positively with the duration of diabetes and HbA1 levels (86) and can be improved by intensive insulin treatment (87). Studies on somatosensory evoked potentials in diabetic patients have provided more variable results. Increased latencies of the central components of the somatosensory evoked potential have been reported (89), although other studies have only found signifi- cant conduction delays in peripheral components of the somatosensory pathways (90,91). Event-Related Potentials The latency of the so-called P300 wave is also increased in type 1 as well as in type 2 diabetic patients (92,93). This P300 wave is a positive deflection in the human event- related potential that is considered to reflect the speed of neuronal events underlying information processing (94). It is most commonly elicited with an “oddball” paradigm in which a subject is instructed to detect an occasional target stimulus in a regular train of standard stimuli (94). The increased latency of the P300 wave in diabetes may thus be a neurophysiological manifestation of impairment of higher brain functions. STUDIES IN MAN: THERAPIES To date the only published studies that have evaluated the effects of different treatment modalities on cognition in type 1 diabetes, are the intensive insulin treatment trials Diabetic Encephalopathy 197 Fig. 3. Deep white matter lesions (DWML) in type 2 diabetic patients (n = 115) and age and sex-matched nondiabetic controls. The severity of DWML was assessed semi-quantitatively using the “Scheltens scale” (116), a scale that takes both the number and the size of the lesions into account. Boxes represent quartiles and median scores. The DWML score is significantly (p < 0.01) higher in the diabetic patients. After adjustment for the presence of hypertension (HT; defined as a systolic blood pressure ≥160 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥95 mmHg and/or self reported use of antihypertensive medication) the difference between the diabetic and nondiabetic group remains statistically significant. Data are derived from the Utrecht Diabetic Encephalopathy Study (54). (48,95). In these trials cognition was monitored primarily in order to detect possible unwanted side effects of an increased incidence of hypoglycemic episodes. Neither study detected a deterioration of cognitive function in relation to the occurrence of hypo- glycemic episodes, but they also failed to show an improvement of cognition with improved glycemic control. In type 2 diabetes some studies suggest that intensified glycemic control may improve cognition (96–99; but see ref. 100). However, the methodological quality of the studies is insufficient to draw firm conclusions (101). Alternative treatment modalities are also being considered. There is some evidence that treatment with the lipid-lowering drug atorvastatin has beneficial effects on learning in type 2 diabetes (102). Moreover, a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study showed that administra- tion of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor carbenoxolone improved verbal memory after 6 weeks in 12 patients with type 2 diabetes (103). The rationale behind this treatment was that the compound might protect hippocampal cells from glucocorticoid- mediated damage that occurs in association with ageing (103). Another interesting development, outside the field of diabetes, is the observation from a recent exploratory placebo-controlled trial in nondiabetic subjects with early AD that rosiglitazone, an insulin-sensitizing compound from the thiazolidinedione class, amelio- rated cognitive decline (104). The effects of this compound on cognition were accompa- nied by an improvement of cerebrospinal fluid β-amyloid levels. Future studies should determine whether these compounds are superior than other classes of antihyperglycemic agents in preventing cognitive deterioration in patients with type 2 diabetes. A CLINICAL APPROACH TO COMPLAINTS OF COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION IN DIABETIC PATIENTS The data that are reviewed in this chapter clearly show that diabetes is associated with changes in cerebral function and structure. However, it should be noted that the diagnosis “diabetic encephalopathy” cannot be readily established in individual patients. This is because of the fact that the changes in cognition and in brain structure, as observed on computed tomography or MRI, are not specific to diabetes. There is, for example, considerable overlap with functional and structural changes in the brain that occur with brain ageing, or cerebral changes that occur in association with other vascu- lar risk factors such as hypertension. Because clinically significant cognitive impair- ments mainly occur in elderly diabetic patients it will be evident that it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of diabetes, ageing, and comorbidity. However, this should not lead to a nihilistic diagnostic approach. The main task of the clinician who is faced with a diabetic patient with cognitive complaints is to assess the severity and nature of the cognitive impairments, to try and classify these impairments and to exclude other (potentially treatable) causes of cognitive deterioration. The next para- graph serves as an illustration of a possible diagnostic approach. A full disease history should be obtained, focussing on the cognitive and behavioral changes in the patient, their evolution over time, and symptoms suggestive of other medical, neurological, or psychiatric illnesses. The possibility of depression should be considered, as depression may manifest itself primarily in complaints of concentration and/or memory disturbances, particularly in the elderly. Attention should be paid to the 198 Biessels assessment of the impact of changes in cognition on day-to-day functioning (for exam- ple: problems with such activities as cooking, shopping, managing ones financial affairs, progressive dependence on spouse, social withdrawal, problems with self care, and medication use). Helpful screening lists have been developed to this end (105). Information on the presence of other diabetic complications and vascular risk factors, including blood pressure, is required. Prescription and nonprescription drugs, in partic- ular analgesic, anticholinergic, antihypertensive, psychotropic, and sedative-hypnotic agents, should be reviewed carefully as potential causes of cognitive impairment. Alcohol use should be assessed. Laboratory tests can include a blood count, tests of liver, kidney and thyroid function, vitamin B 12 levels, HbA1, and blood lipids. Brain imaging can be used to detect structural lesions (for example, infarction, neoplasm, sub- dural haematoma, and hydrocephalus), but can also contribute to the classification of dementia syndromes in their early stages (62). A neuropsychological examination can help to qualify and quantify the cognitive disturbances, and can help to differentiate between early dementia and depression. As has been stated in the previous section of this chapter, there are no specific treatments with proven efficacy in preventing cognitive decline in diabetic patients. 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There might be chronic ganglion ischemia altering neuronal function such that terminal branches of the nerve can no longer be properly supported. Downregulation, in turn, of critical structural and survival proteins in the sensory (or autonomic) neuron tree might account for early sensory dysfunction and pain (or autonomic abnormalities). There might also be exqui- site sensitivity of vessels to vasoconstriction as an early functional abnormality. Rises in local endothelin levels, for example, might trigger acute nerve trunk and ganglion ischemia, and dam- age. Finally, failed upregulation of blood flow to injured nerves after acute injury might impair their ability to regenerate. Future therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy will require attention toward both direct neuronal degeneration and superimposed microangiopathy. Key Words: Diabetic neuropathy; ganglion blood flow; ischemia; microangiopathy; nerve blood flow; nerve injury; regeneration; vasa nervorum. INTRODUCTION Microangiopathy, or dysfunction of small blood vessels, is closely linked to diabetic complications, such as nephropathy and retinopathy. Microangiopathy is also closely associated with the third complication of this triad, polyneuropathy, but its exact role in the development of nerve disease is uncertain. It is probably incorrect to conclude that microvascular disease is the primary trigger of neuropathic complications, an assumption that ignores direct neuronal damage. Instead, there is significant evidence that a unique neuroscience of diabetic neuropathy exists. The evidence that diabetes has direct impacts on sensory neuron structure and function independently of microan- giopathy is reviewed in depth elsewhere (1). Overall, it might be more accurate to depict chronic diabetes as involving nerve trunks, ganglion, and their respective microvessels in parallel, a process that can eventually lead to a vicious interacting cycle of damage. In some situations, such as focal nerve trunk ischemic insults or From: Contemporary Diabetes: Diabetic Neuropathy: Clinical Management, Second Edition Edited by: A. Veves and R. 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