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Robot Builders Source Book - Gordon McComb Episode 1 Part 6 pot

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Australia Telerobot 203418 http://telerobot.mech.uwa.edu.au/ Control a robot in Western Australia from your Web browser! Just remember robots spin backward Down Under.  BARt-UH 202024 http://www.irt.uni-hannover.de/~biped/ BARt-UH is a bipedal autonomous walking robot designed at the University of Hannover in Germany. Web site is in English.  Biorobotics 202279 http://biorobots.cwru.edu/ Bots at the Biologically Inspired Robotics Lab at Case Western Reserve University. According to the site, the lab “is dedicated to the advancement of the field of robotics using insights gained through the study of bio- logical mechanisms.”  BIP2000 Anthropomorphic Biped Robot 202973 http://www.inrialpes.fr/bip/Bip-2000/ Fancy two-legged walking robot Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides and INRIA Rhne-Alpes. Web site is in English and French.  Bruno Jau Robotic Hand 203091 http://uirvli.ai.uiuc.edu/tlewis/pics/hand.html Finally-a robot that will give you a hand.  Carnegie Mellon, Robotics Institute 203012 http://www.ri.cmu.edu/home.html All about the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Pa.  internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 182 Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University Movers and Shakers Seymour Papert http://www.papert.com/ Professor Papert envisioned kids learning by com- puter when computers were the size of Buicks. He spearheaded the development of the Logo program- ming language, which became a de facto standard in schools across the country in the 1970s and early 1980s. The LEGO Mindstorms line of robotic con- struction kits is named after his book on using tech- nology to teach children: Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas. Carnegie Mellon, Robotics Institute 202016 http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/ Information about the Field Robotics Center at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pa.).  Carnegie Mellon University: Minerva 203090 http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~minerva/tech/index.html Minerva is an autonomous tour guide—“We’re walking, we’re walking, we’re stopping. . . .”  Case Western Reserve University-IGERT 203092 http://neuromechanics.cwru.edu/ About the Neuro-Mechanical Systems program at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio).  Cognitive Architectures 204122 http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/cogarch2/ Online articles compare a variety of current proposed cognitive architectures and a workable structure for classifying and comparing future proposed cognitive architectures. SEE ALSO: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/cogarch0/ http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/cogarch0/subsump/  internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 183 So, What Does Your Robot Do?” If robot makers had a dollar for every time someone asked them that, they’d be neck and neck with Bill Gates as the world’s richest people. But to be fair, the uses of amateur robots aren’t always clear. Here’s a short list of common robotic functions, should you be wondering what your robot should do—whether you’ve built it already or not. • Wanderer. This robot does nothing special, except explore. Entire counties have been built and populated thanks to the explorers, so this is a great job for any robot! • Line tracer. A simple robot that traces a line is a precursor to many types of worker mach- ines that dutifully follow a track. Includes delivery robots, sentry robots, and many others. • Wall follower. Like a line tracer, the wall follower seeks to navigate its realm guided by the perimeters of a room. All rooms have walls or other boundaries of some type, and they can be used by simple machines for simple navigation. • Maze solver. The typical maze-solving robot is an enhanced version of the wall follower. Mazes can be solved using various algorithms that are based on following the walls of a maze in a certain sequence. • Vacuum cleaner. This group encompasses any class of janitorial robot, whether it cleans the carpets, waxes the floor, or mows the lawn. The issues are the same: Do some work within a confined space, without knocking over people, pets, and things. • Burglar alarm/sentry. If a robot is going to wander or trace a line or follow a wall, it might as well do something constructive at the same time. Robots make for perfect “mobile burglar alarms” or sentries. Equip yours with a video camera and it can record crooks in the act. Given the proper sensors, the robot might also sniff out noxious fumes, like carbon monoxide. • Drink server. Mobile or stationary robots can serve drinks, appetizers, and other food. The robot must have a strong arm that can lift the glass or food, which makes them among the harder machines to build. • Robot gladiator. Whether the robot fights sumo style or head to head in a death match, robot gladiators are either autonomous or remote-controlled virtual combatants. • Firefighter (simulation). There are real firefighting robots, and most are teleoperated by a human. For a self-governing firefighting robot, simulation is almost as good. Most fire- fighting contests are designed to prove a design and are staged in miniature “houses” with candles as the fire. • Personal assistant. We’re talking simple stuff here, like alarm clocks for waking up in the morning. • Educational experience. Let’s not forget that building any robot teaches important mechanical and scientific principles to the maker. That ought to be worth something today. • Conversation piece. A robot of your very own, especially one you built, is a great ice- breaker at parties. Cool Robot of the Week 202012 http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/coolro- bots.html According to the Web site, “The honor of being listed as ’Cool Robot of the Week’ is bestowed upon those robotics-related web sites which portray highly innova- tive solutions to robotics problems, describe unique approaches to implementing robotics systems, or pres- ent exciting interfaces for the dissemination of robot- ics-related information or promoting robotics technol- ogy.” 1998 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots98.html 1999 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots99.html 2000 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots00.html 2001 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots01.html  Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory 203420 http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/Projects/csrvl/ csrvl.html Past and current projects at Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory (Ithaca, N.Y.).  DEMO-Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization 204124 http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/ From the Web site: “DEMO attacks problems in agent cognition using complex machine organizations that are created from simple components with minimal human design effort.” From Brandeis University (Waltham, Mass.). See also The Golem Project: http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/golem/  Field Robotics Center 202546 http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/ At Carnegie Mellon University. In the words of the Web site: “Research into sun-syn- chronous navigation will discover, express, and exhibit the importance of reasoning about sunlight as it per- tains to robotic exploration.”  Franklin Institute’s Robotics 203190 http://www.fi.edu/qa99/spotlight2/ Robotics at the Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.).  Georgia Tech Intelligent Systems & Robotics 203191 http://www.cc.gatech.edu/isr/ From the site: “The goal of the Intelligent Systems and Robotics group in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech is to understand and design systems which use intelligence to interact with the world, making com- puter controlled systems more autonomous and ubiqui- tous.”  Georgia Tech Mobile Robot Lab 202547 http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ai/robot-lab/ From Georgia Tech: “The Mobile Robot Laboratory’s charter is to discover and develop fundamental scien- tific principles and practices that are applicable to intel- ligent mobile robot systems.”  Hexplorer 2000 203761 http://real.uwaterloo.ca/~robot/ The Hexplorer is a six-legged walking robot at the University of Waterloo, located in Ontario, Canada. Construction details and programming overview are provided. See also the main page for the Motion Research Group: http://real.uwaterloo.ca/  internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 184 Image Science and Machine Vision Group 203192 http://www-ismv.ic.ornl.gov/ Says the Web site: “The Image Science and Machine Vision Group is currently involved in three program- matic areas: measurement and controls for industry, biological sciences, and surveillance and security.”  Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center (ISRC) 203135 http://www.sandia.gov/isrc/home.html Among other projects, ISRC contemplates robots for warfare and national security. Research includes Surveillance and Reconnaissance Ground Equipment (SARGE), Miniature Autonomous Robotic Vehicle (MARV), Accident Response Mobile Manipulator System (ARMMS), and a Robot that Makes Up Acronyms (RTMUA).  Iowa State University Robotics Club 202548 http://www.ee.iastate.edu/~cybot/ At Iowa State University. From the Web site: “Project Cybot is a unique combina- tion of a continuous senior design project and a club open to all students at ISU.”  IRIDIA Projects and Activities 204121 http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/Projects/ Artificial intelligence white papers and project sum- maries. From IRIDIA, the artificial intelligence research laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.  JPL Rover and Telerobotics 203194 http://robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/ If it walks on another celestial body—like Mars—and was launched by NASA, JPL built it. Here, you can read about JPL’s past, present, and future projects. Be sure to check out the Robotic Vehicles Group page.  Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics (LPR) 203877 http://www-robotics.cs.umass.edu/lpr.html University of Massachusetts Perceptual Robotics labo- ratory.  LEGO: Distributive Intelligence with Robots 202246 http://www.ceeo.tufts.edu/me94/ How they got LEGO Mindstorms robots to work together. Demonstrations include Whistling Brothers, Travel by Beacon, and Wandering Cyclops.  Lenox High School Bot Club 202059 http://www.loganbot.com Here’s what the Web site has to say: “This site details the efforts of the Lenox High School Bot Club towards the construction of a super-heavyweight Battlebot named Logan. We feel that real life engineering projects that incorporate many scientific applications are a great way to bring technology into the classroom. Helpful infor- mation, links and 12 pages of combat robot building tips are also available.”  Machine Intelligence Laboratory 203073 http://www.mil.ufl.edu/ The goings-on at the Machine Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Florida (Gainesville).  Massachusetts Institute of Technology 202083 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA  (617) 253-1000  http://web.mit.edu/ This is the main Web site for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Mass. Links on the internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 185 main page take you to various labs and research centers at the campus. Spend some time on this one.  MIT: Logo Foundation 203119 http://el.www.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/ Informational page about the Logo programming lan- guage, originally developed by professors at MIT (Cambridge, Mass.).  MIT: MindFest 203101 http://www.media.mit.edu/mindfest/ MindFest is a yearly gathering of LEGO-heads. You can see pictures of past events and read up on upcoming ones.  Mobile Robots at Loughborough 202266 http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/el/robotics/ There be robots at the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University (Loughborough, England).  NASA 202325 http://www.nasa.gov/ The main home page of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the outfit in the U.S. that launches the space shuttle and the occasional robot.  internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 186 Daily update of things at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Robotics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT: Artificial Muscle Project 202446 http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/muscle/muscle.html The Artificial Muscle Project at the MIT (Cambridge, Mass.) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory plays around with linear actuators using a substance known as poly- mer hydrogel. This material is said to have characteris- tics similar to human muscle.  MIT: FTP site 203294 ftp://cherupakha.media.mit.edu/pub/ Downloadable files of various projects, research papers, and doctoral theses from MIT. Note that this is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site, and can be used with a specialized FTP program or with most browsers.  MIT: Leg Laboratory 203256 http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/leglab/ The Leg Lab is world-renowned for its designs of vari- ous single- and multipedal robots. Movies are available for many of the designs.  NASA JPL: Mars Pathfinder 202275 http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/MPF/index1.html Informational site about the Mars Pathfinder mission. The mission may be over, but the interest in it is not.  Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence 202559 http://www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/ From the Web site: “The Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI) has been involved in both basic and applied research in artificial intelligence since its inception in 1982. NCARAI, part of the Information Technology Division within the Naval Research Laboratory, is engaged in research and development efforts designed to address the applica- tion of artificial intelligence technology and techniques to critical Navy and national problems.”  Poly-PEDAL Lab 204158 http://polypedal.berkeley.edu/ The Poly-PEDAL Lab studies motion in animals and insects. The walk (gait) and balance studies often help in designing legged robots.  Polypod 203401 http://robotics.stanford.edu/users/mark/ polypod.html From the Web site: “Polypod is a bi-unit modular robot. . . . This page presents work done in 1993 and 1994. Work on the next generation, called ’PolyBot’ started mid 1998 at Xerox PARC as part of the modular robot- ics project under the smart matter theme.”  Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory 203419 http://www-cvr.ai.uiuc.edu/ The way they see things as the Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Illinois (Urbana).  Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory 203011 http://robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu/ Research and activities at the Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley.  Robotics Group at Columbia University 202263 http://www.cs.columbia.edu/robotics/ Research in robotics—both mobile and stationary—at Columbia University (New York, N.Y.).  Robots at Space and Naval Warfare Systems See SPAWAR (this section). Sandia Intelligent Systems & Robotics Center 202556 http://www.sandia.gov/isrc/ In the words of the Web site, “The Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center (ISRC) is a world leader in creat- ing miniature to macro-sized, teleoperated to autonomous, vehicles for military and industrial appli- cations. From environmental clean-up to the battle- field, the ISRC is expert in developing unique intelli- gent mobile systems.”  Side Collision Warning System for Transit Buses 202257 http://www.ri.cmu.edu/projects/project_324.html Now just imagine the collision system on a big robot instead of a bus. From Carnegie Mellon University.  SPAWAR 202038 http://www.nosc.mil/robots/ A look at robotics at SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center) in San Diego, Calif. Most of the robots internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 187 are for military, urban defense, or other applications in which weapons systems—both lethal and nonlethal— are involved.  Good detailed look at hexapod designs. Recommended reading.  Toy Robot Initiative 204118 http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~illah/EDUTOY/ The Toy Robot Initiative aims to commercialize robot- ics technologies in education, toys, entertainment, and art. Operated from the Mobile Robot Programming Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute (Pittsburgh, Pa.).  Union College Robotics Club 203366 http://www.vu.union.edu/~robot/ Schenectady, N.Y.  University of Edinburgh AI Machine Vision Unit 202551 http://www.ipab.informatics.ed.ac.uk/mvu/ Overview of the Machine Vision Unit at the University of Edinburgh (that would be in Scotland).  University of Michigan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 204253 http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/ People and projects at the AI lab at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor).  University of Michigan Mobile Robotics Lab  203468 http://www.engin.umich.edu/research/mrl/ The Mobile Robotics Lab at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). Ho hum? Not quite. Some special research goes on here in the fields of robot navigation. Be sure to read the details of the mobile robot positioning and obstacle avoidance research. The book Where Am I? (in print, on CD- ROM, and for electronic download), published by the internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 188 Robotics at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center. Stanford Robotics Laboratory 203013 http://www.robotics.stanford.edu/ How robots live at the Stanford Robotics Laboratory in Stanford, Calif. See also Stanford’s autonomous heli- copter work at: http://sun-valley.stanford.edu/projects/helicopters/ helicopters.html/  Talking Heads 202223 http://www.haskins.yale.edu/haskins/heads.html From the Web site: “This website provides an overview of the rapidly growing international effort to create talking heads (physiological/computational/cognitive models of audio-visual speech), the historical antecedents of this effort, and related work. Links are provided (where possible) to the sites of many researchers and commercial entities working in this diverse and exciting area.”  Tarry Walking Machines 202022 http://www.tarry.de/index_us.html According to the Web site: “This is the homepage of the Tarry walking machines, which were developed and built by the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the University of Duisburg.” university’s Johann Borenstein, is a classic and is required reading in many mechatronics courses. See also Dr. Borenstein’s home page, where he provides links to many more online robotics resources: http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~johannb/  • Interaction Lab (control and learning in multirobot and humanoid systems) • Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab • Laboratory for Molecular Robotics • Robotic Embedded Systems Lab • Polymorphic Robotics Laboratory (reconfigurable robotics)  University of Toronto Robotics & Automation 202553 http://www.mie.utoronto.ca/labs/ral/ University of Toronto Robotics and Automation Laboratory and Mechatronics Laboratory.  URBIE Urban Reconnaissance Robot 203193 http://telerobotics.jpl.nasa.gov/tasks/tmr/ According to the Web site: “Urbie’s initial purpose is mobile military reconnaissance in city terrain but many of its features will also make it useful to police, emergency, and rescue personnel. The robot is rugged and well-suited for hostile environments and its auton- omy lends Urbie to many different applications. Such robots could investigate urban environments contami- nated with radiation, biological warfare, or chemical spills. They could also be used for search and rescue in earthquake-struck buildings and other disaster zones.” USC-Robota Dolls 202013 http://www-clmc.usc.edu/~billard/robota.html Playing with dolls at the University of Southern California. According to the Web site: “The ROBOTA dolls are a family of mini humanoid robots. They are educational toys. They can engage in complex interaction with humans, involving speech, vision, and body imitation.”  USU ECE Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems 202262 http://www.engineering.usu.edu/ece/projects/csois/ internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 189 Robotics at the University of Michigan. University of New Hampshire Robotics Lab 202552 http://www.ece.unh.edu/robots/rbt_home.htm In the words of the Web site: “The research emphasis of the Robotics Laboratory in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is the application of fast associative memories and other neural network learning techniques (such as CMAC neural networks) to problems in control, pattern recognition, and signal processing.”  University of Reading Department of Cybernetics 202082 http://www.cyber.rdg.ac.uk/CIRG/home.htm The Cybernetic Intelligence Research Group studies intelligence and its real-life applications.  University of Southern California Robotics Research Laboratory 203469 http://www-robotics.usc.edu/ Robotics research at USC spans a large number of labs and projects. These include: • USC Robotics Research Lab Robot work at Utah State University. Check out past and present projects, including the stair-climbing robot and the omnidirectional wheel designs.  Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group 202554 http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~warg/ In the words of the Web site: “The Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group [at the University of Waterloo in Canada] is a team of engineers who are developing a series of fully autonomous vehicles (both air and ground). The goal is to have a fleet of robots that can work cooperatively toward some predefined goal with- out the slightest bit of help from any human crew.”  xInternet-Informational What could be better than information about robotics? Try free information about robotics! The resources that follow provide, at no cost, a bevy of useful information about robotics, electronics, mechanics, programming, computers, or some other subject directly related to robot building. In many cases, the sites listed provide additional infor- mational resources, so be sure to check each Web site’s table of contents or home page. Note that a few of the resources listed here are provided in PDF format and therefore require the Adobe Acrobat program, which you can download for free from Adobe. See the intro- duction for more details. SEE ALSO: Internet-Edu/Government Labs: Research robots Internet-Personal Web Page: Others share their robot creations with you Internet-Plans & Guides: Full plans and guides for electronics and robotics Manufacturer (various) : Freebie datasheets, application notes, and product designs for elec- tronic components and products Ackerman Steering and Racing Oval Tracks 204127 http://www.auto-ware.com/setup/ack_rac.htm What Ackerman Steering is all about. The article talks about steering for full-size racing cars, but the concepts are the same for any size vehicles, even robots.  All About MEMS 204142 http://www.analog.com/imems/ Gateway to MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) technology, published by Analog Devices, a leader in the field. Alphadrome Robots and Space Toys 202072 http://www.alphadrome.com/ For collectors of tin robots and space toys. Includes a discussion board for collectors.  Antique Radio-Phil’s Old Radios 202662 http://antiqueradio.org/ Information, want ads, and beginner’s info on working with old-time radio, antique circuits, and electron tubes. Art of Motion Control, The 204184 http://www.taomc.com/ Motion control techniques in art. Entertaining reading.  internet-EDU/GOVERNMENT LABS 190 Animal Makers http://www.animalmakers.com/ Animatronics company specializing in life-like ani- mated animals for motion pictures and television Jim Fuller’s Resource Site http://www.southwest.com.au/~jfuller/ Robot and programming resources MacRobotics http://www.macrobotics.com/ Robotics and the Macintosh Motion Control, Inc. http://www.utaharm.com/ About the Utah arm, “robotic” prosthetic arm Automation Sensors 202112 6550 Dumbarton Cir. Fremont, CA 94555 USA  (435) 753-7300  (435) 753-7490  (888) 525-7300  http://www.automationsensors.com/ Makers of self-contained ultrasonic sensors and pres- sure products. Check out the technical reference sec- tion for a number of application notes, as well as handy white papers (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) on such things as dielectric constants, bulk densities, engineer- ing unit abbreviations, and thread specifications. internet-informational 191 Self-Contained versus Tethered Robots What's a real robot? One commonly accepted definition says that it's a self-contained, autonomous (self-governed) machine that needs only occasional instructions from its master to set it about its various tasks. A self-contained robot includes its own power system, brain, wheels (or legs or tracks), and manipulating devices such as claws or hands. The robot does not depend on any other mechanism or system to perform its tasks. It's complete, in and of itself. However, this definition ignores the legions of factory robots that are, in effect, mechanical arms connected to a computer someplace else in the room. They are consid- ered “robots” partly because of convention: The term was used by their early creators, and it's stuck ever since. Self-contained robots are those that incorporate all of the necessary ingredients for a self-governed machine—sensors, processing, and mechanical action—all in one box. Such a robot may be mobile or stationary. A mobile robot has wheels, legs, or some other form of locomotion. The typical mobile robot is designed either for exploring or delivering; the typical stationary robot is designed for manipulating objects, such as for construction or handling dangerous materials. Tethered robots, on the other hand, are robots in form, but not necessarily in intelli- gence. The mechanism that does the actual task is the robot itself; the support electron- ics or components may be separate. The link between robot and control components might be a wire, a beam of infrared light, or a radio signal. Though only marginally consid- ered robots, the tethered variety comprise the bulk of all robots in existence today. Reality versus Fantasy Where does reality end and fantasy begin? When building robots, the line isn't always clear. Separating reality from fantasy helps avoid overreaching designs and lost effort. Fantasy is a Star Wars R2-D2 robot projecting a hologram of a beautiful princess. Reality is a home-brew robot that rambles down the hallway, maybe even hitting the walls as it goes. Fantasy is a giant killer robot what walks on two legs and shoots a death ray from a visor in its head. Reality is a foot-tall “trashcan” robot that offers houseguests a diet soda. Sure, everyone wants to build a robot that fully replicates human intelligence and abili- ties, but the reality is that such a robot is far away, even for engineering teams spending millions of dollars. It's important to be wary of impossible plans. Don't attempt to give your robot features and capabilities that are beyond your technical expertise or budget. Here's an idea to help keep you on the reality track: When designing your robot, write some notes about what you want it to do, then put the notes away. Let them gel in your brain for a week or two. Quite often, when you review your original design, you will realize that some of the features and capabilities are mere wishful thinking and beyond the scope of your time, finances, or skills. Make it a point to refine, alter, and adjust the design of the robot before, and even during, construction. [...]... of payload and cost less than $10 ,000.” All is done with free open source software 20 268 3 P.O Box 17 01 Beverly Hills, CA 90 21 3 -1 7 01 USA ( 310 ) 23 4-2 9 56 ( 310 ) 23 4-0 9 56 tobor17 01@ earthlink.net http://www.the-robotman.com/ Information on robotic props by Fred Barton; check out the Robot Museum Bill Ruehl 2020 61 http://www.robotdude.com/ According to the Web site: “Robby, the Robot, manufactured by Fred Barton... electronic components on GlobalSpec 64 5 Stewart Ave Garden City, NY 11 530 USA ( 5 16 ) 22 7 -1 300 ( 5 16 ) 22 7 -1 9 01 techsupport@hearstelectroweb.com 2042 06 internet-research 217 http://www.icmaster.com/ Search online (or by book or CD-ROM) by manufacturer or part Includes 13 5,000 base part numbers from more than 345 manufacturers Registration is free for online use; the CD-ROM and book are about $200 and worth the... http://www.philpem.f9.co.uk/ http://www.robotnut.com/ SPO2 56 replacement project, 65 02 Web ring, the 65 02 Appreciation Group Gallery of tin and plastic toy robots, most from the 19 50s and 19 60 s Richfiles: The Robotics Page 20 414 0 http://richfiles.calc.org/RobotTopics.html 203024 http://www.gs-roboter.de/ Pictures and short descriptions of robots, mostly BEAM style Ringo’s Robotic Page Robots by Gerhard Schwanz Robots, circuits,... Forbidden-planet.org 202 769 http://www.forbidden-planet.org/Robby/ Fan site for the movie Forbidden Planet Robot B-9 Journal Frank Scott’s Hexapod Robots Dave Novick’s Robots http://www.me.ufl.edu/~dkn/robots/ Check out Dave’s RoboBug walking robots 2037 56 203755 http://www.frasco.demon.co.uk Hexapod robots: pictures, descriptions, parts lists, and background information 2 06 internet-personal web page G-Bot... http://www.euronet.nl/users/ragman/robotics.html http://www.swampgas.com/robotics/ Contents include: • Homebuilt Inclinometer • Robot Turtle-fast-moving, light-seeking, independent turret, mobile base • Robot Walker-Hexaped-paper tubes make great legs • Robot Walker-Quadraped-paper tube power • Robot Walker-Biped-a legged walker using static equilibrium to emulate bipedal locomotion • Schematic for eight-port serial servo controller for... http://www.elnet.com/~gad/Robots.htm Greg’s projects include a Nerf Missile Launcher Ken Boone’s Robotic Home Page 203 4 16 http://users.aol.com/kensrobots/kensrobots.html Havinga Software Robot Pages 203720 Ken’s been building robots since the mid -1 9 80s, and he discusses his creations on this Web page http://www.havingasoftware.nl/robots/robots.htm Projects include autonomous robot Snuf, Bi-Ped Robot, and video... android robots.” Very good information on mechanics and animatronics, and includes a parts list with estimated costs internet-informational 19 7 Robot Room 2020 76 RobotsLife.com 2034 71 http://www.robotroom.com/ http://www.robotslife.com/ By the author of Robot Building for Beginners; provides extra projects, tips, techniques, resources and links, and an errata for the book According to the Web site, RobotsLife.com... pet dog robot Imaginerobots.com 20 265 7 http://www.imaginerobots.com/ As published on the Web site: “Our goal is to encourage and facilitate the creation of open source software for use on handheld and wearable computers.” Hero -1 Robot ICybie Hacking 202 219 Danh Trinh’s ever-most-excellent repository of robotic creations Danh builds some of the best robots I’ve seen on the Web; check out his Robot Bug... MPEG movie files 202 515 http://www.margaritasrus.com/users/ringo/ Ringo’s robots include a triangular-shaped tracked vehicle based on Tamiya Educational kit parts Robots I’ve Built http://www.chaparraltree.com/robots/ Well, not me, but Raphael Carter 202982 208 internet-personal web page Roganti’s Robotics Zone 202 466 Swampgas Robotics Page 202 463 http://www.euronet.nl/users/ragman/robotics.html http://www.swampgas.com/robotics/... read 2022 76 http://home.earthlink.net/~apendragn/ebot/ Says the Web site: “The E-Bot is a bare-bones educational robot with lots of room for expandability It is a variation of the B-Bot idea developed by Marvin Green and Cricket by Henry Arnold, modified to use a PIC 16 C 66 microcontroller and with a built-in software package It is part of an introductory robotics course being developed for the Robotics . and cleaning robots. Fred Barton Productions, Inc. 20 268 3 P.O. Box 17 01 Beverly Hills, CA 90 21 3 -1 7 01 USA  ( 310 ) 23 4-2 9 56  ( 310 ) 23 4-0 9 56  tobor17 01@ earthlink.net  http://www.the-robotman.com/ Information. robot- ics-related information or promoting robotics technol- ogy.” 19 98 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots98.html 19 99 archive: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/telerobotics_page/ coolrobots99.html. scien- tific principles and practices that are applicable to intel- ligent mobile robot systems.”  Hexplorer 2000 2037 61 http://real.uwaterloo.ca/ ~robot/ The Hexplorer is a six-legged walking robot

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 02:20