data, using Trimble’s Pathfinder Office software The steps for using Geoexplorer III GPS data in GIS are given below:
• Install Pathfinder Office software on your PC
• Create a data dictionary, i.e., define attributes for each feature type
• Transfer data dictionary from PC to receiver
• Enter attributes during GPS survey
• After the GPS survey, transfer the location and attribute data from receiver back
to Pathfinder Office on your PC
• From Pathfinder Office, export data to your GIS in ArcView Shapefile or MapInfo format
Advanced GPS Equipment
Advanced-grade GPS receiver types include the so-called professional, mapping-grade, and resource-grade products These systems are more expensive ($10,000) but provide the submeter horizontal accuracy generally required in utility mapping Dif-ferential corrections, which are especially applicable for accurate navigation, can be applied in real time if the GPS receiver is linked to a radio receiver designed to receive broadcast corrections; Trimble’s GPS Pathfinder Pro XR/XRS GIS data collection system is an example In Pathfinder, attributes can be entered using Trimble’s handheld Asset Surveyor, or a pen-based notebook or Tablet PC running Trimble’s ASPEN software As with Geoexplorer, GIS export is accomplished using Pathfinder Office software The XRS models have an integrated differential correction receiver and can provide real time submeter accuracy Reportedly, Pathfinder also features patented Everest multipath rejection technology to reduce or eliminate multipath signals in reflective environments Figure 5.2 shows Trimble’s Pathfinder Pro XR system, which
is also referred to as the “Backpack” because it stores the system components in a convenient backpack Figure 5.3 shows the components stored inside the Backpack Leica Geosystems (Heerbrugg, Switzerland) is a surveying and geomatics com-pany that provides systems for accurate 3D data capturing, visualization, and mod-eling of space-related data to customers in surveying, engineering, construction, GIS, and mapping In the GIS community, Leica Geosystems is known for its GPS and field data collection related equipment ERDAS, Inc (Atlanta, GA), is the world’s leading provider of geographic-imaging solutions The company’s products and related services help organizations visualize, manipulate, analyze, measure, and integrate geographic imagery and geospatial information into 2D and 3D environ-ments In July 2001, ERDAS’s geographic-imaging software company was acquired
by Leica Geosystems to form a new GIS and Mapping Division for growth in the GIS and remote sensing markets Congestion builds up as too many users crowd the same radio frequencies Leica’s new GPS equipment, Leica System 500 (GS50), provides uninterrupted RTK data link through cell phones Also referred to as the
GIS Receiver, GS50 is Shapefile-compatible and boasts a new “maximum tracking technology” that allows users to work under trees and in deep urban or natural canyons Page 115 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM
Trang 10Mapping-grade GPS equipment vertical accuracy of ± m is not adequate if accurate elevation data (e.g., manhole rim elevations) are required to support specific applica-tions, such as H&H modeling and engineering design that require precise elevation data
Survey grade equipment features RTK technology, which can deliver ±1 cm horizontal and vertical accuracy in real time, using dual frequency receivers Due to their high accuracy, they are expensive ($25,000) Trimble’s GPS Total Station 4800 integrated real time kinematic survey system is an example of this category Due to their more-than-needed accuracy and high cost, they are not essential for wastewater system mapping applications However, survey grade GPS can save substantial amount of time compared with the conventional ground survey method when high accuracy is required For example, the RTK survey for a sewer construction project
in Fitchburg (Massachusetts) was completed in a quarter of the time that a ground survey would have taken (Mische, 2003) Survey grade GPS equipment’s centimeter-level vertical accuracy is adequate for collecting accurate elevation data
Figure 5.2 Advanced GPS equipment example (Trimble Pathfinder Pro XR Backpack). Page 116 Monday, December 6, 2004 6:01 PM