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is no evidence. The author has therefore recommended that the term “acute painful neuropathy of rapid glycemic control” be used to describe this condition (48). The natural history of acute painful neuropathies is an almost guaranteed improve- ment (49) in contrast to chronic distal symmetrical neuropathy (36). The patient pres- ents with burning pain, paraesthesiae, allodynia, often with a nocturnal exacerbation of symptoms; and depression may be a feature. There is no associated weight loss, unlike acute painful neuropathy of poor glycemic control. Sensory loss is often mild or absent, and there are no motor signs. There is little or no abnormality on nerve conduction stud- ies, but there is impaired exercise induced conduction velocity increment (48,50). There is usually complete resolution of symptoms within 12 months. On sural nerve biopsy, typical morphometric changes of chronic distal symmetrical neuropathy but with active regeneration, were observed (49). In contrast, degeneration of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibres was found in acute painful neuropathy of poor glycemic control (44). A recent study looking into the epineurial vessels of sural nerves in patients with acute painful neuropathy of rapid glycemic control demonstrated marked arterio/venous abnormality including the presence of proliferating new vessels, similar to those found in the retina (48). The study suggested that the presence of this fine network of epineural vessels may lead to a “steal” effect rendering the endoneurium ischaemic, and the authors also suggested that this process may be important in the genesis of neuropathic pain (48). These findings were also supported by studies in experimental diabetes, which demonstrated that insulin administration led to acute endoneurial hypoxia, by increas- ing nerve arterio-venous flow, and reducing the nutritive flow of normal nerves (51). Further work needs to address whether these observed sural nerve vessel changes resolve with the resolution of painful symptoms. ASYMMETRICAL NEUROPATHIES The diabetic state can also affect single nerves (mononeuropathy), multiple nerves (mononeuropathy multiplex), or groups of nerve roots. These asymmetrical or focal neuropathies have a relatively rapid onset, and complete recovery is usual. This con- trasts with chronic distal symmetrical neuropathy, where there is usually no improve- ment in symptoms 5 years after onset (36). Unlike chronic distal symmetrical neuropathy they are often unrelated to the presence of other diabetic complications (9,15,16). Asymmetrical neuropathies are more common in men and tend to predomi- nantly affect older patients (52). A careful history is therefore mandatory in order to identify any associated symptoms that might point to another cause for the neuropathy. A vascular etiology has been suggested by virtue of the rapid onset of symptoms and the focal nature of the neuropathic syndromes (53). Proximal Motor Neuropathy (Femoral Neuropathy, Amyotrophy, and Plexopathy) The syndrome of progressive asymmetrical proximal leg weakness and atrophy was first described by Garland (54), who coined the term “diabetic amyotrophy.” This con- dition has also been named as “proximal motor neuropathy,” “femoral neuropathy” or “plexopathy.” The patient presents with severe pain, which is felt deep in the thigh, but can sometimes be of burning quality and extend lower than the knee. The pain is Clinical Features of Diabetic Polyneuropathy 251 usually continuous and often causes insomnia and depression (55). Both type 1 and type 2 patients more than the age of 50 are affected (54–57). There is an associated weight loss, which can sometimes be very severe, and can raise the possibility of an occult malignancy. On examination there is profound wasting of the quadriceps with marked weakness in these muscle groups, although hip flexors and hip abductors can also be affected (58). Thigh adductors, glutei, and hamstring muscles may also be involved. The knee jerk is usually reduced or absent. The profound weakness can lead to difficulty from getting out of a low chair or climbing stairs. Sensory loss is unusual, and if present indicates a coexistent distal sensory neuropathy. It is important to carefully exclude other causes of quadriceps wasting, such as nerve root and cauda equina lesions, and the possibility of occult malignancy causing proxi- mal myopathy syndromes such as polymyocytis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbo-sacral spine is now mandatory in order to exclude focal nerve root intrapment and other pathologies. An erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an X-ray of the lumbar/sacral spine, a chest X-ray, and ultrasound of the abdomen may also be required. CSF protein is often elevated. Electrophysiological studies may demonstrate increased femoral nerve latency and active denervation of affected muscles. The cause of diabetic proximal motor neuropathy is not known. It tends to occur within the background of diabetic distal symmetrical neuropathy (59). It has been suggested that the combination of focal features superimposed on diffuse peripheral neuropathy may suggest vascular damage to the femoral nerve roots, as a cause of this condition (60). As in distal symmetrical neuropathy there is scarcity of prospective studies that have looked at the natural history of proximal motor neuropathy. Coppack and Watkins (55) have reported that pain usually starts to settle after about 3 months, and usually settles by 1 year, while the knee jerk is restored in 50% of the patients after 2 years. Recurrence on the other side is a rare event. Management is largely symptomatic and supportive. Patients should be encouraged and reassured that this condition is likely to resolve. There is still controversy as to whether the use of insulin therapy influences the natural history of this syndrome as there are no controlled trials. Some patients benefit from physiotherapy that involves extension exercises aimed at strengthening the quadriceps. The management of pain in proximal motor neuropathy is similar to that of chronic or acute distal symmetrical neuropathies (see Chapter 21). Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy (CIDP) occurs more com- monly among patients with diabetes, creating diagnostic and management challenges (61). Patients with diabetes may develop clinical and electrodiagnostic features similar to that of CIDP (62). Clearly, it is vital to recognize these patients as unlike diabetic polyneuropathy, CIDP is treatable (63). One should particularly be alerted when an unusually severe, rapid, and progressive polyneuropathy develops in a diabetic patient. Nerve conduction studies show features of demyelination. The presence of 3 of the following criteria for demyelination is required: partial motor nerve conduction block, reduced motor nerve conduction velocity, prolonged distal motor latencies, and prolonged F-wave latencies (64). Although, electrophysiological parameters are important, these alone cannot be entirely relied on to differentiate CIDP from diabetic polyneuropathy (65). 252 Tesfaye Most experts recommend CSF analysis in order to demonstrate the typical findings in this condition: increased protein and a normal or only slightly elevated cell count (63). However, spinal taps are not mandatory (63). The diagnostic value of nerve biopsy, usually of the sural nerve has been debated recently. Some authorities assert that nerve biopsy is of no value (66), whereas others consider it essential for the diagnosis and management of upto 60% patients with CIDP (67). The diagnostic yield of sural nerve biopsies may be limited as the most prominent abnormalities may lie in the proximal segments of the nerve roots or in the motor nerves, which are areas not accessible to biopsy. Typical appearances include segmen- tal demyelination and remyelination, anion bulbs, and inflammatory infiltrates, but these may also be found in diabetic polyneuropathy (68). A defining feature of CIDP not found in diabetic polyneuropathy is the presence of macrophages in biopsy speci- mens in association with demyelination (68). Treatments for CIDP include intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, and corti- costeroids (63). Therapy should be started early in order to prevent continuing demyelina- tion and also as it results in rapid and significant reversal of neurological disability (69,70). Mononeuropathies The most common cranial mononeuropathy is the third cranial nerve palsy. The patient presents with pain in the orbit, or sometimes with a frontal headache (53,71). There is typically ptosis and ophthalmoplegia, although the pupil is usually spared (72,73). Recovery occurs usually over three months. The clinical onset and time-scale for recovery, and the focal nature of the lesions on the third cranial nerve, on post- mortem studies suggested an ischaemic etiology (53,74). It is important to exclude any other cause of third cranial nerve palsy (aneurysm or tumour) by computed tomography or MRI scanning, where the diagnosis is in doubt. Fourth, sixth, and seventh cranial nerve palsies have also been described in diabetic subjects, but the association with diabetes is not as strong as that with third cranial nerve palsy. Truncal Radiculopathy Truncal radiculopathy is well recognized to occur in diabetes. It is characterized by an acute onset pain in a dermatomal distribution over the thorax or the abdomen (75). The pain is usually asymmetrical, and can cause local bulging of the muscle (76). There may be patchy sensory loss detected by pin prick and light touch examination. It is important to exclude other causes of nerve root compression and occasionally, MRI of the spine may be required. Some patients presenting with abdominal pain have under- gone unnecessary investigations, such as barium enema, colonoscopy, and even laparo- tomy, when the diagnosis could easily have been made by careful clinical history and examination. Recovery is usually the rule within several months, although symptoms can sometimes persist for a few years. Pressure Neuropathies Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A number of nerves are vulnerable to pressure damage in diabetes. In the Rochester Diabetic Neuropathy Study, which was a population-based epidemiological study, Dyck Clinical Features of Diabetic Polyneuropathy 253 et al. (77), found electrophysiological evidence of median nerve lesions at the wrist in about 30% of diabetic subjects, although the typical symptoms of carpel tunnel syn- drome occurred in less than 10%. The patient typically has pain and paraesthesia in the hands, which sometimes radiate to the forearm and are particularly marked at night. In severe cases clinical examination may reveal a reduction in sensation in the median territory in the hands, and wasting of the muscle bulk in the thenar eminence. The clin- ical diagnosis is easily confirmed by median nerve conduction studies and treatment involves surgical decompression at the carpel tunnel in the wrist. There is generally good response to surgery, although painful symptoms appear to relapse more commonly than in the nondiabetic population (78). Ulnar Nerve and Other Isolated Nerve Entrapments The ulnar nerve is also vulnerable to pressure damage at the elbow in the ulnar groove. This results in wasting of the dorsal interossei, particularly the first dorsal interossius. This is easily confirmed by ulnar electrophysiological studies which local- ize the lesion to the elbow. Rarely, the patients may present with wrist drop because of radial nerve palsy after prolonged sitting (with pressure on the radial nerve in the back of the arms) while unconscious during hypoglycaemia or asleep after an alcohol binge. In the lower limbs the common peroneal (lateral popliteal) is the most commonly affected nerve. The compression is at the level of the head of the fibula and causes foot drop. Unfortunately, complete recovery is not usual. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is occasionally also affected with entrapment neuropathy in diabetes. 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White JES, Bullock RF, Hudgson P, Home PD, Gibson GJ. Phrenic neuropathy in associ- ation with diabetes. Diabet Med 1992;9:954–956. Clinical Features of Diabetic Polyneuropathy 257 15 Micro- and Macrovascular Disease in Diabetic Neuropathy Aristidis Veves, MD and Antonella Caselli, MD, PhD SUMMARY Diabetes is often defined a “vascular disease” because of the early and extensive involve- ment of the vascular-tree observed in patients with diabetes and even in those at risk of devel- oping diabetes. Both the micro- and macrocirculation are affected. Changes in the micro- and macrocirculation, both anatomical and functional, contribute to the development of diabetic neuropathy. On the other hand, the development of diabetic neuropathy also affects the vasodilatory capacity of the microcirculation. Thus, the interaction between changes in the vas- culature and peripheral nerves is bidirectional and results in changes in both blood flow and neuronal function. The possible links between diabetic micro- and macrovascular alterations and nerve damage will be the focus of this chapter. Key Words: Blood flow; endothelial dysfunction; micro- and macrocirculation; neuronal func- tion; vascular smooth muscle cell; iontophoresis. INTRODUCTION Diabetes is often defined a “vascular disease” because of the early and extensive involvement of the vascular tree observed in patients with diabetes and even in those at risk of developing diabetes. Both the micro- and macrocirculation are affected, though the pathophysiology, histology, clinical history, and clinical sequelae at the two vascular levels appear to be quite different. It is recently believed that a common pathway causes precocious vascular damage at both vascular districts in diabetes leading to the develop- ment of diabetic chronic complications, if not of diabetes itself. Chronic diabetic com- plications are mostly ascribed to small vessel disease. Diabetic microangiopathy has been considered the main anatomic alteration leading to the development of retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Nevertheless, macroangiopathy, i.e., atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries, is also a peculiar feature of long-lasting diabetes and is characterized for being precocious, involving predominantly distal arteries and having inadequate collateral development. The possible links between diabetic micro- and macrovascular alterations and nerve damage will be the focus of this chapter. MICROVASCULAR DISEASE: OVERVIEW AND ANATOMIC CHANGES Lesions specific for diabetes have been observed in the arterioles and capillaries of the foot and other organs that are the typical targets of diabetic chronic complications. From: Contemporary Diabetes: Diabetic Neuropathy: Clinical Management, Second Edition Edited by: A. Veves and R. Malik © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 259 A contemporary historical histological study demonstrated the presence of PAS-positive material in the arterioles of amputated limb specimens from patients with diabetes (1). Although it was believed for several years that the anatomic changes described were occlusive in nature, in 1984, Logerfo and Coffmann (2) recognized that in patients with diabetes, there is no evidence of an occlusive microvascular disease. Subsequent prospective anatomic staining and arterial casting studies have demonstrated the absence of an arteriolar occlusive lesion thus dispelling the hopeless notion of diabetic “occlusive small vessel disease” (3,4). Although there is no occlusive lesion in the diabetic microcirculation, other structural changes do exist. The thickening of the capillary basement membrane is the dominant structural change in both diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy and is because of an increase in the extracellular matrix. It might represent a response to the metabolic changes related to diabetes and hyperglycemia. However, this alteration does not lead to occlusion of the capillary lumen, and arteriolar blood flow might be normal or even increased despite these changes (5). On the contrary, it might act as a barrier to the exchange of nutrients and/or increase the rigidity of the vessels further limiting their ability to dilate in response to different stimuli (6). In the kidney, nonenzymatic glycosylation reduces the charge on the basement mem- brane, which might account for transudation of albumin, an expanded mesangium, and albuminuria (7). Similar increases in vascular permeability occur in the eye and probably contribute to macular exudate formation and retinopathy (8). In simplest terms, micro- vascular structural alterations in diabetes result in an increased vascular permeability and impaired autoregulation of blood flow and vascular tone. Many studies have identified a correlation between the development of diabetic chronic complication and metabolic control with perhaps the strongest evidence coming from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), which enrolled patients with type 1 diabetes, and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), which enrolled patients with type 2 diabetes (9,10). The results from both clinical trials clearly showed a delay in the development and progression of retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy with intensive glycemic control, thus supporting the direct causal relationship between hyperglycemia and microcirculation impairment. This was less evident for macrovascular disease, assessed only in the UKPDS. Although the structural alterations observed in the microcirculation do not affect the basal blood flow, some functional abnormalities of the microvascular circulation that might eventually result in a relative ischemia have been extensively documented. This aspect will be deeply discussed in the “Pathophysiology of microvascular disease and endothelial dysfunction in diabetes” section. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MICROVASCULAR DISEASE AND ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION IN DIABETES Although microvascular diabetic complications have been well-characterized there is still uncertainty regarding the mechanisms that lead to their development. In the past two main pathogenic hypotheses have been proposed: the metabolic hypothesis and the hypoxic hypothesis (11,12). According to the metabolic hypothesis, hyperglycemia is directly responsible of end-organ damage and development of complications through 260 Veves and Caselli the activation of the polyol pathway. On the other hand, according to the hypoxic hypothesis, the structural alterations detected in kidney, eye, and nerve microvascu- lature, including basement membrane thickening and endothelial cell proliferation, were considered as the main factor contributing to reduced blood flow and tissue ischemia (13). It is now apparent that both the metabolic and vascular pathways are linked. More specifically, endothelial dysfunction has been suggested as the common denominator between the metabolic and vascular abnormalities detected in diabetes (14). The impaired synthesis and/or degradation of nitric oxide, the main vasodilator released by the endothelium, is believed to determine microvascular insufficiency, tissue hypoxia, and degeneration (15). Functional Changes Diabetes mellitus, even in the absence of complications, impairs the vascular reac- tivity that is the endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation in the skin microcirculation (16). Many glucose-related metabolic pathways can determine endothelium dysfunction: increased aldose reductase activity leading to the imbalance in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP)/nicotinamide adenine dinu- cleotide phosphate reduced form (NADPH); auto-oxidation of glucose leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species; “advanced glycation end products” produced by nonenzymatic glycation of proteins; abnormal n6-fatty acid metabolism and inap- propriate activation of protein kinase-C. All these different pathways lead to an increase of oxidative stress which is responsible for a reduced availability of nitric oxide and in turn, for a functional tissue hypoxia and the development of diabetic chronic complications (17) (Fig. 1). Microvascular Dysfunction and Diabetic Neuropathy Microvascular reactivity is further reduced at the foot level in presence of peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is a key regulator of vas- cular nitric oxide production. Immunostaining of foot skin biopsies in our unit, with antiserum to human eNOS glucose transporter I, which is a functional marker of the endothelium and von Willebrand factor, an anatomical marker, showed no difference among patients with diabetes with or without peripheral neuropathy in the staining of glucose transporter I and von Willebrand factor, whereas the staining for the eNOS was reduced in neuropathic patients (Fig. 2) (18). Another study documented increased levels of iNOS and reduced eNOS levels in skin from the foot of patients with diabetes with severe neuropathy and foot ulceration (19). It has also been suggested that polymorphism of the eNOS gene is implicated in car- diovascular and renal diseases, thus indicating its potential role as a genetic marker of susceptibility to both type 2 diabetes and its renal complications (20,21). However, a relationship between eNOS gene polymorphism and diabetic neuropathy has not been clearly demonstrated (22). Nonetheless, all these findings suggest that the reduced eNOS expression/activity might be related to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Differences in the microcirculation between the foot and forearm levels have also been investigated, the main hypothesis being that increased hydrostatic pressure in distal Micro- and Macrovascular Disease in Diabetic Neuropathy 261 [...]... 1959;8: 261 –273 2 LoGerfo FW, Coffman JD Current concepts Vascular and microvascular disease of the foot in diabetes Implications for foot care N Engl J Med 1984;311: 161 5– 161 9 3 Strandness DE, Priest RE, Gibbons GE Combined clinical and pathologic study of diabetic and nondiabetic peripheral arterial disease Diabetes 1 964 ;13: 366 –372 4 Conrad MC Large and small artery occlusion in diabetics and nondiabetics... 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Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 18:21